June 22, 2015

"This is also not to say that we should make this horrific event all about white women, or all about white womanhood. It’s not."

It's not to say it... except to the extent that you just did. It's not about you... but it's not not about you.

(The link goes to a New Republic article titled "I Don’t Want to Be an Excuse for Racist Violence Anymore/White women’s passive role in racist attacks like Charleston," by Chloe Angyal.)


Michael K said...

"We cannot talk about the violence that Dylann Roof perpetrated at Emanuel AME last Wednesday night without talking about whiteness, and specifically, about white womanhood and its role in racist violence."


My white daughter went to the AME church service yesterday morning and was probably in that march last night unless she had to work. She is a conservative/libertarian and saw no sexual harassment in college. These people are almost as crazy as that shooter.

damikesc said...

Remember when The New Republic had a rep for being "thought provoking"?

Although I did like the commenter asking if white women must apologize for racism, when are we going to ask Muslims to apologize for their actions...

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Well, we're really honoring the victims of this monster.

By doing a lot of things that this monster really wanted: divide us up further, have us at each others throats, pit black vs. white, Americans vs. Americans, point fingers everywhere except at him.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Well, I won't go so far as to blame all of white womanhood, but Jodie Foster should step up and do the right thing.

Jane the Actuary said...

If all whites, or all whites in S.C., are to blame for this shooting for failing to work tirelessly enough to eradicate racism, because the shooter "caught" it from some infected carrier, then are not all Muslims to blame for ISIS?


damikesc said...

The media WANTS a race riot SO BADLY here. It's hard to miss.

I doubt we'll play ball. But damn if they aren't trying with all of their might.

Next: They'll slap one of the grieved and say it was from a white dude who called them names.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Because ultimately everything revolves around liberal, upper-class, Northeastern white women. Who attended the correct schools.

Sigivald said...

I would read that article, except I don't hate myself, so I won't.

Simply from the excerpt and title and that fact that it's on TNR, I know it'd be a painful waste of time.

Sebastian said...

"Because ultimately everything revolves around liberal, upper-class, Northeastern white women. Who attended the correct schools."

Indeed. Including elections.

Lyle said...

Who knew all Muslims were to blame for Islamist terrorism and violence. Damn Muslim women. Stop being so passive.

bleh said...

White women are so vain, they probably think this post is about them.

Skeptical Voter said...

Who will rid us of these feminist drama queens?

Seeing Red said...

There's a reason women gave more mental problems than men.

Peter said...

"Supremacist tied to Charleston tragedy backed Scott Walker, others"


Seeing Red said...


damikesc said...

"Supremacist tied to Charleston tragedy backed Scott Walker, others"

Hillary's foundation took donations from virulently racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic regimes.

Just to keep it clear here.

YoungHegelian said...

The author is correct. The Defense of Virtuous White Womanhood was given by Southern whites as large part of the necessity of Jim Crow laws.

What she glosses over, because it really doesn't help the narrative she wants to build, is the famous Scottsboro Boys case. Here, as we have seen in other cases recently, women lie about having been raped, leading in the case of the SB to nine innocent men being dragged through legal Hell. It's gonna be hard to build a coalition of feminists & blacks if the women have a history of throwing black men to the wolves when the ladies' virtue is impugned. For the author, this is a tale best left untold, even though any responsible historical study of race & gender would put it front & center because of its notoriety.

Few white women resisted lynching in the early 20th century.

In this statement the author bumps headlong into historian of the antebellum South Elizabeth Fox Genovese's claim that the historical record showed no examples of where women as a gender broke outside of the concerns of their race, class, & ethnicity. Basically, women of the group X acted socially & political like the men of X group. For pointing this out, Ms Genovese was pilloried by her fellow feminists with such cruelty that her husband, the Marxist historian, Eugene Genovese, said that it surpassed what he saw in the ideological squabbles among the far left. And when you consider how the US Communist Party treated the Trotskyites, that's saying something.

Brando said...

A politician accepts donations from a person or group not because he endorses that person or group, but because that person or group supports him. If Charles Manson sent a check to Hillary, should we assume she endorses ritual killings?

I mean maybe she does, but it wouldn't be because she took a check from Manson.

Clayton Hennesey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clayton Hennesey said...

One cannot say that black people have not improved their lot in the United States.

From picking cotton under the relentless Southern sun, they have risen to finally arrive as the stars of the endless liberal porn saga "50 Shades of Black", Mandingo for Millenials, which wallows in every frisson of vicarious masochistic pleasure to be wrung from blacks suffering at the hands of Southern whites.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Extrapolating from a false premise has become a popular pastime of JournoLists. I would describe them as sanctimonious hypocrites, but they lack integrity and a conscience to process shame.

Roof is the product of pro-choice or selective doctrine [reestablished] by the liberal State. Denigrating individual dignity and debasing human life has progressive consequences.

Anonymous said...

Glancing at the title I thought this was going to be about the outrageous black-on-white rape stats. Silly me.

I knew The New Republic had gone full retard, but there's full retard, and then there's wtf, have-mercy, Dwayne-Elizondo-Mountain-Dew-Herbert-Camacho-level full retard.


"I am a journalist and scholar of popular culture...I’m a Senior Columnist at Feministing...where I blog about gender, sex, politics, pop culture, and body image.


I have a PhD in Arts and Media...My academic work focuses on Hollywood romantic comedies; my doctoral thesis was about how the genre depicts gender, sex, and power."


I Don’t Want to Be an Excuse for Racist Violence Anymore
Chloe Angyal
June 22, 2015 11:00 AM

We can’t talk about Charleston without talking about white women. Because Dylann Roof did.

The Subculture of Embattled Abortion Workers
Chloe Angyal
June 02, 2015

I remember what I was doing when I learned that Dr. George Tiller had been murdered.

Australia Is Bad for Celebrity Puppies, Worse for Actual Humans
Chloe Angyal
May 21, 2015

We should be paying attention to how Australia is treating the poor, tired, and hungry masses who are huddled just offshore.

The Trauma of Writing About Trauma
Chloe Angyal
April 20, 2015

Writers detail the nightmares they get from reporting on war, racism, and rape.

Don't Fall in Love 10,000 Miles From Home
Chloe Angyal
March 24, 2015

Throw pillows don’t offer advice on where to go when the things dearest to your heart—your given family, your chosen family, your work—are all in different places.

Uber's Plan to Employ More Female Drivers Won't Empower Women
Chloe Angyal
March 23, 2015

The ridesharing giant's failed partnership with UN Women was flawed to begin with.

Being White Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Chloe Angyal
March 17, 2015

How the Oklahoma fraternity scandal exposes a racial double standard.

Does any young person who's not a bleating tool have a chance in hell of a career in journalism these days? Or in Click-bait Universe is serious reporting dead and people just being hired for their trolling ability?

YoungHegelian said...

When Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency last week, he dredged up a common fear about immigrants crossing the border from Mexico: “They’re rapists.” To protect the women of America—the white ones, because when we say “women,” we usually, by default, mean “white women”—we must practice this exclusion on the basis of race, Trump implied. This highly selective concern about preventing sexual violence is dependent on the peril of white women; Trump failed to mention that 80 percent of girls and women crossing that border are raped as they make the journey.

If 80% of Latinas crossing the border are raped, presumably by Latino men, since I don't think Mexico has a "Honky-on-Call" service, then didn't the author just prove Trump's point? The author says Trump doesn't care about Latinas. Trump never says or implies that.

sean said...

Yeah, those bitches Hannah Graham and Channon Christian. We must never think about them. No law professor would ever even have the courage to mention their names, would you?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Basically, women of the group X acted socially & political like the men of X group. "

Of course they did. That feminists find this revelation to be at all surprising shows just how invested they are in identity group politics where women are portrayed as naturally morally superior to men.

The winners in just about any political and economic system are going to support that system and they are going to come up with reasons supporting that system as The Morally Correct Thing To Do.

Cause they are the winners.

I followed a link on another blog to an article where the author had read some white supremacist sites and discovered that they appeal to losers who haven't accomplished anything and are seeking somebody to blame it on.

Well Duh!

There are going to be losers in just about any political/economic system and they are going to find reasons why Its Not Their Fault Because Someone Is Keeping Me Down.

Brando said...

Isn't this going to get in the way of the "rape culture" hysteria?

How inconvenient when prevailing leftist narratives run into one another!

Michael said...

This nutty writer, the shooter and maybe a hundred or so whackos on the internet are the only people on the planet who give a moment's thought to white women being defiled by black men. Sure, we can dredge up 90 year old lynchings and other horrors of the dead Jim Crow days but today, now, only feminist white women have to tear their own bodices to connect with their inner rapee.

And yes, yes we can discuss this without bringing in white womanhood and its role in racist violence. Easily and fruitfully.

I somehow don't believe a single person on that bridge last night in Charleston would come up with this "role" if you water tortured them.

n.n said...


It's about their babies. Make the "left" choice.

It's also about redistributive change or establishment of authoritarian monopolies and behaviors.

Shame is an effective opiate for individuals with integrity and a conscience. Hopefully, it will not lead to sacrifice rationalized on false premises with secular incentives. Too late.

Michael K said...

"Here, as we have seen in other cases recently, women lie about having been raped,"

It strikes me that the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," which all leftist writers and teachers want schoolchildren to read, is about a woman lying about rape.

Have they ever actually read it ?

Fernandinande said...

Sigivald said...
Simply from the excerpt and title and that fact that it's on TNR, I know it'd be a painful waste of time.

The first comment there summed it up for us:

"I think these columns are a species of 'humble brag,' a bid for attention, a sophomoric pretense to thoughtfulness."

n.n said...

80 percent of girls and women crossing that border are raped as they make the journey

The cause of mass emigration should be addressed at the source, rather than offering incentives for millions more to make that journey.

gerry said...

"I think these columns are a species of 'humble brag,' a bid for attention, a sophomoric pretense to thoughtfulness."

I don't think it's sophomoric. It is female hysteria.

Gahrie said...

It's bad enough that the ghouls are using this tragedy to promote gun control, but now we have to deal with feminists ghouls using it to promote feminism?

Anonymous said...

What set Ddyyllann Sun Roof off.

traditionalguy said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but thought this small white guy busy acting out Nazi propaganda memes of murdering the bad race and spreading it on his website was never referring to rape of white women.

He was referring to the competition from bigger black men for the voluntary sexual hook ups with the white women who are now not afraid of social ostracism for having a black man.

He should have just joined AME and found him a good black woman.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

These events really are just political Rohrschacht tests now, aren't they? People hold them up to themselves and tell us what they see. It's not about the actual blots (who were, let's remember: real live people); it's about me. Look at me. Look how clever I am!!

It's not a evil twisted person doing bad things. No, it has to be used for whatever agenda the person wants to do anyway.

Sure, sometimes they are indicators of something deeper. Fine. And it's fine to ask how we can perhaps mitigate future such incidents.

But sometimes they aren't.

This is one of those times.

Lucien said...

Actually, the study cited for the 80% rape claim asserts that 80% of "Central American" women, from Guatemala, El Salvador, etc., who cross Mexico in order to reach the U.S. were raped. It did not make that claim with respect to Mexican women crossing into the U.S.

So it's funny that the author cited this report to criticize the statement she attributed to Trump that illegal immigrants are rapists.

Of course, the way she did that was to make the assumption that Trump could only have been referring to the rape of white women -- not that she offered a shred of proof for the assumption, mind you.

Scott M said...

White women are so vain, they probably think this post is about them.

...mic drop...

JAORE said...

Thank you Chloe. If your screed doesn't end racially motivated attacks.....

(What is the feminine form for dumbass?)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse - since you have been teaching college students for 30 plus years, do you and your fellow profs accept any blame for how damn dumb and self-involved they are?

richard mcenroe said...

It's ALWAYS about the progressive white woman...

Scott said...

From JAORE (2:23 PM):

"Thank you Chloe. If your screed doesn't end racially motivated attacks.....

(What is the feminine form for dumbass?)"

Answer: Feminist

amielalune said...

"A politician accepts donations from a person or group not because he endorses that person or group, but because that person or group supports him. If Charles Manson sent a check to Hillary, should we assume she endorses ritual killings?

I mean maybe she does, but it wouldn't be because she took a check from Manson."

Actually, Brandon, yes it does. Politicians (well, in reality just Republican politicians) have to be careful about vetting the donations they accept for the very reason that they will be linked to the group doing the donating.

Of course, you are convinced that it is not true, so the Clinton/Obama/enemedia cabals have done their job as far as you are concerned.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I have felt left out in the cold (not personally, thank goodness) when some white guys always, always, always leap right over the woman to the black, or as I see it, other guy's defense because they are so sensitized to this. It really has to be taken on a case by case basis.

Sydney said...

Boy, that New Republic sure has gone down hill.

YoungHegelian said...


Boy, that New Republic sure has gone down hill.

Hasn't it?! I really suggest that Chris Hughes find a new hobby, like stamp collecting or something where he can do less cultural damage.

The old stable of writers (i.e. the ones that just bolted out the door) were bad enough, but the replacement juice-box social justice warriors are just the pits! Since these publications are now vanity projects for their insanely wealthy owners, imagine what this says about the mind of Chris Hughes. Imagine having him as your boss at Facebook......

Krumhorn said...

I'm certain that no sane person believes that there is anything useful that can be divined on any topic whatsoever from the mutterings of an insane 21 yr old Nazi white boy as he's emptying and replacing and emptying again multiple clips of a .45 into strangers of any color in any setting, including a church.

On its face, it's insanity to do the act, and it's insanity to take seriously anything he said when he did it...other than the universal wish to have ones name inscribed on the same tablet of notoriety that includes Lee Harvey Oswald, Charlie Manson, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Michael Carneal and James Holmes et. al.

The grievance mongers and professional victims always want it to be about them. It's about stone cold crazy.

- Krumhorn

Anonymous said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Well, I won't go so far as to blame all of white womanhood, but Jodie Foster should step up and do the right thing.

Jodie Foster's co-star in the movie The Accused, Kelly McGillis, was the victim of a violent home invasion rape and torture by a black rapist while she was a student in New York.

Maybe she could share her point of view with this White female author.

Actress Fran Drescher had a similarly unwanted experience with a black home invasion rapist.

Anonymous said...

YoungHegelian said...

What she glosses over, because it really doesn't help the narrative she wants to build, is the famous Scottsboro Boys case. Here, as we have seen in other cases recently, women lie about having been raped, leading in the case of the SB to nine innocent men being dragged through legal Hell. It's gonna be hard to build a coalition of feminists & blacks if the women have a history of throwing black men to the wolves when the ladies' virtue is impugned.

Which is why liberal "progressive", feminist, SJW White women need to cling to cases like the Rolling Stone mag Univ. of Virgina rape hoax all the while ignoring the reality of one Jesse Leroy Mathews, a very large, very black rapist and killer of White women!

Google the Jesse Leroy Mathews case and ask yourself why it hasn't receive top attention, why it's not part of OUR discussion about race and rape in America. Why?

Why massive attention to imaginary rape cases like the Duke Lacrosse hoax yet little attention to Eve Carson and NO discussion of race and guns and crime in THAT case.

Why? Hillary? Barack? Jon Stewart? Cornel West? Anybody? Any comments?

It doesn't fit the Narrative so it doesn't count.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I take it she's against rape, unless blacks are doing the raping.

Brando said...

"Actually, Brandon, yes it does. Politicians (well, in reality just Republican politicians) have to be careful about vetting the donations they accept for the very reason that they will be linked to the group doing the donating."

Oh I know that's the perception, which is why Cruz had to return the hate-group donations. But in reality, politicians cannot vet every single donation, and only return them when something blows up like this. I think Reagan pointed out (after the media asked him about a donation he got from the John Birch Society) that a donation means the donor supports him, not the other way around.

Brando said...

"I take it she's against rape, unless blacks are doing the raping."

Don't be silly, everyone knows rape culture is just privileged white boys raping everybody.

Except of course the easier we make it to prosecute or otherwise ruin the lives of accused rapists, the more heavily that will fall on black males who are disproportionately accused of rape and statistically less likely to be able to afford good lawyers.

Whoops! We have a SJW paradox!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Brando, there's no paradox at all. Making it easier to demonize privileged white boys as rapists is totally compatible with the increased opportunity to protest against unjust (or "unjust") convictions of blacks for rape. It's an SJW win-win.

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