Joshua Dolezal, 39, was charged in 2013 with four felony counts of sex abuse of a victim who was a minor at the time, sources and court records confirmed....I'd refrain from plugging the Dolezal story into whatever ideological narratives you might have on hand. This is a specific story about an individual, and we're only beginning to see the layers. Or... I have to admit that kind of is my go-to ideological narrative.
Dolezal declined to speak with The News on Saturday but previously suggested the timing of her white Montana-based parents’ media interviews about her racial identity was somehow connected to the Colorado case — and designed to damage her credibility.
June 14, 2015
"Rachel Dolezal supporting victim who accused her brother of child molestation, suggests parents outed her as white in retaliation."
The Daily News reports:
Car crashes unfold slowly.
In this case grab a bowl of popcorn and pull up a chair.
There are ever-yet more layers to Rachel Dolezal's fantastic sedimentary construction of identity politics. Racial victims, sex assault victims, court-system victims, feminist victims...
This is such a wonderful story; and it is all ours. That is to say, since the mainstream media can't figure out how to spin this fantasm to fit their standard narrative, they don't want to touch it, and consequently the whole thing belongs to the growing world of conservative media. This will only help the enterprise.
Why are you using the "grab a bowl of popcorn" cliche when there appears to be a backstory of child molestation?
"The white Dolezal . . . has been assisting a victim who has accused Dolezal's biological older brother of child molestation in Colorado, sources confirmed to The News Saturday."
How has she been "assisting a victim?"
Who are the "sources?"
"Dolezal . . . previously suggested the timing of her white Montana-based parents’ media interviews about her racial identity was somehow connected to the Colorado case — and designed to damage her credibility."
How did Delezal suggest this? Why would her credibility matter, if she were simply "assisting" a victim?
"there appears to be a backstory of child molestation?"
Yes, those have always been reliable the past few years.
Neutral observer status seems about right.
The motives of her parents in "outing" Rachel don't add much to the question of whether Rachel mislead anyone in the NAACP to obtain her position.
Migrating towards black culture is ok in my book. Misleading folks to get a job or high position is not.
"Outed her as white"
They are her parents. Their very existence "outs" her as white. I don't know. What are the requirements to sit silently and watch your daughter publicly pretend someone else is her father, and her brother is her son?
Race matters, but for some reason my progressive instincts tell me that cases of race migration such as this one do not matter. If a pill could be taken to eliminate black skin, all black people would take it. If a pill existed to switch DNA from XY to XX, would it be mentally ill to change genders back and forth?
She is a serial fabulist at best. She has made up hate letters against herself. Why accept that there appears to be a "backstory" of anything?
How do we know she isn't the one retaliating?
I don't care!
I would say that Caitlyn has the right to transition but not the right to withhold information of that transition from his/her future spouse until the wedding night......This is America. Any little boy can grow up to be a female NAACP leader. It's the nature of the big reveal that's troubling.
Now she is trying to smear her own parents as the despicable people defending a child molester, rather than admit that she is a liar.
Dolezal is trying to deflect the fact that she is a crazy liar by claiming victim status via proxy; her "assistance" to an alleged molestation victim is supposed to excuse her other actions, because "rape culture" and "shut up".
Based on her fabricating racist hate crimes against herself and lying about her parentage, why should anything she says be taken at face value?
"If a pill could be taken to eliminate black skin, all black people would take it."
Really? All?
OK…I'll just get to it. She's not black. She can play like she's black. That's fine. Everyone who wants her to be black can also play like she's black. But…she's white. So what. In the big picture she means nothing to anyone. She was invisible to the rest of the world outside of her clique for all of eternity until the past week. She needs to be returned to nothingness. The child molestation angle is just more manure on this pile.
Same thing with Caitlyn/Bruce. Means nothing. He's a man. She's a woman. Who cares? Get on with your lives. This is Caitlyn's/Bruce's cross to bear. And, does this really affect your life?
There are seriously more important things to learn about, care about, and understand than what f'ing color Rachel is. Like- is Hillary's only claim to the Presidency the fact that she does not have a penis? That's it, right? Because she's not been competent at anything she's done, aside from creating a sham charity to scam millions from people all over the world seeking something. At that she's very, very good. Seriously- if you listen to her speak, and you're honest with yourself, you'd admit you're listening to a moron. And this is not a new thing. She's always been incompetent. Always sounded like a moron. The only thing that surprises me is that people will still show themselves in public approving of her. She's a crook. A hack. And an insult to women and men everywhere.
So…with that hanging over us, the world at large disintegrating into pre-WWI boils, and the college campuses turning into camps for Junior Red Guards (all that's missing is them waving their little red books at Jerry Seinfeld), I think we have more to look at than Rachel f'ing whatshername.
I know this sort of shit creates traffic. But its just getting so fucking numb reading about this horseshit everywhere you turn, while the vast majority of Americans (including college seniors) could not tell you where the Ukraine is, or who their US Representative is. Good luck keeping the Republic, Mrs. Powell.
What if Dolezal had decided to do very much the same thing, but instead of the NAACP, work with say...Raffi Williams?
What if she had chosen to be a conservative black woman who criticized Affirmative Action and thought the movie "The Help" being written by a white woman was just fine?
Would she be accepted as black then? It's fascinating to me that there's a certain kind of thinking that seems to go with her appropriating blackness, in much the same way Caitlyn Jenner has decided to be a certain kind of woman.
"This is a specific story about an individual, and we're only beginning to see the layers. Or... I have to admit that kind of is my go-to ideological narrative."
Yes, it would be nice to see people as individuals and see all the layers for what they are. Not that it has much impact on actual public discourse, where individuals must be categorized and layers mobilized only for approved purposes.
Careful about using child molestation as excuse. It was a "layer" that remained unstripped in some pretty egregious cases not too far back.
White playing black shows the appeal of being a victim, which presumably affects blacks too.
But we knew that, and that's why better black leaders are needed, to point out its unappeal.
Over the MSM's dead body, however.
Child molestation is just another ratings winner with estrogen-Americans.
Throw it in too.
I read something (Buzzfeed, I think. They've actually been really great on the details of this story) that said her parents did not say anything until they were contacted by media. They also believed it was related to the Colorado case. So that would mean that it's the brother, not the parents, who leaked the info. Everyone seems more than willing to talk now that the cat's out of the bag though---her Black brothers are also giving interviews.
Jeb only filled out a form. If he'd grown out a Mexi-stache, started calling everyone ese, and talking about Azlan, then yes, we could make a media crapstorm out of that too. I'm guessing most people interested in this story don't want to shame Dolezal, but find it incredibly fascinating.
Her parents attacked her credibility. Fair enough as she would be crossed in any criminal case. She is a complete lib nut.
My favorite takeaway - they didn't notice the chick was White, but they know when you have a racist thought.
Maybe this is a message; a sign.
That perhaps, having associations which devote themselves to the business of racial promotions, racial grievances, racial favoritism, and racial interests have had their day and we should think about abandoning them.
I thought whites doing blackface was considered terribly racist. Isn't Dolezal essentially doing blackface? And she is a known liar, so fruit from the poisoned tree . . .
So is truth only truth when told with good intentions?
the Dolezal story is one which exposes the vacuity and unfairness of the affirmative action racket, thus is valuable to society and is not a mere distraction.
sane_voter said......she is a known liar
Yep, fairly tried and convicted on Twitter.
I'd refrain from plugging the Dolezal story into whatever ideological narratives you might have on hand.
If you change the "I'd" to "I'll" and the "you" to "I" in that first sentence, a shout of "Hurray! Progress!" will be in order.
This is a specific story about an individual, and we're only beginning to see the layers. Or... I have to admit that kind of is my go-to ideological narrative.
You did have a go-to narrative, and it wasn't this. But it's a start!
Why are you using the "grab a bowl of popcorn" cliche when there appears to be a backstory of child molestation?
Are you kidding? You are the one that keeps promoting the self confessed child molester and rape hoaxer Dunham.
So...once again, a woman's bad actions are excused, and blame shifted instead to a man.
How unexpected.
Didn't Titus claim that up to five people had now come forward claiming molestation in the Hastert case? This is what happens in these internet adjudications, Althouse. What matters is who can damage whom the most. In the Rachel Dolezal case, the damage is to the "whitopia" which she so cluelessy mocked.
Did you see the now deleted Facebook post of hers claiming that black man as her father? Imagine if one of your sons did a Facebook post implying that Meade (and not RLC) was his father. Can't you see the fraud? This woman has issues with the truth. Any person not blinded by ideology can see that. Why should she of all people be given the benefit of the doubt in a molestation case? But, she is an artist and we know that you adore artists who do those sorts of things (cf. Lena Dunham).
The world used to be funnier place before people started mocking the truth.
jesus H christ, another spoiled american princess fantasy, has grown weary of these countless stories. AA's attempt to find a deeper meaning here is laughable, this woman is a fruitcake, hello?
chickelit said...This woman has issues with the truth.
It could be she is just mentally retarded.
I read where her parents are first cousins, and possibly this inbreeding has screwed up her chromosomes.
If a pill could be taken to eliminate black skin, all black people would take it.
"The white Dolezal . . . has been assisting a victim who has accused Dolezal's biological older brother of child molestation in Colorado, sources confirmed to The News Saturday."
How has she been "assisting a victim?"
Who are the "sources?"
"Dolezal . . . previously suggested the timing of her white Montana-based parents’ media interviews about her racial identity was somehow connected to the Colorado case — and designed to damage her credibility."
Love the two mentions of "white" here. Wait...she's white and her parent are white? WTF?
Things are starting to crumble for the Left. Of course there's going to be panic.
Coupe said...
chickelit said...This woman has issues with the truth.
It could be she is just mentally retarded.
It could be, but in the Land of the Blind, the one-eyed woman can be Queen.
I am now certain that every Black person in the USA is actually white and passing for Black. Every last one of them. Obama? White. Al Sharpton? White.
Jason, care to expand?
Yes, I guess when you tell the truth about someone who's been lying for 20 years, it damages their "credibility".
She seems like one of the oddball women who hate their family and do anything to hurt them and disassociate themselves.
It interesting how women in the news can lie, and lie, and lie and yet there's some white knight out there trying to defend them.
The fact is that once someone has lied enough times they are a LIAR and absolutely nothing they say should be believed unless 100% supported by objective fact. Constantly giving them the benefit of the doubt isn't noble - its just stupid.
No. Assertions that are advanced without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I am less interested in evidence than in your seemingly strong feelings on the hypothethical. What percentage of short (~15th percentile) people do you expect would retain their height given medical alternative? Would teens with acne decide to keep their scarring in significant numbers? Would guys with small junk opt-out of junk enhancement?
Louis, your comment is the most racist thing I have read on here in a while.
You compare having black skin to acne, microphalluses, and dwarfism?
Which skin color is the correct one to have according to your progressive mind? Do whites need to aspire to another dermal hue or can they be proud of who they are anyway.
My God, your obliviousness to your own mind-set is emblematic of the hypocrisy and ignorance we see in garage, ARM and their ilk touting progressivism.
There are two stories. One is corruption of a child and society. The other is corruption of an institution and society. Both are relevant and separable.
I got you linked up, Althouse: 'REPORT: Rachel Dolezal's Parents 'Outed' Her in Retaliation for Supporting Victim of Accused Brother in Child Molestation Case'
Oh come on. Dolezal isn't important, nor is it important who "outed" her or why. What is important is what this story -- or parable -- tells us about race in America today.
When you read or hear the story of the Good Samaritan do you immediately think about the problem of crime on the Jericho road?
Dolezal and Althouse have a certain connection. Can you guess what it is?
For years I have been keeping a personal secret that I now finally feel brave enough to reveal: I am a trans-species individual.
Since birth I have been categorized (by others) as a Capuchin Monkey. Species-expectations have shaped my behavior to act as a monkey, verbalize as a monkey, and in most cases; relieve myself as a monkey.
Inside however, I have always been a middle aged white man. Not just that, but a successful, socially conservative, educated homeowner and father.
I was born an 18th century Duke with a vast estate, a stable of two dozen hunters, a bevy of mistresses, a summer “nooky house”, more estates in the West Indies (where I can assure you that the workers are all very happy with their lot and address me cheerfully as “Massa Duke, Sir”), a beautiful if slightly remote wife who is related to the King, lots of paintings (especially of me) by Gainsborough and Reynolds, yet I am trapped in the body of a middle-class, middle-aged journalist in ugly, pointless, 21st century Britain.
And it is HELL, I tell you, hell.
From Dolezal's bio at the Africana Studies Program at Eastern Washington University (still up!):
"DoleĹľal also entertains an interest in the medical field and has begun pre-medical studies, working toward an MD and a residency in trauma surgery."
That's been posted online since at least last October. It says something that not one person in academia read this and discerned from this claim that Dolezal is a loony.
Why would you believe anything she said about anything?
ugly, pointless, 21st century Britain
I loved England once. I haven't been back in decades, I can't bear what has become of her.
The nail in the coffin for me was the chunnel. A tunnel linking France and England? Seriously?
Tell me free speech is still allowed at speaker's corner.
people have said "she needs psychological counseling" and the issues of abuse are real.
What if her actions are the RESULT of her getting counseling?
"When you read or hear the story of the Good Samaritan do you immediately think about the problem of crime on the Jericho road?"
You really should. And you should think about the famine in the parable of the prodigal son.
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