June 5, 2015

"Marco Rubio and His Wife Cited 17 Times for Traffic Infractions."

A NYT headline.

Details in the text: Rubio only has 4. His wife has 13. The citations cover an 18-year period, going back to 1997.

This certainly puts Hillary in an admirable comparative position. We know she has no citations in that period — precisely that period. "The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996. I remember it very well. Unfortunately, so does the Secret Service, which is why I haven't driven since then."

Driving skill and adherence to the rules of the road should be a factor as we decide who should take over the steering wheel of the United States, don't you think? Who — of all the candidates — do you think is the best driver? I'm just going to say Lincoln Chaffee. I don't know why. He is named after a car.

Can the NYT please check all the records for us? Maybe they're doing that, and they're dumping the Rubio news now because the violations aren't bad enough. If they've found some old DUI citations on anyone (anyone Republican), we'll have to wait until the eve of the election.

ADDED: The Free Beacon says that "each of the citations mentioned by the New York Times were pulled in person by American Bridge operatives on May 26, 2015" and identifies American Bridge as a "liberal opposition research firm." Since the NYT reporters don't appear in the court records as having obtained this material, the inference is that the NYT received oppo research and wrote it up as an article. Embarrassing to get caught. How routine is this?


Anonymous said...

I think you're right. We ought to know who would best drive the car.

And since Hillary doesn't drive....

chickelit said...

Hillary is a driven woman, among other things.

TreeJoe said...

I read the article and was embarrassed by the NYT.

I have 4 speeding infractions since 2000, and Rubio's is stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign (which could just be he did a 3 mph roll, like everyone anywhere) and being caught by a red light camera (which has a high incidence of falsely catching people).

The wife's was worse, sure, but it's his wife and her driving record. And again, most (not all) of them were minor. 23mph in a school zone means a police officer was particularly zealous, for exmaple. And she's averaging roughly 1 infraction per year.

I want to know what editor decided to green light a deep, hard-core investigation into the driving records of Rubio and his wife going back 18 years. Who authorized probably a $50k investigation into that?

Louis said...

I have been pulled over three times. Once because I hadn't yet turned my headlights on leaving a well-lit parking lot. Once because I was speeding. Once because I was black.

bleh said...

At least Bush's DWI reflected poorly on his decision making ability.

I don't understand why the NYT is combining Mrs. Rubio's tickets with Mr. Rubio's? I mean, Marco's 4 tickets over 19 years isn't that bad.

Rick Caird said...

I noticed the NYT was not taking comments on the article. Not only is it a exceptionally weak "hit piece", it is basically nonsensical. When I scanned the piece, I notice Marco Rubio had 4 citations, but two were dismissed and the other two were met by attending driving school. The net is he got no points. The NYT, however, did seem to be offended because Rubio got a lawyer on the dismissed tickets. I guess he was supposed to plead guilty.

chickelit said...

BDNYC said...

I don't understand why the NYT is combining Mrs. Rubio's tickets with Mr. Rubio's?

They want him to utter something sexist about "lady drivers" which they can then play up.

Christopher said...

It's a David Brock oppo dump. Ace noted this, and here is the Washington Free Beacon story on it. Tl;dr = Miami Dade County records who pulled the public files, and the pulls came from American Bridge, not the NYT.

This kind of conveyor belt goes on all the time in major media, and oddly enough almost exclusively from the left. Go figure.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Interestingly, I now have more respect for Rubio.

btw, those nagging pop-up "select all the food" CAPTCHAs? Fuck that shit. Get rid of it.

YoungHegelian said...

I can see that, this election, it's going to be a stiff competition for who among the punditry/media can take the Democratic dildo the farthest up their ass.

Well, the NYT just turned in a worthy effort. Too bad they didn't film it. They could have sold the distribution rights to Vivid Entertainment, and maybe the new source of cash would have buoyed the stock price.

Carlos would like that. He would, very much, indeed.

CarlF said...

If Rubio is elected president, he and his wife will be chauffeured. Vote Rubio! Make highways safe for other Americans!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm glad we've finally gotten around to retiring that old "ship of state" cliché.

Roughcoat said...

Fatuity will kill our civilization. With a whimper not a bang.

JackOfClubs said...

Surely Scott Walker has a better name for avoiding traffic tickets?

rhhardin said...

I've never gotten a speeding ticket.

That may change, though, the Yaris having a recessed speedometer that you can't read in daylight.

Rick said...

So we know Rubio's wife's driving record but still don't know President Obama's grades.

Usually the NYT is less pathetically blatant with their partisanship.

Roughcoat said...

At least Bush's DWI reflected poorly on his decision making ability.

And then he quit drinking. Forever. Which reflects very well indeed on his character, wouldn't you say?

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm glad we've finally gotten around to retiring that old "ship of state" cliché."

If it's a ship, we should have Cruz.

Ann Althouse said...

If the spouse's record counts against the candidate, Hillary Clinton has some sexual harassment to explain.

Roughcoat said...

So we know Rubio's wife's driving record but still don't know President Obama's grades.

Excellent observation. Thread winner.

Hazy Dave said...

I'd put a "Lincoln Chevy" bumper sticker on my Toyota.

Unknown said...

Saying that Rubio and his wife have 17 tickets is like saying Tommie Aaron and Hank Aaron have 768 home runs. It matters that Rubio only had 4 (in what, 16 or 17 years?) while his wife had 13 (and what difference does HER driving record make to anything?) and Tommie only had 13 home runs, while Hank had the other 755. And none of this actually matters at all.

Meade said...

I once got pulled over for driving while white. White and male. (And also for rolling a stop sign.) The black female cop gave me a warning. She said I didnt "give [her] a bunch of lip" and that's why she let me go. Sometimes it isn't enough just to present as male or as white. You have get your privilege the old fashioned way. You have to earn it.

Laura said...

Silly conservatives. Ms. Rodham Clinton is running for President, not Secretary of Transportation.

Now where is that pesky brown Secretary of Commerce buried again? Maybe that blue dress wasn't so bad after all.

Gahrie said...

Since the NYT reporters don't appear in the court records as having obtained these records, the inference is that the NYT received oppo research and wrote it up as an article.

Yes, and water is wet. (As long as the oppo research is done by Lefties on Righties)

Embarrassing to get caught.

Apparently the Times can't get embarrassed. They still haven't apologized for Duranty.

How routine is this?

you're kidding right?

This is SOP for the Left.

Lyssa said...

I drive a lot, and most of the motions and skills seem as natural as walking to me. I wonder what it's like to drive like a normal person (assuming that she did while BC was governor) for most of your life, then stop doing it for 20 years. If Ms. Clinton were to get behind the wheel today, do you think that she would be lost, or would the intrinsic memory take over and she would quickly start driving normally?

mezzrow said...

All the news fit to print.

Did Denny Hastert withdraw any money to pay the traffic fines? Someone needs to research that.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Vote for the Formula 1 driver.

That said, the implication of The New York Time's reporting, combined with the social complex's propensity to exploit extrapolation and inference (e.g. class-based insight), is that men are better drivers. This is actually a covert "war on women" waged by the liberal establishment.

MadisonMan said...

I received a speeding ticket once -- on Johnson just past Fordem and the turn onto N 1st (I was driving to Milwaukee). 35 in a 25, I think.

Having never received a ticket, I elected to go before the Judge, for the experience. Everyone before me was trying to give extenuating circumstances for why they were speeding -- I was embarrassed for them. Just own up to your error and take the punishment.

So when it was my turn, I gave the facts (Driving to see my Mother-in-Law -- the judge appreciated that straight line) and I got the fine, which I then paid. (It was still less than I would've paid had I not gone before the judge).

Of course, this article is SOP for the Times. Why should they have their Reporters actually, you know, work?

MadisonMan said...

If Ms. Clinton were to get behind the wheel today, do you think that she would be lost, or would the intrinsic memory take over and she would quickly start driving normally?

Cars have really changed a lot in the past 20 years. So there is that!

Jaq said...

Makes me like him more that the New York Times hates him.

SteveR said...

The only thing that could possibly matter in his case is whether he paid the fines.

victoria said...

Who cares...
I dislike him for his flip-flopping on immigration reform, not on the number of tickets he or his wife had. Also, is he a Catholic or an evangelical christian? Can't decide which one he is, neither can he.

Vicki From Pasadena

Michael K said...

I like Patterico's approach on this.

I also noted there that Corzine and Richardson have set speed records that Rubio will never be able to break. Corzine hit 91 mph (plus an accident with injuries) and Richardson is the champ at 110 mph.

traditionalguy said...

Rubio is Speedy Gonzalez of the talkers. So he gets a pass.

I suspect the Libs are trying to sink Rubio so JEB is the candidate, which is the only one Hillary can hope to beat.

Walker is being ignored now. The stories don't mention him at all. So the narrative no one has ever heard of him is preserved for later.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...
If the spouse's record counts against the candidate, Hillary Clinton has some sexual harassment to explain.

That was my thought, as well, but remember: a rule is a rule is a rule, unless your a Democrat.

Since the NYT reporters don't appear in the court records as having obtained this material, the inference is that the NYT received oppo research and wrote it up as an article. Embarrassing to get caught. How routine is this?
Democrats with bylines, as your pal Insty likes to say. Also reporters seem lazy (even by the standard of "everyone is lazy"), so even putting the issue of bias aside I assume it's pretty routine. Those Marketing depts. have to do something, I guess. PR generally understood to be a female-dominated field, though, so the inherent dishonesty (PR-journalist-Media) isn't a big deal.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

Bryan C said...

Like Mitt Romney's dog, this is just low-grade fodder for hack comedians to use when writing their lame Hillary campaign routines. ("Rubio says he'll stop ISIS...but this is a guy who can't seem to stop at traffic lights!" ZING!) The Democrats hire people to find stuff, who then pass it back to the campaign staff who work in the press to distribute as needed.

Arizona Pirate said...

Does this mean it is OK to mention all of the sex scandals that Hillary and her husband have been involved in? This could get fun.

Curious George said...

Other Althouse POTUS contenders:

Chevy Chase
Gregory Wayne "Cadillac" Anderson
Henry Dodge (he may be dead)
Ferdinand Porsche
Sofia Ferrari

Of course that last two aren't natural citizens which have the added benefit of giving Mick a purpose in life.

Anonymous said...

Roughcoat said...
So we know Rubio's wife's driving record but still don't know President Obama's grades.

Excellent observation. Thread winner.

Good, very good, but a late breaking entry by

HoodlumDoodlum said...
Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

noses ahead at the finish...

alan markus said...

TIME picked up the story and ran with it too, but now the big story is the NYT looking stupid (and being fed Demo oppo research. The mocking has commenced.

Two times in the last 24 hours of high profile of someone getting caught on the internet with their pants down. At least Emma Sulkowicz pulled her own pants down. Of course, earlier in the week we had Caitlyn Jenner with his/her pants down too, but that was also intentional.

Emma Sulkowicz "Mattress Girl" Rape Re-enactment - WARNING - graphic sexual content - NSFW (this is a repost of the original - her site has "server" issues - Ceci N'est Pas Un Viol

I am so waiting for a "blow" by blow commentary on this by Laslo.

Julie C said...

I can't imagine living a life where someone is driving me everywhere for 20 plus years. When are you ever alone with your thoughts (and maybe a little FM radio)?
Always surrounded by aides and security and waiting for your driver to bring the car around, staring at your cell phone ...

So Rubio's wife was an NFL cheerleader? Makes me like him more.

Freeman Hunt said...

The careless driving citations raise an eyebrow, as do the ones for failures to stop at lights and signs. Not stopping is a pretty dangerous habit for the people around you. The one for 23 in a 15 is silly though. Same with the not having proof of insurance in the car.

Freeman Hunt said...

Journalists print or deliver things other people give them all the time. When we watched it, our local news seemed to consist largely of press releases. The funniest bit was the "news" that a new casino was the tallest building on 412 between Siloam Springs and Tulsa. It must have beaten out a two story house with a peaked roof.

TrespassersW said...

..the inference is that the NYT received oppo research and wrote it up as an article. Embarrassing to get caught. How routine is this?

As others have already pointed out, this is SOP, and is one of the many reasons I coined the term "Lickspittle Media."

Lyssa said...

Victoria said: Also, is he a Catholic or an evangelical christian? Can't decide which one he is, neither can he.

You are aware that Catholics are Christians, right? And that many Catholics consider themselves "evangelical"?

Lewis Wetzel said...

How many times has Rubio's brother been cited for traffic violations? How about Rubio's high school alumni?

Anonymous said...

Senator, I served with Ted Kennedy. I knew Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Ted Kennedy.

Browndog said...

Boy, this is going to be fun.

Does anyone out there realize that 1 year from now the election cycle will just begin to ramp up...for some; many not until labor day...well over a year from now?

Sammy Finkelman said...

TreeJoe said... 6/5/15, 12:06 PM

I want to know what editor decided to green light a deep, hard-core investigation into the driving records of Rubio and his wife going back 18 years. Who authorized probably a $50k investigation into that?

Apparently, the Clinton machine, the week before Memorial Day, but it probably didn't cost $50,000. They just knew what to do. They must be sensing something about Rubio in internal polling.

Interesting,not crazy said...

Roughcoat said... [hush]​[hide comment]

So we know Rubio's wife's driving record but still don't know President Obama's grades.

Excellent observation. Thread winner.

There are no winners here. We all get credit for participation. And , if there were a contest, we would not call a winner until the game was over.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Maybe they were hoping for DWI.

Sammy Finkelman said...

It could be that they leaked the story because they wanted to show their sponsers some return on the money invested in them. In wich case the clinton campaign is really getting pathetic and every person is just ouyt for themselves.

Wince said...

Pernicious as the NYT's hand-in-glove work with Demo Oppo research is, how does this help Hillary?

Doesn't this make Hillary by comparison look like a doddering old lady who hasn't operated a "motor car" in 20+ years?

Hillary wants Rubio out early because her internals tell her she needs the Hispanic vote.

Hagar said...

@Freeman Hunt,

When I was driving as a young (white) male in sportscar, I got two tickets for not stopping at stop signs. The thing is, the car was a TR-3, and the first thing I had to do with that car was to pay $155, which was a lot of money for me at that time, to have 1st gear replaced with all new synchro-rings, since the original owner had not come to a full stop before jamming it into 1st and proceeding. I was also ticketed for not signaling for a left hand turn from the left hand turn lane at a T-intersection. This was in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which was not known for handing out tickets at that time, but as I said, I was a young male in a sportscar.

In dear old Bloomington, Illinois, where they partially financed the police department with traffic tickets, my best one was for 37 mph in a 35 mph zone in the 8 o'clock rush hour on N. Clinton Blvd. going to work. I got a similar one up by Ottawa from the State Police when I was driving rather slowly along the highway looking for the intersection to go north across the river, and failed to notice they were still had village speed limits 2-3 miles out of town. I got kind of excited about it, but my insurance agent just laughed and told me to calm down; they knew about Illinois and traffic tickets.

chickelit said...

Hillary wants Rubio out early because her internals tell her she needs the Hispanic vote.

Doesn't this sort of NYT story make her biggest media supporter look like a hassler and petty enforcer?


HoodlumDoodlum said...

Freeman Hunt said...The one for 23 in a 15 is silly though. Same with the not having proof of insurance in the car.
Ticky-tacky BS citations like that can mean 1. the cop didn't like the person's attitude and decided to get 'em on something 2. the cop had a quota to meet 3. the driver ran into particularly-zealous cops more frequently than most of us do ("bad luck") or 4. somethin' else (racism, personal animus, exceptionally-annoying or visible car, suspiciously-dark but still legal window tint, etc)

But remember, one time a saleslady in a boutique in Paris might have been slightly rude to Oprah and someone once allegedly assumed Michelle Obama was a staff member and not an invitee at an event, so you can draw broad, sweeping generalizations based on very thin evidence and an extremely small sample size. I therefore conclude Rubio is a jerk and a menace to society both on and off the roads. Thanks NYTimes.

Sebastian said...

"Embarrassing to get caught. How routine is this?"

Not embarrassing for them. They're all on the same team.

SOP, so very routine.

Fritz said...

I got pulled over by the water cops on the Anacostia once for going 15 in a 6 zone. Does that count?

Big Mike said...

Worst one I ever heard of was 36 in a 35 mph zone. According to the justice of the peace (my father), the speed limit sign was on the far side of the bridge but the zone itself started in the center of the bridge. So even though the offender (a high school student at the time) was going the speed limit when he passed the sign he still had to pay the fine. Not me, thankfully, but an acquaintance. Yes, it happened in a small town in Illinois.

Big Mike said...

@Browndog, by June 2016 it will essentially be over. But the first actual voting (the Iowa caucuses) won't be until mid-January (7 months and a couple weeks).

Big Mike said...

(Meaning the nominations. There will still be some primaries to go, and the conventions.)

Guildofcannonballs said...

"This certainly puts Hillary in an admirable comparative position."

This certainly doesn't.

Time, my dear professor: will tell.

james conrad said...

Can we say DESPERATE! on the the NY TIMES, gee wiz. Using partisan oppo research and pedaling it as a story is very lame and how about the readers of the Times who fall for this? PATHETIC!
On the other hand, I'd be worried to if Hillary is the best dem's can do against Rubio, I picked him early and still say he's the best "natural" candidate running.

Wince said...

DWH = Driving while Hispanic?

Or better yet: Latina!

Driving Miss. Hillary = White Privilege

Sharc 65 said...

Together, Bill and Hilary Clinton have been impeached once, credibly accused of sexually assaulting women at least five times, had an intern perform oral sex on them several times while in office, pardoned five close friends without DOJ oversight, and have only one set of ankles.

victoria said...

Well, Lyssa, I am catholic, have been for 63 years and, even on a bad day, do NOT consider myself to be an evangelical. And for millions of Catholics, they would never consider themselves evangelicals, either. Good try, though.

That may be true in your reality, but in the real world, no go.

Vicki from Pasadena

Christopher said...

Since the NYT reporters don't appear in the court records as having obtained this material, the inference is that the NYT received oppo research and wrote it up as an article. Embarrassing to get caught. How routine is this?


Lots of great Twitter riffs on the significance of Rubio's and his wife's tickets combined.

@AceofSpadesHQ: As a group, Marco Rubio and Colombia are responsible for 90% of the world's cocaine production

@JohnEkdahl: Taken together, Marco Rubio and Napoleon conquered most of Europe

@SteveKlein62: Taken together, Marco Rubio and Pontius Pilate agreed to allow the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

And if you believe the incomparable David Burge (@Iowahawkblog), and I do, 90% of the good ones will be stolen by radio jocks across this great land of ours without attribution.(His riffs on this are going in a different direction: #RubioCrimeSpree Age 9: rode Space Mountain at Disney World despite not being This Tall)

victoria said...

I don't deny that Catholics are christian, i am denying the moniker "evangelical" to identify Catholics.

vicki from Pasadena

Dan Hossley said...

This will be the lead story tonight on NBC, ABC and CBS. Just the part about traffic tickets, not the part about the NYT's publishing stories written by democrat operatives.

Wince said...

Being able to tie this to Democrat or Hillary opposition research is huge.

Hillary has long thought she's locked-up Univision as her Spanish language propaganda outlet.

If this story develops as a Nixonian targeting of Rubio this could really hurt her, ahem, "investment".

MayBee said...

The Rubio family is really beautiful.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"I don't deny that Catholics are christian, i am denying the moniker "evangelical" to identify Catholics."

Well in that case A. You are a shitty Catholic and B. You are a retard.

MayBee said...

If this happened in Ferguson, it would be evidence of racist cops.

Anonymous said...

Wow...did they mention the 17 tickets Obama paid off??? http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/03/08/obama_paid_late_parking_tickets/

MayBee said...

The "failure to stop" was a big boondoggle where I used to live. The cops would choose a quiet corner and wait for cars to come to a rolling stop. Then they'd pull you over. Even though there was no car and no pedestrian within 100 yards and a clear view of the intersection so you knew there was no car and no pedestrian, they would pull you over. I always think of this when I hear about people complaining about "driving while black". This was "Driving while the state needs funds"

Guildofcannonballs said...

You want intellectual fun?

Do you?

Compare Jesus, God.

Do it to any concept your brain has heretofore contained.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Upon writing "Jesus" I happened to realize I suck and am far from God.

I know I don't suck much; I have miles of improvement to go before I sleep.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Catholics are evangelicals. I understand that evangelicals don't call themselves Catholic, nor vice versa, but part of being a Catholic is spreading the message of Christ, which is evangelicalism.

Bob Ellison said...

Marco's wife seems to be a bad driver. She's really pretty, though.

victoria said...

President Mom Jeans,

Nice, nice. Wash your mouth out with soap for your nasty language. Neither a bad catholic nor a retard. There is not a Catholic I know, including my 92 year-old father (who is a daily communicant) who would consider themselves an "evangelical". Read the Wikipedia definition, jerk.


Vicki from Pasadena

Bob Ellison said...

Vote Rubio-Huntsman in 2016!

Guildofcannonballs said...

So the question becomes: Of course upon listening to Gram Parson's "I like the Christian life" satanical heretics evilly respond, but only evilly?

They don't; ain't none in existence save my mind in which twas extinguished past-forth.

Big Mike said...

How routine is this?

Very routine, but expect it to be worse this cycle since Hillary's best opportunity for a victory is to throw mud at her opponents in making the case that the other guy is worse than she is.

Not that that's possible, but she's gotta try.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Oh, you don't like my language? I should wash my mouth out with soap?

I'm sorry Vicki, why don't you help yourself to a steaming cup of go fuck yourself.

If you actually are afflicted with down syndrome, I will excuse you for your ignorance of the religion you claim to be a part of.

Hagar said...

I also once got a ticket for going 28 mph in a 25 mph zone on Moon st.
I said, "But, but, the speed limit is 30?"
And the cop said, "That is southbound; you were going north."
And he was right!

All tickets are not equal.

(About the TR-3 above - TR-3's had a non-synchro 1st gear. If you mashed the car into 1st while it was still rolling, you would knock pieces off the gear teeth, which did the transmission no good at all. So my stops might be brief, but I would come to a full stop.)

Fernandinande said...

Wow! I bet even Ted Kennedy didn't get that many tickets.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"If I go away, you know I'm gonna come back some how" Gram paraphrased

victoria said...

President mom-jeans,

When you are proven wrong, which you werem(like the jerk you are), you have to resort to telling me to fuck myself. Tsk, tsk, you ignorant wind-bag, take your own advise.

Mentally challenged am I? So much better than being mentally inept, like you.

Vicki From Pasadena

victoria said...

It must be horrible for you, President mom-jeans, to be always so far off the mark. Sucks to be you.

Vicki from Pasadena

victoria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
damikesc said...

You know, I have ignored the captcha for months and had no problems with posts going up. Try ignoring it.

And the story is laughably petty.

Clyde said...

"How routine is this?"

It's dog-bites-man routine. They're not journalists, they're Democrat party operatives with bylines.

CatherineM said...

Michelle, as someone raised Catholic (I am not since my mid-teens), and surrounded by them now in my current neighborhood (half the houses have a statue of Mary or Christ in the yard), I have never had one stop me on the way to mass (a church 3 doors down) and ask to speak about faith. I have never had a Catholic knock on my door, give me literature or invite me to mass. Well one, back in 1989 my elderly neighbor assumed because I was of Irish parentage I would be joining her for 7:30am mass every morning, but she never discussed Christ and his teachings. I have never had a Catholic (and perhaps most of my friends are if I counted) ask me about my faith. The only Catholic "speech" I hear is the tombstone in the church yard across the street for all the souls aborted. No Catholic I ever met evangelizes.

When I lived in NC, I was asked all the time what Church I belonged to as a matter of introduction( Nice to meet you! Which church do you belong to?"). If I said I was Catholic, I was told Catholics weren't real Christians and why, then was invited to "real" churches (Baptist, Assembly of God mostly) almost every week. I learned which ones spoke with the wisodom of the Lord (speaking in tongues I gather). I was asked if I heard the good news and assumed it was a current event I must have missed. Those people are Evangelicals.

You might want to say Catholics should be spreading the word, but I have never known one to do that.

victoria said...


Here is the wikipedia explanation of what an evangelical is.


Never, never would a Catholic consider themselves an evangelical,it is really the antithesis of what they consider themselves. At least you are a lot more reasonable than President Mom-Jeans. She is positively mid-evil. (The word division is my own)

Catherine, i couldn't agree with you more. Many "Christians" attribute evangelicalism to Catholics, but it is not that way.

Vicki from Pasadena

Bay Area Guy said...

The good Professor deserves credit for posting this -- but the question is how many more of these pathetic little hit pieces by the NY Times until it starts to lose credibility in her view?

Mountain Maven said...

4 in 18 years. That's about my driving record. I care even less about his wife, she isn't running for office.

As for embarassing to print oppo research, the NYT would have have shame or dignity, if they ever had it.

Brando said...

Did Ripubio grope and harass several women and have his toadies try to silence them with character assassination? No? Then wake me when he gets into Bill Clinton territory. Presidents don't drive, so maybe we'll all be safer with him in the White House.

The Godfather said...

I assume that most (all?) of Mario's tickets were in and around Miami. You need to understand south Florida driving (I lived there for 5+ years). It's not that the traffic is all that bad; it's the drivers. You've got three categories. First, there are tourists. They don't know where they are or where they're going. Then you've got the illegals. They don't have insurance or licenses or registrations, and they learned to drive in some central American jungle where you don't stop after a collision because the jaguar might not be dead and could eat you. And then you've got the rest of the people, who spend so much effort looking out for the tourists and illegals than they could easily miss a stop sign. Mario -- or his wife -- can be excused for minor violations like these.

Besides, he never put a dog on top of his car.

Or ate a dog.

He's looking better all the time.

And if Hillary! is elected, she could do worse than to hire Marco as her driver. In fact, I recommend that she announce that right now. To solidify her Latino support.

MrCharlie2 said...

Chris Christie would be the best driver, because he's from Jersey

Bob Ellison said...

I understand "evangelical" to mean active proselytization (sp?). Catholics aren't that way, by and large.

Humperdink said...

Wiki: Evangelicals are Christians who believe in the centrality of the conversion or "born again" experience in receiving salvation, believe in the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity and have a strong commitment to evangelism or sharing the Christian message.

Catholics do not believe this? How does a Catholic get to heaven?

Saint Croix said...

Mrs. Rubio is a wild woman who is out of control. She might possibly need a spanking. Also she's hot.

What was the question again?

Bob Ellison said...

It's really a word-usage thing. "Evangelical" is not an ideological outlook in modern American usage. It connotes a subset of Christianity that, I think, seeks to spread the faith, although generally nicely (unlike some radical faiths).

Does seem like a vague term, though. Who's an evangelical and who's not?

Saint Croix said...

What we need now is Marco Rubio punching a New York Times reporter in the face.

Then this story will have legs.

Wild, out-of-control, just feel the need for speed legs!

Michael K said...

"my insurance agent just laughed and told me to calm down; they knew about Illinois and traffic tickets."

When I was in high school there was a small all-black suburb of Chicago that ran a speed trap to fund the town. They even had a Justice of the Peace with a card table nearby. Don't ask how I know about it.

No, It wasn't named Ferguson.

readering said...

Very educational. Who knew it was so easy both to look up one's past driving infraction history and to look up who looked up one's past driving infraction history. This internet thing is a real game changer. Meanwhile, if my memory going back to 1997 is accurate, Sen. Rubio and I have about the same record. Mrs. Rubio, however . . . .

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A true libertarian-conservative understands that traffic laws are just a form of the tyranny of the state. If someone gets run over, they just didn't exercise enough personal responsibility.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Laura Bush ran through a stop sign and killed a kid. Not that I'm sure how much that relates, just that this made me think of that.

Are traffic laws the equivalent of bureaucratic red tape?

CatherineM said...
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CatherineM said...

Humperdink - The answer is in what you posted. They do not evangelize or believe in spreading the word outside of the church. It all happens through the clergy. There are many sects of Christianity and Catholics are not the kind to ask you to join or try to convert you.

Humperdink said...
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Humperdink said...

Maybe I am misreading the great commission.

Mark 16:15 "And He (Jesus) said to them(his disciples), “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

Maybe it was only a suggestion.

Michael said...


Catholics are not Bible readers. Would bet only a small percentage own one.

Thanks, though, for playing

DanTheMan said...

NYT: Mrs. Rubio's traffic tickets are a national story.
NYT: Michelle Obama's salary triples when her husband becomes senator? Clearly there's no story there...

RecChief said...

Marco had four. His wife had 13, yet you did the same thing as the NYT and lumped them in together. Why?

Humperdink said...

@Michael. I know some bible toting Catholics. They were definitely readers of the Word.

Playing? Do tell.

The Godfather said...

As I understand it, Protestant evangelicals believe that if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you'll go to Hell. So they do their best to persuade you to do what is needed to save yourself from that fate.

I also understand that Roman Catholics believe that there is no salvation outside the Church, that you must be a Catholic in good standing when you die, or you'll go to Hell. There's a wonderful scene in Brideshead Revisted where the old lord, played by Laurence Olivier, is on his deathbed, after a life of sin and debauchery, and a priest is desperately trying to getting him to embrace salvation. It's the most subtle and moving acting I've ever seen from Sir Laurence.

So, if you are a Catholic who believes that there is no salvation outside the Church, how can you NOT be evangelical?

CatherineM said...

Godfather and Humperdink - go complain to the Pope. Really.

lonetown said...

Would this be considered an in kind contribution? Seems the NYT is simply publishing Hillary's talking points gathered by a pac. I thought this kind of coordination was illegal.


Dr Weevil said...

The Catholic Catechism is freely available on the web. It most emphatically does NOT teach that "you must be a Catholic in good standing when you die, or you'll go to Hell". Go here and scroll down to 846-848.

RecChief said...

4 speeding tickets?

that ruins Marco's Run?

shoudl read this, about President Obama:


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