June 5, 2015

"Columbia sex-attack accuser, who carried mattress around campus to protest against her 'rapist', creates new work 'renacting' violent sex called: 'This is not rape.'"

"Emma Sulkowicz's new work, 'Ceci N'est Pas Un Viol' or 'This is not a rape', shows the 22-year-old engaging in consensual sexual contact with an unidentified man before it takes a dark twist."
As predicted, many of the commenters on the piece slammed her for her decision to make it, saying it was in poor taste. 'Why did you have to go and ruin a man's life if all you wanted to do was make porn?' one quizzed.

But others jumped to her defense, with one writing: 'Don't listen to the haters Emma. We believe you. This is just another case of straight white males denying women's lived experiences.'


MisterBuddwing said...

"This Is Not a Pipe."

damikesc said...

How can white men deny women's lived experiences when her experience never happened?

Bay Area Guy said...

Doubling down on lies and stupidity .........

chickelit said...


(1) Nungesser has factored this into his lawsuit with Columbia and Bollinger.

(2) Sulkowisc will get an offer from the porn industry too rich to turn down.

Wince said...

"This is just another case of straight white males denying women's lived experiences."

How much more overtly sexist, racist and hostile to sexual orientation could one sentence be?

Titus said...

She's hot-so Ivy looking.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

When they were writing the lines for Diane Chambers, I doubt they ever thought it would get so far.

great Unknown said...

I wonder how many straight or not straight males, of any color, believe her. Or even women.

Clyde said...

15:01. She's so over.

Brando said...

The fact that they made a point of "white" men--when race had nothing to do with her case--just demonstrates where the SJWs are at. All about the narrative, all the time.

Wilbur said...

She even had her own Simons of Cyrene at her graduation, helping tote her mattress.

chickelit said...

EDH said...

How much more overtly sexist, racist and hostile to sexual orientation could one sentence be?

How about: "This is just another case of pasty breeder pricks denying womyn's lived experiences"? But the two versions express the same bigotry.

Bill R said...

Her poor father

chickelit said...

I'm hoping for huge and embarrassing settlement against Columbia and Bollinger.

chickelit said...

I am curious as to whether this project (which couldn't have been shot yesterday) was hosted by Columbia. For example, was the dorm room setting on campus?

Peter said...

"'Do you think I'm the perfect victim or the world's worst victim?' "

Why not just ask, "Have you stopped raping me yet?"

Most see you as more likely to be the victimizer than the victim.

We also think you're losing control of the narrative. To bad, so sad.

Or something.

alan markus said...

I read that the project was filmed during winter break. Although it is allegedlly not about Nungusser, the date stamp (8/27/2012?) is the date of the encounter with him.

alan markus said...

Seeing that the blue mattress was used in the film, I can understand that not shaking of the hands incident when she got her diploma.

Unknown said...

chickelit @ 4:48 PM

I was thinking that Hustler or Penthouse might pay her well for a shoot on that very mattress.

alan markus said...

Titus, I expected that you would comment on the guys butt and her oral technique.

JCC said...

Ah, the title in French, so chic, so...continental. And that mysterious "A_____'s S____t"
Whatever could that mean?

Oh, BS.

Virgil Hilts said...

OK, I did not predict this as Emma's next move. I still think she might be mentally ill and its sad that she has so many enablers (same as VA-Jacky).

n.n said...

It's a business. A highly lucrative political, economic, and social enterprise for nearly a century.

n.n said...

Pornography is also a highly lucrative business that reduces men and women to clumps of parts and assembly of orifices. Not unlike feminism that degrades women's natural role to bring forth new human life, and reduces them to a pornographic abstract, taxable asset, and democratic leverage.

Bill said...

I feel sorry for neither of her parents, Bill R. Not since they demanded Nungesser's expulsion, anyway.

Julie C said...

Someone needs to let this chick know that her 15 minutes are up.

Saint Croix said...

"This Is Not a Pipe."

Does she realize she's deconstructing rape accusations?

YoungHegelian said...

She could have played her violin & called her film "Ceci n'est pas un viol da gamba". That way her parents would have been proud of their baby girl.

richard mcenroe said...

By the look of the stills the production values suck too.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Mattress Girl's parents, both of them psychiatrists, recognize this SM video as their daughter's cry for help. She is losing touch with reality.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm trying to think of what's going on inside her little head.

It might be something like this:

1. Unrelated to Paul Nungesser - she had some prior bad experience with a boy/man.
2. Unrelated to Paul Nungesser - she becomes radicalized in a feminist/victim theory in College
3. She has a kinky, consensual sexual relationship with Paul Nungesser - but it's not fulfilling and she gets her feelings hurt after he rejects her.
4. She merges 1-3 into this moronic mattress quest directed at Paul Nungesser.

Memo to College Boys: (1) treat your women kindly and (2) stay away from the crazy ones.

Henry said...

This is interesting:

She was among 23 students who sued Columbia in 2014, saying it mishandled sexual assault cases.

So both parties are suing Columbia. College presidents are often lawyers. I would guess this is on their radar.

alan markus said...

@ richard mcenroe - supposedly the original site went offline, but someone had captured the video - I posted it in the Rubio/New York Times thread. Awhile ago the NYT had published a piece written by her father. Production wasn't that great, but good enough to know that she has a weird shaped butt, small on top, and the guy was kind of "lengthy". Better production than the Tonya Harding honeymoon tape.

Michael K said...

"I still think she might be mentally ill and its sad that she has so many enablers (same as VA-Jacky)."

There is a market for crazy girls in porn. That Duke freshman who became a porn "actress" has marks of self mutilation on her legs.

We were wondering what "Mattress girl" would do after graduation with that silly art degree. Now we know.

Sebastian said...

Next up: a "lesbian" scene with Caitlyn.

MayBee said...

Attention whores gotta attention whore.

walter said...

Both parents psychiatrists...the mom on record simultaneously feeling empathy for Nungesser.. I'm betting crazy runs deep in this family.
Going to the the venerable Jezebel, more Sulko-wits:

In an interview with Artnet, Sulkowicz insisted this performance piece is not a companion piece to Carry That Weight. “They’re two separate performance art pieces,” Sulkowicz says, “but I’m trying to make them both as good as I can. And I think that with performance art, that’s part of what makes it good…making yourself vulnerable. But they are completely different pieces.”

Sulkowicz warns viewers in the accompanying text: “If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.”

jono39 said...

It is long past time when college should require all freshman to take a month long course on binge drinking, how to do it and its consequences.

MayBee said...

“If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.”

There is no logic behind these words.

PB said...

I think her self loathing has taken a dark turn.

traditionalguy said...

Forgiving an imaginary person for an imaginary act is a bridge too far. She is trapped.

fivewheels said...

"The Treachery of Images" is the only fine art print on my walls. But that's more because of my pipe smoking than any deep connection to surrealism or Foucault.

Sulkowicz has created a terrible, terrible parody of this great work. This one is much better. I have the t-shirt.

Fernandinande said...

MayBee said...
Crazy chick: “If you watch this video without my consent, ...

Don't worry about that.

Etienne said...
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Lewis Wetzel said...

Hold the presses! U.S. president believse that he has "a personal relationship" with a historical/mythical figure!

Yeah. Yes. I think some of the things I talked about earlier are addressed through, are channeled through my Christian faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Moneyrunner said...

There is nothing odd about Emma Sulkowicz. This is a modern feminist. She exhibits all the characteristics. She knows the jargon which is one of her problems communicating when she speaks or writes. But her performance art is perfect because it’s done wordlessly. She would be at home at any university, as a student at any “studies” department. She’s going to be a lawyer. You have to realize that modern culture is detached from tradition, or religion or even logic. If you doubt me, ask yourself what sex a person named Jenner is.

SGT Ted said...

It's sad to see a mentally ill woman not get treatment for her problems and be enabled by others.

SGT Ted said...

“If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.”

These are the words of a lunatic woman. She needs help, not enabling.

Known Unknown said...

Maybe straight white males should all become John Galt.

walter said...

So..her Facebook (which says she is married to a woman)..and her Linkedin says she is a former "collegiate marketing manager at Billy Boy USA"


"Germany's #1 condom brand"

Oh..I'd love to see what she came up with..

Johanna Lapp said...

I find the whole idea triggering. Is she required to provide a safe healing space for those triggered by her graphic penis sex? If not, why not?

Johanna Lapp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

Thanks to Emma I learned rape is fun.


Guildofcannonballs said...

"She's hot-so Ivy looking."

Wow. Sarah Palin will still be more attractive in 20 years than our girl Emma.

Thanks for again showing you taste is crap Titus. Go ride a bus from Chicago to Madison again, rich guy. That's what smart, rich people do by the way. They take the bus.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"What followed was a prolonged, degrading, and ultimately fruitless process. It was an injury to her humanity from what was once, for her, a trusted institution. The trauma of this process has contributed to the rerouting of her life, her identity, and the form of her self-expression as an artist."

So if I rape her, AGAIN, then she will be a better artist? Or, at minimum, the possibility exists that if I enter her asshole with my penis, her art will truly project?


She can text me "come fuck my ass" and I can text back "okay cunt I bloody well will!"

Seems win/win to me.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Memo to College Boys: (1) treat your women kindly"


Slap and spank the whores.

They forever love you then.

You think I'm joking? Why? You've heard this before, pimps beat their bitches, but you seem to not want to believe.

chillblaine said...

I think they had consensual sex, but he went for anal without getting consent. What do I know, I wasn't there. Just the vibe I'm getting.

Her sex tape is profoundly pathetic, a cry for help. I feel sorry for her. I feel like I was there.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Emma’s performance piece, “Carry That Weight,” has galvanized forces around the world for gender equality, sexual assault policy reform, and empowerment of the disenfranchised, and has received praise from the art world. Needless to say, we are proud."

Who is disenfranchised again? The Columbia student with MD parents? Umm...

I guess the slut wanted Harvard and her cunt couldn't get her there for some reason, so, yes, I'll call the strumpety whore disenfranchised.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Needless to say, I take 10 minute shits sometimes.

Needless to say, the crust on my underwear smells funny.

Needless to say, the sun is hot.

Needless to say, 2 minus 1 is 1.

Needless to say, my stooge splooging is your business.

walter said...

Someone please interview the dude effing her in the "art" piece. And ask Billy Boy how she "performed" as a marketer. Finally, talk to her "wife" about it all.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I think they had consensual sex, but he went for anal without getting consent. What do I know, I wasn't there. Just the vibe I'm getting."

I know you haven't read her texts begging for anal.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My bad, it was Facebook exchanges, not texts, in which the *&%&^%&^$%&#$^%#^$ begged for a cock up her ass.

I will make attempts in the future to be more accurate.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Like I've said, these Leftist brains are inherently way more racist than a non-Leftist.

They cannot even consider Barack Obama, leader of the world, enfranchised, because the Sulkowicz's racism runs so deeply deep.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Yeah, so Carlos Slim is one of the richest guys in the world." -A

"No, Mexicans are poor." -B

"Blacks in America are incapable of racism because they are disenfranchised." -B

"What?" -A

Guildofcannonballs said...

It has always been true and spoken of that those whom you cannot criticize because it will ruin you are truly the oppressed.

Evermore has it been foretold that those whom can destroy you at their whim are in reality the meek and victimized.

It always shall be that the poor lord over the rich, the destitute of morality communities and peoples are the perfection of God's plan, and humidity isn't the problem it's the heat.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I have figured out irony.

Obama is the most racist person in history, as he and his believers have forged into impregnable ethos the idea he cannot be racist in any shape or manner.

This is racism.

The belief one is superior to another because of skin color.

Obama is the epitome.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Good God Almighty you fools don't even know why racism is bad anymore, do you.

For Christ's sake please read this:


Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link showing The Strumpet Wind a-howlin'.

walter said...

8 posts in a row,buckley. Put the glass down.

Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
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Freeman Hunt said...

I'm not going to watch her video. Anyone who knew her at Columbia and egged her on through this should be ashamed.

Chuck said...

So I've finally figured out the genius of Emma Sulkowicz. I am surprised it took me this long.

As she (and her purported attacker) prepare to leave Columbia and enter the real world where all are expected to be productive members of a functioning society, she's finally figuring out how to turn her visual arts degree into some cash. By being a 21st century feminist minstrel.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

At least she classed it up with some French.

chickelit said...

Tonight's W. Foster UnBuckley

(transcript at 11:37)

walter said...

"I'm not going to watch her video."
I think you may need consent for that as well..

Anonymous said...

How sad. Hey, Columbia. You may have helped Emma achieve fame and art awards. I doubt she will achieve peace and happiness. And I won't be sending you any of my children as students of your world view. I think sex is for intimacy in marriage, not performance art.

Moneyrunner said...

Feminist Logic™ is "magical thinking." It is the tantrum of infantile egocentrism.

Vet66 said...

The title of her ode to 'viol' should be REGRET. This is what happens when women defy reason and follow the false path of feminism to their own detriment. "Reap the whirlwind."

lgv said...

Little does the guy in the video know he will arrested in a few weeks.

walter said...

Filmed and entitled "This is not false arrest"

Zach said...

So she graduates, the attention dies down for a few weeks, and then she releases a sex tape?

I hate to use "narrative" analysis regarding events which did or did not happen in real life, but it seems to me that there are at least two versions of events:

1) She was a victim of sexual assault, suffered real trauma, and has an unusual response to it. I am conscious that not everybody is a perfect victim, and that people who are emotionally vulnerable might seize on any positive reinforcement.

2) She has an attention seeking personality and a stalkerish fixation on a particular man. She is taking minor or nonexistent events and using them to fuel a publicity campaign.

Releasing a sex tape is classic attention seeking behavior. Releasing a sex tape where you reenact a rape story with actual penetration? That's so far beyond bad taste that it's hard to describe.

Etienne said...

She needs to be circumcised.

Popville said...

Children of psychiatrists...sheesh! From Wikipedia:

"Kerry Jeff Sulkowicz (born 1958) is an American psychiatrist and the founder and managing principal of Boswell Group LLC, a consulting firm that advises business executives on the psychology of leadership and corporate management. Sulkowicz often provides psychiatric treatment to business executives. He has been described as "one of the most sought after psychoanalysts in the world."

"Sulkowicz resides in New York City with his wife and two daughters. One daughter, Emma Sulkowicz, is known for her performance piece[17] Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight)"

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