June 27, 2015

"America should be very proud. #LoveWins. The White House."

America should be very proud. #LoveWins
Posted by The White House on Friday, June 26, 2015


sunsong said...

I am proud :-) and grateful!

Skyler said...

Perhaps or maybe not. In almost every instance it has been voted on it was defeated. And I don't feel so proud having to explain it to my daughter. People have a right to be perverts and I'll defend their right, but I find it distasteful that perverts are being celebrated.

Rick said...

Revisionism starts quickly.

I don't remember much love in this campaign. Quite a lot of hate though. The only person I would describe taking a position that could be called love was Andrew Sullivan, likely because he was such an early advocate.

"Who's going to Walkerton IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?" - Jess Dooley

ddh said...

Garish lighting.

Chuck said...

"I believe marriage is the union of a man and a woman; and for me as a Christian, it is a sacred union... Historically, we have not defined marriage in our Constitution... it is a matter of state law... I believe in civil unions..."

Senator Barack H. Obama (D-IL); 2008.


Etienne said...

I'm just glad that the court no longer needs the Constitution, or case law to guide their legislation.

Matt Sablan said...

There used to be a time that politics wasn't so... crude and garish. I'd expect that the president would be trying to unite people instead of taking a victory lap and flipping off his political opponents.

I LIKE the end result of the decision, and this is just rank jack assery that makes it HARDER to convince people to accept the decision.

Michael K said...

The complete destruction of federalism is, I'm sure, making you very proud.

Matt Sablan said...

[Well, so publicly crude and garish that it couldn't be politely ignored. They used to keep the caning and verbal haranguing behind closed doors or in obvious political spaces.]

Saint Croix said...

hey, let me know when I can stop girding my loins

starting to get a cramp

Tank said...

I've always thought that many of the gay men I've known (for whatever reason I haven't known many lesbians) were in loving relationships, long term, or as long term in general as heterosexuals. I've always thought that they should be able to have the same exact rights as normally married people via civil unions.

What I didn't/don't think is:

1. That gay marriage is the same as normal marriage.

2. That our Courts should make up a bunch of shit to legislate from the bench that which could not pass at the state or federal level. I think it ultimately would have passed, which I would have accepted. Instead the Supreme Court has made fools of themselves.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Sometimes I think I understand how other people use the word "proud," and sometimes I don't.

This is one of those times that I don't.

Me? I'm more like Mrs. Gray, she's proud today because her roses are in bloom.

And tomorrow will be another Pleasant Valley Sunday.

Etienne said...

Instead the Supreme Court has made fools of themselves.

Well, at least five of them anyway.

I always knew women would ruin the court, I just didn't think it would happen so fast.

Humperdink said...


Couldn't love before yesterday? Boy our language has become perverted.

Anonymous said...

Don't be misled by our disregard for your thoughts, America-- it's still important to us that you show the correct feelings.

Æthelflæd said...

As the saying goes, don't give friends power that you wouldn't give your enemy.

Michael said...

America should be extra proud that they let get this important topic be decided for them.

PB said...

For God's sake, politics has NEVER been polite society. It's always been "rough and tumble" to be polite, so to speak.

The big problem is that a result was achieved the wrong way by inventing something in the constitution that doesn't exist. This only encourages doing it the wrong way again and again, results uncertain.

The societal acceptance and definition of marriage changes over time (voluntary, arranged, forced, multiple, age ranges, etc). Is it proper to enshrine the definition that exists at a particular time and never let society adapt on its own? I don't think so.

I don't think same sex marriage dilutes heterosexual marriage, and I don't think the divorce rate or declining numbers of marriages is a good argument that heterosexual marriage or marriage itself is flawed. Other things operating on society, particular the various levers of government are more to blame, just as they are to blame for the current income inequality and the other areas of inequality that exist. The Great Society and it's lesser socialistic actions are largely to blame.

Humperdink said...

You have to hand to Obama, when he wins he never fails shove it in your face.

A true statesman.

CarlF said...

Humperdink said...

Couldn't love before yesterday? Boy our language has become perverted.

Certainly, one could not be proud of the United States until Obama was elected, per Michelle.

Scott said...

I'm gay. I support gay marriage.

I don't think President Obama respects the institution of the Presidency beyond using it as a blunt instrument to promote a highly personal agenda. The lighting of the White House in rainbow colors shows this. A lot of people in the United States still don't support gay marriage for religious reasons. Yet Obama chose to use an icon of a constitutional branch of government to rub gay marriage in the face of non supporters. This offends me as an American. Obama has no sense of gravitas regarding his office. And no class, none at all.

David Begley said...

How come the White House wasn't turned orange and blue after the University of Virginia won the Division I Men's baseball championship?

This color lighting gimmick needs to be a regular thing to honor every interest group on every night. Obama needs to continue to divide America and politicize everything.

jacksonjay said...

NAMBLA wins! I think the key to victory is using the word "love"!

iowan2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SGT Ted said...

What Scott @ 9:01 says, except the "I'm gay" part.

Humperdink said...

#LoveWins??? Does anyone think Obama loves the his political enemies? Or hates every molecular cell in the bodies?

His signature issues are so divisive that it does not bode well for the future of the republic.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That'll be a swell hashtag to use sarcastically every time someone gets hounded out of a job by the forces of Love. I'm making a keyboard macro of it.

Fernandinande said...

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
America should be very proud. #LoveWins

"Video Unavailable
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Got lucky.

Laslo Spatula said...


I am Laslo.

bgates said...




JD said...

Haters lost.

JD said...

Scott, put down the anti Obama animosity for one damn day. What has conservatism done for you lately as a gay man?

Humperdink said...

I am often amused when I am labelled a hater. It generally comes from a person with bitterness and hatred oozing from their every pore.

pm317 said...

@Scott.. perfect comment. And this is what gives me a sense of doom about the Democrats and the direction the country is taking.

Skeptical Voter said...

The Obama Administration never lets a disaster go to waste.

The result could have, and would have, been achieved without five folks in black dresses becoming the "Supreme" legislature for the country. Doing the right thing the wrong way is never a good idea. Or to put it another way, the end does not always justify the means.

jacksonjay said...

The One and Only Iowahawk suggested that Bandwagon Barry should bring up #LoveWins at the next White House Muslim Meet-up Beer Summit! Ha!

Michael K said...

"I've always thought that many of the gay men I've known (for whatever reason I haven't known many lesbians) were in loving relationships, long term, or as long term in general as heterosexuals."

I've known many gay men and some were pretty good friends. What I also knew was that sex was a game for them and they loved especially having many sex partners. That got to be fatal in the 80s. Gay Marriage became an issue as people like Randy Shilts tried to warn where they were going with this.

Now that drug treatment of AIDS has gotten so much better, promiscuity is no longer an issue and the whole, rationale for marriage is going away. Twenty years from now it will be a footnote but the country will still be torn apart as federalism is lost.

A friend of mine is an OR supervisor and she tells me that straight nurses are harassed by lesbian nurses who talk constantly about their love lives and the straights are afraid to say anything. It's always been about power.

iowan2 said...

So 5 people in robes have found in the federal constitution special protections for a self defined group of people. The only thing that separates this group from others is the method they use to sate their sexual urges.

Great constituion the blacked robed oracles have created from whole cloth.

The only reason this was done was because of Govt benefits granted to marriage. Now that the state is no longer able to define marriage, anything is marriage. I see this as the death nell for inheritance taxes. Why should Dad's $100 million estate get taxed by the govt when the two brothers and one sister can just get married to Dad and qualify for the the marriage exemption. Remember to deny is to smother love.

Michael said...

"Haters lost."


Expect this to be codified. Soon.

stan said...

The Constitution and the rule of law, already on life support, are now dead. The president is lawless every day. There is no justice. His victims have no rights. There is no recourse.

I miss America. The disobedience will be massive.

Etienne said...

I don't see the display as uniting the country.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. I can't believe they actually did that. That's amazing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama has no sense of gravitas regarding his office.

You know who does have a sense of gravitas regarding their office? The dudes leading this vibrant, healthy and growing organization.

Lot's of gravitas, there. Lot's of irrelevance, too.

It's a different sort of puffery.

eddie willers said...

Low rent spiking of the football.
But I've come to expect such from this bunch.

MacMacConnell said...

Anyone know which color represents bestiallity?

Michael said...

I am hoping that the AME churches are girding their loins for what is coming. All the nice loving people there in Charleston. Haters at the core.

Michael K said...

“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.”

The late Cardinal George of Chicago.

Ritmo would not understand.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I humbly admit that I don't understand. Was he convicted on child molestation charges, or something?

mccullough said...


mccullough said...

The Disney Presidency

sunsong said...

"What would it look like to let Love be our guide today?

"Perhaps it would not change what we do (there are always things to be done) but how we do them. Even the most mundane chore can become an expression of our appreciation for being alive. Sometimes cleaning the kitchen becomes a dance as we sing along to music we love; buying groceries slides into a constant prayer of gratitude to those who grow what nourishes us; cleaning the bathroom offers us a way to clear and quiet the mind.

"And sometimes, when we are fully present we make ourselves available to the renewal that Love brings- sharing a task with a grumpy child and making them smile; really seeing the cashier and asking how his day is going; letting ourselves linger over the soup-making, slowing down and giving up on efficiency so Love can become an ingredient."

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

mccullough said...


What's your favorite Disney movie?

Sam L. said...

This will be the Roe v. Wade for the 21st century.

Gahrie said...

I'd expect that the president would be trying to unite people instead of taking a victory lap and flipping off his political opponents.

The modern Left (including Althouse) are all extremely poor winners...and even worse losers.

Anonymous said...

I find all this spiking the ball over gay marriage, celebrations, and the rainbow coalition White House and all, massively disrespectful of the victims of the multiple ISIS attacks Thursday and Friday, including 35 vacationing Europeans in Tunisia. Western civilization took a horrendous blow (I would say -largely- as a result of Obama's disastrous Middle East policies) and he's whooping it up over gay marriage. Yes, I understand that gay marriage is far more important to his ignorant and self-centered constituents (it makes them feel real good!) than the integrity and security of our nation/world/civilization, but I think that as president he should be leading, not pandering.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The modern Left (including Althouse) are all extremely poor winners...and even worse losers.

But we have less practice with losing than you do. After all, we're not the ones who hate the present, the future, the lessons learned through scientific advancement, progress generally, non-Americans, the way history develops, educators, our fellow citizens, etc., etc., etc.

eddie willers said...

We have a word for this down in the South: Tacky

Gahrie said...

But we have less practice with losing than you do

Then why the hell do you spend all of your time complaining that you're a victim?

(I know , I know...because it works)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Then why the hell do you spend all of your time complaining that you're a victim?

We're not. We're just looking out for others. The others that you're busy lynching. You know, injustice anywhere and all that.

Gahrie said...

The others that you're busy lynching

Your side were the ones doing the lynching, not mine. And you guys are still doing it today, only now you use twitter and facebook to do it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who's "my" side? I identify with the Union. You, the Confederacy, and the lynchers that replaced it.

Gahrie said...

I identify with the Union

You identify with Progressivism and identity politics, both of which have and do use lynching to achieve their aims.

I side with Constitutionalism and individualism.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You identify with Progressivism and identity politics, both of which have and do use lynching to achieve their aims.

I don't know what identity politics is, but I love progressive Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Teddy (the 2nd most effective Republican president) even formed his own "Progressive" Party after his two terms. Ranked among the top five presidents. And opposing the extension of slavery into the west was a progressive stance for Lincoln to take. So progressive that it caused secession. As for whether he thought blacks weren't "white enough" and too interested in doing something for the community of slaves and ex-slaves with whom they "identified" you'll have to ask him. But then, it doesn't sound like he's well aligned with your values at all.

Constitutionalism? Lincoln's maintenance of union was the best expression of constitutionalism there is. Upholding the 14th amendment no matter how prejudiced you are against gays and the old way of understanding marriage? Again. Very constitutional. We're even giving precedence to the 14th amendment over an old (but very non-constitutional) definition of the institution to which you'd like to hold the constitution subservient.

Individualism? I guess I didn't realize that I should consult with others, the so-called social guardians of society (like churches) before expressing my own individual opinion. I didn't realize that I had to make it less progressive or liberal before expressing it either. Anything less, according to you, wouldn't be respectful of my own individuality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, Gahrie - and when lynchings occurred in the South, which progressive cause was that supposed to accomplish?

I mean, I would have thought that maintaining the Jim Crow segregation of race separation was the conservative approach - as that's how it had been done for centuries. They were, after all, just trying to keep their negroes in line the same way they could do before slavery was abolished. But perhaps you believed slavery was a progressive institution - a new change from the way things had been done for centuries. Slavery was new, untested. A bold, radical way of keeping people in bondage, and very novel indeed.

That you have no idea of what you say is a gross understatement.

Tarrou said...

I'm sorry, I can't be proud of my country until my gay spouse gets elected president.

rcommal said...

Try so hard as I might, I still cannot confirm that in fact rainbow lights over The White House took place timely, in a specific manner. In celebration of the SCOTUS decision re: marriage, or anything else, gay or not.

rcommal said...

I am totally open to reality and to facts, and more than most of you know. I'll take every bit of the crap that can be thrown just on account of people thinking that I'm full of shit. Especially when I am. OK, then. That said: Please link for me the evidence of White House lights being lit, in rainbow color, for a specific reason, in all its glory. Evidence in support of facts. Wait. Evidence leading to the notion of facts. Whatever: You know what I mean. Dontcha?

rcommal said...

Anybody can put a thingie in a yard that plays with light and color. If that thingie happens to coincide with some sort of cultural turbulence, even upheaval, does that make it a reliable statement? Much less a bellwether. Just askin'.


That posted, my question in my 3:49 a.m. comment still stands.

Rusty said...

Coupe said...
I'm just glad that the court no longer needs the Constitution, or case law to guide their legislation.

I know, right.

Sure makes Althouses' job easier. Or redundant. Whatever. I know what I'm going to do though. I'm going to squeeze every last bit of questionable practices treasure out of this country before I crash and burn.
"Fuck you, Rusty."
No, my friend. Fuck you. And I mean that in all sincerity.

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