"Then there was the one cop running around like a paranoid lunatic who'd just had a Red Bull enema. I don't think that video portrays the police in a bad light. Just that one looped out cop."/"There's a longer video on YouTube that starts off with him literally doing a running barrel roll. I am not kidding. It's ridiculous. He acted like a lunatic all right."
The top-rated comment (and a follow-on comment) at a WaPo article titled "Didn’t the McKinney,Texas police officer know he was being recorded?"
That guy has issues and should not be allowed to carry a gun or exercise executive authority.
The back story about a mob and gang fight and overwhelmed security guards that call 911 for aid is left out of the meme here.
He never punched or struck and of those kids. What he did was gain control of the situation and kept the suspects from fleeing until things could get sorted out.
That guy has issues
Or maybe he had more information than the other officers. And you.
Legal Insurrections, as usual, has great analysis:
What he did was gain control of the situation
And as we've seen in Baltimore, the touchy-feelz approach just encourages violence.
First of all, the cop clearly tripped.
Later, when he pulled his gun (and re-holstered once the threat was gone), it was in response to seeing a threatening act in his peripheral vision. Black dude clearly struck a pose that could have been prelude to pulling a gun.
Get the fuck off the cop's backs, you despicable SJWs.
This was clearly another incident of feral Blacks, resisting lawful police commands, that actually should have been put down much harder than it was.
Thanks, half-Black President, for the climate you have created. I hope it's gonna be a long fucking time before we make that mistake again.
Fen beat me to it. Another rush to judgment based upon pre-existing narratives.
Looked like a "good cops"/"bad cop" routine. Cooperate with the "good cops" and you won't have to deal with the "bad cop". Watched the 7 minute video - don't know the back story, but it looks like these kids come from a place where there is a respect for authority. I would have expected this to have gotten totally out of control, real fast. I see this as good police work on the part of everyone involved - less than 7 minutes to restore order and no one got harmed.
As to the "barrel roll"', I wonder if he had fallen or tripped.
Yes, I'm certain the Breitbart reporter has printed the truth...
Fen, thanks for the link. Here's a clickable version.
The thing is, you must drop the blinders sometimes. The video makes it obvious: this cop is obviously out of control. He seems to be in a rage that I've seen people get into (and found myself in), and unable to conduct himself properly. He pulled a gun; he put his body weight on top of a girl in a bikini; he ran after her after she yielded to do that.
Come on. This was a man not in control of the strength, weight, authority, and deadly forces in his command. He barely got out of it.
I don't understand what deserves national news coverage and national outrage any more.
One resident, Benet Embry, a black man, posted on Facebook about the events leading up to the police call. “Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all,” Embry wrote. “A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issues that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.”
Fen, thanks for directing to the Legal Insurrection site - a lot more perspective there. Maybe I was a little bit too charitable about the behaviors of the kids involved, but I suppose the person who uploaded the video would not have shown anything that would have detracted from the meme.
If only one could sue the media as a whole for malpractice...maybe they would start reporting the truth...
I don't think encouraging people - in this case, black teens- to mouth off and disobey police is the best path for them or society. But that seems to be what people want to do these days.
Thanks for the link, Fen. Much better than the other coverage.
MayBee said...
I don't think encouraging people - in this case, black teens- to mouth off and disobey police is the best path for them or society. But that seems to be what people want to do these days.
It's social justice, Althouse-style. Remember Crack EmCee?
The WaPost article is journalistic malpractice, because it fails to properly describe the context of the incident and the reasons the Police were called to the pool party in the first place.
"it was just a bunch of kids"
damaging property, assaulting each other, trespassing and charging $15 dollars to get into a pool they didn't own. The more I see of people the more I enter the "let it burn" camp.
Just think of how it feels to be having a nice neighborhood pool party. That is one of the best feelings in the world- and great experience for kids.
Then it gets disrupted/ruined by a bunch of rowdy teenagers. It's a horrible feeling. You worry you won't have the nice experience again because of stupid people who would rather destroy.
It would bother me to see the disrupters made into heroes/victims.
See the money frameshot, here.
Black guy in dark blue shirt has just squatted down and rapidly moved his left hand behind his
back as if reaching for a gun. Cop sees the movement out of the corner of his eye, andin the following frames in the video, turns to look and pulls out his gun. The black dude does a classic "feets don't fail me now" scamper out of there, and cop re-holsters.
It would bother me to see the disrupters made into heroes/victims.
Prepare to be bothered because that's exactly what's happening.
That comment bothers the hell out of me because the last thing on Earth I feel like doing is running around like a paranoid lunatic whenever I get a Red Bull enema.
Looked like a "good cops"/"bad cop" routine. Cooperate with the "good cops" and you won't have to deal with the "bad cop".
Except for the part where kids who were cooperating with the good cop, standing in the same cluster as the white 15 year old camera guy, were still screamed at, cursed at, and pushed onto the ground.
I know, chickelit. It's so frustrating. I wish the news networks wouldn't play along. They are so upset about the girl in the bikini they can't even take a moment to consider how they would feel if they were the ones having the nice (and diverse!) experience at the pool party.
What does "Just a bunch of kids" (in the referenced comment) mean anyway? Are kids suddenly always harmless angels?
Comment on instapundit says Texas law allows the HOA to sue the woman and her daughter for damages caused by violating the HOA rules. Possibly you can add individual suits by neighbors who possessions were vandalized.
I really hope that's true.
The false narrative starts with it being pool party. This was a mixed race gated community's limited access pool for residents and guests or for a party booked for less than than 20 with a security deposit placed.
The pool area was under attack by non resident strangers who had paid money to attend a Barbecue in a field next to the pool area. The thugs attacked the security guards and demanded admission too the pool by force.
After fights broke out the residents called th police came to restore order. This officer did his job well. So what the rioting woman demanding her made up rights turned out to be 14.
If this had been Baltimore the Mayor would have let the crowd loot the neighborhood and burn down the houses for two days.
But this was Texas and a Lone Ranger Cop stopped the insanity. He is a hero.
He actually chases the boys with his gun drawn, until the other cop stops him.
On top of that, there was no reason to force the girl in the bikini on to her stomach. It did take a few tries of him cursing to get her to walk away, but then she did walk away -- he had to run off camera to get her when he decided to detain her. Okay, maybe she has turned around and was walking back, a couple steps. Seems unlikely, but maybe.
But then. She is actually sitting on the ground, not fighting (though being noisy), when he starts screaming "on your face!". When she ends up back on her feet, it looks like he pulled her up.
Tradguy, you really see what the girl was doing -- in the video, at the time she was "detained" -- as "rioting". She is standing around gawking through most of it, then arguing, then walking, then being manhandled.
This will have the desired effect on law enforcement, once the reality of ubiquitous cameras truly sinks in. It will be instructive to see what the unintended consequences look like.
We will soon be instructed that any examination of the back story of this is racist. Once more, I must agree with Jon Gabriel when he notes that the best thing about the Obama era is the racial healing.
The cop looks very bad in this video. Looking good at all times while doing the job will increasingly become a requirement, and will be taught and seminarred and "best practiced" throughout the LE industry. The effect this has on law enforcement will be one of those unintended consequences I refer above. Maybe things will get better. Someone should keep an eye on that.
"This was clearly another incident of feral Blacks, resisting lawful police commands, that actually should have been put down much harder than it was."
Your racism is showing.
"I don't think encouraging people - in this case, black teens- to mouth off and disobey police is the best path for them or society."
It is the too-often bullying behavior, profane language, and contemptuous (and contemptible) behavior by cops that elicits mouthing off and disobeyance. (This is not too mention their predisposition to use unwarranted, often-deadly force.) It may not be the prudent reaction, but it is the human emotional reaction to being treated like trash by those whose salaries we pay and whose job is to serve us.
It may not be the prudent reaction, but it is the human emotional reaction to being treated like trash by those whose salaries we pay and whose job is to serve us.
Yes, it is definitely not the prudent reaction. All the protests in the world won't make it the prudent reaction. And in the meantime, the rowdy teenagers ruining neighborhood fun go relatively uncriticized. They get a national platform to explain why they were victims of racism, rather than being responsible for their own share of bad behavior.
It's one reason these stories shouldn't become national news. The people of the neighborhood don't deserve this.
"I don't think encouraging people - in this case, black teens- to mouth off and disobey police is the best path for them or society."
A resident reported that several people threatened to come back and shoot him for providing first aid to two kids that have been beaten. He also says that some people came by the next night and kicked at doors and vandalized cars. None of that was caused by the cops.
Anyone trying to kick in my door at night is going to get several rounds in the chest. This sense of entitlement is going to get someone killed.
Chirbitized R. Cook
Remember when we used to have the “72 hour rule” that it usually takes at least three days for the full truth to be known about any controversial story after it first breaks? Considering how often we’ve been initially mislead about the incidents in Cambridge, Sanford, Ferguson, Staten Island, Baltimore, etc. by the MSM which is sympathetic to the SJW narrative, even with the video (which only shows part of what happened), it may be wise to wait in this case as well before forming an opinion.
acm...I saw good crowd control to restore order to a intentionally lawless mob by one man. What else did you see?
His only other option was to turn and leave like the Baltimore cops were ordered to do.
Thank God this was Texas where everyone is equally treated. They can still have undestroyed Subdivision amenities and pools there because they still have policemen like this hero willing to enforce laws.
McKinney, Texas is not abandoned by police like the South Side of Chicago and never will be. The lawless mobs should go back Chicago where their attitude came from.
The out of control behavior of the one cop does a disservice to the cops who were behaving rationally, and it overshadows (and was disproportionate to) the behavior of the rowdy teenagers. Even in cases where police intervention is necessary, such frenzied and unprofessional behavior undermines the legitimacy of the police intervention specifically and the police force in general.
His other option was to calmly deal with the teens milling about like every other officer in the clip.
Is yours a parody account?
"This was clearly another incident of feral Blacks, resisting lawful police commands, that actually should have been put down much harder than it was."
Your racism is showing.
Definition: feral: wild and menacing
Applies, no? And, they are obviously Black. So that takes care of that, idiot.
How do you feel about Justice Thomas and Ben Carson?
I understand the cop was first on the scene. It was a stressful situation. I wouldn't say he lost it, but the stress showed. His actions are more defensible than those of, say, Ray Rice, but they don't look good. So now he's lost his job. From this video, police everywhere will learn the valuable lesson to not be first on the scene........When kids in Baltimore and Ferguson throw rocks and bottles filled with urine at the police why is their behavior not criticized with the same fervor by the media?
Even in cases where police intervention is necessary, such frenzied and unprofessional behavior undermines the legitimacy of the police intervention specifically and the police force in general.
I agree. But encouraging people to further talk back/run away/resist is not the way to solve any problems.
Standing around staring at a a hostile mob intent on trouble that relies on its superior numbers to demand surrender to get what it wants would mean the police force in McKinney needs to hire another 10,000+ officers trained to calmly stare down hostile mobs all over the city. Calm mobs are a fantasy never seen on the earth.
Also, why is Benet Embry's Facebook post more reliable than Don Stone's Buzzfeed interview?
You should really read the legalinsurrection piece. I was quoting Bryan Gestner, another resident and not Embry.
The reports from the residents seem consistent. TBH I don't know who Don Stone is or how we related to this.
"How do you feel about Justice Thomas and Ben Carson?"
I don't know much about Thomas and nothing about Carson. Thomas seems to be a mediocre justice, but then...that appears true of several, if not all, of his colleagues, (including the vaunted legal genius Scalia), and has been true of more past justices than not...by definition.
There are some additional details worth noting here. They seem at least as credible as news reports.
1. The party was set up in an open (picnic?) area near the pool. There's a picture at the link with a moonbounce set up, with what looks like juice for sno-cones, drinks, along with a grill.
2. The party organizer did not arrange pool access for her "guests", even though the invite implies it's a pool party (picture of a pool is the background, with a flotation device).
3. There were roughly 70 guests, pool parties are limited to 20 guests. So even if she had she violated the agreement.
4. Music with explicit lyrics was played for hours with no one from the pool or community objecting. This suggests to me the community was tolerant, that they were not looking to interfere because they were predominantly black as some suggest.
5. It's unclear to me whether the person charged to attend this event. Some reports say she charged $15, but the twitter invite supplied notes "free". Perhaps the "charge to attend" confusion related to other events as this person organizes pay-to-attend parties either for a living or as a side job.
6. At some point some of the guests tried to enter the pool and were stopped by security (referred in one place as a single person, elsewhere as one of two). Some guests thus inhibited climbed over the fence to access the pool, perhaps believing they had the right to be there and perhaps believing they had paid to do so. No one specifies but I infer from the discussion at that point security yielded and effectively anyone who wanted in was allowed access to the pool.
7. There are multiple claims of the guests drinking alcohol, smoking pot, and acting roughly in and around the pool. There's commentary that small children were knocked down, with one parent taking a 6 year old home for safety and then returning to help ensure things didn't get out of hand. I'm not sure I believe the alcohol / pot allegation, if it occurred there should have been evidence like left over bottles, and none has been alleged much less documented.
8. There is video of someone at the party (tentatively identified as the party organizer) grabbing hair as part of a physical altercation with an adult female. You can see younger females, presumably her daughters, leaving the area to the car for safety. When people are claiming cops were rousting a bunch of kids for no reason other than their race they are dead wrong.
There's a lot going on that is intentionally not part of the media reports. The media is focusing only on their narrative - which may be right on the narrow issue of one particular cop subduing one particular person.
It seems to me a likely interpretation is that this girl, aged 20, had an end of year party. She seems too old to have just graduated, but young enough to have other friends or just believe in continuing the tradition. The party seems to have quickly grown out of her control, maybe she didn't understand how many would show? But the tension escalated as the party moved into the pool, then added the roughhousing, and broke into open conflict before the cops were called. If this is correct the result is police acting to control a dangerous situation, with what seems to be one regrettable overly-physical restraint.
Robert Cook said...I don't know much about Thomas and nothing about Carson. Thomas seems to be a mediocre justice,
Because he's Black? Carson is running for President. Are you uninterested because he is Black?
Makes as much sense as you claiming I'm racist because I notice the Race of those thugs.
If they'd been White, I'd have called them feral Whites.
No, because of your descriptive "feral," (suggesting they are wild animals--would you have said "feral whites?")--and because of your assertion it should have been "put down harder" than it was. Why? Everything was brought under control, and the one cop behaving like a lunatic simply made matters worse. Do you relish the thought of these young people suffering unnecessarily greater punishment?
I didn't know Ben Carson was running for President...because I'm completely uninterested in either major party and don't bother to keep up with which wretched tool of the oligarchs has lately announced his or her desire to become "our" (sic) president.
The party organizer did not arrange pool access for her "guests"
I think you've confused the two organizers. One organized the party for the community through social media. The other "organized" the party by crashing it with uninvited guests not from the area.
It would be like if Althouse organized a party for all of us here, and Marcotte saw it and told everyone over at FemFisting to crash it.
Libtard: Your racism is showing.
That word has no meaning anymore. Price you pay for abusing it.
Considering that at least 50 of the people in attendance were trespassing the cops were acting well. The HOA needs to sue the crap out of the organizer for damages.
Fen said...
I think you've confused the two organizers. One organized the party for the community through social media. The other "organized" the party by crashing it with uninvited guests not from the area.
I haven't seen anything to base this on. Maybe that's true, but maybe you read two different early reports which characterized the same person differently. People seem to be presuming a backstory based on specific media statements and have naturally arrived at different conclusions.
Bob: The video makes it obvious: this cop is obviously out of control
No, he really is not out of control. I think you know so too, at least on a subconscious level, else you wouldn't feel the need to buttress your statement with assertions.
Though this wasn't much of a 'gunfight', two of the rules seem to fit:
19. Decide NOW to always be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.
20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.
"I haven't seen anything to base this on"
I'll try to locate the source. From what I recall, its a female notorious on twitter for arranging these "flash mobs" to crash parties. She even charges them $15 and tells them best locations in area to hide if security or police show up.
Broke up a pool party at my motel just the other night.3/4 of the people there not registered and trespassing.Just like McKinney I was basically told that they were going to do what they were going to do-UNTIL I called the Police.Mucho respect for private property there.Mucho respect here too.Apparent age of the people at my place was mid 20s.And yes I was threatened with assault multiple times while handling it(as normally happens).And yes threats have descended to batteries before.When you are outnumbered by dozens to one you have a tendency to either be very aggressive or to back off.I am way older than I used to be and can't fight nearly as well.Guess which one I do now.Wasn't always the way.
Libtard: No, because of your descriptive "feral," (suggesting they are wild animals--would you have said "feral whites?)
If they are acting like Apes, sure.
Oh and IF anyone actually read the law and training materials available to concealed carry holders and police officers involving employment of deadly force you would find that one scenario for legal employment of deadly force involves unarmed multiple assailants.
@Fen: Baloney.
The cop who got the angry cop to reholster his weapon should be commended.
Our Segregated Summers
The police misconduct in McKinney, Texas, is part of America’s long, fraught history of race and swimming.
By Jamelle Bouie
Here's a typical effort by a Slater to relitigate the civil rights era based on his misunderstanding of what happened.
But the fact that it took place at a community pool in a largely white area gives it additional weight,
But the kid who shot cop / bikini girl video claims most of the black party attendees were from the neighborhood. So as usual the media is inventing whatever facts are necessary to support their preferred narrative.
Filthy race-baiters.
Fen said...
"I haven't seen anything to base this on"
I'll try to locate the source. From what I recall, its a female notorious on twitter for arranging these "flash mobs" to crash parties. She even charges them $15 and tells them best locations in area to hide if security or police show up.
The admitted organizer runs parties for pay and advertises on twitter, so that's a pretty big coincidence if someone else were doing the same thing. I suspect we'll find out this was an early speculation which has since proved untrue in the "flash mob" respect, probably because someone heard the party invitees were not allowed at the pool and universalized that to mean everyone.
People make inadvertent mistakes, and in the rush to publicize one of the biggest is to apply a statement more broadly than intended. People often make statements within an implied limiting context, and this is easily lost. Good reporters focus on that, but of course the media won't in this context. I linked that particular site because it included several people claiming to be from the community. That could turn out to be wrong of course, but their commentary makes much more sense than the various media reports which interview only a handful of people and treat every statement as factual and complete.
Ah here's where I am getting that - it was the DJ who caused the flash mob
"A DJ setup in a public space next to the private pool in our neighborhood on Friday and played loud explicit (F-bomb) music for multiple hours (it is unclear if he was invited by a resident as no one has claimed responsibility). The teenagers (both black and white) were being brought into our neighborhood by the carload because the DJ was tweeting out invites to a “pool party” for $15 (obviously unauthorized by our neighborhood). The teens began fighting with each other and pushing their way into our private pool. Some were jumping our fence. The security guard was accosted when he tried to stop the beginnings of this mob scene. Some residents who live around the park/pool area tried to come out and settle things down. The teens started yelling racial slurs at our neighbors and started assaulting people and property (throwing bottles at cars and attacking a mother at the pool with 3 young children). The first officer on the scene was by himself. At that time, the party had grown to a large, aggressive crowd. As the officer arrived, many teens started running through our neighborhood. Many of the teens were being very aggressive and yelling at the officers as more arrived.
This was a very dangerous situation for the officers AND the teens/residents not involved. The news media has refused to hear the neighborhood’s side of this story. The video being distributed is only a very small segment of what happened. This information being distributed by the media and others is extremely distorted and in some cases outright lies.
PLEASE HELP US STOP THE BROADCASTING OF THIS IGNORANCE. The media is trying to make it look like our neighborhood is a white’s only, racist area. Anyone who has spent even a few minutes in our area knows this is an outright LIE.
The unfortunate result is that our neighbors are now being threatened. We have also had cars and property in and around the park area vandalized this weekend."
Fen said...
Ah here's where I am getting that - it was the DJ who caused the flash mob
I don't see that much difference from what you posted and the other accounts I summarized. She refers to "the DJ". How different is this from "party organizer" or isn't it likely a party organizer would ask someone to manage the music? I would expect any party advertised through twitter to draw from outside the immediate neighborhood.
I don't understand the $15, as I noted in my original comment, and maybe it is true. But this writer doesn't seem in position to know exactly what's going on as she would neither pay nor receive any money. So it seems likely this is conjecture. for example someone might have looked the organizer up on facebook and found she organized other parties for money, then presumed that was occurring in this instance also.
CNN just said there was a white girl put in handcuffs as well.
The video of the pool fight was hardly worthy of acting like this was Attica. It looked like two women pulling eachother's hair. Pathetic, but it's not a riot.
The Brandon Brooks video shot while the kids were walking away from the pool. In starts with the running cop will the roll on the ground (if he tripped or not, it is dramatic). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R46-XTqXkzE
It seemed to me that most of the kids were leaving. In fact it was Casebolt's dramatic entrance that had the kids walking back and saying, "what's happening?" Then Casebolt is shouting and cursing. Unprofessional. You are now making a scene that has the kids walking away saying, "hey, what's going on with my friends."
Casebolt totally created that scenario on that corner. The other cops were talking politely to the very polite mello kids and those who returned the flashlight that fell. Then there is Casebolt takes the kids that are politely speaking to the blonde cop and screams GET DOWN ON THE GROUND and pushes them down by their heads. Then he's screaming about the FUCKING 30lbs he has to wear in this HEAT!
As the kids would say, he looked cray cray. He had NO control. Rather than trying to herd cats which is what he was doing, why not start at the pool and move people back from there in an organized fashion. He is running all over screaming because he has no control. Where was there crowd control skills? If they had used some crowd control rather than running around like Barney Fife, none of this would have made the national news.
I think Casebolt's ego was bothered that there was a group of girls watching and talking about him like girls on the playground do. You can say, "Kids have no respect," but Casebolt didn't command any. He acted out of control. Again, he caused that reaction. HE was the one who was out of control first. Right from the time he ran in looking for action.
Pulling his gun out? He is LUCKY that the other cops came and stopped him. Casebolt should have just let the girl leave and "get her momma" and then ticketed her or whatever. He should have been bigger that that. Instead he goes after her and then almost causes a huge brawl from the kids trying to protect their friend from the screw loose cop that he almost surely would have killed or injured someone.
They had no crowd control skills. All those kids (most of them leaving already) were compliant until there was something to see. Casebolt created a situation where there wasn't one in his area. Go back to the pool, tell everyone to leave who the hostess (who was black) says was not invited to go home and disperse the crowd from that point.
The kid shooting the video clearly knew the kids. Why was he not bothered and shoved to the ground? Because he was white?
But they can't leave the story alone.
Remember when that actress said the cop was racist for trying to get her ID when she was just making out with her boyfriend?
Cops shouldn't be assholes, and people shouldn't be assholes to cops.
There we go. This problem has been solved.
I mean, this is now a two day story. A cop acting like an asshole and a bunch of out of control kids.
A two day story.
Controlling an uncooperative and belligerent mob of children with adult interlopers can create a perception of chaos. However, it requires a deep-seated prejudice to describe someone as a "lunatic" who responds to an invasion of private property and circumvention of legal measures to prevent general access, and a mob that refuses to comply with lawful orders to curtail their behaviors. Also, there is the fact that the officer was armed, and the interloper approached while he was engaged in restraining one of the mob posed a threat to the safety of the officer and public.
All this nonsense does is kill black people. Cops will simply not deal with it and look away. The same thugs that existed in those communities will still exist and, now, they have no limits on their actions.
The press seems quite unimpressed at the dramatic increase in violence and killing in Baltimore following the Freddie Gray thing (and with the prosecutor trying to block the autopsy results, there will be riots because she isn't going to be winning that case).
They got their pound of flesh, as did sub-humans like George Soros, and they just move on while the residents have to deal with the same crime they always have had to --- just more severe and more often.
Good job, Progressives. Really, good job.
...then again, these same communities vote for the same leaders that do this repeatedly, so at a certain point, if they won't learn a lesson, there isn't much need for empathy.
It may not be the prudent reaction, but it is the human emotional reaction to being treated like trash by those whose salaries we pay and whose job is to serve us.
But criticizing the current President is "racism" and the next Dem nominee is "sexism".
You realize that the Feds treat EVERYBODY terribly and Obama has singled out conservatives for unusually poor treatment. Yet we don't riot.
We should, mind you. Not where WE live mind you, since we're not stupid.
But we don't.
It seemed to me that most of the kids were leaving.
After refusing to leave before cops were called. Poor widdle victims. Want to act like a thug? Then take your beating like a man and stop crying about it.
He had NO control.
Anybody die? No? Then he had control.
Rather than trying to herd cats which is what he was doing, why not start at the pool and move people back from there in an organized fashion.
As irritating as Monday Quarterbacking is, "After the Fact Riot Control" advice is even more irritating and useless.
Pulling his gun out? He is LUCKY that the other cops came and stopped him. Casebolt should have just let the girl leave and "get her momma" and then ticketed her or whatever.
Yes, letting somebody leave a mob to go "get somebody" sounds like a really brilliant plan.
All those kids (most of them leaving already) were compliant until there was something to see.
They clearly WEREN'T compliant as cops had to be called to remove them.
The kid shooting the video clearly knew the kids. Why was he not bothered and shoved to the ground? Because he was white?
Or because he wasn't in the middle of the riot, maybe? Cute racism reference there. Shame nobody gives a shit about racism claims anymore.
If the cop decided to brain a few kids with a club? I'd be OK with that.
Don't want none? Don't start none.
Remember when that actress said the cop was racist for trying to get her ID when she was just making out with her boyfriend?
Cops shouldn't be assholes, and people shouldn't be assholes to cops.
Yes, except the cop was not remotely an asshole. The video showed he was actually excessively polite to the drama queen. She was belligerent as all Hell, but was required by the court to apologize. That's how bad she was.
And she wasn't making out with her boyfriend, she was fucking him in the car with the doors open.
Let's not change the story.
At the beginning of the video to about 1:28 I see the policeman in question rounding up some miscreants. At that point he tries to detain the bikini girl, who resists. As he tries to handcuff bikini girl several large males in the area rush the officer from his rear as if to attack him. Fortunately for him he sees them before they can lay hands on him and he runs them off with his pistol drawn.
If the attack on the policeman were to have been successful the policeman could have been overwhelmed and disarmed. Obviously, no officer of the law should ever allow themselves to be overwhelmed and disarmed, so he draws his gun and chases them away – at which point he hands off the responsibility for keeping these attackers in check to other police who run up to the scene to help him.
At this point he returns to detain the bikini girl, holstering his gun as the scene has been cleared of the attackers by the other police. Now his task is to finish detaining bikini girl, which is what he was in the process of doing before he was attacked.
The bikini girl resists the officer but he gets her away from the hard concrete of the sidewalk where she is thrashing around to a softer grassy area and pushes her to the ground in preparation for handcuffing. He puts her on her stomach, gets her hands behind her back and handcuffs her. Nothing significant follows after he gets her handcuffed and out of action.
I see nothing wrong with anything the cop did.
"But criticizing the current President is 'racism' and the next Dem nominee is 'sexism'."
I don't know what your non-sequitur is supposed to mean.
Obama is a terrible president and Hillary Clinton a terrible potential president because they're terrible. They are both loyal serfs to the oligarchy that rules us...and that will destroy us.
yeah, that was sloppy writing. I meant those to be two different thoughts. Shouldn't have put them in the same post.
I was just remembering how we were supposed to get all wound up about the mistreatment of a girl- like the girl in the bikini- with out the whole story. In that case, only the girl was an asshole and of course the story we first got from her was a lie.
Which is a lot like this story, except I do think the cop here was being an asshole. But not a two-day national news story level asshole.
yeah, that was sloppy writing. I meant those to be two different thoughts. Shouldn't have put them in the same post.
I was just remembering how we were supposed to get all wound up about the mistreatment of a girl- like the girl in the bikini- with out the whole story. In that case, only the girl was an asshole and of course the story we first got from her was a lie.
Which is a lot like this story, except I do think the cop here was being an asshole. But not a two-day national news story level asshole.
I don't know what your non-sequitur is supposed to mean.
I suppose I could try to write in a more monosyllabic manner...
I see nothing wrong with anything the cop did.
Ditto. It's exceptionally easy to say what he should have done, but unless you're there, it's hard to get it. When you're outnumbered like that, you have to show authority. Being super nice and friendly isn't always the best idea when you're dealing with a mob who has already been unruly and defiant enough to require police intervention.
If a fight had broken out between two of the partygoers and one of them had stabbed the other, do you think the stabber would have provoked this much anger and the stabbed person this much sympathy? There's something disproportionate about all this.......Perhaps the cop was over the top, but he was in a threatening situation and deserves some sympathy. My instinct is to side with the cop and not a group of rowdy teenagers.
All the sweet children involved had just turned their lives around and were about to enter college.
They di'n do nuffin'.
If a fight had broken out between two of the partygoers and one of them had stabbed the other, do you think the stabber would have provoked this much anger and the stabbed person this much sympathy?
We have an answer for that question. 4 blacks were killed in Baltimore this weekend. Their death toll this year is WAY higher than it was last year.
Somehow, #BlackLivesMatter isn't too interested in that.
'Tweeting out invitations for his pool party for $15'
Sorry, but my bullshit detector wont let me past this bullshit claim
Here's an interesting article, the first one I've found that tries to understand and reconcile both sides.
Unique contributions:
Although it is mostly white, the subdivision includes hundreds of black residents.
This seems to negate Slate's position.
The party was originally organized with several neighborhood teens who wanted to celebrate the last day of school at the admission-restricted community pool.
A mostly black crowd showed up, and the music was loud. At one point, some people who had not been invited jumped over a fence and were confronted by a security guard. Overwhelmed, he called the police.
How is anyone "not invited" to a party when you've sent an invitation to twitter? This is a distinction the party participants and their supporters are inventing to avoid accepting responsibility. But it seems clear the parents believed the party organizers responsible for everyone, which seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Ladariene McKever, 15, said a friend had invited her to the party.
From the beginning, a pool staff member bothered the group about not having enough pool passes to be there, she said. But she said the group of about 30 wasn’t asked to leave until the police arrived.
This seems to reinforce the issue that partygoers weren't following the rules, and the initiation of conflict began with nothing to do over race.
You have to watch the media reports. The pool was a "community pool" all right, but not a City of McKinney "community pool." It is a private pool belonging to the gated community, XYZ Estates, or whatever, where the party/rave was illegally organized.
And it is my understanding that it was the Home Owners' Assoc. security guards who called the cops for help because they were overwhelmed.
And This is McKinney, Texas where "black" money speaks as loudly as "white." There were no "underprivileged" anybodies at this event, regardless of color.
Biggest problem in the Black community: lack of diversity of thought.
But maybe it is not a 'bug', but a 'feature'.
Fact: there is significant pressure within Black culture to conform to a single cultural and political viewpoint.
The upside of that, though, is that when there is mass conformity in a culture, then reaction too any particular cultural attribute can be mis-portrayed as 'racism' - shutting down debate and demonizing opponents.
For example, if I believe deep in my heart that Progressives are destroying the Founding Father's vision of a Republic, and I thus come to despise any citizen who votes for those Republic destroying Progressives, then I will necessarily appear to despise Blacks, since greater than 95% of them can be counted on to mindlessly vote for Progressives, election after election and oblivious of tragic results.
And the same is true of any part of their culture - their music, their attitude towards learning, promiscuity, single moms, welfare dependency, unemployability, etc.
If one dislikes any of that, since so many Blacks conform, it appears that you just dislike Blacks becase they are Black.
This bug/feature, of course, becomes a very exploitable soft spot for evil politicians.
On the other hand . . .
(Sorry if someone's already posted a link to this.)
I think you have to recognize that the children of privileged, affluent "black" parents can easily learn to be as obnoxious as the children of privileged, affluent "white" parents.
Fact: there is significant pressure within Black culture to conform to a single cultural and political viewpoint.
Sadly true.
I liked the new show "Blackish" this year --- but they had one episode where the family admitted that a Democrat could kick a baby and they'd vote for it. Their son decided to be a Republican (because of a pretty girl) and the father and mother acted like total assholes about it.
For every other episode of that show, when they did so, they realized the error of their ways.
Here? No. They got him back to the Democrats by their daughter offering him a pretty friend of theirs.
The routine condemnation of Republicans as all racists and opposed to freedom basically ended my watching of the show.
And ever since Ferguson, I've learned to utterly ignore the media reports for a few days. They aren't reporting news.
The video linked by Catherine M shows more than the video I originally saw.
Why does Casebolt go and retrieve the orange bikini girl when she was walking away?
Because she had been told to stay still, but was walking around all over the place and mouthing off?
I liked the new show "Blackish" this year
I used to like "Good Times". I never understood after watching that show why living in Cabrini Green was so awful.
You do realize "Blackish" is not a documentary.
No shit, Freder. Really? It's NOT? Holy hell, I'm stunned. Stunned, I tell you.
Well, just checked www.duh.com/blindinglyobvious and, well, you're right.
Why even post here? You bring nothing to the table.
At the beginning of the video to about 1:28 I see the policeman in question rounding up some miscreants.
And you know they are miscreants because:
a) They are Black and therefore by definition they are miscreants?
b) The cop was chasing them therefore they must be miscreants?
If you choose a), you are a racist, b) makes you a fascist.
The most telling thing about the video is that the only people the cops chase, manhandle, yell at, or force to sit on the ground are African American. Look around, there are a bunch of white kids (including the kid recording, who talks to, and is apparently friends with, a couple of the kids forced to sit on the grass) and adults wandering in and out throughout the recording. The cops act like the White folks aren't even there.
Or because he wasn't in the middle of the riot, maybe?
It wasn't remotely a riot. If it had turned into a riot, the police would have had no one to blame but themselves.
Why even post here? You bring nothing to the table.
This from a person who learns everything he needs to know about Black folks from watching a fictional teevee show.
It wasn't remotely a riot.
Sorry, he wasn't in the midst of an unruly and aggressive mob.
Viva la difference!
a) They are Black and therefore by definition they are miscreants?
b) The cop was chasing them therefore they must be miscreants?
The people with the rights to the pool told them to leave and they refused. Miscreants is being nice.
The most telling thing about the video is that the only people the cops chase, manhandle, yell at, or force to sit on the ground are African American. Look around, there are a bunch of white kids (including the kid recording, who talks to, and is apparently friends with, a couple of the kids forced to sit on the grass) and adults wandering in and out throughout the recording. The cops act like the White folks aren't even there.
Are the white kids ignoring orders when told to do something in the midst of an unruly mob?
This from a person who learns everything he needs to know about Black folks from watching a fictional teevee show.
I know in your world you simply call the cops when a random black person comes within a mile of you, but the concept that I don't know blacks is endlessly amusing.
How does it feel to know that everything you believe has made the lives of black folks worse than doing nothing would have been? Do you feel good knowing that a lot of black deaths are caused by policies endorsed by people like you?
Look around, there are a bunch of white kids (including the kid recording, who talks to, and is apparently friends with, a couple of the kids forced to sit on the grass)
A black girl gave an interview today who also filmed the same thing this kid did (from close range but the other side). She was not approached or detained while filming, so it seems the officer determined those who were filming weren't threats.
Trying to shoehorn everything into the race prism weakens the cases where it is true.
Trying to shoehorn everything into the race prism weakens the cases where it is true.
That horse left that stable long ago.
The officer has resigned.
He was fairly tried and convicted on Twitter.
Actually he did the smart thing. Resign, move-on. There's another police department down the road. Press on.
"The officer has resigned."
If true, then another cohort of mouthy disrespectful teenagers have learned that mouthy disrespect works.
I spent a summer one year closing and locking our HOA's pool each night at 10. I know all about the abuse and threats that teenagers will hurl at anyone telling them the show is over time to go home.
Freder, I also happen to know that neither "The Goldberg's" nor "The Middle" are documentaries. But thanks for playing.
I'm trying to understand people like Freder who 1) insist on making this racial and 2) defend thuggish behavior by blacks no matter what.
I think its because they don't like blacks, and this is their way of compensating and assuaging their guilt. Sidebet that he lives in some bubble community where he never has to deal with black people?
Thank you EMD. It's the best video as the kid holds it in one place the whole time and it's the original, uploaded by the kid himself and not edited to prove a point. If Casebolt kept his head, he wouldn't have run after that girl for mouthing off, he wouldn't have man handled her and angered the crowd.
For those who say they were out numbered - call for back up and get a paddy wagon.
I am glad he resigned - he can take all that rage some where else and he won't have to wear that "fucking 30lbs of gear."
Coupe - that's part of the problem. He will go somewhere else and perhaps like this cop who was fired and ends up on another force and kills a teenager holding a Wii http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/17/cop-shoots-17-year-old-boy-who-answers-d#.mqjw7d:hnjj.
Or like the kid shot in the park in Cleveland by the cop who was fired by one department for being "distracted and weepy" at the range, but then gets hired in Cleveland.
Because she had been told to stay still, but was walking around all over the place and mouthing off?
I don't mouth off to the police, but let's not pretend they are supreme beings who deserve our constant genuflection. This is precisely what the Forefathers warned us of. The most likely tyranny any of us are likely to face will be at the hands of the local police force. That's why we have the 2nd amendment.
At first she is told to disperse, and then when she does, he goes to her and handles her and brings her back to bring her to the ground and cuff her.
The cop escalated the situation by running his mouth first, spewing obscenities at those standing by.
"And you know they are miscreants because:
a) They are Black and therefore by definition they are miscreants?
b) The cop was chasing them therefore they must be miscreants?"
Do you also post as "farmer ?"
Jesus fucking Christ. I hate race baiters as much as the next guy, but Casebolt was acting out of control and unprofessionally.
It's not very conservative to blindly support unionized government employees even when they are clearly acting in an unacceptable matter.
Union vice President Casebolt needs find a new line of work. And any of you who think that what he did to that girl in the bikini for "mouthing off" was acceptable need to go fuck yourselves.
For those who say they were out numbered - call for back up and get a paddy wagon.
Everyone's a fucking expert on Monday morning.
And if he had waited and some kid got stomped to death, same people would be calling him a racist for not caring enough about BlackLives to stop it.
You people are priceless.
Is the police chief allowed to be an expert on Tuesday morning?
Because he was pretty clear that the actions of Casebolt were out of line.
This wasn't some riot in downtown Baltimore, it was some suburban middle class kids. Putting aside drawing his gun, his actions towards that 14 year old alone should be, and ultimately were, reason for him to no longer be able to be in a position of authority.
I like you Fen, I like your law, but you are way off on this one.
Teenagers mouth off. If you can't keep your calm and deal with it, and you get caught on camera, you don't get to keep your badge.
Traditionalguy on the other hand, seems like a bitch. That wasn't a fucking mob, it was some middle class suburban children.
I find his comments to be disturbing. I certainly hope he is not in law enforcement.
Is the police chief allowed to be an expert on Tuesday morning?
Not unless he was actually there. We've seen the political bs police chiefs got into after Ferguson and Baltimore.
Because he was pretty clear that the actions of Casebolt were out of line.
What was specifically out of line?
This wasn't some riot in downtown Baltimore
It that was the case, then why did onsite security and residents feel the need to call in the police?
his actions towards that 14 year old alone should be, and ultimately were, reason for him to no longer be able to be in a position of authority.
Have you ever tried to get control of a mob of drunk stoned violent teenagers?
I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think you have all the facts.
I was really expecting Ann to give us a little history on unusual enemas. Maybe in the sequel post after she researches it. But..it's men in shorts season so..
That wasn't a fucking mob, it was some middle class suburban children.
So what were those two angry teenaged Black boys going to do before the cop pulled his gun?
Pat him on the back and tell him what a good job he was doing? What possible reason did they have to menace the cop, and how stupid was it?
The most telling thing about the video is that the only people the cops chase, manhandle, yell at, or force to sit on the ground are African American.
That's because the only kids who showed up uninvited, jumped the fence, started fighting and being rude, and ultimately refused to cooperate with the cops were Black.
Fen, you seemed to be really reading into things. I see no evidence in the area that Casebolt was working of any stoned, drunk or violent teenagers. Casebolt was the only one being violent and out of control. How do you account for his behavior in the beginning of the video link I posted where the kids are conversing calmly with the blonde cop and suddenly Casebolt comes into the picture yelling GET DOWN and shoving the kids head down with his hand. He created that situation on that corner.
He should have just let that girl and "her mouth" walk away as she was doing instead of running after her to make her pay for "dissing" him and to prove his authority. He lost his athority with his screaming obscenities and running around playing whack a mole.
As for my Monday morning quarterbacking (you seem to be making up scenarios), why wouldn't he call for back up if he was feeling so threatened by this violent mob of drunken stoners?
He set the tone. He is actually quite lucky that they weren't an angry violent mob because he was certainly inciting a lot of anger with his behavior.
Well, CNN is going to find out if the cop gets to keep his pension and the NAACP is going to see if they can have him charged with a crime.
Because these days, nothing can be called successful unless we completely destroy someone.
There is zero justification for pulling that 14 year old girl down by the hair. None, zero, and any one of you who defends it is either blindingly partisan to anyone with a badge, or just a fucking retard.
Fen, people call the police for all kinds of reasons, some legitimate, some not. It is the job of law enforcement professionals to respond appropriately, and out of the 12 officers on scene, only one did not.
Gahrie, you fucking douchebag, those "angry teenaged black boys" were right to be angry, and certainly can't help their skin color or their age.
This 30 something person of paleness would have been just as "angry" and reacted in exactly the same way if I saw some needle dicked psychopath assault a child in front me.
The reason that they were "menacing" a cop was that the cop was committing a violent crime.
The chief recognized that, and now the little fuck is out of a job. He resigned to try and save his pension, but in my opinion should be facing criminal charges.
I will repeat, it is not conservative to unquestioningly excuse every single episode of misconduct just because a badge is involved. This wasn't Michael Brown. This wasn't Trayvon Martin.
There was back-up coming, but apparently he was first on the scene. Waiting for backup means sitting in your car across the street while things spiral out of control. My dad knew some cops like that, you hope those aren't the ones closest if you need to call 911.
IIRC the first cops who got to Columbine waited for back-up....that turned out well.
He wasn't the first on the scene. Did you even watch the video? There are several cops already there, not acting like goddamn lunatics.
Oh for fucks sake. He didn't need to wait for backup, because
A)Multiple officers were already there, behaving reasonably. At least one was literally within reach of Casebolt at the time of the gun incident, and actually stepped in to stop him
B)No one was rioting, or even running around at the time, except Officer Casedolt A fight had taken place earlier, and apparently in another area of the pool complex, but none of these kids were doing anything but milling around gawking and gossiping, which is kind of what one expects teenagers to do after there's been something out of the ordinary.
Columbine, a situation involving active shooters with multiple captive victims has nothing whatever to do with a pool party (yes, an illegal/unauthorized one) and a pathetic chick fight. Sometimes, you should go in with weapons blazing. Sometimes you should wait for backup. And sometimes, the situation doesn't call for back up or guns blazing, just firmly and calmly dealing with some mouthy brats.
The most telling thing about the video is that the only people the cops chase, manhandle, yell at, or force to sit on the ground are African American.
That's because the only kids who showed up uninvited, jumped the fence, started fighting and being rude, and ultimately refused to cooperate with the cops were Black.
Brandon Brooks (who shot the video) wasn't authorized to be there, either. He is blond and blue eyed, so he didn't get manhandled.
This brings up something important. I fully believe that many of the kids did trespass, absolutely deserved to be removed from the pool, and that the people who paid for a pool membership were more than justified in calling the cops to remove the kids once they didn't comply with the security guard. Whether the police should have been called is a separate issue from how they (or rather, one of them) behaved once they got there.
personally I think is vital to national security and free world order that snotty teenagers be realigned with reality. They need to get smacked around that's fine too. Stupid people don't know how to behave. You have to deal with it before they can vote! PS did not watch video. So what about that cop in SC who shot a fleeing suspect eight times, do we remember, do we care any more or was maximum political hay made?
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