City officials did not release information about the victims and did not say how many people were in the church during the shooting. Hospital officials declined to comment....UPDATE: The gunman is captured. New post here.
In the first hours after the shooting, the police blocked reporters and passers-by from approaching the church, opposite a Marriott Courtyard hotel, because of a bomb threat. Many among the news media cluster were political reporters in town to cover campaign events of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush....
“It’s obvious that it’s race,” [said Tory Fields, a member of the Charleston County Ministers Conference]. “What else could it be? You’ve got a white guy going into an African-American church. That’s choice. He chose to go into that church and harm those people. That’s choice.”
June 18, 2015
"A white gunman opened fire Wednesday night at a historic black church in this city’s downtown, killing 9 people before fleeing and setting off an overnight manhunt...."
The NYT reports, based on statements from the police.
Horrible news to come across first thing in the morning. Hope they get the killer right away.
We had 12 posts from Althouse and more than a thousand comments on a nothing burger of a story about a disturbed white women pretending to be black. Now we have another manifestation of white people's obsession with the control of black people's lives.
If white American's lives were going great it would be one thing, but in fact white americans are losing badly in the global competition with China and other rising nations, thanks to an intellectually lazy and debased culture. Instead of obsessing about the flaws in black culture a good look in the mirror would seem to be a more fruitful approach.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
It's entertainment, for eyeball ratings, and will aimed to provoke black retaliation. There's nothing like race riots to fill the advertising schedule.
Blacks behaving badly is what the MSM is counting on.
Have a nice summer.
ARM, last night our church had a prayer service, as we do every Wednesday night. Who attends? A variety of whites, blacks and Hispanics. How to explain that?
Now we have another manifestation of white people's obsession with the control of black people's lives.
Is anyone surprised the "moderate" reaction to a tragedy is to rush to Althouse and use it as a chip to insult people who don't agree with the far left?
Bodies aren't cool, killer hasn't been identified yet, and A Retarded Man is already doing the "happy dance".
Well, Alqn. Dead people vote democrat so they have to get them working for the party early.
Were any eye witnesses not african american? I only ask because there seems to be a pattern of misidentifying perpetrators in the african american community. You know. White, asian, hispanic we all look the same to them.
ARM encounters desperately tragic news and without a millisecond's pause for grief, leaps to use it as a political weapon, eager to blame an individual's act on an entire race. But the Others are the haters and the hypocrites.
Now we have another manifestation of white people's obsession with the control of black people's lives.
Sounds like we have a crazy person on our hands and a terrible tragedy. What are we supposed to do here? Trade bon mots? When we know more than the fact that 9 people have died tragically, maybe there will be more to say. Right now all we have is speculation and first reports that the gunman was white which we have no reason to doubt.
Another tragedy, more senseless deaths and another opportunity to enhance the leftist narrative.
I'm tired of being the guy (or gal or whatever the choices are these days) who's always telling people to go fuck themselves, but gee whiz -- go fuck yourself, ARM. You're a disgrace.
charleston Police release photos of suspect.
Suspect wearing long sleeved sweat shirt on one of hottest days of the year
"It's entertainment, for eyeball ratings, and will aimed to provoke black retaliation. There's nothing like race riots to fill the advertising schedule.
Blacks behaving badly is what the MSM is counting on."
No kidding.
I found out about the church attack on Twitchy; not exactly MSNBC. And one of their articles mentioned how people were already trying to gin up riots. What I dread are those parasites Jackson and Sharpton milking and "grieving" in front of the tv cameras.
You can't really blame ARM. He's simply learned from Garage - ignorant and insulting comments will cause the Althouse crew to eventually embrace him. Its like you have battered wife syndrome or something.
"...obsession with the control of black people's lives."
What universe are you living in? You need to adjust your medications.
It's way to early to predict what this is about in Charleston. A Manson-like plot to start a race war? A jilted lover? A white supremacist with delusions of something? A movie-threatre shooter wannabe?
They'll figure it out. And catch the man responsible, albeit when they corner him and he kills himself.
" white americans are losing badly in the global competition with China and other rising nations, thanks to an intellectually lazy and debased culture."
Well, at least blacks are doing well in our new affirmative action economy.
Right ?
The media outlets seem to be assuming that this was a white on black hate crime and everything reported does indicate that the killer was white and the victims were black. It sounds like the killer made some statements as he reportedly let one woman go to "tell the world what happened." Maybe he made some racial statements that have not been reported.
But my first thought is that this is an anti-Christian attack.
What white people won't do:
- We won't wonder what his motivation was
- We won't waste time trying to understand the circumstances under which he was raised
- We won't make excuses for his punk ass
What we want:
- Find his punk ass, quick
- Hope he resists and gets killed (thus saving trial and incarceration costs)
- Death Penalty if not
- If he had help, find those morons too
I know MSM is praying, PRAYING, this guy is a Tea Party member, so their unfulfilled dream/meme of the last six years will finally come to pass. If the pattern holds though, he'll be another disturbed person who was known to be a danger by psychiatric professional but nothing was done. Second chance it's remnants of Klan or Nazi activity. (If the latter, WTF was the FBI not watching them?)
If we want to contemplate something, we should contemplate lending "understanding" to bullshit. You get more of what you reward.
It’s obvious
Only if you have no imagination.
I'm also thinking it's anti-Christian, but we'll see. There are so many possibilities.
Fen said...
You can't really blame ARM. He's simply learned from Garage - ignorant and insulting comments will cause the Althouse crew to eventually embrace him. Its like you have battered wife syndrome or something.
You gotta admit. The sheer level of unselfawareness is entertaining.
I know MSM is praying, PRAYING, this guy is a Tea Party member, so their unfulfilled dream/meme of the last six years will finally come to pass.
As is A Retarded Man. There will be dancing in the streets over dead bodies.
By my count the Left is batting .000 in finding a white right-winger to use as a terrorism talking point (IIRC the last attempt fizzled after finding out the guy who shot 3 Muslims was an atheist pissed off about parking) so I'm not surprised to see them jumping all over this incident. I expect my FB feed will be blowing up with SJW posts on this by this afternoon.
It's a shame people, even a man in a leadership position of a religious organization, would jump so quickly to motive without even learning much about what and who. Of course AReasonableMan tries to capitalize on it on a blog. He's a nobody, that's what nobodies do.
Hopefully the killer has been caught by the time I finish typing this. Then maybe we can learn why he did this, hopefully before the ARMs of the world spin the story so thoroughly that the damage these buzzards do can't be undone.
The guy has an Adam Lanza hairstyle. What does that mean, do you think?
ARM reminds me of the ghouls whose reaction to the Gabby Giffords shooting wasn't horror, but glee they could pin the outrage on their political opponents.
Historical comparison:
It took 12 minutes from Althouse posting Gabby Giffords was shot until someone commented turning it into a political attack on Sarah Palin.
ARM took 26 minutes. But if you recall Giffords was shot during the day and Althouse's post when up at 1:07. This went up before 5 AM. Was the opportunity to smear others so exciting he couldn't sleep?
I read a fictionalized history recently about Sarah and Angelina Grimke in which Denmark Veasy was featured. It's a shame the founding pastor was lynched (oh, excuse me, tried and hung), and now, 160 years later, this violence happens. In a church! A beautiful, important, historic church.
ARM said:
Now we have another manifestation of white people's obsession with the control of black people's lives.
obsession, black people's lives matter. Familiar words?
Even the Islamists of ISIS are obsessing over Ferguson - They're hoping to use black disenchantment as a recruiting tool.
I'm also thinking it's anti-Christian, but we'll see.
The gunman reportedly said "You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."
I doubt he was referring to Christians taking over the country.
How do we know the shooter was white if we haven't had a chance to ask him how he self-identifies? For that matter, how do we know it was a he?
Rick said:
ARM took 26 minutes. .............. This went up before 5 AM. Was the opportunity to smear others so exciting he couldn't sleep?
Depending what time zone he is in, that may be about the time he passed out drunk.
Instead of obsessing about the flaws in black culture a good look in the mirror would seem to be a more fruitful approach.
I agree.
1) Anybody who believes "White privilege" exists should be shot.
2) Anybody who believes "Rape culture" is real should be shot.
That'd be a solid start to the proceedings.
damikesc said...
should be shot.
Thoughtful response. Good work.
The shooter told one survivor he would let her live so she could tell others what happened, the president of the Charleston NAACP, Dot Scott, told the local Post and Courier newspaper.
This is chilling. And who could sit among people he intended to kill for an hour, listening to a sermon of all things?
The picture isn't great but the guy has an odd looking haircut. I bet someone recognizes him (unless it's a wig).
The gunman reportedly said
You see, I'm suspicious of what I read.
There are a variety of possibilities. I'm waiting to cast judgement.
Has anyone checked the Prison cell holding Charles Manson. It sounds like he is on the loose again.
Helter Skelter arising South Carolina that elects all races and nationalities sounds like a moby at work to me.
The genuinely ironic thing here is that the Chinese agree with you guys that many Americans are too violent and too lazy. The only difference is that they see the whites as the problem.
The obsession of whites with the flaws in black character/communities is a bit like having a guy who was too lazy to finish college, not too poor to afford it but just too fucking lazy, then attempt to 'fix' the one world class institution he has in his state. Mind numbingly stupid.
ARM, You really need to change your moniker > you're anything but reasonable here. To go from this shooting to competition with the Chinese? Get a grip.
Tim has it right. The shooter is likely a nutjob - possible schizo (seems the right age). That his nuttiness manifested at a Church and was racist is perhaps partly due to culture but even that's quite stretch. The racial component however is a second injury to the delicate peace in this already hyper-sensitized summer.
All this is obvious of course, maybe I shouldn't post such bland commentary> I'm no Laslo
What? We are using the Chinese as examples of non-racism? Oh that's precious.
Rick- yeah, sitting there listening to these people at Bible study and then killing them is horrifying. Talk about cold-blooded.
I have heard speculation it's a wig. It's a very specific hair style, very recognizable.
"Is anyone surprised the "moderate" reaction to a tragedy is to rush to Althouse and use it as a chip to insult people who don't agree with the far left?"
Maybe the shooter was trans-black?
too soon?
MayBee said...
I have heard speculation it's a wig. It's a very specific hair style, very recognizable.
The picture at the link below is a little clearer. You can tell it's a young guy. Combined with the witness he allowed to live so she could "spread the message" you have to think we'll be able to identify him.
Apparently there's another recent local murder of a black man with no obvious motive, so they're considering whether they are related. If so any evidence related to that crime might help also.
Awful tragedy. Charleston is such a beautiful city, with great people. I hope they catch the guy and I hope it doesn't get politicized.
Rick- thanks for the link. It says they've identified the suspect, Dylan Roof. Doesn't look like a wig. Looks very non-social. Adam Lanza-esque.
Thoughtful response. Good work.
You wanted the discussion. I'm giving it to you. Don't whine and cry when the discussion isn't what you wanted.
If you believe rape culture exists, you're no benefit to the world and your existence is a blight. If you believe in white privilege, ditto. There is no redeeming these people.
You want culture? Then get rid of the parasites trying to destroy it.
The genuinely ironic thing here is that the Chinese agree with you guys that many Americans are too violent and too lazy. The only difference is that they see the whites as the problem.
No, they see the non-Chinese as the problem.
Awful tragedy. Charleston is such a beautiful city, with great people. I hope they catch the guy and I hope it doesn't get politicized.
Little chance of that. The not politicized thing.
They will get the guy. I have zero concerns about that. And they won't have an ignoramus as the lead prosecutor.
What white people won't do:
- We won't wonder what his motivation was
- We won't waste time trying to understand the circumstances under which he was raised
- We won't make excuses for his punk ass
What we want:
- Find his punk ass, quick
- Hope he resists and gets killed (thus saving trial and incarceration costs)
- Death Penalty if not
- If he had help, find those morons too
This as well. But, more like, "What non-insane white people will do", because we already have the insane ones posting about "obsession", because pointing out dysfunction and criminality is bad when the objects aren't white I guess.
Oh, that Dylann Roof has a mug shot from April.
That must have just been added, originally the top picture was the one now in the middle, only larger.
Good to see they're making such quick progress.
Also weird: He has a lot of black Facebook friends.
The man is probably both racist and crazy. I don't think it's fair to extrapolate from this that whites are racist and crazy. Most Olympic Decathalon champions are not transsexuals.......I hope he's caught soon. I bet his backstory will not be what the left is hoping for.
SGT Ted said...
pointing out dysfunction and criminality is bad when the objects aren't white I guess.
No, it is chronically failing to recognize the same flaws in your own culture that is both stupid and hypocritical.
You can't tell everything about a person from Facebook, but looking at his 90 friends and considering the racial aspects of this tragedy, you would think there would be a bunch of skinheads or "cracker"s in his circle. Not close to 20 people of different races. There is an attractive Hispanic looking young woman who works at a Marriots - initial news reports mention the church being across the street from the Marriots.
Dylann Roof Facebook
He looks like a very intense person.
The mug shot that's out there appears to be for trespassing.
MayBee - sorry, it took me a while to compose my comment and I hadn't seen yours about the black Facebook friends.
Obviously, this was a 'lone wolf' attack. An isolated incident. This cannot possibly in any way point to a cultural, ethnic, or societal norm.
Learn your own talking points, bigot.
The Post and Courier image shows the guy in a hoodie or whatever with the old South African and Rhodesian flags. Guess his generation's moved on from the confederate battle flag.
Way to make ARM the story, guys. All together now: what is it that one doesn't feed?
William said...
I don't think it's fair to extrapolate
Can't recall this sentiment surfacing in the thousands of inane posts on Dolezal, or any of the other race-obassesed threads here.
CS said...
what is it that one doesn't feed?
Based on the cluelessness in evidence here I would guess introspection.
What's Dolezal got to do with this? She's a woman who says she's black, therefore she is black. Case closed, and a bunch of liberal bigots tried to deny her right to socialize in the artificial social construct of her choice.
Are you saying that liberals are behind this shooting? Or the NAACP. That the took out their hate on the trans-black community by attacking the cis-black?
It's an interesting argument. It deserves investigation.
I would be happy to hear if this shooter is part of some group and being trained or encouraged by others. If there is a group, they should be investigated completely.
CNN is so behind on the reporting here, I have to change the channel.
Can't recall this sentiment surfacing in the thousands of inane posts on Dolezal, or any of the other race-obassesed threads here.
That's because, when Dolezal was exposed, there were progs that defended her. I don't see anybody defending the kook shooter.
Always excuses never any responsibility.
How is anyone here "responsible" for the shooting, ARM?
This is a terrible day for South Carolina.
The church was both historically important and is currently active and vital.
Clementa Pinckney, the slain pastor, was born in Beaufort, S.C., where I live. He is from a well known and respected family with deep roots in this community. In addition to being pastor, he was a State Senator. He was a force for education, self-reliance and personal responsibility. He was also a gifted preacher, having first been in the pulpit at age 13. He was 23 years old when elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives. He and his wife have two young daughters. His sister was also shot during the attack, though it's not yet known if she was among the dead.
I never met Rev. Pinckney, but know many people, black and white, who have had long time relationships with him. He wasn't a perfect man but he was respected and valued. The event is devastating, an echo of the worst of South Carolina history. It's a big loss.
I wonder if we will see much of the racial generalizing I see above as people in our state move through this. I doubt we will. Maybe the rest of you should stop it now, if you can.
David- thank you for that. He looks like a beautiful man. I am so sad for the families, the church, and the city.
Reports are Roof was arrested twice this year (2105)- once for drugs and once for trespassing.
chickelit said...
How is anyone here "responsible" for the shooting, ARM?
How are blacks or liberals responsible for everything that goes wrong in black communities when whites, particularly white men, are never responsible for the pathologies affecting their own communities?
He has the vacant look of Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, and James Homes.
I hope other black churches in the area have good security today, because I doubt he just went home to have breakfast.
MayBee said...
CNN is so behind on the reporting here, I have to change the channel.
6/18/15, 9:30 AM
CNN and reporting used in the same sentence! I spewed coffee all over the place after reading that! Good one!
It breaks my heart because the people in the bible study accepted him into their group, even though they didn't know him. Even though he conveys creepiness. And then he shot them for their goodness.
MayBee at 9:52:
I am Laslo.
I don't remember reading any NYT headline saying "Black Gunman Kills . . . " I thought we weren't supposed to highlight race that way.
Or maybe it's just white privilege.
I could be wrong but it looks like this killer is a variation of a lone nutjob racist like the mass shooter in Norway. Although it would nice if the guy died on the way to police custody a televised trail would be better. Best would be a televised hanging a fortnight after conviction.
@ Traditionalguy;
My hunch is that the young man was a college student steeped in atheism who went into the prayer meeting to check it out and was so surprised at the experience of the power of Christians united in prayer. that he freaked out and murdered them to stop it.
One of the possibilities that I thought of was that he was distraught over the death of Anne Nicol Gaylor (Freedom From Religion Foundation founder, Madison, WI). Note that ARM did allude to WI Governor Walker at 8:37, and University of Wisconsin which is in Madison. Maybe in his drunken stupor he is on to something that he just can't articulate for us.
Anne Nicol Gaylor, started Freedom From Religion Foundation, dies at 88
AReasonableMan said...
How are blacks or liberals responsible for everything that goes wrong in black communities when whites, particularly white men, are never responsible for the pathologies affecting their own communities?
I'm happy to hold liberals ( black or white ) responsible for everything that goes wrong in both the black and white communities.
Is the confederate flag flying at half mast over the SC Capitol?
Early reports he's been captured.
Is the confederate flag flying at half mast over the SC Capitol?
As usual, garage mahal chimes in with someone else's talking points (Daily Kos)
A local lifestream reporting Roof has been caught here
As usual, garage mahal chimes in with someone else's talking points (Daily Kos)
Haha. I have not opened DK in months. Glad you're monitoring that site for us though.
I must check Daily Kos to see what they are saying about a white supremacist shooting up a black church!
Why the hell would one give a 21 year old with a drug arrest a gun.
Dylann Roof: Charleston shooting suspect wore Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa flags
The FBI has identified the suspect in the deadly shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, as 21-year-old Dylann Roof from Columbia, according to reports.
Roof was allegedly recognised by his uncle Charles Cowles in the surveillance camera photo released by police. He described the man as "quiet, soft-spoken" and said he received a .45 gun for his birthday.
A Facebook search showed a picture of Roof with the Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the South African apartheid flags pinned on his jacket. The gunman was charged with trespassing and drugs offence in March and April this year according to Reuters.
Good they caught him.
Reports also say the flags on his jacket are Rhodesia and apartheid era South Africa. Also consider his middle name "Storm". Is it a coincidence a name with wide racist influence (via Stormfront, etc) is this person's middle name?
lemondog said...
Why the hell would one give a 21 year old with a drug arrest a gun.
Pathological family culture.
Suspected gunman in South Carolina church shooting caught in Shelby - Charlotte, North Carolina
"Nobody in my family had seen anything like this coming," Cowles said. "I said, if it is him, and when they catch him, he's got to pay for this."
He said he had told his sister, Roof's mother, several years ago that Roof was too introverted.
"I said he was like 19 years old, he still didn't have a job, a driver's license or anything like that and he just stayed in his room a lot of the time," Cowles said.
AReasonableMan said... [hush][hide comment]
Can't recall this sentiment surfacing in the thousands of inane posts on Dolezal, or any of the other race-obassesed threads here.
This massacre is a direct result of the Dolezal story. The Dolezal story was the last straw for a mentally ill kid.
The third big story involving a mentally ill person. Mental illness is the story this month.
This is obviously a failing of white culture. As reparations, I volunteer UnreasonableCunt and Bitchtits Mahal to be publically hung in Charleston so that the racial healing may begin.
FullMoon said...
This massacre is a direct result of the Dolezal story.
God, this is stupid. You are going to regret that post when you sober up.
Is it unreasonable to assume that the murderer had a relationship and conflict with people that did not depend on racial differences? In fact, to assume otherwise reveals a prejudice that discourages normal human relationships.
That said, RIP.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
I volunteer more nonsense
I think they would prefer you, sweetie.
Garage: "Is the confederate flag flying at half mast over the SC Capitol?"
I am not sure. We should ask the first female Indian American republican governor and black republican US Senator about that right away.
Extra strong reinforced rope to be provided at taxpayers expense to accommodate the obesity of Bitchtits Mahal, of course.
Jenner, Dolezal and Roof. Each has a Facebook page. It is obvious mental illness is a direct result of Facebook. The sooner the Government bans Facebook, the better off the country will be.
Maybee @ 9:52
I object to any presumption that this has anything to do with the confederacy. This attempted association is retarded thinking. As retarded as the slobbering bowl-cut drug addict who pulled the trigger.
A direct result of the riots inspired and encouraged by the progressive main street media and the race baiters.
ReasonableMan said...
FullMoon said...
This massacre is a direct result of the Dolezal story.
God, this is stupid. You are going to regret that post when you sober up.
Yesterdays headline: Dolezal was raped by black husband. Roof obviously refereed to that, according to witness. . Pushed the kid over the edge.
Is the confederate flag flying at half mast over the SC Capitol?
Don't see how it could be as it is not over the Capitol at all. Hasn't been there in years.
Hey, garage, how diverse is your government? How many blacks in the State House? In your representation at the US Capitol?
I'm not sure why people try to find logical reasons for the actions of crazy people.
I'm even more baffled why people try to find reasons when they don't even know what happened.
First three posts in this thread:
first post - reasonable and expected response
second post - disgustingly spins this tragedy into a lefty talking point
third post - disgustingly spins this tragedy into a righty talking point
Most of the other posts - whining and complaining about the second post turning a tragedy into something political (and rightfully so), while completely ignoring the third post.
Obviously, Althouse's commentators are just as "neutral" as she is.
third post - disgustingly spins this tragedy into a righty talking point
Do you dispute the horrific coverage of racial situations the media has done for the last 6 years?
Most of the other posts - whining and complaining about the second post turning a tragedy into something political (and rightfully so), while completely ignoring the third post.
One sentiment is the post popular comment on the subject at the NYT. The other is a disjointed comment on the reaction rather than the crime by one person who received no support.
Those who generalize are usually trying to hide the truth.
I am not sure. We should ask the first female Indian American republican governor and black republican US Senator about that right away.
Both elected overwhelmingly by Whites.
If you look nationally, there are "Republicans of color" elected by Whites all over the place.
How many of the Democratic "people of color" are elected in White districts versus elected in Gerrymandered safe districts full of minorities?
madisonfella said...
spins this tragedy into a lefty talking point
What 'lefty' talking point would that be, dumbass?
AReasonableMan said...
madisonfella said...
spins this tragedy into a lefty talking point
What 'lefty' talking point would that be, dumbass?
ARM said...
We had 12 posts from Althouse and more than a thousand comments on a nothing burger of a story about a disturbed white women pretending to be black. Now we have another manifestation of white people's obsession with the control of black people's lives.
If white American's lives were going great it would be one thing, but in fact white americans are losing badly in the global competition with China and other rising nations, thanks to an intellectually lazy and debased culture. Instead of obsessing about the flaws in black culture a good look in the mirror would seem to be a more fruitful approach.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
So complaining about Althouse's race obsession is a 'lefty' talking point? On what fucking planet?
Of course complaining about white people's inability to compete intellectually is a classic 'lefty' talking point. One idiot called me a white supremacist for bringing this up.
And quoting the bible, classic lefty move.
Of course complaining about white people's inability to compete intellectually is a classic 'lefty' talking point.
No, just ignorant.
Tell me, if true, why the hell do we need Affirmative Action?
Gahrie said...
Tell me, if true, why the hell do we need Affirmative Action?
Affirmative action for whites is everywhere - legacy admissions, the higher scores that asians require to enter college compared to whites. Ask asian students, they know the score, they are kept out by whites not minorities. White males in particular are increasingly uncompetitive and need a hand to maintain their position in society.
White males in particular are increasingly uncompetitive and need a hand to maintain their position in society.
Only because they are constantly attacked by the SJWs on the Left and face discrimination in education, employment and legal protections due to their race and gender.
Why wouldn't you expect them to become less competitive when you discriminate against them?
As for Asians, no it is not Whites keeping them out, it is other minorities, and the Asians are finally starting to realize this.
It is not so much that White men are being coming less competitive, it is that White men are opting out of a competition that is rigged against them.
Our current society is busy killing off the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Gahrie said...
the Asians are finally starting to realize this.
Do you actually know any asian person who would talk to you honestly? If they did you wouldn't be saying this.
Gahrie said...
It is not so much that White men are being coming less competitive, it is that White men are opting out of a competition that is rigged against them.
Our current society is busy killing off the goose that lays the golden eggs.
We've legislated away our competitiveness. China has very lax environmental laws which are routinely waived for industries involved in military hardware. There is no OSHA, EEOC, etc.
I wouldn't want to start another shop today . Just too much 3rd party involvement.
Do you actually know any asian person who would talk to you honestly? If they did you wouldn't be saying this.
Tell that to the Asians here in California who have finally started to push back against the Left wing identity politics.
Gahrie, my wife is Asian, and her whole family, and friends. None of them would associate with minorities other than Asian. I'm Hispanic heritage, but trust me: I have no tattoos, no piercings, and no liberal ideas, and I have something good going for myself. Asians will do and follow the white ideal. You need to go outside more, you sound ignorant brother, or you are just not around Asians. That's how things are bother, the world won't change that easy, and the left ideal is useless.
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