May 11, 2015

"The Prize For The Most Racist Interview Of A 2016 Candidate Goes To Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin."

Writes Ian Millhiser at Think Progress (who's no fan of Ted Cruz (the caption over there says "Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin, who somehow managed to act like a bigger jerk than Ted Cruz")):

"The interview sparked outrage among conservative writers over the weekend. Hot Air called it a 'train wreck.' Twitchy mocked 'Bloomberg Politics reporter-turned-ethnic policeman Mark Halperin.' PJ Media’s Rick Moran opined that '[a]sking Cruz to say something in Spanish is akin to asking a black person to eat watermelon or start dancing.'"


Hagar said...

I can think of a frequently used phrase in Spanish that might have been appropriate.

Sebastian said...

Funny line from the Millhiser piece:

"It’s unclear what Halperin thought he was accomplishing with this line of questioning."

Drago said...

"It’s unclear what Halperin thought he was accomplishing with this line of questioning."

It is patently obvious what Halperin thought he was accomplishing with this line of questioning.

He was helping his team.

traditionalguy said...

I smell a Copy cat. Cruz must have figured out the secret of Scott Walker's popularity that comes from a good man under inept attacks by media whores.

The money of Jebbie The Bush Prince buys media whores by the dozen.

Mick said...

Ted Cruz is not eligible for the Presidency because he was born in Canada to a Cuban citizen father, and an American citizen mother. He ADMITTEDLY had Canadian citizenship until recently, and was born American/ Cuban/ Canadian.

He was NATURALIZED at birth by 8 US Code 1401 (1), as one born "subject to the jurisdiction of the US" because of his US citizen mother.
8 US Code 1401 are NATURALIZATION statutes, and have no bearing on who is a natural born Citizen.

In 1933 Cruz would not even have been considered a US Citizen, because until the NA 1934 women assumed the nationality of their foreign husband upon marriage. He would have been born Cuban/ Canadian.

A2S1C5 cannot be amended by Congressional Naturalization statutes, it must be amended by a Con. Con., and 2/3 of the state legislatures.

If Cruz would not have even been a US Citizen in 1933, then he certainly could not be a natural born Citizen today.

I bet Ted Cruz can say "TREASON" in Spanish.

Alex said...

Reading some of the comments on Huffington Post, it seems that any kind of vile, reptilian behavior is excusable if the recipient is a conservative Republican.

Rusty said...

It's the left. What did you expect?

Wilbur said...

Que come mierda!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that Mick gets a ding in his Email every time Althouse posts about him or Marco Rubio.

Then he hustles over here to repeat the line that Cruz is somehow guilty of treason.


Brando said...

If Ted Cruz had been making some pitch to the effect of "I can appeal to Hispanic voters!" then I could understand asking him specifically whether he speaks Spanish, or whether he thinks his name would be part of his appeal, or whatever other reason he may have for thinking he could win their votes. But has Cruz actually made the argument that he could appeal to Hispanics? I'm not aware of anything like that--and it makes this line of questioning rather offensive.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has answered one media question for every 3.5 days she has been a candidate. Gives you a good sense of what sort of White House she would operate. Veteran reporters will pine for the openness and honesty of the Nixon administration.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I didn't think it was a big deal... but it is a matter of personal taste, which could vary from person to Hispanic to Latino and back again.

Gusty Winds said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FWBuff said...

What a supercilious jerk Halperin is in that interview! I'm sure that Cruz (unlike Halperin) knows enough Spanish not to pronounce "en español" as though he were speaking French!

Anonymous said...

When a place like Salon rates you as the Numero Uno Hack Journalist in the country (2011) that says it all.

Wince said...

He should have asked Cruz for his Tony Montana impression.

And when it comes to his treatment by the media, Cruz has lot in common with Montana.

You're a bunch of fuckin' cock-a-roaches... You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "that's the bad guy".

Richard Dolan said...

Cruz must have known, even as he was answering Halperin's inane questions, that this would be a big boost for him. Smart move not to respond to Halperin as he deserved to be answered.

MadisonMan said...

The inevitable non-apology was issued:

We wanted to talk with Senator Cruz about his outreach to Latino voters the day after he spoke at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. My intent was to give the Senator a chance to speak further about his heritage and personal connections to the community through some casual questions. I rushed through the questions, and that was a mistake — it led to poor tone and timing. I also understand why some felt the questions were inappropriate. As for asking Senator Cruz to welcome Senator Sanders to the race in Spanish, that was meant to be the type of light-hearted banter that he’s done with us before on the show. In no way was I asking Senator Cruz to “prove” he was an “authentic” Latino. I apologize to those that were offended, and to Senator Cruz. I promise that I will work to make the tone and questions better next time.

So if you were offended, you've been apologized to.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

It was racialist not racist.

There is a distinction; although the zealots on the left cannot see it.

racialist: An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.

racist: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Bob Ellison said...

Richard Dolan said, "Cruz must have known, even as he was answering Halperin's inane questions, that this would be a big boost for him. Smart move not to respond to Halperin as he deserved to be answered."

I'd like to see any politician say, Gingrich-style, You're an idiot to ask that question. You should retire right now, because you're too stupid to be talking out loud. Get this mic off; I'm outta here.

campy said...

It is patently obvious what Halperin thought he was accomplishing with this line of questioning.

He [thought he] was helping his team."

And he apologized because he failed.

He'll do better next time — promise.

Barry Dauphin said...

Carly should pick up while she's at it.

YoungHegelian said...

"Maaaaarkie!!!!!!!! You've got some 'splainin' to do!"

Michael K said...

Even TPM could see the idiocy of that interview. Cubans are like South Vietnamese. They know who is willing to defend America and who is not. The younger generations get focused on the Kardashians and forget.

Mick said...

eric said...
"I have a feeling that Mick gets a ding in his Email every time Althouse posts about him or Marco Rubio.
Then he hustles over here to repeat the line that Cruz is somehow guilty of treason.

Apparently doesn't bother you that the Presidency has been Usurped, and Cretins like Cruz are protecting the Usurper under the guise of being some super "patriot". Instead someone like me who speaks the truth bothers you. It's an upside down world.

Let the chains of tyranny fall lightly at your feet, and I will forget you were my countryman. (Samuel Adams)

Skeptical Voter said...

Some one needs to ask Halperin if he's an "authentic moron". The jury of course has already voted on that question. His mother was the only holdout--otherwise all agreed that he's a moron.

Fabi said...

He should have asked him to say something in Canadian.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see any politician say, Gingrich-style, You're an idiot to ask that question. You should retire right now, because you're too stupid to be talking out loud. Get this mic off; I'm outta here.

The Republicans would do well to coordinate on this and all start to push back.

It's silly how easily they allow the media to walk all over them. They think they get credit for taking the beating. They don't.

YoungHegelian said...

Personally, I think Cruz should just go with it, and the next gringo reporter he gives an interview to he should show up with a mojito in hand, a Cuban band in the background, and proceed, unbidden, to sing Cuban Pete.

And, Hillary Clinton should adopt the persona of Carmen Miranda on the stump, handing out healthy fruits & vegetable from her hat to all the little kids, and telling the adults to be grateful she came along, or they wouldn't have any Miranda rights!

Man, I oughtta be a political consultant or somethin'!

Sal said...

Halperin just wanted to emphasize that Cruz is a white Hispanic, not an ethnic Hispanic.

cold pizza said...

Hispanic is so... patriarchial. Shouldn't it be "Personspanic?" I've been micro-aggressed. Who can I sue? -CP

Matt Sablan said...

I just don't know how he thought this was a good line of questioning.

"Hm... maybe I'll ask the Cuban if he's like, Cuban enough for Cubans? There's no way anyone will think that's bad!"

cold pizza said...

Do Hispanics come from Hispanolia? What's up with that? My grandmother came from Puerto Rico but never spoke Puerto Rican.

Also, considering the word: "his-panic," makes it sound like masculaphobia at work.

"Is that my panic? No, that is his panic." -CP

cold pizza said...

Also, if someone claims to be Latino, shouldn't they have to prove it by speaking Latin? -CP

cold pizza said...

White people are stupid when it comes to naming things. Consider pineapple. -CP

exhelodrvr1 said...

What do African-American politicians have to speak to prove their heritage?

deepelemblues said...

He's a Republican so he's not REALLY whatever ethnicity he actually is. He's white white white white WHITE and since white white white white WHITE is doubleplusungood we must make sure that any portion of his heritage or character that might not be considered white white white white WHITE has to be disconnected from his person.

The Godfather said...

Ted just flunked the Candy Crowley test. Goodbye Ted.

Best line of the thread: "He should have asked him to say something in Canadian." BRILLIANT!

Hagar said...

BTW, when did Latins become a different race?

buwaya said...

Cruz is not doing Hispanic outreach, and I don't think he intends to, even in the general election. That's never been his thing.

Rubio, maybe. He is better connected with Cubans and his Spanish is excellent, though a bit academic. I don't see him working much that way though.

The one Republican in a very much better position for this is actually Jeb Bush. He is working for immigration bona fides, and he really does speak excellent colloquial Mexican-dialect Spanish. Thats the bunch that counts above all, electorally. He's the guy who could take over on Univision, if they let him. And his wife and boys are a potential strategic asset. She's the real deal and they are handsome devils, and I believe also fluent. If he makes it through the primaries I think he will be the first Presidential candidate to seriously campaign in Spanish language media.

The Democrats will have to counter him with proxies. They will also have to put effort into Spanish media campaigning, which they haven't really done before.

Hagar said...

And "Latins are Lousy Lovers" too, according to an old Esquire story. But perhaps Cruz can show them a few dance steps.

richard mcenroe said...

Remember, folks, a white liberal knows more abut being ethnic than any member of any ethnic group.

buwaya said...

Granted, any Republican campaigning in Spanish language media will be working against structural problems.
There isn't much of a venue there for public affairs programming other than the news. And showing up on things like variety-type shows may be hard to arrange as the owners of these networks are Comcast/NBC (Telemundo) and Haim Saban (Univision). Both are solid Democratic partisans.

rhhardin said...

It's not racist, just both sides playing modern identity politics PC.

Nobody asked Hitler if he liked wiener schnitzel and waltzes.

sane_voter said...

It was racialist not racist.

Agreed. But since the left labels many things the right says as racist, that aren't the least bit racial, screw Halperin and his leftist buddies. By that metric, Halperin is being extremely racist.

Birches said...

I posted the Naverette column yesterday on fb because I wanted some of my Dem family members to see what their media overlords really think of them. But I was unhappy to only have an edited version of the interview available. Instapundit linked to a blog post last night that had the full interview.

As much as I'd rather not admit it, Halperin is right. The other interviewer was getting kind of combative with Cruz (who didn't want to answer the question on the 14th amendment) and Halperin stopped it and then thought he was bailing him out with some softballs.

Frankly, I would rather have heard Cruz answer the question on the 14th Amendment. He's obviously against it, but he's too afraid of offending the far right. I say offend away Ted.

sane_voter said...

If you check out the comments at that Thinkprogress article, the lefties there are claiming Halperin is a conservative.

MayBee said...

BTW, when did Latins become a different race?

When politicians needed another group to "help".

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ho is it racist? White lib dweeb reporter vs. a white Hispanic pol?

Carlo said...

"perdóname Sr. Halperin, me parece que he extraviado mi maquillaje rostro marrón"

("forgive me Mr. halperin, i seem to have mislaid my brown countenance makeup")

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The mainstream media fucks up again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A question or two is no big deal, but I think TP's right (which I didn't assume before watching the clip). He was so repetitive with that line of questioning that you do get the impression that he was trying to get him to jump through a "Cuban" hoop. Sure, interest in Cuba is up given the diplomacy change, but this isn't 20 (rapid fire, personal-interest) questions about your Cuban heritage. The guy is not your monkey. Haperin's a totally out-of-touch douche.

Quaestor said...

MRG wrote: Halperin just wanted to emphasize that Cruz is a white Hispanic, not an ethnic Hispanic.

Please tell your /sarc switch malfunctioned.

richard mcenroe said...

The biggest structural problem for GOP candidate campaigning for the Hispanic vote is that too many GOP voters speak enough Spanish to know when the candidate is promising us one thing and them another, as Meg Whitman notoriously failed at in CA.

Chris N said...

Good old Mick. At least he's consistent with the birther stuff.

richard mcenroe said...

Young Hegelian: Good idea! I don't think we've quite lost Brazil as an ally yet...

SGT Ted said...

and an American citizen mother.

Which means he's an naturally born American citizen, Mick.

Go sell your crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

rcocean said...

I agree with Halperin - Cruz is not a REAL Hispanic. I mean, where is his Sombrero? Where's his mustache? Where's his accent, swarthy skin and gold tooth?

I bet Cruz didn't even have a taco for lunch.

So I agree with Halperin - Cruz = Hispanic Fail.

rcocean said...

And can Halperin please replay his 2008 interview with Obama?

It was a great interview where he asks Barrack if he's a real African-American or a White-African American, Halperin then asks Barrack to do a little break dancing and eat some KFC.

Anonymous said...

It would be pretty funny if Ann posted a message one day, something like, "Ted Cruz." with his picture. No link. Nothing else.

Just to test my theory on Mick.

Anonymous said...

It was a great interview where he asks Barrack if he's a real African-American or a White-African American, Halperin then asks Barrack to do a little break dancing and eat some KFC.

Don't forget where he asks Obama to welcome McCain to the race speaking only in jive.

Anonymous said...

Apparently doesn't bother you that the Presidency has been Usurped

It would, if our Presidency had been usurped. Why do you capitalize usurp, anyway?

I mean, our current President was elected, by all accounts, fair and square. Twice.

If getting elected by the will of the people is usurpation, then I'm all for it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Push back works, eh? Nice. Halperin issued the standard apology. Notice is taken.

madAsHell said...

Good old Mick. At least he's consistent with the birther stuff.

I always thought you had to be born in the States.

I'm with Mick.

oh, yeah......"Black and Blue" was a much better album than the critics suggest.

Michael K said...

" the candidate is promising us one thing and them another, as Meg Whitman notoriously failed at in CA."

Huh ? So she promised the illegal who lied on her job application ? What the F are you talking about ?

Jerry Brown has the teachers and the other public employee unions sewed up.

Sounds like you are one of them.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If anything, Cruz should take it as a fair warning... Brush up on your lingo, your food and culture. You will be hearing from us again.

Anonymous said...

Blogger madAsHell said...
Good old Mick. At least he's consistent with the birther stuff.

I always thought you had to be born in the States.

I'm with Mick.

oh, yeah......"Black and Blue" was a much better album than the critics suggest.

So, you thought McCain was ineligible?

I smell exception coming to your above statement.

And Mick doesn't say you have to be born in the States. He says you have to be born in the States to two parents who are US Citizens.

I actually think this is dumb and silly and is why we have issues with Anchor Babies. What country in their right mind gives citizenship to someone based on their location when they are born?

We've had issues for decades now of Mexican citizens sneaking across the border just to give birth so that their child will be a US Citizen. Then they go back and raise them in Mexico and when they become adults, they get to come live here as citizens raised in Mexico.

What is that person a more authentic US citizen than someone who was born to two US Citizen parents who happened to be living somewhere at the time of birth that wasn't the United States?

Lewis Wetzel said...

I wonder what Halperin would ask a gay republican to do?

MisterBuddwing said...

I always thought you had to be born in the States.

If that were the case, Barry Goldwater (born in the Arizona Territory) and John McCain (born in Panama) would flunk.

averagejoe said...

The Drill SGT said...
When a place like Salon rates you as the Numero Uno Hack Journalist in the country (2011) that says it all.
5/11/15, 3:15 PM

sane_voter said...
If you check out the comments at that Thinkprogress article, the lefties there are claiming Halperin is a conservative.
5/11/15, 5:30 PM

The progressive democrat party members hate Halperin because he called Obama a dick. That was 5 or 6 years ago, and Halperin is still struggling to win back the confidence of his leftist comrades.

BudBrown said...

i'm always getting helperin and halprin confused. There's the Soldier of the Great War guy and then the guy I follow a link to that cant be the same guy, I think. I bet it'd be a pain to keep Hemingway under 1000 pages these days. And then it shook again.

Lewis Wetzel said...

BudBrown wrote:
"I bet it'd be a pain to keep Hemingway under 1000 pages these days."
Hemingway was genius. Count the syllables in each word, and the ratio of one syllable words to two syllable words:

In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves

It's difficult to do Hemingway better than Hemingway, but the moderns keep trying. They like to use longer words and more complicated sentence and story structure.
The first paragraph of Kennedy's Ironweed:
Riding up the winding road of Saint Agnes Cemetery in the back of the rattling old truck, Francis Phelan became aware that the dead, even more than the living, settled down in neighborhoods. The truck was suddenly surrounded by fields of monuments and cenotaphs of kindred design and striking size, all guarding the privileged dead.

tim in vermont said...

"Bongos! I don't need no stinking bongos"!

tim in vermont said...

"I apologize to all who were offended, to the rest of you I offer a gentle elbow to the ribs."

Mick said...

SGT Ted said...
"and an American citizen mother.

Which means he's an naturally born American citizen, Mick.

Go sell your crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here".

No it doesn't. It means he is a US Citizen by Congressional statute-- i.e 8 US Code 1401(1).


Mick said...

eric said...
"Apparently doesn't bother you that the Presidency has been Usurped

It would, if our Presidency had been usurped. Why do you capitalize usurp, anyway?

I mean, our current President was elected, by all accounts, fair and square. Twice.

If getting elected by the will of the people is usurpation, then I'm all for it."

Yeah that would be OK if the US was a Democracy, but it is not a democracy, it's a REPUBLIC. It would not matter if 90% "voted" for the Usurper if that vote is against the US Constitution--- the law of the land.
Besides he was "elected" by vote fraud.

Brando said...

"I wonder what Halperin would ask a gay republican to do?"

Ok, that right there--this is a perfect example of something the political hacks at Daily Show should be able to come up with (perhaps with a faux-Halperin sashaying into the interview) to mine laughs from this newsbit. Yet because they're on a "only right wingers do stupid funny stuff" jag they'll never go there.

Mick said...

Eric said,

"So, you thought McCain was ineligible?"

Of course McCain was not eligible. Resolution 511 was a sham, sponsored by HRC and Hussein Obama, designed to hide the fact that Obama was not eligible. They cited a defunct Naturalization Act that created a statutory natural born Citizen ("shall be considered as a natural born Citizen."--- NA 1790), which was repealed by the next NA 1793.
They even said he was born in US territory because he was born on a military base (which is doubtful to begin with, since his BC says "Colon, Panama"--- which is outside of the base). If you look up 7FAM in statutes it will tell you that military bases are NOT US TERITORY.

Mick said...

By the way the Usurper admistration has been quietly and busily scrubbing 7FAM to grease the skids for Rubio and Cruz. First it says that those born abroad to a a US Citizen and a foreign spouse is a US Citizen

Then it says that those made citizens by Congressional statute are "not naturalized" (and that entry was made in August of 2013)

The Fraud is rampant. The criminals are legalizing their crimes as the "law prof" blithely writes about some reporter who asked Cruz to speak Spanish.

These criminals actually say in 7FAM that "nobody knows what "natural born Citizen means" and cite a defunct NA, repeating the crime that was RES 511 (which has no force in law).

Katayal (the Usurper's Solicitor general even wrote a HLR paper spewing the same nonsense in 7FAM--- the Friday before the Monday that Cruz announced his "candidacy".

Goebbles and Bernays would be proud of the propaganda and the principle that if you say it often enough it becomes truth.

Francisco D said...

Mick and others,

I have made this request before, but received no response. Please indicate the part of the US Constitution that states a person running for POTUS must be a "natural born" citizen.

The Constitution does set out criteria, but I have never found that particular one.

SeanF said...

Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.

The second comma wouldn't be in there under today's grammar rules, which makes it kind of confusing, but there you go.

Doesn't say you can't run, of course, but you can't be President even if you win the election.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

"Mark Halperin: "mr Cruz, can you say "say Hello to my little friend" in your best Cuban accent?"

jr565 said...

In regards to the natural born citizen argument, 8 of the first 9 presidents were British citizens and not naturally born in the U.S. Would that make their presidency ineligible?

tim in vermont said...

@jr565, not that I agree with Mick, but there is a specific exemption in the Constitution for people born in US territory before the government was constituted.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President[.]

n.n said...

Politics is a performance art that requires professors and students to bare themselves.

JAORE said...

"I wonder what Halperin would ask a gay republican to do?"

Bhwahahahahaha. Perfect.

Known Unknown said...

What if Mick is really Mick Jagger and this is what he does all day with his wifi hot spot on the tour bus?

Kyzer SoSay said...

I've been secretly hoping that was the case.

Mick said...

jr565 said...
"In regards to the natural born citizen argument, 8 of the first 9 presidents were British citizens and not naturally born in the U.S. Would that make their presidency ineligible?"

Those Presidents were born before the Revolution, but were "citizens of the states at the time of the ratification"-- the grandfather clause. The Granfather clause was needed because the first natural born Citizens (born since 1776) were only 13 yrs. old at the time of the ratification (1789).
The first natural born Citizen POTUS was Martin Van Buren, b. New York, 1782.
Some point to Goldwater as proof that natural born does not mean born in the US to 2 US Citizen parents, since he was born in the territory of AZ.

He was not elected, so the point is moot, but he was a resident of the territory when it ratified the Const. and became a state--- so he would have also been grandfathered in.
As for Mitt Romney's father, he was deinitely not a nbC, since he was born in Mexico.

What The handlers of Obama should have done was made his Bday 3 years earlier (since his birth records are entirely fraudulent anyway), that way he would have been born in Hi (supposedly) a year before it became a state, and he would have been eligible by the grandfather clause.

A2S1C5--- ("or a citizen, at the time of the ratification of this Constitution") was the first naturalization statute, proving that the Constitution itself can NATURALIZE, as the 14th Amendment does. Those that need the 14th Amendment to be US Citizens are NATURALIZED. Only the natural born Citizens, born in the US to 2 US Citizen parents (or a single US Citizen mother), need no statute or the 14th Amendment. They are indigenous or natural citizens. What else would they be?

Mick said...

Kyzernick said...
"I've been secretly hoping that was the case."

I've been shattered...

Mick said...

tim in vermont said...
"@jr565, not that I agree with Mick, but there is a specific exemption in the Constitution for people born in US territory before the government was constituted".

Not that you know anything.
Disprove this:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners". Minor v. Happersett 88 US 162, 167 (1874)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

This is just like when Hannity asked Obama for his favorite chitlin recipe and to dance a jig for quarters.

Franklin said...

A racist Democrat. Film at 11.

This is what Democrats do - they are the Party of the KKK and the Party of Slavery. Racism is all Democrats know.

Francisco D said...


From the same paragraph, ... "and been 14 years a Resident within the United States"

What do you think they were getting at, given that they were concerned with British-born citizens?