"Charles Lindbergh Takes Flight for France" is a new article. It begins:
One scarcely knows where to begin in unpacking the historical ironies embedded in The Nation’s editorial heralding Lindbergh’s successful solo flight over the Atlantic—which was titled “'I Am Charles Lindbergh,’” citing a phrase apparently as ubiquitous then as “Je Suis Charlie” has been this year.Ah! How serendipitous. I'm writing a post about a headline and I run into an essay about a headline. The old 1927 article said:
The happiest feature of the country’s acclaim of Captain Lindbergh is that for once, everybody, of every shade of opinion, can agree.... The only discordant note comes from certain militarists in Washington, who dolefully warn us that America’s isolation is at an end, that the sea is no longer a rampart of defense....The list of 10 "insane" things Lindsey Graham has said is here. It's mostly tough we-are-at-war talk, things like "Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war," which unfortunately don't sound insane. They're just clearly, memorably stated versions of ideas that most politicians deliver with more verbal padding.
Yes. It is extremely "unfortunate" that Graham's rhetoric doesn't "sound" insane, because he has so many fellow babblers in politics and media.
Unless you listen a little closer to quotes like these 10. Then you realize, wait a minute, these people are all insane.
I suspect Zoƫ Carpenter could find similarly inane comments from any Politician if she chose to look.
Why do I think that her closest examinations are reserved for members of one particular party?
There are three phases of ethnocentricism: denial, defense, and minimization.
Obviously, continuing to use umlauts in your name, locates you on a farm in Pennsylvania, with an Amish man holding the horse reins, and a slow moving vehicle sign attached to the rear.
You should also expect to wearing a bonnet in public.
Anyway, that's my thoughts about Zoey sans umlauts...
Charles Lindbergh was a fascist.
From Zoe's Twitter page:
"I’m *shocked* that it’s dudes, exclusively, reminding me that women aren’t just people—they’re incubators, too! "
I think she is talking about yeast infections.
I am Laslo.
Just so we're clear: The Nation thinks that it's "insane" to use drones to kill members of Al-Qaeda and ISIS and that instead we should be going to a federal judge to get a warrant to arrest them. Because that was the context in which Senator Graham's quote was made.
'R' after his name, clearly insane. We have been learning much about psychiatry by combing through the Soviet archives.
Piece of crap Graham is worthy of hating his entire puke state.
Lindbergh was not who we thought he was. He looked like a hero and performed heroic acts with becoming grace and modesty. Still, he had lots of character flaws and he was flat out wrong about many of the issues of the day. There's a cautionary tale to be told about Lindbergh: don't get too excited about the cut of a man's jib or the crease of his trousers.......Well, the good thing about Lindsey Graham is that he will not inspire much hero worship and his policies will stand or fall on their merits and not on the heroic aura of their vendor.
Charles Lindbergh was a fascist
There were a lot of misguided people at the time, before they had good reason to know better. But I bet very few, if any, of them confused fascism with laissez-faire capitalism.
One thing I hate is this idea "the rule is x" and everyone agrees... But, then there is an exception and not a single voice says "hey what about all the reasons for x, we can't just say muck it and pretend it never existed because we all supersede the old standards at light speed like meth-addled suicide bombers in a hijacked G6!"
Folks, things will always change, the corrupt craps in congresses all over know this, yet don't anticipate or include accounting for obvious predictable events (dear boy) because shut up and watch Idol or the Patriots take what's theirs or Althouse etc.
Why do I think that her closest examinations are reserved for members of one particular party?
Who would do something like that? :-)
SNL season 2 Charles Lindbergh skit."Then, turbulence! Yes, unexpected turbulence suddenly jerked the plane off... course!"
I am Laslo.
Some are insane, some are a little over the top, some are simply true. You could probably assemble an equally damning quote list for every politician in Washington. If you wanted to. The key is not in the quotes, it is in the quoted.
The Nation does not like Lindsey Graham. So noted.
The Lindbergh-fascist point is made at the link.
garage mahal said..."Why do I think that her closest examinations are reserved for members of one particular party?"
Who would do something like that? :-)
Charles Lindbergh was a fascist.
He wasn't the only one. The entire Progressive party and political Left in the United States was in love with Hitler, Mussolini and fascism. Fascism was the answer to all of our problems according to the Left.
Fascism did not become evil and bad until 1939.
Lindbergh was far from the only person in the USA that was pro-German up until the war.
When WW II started FDR refused to allow Lindbergh to join the army...he tried. So he spent the war designing war planes for Lockheed, including the P-38.
So he spent the war designing war planes for Lockheed, including the P-38.
I did not know that. That's big. I wish commies had been half as patriotic.
tim in vermont: There were a lot of misguided people at the time, before they had good reason to know better.
Slandering Lindbergh is a preoccupation of the sort of people who went right on being misguided by other murderous ideologies afoot in the world, long after they had good reason to know better.
In fact, they're still at it.
tim in vermont: I did not know that. That's big. I wish commies had been half as patriotic.
He also flew combat missions in the South Pacific.
things like "Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war," which unfortunately don't sound insane.
Yes it does. War or no war, the only speech that should be restricted is speech that has intelligence value, i.e., statements that help our adversaries kill Americans. You'd think someone as ostensibly bright as Graham would remember what happened to the Federalists after the Alien and Sedition Acts and what happened to the Democrats after Wilson passed the Sedition Act of 1918. From the election of 1920 until Roosevelt in 1932 the only important national elections were the Republican primaries.
I can hardly imagine how dull it must be to take your journalism major and write screen-scrape lists for the agitprop mill.
This is, I think, the modern equivalent of writing the police blotter for the village weekly, or covering high school sports for an advertising circular. The world requires a lot of small scale journalism and stringers have to start somewhere.
Lindsey is in it to help Hillary.
Henry Ford was a fascist.
Or, should I say Fascist!!!
A great book, not the movie, about what makes people believe in communism, and about the reality of communism, is the novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
Henry Ford was a fascist
Once again, before he had the information to know better. You are the one who throws around the term so freely, yet I still don't think you can define it.
Exactly which language puts an umlaut over an 'e'??
I'll bet she has a tramp stamp that says "Giddy Up".
None on the list speaks insanity. Some are absolutely opposite of what I believe, but most aren't remotely insane.
What I find insane is a closeted gay guy running for president. While the press kept the evils of our hero Lindbergh out of newspapers, they will be out to out Graham as quickly as possible, at least if he wins the nomination.
"Lucky" Lindbergh was very lucky indeed: he few a single-engine airplane across the Atlantic at a time when airplane engines were not all that reliable, and chose to fly without a life raft or even a radio.
The flight took 33.5 hours, but he'd already been awake about 20 hours before taking off, in an aircraft that had to be continuously "hand flown" as it was not equipped with any sort of autopilot (he later admitted that sleepiness had been his greatest enemy).
The Orteig Prize required neither a single-engine plane nor a solo flight, but that's what he chose. Had he not been so lucky he'd probably be considered a fool for taking such risks.
That, and we'd not have such precious quotes as "We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races" (from his 1939 article in Readers Digest).
Funny. Back on the Iwo Jima thread I caught myself wondering how many young people would recognize a photo of Lindbergh.
Monty Python did a bit riffing on the Montgolfier brothers.
I'd never heard of them.
The entire Progressive party and political Left in the United States was in love with Hitler,
And defeating the fascists was perfect cover for progressives like FDR, who could then wreak his fascist agenda on the homeland. We're experts at distractions, as you well know.
"Charles Lindbergh was a fascist."
So was Wilson, an early one. Mussolini was lionized by Hollywood and even appeared in a movie with Lionel Barrymore.
These days, lefties like you are determined to deny the connection between Fascism and Socialism. Sort of like National Socialism.
garage thinks there is a difference between Fascists and Progressives.
I would just be happy if one of the commenters around here who throws around the term "fascist" to describe conservatives would define it.
They won't. What they want is to smear with the stink of that ideology by trying to keep its connotations while changing its denotation. Kind of like the re-definitions of rape and racism.
tim in vermont said...
Once again, before he had the information to know better.
Unbelievable. Is there any Fascist you can't find an excuse for?
Pretty sure Ford didn't vote for any Jews either.
Hitler apologist still fought for the US.
Stalin apologists clandestinely sought to undermine the US.
Support for Marxism should be a black mark on anybody.
Was it conservatives in red states that kept the Jews out of Harvard, I wonder? Is it conservatives keeping Asians out of Harvard?
Still won't define it I see.
Did you know that in the vast majority of red states Jews make up well under one percent of the population. I guess that these states are supposed to elect members of a tiny minority who are largely liberal as their representatives to prove they are not Nazis?
Why don't Jews choose to live in red states?
Maybe Jews are bigoted against rednecks? Maybe Jews prefer to live in large cities? My wife's uncle told me one time that he went into the Navy during WWII because he didn't want to sleep on the ground.
Maybe Jews, like lots of other ethnic minorities, prefer to live in communities. I know it is a little hard to not be able to find Matzoh without driving for an hour, or to find Chanukah paper without going on line.
Which is it this week, Conservatives are Jew-hating Nazis, or Conservatives are slavishly devoted to Israel.
I can never keep up.
Sorry about capitalizing "Conservative" ARM, I am working on it.
Unfortunately, as a young man entering college, I scored so high on the English portion of the SAT that I was allowed to skip English composition. It's my failing though, and the ridicule is a welcome reminder to do better.
I'm not sure why Leftists claim to be so anti-fascist--they seem to have the same regard for individual freedoms that the fascists did, as well as the same reverence for state power and the ability for government to "fix" the economy.
As for the Jew-hating that the Nazi brand of fascism championed, it seems the Left is far more inclined towards ranking people based on racial characteristics than the Right these days.
Or perhaps the Left only hates fascism because it gave big government a bad name?
Jews live in larger cities and vote predominantly for Democrats. Maybe Jews are the real fascists? *strokes chin*
I don't know. Why do cowboys choose not to live in big cities, Garage?
Mike, not sure. It's just that you'd think Jews would want to stay far away from the Real Fascists™ But it seems they are drawn to them. Weird.
"Jews live in larger cities and vote predominantly for Democrats. Maybe Jews are the real fascists? *strokes chin*"
If you're suggesting that a Jew cannot become a fascist, you may want to read up on the role played by prominent Jews in the Italian fascist party.
I just don't see why you Leftists see "fascism" as an insult--it's just a more extreme version of what you seem to favor. Calling you a "libertarian" would be an insult to your values.
So this is the thread the fascists are hanging out in today.
Read some Thomas Sowell if you want to know the history of the world's "middlemen" and why Jews, Lebanese and Persians gravitated toward cities. Density would be a clue for you.
It's no use Brando, getting them to define their terms or to engage in an honest conversation is like trying to get a monkey to define "shit."
What is amazing here is that any excuse in the wind will be put into service to condone the behavior of two of the most powerful and famous men in US history, who provided moral and physical support to the fascist enemy, but if some no name sociology professor at Podunk U. fails to meet the prevailing standards of the thought police on the right then she is unquestionably a Fascist!!!
Just fucking unbelievable.
"Unbelievable. Is there any Fascist you can't find an excuse for?
Pretty sure Ford didn't vote for any Jews either."
Why don't you tell us about how Wilson segregated the civil service ?
Then there is Oliver Wendell Holmes saying "One generation of imbeciles is enough."
I wonder if Alger Hiss was his clerk at the time ?
Then there is the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Why was it to be "planned" again ?
One of the reasons that Hitler and not Stalin or Mao is counted as the supreme evil personage of the 20th century is because artists and intellectuals were not his greatest admirers. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Haedigger, Jung, and Riefensthal as beng in his camp. It's hard to think of a prominent 20th century intellectual who was not supportive of Lenin and Stalin. The left felt that the mass murder of millions is permissible to attain class homogeneity but not for reasons of racial homogeneity........Lindbergh was a flawed human being, but he fought bravely in WWII. He was a gifted pilot and supremely knowledgeable about aviation. FDR could have made better use of his services.
Who said she was a fascist?
You brought up fascism in this thread. You call lots of people "fascist" but you won't say what it means. That' is pretty telling right there.
Henry Ford is moldering in the grave, so is Lindbergh. I promise I wouldn't vote for either one. Fascism is what the ultra-rich gravitate to because they want to freeze their family wealth and power in place, and look to state power to prevent pesky newcomers from displacing them. It was ever thus.
Henry Ford provided cheap, dependable transportation to the masses. He paid a living wage to his workers. He was undeniably an anti-Semite. If you add up the pros and cons, I think he comes out with a positive balance......I don't think you can say the same thing of either Hitler and Stalin. It should be noted that Stalin was no slouch when it came in anti-semitism, but, unlike Ford, his antisemitism was not written about.
I am sure we could all sort this out, ARM, if you would define "fascism." Then we could tell who was, and who wasn't one.
And defeating the fascists was perfect cover for progressives like FDR, who could then wreak his fascist agenda on the homeland
You need to work on either your integrity or reading comprehension skills. You either ignored or failed to understand the phrase "...until 1939...".
"It should be noted that Stalin was no slouch when it came in anti-semitism, but, unlike Ford, his antisemitism was not written about."
Whatever you may think of Henry Ford, between him and Stalin only one of them actually helped Hitler conquer half of Europe (only fighting against him when surprise, turned out you couldn't trust Hitler--apparently a snake could outsnake another snake) and Stalin did actually have large numbers of Jews persecuted and murdered.
But Ford is the real villain, right?
Peter: That, and we'd not have such precious quotes as...
There's nothing "precious" about that quote, in the sense of either "rare" or "cute, quaintly wrong-headed" (as in ZOMG! Look at the obviously insane shit this crazy cracka threw down!").
Not rare, because it's easy to turn up examples of such thinking. Outside of certain intellectual circles, they were very common, and it's unlikely that any Reader's Digest subscribers in 1939 found them scandalous. Not "quaint", because even very liberal-minded people today recognize that genuine "diversity" (lack of a shared culture) fragments and destabilizes society, even if they couch their understanding in terms of "culture" and "assimiliation" and a strictly contingent relation between race and culture.
It's always a bad idea to interpret the past through the lens of contemporary attitudes. That America should remain a European, majority-white nation was a pretty much taken-for-granted and mainstream attitude until quite recently, regardless of how decent people came to regard "pure blood" rhetoric after WWII. This preference being automatically denounced everywhere as beyond-the-pale wow-just-wow crazy Nazi shit is of more recent vintage still.
Lindbergh is long gone and the America Firsters and like-thinkers were utterly defeated in the battle over the destiny of the American nation. If you want to fret about ideologies of "purity", there are more than enough "pure thought" enforcers running loose in the land right now to occupy your energies.
Brando said...
Whatever you may think of Henry Ford, between him and Stalin only one of them actually helped Hitler conquer half of Europe
"Ford continued to do business with Nazi Germany, including the manufacture of war materiel. Beginning in 1940, with the requisitioning of between 100 and 200 French POWs to work as slave laborers, Ford-Werke contravened Article 31 of the 1929 Geneva Convention. At that time, which was before the U.S. entered the war and still had full diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany, Ford-Werke was under the control of the Ford Motor Company. The number of slave laborers grew as the war expanded although Wallace made it clear that companies in Germany were not required by the Nazi authorities to use slave laborers."
"When Rolls-Royce sought a U.S. manufacturer as an alternative source for the Merlin engine (as fitted to Spitfire and Hurricane fighters), Ford first agreed to do so and then reneged."
Gahrie (to garage): You need to work on either your integrity or reading comprehension skills.
I wish people would stop slamming garage and ARM for their dishonesty, hypocrisy, lack of integrity, lack of reading comprehension skills, etc. We've seen 'em in action for years here, and all evidence points to their doing the best they can with what they've got. It's cruel to keep telling the slow kids that they just need to "work on their skills" or "try harder". I bet they work very very hard on their comments, even if the results don't reflect it. STOP THE BULLYING!!!
Anglelyne said...
I wish people would stop slamming garage and ARM
For it to be a slam it would first have some element of truth, or humor, or anything other than canned propaganda repeated ad nauseum. We only hope.
I am sure Jonah Goldberg is having a good laugh. There's a sucker born every minute.
I am sure Jonah Goldberg is having a good laugh. There's a sucker born every minute
Here's a good place to start, explain why Johah Golberg is wrong!
No, that would require you to enter some uncomfortable territory, wouldn't it?
Tim, you blew any limited credibility you might have had with your support of Limbaugh and Ford. You wouldn't recognize a fascist if he beat with a stick and sent you to work as a slave at the Ford-Werke plant.
ARM, I can understand why you wish to avoid the question. Who does want to surrender their favorite cudgel?
Every person from the Southern US knows exactly what Lindsay Graham is - the ineffectual but harmless kid who really, really wants to be popular but isn't.
He's fine as a Senator, which is only one level above his true competence level as a Rep, but nobody would ever think he has any reason wielding any authority.
He is John Edwards without the panache and sex scandals, Bill Clinton without the charisma, political skills and sex scandals, Hillary Clinton without the screeching Harpy personality, lack of political skills, a vagina, and sex scandals.
"Tim, you blew any limited credibility you might have had with your support of Limbaugh and Ford. "
ARM is having a hard time keeping track of his villains.
I am sure Jonah Goldberg is having a good laugh. There's a sucker born every minute.
Tell you what. Get a copy of Illiberal Fascism. (I lent mine out to a Liberal, and surprise, surprise..never got it back)
Pick a random quote, or a random footnote. (It shouldn't be too hard, the book is full of both) Demonstrate that it is wrong, or admit that Goldberg was correct.
The book has been out a decade, and no one has written an academic response yet.
I am sure Jonah Goldberg is having a good laugh
Goldberg wrote it to get even he says, because he was tired of conservatives being called fascists. That the right is drawn to Goldberg as some sort of intellectual is really a sad state of affairs.
"Demonstrate that it is wrong, or admit that Goldberg was correct.
The book has been out a decade, and no one has written an academic response yet."
Now THAT is bullying. ARM, I've got your back. Sort of like Obama has Hillary's back.
All this talk about Hitler and Stalin when we have the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in history just around the corner.
I wrote something about it here.
It's thanks to Obama so there won't be much said about it until the thing is really going strong.
Peter said......an aircraft that had to be continuously "hand flown" as it was not equipped with any sort of autopilot...
Actually, in stable air (I have no idea of how stable the air was, or how long) you can trim any aircraft to fly without touching the yoke.
Course, the farther you fly, the weight decreases (fuel consumed) and you have to re-trim. But I assume he had long periods of just adjusting the trim. The plane was designed to be very stable - a big wing.
I'd be curious to read ARM's case that conservatives are fascists.
Gahrie said...
The book has been out a decade, and no one has written an academic response yet.
This sentence doesn't mean what you think it means.
"I'd be curious to read ARM's case that conservatives are fascists."
Something tells me you'll have to remain curious...
"This sentence doesn't mean what you think it means."
Exactly. Just because someone publishes a book does not mean it mertis an academic response. However, I would imagine Goldberg's book, along with the writings of, say, Coulter, Levin, et al, might draw the interest of a scholar interested in tracking political book sales over a particular span of time.
""Ford continued to do business with Nazi Germany, including the manufacture of war materiel. Beginning in 1940, with the requisitioning of between 100 and 200 French POWs to work as slave laborers, Ford-Werke contravened Article 31 of the 1929 Geneva Convention. At that time, which was before the U.S. entered the war and still had full diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany, Ford-Werke was under the control of the Ford Motor Company. The number of slave laborers grew as the war expanded although Wallace made it clear that companies in Germany were not required by the Nazi authorities to use slave laborers."
Really? That's what you got? Compared to Soviet Russia providing Germany with vast quantities of war materials until mid-1941, and signing the very pact with Hitler that divided up eastern Europe and gave the Nazis the protection they needed to launch the war, you still think Ford was a more valuable supporter of Hitler than Stalin was???
I'm sure when Hitler was about to invade Russia, he told his generals "don't worry about losing Stalin as an ally--we still have Henry Ford!"
I'm surprised FDR didn't have Ford put in an internment camp for being such a supporter of Hitler! The Nazis certainly got more out of Ford Motors than the Allies did, right?
Lindberg and Henry Ford are favorite boogy men for the left.
Ford was a great pioneer who was an early libertarian, as most great American businessmen were then. German businessmen had already been introduced to crony capitalism in Germany's "War Socialism" in WWI.
Anti-Semitism was largely a phenomenon of the high levels of immigration from eastern Europe which brought a large population that took a generation to assimilate.
They did assimilate but I can remember quite a bit of anti-Semitism in the 40s when "Gentlemen's Agreement" was made. Most anti-Semitism these days is found on the left. Then it was pretty well diffused although blacks have been anti-Semitic for a long time.
Some of the anti-Semitism was because many Jews were enthusiastic Socialists. Very little that I am familiar with was religious.
A good deal it today is political and due to envy, like the envy of WASP Harvard applicants toward Asians. "You didn't build that !" is similar to "Hymietown" of 30 years ago.
"Fascism did not become evil and bad until 1939."
June, 1941, I think is what you meant.
"It's hard to think of a prominent 20th century intellectual who was not supportive of Lenin and Stalin."
William buried this gem in the middle of a paragraph. Just repeating it so that it gets read again. Its only flaw was leaving out Mao.
No one should be allowed to graduate high school without writing an essay on how the "smartest" "wisest" "best" people of the 20th century made excuses for some of the worst mass murderers in history.
It should be engraved in metal on the walls in every school, library, arts complex and university in the world.
If Henry Ford helped Hitler a single day after neutrality with Germany was ended and war was declared, he should have been hanged.
It appears that he did participate in a violation of the Geneva Convention of 1929, which forbad the use of prisoners in the manufacture of war materiel.
Art. 31. Work done by prisoners of war shall have no direct connection with the operations of the war. In particular, it is forbidden to employ prisoners in the manufacture or transport of arms or munitions of any kind, or on the transport of material destined for combatant units. - Geneva Convention of 1929.
So he was one more fascist like so many others before WWII. Dead and gone now, too late to hang him for violating the Geneva Protocol. I am curious though, how did Henry Ford become some kind of hero of mine?
The use of the term "slave labor" is unsupported. The US used German prisoners to work, was that slavery? No, it was blessed by the Geneva Convention of 1929.
Tim, your confusion is understandable. Left types like ARM have been flogging those on the Right with the fascist label as an effective (and almost their only) attack/retort to being called commies, pinks, etc.
As mentioned, Goldberg leading the charge, the fascist label is found to fit the modern Left very well. Too well. Therefore, ARM is on a question to either reclaim his bludgeon, or to ridicule it out of polite consciousness so that it will not be used against him and his. Ann's desire to preclude the use of certain effective names and tactics against Obama and Hillary! stems from a like impulse.
And while Ford was an enthusiastic anti-Semite, he did come late to an understanding of his error and repent. So, there's that. Lindbergh as mentioned had plenty of company in his views, and also as noted, served his country as best able during the war.
" Lindbergh as mentioned had plenty of company in his views, and also as noted, served his country as best able during the war."
I've read a bit about Lindbergh and his "fascism" was mostly despair that the democracies could survive when so many, including many in Roosevelt's "Brain Trust" believed that dictatorship was the wave of the future.
Read some of the literature of the time, including descriptions of The Reconstruction Finance Corporation which was a fascist outfit if I have ever seen one.
Had Mussolini not gotten involved with Hitler, he might still be a hero to the left. He was a more intellectual Socialist than Hitler who had a lot of Teutonic mysticism in him.
Doubt the Ford-Werke plant was located in Detroit, so I'm pretty sure that what Henry Ford did or didn't want didn't mean shit to the Nazis.
In any event, it's The Nation. It's comedy.
"If Henry Ford helped Hitler a single day after neutrality with Germany was ended and war was declared, he should have been hanged."
Why? Maybe Ford was just thinking things like "it's a global economy" or "freedom" or "my only responsibility is to make money."
Maybe he was a pioneer of the attitude towards the US and its people embedded throughout corporate culture today.
So, just to wrap up the days events, Garage Mahal is a Fascist!!! and Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh are kindly old patriots who weren't in possession of all the information.
Glad we cleared that up.
Gahrie said...
Get a copy of Illiberal Fascism. (I lent mine out to a Liberal, and surprise, surprise..never got it back)
Probably died laughing.
ARM, I'd be curious to read your case that conservatives are fascists.
ARM, You do know that people can read the thread for themselves?
Original Mike said...
ARM, I'd be curious to read your case that conservatives are fascists.
Have I ever suggested this? Although, now that we have established that Garage is a Fascist!!!, I'm not sure who can be reasonably excluded, expect, of course, Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh.
All you fucks settle down.
I've scene seen no evidence to make your dimness wonder yet.
They got it going on; trust 'em.
See, when they are losing they turn to babble and ridicule. When they think they are winning they talk sense, as they see it. Of course the mockery is never, never absent.
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