May 11, 2015

At the Gaylord Café...



... write about anything you like.

I accidentally had the camera on some crazy setting as we walked around our favorite state park, Governor Nelson. We were sober, but the camera was tripping.


LilyBart said...

Ok, this seems a delicious topic:

“Ottawa considering hate charges against those who boycott Israel”

The Harper government is signalling its intention to use hate crime laws against Canadian advocacy groups that encourage boycotts of Israel.

Scott said...

Can you believe it -- snow in South Dakota?

Hagar said...

If so, then Canada also need to enforce "hate crime" laws against those who advocate boycotting Saudi Arabia, etc., etc.

This is only going to result in a tangled web of ridiculous charges and counter-charges that will cause the citizens to further lose respect for their government.

Hagar said...

I have not really been following it, but I think for most of the things Michelle O. is complaining about, it, or something like it, has been said or done to me a time or two during a long life.

I think maybe the former Michelle Robinson should go undercover into the really poor sections of South Chicago or St. Louis to get a better grip on things worth complaining about.

MayBee said...

I have not really been following it, but I think for most of the things Michelle O. is complaining about, it, or something like it, has been said or done to me a time or two during a long life.

Yeah, Hagar. I think the SJWs operate under the assumption that other people in other groups never have an unkind word said against them, never run into assholes, never have roadblocks, never have reason to be unhappy. They've bought their own "white privilege" garbage.

We should have an even where the SJWs have to sit down and tell a white person their grievances, and the white person can tell them, "yeah, the same thing happened to me"

The whining of the First Lady is especially unbecoming. Such a nice life, and now being given an amazing life on the taxpayer's dime.

trumpintroublenow said...

Professor --Any morels at the Farmers Market this week? What are they charging?

Have not found any in MN yet.

The rule of Lemnity said...

George Zimmerman juror...

"Your honor I want to change my not guilty vote to guilty"

harrogate said...

What IS the deal with Zimmerman? You don't get into this many altercations and violent situations if you're not looking for them.

Hagar said...

He needs to get out of Florida and as far away as he can, but I think he has a court order against him to not leave the state due to pending charges or something.
His life is shit, and he can't handle it.

Ann Althouse said...

"Professor --Any morels at the Farmers Market this week? What are they charging?"

We didn't see them, but we arrived late.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

"Professor --Any morels at the Farmers Market this week? What are they charging?"

We didn't see them, but we arrived late.

And the morels that they worship will be gone...

Barry Dauphin said...

Both pictures are nice, but the lower one's contrast between sky and grass is a real keeper.

Meade said...

"We were sober, but the camera was tripping"

The piano has been drinking.
My necktie is asleep.
And the combo went back to New York.
The jukebox has to take a leak.
And the carpet needs a haircut.
And the spotlight looks like a prison break.
The telephone's out of cigarettes,
And the balcony is on the make.
And the piano has been drinking.
Not me.

MadisonMan said...

I haven't seen any morels in my facebook feed. They usually show up.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Prof. Althouse -

I've been reading some law, learning about "Protected Classes," and have a couple of questions.

1. Assume that as an Employer I make hiring decisions based only on estimate of prospect's ability to perform the job, continue to evaluate those hired only on that basis, and am blind to any other factors.

Indeed, while membership in some Protected Classes is obvious (prospect shows up in a wheel-chair, or with a dog guide), some are not (sexual orientation, sexual preference, religion).

Recognising the cost to the business of defending against claims of discrimination, I desire to proactively avoid such. May I legally ask on employment applications: "Do you consider yourself to be a member of any of these Protected Classes: .....?" Without asking, how am I to know, and thus be able to avoid baseless claims?

2. Suppose I am an Indian-American, a practicing Hindu, and owner of a convenience store. As I understand the concept of "Protected Classes," a Pakistani-American, a practicing Moslem, would have standing to sue if he/she believed I had denied him/her patronage on grounds of his/her religion.

If I observe the Pakistani-American to exit a nearby convenience store having purchase one item only, and that at twice the price at which I offer the same item in my store, do I have standing to sue him/her under a claim of descriminating against me on the basis of religion? If not, why not?

Thanking you in advance,
- Hammond

Hagar said...

A curious thing about our "radicalized extremists" committing crimes in the name of Islam here and abroad, seem to be that they are either very young and ignorant, or they have an extensive "rap sheet" of conventional crimes committed in their earlier lives.
A good many of their crimes in fact look like attempted or successful "suicide by cop."

How come no MSM pundits I have seen have commented on this before?

cold pizza said...

My guitar gently weeps for your tripping camera. -CP

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Is it true that the new Saudi King isn't going to President Obama's golf meeting?

Hagar said...

Hardly any heads of state from the Arab nations; just princes or foreign secretaries are coming.

Hagar said...

It's a giant "What do you mean 'we' white man?"

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Understandable. I always thought it was a rather silly game. Challenging, no doubt, but silly nonetheless. Much prefer target shooting.

Fritz said...

Nice stand of mayapple.

cf said...

". . . Write whatever you want. "

I cannot, I cannot. The cruel years of shunning and spewing have trained me well how to sideways my truth.

And so now what can seep out is way too steeped in caution, wariness. And a sense I will only cause trouble for myself and not do any good.

No easy truths now anyways.

Hagar said...

CBS News tonight: "George Zimmermann, who shot an unarmed black teenager who had been walking in his neighborhood, ...."

They don't give up, do they.

Meade said...

About 2 weeks ago, that prairie looked like this.

Meade said...

...the camera was burnt out so I suppose it decided, yesterday, to trip its balls off.