April 17, 2015

"There was the story about a man bringing a gun to an Easter church service – which went off when it got caught on his pants."

"Then we had a guy accidentally shooting his mother-in-law through the wall of her trailer when his target was actually an armadillo ('That bullet couldn’t have taken a more American journey if it had punctured a Kraft single, ricocheted off a Nascar trophy and got lodged in a painting of Elvis and Jesus holding hands at a rodeo,' observed Williams). But neither of these news stories could even come close to the report that succeeded in taking home the 2015 'Mercun Award crown..."

From a WSJ report on "The Daily Show"'s  awards based on the "popular social-media meme #Murica." The WSJ's link on the hashtag goes not to Twitter but to the Urban Dictionary, which defines the term in an openly bigoted manner: "The way un-educated Americans (generally rednecks, hicks, republicans, or very patriotic people) say America" and "The term 'murica' is the way how many people with extremely thick, American accents, pronounce 'America'. The term is used to denote extreme, extreme nationalism and patriotism, but not necessarily facism. It is generally seen as a derogatory yet humorous way to describe most Americans: fat, lazy, gunwielding, war loving, horse riding, saloon fighting, beer drinking, sex wanting or etc."


rhhardin said...

It's another that's not funny moment so typical of females.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

It is generally seen as a derogatory yet humorous way to describe most Americans: fat, lazy, gunwielding, war loving, horse riding, saloon fighting, beer drinking, sex wanting or etc.

Hey! I'm neither fat nor lazy.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The easiest, most accurate method of determining rank in a power structure is to see who is allowed to insult whom.

Anonymous said...

There are the right kinds of people to make fun of, and the wrong kinds of people to make fun of.

The point is, you can make fun of some people.

traditionalguy said...

But where is the negative in that definition. Amuricans are suddenly the good people when we need someone who is willing to actually fight on our side.

Amuricans still sing the National Anthem and we know the words that describe us so well. We are not ashamed of our power to resist evil. Who is?

mccullough said...

The lawsuit seems frivolous. Making fun of someone who prays before meals is mean. So is picking on a private citizen.

It's easy to make fun of stereotypes when you don't know any of the type of people you are mocking.

A lot of people own guns and eat at chain restaurants and live in smaller populated areas. Many of these people join the military, unlike Jon Stewart and his cohorts.

Ann Althouse said...

Punching down.

Etienne said...

Ah the daily show. Nope, never seen it. I used to read the wsj but only because it was free at the library. They closed that down in 93.

Off to shoot me a mess of tree rats for supper.

Farmer said...

I've never heard anybody say this except lefties, when they're making fun of people who they think talk this way.

Unknown said...

You know, I don't know that it's really smart to make fun of the people with all the guns (and military training of effective use of them) because at some point people get tired of it and hit back at the bullies.

Farmer said...

Not making fun of them to their faces, of course. That might get their ass kicked.

Earnest Prole said...

According to Bush, it's "Merkin" -- and he would know ;)

MadisonMan said...

Can I just say that "bringing a gun to Easter Services" should be "taking a gun to Easter Service"

Mark said...

Latte-sippin' lick-bottoms, all of them.

Bruce Hayden said...

It is interesting to me how tribal this has all become. It is an attempt for the Blue Team to put down the Red Team, little different from what we did at football games in high school.

I think that we are seeing this more and more, and possibly blame Obama and the Dems for it. Team Red joins the military, fights for the country, says the Pledge of Allegiance, etc., and more and more owns guns. The leaders of Team Blue try to get their minions to look down on these attributes of Red Team. And Red Team ignores their social betters more and more, happy to go armed when they don't need to be, to celebrate that they can be so armed, instead of living in much of Blue America, where you can't be armed, even when you should be.

Henry said...

What exactly is an "extremely thick American accent"?

Brian said...

"The term 'murica' is the way how many people with extremely thick, American accents, pronounce 'America'."

False and stupid. Let us try again:

"The term 'murica' is the way cosmopolitan leftist assholes pronounce 'America' when they want to insult the patriotism of an entirely fictional people that they imagine living in some other part of the United States."

Here in darkest Mississippi, no one pronounces "America" that way except as a self-effacing joke playing on the sensibilities of the aforementioned cosmopolitan leftist assholes.

Todd said...

T Rellis said... [hush]​[hide comment]
You know, I don't know that it's really smart to make fun of the people with all the guns (and military training of effective use of them) because at some point people get tired of it and hit back at the bullies.

4/17/15, 11:37 AM

A big part of that is the way they heroically attach Jews, Christians, the military, Republicans, etc. They attach those that they KNOW won't hit back. You don't see them going after Islam (that could cost you your head). It is easy to offend (deserved or not) when there is no cost to pay. It is a different matter entirely to actually get in the face of someone that has a history of hitting back.

Kevin said...

This must be more of the legendary "tolerance", "inclusiveness" and "love of diversity" the Liberal Left is so famous for...

They detest ordinary Americans in fly-over land.

They will, however, gladly take our money...

Sebastian said...

"Punching down."

By people who otherwise claim to stand up for the downtrodden.

Insults are a form of (attempted) social control. That's what it's all about for Progs. Always has been, always will be.

Brian said...

For the record, I consider my Miss'ssippi hill country drawl to be one type of "extremely thick American accent". The distinctiveness has its uses. For instance, on any con-call I'm typically the only one who doesn't have to start every sentence with "This is..."

Etienne said...

Henry said...What exactly is an "extremely thick American accent"?

Anything north-east of Manhattan.

Thorley Winston said...

A big part of that is the way they heroically attach Jews, Christians, the military, Republicans, etc. They attach those that they KNOW won't hit back. You don't see them going after Islam (that could cost you your head). It is easy to offend (deserved or not) when there is no cost to pay. It is a different matter entirely to actually get in the face of someone that has a history of hitting back.

It might be interesting to start a group “Muslims for ‘Murica” and see how willing the SJW crowd is to insult them.

Fernandinande said...

Daily Show? Ain't dey outa New Yawk Sitty?

I just done some readin about stuff hapnin in New Yawk, like a 11 year-old girl beat a two-year-old to death, and a mom done cut off her own kid's haid - lots more funnier nor armadillers!

tim maguire said...

Here's the true definition of "Murica":

“I was having dinner…in London…when eventually he got, as the Europeans always do, to the part about “Your country’s never been invaded.” And so I said, “Let me tell you who those bad guys are. They’re us. WE BE BAD. We’re the baddest-assed sons of bitches that ever jogged in Reeboks. We’re three-quarters grizzly bear and two-thirds car wreck and descended from a stock market crash on our mother’s side. You take your Germany, France, and Spain, roll them all together and it wouldn’t give us room to park our cars. We’re the big boys, Jack, the original, giant, economy-sized, new and improved butt kickers of all time. When we snort coke in Houston, people lose their hats in Cap d’Antibes. And we’ve got an American Express card credit limit higher than your piss-ant metric numbers go. You say our country’s never been invaded? You’re right, little buddy. Because I’d like to see the needle-dicked foreigners who’d have the guts to try. We drink napalm to get our hearts started in the morning. A rape and a mugging is our way of saying 'Cheerio.' Hell can’t hold our sock-hops.
We walk taller, talk louder, spit further, fuck longer and buy more things than you know the names of. I’d rather be a junkie in a New York City jail than king, queen, and jack of all Europeans. We eat little countries like this for breakfast and shit them out before lunch.”
― P.J. O'Rourke, Holidays in Hell: In Which Our Intrepid Reporter Travels to the World's Worst Places and Asks, "What's Funny About This"

Hagar said...

As a "furriner" born and raised, permit me to say that American power and influence has generally been a good -a very good - thing, both domestically and abroad.

SJR said...

"It is generally seen as a derogatory yet humorous way to describe most Americans: fat, lazy, gunwielding, war loving, horse riding, saloon fighting, beer drinking, sex wanting or etc."

When you say it like that, it almost sounds pejorative.

Brian said...

A slander! Jackson was a no-kidding capital-G General, the best of his generation, the Chaos Actual of the eighteen-teens. "Colonel", indeed. He'd challenge you to a duel.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What is "facism"? And we are all republicans. Don't they mean "Republicans"?

sparrow said...

Just more left wing condescension - nothing new

Clyde said...

And free-speech supporting, even for dickheads like that. God bless America.

Big Mike said...

@tim, damn right! I'd like to see the European nation that is willing to invade a country that has more guns than people!

Speaking of which, do those lefties really think it's a good idea to poke fun at "...gunwielding, war loving, ..." folks?

madAsHell said...

During the 2010 census, I marked my ethnicity as other, and then specified 'Merican.

I earned a phone call from some government scold at the Census office. I never returned the call.

I thought I was the only one. I'm glad to meet other 'Mericans!!

rcocean said...

But its not "Hate speech" However, Rednecks making fun of Big-city Gays would be "hate speech".

hstad said...

MadisonMan says, ".....Can I just say that "bringing a gun to Easter Services" should be "taking a gun to Easter Service"?

But I would have said "carrying a gun...."!

robother said...

Interesting how many of these tropes found their way into that ESPN chick's rant. When it comes to the Left, particularly the Media Left, straight white Americans (and, I suspect down deep most black Americans) need to realize it's the opposite of Sally Field's pathos: "you hate me, you really hate me."

Sigivald said...

This is why inside-waistband carry is a bad idea when done by idiots.

Rigid holster, and keep your damn hands off it.

Sigivald said...

Also, two more related things:

1) Urban Dictionary is meaningless.

2) "American accent" is even more meaningless; there's no such thing as "an American accent"; there are lots of American accents.

Fen said...

More snark from smug metrosexuals directed at flyover country.

Makes you wonder what they are so insecure about.

Fen said...

Maybe they are due for another self-esteem study promising how "enlightened and sophisticated they are compared to those rubes over there."

They get this reinforcement about every 6 months. I guess they missed a session.

Roughcoat said...

@ madAsHell "During the 2010 census, I marked my ethnicity as other, and then specified 'Merican."

I like to write that I'm "Indo-European."

Jaq said...

Minstrel shows were "lazy yet humorous" too.

I'm Full of Soup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HoodlumDoodlum said...

Manhattan autarky would be fun to watch--who do they think is responsible for growing the food they eat?

Ann Althouse said..
Punching down.

Sure, but 1. Fen's Law and 2. those rules only apply to people, and they don't consider anyone to their right to be actual people. You can Other something that's not a person, can you?

Skeptical Voter said...

Well I'm a highly educated and proud American--been a mongrel American here in North America since 1610 (yup my Virginian ancestors beat those Pilgrims to these shores).

Urban Dictionary being what it is, the writers there can take a lip lock on my posterior for all I care. The arrivistes at Urban Dictionary haven't been properly brought up.

Trashhauler said...

"The term 'murica' is the way cosmopolitan leftist assholes pronounce 'America' when they want to insult the patriotism of an entirely fictional people that they imagine living in some other part of the United States."

This. The only people I've ever heard pronounce it that way were those who were using it to insult someone or something.

the wolf said...

Let's turn that around and create awards for crime victims who failed to defend themselves because they fear guns. Then we'll point and laugh. Makes as much sense.

Todd said...

the wolf said...
Let's turn that around and create awards for crime victims who failed to defend themselves because they fear guns. Then we'll point and laugh. Makes as much sense.

4/17/15, 12:55 PM

Actually makes more sense. For example (loosely), I really, really stopped watch McGyver when in one episode he destroyed a perfectly good and functional rifle in order to use it as a hydrant wrench to hose down the bad guys instead of shooting back at them. I mean it was a working rifle for cripes sake! Pick it up and shoot back! But no, he and the writers were so anti-gun, they would rather his character turn a perfectly good tool for throwing lead into a passable wrench.

I also like the idea of posting signs on your lawn that say "This home is protected by a gun owner but the house to my right is NOT. It is a gun free zone." for when your neighbors get all holier than thou on you.

chuckR said...


chuckR said...

for the anti-'murica types


Freeman Hunt said...

In fairness, a guy who sues a restaurant because he burned himself on an audibly sizzling plate deserves a bit of ridicule.

Related and yet off topic story: A server wearing a mitt once motioned for my husband to take a plate from him. Seeing the mitt, my husband asked if the plate was hot. The server wordlessly implored him to take the plate again, repeatedly thrusting it out slightly more. "Okay." My husband slowly reached for the plate, looking the man in the eye to make sure he intended for him to take it.

He took it. "Ow!" And quickly dropped it on the table. It burned his hand. The tiny server giggled and disappeared.

It was so baldly malicious! I couldn't help it; I laughed. My husband, though he was furious, laughed too.

Matt Sablan said...

I've never heard anyone in Virginia say "Murica" non ironically.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

It is funny in an obscene sort of way to know that we have lost and that these smirks at the flyover people are shared by the flyover people themselves who are so desperate to be cool, to not be flyover. Which is deserving of a double-inside-smirk at the flyovers for thinking that was all it took.

Freeman Hunt said...

Is it really punching down?

In this case, I think it depends on where you're standing as to who looks higher up.

Chuck said...

The closest right-wing analogue to all if this is a guy who does not get nearly enough credit. And he never will, of course, because his whole raison d'être is antithetical to MSM political correctness.

I am of course speaking of Jesse Watters. On the Fox News Channel, with his "Watters' World" segments as part of The O'Reilly Factor.

SeanF said...

Sigivald: This is why inside-waistband carry is a bad idea when done by idiots.

Rigid holster, and keep your damn hands off it.

"IWB" and "rigid holster" aren't mutually exclusive, you know. I'm carrying right now in one of these.

MadisonMan said...

It was so baldly malicious! I couldn't help it; I laughed. My husband, though he was furious, laughed too.

After you stopped laughing, I hope you asked for the Manager. There's nothing really funny about burning customers. The server should have been fired with prejudice.

Wilbur said...

@ madAsHell "During the 2010 census, I marked my ethnicity as other, and then specified 'Merican."

I wrote on our census form for my and Mrs. Wilbur's ethnicity as "None of your damn business".

No call ensued, no knock on the door. I figure they just defaulted us as "white" or some such designation.

When The Stooges were census-takers, Curly would ask the man of the house "Are you married or happy?"

Lewis Wetzel said...

Todd Wrote:
"I really, really stopped watch McGyver when in one episode he destroyed a perfectly good and functional rifle in order to use it as a hydrant wrench to hose down the bad guys instead of shooting back at them"
I used to watch a cop show called The Glades. I stopped watching after a gun control episode, called "Iron Pipeline" (I think). Evil gun shop owner had sold a gun to a strawman buyer, gun was used in a shooting, earning the anger of the detective. Show ends with detective physically assaulting the gun shop owner, who had done nothing illegal. This was presented as wholly justified violence.

Anonymous said...

Nobody here is watching this season's "Survivor"? The merged tribe named themselves "Murica".

MadisonMan said...

In addition to the bringing/taking complaint, let me complain about the entire construct of that sentence. What does that which modify, per rules of Grammar?

The Easter Service went off when it got caught in the man's pants. That's a trick.

Be said...

Am a Northeasterner (from New England) who does business in the Midwest / Southwest.

Oddly enough, the only times I've heard the term 'murkin have been from folks in the SW / Midwest, and am not sure why. An assumption that I look down on them? Shame on their part of their own internalized sense of inferiority? Or is it more like Black folks calling themselves n#ggers or gays calling themselves queers / dykes / fags?

(Wouldn't be doing business in their neck of the woods or considering a move if I hated the region / culture.)

Sofa King said...

Can I just say that "bringing a gun to Easter Services" should be "taking a gun to Easter Service"

No, I'm sorry, there isn't time.

David said...

People say "Murica" in South Carolina. Usually in a self mocking way. We have to self mock. I mean, if you are from South Carolina, who can you look down upon?

(Some asshole from Massachusetts is thinking "whom?")

HoodlumDoodlum said...

OpenID madisonfella said...
Nobody here is watching this season's "Survivor"? The merged tribe named themselves "Murica".

No, they named themselves Merica, no u, no apostrophe--they blew it.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

David said...
People say "Murica" in South Carolina. Usually in a self mocking way. We have to self mock. I mean, if you are from South Carolina, who can you look down upon?


HoodlumDoodlum said...

David said...(Some asshole from Massachusetts is thinking "whom?")

The asshole would think "...down upon whom can one look?" I am not from Massachusetts.

The Godfather said...

I have a liberal friend (yes, really, some of them are quite pleasant under the right circumstances) who did white water rafting. He and a buddy would park a car on the river bank where they planned to haul out, and then drove the other car 10 miles or whatever to where they would put the raft into the water. This meant that there were two cars left unattended in the wilderness for several hours. After a couple of instances of break-ins and thefts, my friend put a "This Car Protected By Smith & Wesson" and "Proud Member of the NRA" bumper stickers on his car, and his car was left alone from then on.

Personally, I never thought the implied threat was what did it. I think the folks who live in the woods figured someone with those bumper stickers was an OK guy, and they'd leave his car alone.

The bumper stickers were a source of wonder and amazement when he parked his car in the parking garage of the Big Law firm we worked for.

The Godfather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

David: "I mean, if you are from South Carolina, who can you look down upon?"

Well, how about any state that couldn't convince Boeing and BMW to start up operations there?

Michael in ArchDen said...

Fen said...

More snark from smug metrosexuals directed at flyover country.

Makes you wonder what they are so insecure about

Obviously "'Murica-phobes"

richardsson said...

I have several books of Ragtime sheet music from 100 years ago with covers that featured "darkies,""coons" and "coloreds" doing cakewalks and other dances, happy as all get out. The music told a much different story written by mostly black men.
So, Why is this any different? Oh, these are white people. White trash but white people, so it's all right. Gee, I sure hope this makes Jon Stewart and his audience feel better about themselves. In my opinion, the only people who enjoy this stuff are schmucks who know they're schmucks.

All I have to say about HBO is that I had it free for a month back in 1996, and I let it lapse. It wasn't worth what I was paying for it.

clint said...

It's amazing how it's always the so-called tolerant folk making ethnic jokes, and the so-called bigots who are the target of them.

I do not think this word means what they think it means.

Lovernios said...

I'm from Massachusetts, hopefully not an asshole, with a thick American accent of the Boston variety.

I remember being in an airport bar chatting up some of the other patrons, when one fellow, after staring at me for some time says, "Where the hell are you from?" in a heavy American accent.

So I answered him, "Japan". Which wasn't necessarily a lie as I was just returning to the US from Tokyo. (OK, so sometimes I can be an asshole)

Bruce Hayden said...

Fascism is national socialism where the means of production remain in the hands of, and under token control of political cronies of the rulers. The cronies get rich by doing what they are told with their companies by the country's rulers. Obama and the Dems back economic policies little different from the WWII fascists, complete with rampant crony capitalism, and primarily differing on the nationalism part.

RecChief said...

eh the self appointed elite like to make fun of the people they think they are superior to.

not a new story

stlcdr said...

'Murica: a term used by regular Americans to give the American bourgeois a term to deride so that regular Americans can get on with their lives. See 'flies on shit'.

sinz52 said...

Conservatives reacted to Stewart exactly the way he knew they would: They got outraged.

You can never win by playing straight man to a comedian.

There is a lot about liberals that is funny enough to mock too.

But conservatives won't ever use humor like that. Because most of them don't have a sense of humor. (Mark Steyn is a rare exception. Jonah Goldberg to a lesser extent.)

stlcdr said...

It's a useful phrase to chuck into the conversation which can generally get elitists to just fuck off. Oh, we had a good chuckle over the beer keg.

Known Unknown said...

gunwielding, war loving, horse riding, saloon fighting, beer drinking, sex wanting

These people seem fun.

Jaq said...

But conservatives won't ever use humor like that. Because most of them don't have a sense of humor.

Actually we are not "outraged" but find his hypocrisy funny. You are deaf to how we actually react. This leads you to believe absurd things. Whatever.

Jaq said...

If you want stone cold proof that liberals "do not have a sense of humor" just have a look at this string of tweets on Gamergate.

Kathy said...

An Easter service seems like a perfectly reasonable place to carry a gun. Church services have been targeted before.

ddh said...

Anna Russell used to sing a parody of appalling upper class twits in a Gilbert and Sullivan patter song:

"Oh, it's veddy, veddy funny
When you have lots of money
To make fun of those
Who haven't gotten uny."

This song fits the spirit of the contemporary Democratic Party far better than "Happy Days Are Here Again" or "Fanfare for the Common Man."

RecChief said...

gunwielding, war loving, horse riding, saloon fighting, beer drinking, sex wanting

This sounds like my Junior Prom. Or my Graduation from Benning.

It's hard to remember.

jr565 said...

Red necks are STOOOPIDD. People like Stewart have a stick up their butt. We can have as much humor at uptight rich white people putting on airs as the red necks with tires on their lawns.

ddh said...

Of course, insulting your inferiors is a great way of flattering yourself. And isn't that what progressivism is all about?

jr565 said...

Stewart is also a Jew. Them Jews are pretty damn funny. Especially Jews who pretend they are Gentiles by changing their name. Let's have a segment called Jewica, where we make fun of the Jews in America. Especially those weird Orthodox Jews. What's up with their hair?

Mark said...

South Park has used 'murica for quite a while.

Their illegal immigration 'they took our jobs!' episode is where they are stealing his from., though they may have used it before that.

jr565 said...

also pretty funny - inner city blacks. Lets have a segment making fun of them.

CWJ said...


It has all become quite meta at this point. Parker and Stone are so dead on that when they throw something in to feed the coastal elitists they are convinced that they are "one of us."

It may very well be apocraphal, but I remember a few years ago Parker and Stone receiving an award from some left group that upon receiving it they announced "You do realize that we are Republicans."

buwaya said...

People from South Carolina can look down on Californians now.
I have been tracking state median income at PPP (purchasing power parity). South Carolina overtook California, by my measure, at least 6 years ago.

Guildofcannonballs said...

LOL how about the lives ruined?

Oh you don't get credit for caring?

Well then LOVE the system and make it care!!!

Or evil.

Guildofcannonballs said...

lol babies weren't born! LOL!

clint said...

"sinz52 said...
Because most of them don't have a sense of humor. (Mark Steyn is a rare exception. Jonah Goldberg to a lesser extent.)"

Apparently, quite a few on the left also lack a sense of humor.

Boing Boing apologizes for accidentally being funny

And, in support of the idea that conservatives with a sense of humor exist:

A.F. Branco

Guildofcannonballs said...

Okay this is just funny: lonely lady with no skills kills her baby!!!


Such good laughs, ha ha ha.

Titus said...

Please like redneck pube politicans don't do this all the time-latte sipping, volvo driving liberal mass and san francisco democrats.

this was from a liberal jewish comedian living in NYC.

Has a democratic politician ever said redneck Jackson or dump toothless person from Mobile.

It works both ways rednecks.

And btw we only want locally grown food-not something shipped up from some hellhole farm in South Carolina.

food to table is our mantra-and the food needs to be a few hours away from a small local farm that is free range.


n.n said...

Civility bullshit. Good times.

Drago said...

Titus: "food to table is our mantra-and the food needs to be a few hours away from a small local farm that is free range"


When Titus is praising the science chops of Lena Dunham and pretending he is something more than just an HR "cost center", he is neglecting the reality of Boston's geo location and the fact that it sometimes gets a tad cold there during that season commonly known as "winter" making locally grown produce throughout the year "problematic".

It's science.

mishu said...

Whenever the topic of east coast douche baggery comes up, I think of this scene from the Aviator. Here, a Texan puts a group of ECDB's in their place.

Michael said...


Hilarious!! You would starve in that frozen shithole if you ate only locally grown. You can take the hick out of Wisconsin but you can't take the Wisconsin out of the hick. V.P.hick that is. Ha. Living large on the VP pay.

On locally grown.

There isn't a bud on a tree yet there tonto.

Anonymous said...

The man who sued Applebee's is named Hiram Jimenez and lives in NJ. Chance of a hispanic in NJ being a Democrat are pretty good. Was Stewart being racist in this segment???

LA_Bob said...

sinz52 said, "Conservatives reacted to Stewart exactly the way he knew they would: They got outraged.

You can never win by playing straight man to a comedian."

As far I know, George Will has never been on the Jon Stewart show. But, I imagine if he were, he would take Stewart down with such patient loving care that Stewart and his audience would never really know how badly he'd been had. Will took down Maher once on This Week, although the velvet glove was not in evidence. It was embarrassing for Maher.

I really think a good, smart straight man who really knows stuff can stick it to a comedian who only thinks he does.

CWJ said...

Titus said -

"Please like redneck pube politicans don't do this all the time-latte sipping, volvo driving liberal mass and san francisco democrats."

Oh dear! That left a mark? Really?

You ARE a special snowflake.

Kirk Parker said...


I think maybe sigvald is confusing IWB with "Mexican Carry".

Kirk Parker said...


"food to table is our mantra-and the food needs to be a few hours away from a small local farm that is free range"

Then enjoy your annual winter scurvey, Masshole!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Bob wrote:
"I really think a good, smart straight man who really knows stuff can stick it to a comedian who only thinks he does."
John Yoo did it to Stewart by simply not treating him as though Stewart had anything useful or intelligent to say. Yoo treated Stewart, in good humor, as though Stewart was a late night variety show host. Shatner did something like that to Limbaugh when he interviewed him by being uninterested in anything Limbaugh had to say -- accept Limbaugh's deafness. Shatner was really interested in Limbaugh's deafness, and Limbaugh seemed to appreciate being asked about something other than politics or talk radio.

Bob Loblaw said...

A big part of that is the way they heroically attach Jews, Christians, the military, Republicans, etc. They attach those that they KNOW won't hit back.

As Glenn Reynolds is wont to say, they're going to regret setting up this particular incentive system.

Largo said...

"As far I know, George Will has never been on the Jon Stewart show. But, I imagine if he were, he would take Stewart down with such patient loving care..."

To this I strive.

Jaq said...

a random, tedious and tone deaf comedy, a feeble recycling of every hippy commune cliche you’ve ever heard. - Review of Wanderlust

Wanderlust was a very funny movie that made fun of .. gasp.. liberals. Of course it got terrible reviews.

Etienne said...

There was a call-in talk show on PBS with George Will, and I couldn't resist, so I called in and asked the question "I would like to know, what is your favorite thesaurus?"

He looked glassy eyed under his circa 1915 pair of glasses, stared into the camera, paused to compose himself, and with disgust, not unlike seeing sausage being made, said "I don't use a thesaurus."

I could tell he really wanted to abuse me verbally (his eyes blinked five times), but he rose above it.

Rusty said...

We had this conversation before.
You just stick to being "FABULOUS!"

bbkingfish said...

If you must bring your gun to church, then please take off your pants.

Trashhauler said...

sinz52 wrote:

"There is a lot about liberals that is funny enough to mock too.

But conservatives won't ever use humor like that. Because most of them don't have a sense of humor."

Since when is mocking considered the epitome of humor, dickhead?

See what I did there?

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