April 11, 2015

"There are no abortion cakes."

A sentence written by Katha Pollitt. Context:
It’s no news that support for abortion rights is stagnant while gay rights become ever more popular.... I understand that same-sex marriage and reproductive rights are different: marriage is about love, and abortion is about freedom. There are no abortion cakes. But freedom is a bedrock American value, even when it’s for women.
Actually, there are abortion cakes. I could find them on line. Nothing I want to show you though.


Paddy O said...

Abortion as freedom is like the Confederacy argument of slavery as freedom. Freedom for some shouldn't involve denying life and freedom to another, even if it's more profitable or convenient to do so.

Both are really about definitions. What is life? What is marriage? People are a lot more likely to play around with the definition of marriage, especially as that has often been in flux in terms of meaning, commitment, etc.

The movement towards life is, however, very broad, pushing back against restrictive exploitation, violence, racism, sexism, giving everyone a chance.

That the question of when life begins is at issue, which is why it's still not a settled discussion. But it taps into the same cultural trend.

Basically, in both discussions, there's the issue of society trending towards a fullness of life rather than restriction of life.

James Pawlak said...

And the rights of the unborn as genetically unique individuals?

CWJ said...

A dearth of people on whom we can take easy revenge.

CWJ said...

I clicked through just to make sure that my knee-jerk comment wasn't completely unfair. And in doing so I encountered one of my pet peeves. Why is it that the headshots of so many angry writers who might fry me in oil if they got the chance are so smiling?

There are no "happy warriors" among the aggrieved. So why are they all grinning like some chamber of commerce tri-fold.

Etienne said...

Bah, I just find it funny that a lawyer would even descend to the level of suing someone because they refused to sell a cake.

But then also find it sad, that a judge would set a trial date...

Personally, I'd squeeze the cake icing all over their genitals if they paid me well for it.

Jason said...

"Abortion is about freedom."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

You know what they say: You can't abort your baby and have it, too.

Jason said...

"0 Comments on this article"

"Comments for this article are now closed."

Gotta love liberals and their commitment to dialogue.

Anonymous said...

Same-sex weddings should be safe, legal, and rare.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

The proplem with gay marriage is theabuse of the legal system and the rule of law to achieve it via judicial fiat. Oh, that's right, that the same thing that's wrong with abortion, other than the dead baby.
Dead babies, if only they could be shot by cops instead of killed by doctors, the lefties would have the perfect system for their values.

TomHynes said...

Pleae buy your Abortion Cakes using the Amazon search button.

The Godfather said...

I knew that gay rights were on the ascendant when the focus shifted from AIDS to marriage. Life is more appealing (to sane people) than death.

Birth control is (ironically) about life, because sex is about life. Abortion advocates have succeeded in lumping abortion in with birth control. But only the most fanatical fringe celebrates abortion. The acceptability of abortion will change. I only hope the change results from a general embrace of life. And not from the empowerment of liberals' favorite oppressed minority: radical Islam.

fivewheels said...

"even when it’s for women."

Whoo, that's one hell of a chip on your shoulder there. It's absolutely Marcotte-ian. You go on and believe that women in this country aren't free, and that half of America believes women shouldn't have legal rights. I know those lies make you feel good about yourself.

Keep in mind, this is the woman whose young daughter wanted an American flag after 9/11, and she refused because the stars and stripes are just a symbol of hatred and genocide.

fivewheels said...
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fivewheels said...

Also, I love Cake Wrecks.

(link fixed, I hope.)

Ann Althouse said...


That's one I too found in my search. It's very funny, though not an abortion cake. It's celebrating a pregnancy.

fivewheels said...

I know, but the baker can market it as a dual-purpose item.

YoungHegelian said...

Identity politics leads to the "Victimization Sweepstakes".

Man! Who could have seen that comin'?

Laslo Spatula said...
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Fen said...

So when do men and babies get these "reproductive rights" ?

n.n said...

Abortion is about freedom. Human life selectively excluded. Please read terms and conditions before capriciously terminating human evolution. Resurrection cannot be honored after an abortion rite is followed without divine intervention. The blood, clumps of cells, body parts, and residuals will be recycled by the abortion industry following established practices of leading human rights organizations. The State-established Cult and its leaders are not liable for any human rights prosecutions today or in the future.

n.n said...

Transsexual marriage is about pro-choice or selective exclusion. In principle, transsexual marriage and elective abortion are both policies underwritten by the religious fundamentalism of the State-established Cult.

Saint Croix said...

It's kind of bizarre to lump abortion with gay marriage. You really have to work to tie those two issues together. And yet journalists do it all the time. It's a tip-off that journalists don't do a lot of deep thinking about these subjects.

Nonetheless, I really like this sentence. There are no abortion cakes

The comparison that leaps to my mind is birthday cake, not gay wedding cake. If you're actually thinking about choice, what's the other choice? Giving birth to a baby.

We celebrate birthdays. We don't celebrate abortion anniversaries. Birthdays are happy and fun. Abortion anniversaries are not.

If Katha Pollitt wasn't so rigid in her ideology, maybe that analogy would have occurred to her.

She's not thinking about women, actual women, at all. She's not thinking about happy birthdays, or unhappy abortions. Her analysis is ideological. She's comparing political campaigns. She's comparing the gay rights campaign with the abortion rights campaign. And so, what could be an interesting comment, "there are no abortion cakes," simply dies a glib death.

etbass said...

If ultrasounds, aborted babies, and the real facts about abortion were shown on national TV for just one month, it would be the end of abortion in this country.

Carl said...

Goodness, there's no love in the gay-rights movement. It's all about hating -- or at least being angry with -- the people who don't think about it the way you do, and if possible ostracizing them and constraining their words and actions by legal force.

One can argue about whether the crusade is worthy, of course. The Civil War involved a lot of shooting and killing, but was arguably worth it.

But to argue this crusade is about "love" is to argue that subpoenas, angry shouts, name-calling, public humiliation, and the ruin of businesses or reputations are acts of love. You'd have to be some kind of fruitcake or lawyer to be able to swallow that Alice-in-Wonderland logic.

Orwell was on to something, I guess, when he named his department of state terror the Ministry of Love.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Kurt Cobain is as abortion cake as you will ever get.

Take it or leave it.

rcocean said...

I find abortion disgusting but I'm "pro-choice". But damn the Left just can't leave it alone can they? They have to rub our faces in it, and celebrate the unspeakable. And push for crap that most people DON'T support - like late term abortions.

rcocean said...

Carl - a lot of people on the Left are filled with hate and they know they can express it, without much blowback, if they find the right target and say the "approved" words.

Fernandinande said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
You know what they say: You can't abort your baby and have it, too.

Sure you can; you put it a witch's cake:

Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Silver'd in the moon's eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips,
Finger of partial-birth babe
Make the cake thick and slab:

Renee said...


Abby Johnson (former abortion worker) asks anyone who is pro choice to consider what abortion workers have to see during/after an abortion.

Her nonprofit is pretty amazing getting abortion workers out of the industry.

David said...

I do not plan to search for abortion cakes. Thanks Althouse for doing the jobs that other Americans don't want to do.

Katrina said...

Blogger Carl said...
Goodness, there's no love in the gay-rights movement. It's all about hating -- or at least being angry with -- the people who don't think about it the way you do, and if possible ostracizing them and constraining their words and actions by legal force.

I'm beginning to see that that is the truth of it. It has nothing to do with love.

wildswan said...

I still wonder if feminists would bake a cake for a couple celebrating aborting a baby for being a girl.

Women are free? Girls by the millions in China and India and even here have been aborted for being female. Do you hear American feminists objecting?

Free? Most feminist leaders these days are too cowardly, too conformist, too neurotic and too hysterical to be free. They don't even know the real meaning of the word.

Anonymous said...

No miscarriage cake either. Almost like abortion is a profoundly sad choice often made from fear, lack of love, lack of resources, and lack of commitment. No abortion reveal parties or abortion showers.

I am not Laslo, but if I were I would incorporate eating the placenta into my comment.

rcommal said...

marriage is about love, and abortion is about freedom

Quite the stew, those two clauses: let 'em marinate, those two, say I.

Trashhauler said...

So much for the argument that really all anyone wants is for abortion to be legal, safe, and rare. It always was bullshit.

Well, one thing. Hallmark still hasn't gotten around to making those "Happy Abortion!" cards.

Jason said...

Haven't you heard? Abortion is a sacrament.


Mick said...

No, abortion is not about "freedom" or "rights". It is about murdering unborn inconveniences.

Mick said...

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Abortion is Liberty.

The Marxists love to change the meaning of words.

"Global warming" is "Climate change"

Like "born a citizen" is "natural born Citizen."

All the same play.

Saint Croix said...

I find abortion disgusting but I'm "pro-choice."

The problem with defining abortion as a choice or a liberty or a freedom is all the dishonesty that is required. You can't show abortion, for instance. You have to censor abortion photographs, violating your own libertarian instincts. You can't talk about abortion. 57 million abortions since 1973. And we have to repress our history, deny it, never speak of it. We're making our children disappear, rewriting our history like the Marxists used to do. We are denying that these pregnancies ever happened. There is no baby, there never was a baby. There is no pregnancy, there never was a pregnancy. And of course the violence has to be hidden.

Consider forced abortions, just for a minute. This is when a man assaults a pregnant woman on the street, in the ninth month, attacking her and killing her baby. Women would tell this horrific stories. And so Congress passed a law, recognizing this violence, this murder, to be what it is. The law should be unanimous. It was not.

Did these women have a choice? If choice and women's autonomy is our #1 priority, defining this horrific violence as a murder is a no-brainer. But defending a woman's freedom is not our #1 priority. The foundation of Roe v. Wade is the denial of humanity. The unborn is not a baby and cannot be recognized as a baby. That lie comes first. And the freedom to have an abortion is based on that lie. So a woman whose autonomy is violated in rape-like fashion, whose baby is brutally murdered? They don't give a damn for her, or her loss. They don't see it. They can't see it, they're too busy denying the reality of it.

Scott said...

If a poll were taken asking women if they favored the right to eat their children after birth, I bet we'd get at least a few percent in the affirmative.

MayBee said...

"Is abortion freedom?" would be a good question for Democratic candidates.

Paco Wové said...

"eat their children after birth"

cf. the famous Goya paintng, Katha Pollit Devouring Her Son.

Bad Lieutenant said...

why eat the children? Did they leave their abortion cake out in the rain?

Big Mike said...

Well, there's this one.

[Warning, graphic and more than a bit disgusting.]

jimbino said...
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jimbino said...

Saint Croix says:

You have to censor abortion photographs, violating your own libertarian instincts.

We also suffer censorship of childbirh, female and male genital mutilations and burn-victim surgery. The mutilations, of course, performed on non-consenting atheist children, are worthy of banning.

Quaestor said...

Althouse doesn't want to show us an abortion cake because it's in bad taste, I suppose.

Bad taste. An abortion cake or a real dead baby, take your pick.

A blogger called Grimalkin has a recipe for abortion cake -- basically a molten lava cake with cherries for extra reddish goo, and little plastic babies for humor.

Grimalkin is a self-described "filthy atheist queer" from Texas who obsessively and clumsily eschews gendered pronouns, hence Grimalkin is randomly either a they or an it. Grimalkin claims to be an "artist, dammit... And a singer," which almost always means on one else would describe Grimalkin in those terms.

In nearly three years Grimalkin's abortion cake has garnered one comment, and that one consists of a single shock/horror emoticon.

I read the whole thing, which was both regrettable and illuminating. Regrettable as in that classic Alka-Seltzer commercial. I can't believe I read the whole thing. (You read it, Quaestor). Illuminating in its overt passive-aggressive defiance of guilt, or even a grudging admission that babies if given half a chance occasionally grow into filthy atheists queer artists, dammit. And singers. That defiant tone struck me as odd since guilt is the the one ingredient any potential baker of an abortion cake must have just to begin the project.

It occurred to me that Nazis and Muslims might like abortion cakes, too. With little plastic Jew-babies but less guilt.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Breaking News: Katha Pollitt 100% wrong both factually and in her attempted use of those facts.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Dear jimbino,

The whole America with a k shtick is tiresome enough, especially when out of the other side of your mouth you are coming it the intellectual and grammar Nazi, but I'm glad that you've settled out of this country where you can have all the foreign rent boys, thalidomide and laetrile you want.

Mess with my ability to have my son circumcised, & I will kill you. That's a contract. You can get all the smegma you want in Rio. Leave it alone.

If you were a decent human being, you wouldn't confound the issue of FGM with the satisfaction of your bestial lusts. But you're not a decent human being, so I'll warn you just the one time.

The drama is unnecessary as of course you will never act or have the opportunity to act. But it may be marginally worthwhile to bring to your attention to the fact that there are forces in the universe besides your own whims.

rcommal said...

Apparently, Jimbo has been casting his net wider, ye for so long, that he's managed a following.

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