March 27, 2015

"You are on notice that we will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism."

Said email received by NYT reporter Amy Chozick from a group called "Hillary Clinton Super Volunteers," reported at Reason, which says that the problem is that "many if not most" of the words the group says it's looking out for "have been used to describe non-Clinton candidates — some of them men — as well."

Well, of course! How else could it be code? You've got to have your deniability. You can't get off the hook that easily.

You know, I too am watching, reading, listening for the sexism in seemingly sex-neutral language, and I have been doing that for a lot longer than the 11 years of this blog. For example, women are called "strident." It's like calling black people "shiftless" or "uppity." Well, white people can be "shiftless" and "uppity" too. Yeah, but we at least know that saying "shiftless" or "uppity" about a black person is coded racism. It might get more sophisticated and questionable beyond that. Is it coded racism to call a black person "articulate" or "eloquent"? You might want to argue about that, but straight out denial is lame and shallow.

Similarly, in talking about women, there is language that those who care about the equality of women should notice. And the Hillary Clinton Super Volunteers have listed some words:

Now, obviously, these are people pushing Hillary's candidacy, and they're trying to intimidate and manipulate the media. The media can't let this cow them. Mustn't criticize Hillary. We might get called sexist for any criticism we make. That would be incredibly lame, and in fact, I think that if a female President can command that kind of privilege over speech, we'd better not have a female President. I don't want a politician that we're not free to kick around. That's dangerous!

But that's no reason to abandon the project watching for coded sexism in language. That's the reason to look not only for sexism — and racism — but for political interest. We shouldn't take statements at face value. That would be naive. There's a lot going on in language, and we ought to take a closer look at everything... including what Hillary and her people say about other women... words like "narcissistic" and "loony toon."


rehajm said...


David said...

How about , , ,


and finally . . .


pfennig said...

"The media can let this cow them." Careful!

Tank said...

Amy Chozick ✔ @amychozick
2/2 Sexist words, they say, include "polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident..."

I would say that all of those words apply to the current OCCUPANT, except inevitable.

Can we call Hillary a lying POS? Not sexist !!!

campy said...

Who will be watching the Hillary! campaign for signs of misandrist bigotry?

tim maguire said...

If everything is acceptable in the quest for power, than you will get everything. If there were serious pushback against this effort to undermine the language and civil discourse for the short-term benefit of one selfish person, then it would stop.

tim maguire said...

campy said...
Who will be watching the Hillary! campaign for signs of misandrist bigotry?

Nobody who matters.

PB said...

paraphrasing Iowahawk democrats use 1 word to describe 10 things, 10 words to describe 1 thing, and they do both simultaneously. This allows them to call you racist, sexist, etc. for the things they do.

Ann Althouse said...



Ann Althouse said...

that was supposed to be "can't"


Big Mike said...

Well, white people can be "shiftless" and "uppity" too

Especially uppity white Hispanics like Ted Cruz.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

If you supervise any females (regardless if you the supervisor are male or female) for annual employee ratings, best to leave it blank.

Bryan C said...

Hillary is a cold, shrieking, self-obsessed, opportunistic harpy prone to fits of hysterical paranoia who would have never risen beyond a career as a crooked DC lawyer without the political success of her cheating, lying husband.

It's true. And if every criticism is going to be interpreted like that, then, well, we might as well enjoy the benefits of actually saying it.

Big Mike said...

The banned "sexist" words include "polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident..."

Strange that those words are thought to be gender-specific. Certainly I can think of a highly polarizing sitting President, who has not hitherto been thought of as female.

But thankfully words like "worthless piece of sh*t" are not on the list so I can go on using them.

Drago said...

Althouse: "The media can let this cow them."

Does it count as being "cowed" if the media simply volunteers to do what Hillary and her minions want and, let's face it, never had any intention to do otherwise?

Bob Boyd said...

Help Hillary! by adding words to the following list.

Code Words The Super Vols Forgot


kcom said...


Let's name some Republican-targeted coded words that no one ever seems to have a problem with:


The reason I bring this up is an article I just read in Comcast's monthly magazine. It was talking about the "Killing Jesus" movie that they're making based on Bill O'Reilly's co-written book. About three times in the course of the article they felt like they had to include the disclaimer that "no matter what you think of Bill O'Reilly" etc. etc. you have to see this movie. When have they ever done that for a Democrat ever? When was the last time they said something like that for a Jane Fonda movie? When do they ever say that when a Sean Penn movie comes out? "No matter how you feel about Sean Penn..." you should go watch this movie.

And, of course, Democrats are never "left wing" and they are never controversial or polarizing. Even when whatever they are pushing has week under 50% public support.

So excuse me but I think this is a big snore fest. Hillary needs to hike up her britches and get on with it.

(See what I did there? Or did I?)

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, the gender-specificity of "strident" is something I had never consciously realized before now. Trouble is, when I think of cases where the word "strident" came to mind, I have a lot of difficulty imagining a man acting the same way. So I don't think it's the word, I think it's the activity.

On the other hand, the word "bitchy" seems stereotypically sexist, but I've seen numerous men act in a way that can only be called bitchy. Your thoughts?

Chris N said...

Lots of people confuse cowpies for bullshit.

ThreeSheets said...

They left out cankles and pant suit!

Mark O said...

There is no objective political speech. It is all intended to persuade and that includes disparaging the opponent, however gently.

Charlie Currie said...

" I don't want a politician that we're not free to kick around. That's dangerous!"

That's exactly what we have now in BHO.

Mark O said...

To be sure, however, none of the words I use to describe bar-failing Hillary are on that list.

Can't we do better than this relic?

Nonapod said...

Given her (and Bill's) history, "Grifter" and "Grafter" come to mind.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I can't search for a link right now, but I remember an SNL skit of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin doing a public service announcement about sexism. They each gave examples: Palin's were things such as babe and MILF, Clinton's were like harpy and shrew.

One of the funnier of the Palin related skits.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Kind of funny how "Bossy" is traditional name for a cow.

Charlie Currie said...

" I don't want a politician that we're not free to kick around. That's dangerous!"

Well, that leaves you with white (especially southern) male republican as your only choice.

kcom said...

Charlie Currie scores!

JackOfVA said...

A variant of "shiftless" that my parents - who grew up in Appalachia in the 1920's & 30's - used was "work shy."

Sebastian said...

"For example, women are called "strident.""

Since we are tossing around generalizations, here's another: Fewer women are called strident than actually are strident.

In public discourse, Prog women are treated with kid gloves, partly due to preemptive battle space prep of the sort done by Hillary! supporters, with the usual MSM collusion.

traditionalguy said...

A Courtesan is the best description for one of Billy Jeff's women. That is a high class status in an absolute Monarchy.

Laslo Spatula said...

I, for one, will never use 'Hillary' and 'bedroom eyes' in the same sentence. Except for that one.

I am Laslo.

rhhardin said...

Shrieking feminists yelling sexism.

I recommend voice lessons to get it into a pleasant range.

MadisonMan said...

Super Volunteers. Eesh. I would say Mr. Former Male Model is being strident in this case.

Clayton Hennesey said...

If you publicly concede that any language is "coded" anything other than what it is generally regarded to mean, then you become defenseless to any charge that any language you ever use is "coded" as well.

You're ceding the field to Humpty Dumpty, who can then determine what language means to suit his ad hoc needs.

"Ann Althouse said, 'X', coded whateverism for 'Y'."

rhhardin said...

If you want to uncover code, you really need to read Empson's _The Structure of Complex Words_.

The trick is not stereotypes but combined stereotypes.

Empson is interested in propaganda and hidden doctrines, taken up from a literary criticism background.

Take stereotype broadly as any sense of a word, denotation or connotation.

You can get a performance out of the word by using two at once.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Anyone know if "insipid twat" is on the list?

Not that it'd matter to me in the least how her brownshirts feel about it.

Michael said...

Further evidence of the prescience of George Orwell! Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Engsoc.

MisterBuddwing said...

I suppose this is an example of "circular reasoning."

How do we know Hillary Clinton's opponents are being sexist? Because of their seemingly innocuous comments that are in reality coded sexism. And how do we know those seemingly innocuous comments are really coded sexism? Because Hillary's opponents are sexist. Round and round it goes.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter.

Todd said...

Laslo Spatula said...
I, for one, will never use 'Hillary' and 'bedroom eyes' in the same sentence. Except for that one.

I am Laslo.

3/27/15, 9:46 AM

Come on Laslo, don't box yourself in! Can't you see yourself diving right into a sentence like:

At that point the young, nubile intern stretched out her arms, wrapped them around Hillary and while batting her bedroom eyes said "Do you really have to go now? I'm not done yet!".

JAORE said...

It will certainly be a change of pace when any criticism of the POTUS is sexist rather than racist.


rhhardin said...

Hillary is a calculating, polarizing cunt.

ding ding. Two alarm words.

Ann Althouse said...

"That's exactly what we have now in BHO."

Yes, of course, I meant for you to see that.

There's an old post (predating the 2008 election) where I say that is a problem. If we're going to be told that we can't criticize him, that counts against electing him.

I think we need to learn how to kick non-male, non-white politicians around. I'm not making the argument that we shouldn't elect them, because they're too hard to criticize. We need to woman up and criticize them.

Jaq said...

It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter.

What's wrong with madisonfella?

Bob Boyd said...

Battleaxe is definitely sexist.

Clark said...

At what point do you separate the individual from the collective? Isn't it possible that Hillary is or could be some of these things while not all women are? How is the distinction made and what absolves the employer of certain adjectives from sexism?

Bill said...

Obviously, nothing less than panegyric will do:

I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bare. Queen of the immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and the wife of loud-thundering Zeus, —the glorious one whom all the blessed throughout high Olympus reverence and honor even as Zeus who delights in thunder.

Michael The Magnificent said...

It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter.

Left wing? Not liberal (classical), to state unequivocally in support of the right of freedom of speech "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

Shanna said...


Wait, shiftless is considered 'code' now?

I mislike this attempt to get all the interesting and appropriately descriptive words thrown out lest someone be offended. I will use whatever words I think fit a situation best thank you very much.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse: A woman president would be a headache.

rhhardin said...

Polk's closest friend was Gideon Pillow.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I think we need to learn how to kick non-male, non-white, non-Republican politicians around.


Bob Ellison said...

"Narcissistic" she's not. Obama is. Hillary doesn't seem to like herself that much. That's why she isn't "likeable". It's difficult to like someone who doesn't like herself.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
What's wrong with madisonfella?

Despite you admirable persistence in claiming madisonfella is Inga, he clearly isn't. Inga posts over on Turley's blog now. Not the same person.

Original Mike said...

Wouldn't it just be easier to grow a pair?

Curious George said...

"tim in vermont said...
It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter.

What's wrong with madisonfella?"

He's PurplePenquin, and a dude.

rhhardin said...

I think nobody knows what sexism is.

I'd say it's thinking women ought to be like men.

Once common opinion has that backwards, sexism makes no sense.

You get nonsense at higher and higher volumes, trying to make the nonsense sense.

rhhardin said...

There is no room in coded sexism for dog whistles.

mccullough said...

She's fat. Not as fat as Christie, but fat. Is fat a coded word if Christie doesn't run? She's also old compared to the last three presidents. McCain was called old. So was Reagan.

She also looks tired. Fat, old, and tired. The sexist trifecta.

Drago said...

ARM: "Despite you admirable persistence in claiming madisonfella is Inga, he clearly isn't. Inga posts over on Turley's blog now. Not the same person."

Two points.

madisonfella is certainly every bit as insistent that I am Tim in Vermont and Curious George and Fen and a few others.

Secondly, I'd have to agree that the writing style and schtick of madisonfella is very at odds with what I recall of Inga.

Drago said...

rhhardin: "I think nobody knows what sexism is."

But the lefties "know it when they see it!"

And they see it whenever a conservative/republican/libertarian et al disagree on a policy level with any lefty/liberal/democrat woman anywhere at anytime.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Blogger AReasonableMan said...
It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter"

We did. She didn't have the emotional maturity to hang. Go figure.

Jaq said...

ARM, I would love to see you find one post of mine where I have called Madisonfella Inga, you may find posts to the effect that she is not Inga, reference to one where Inga admitted to being MadisonMa'am. In fact if you cared to look, you would see that I have defended her from the charge of being a sock puppet a few times, all the while noting the irony that she accuses me of being a sock puppet constantly.

I am a fan of madisonfella, here are some of her collected quotes from this blog"

"Men with beards are just compensating for a small penis."

"If you enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, you are a drunk."

"I want a vanity plate that says 'You people are all assholes.'"

She is entertaining in a car wreck sort of way.

But you can keep going off half cocked (oops, that's the kind of think madisonfella would ay) and accuse me of stuff I have never done, that's fine, I don't expect any better of you.

chillblaine said...

Is this a joke? The twitter account HRC Super Volunteers uses an image of Hillary that evokes Communist symbolism. Besides they left out shrill, harridan and carpet-bagger.

Gabriel said...

"Code word" and "dog whistle" accusations are just argument ad hominem--you don't have to listen to an argument that uses "code words" or "dog whistles", because you know those arguments are made in bad faith by bad people.

This leads to what James Taranto calls the "synonym game", where you replace an opponents words with synonyms and then declare that they are using "code words" and "dog whistles":

it also turns out that adjectives are the equivalent of their most offensive synonyms. Thus calling Obama elitist is actually a racial slur:

"Elitist" is another word for "arrogant," which is another word for "uppity," that old calumny applied to blacks who stood up for themselves.

You can see how the Shipler method works. Did you say Obama was inexperienced? "Inexperienced" is another word for "young," and a young male is a boy. You just called Obama "boy," you racist! Here's another example:

Casting Obama as "out of touch" plays harmoniously with the traditional notion of blacks as "others" at the edge of the mainstream, separate from the whole. Despite his ability to articulate the frustration and yearning of broad segments of Americans, his "otherness" has been highlighted effectively by right-wingers who harp on his Kenyan father and spread false rumors that he's a clandestine Muslim.

Wait a minute! Did Shipler just say "articulate"? Granted, he's using it as a verb and not an adjective, but surely he knows that it is invidious to describe a black person as "articulate" because it implies that blacks are usually inarticulate.

The Obama campaign has set in motion a fascinating dynamic. On the one hand, some of his fellow Democrats, especially Bill Clinton, have been willing to attack him in expressly racial terms. On the other hand, we have someone making the case in a semi-major newspaper that adjectives are the white man's tool of oppression and that anyone who modifies Obama is a racist.

So, a Republican says "federalism", and players of the synonym game claim that's the same thing as "states' rights" and we all know what that means.

Ambrose said...

I find this whole issue hysterical.

Jaq said...

Also, Althouse's largely hands-off approach to moderation is going to drive away the female lefty commenters, as they don't like to deal with counterarguments. As one female lefty of my personal acquaintance once said to me, "I don't know a lot of facts like you do Tim, but I was just born knowing I am right."

Unknown said...

A woman president would be a headache.

-- As in, "Not now, I have a headache"?

Wouldn't it just be easier to grow a pair?

-- Not usually, but in this case...

There is no room in coded sexism for dog whistles

-- calling the woman a dog?

The Godfather said...

"polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident..." Let's grant that all these words apply to Hillary! Does Chosik maintain that these words are exclusively applied to women? Isn't Obama polarizing? Isn't Huckabee? Isn't Biden ambitious? Would no one say of George W. or Jeb Bush that he is "entitled"? Etc.

There may be some interesting issues about words that are exclusively applied to women, but none these fall into that category.

In some of the comments above there are examples of words that are mostly applied to women (these words mostly have 4 letters, or occasionally 5). I don't have to repeat them, do I?

Tank said...

Wasn't there a word, and organization, like this in East Germany?

That's what a Hillary Presidency would be like.

Jaq said...

Re Dogwhistle, then I am going to self ban once again.

Jonathon Haidt did that study I am always flogging, and he claims that Conservatives have five of what he called "emotional sliders" and Liberals have three.

He said that this is why Conservatives can recapitulate Liberal arguments effortlessly, but all attempts to get liberals to recapitulate Conservative arguments fail, ending in the liberal merely rejecting the conservative argument, and then asking a rhetorical question. "Reject first! Ask rhetorical questions later!"

I think this is why liberals focus so much on spelling and punctuation rather than conservative ideas. They simply can't understand the ideas.

I propose that the two additional sliders, dimensions to political thought that liberals cannot see, are what they call "dogwhistles."

The shortcoming can never be on the liberal's part, so these "dogwhistles" or "coded language" must be evil and eradicated until every single person thinks like a liberal.

You don't see conservative "re-education camps" in history. They are a liberal thing. That's why liberals must be kept from a strong position of power.

MadisonMan said...

I find this whole issue hysterical.

Excellent! LOL.

Peter said...

It might be sexist to point out that Hillary is ugly.

But is it sexist to say, "The one thing you can't hide is when you're ugly inside"?

Hillary is ugly in an essential, down-to-the-bone way, and profoundly unlikeable.

(Or are we supposed to keep asking ourselves, "Can I say that? What will people think if I say that (even if it's true)?")

sparrow said...

How about control freak?

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

I see your point. Criticizing President Hillary would be ...well, RAPE and Homophobia all in one.

Beorn said...

I am sure that all of these Hillary apologists were very respectful of Sarah Palin's femininity.

traditionalguy said...

As a point of order: being a Jezebel is not a sexist/gender accusation.

Skeptical Voter said...

I figure Ted Cruz is female. After all he's often described as polarizing.

Shanna said...

I find this whole issue hysterical.

Excellent! LOL.

Oh man, I almost missed that! Good job :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Todd said...

SOJO said...
Yeah, where were they during "Bros before Hoes" and "Palin is a cunt?"

3/27/15, 11:13 AM

At this point, what difference does it make?

Bay Area Guy said...

How about?

-Nurse Ratched-lookin', Harpy Hall monitor-Grandma Tracy Flick, Arkansas YaleBilly, Cattle-futures buyin', dessicated old Fuss-Budget?

Would that pass muster?

lemondog said...

rhhardin said...

Polk's closest friend was Gideon Pillow.

The always informative rhh

campy said...
Who will be watching the Hillary! campaign for signs of misandrist bigotry?

Someone has thought of a solution:

Download Sexist Language Software



wildswan said...

I don't think an honest attack on Hilary Clinton for what she is will include a lot of words that refer to feminine traits. Let's just be honest. She's a snake and we can't let ourselves be cowed by that.

JAORE said...

Someone even William Jefferson won't screw?

Not a single word off the forbidden list.

Yeah, I know. But when told what I can't say it is time to double down.

JAORE said...

OK how about this?

We should studiously avoid dog whistles because they hurt the Hildabeasts ears.

buwaya said...

I find all this prickliness about words bizarre (and THATS code for being anti-Basque, as I am in part, so stop it haters! Any any reference to sheep.)

Seriously, these arguments over words used in argument, is idiotic. Its a US-only fashion also, for the most part, except where it leaks through among the dumber followers of American intellectual fashions.

Patrick Wahl said...

Do you suppose the words - harpy, shrew, hag, harridan, nag, scold - would also be considered out of bounds?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When Hilary! eventually declares and starts campaigning she should know we will be watching and listening for her coded messages of hate and intolerance. To ensure she is not being hateful and intolerant we suggest she avoid the following words and phrases (not a complete list):

right wing
Tea Party
Citizens United
million miles
Clinton Era
First woman
Glass ceiling
Glass wall
Glass door
Glass casket
Secretary of State
Global warming
Climate change
Trust me
War on Women

Fen said...

It would be good if this blog had one, just one, left wing woman commenter.

The owner is a left-wing female.

But I would settle for just one left-wing commenter, male or female, who could intelligently defend left-wing policies.

Apparently, Garage is the best they can muster.

BarrySanders20 said...

Carpetbagger? How about carpet muncher?

Can we call her humorless? Or is that not funny.

Fen said...

Haggard. Out of touch. Elderly.

David said...


How about "Mooooody."

Richard Dolan said...

"That would be incredibly lame ... That's dangerous."

"Lame" is a favorite Althousian put-down, and shows an astonishing indifference to the rampant able-ism which characterizes contemporary American idioms.

For shame. Time for the pitchforks.

BarrySanders20 said...


Dried up.

Stagnant, stale, and boring.

These are all terms that the pro-Hill group told Bill he was no longer allowed to use.

Brando said...

How about "entitled" or "tone deaf" or "delusional if she thinks this sort of entitled crap won't backfire"?

I'm less angry at the nerve of these clowns that shocked at how stupid they must be for not thinking this makes her look far worse than any of those words would.

They really aren't "ready for Hillary" in that they aren't ready for any campaign. The warning is out to the Dems--get a new candidate. Quick!

robother said...

The whole premise of this "sexism watch" is the same as the "racism watch" of Obama's campaign: to render all criticism (particularly that which hits closest to the truth, e.g., Obama's lack of experience) out of bounds as motivated by mere racism or sexism. This has the effect of neutering the media and any opposing candidate or party who wants to be seen as moderate. It is impossible to imagine any action by Obama over the next 2 years that would result in impeachment; his identity as the First Black President makes him unaccountable. The hope is that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would be similarly immune from criticism or accountability.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tyrone Slothrop said...

Where can I get a Super Volunteers decoder ring? Are they DC or Marvel?

Todd said...

I was being facetious and specifically utilizing a famous Hillary! quote to do it. I actually think this matters a great deal but not for the reasons that Hillary! supporter do. As others have noted, this is battle space prep whereas they are hoping to poison the well of public discourse in order to silence Hillary! critics so that they and she do not have to answer valid criticisms. This is simply another version of "because, now shut up!".

Big Mike said...

As to Mrs. Clinton, don't you think she looks tired?

Susan said...

Why ever would they suppose those particular words, in the universe of all the sexist words that exist, might be the words used in regards to Hillary?

Did they grab random sexist words out of a hat?

Joe said...

In other words, all words that aptly describe Hillary Clinton are heretofore sexist.

DanTheMan said...

But I'm assuming "nuts and sluts" is OK, right?
As well as references to trailer parks and hundred dollar bills.

chickelit said...

robother said...
The whole premise of this "sexism watch" is the same as the "racism watch" of Obama's campaign: to render all criticism (particularly that which hits closest to the truth, e.g., Obama's lack of experience) out of bounds as motivated by mere racism or sexism. This has the effect of neutering the media and any opposing candidate or party who wants to be seen as moderate. It is impossible to imagine any action by Obama over the next 2 years that would result in impeachment; his identity as the First Black President makes him unaccountable. The hope is that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would be similarly immune from criticism or accountability.

That's a perfect analysis!

kzookitty said...

I tried to make sense of this, but the whole thing was loony toons to me (excepting that loony toons are well drawn and funny).

Then again, the docs have told me some of the meds they're stuffing me with might cause mental confusion, so maybe it's just that.


Todd said...

Big Mike said...
As to Mrs. Clinton, don't you think she looks tired?

3/27/15, 1:41 PM

DOCTOR: Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, because I'm a completely new man. I could bring down your Government with a single word.
HARRIET: You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that.
DOCTOR: No, you're right. Not a single word, just six.
HARRIET: I don't think so.
DOCTOR: Six words.
HARRIET: Stop it!
(The Doctor goes over to Alex and whispers in his ear.)
DOCTOR: Don't you think she looks tired?

Mark O said...

My bet is that it is a parody account by @popehat. They have the North Korean Twitter that periodically makes the MSM as the actual voice of North Korea.

Gusty Winds said...

Scheduling for President HRC would be difficult because no follow up meeting could be set for next Tuesday.

David said...

Within 12 hours of the time that Sarah Palin was announced as McCain's choice for VP, I had forwarded emails from lefty friends denouncing Palin as a "redneck." The didn't call her "slut." That was being held in reserve. Along with all the other vile stuff thrown at Palin.

Sorry. The "feminists" have no credibility with me.

Can we call Hillary a "feminist?" Does it depend on tone of voice?

American political feminism has no honor, no consistency.

lgv said...

I think Hillary is very clean and articulate.

All these descriptions should be trigger warnings for all sorts of micro-aggressions.

Big Mike said...

@Todd, you got me. I'm addicted to Dr. Who reruns.

Matt Sablan said...

Wait, polarizing, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious and entitled?

I never realized people used so many anti-woman slurs about Mitt Romney.

MadisonMan said...

I just watched Turn Left last night!

Anonymous said...

Now, obviously, these are people pushing Hillary's candidacy, and they're trying to intimidate and manipulate the media. The media can't let this cow them.

I initially read that last sentence as "[t]he media can't let this cow win".

The Godfather said...

Robother (12:45 pm) is partly correct that "it is impossible to imagine any action by Obama over the next 2 years that would result in impeachment" because "his identity as the First Black President makes him unaccountable." The reason he's unimpeachable is a guy named Joe.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Hillary! pick Joe for the number 2 spot.

Doug said...

I'm perplexed as to why they left off the following words for characterizing Hillary: shitbag, harridan, harpy, bull dyke, rug-muncher, hag, shyster, leech, parasite, hypocrite, criminal ... the list goes on.

Balfegor said...

Yes, Mrs. Clinton just doesn't know her limits. Lord Curzon and Lord Cromer warned us that female suffrage would lead to the ruin of the Empire, and look! The Empire has fallen apart!

Joking aside, I don't believe this effort to muzzle the media will work. Clinton isn't like Obama -- she's the opposite of a blank slate for voters' hopes and dreams. She's been prominent in national politics since 1992. Even if she had a huge leg up due to her husband, she's as close to a "normal" politician who happens to be female as it's possible to find at the national level in the US -- her personal positives and negatives greatly overpower any positives or negatives from being female.

Michael K said...

Hillary's friends are almost as shrill and ridiculous as she is.

damikesc said...

Sounds like a parody to me.

jr565 said...
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jr565 said...

This is nothing new with the left. A few years ago rep thugs were using racial code words like CHICAGO according to certain lefties.
If code words are so coded, why is it that the lefties are so quick to decode the code? As soon as they are uttered, or before they are uttered they know it's a code for racism/sexism.
They're like Alan Turing and sexist code words are their Enigma.
Only, there are no code words.,there are just words, and people trying to prevent people from criticizing their girl using said words.its simply an attempt to control language.
speaking of code words, trigger warnings are code words that suggest feminists are about to act like cunts.

jr565 said...

Suddenly "disingenuous" is a code word for anti feminism. Are all synonyms to disingenuous similarly anti women? Because women can only be genuine? Why are men so non sensitive thst they can be called disingenuous if they in fact are or are perceived to be?
And of course, thst word was chosen because one of the charges against Hillary is that she's a lying ass liar. You can't say that about Hillary! It's sexism.
I guess sexism's meaning has been changed to "truth"

JAORE said...

By their forbidden words yea shall know them.

Big Mike said...

@Michael K, not "shrill and ridiculous." Use the word "strident."

clint said...

I don't understand why people aren't rising to meet this challenge. I propose a contest: best tweet-length paragraph discussing the controversy while incorporating all of the "banned" words and phrases.

In an inevitably polarizing move, Clinton supporters have ambitiously made the calculating move to "ban" the insincere use of a round dozen words and phrases. Are they over-confident, or just out of touch with the era of twitter and instagram, when ordinary people feel entitled to post their every thought and feeling? Such censorship represents the past, and seems like the disingenous move of a secretive campaign that will do anything to win.

But that’s just my opinion.

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