March 12, 2015

In other words, there was a sniper aiming at the police who were overseeing a protest in Ferguson?

"Two police officers were shot here early Thursday morning as gunfire rang out in front of the police station, throwing into panic what had been a spirited — and at times tense — but largely peaceful night of protests. Demonstrators and police officers alike hit the ground when the gunshots echoed through the crisp air. Many people ran for cover. The police, clad in riot gear, dragged their wounded fellow officers to safety. Others crouched behind cars and walls, drawing their handguns or rifles as they rapidly swiveled their heads every which way to survey their surroundings.... The shots, which witnesses said they believed originated from the top of a hill about 220 yards directly across from the station, came just hours after the Ferguson police chief, Thomas Jackson, announced that he would resign, a move greeted with praise from protesters...."

UPDATE: A CNN "breaking news" email says: "St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar called last night's shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, an 'ambush,' saying the gunshots were directed at the police."


Hagar said...

Well, Mr. Holder. You broke it, you fix it.

Headless Blogger said...

Too convenient. Don't draw conclusions.

MadisonMan said...

It was built broken.

rhhardin said...

Maybe someday blacks will notice that the media are playing them for idiots.

It's good for ratings.

The police aren't the problem.

Jaq said...

Too convenient. Don't draw conclusions

It's always "The Man," isn't it?

9-11 "too convenient" for you too?

Jaq said...

Though he does have a point. The idea of one of those losers putting in the time on something besides bongs and conspiracy theories to become a good shot seems a little strange.

Amichel said...

I wonder what caliber rounds we're talking about. To hit the officers from that distance, must've been a rifle. But, to hit an officer in the face and have him live, must've been small caliber. Was it a little 22 LR round, or .223? Was the gun purchased legally? Will they even catch the guy?

Anonymous said...

Hagar said...
Well, Mr. Holder. You broke it, you fix it.

Don't leave out Governor Nixon (D)

As the ability of the authorities to further appease runs out, and the level of violence and anarchy spirals further out of control, the solution will not be pretty.

Laslo Spatula said...

Some witnesses in Dallas thought they heard gunfire etc from the direction of the Grassy Knoll. Initial reports may not be accurate reports.

I am not implying someone in Dallas fired from the Grassy Knoll and hit the Ferguson officers.

I am not implying that... yet.

I am Laslo.

Matt Sablan said...

You know, when unknown third parties begin firing on police, with civilians in the crossfire, the night can no longer be considered largely peaceful.

Matt Sablan said...

Except for that little dust up in the Pacific and Europe, 1943 was largely peaceful.

Hagar said...

The difference in Ferguson is that there are some people like Michael Brown's "step-dad" there.
Remember "Burn this bitch down!"?
This is intentional incitement to anarchy.

Simon said...


Jaq said...

I am going to shut up on this until more is known. It seems clear that none of this adds up yet.

Larry J said...

Maybe a "small s" sniper, in the sense it was someone shot at the police from a distance. A real Sniper wouldn't think much of shots from 220 yards that didn't kill the targets. Real Snipers (Army, SEALS, Marines, etc.) can put a bullet right between someone's eyes at that range. Even an Army Infantry basic rifleman can hit a human target at over 400 yards with an M-16. A Sniper can kill someone over a mile away with the right weapon.

MadisonMan said...

1789 was a largely peaceful year in Paris...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Amichel said...

...But, to hit an officer in the face and have him live, must've been small caliber.

That depends on the hit. A grazing shot from any caliber is survivable. If shot from the side there is lower-jaw area that is also not life-threatening.

Ambrose said...

"Witnesses said" the shots did not come from the protesters,and we all know how credible Ferguson witnesses are. I wonder if the shot cops had their hands up and were shouting "Don't shoot."

Ignorance is Bliss said...

tim in vermont said...

The idea of one of those losers putting in the time on something besides bongs and conspiracy theories to become a good shot seems a little strange.

How good of a shot were they? Two non-fatal hits, out of how many shots fired?

Hagar said...

It is not fun to be out in no-man's land with no one backing you.
I expect some police officers to quit, and it will be difficult to hire replacements of any color.
And the cops leaving won't be alone. I would expect a number of "short sales" as people cut their losses and just leave.

Bob Boyd said...

How much do you want to bet there will be reports the shooter used 5.56 M855?

Matt Sablan said...

"That depends on the hit. A grazing shot from any caliber is survivable. If shot from the side there is lower-jaw area that is also not life-threatening."

-- If they were wearing riot gear, they also may have head protection.

Drago said...

Compare and contrast this "mostly peaceful" sniper shooting with how the media characterized tea party rallies where the participants actually picked up after themselves.

It's Pravda all the way down.

SJ said...


the linked NYT article claims that four gunshots were heard.

And a "muzzle flash" was reputedly seen from the hillside.

I join @LarryJ in asking what gun and ammunition was used.

And in saying that sniper-quality marksmanship isn't necessary to hit a target from 220 yards away.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

220 yards is an impossibly long shot for the average Ferguson homie. Most of them couldn't hit a house at that range. Had to be an outsider. Probably Dick Cheney.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

What, no crowing about second amendment heroes?

damikesc said...

"Largely peaceful" means, in reality, NOT peaceful.

chickelit said...

For normal people, this would be the moment for the protestors to STFU and to go home. Why would any protestor want to stand up and be part of this now? If the shooter is on the protestor's side, they're part of it now; if the shooter is not part of the protest, everybody's a target.

Anonymous said...

since one of his white officers fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager seven months ago.

phrases like this in the press are not a context helpful to restoring order, but then the NYT is heavily invested in fomenting this sort of anarchy as long as it isn't in their part of NYC.

alan markus said...

@ Chicklet:

For normal people, this would be the moment for the protestors to STFU and to go home. Why would any protestor want to stand up and be part of this now?

This caught my eye at the linked article:

There were tussles between protesters who did not recognize one another, with the fault line appearing to be those who had been demonstrating for many months versus those who were new to the movement. Some took offense to the supposedly new protesters trying to tell them what to do. At one point, it devolved into fisticuffs in the street, as the police stood by watching.

Why haven't they taken cues from the Occupy movement, and made effective use of "down twinkles"?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Our glorious second amendment in action. Standing up to the jack boot of government.

TreeJoe said...

Really curious if they catch who did this...

The distance (if correct) infers a rifle, the accuracy in hitting police infers a scope, the result infers an amateur.

There are easier, more effective, and more easily hidden ways of attack. This to me sounds like a poorly planned attack by a fool or fools who will likely be caught.

Big Mike said...

Modern optics being what they are, including red dot sights and even lasers for not much money these days, one doesn't have to be much of a shot to hit targets lined up shoulder to shoulder at 200 meters.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The Cracker Emcee said...
220 yards is an impossibly long shot for the average Ferguson homie.

Yeah, but not for a John Allen Muhammad or Timoty McVeigh type. Or a Soros funded ex-terrorist.

Matt Sablan said...

"Our glorious second amendment in action"

This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment.

PackerBronco said...

The Lincoln's evening at Fords Theater was largely peaceful ...

Rusty said...

Big Mike said...
Modern optics being what they are, including red dot sights and even lasers for not much money these days, one doesn't have to be much of a shot to hit targets lined up shoulder to shoulder at 200 meters.

I beg to differ. Just because you've got the red dot on it doesn't mean that's where the bullet is going to go. Especially at 220 yards.

AReasonableMan said...
Our glorious second amendment in action. Standing up to the jack boot of government.

What do you propose?

iowan2 said...

Still waiting for the experts to apologize for their ignorant rants about the grand jury system. Seems to me the system is working. Actions indicate the residents of Furgeson are not capable of self governence

garage mahal said...

I'm an expert in history, political science, ballistics, ethnic and racial studies, and I have a keen understanding of the local terrain layout of the Ferguson area. How can I help in this thread?

TreeJoe said...


It's not like the shooter was an expert marksman based upon the results. A modern sight for an amateur could have easily helped them achieve this result.

Big Mike said...

@Rusty, well you do have to know to zero your sights. They might not know to allow for drop, but if they're shooting downhill it won't be that much of a factor. Note that they probably targeted center of mass but hit high (head and shoulder, resp.).

My guess is that it was somebody hoping to provoke a violent police response blowing away lots of protesters and leaving great carnage in the streets. Score one for the professionalism of the Ferguson police.

James Pawlak said...

Proper action would require a counter sniper, with a "night scope", a present command officer and order to "take out" any snipers.

Michael The Magnificent said...

If only we had a president willing to record a PSA calling for peace, telling the protestors that the Justice Department has investigated the death of Michael Brown and vindicated Officer Wilson, and that they should go home.

But alas, those golf balls aren't going to drive themselves.

Skipper said...

New chant: "Hands up. You're under arrest."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

garage mahal said...
I'm an expert in history, political science, ballistics, ethnic and racial studies, and I have a keen understanding of the local terrain layout of the Ferguson area. How can I help in this thread?

Keep your fucking expertise to yourself.

Drago said...

AReasonableMeltdown: "Standing up to the jack boot of government."

I think you meant to write mostly peacefully standing up, peacefully, to jack boot of government. Peacefully. Mostly.

Hagar said...

Big Mike is correct.
The bad guy(s) did not succeed this time, but that does not mean he, or they, will give up.
So, Mr. Holder; what are you going to do about it?

Gusty Winds said...

I'd imagine the shooter was trying to bait the cops into shooting back. If the person was 'outside of' and not part of the protests, then a few injured or dead protestors would have escalated things quickly.

And we'd all be stuck at Lexington and Concord wondering who shot first.

It takes a shitload of restraint to not fire back. The cops don't want to shoot people, but they do have a survival instinct like the rest of us.

Drago said...

Garage: "How can I help in this thread."

Glad you asked!

Lets start with not repeating left wing lies.

I realize that leaves you with precious little else to contribute, but you did ask.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
I'm an expert in history, political science, ballistics, ethnic and racial studies, and I have a keen understanding of the local terrain layout of the Ferguson area. How can I help in this thread?"

Always poppin' in a Ferguson post, but not a fucking peep about the Madison shooting.


Drago said...

Hagar: "So Mr. Holder, what are you going to do about it?"

Indict the wounded policemen for systemic and racist twitching in front of a mostly peaceful crowd if protstors/snipers?

Michael K said...

"I would expect a number of "short sales" as people cut their losses and just leave."

Can anyone imagine buying a house in that town ? It's 67% black according to the numbers I saw. I wonder how many own their homes ?

Drago said...

Garages silence on the shooting of a "blacky" in Madison is hardly surprising since its clear that madison is a hotbed of racism and the whites there are at fault.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Hagar said...
Big Mike is correct.
The bad guy(s) did not succeed this time, but that does not mean he, or they, will give up.
So, Mr. Holder; what are you going to do about it?

He'll urge that all sides act calmly while at the same time he'll refill his gas can to throw on the flames later.

garage mahal said...

Always poppin' in a Ferguson post, but not a fucking peep about the Madison shooting.

I'm sorry. How can I help?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why are people protesting there, anyway? They're getting everything they're unjustly asking for. If I had been a cop there, I would have shot every one of them I could.

Drago said...

I'm still waiting for garage to update us on his trip down the road to let those useless fraternity members at Omega Psi Phi know they ought to close down their useless fraternity.

We know garage and his pals have no problem cursing at and shouting down little girls who are speaking publicly so this oughtta be a cinch.

Gahrie said...

Our glorious second amendment in action. Standing up to the jack boot of government

You really are a serf at heart aren't you?

Drago said...

As long as the ammunition was a "Glorious Peoples Munition" ARMeltdown isn't going to have much of an issue with this incident.

On the other hand, if any weapon happens to fire a counter-revolutionary bullet, that will be quite different. Naturally.

FullMoon said...

The shooter got the progressive message that it is ok to shoot cops. He is not the first and won't be the last.
It is not complicated.

How long before the media claim it was a right winger trying to shoot demonstrators?

Robert Cook said...

"If I had been a cop there, I would have shot every one of them I could."

It's a good thing you're not a cop.

Bobber Fleck said...

If the officers were wearing body armor and helmets the face and shoulder are among the few available deadly target areas on the officers. If the shots were at 220 yards at night at the only available deadly body areas, this was pretty good shooting with an accurate rifle by someone who had thought carefully about how to kill these officers.

rcocean said...

The Cops blood in on the hands of George Soros and the liberal MSM.

Although, I don't think 2 Cops almost getting killed will be of much concern for them.

Maybe the Sniper could have been Obama's son. We'll have to see.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...

I'm sorry. How can I help?"

Just don't ever change.

Drago said...

Oh good. Cookie popped in.

Whaddya think Cook? Did HWBush hop an SR-71 and bop on over to St Loo to fire at those cops?

Michael The Magnificent said...

This is an old palliwood propaganda trick, which the police failed to fall for.

1) Place a sniper a couple of hundred feet away from an Israeli check point.

2) Give a bunch of children rocks, and instruct them to get within range and throw the rocks at the Israeli military at the check point.

3) Have the sniper shoot at the Israeli military.

4) As the Israeli military lift their rifles to shoot over the heads of the rock-throwing children to engage the sniper, snap pictures.

5) Distribute the pictures to the press as proof that the Israeli military is shooting at "mostly peaceful" (paging Orwell!) rock-throwing muslim youth.

Skeptical Voter said...

I thought President Obama was supposed to bring racial healing to us. A few days ago he's at Selma saying that "Ferguson" showed we'd not made much progress. Then like a dog whistle, some protesters and shooters show up at Ferguson.

Heckuva job there Barry!

alan markus said...

If this were Facebook, I would have "liked" Garage's comment. Sarcastic, and it has a nice beat you can dance to. Looking at ARetardedMan's response @ 9:25 (Keep your fucking expertise to yourself., I can only conclude that he has hit the sauce it bit earlier than normal today.

Our local newspaper has a Facebook site where they present breaking news with minimal details as a teaser to read more about it the next day in the digital/print edition. It is amazing how within 5 minutes of a post about a fatal accident on the freeway, commenters pipe in with the cause (usually has to do with texting, heroin addiction, careless semi drivers, etc.). One time I sarcastically offered that the police should conclude the accident reconstruction and reopen the highway, that all they needed to do was consult the Facebook site for the official cause. And some people thought I was serious, in a positive way.

Boltforge said...

220 yards? If a reporter is going to make up a number, at least try and make one that makes sense for being in a city. With lots of houses. And trees. And 'the hill' is a small yard between a house and business.

Latest is ... "Mr. Belmar said it appeared three to four shots were fired from a handgun from about 125 yards away at a line of officers." Which makes a whole lot more sense given the layout of the city and the typical angry shooter.

Stand about a football field away. Point your gun. Shoot a hand full of bullets. Run away feeling good about sticking it to "The Man".

Unknown said...

In Regards to it being an amateur or someone with some skill it was clearly the ladder. Riot gear was worn by the cops targeted with only few places to land a kill shot the facemask area and shoulder area and where were they hit?.... so it looks like the "Feguson Homie" has had some target practice. You don't have to work for the police or law enforcement to be a good shot. Smaller caliber was used so the shots would reveal the sho
oters location.

David said...

I have nothing useful to say.

Glad the two guys were not killed.

David said...

I have nothing useful to say.

Glad the two guys were not killed.

Boltforge said...

Rachel Foust said...
"In Regards to it being an amateur or someone with some skill it was clearly the ladder."

At least four shots from a handgun (typically .357 or 6mm) after midnight. Two complete misses. One arm and one cheek that ended up lodged by his ear.

Someone just pointed a gun, pulled the trigger several times, and ran away.

Unknown said...

Well if it was a handgun the shooter having only fired 4 shots at 125 yards away from the line of cops must of had some serious practice with aiming handguns at very small objects not to mention at night.....or perhaps devine intervention? No more than likely it was a rifleman using small caliber rnds who had put some thought into it.

Bob Boyd said...

"Stand about a football field away. Point your gun. Shoot a hand full of bullets. Run away feeling good about sticking it to "The Man"."


The SOB could have hit anybody, cop, protester, bystander, journalist.
Maybe the potentially random nature of this attack will have a little bit of uniting effect.
Or at least cause some of the protesters to think about what its like to be a target, which is where the cops live every day.

Unknown said...

Noone saw the shooter at any point? That's very odd, so if it was a someone pointing a sidearm from a distance at squeezing off four or more shots no one AT ALL turned towards the sound after shots one and two were fired? must have been fully auto.

Matt Sablan said...

I could believe no one saw anything; a lot of people's first instinct when they hear gunfire is get down, not, look for it.

It was dark, people were scared, and it was confusing. I'd believe if no one was confident/remembered seeing anything, even if at the time the shooter might have been in their field of vision.

Boltforge said...

Rachel Foust said...
... "or perhaps devine intervention? "
... "must have been fully auto."

You need to go out and shoot a typical modern handgun. With minor practice you could "hit" a line of policemen from 300 feet. All while pulling the trigger 4 times in about a second or two.

And here ...

That is a street view looking back at where they say the shooter was. On the other side of a parking lot. Shooting across large media vans with their generators running so they can get the nice bright camera shots at midnight.

The Google camera is near where the officers were standing in the parking lot. If you pan right you will see the parking lot.

Boltforge said...

Fun revolver fact ... World record holder for speed, Jerry Miculek, shot 6 rounds from a .45 revolver, RELOADED, and shot 6 more rounds in 2.99 seconds.

He has an awesome Youtube channel.

Todd said...

garage mahal said...
I'm an expert in history, political science, ballistics, ethnic and racial studies, and I have a keen understanding of the local terrain layout of the Ferguson area. How can I help in this thread?

3/12/15, 9:12 AM

If you could manage to positively identify the shooter, that would help.

Matt Sablan said...

Is Garage a modern major general?

Anonymous said...

Jerry Miculek, amazing

1,000 yard head shot with a pistol. Took 2 shots.

aiming 80 yards above the target.

William said...

Not so long ago, the media was describing the protective gear the police were wearing as a "provocation"......The next demonstration against the Ferguson Police will be a de facto demonstration in favor of their murder. But free speech......Prior to the Brown shooting, the black population continued to grow dramatically. If their treatment was so oppressive, why was that?.....The Brown family are a bunch of low lifes. I would like to see the media treat them the way they treat asshole frat boys. But it would be unfair to treat the Brown family the way they have treated Zimmerman and the ex police chief of Ferguson.

damikesc said...

Our glorious second amendment in action. Standing up to the jack boot of government.

I bet the gun was bought legally and everything, too. I do.

Hey, I have a crazy idea: Before passing new laws, why not, ya know, enforce the ones we have?

Matt Sablan said...

What's sad is I don't even think these were Ferguson police. Didn't they all get pulled because of the report on how racist and terrible they all are?

So, the people shooting are actually not even hitting the racists, right?

Matt Sablan said...

[Sad in the sense that, the shooter isn't even making the statement they think they are!]

Boltforge said...

Matthew Sablan said...
"What's sad is ..."

What is sad is best demonstrated by the NY Times 5th photo from that night:

There are, what, a dozen protesters? And way more than that representing that press. There aren't enough protesters to fill the driveway entrance.

From the left, and over the right shoulders of the cameramen standing at the short wall, is where the shots came from. I wonder how the press coverage would have been different if a couple of them were hit in the head and back. Because it was the cops right in front of them that were shot.

Sigivald said...

Amichel said: To hit the officers from that distance, must've been a rifle. But, to hit an officer in the face and have him live, must've been small caliber. Was it a little 22 LR round, or .223? Was the gun purchased legally? Will they even catch the guy?

Naw, even a full-power round can hit you in the face and not kill you, if it's a glancing hit rather than straight on.

(Also, 200+ yards is damned long range for a .22LR.

I'd bet the gun was not purchased legally, on principle - it's not like there aren't plenty of stolen rifles around for people to buy - and the sort of person who is going to play sniper with cops is definitionally not feeling constrained by mere laws.

Or some murder-minded person got "a friend" or family member to buy it for them... which is also illegal*.)

(* That is, buying them a gun that they pay you for is illegal, or buying them one if they can't possess one, or to commit a crime.

Buying someone - who can legally own a gun and you have no reason to believe wants it for criminal acts - a gift gun is legal.)

Sigivald said...

Big Mike said: Modern optics being what they are, including red dot sights and even lasers for not much money these days, one doesn't have to be much of a shot to hit targets lined up shoulder to shoulder at 200 meters.

Optics, yes.

Neither reflex/holo sights nor lasers are made for distance work, though.

I mean, lots of luck even seeing where a laser hit at that range, unless it's military grade.

(And in that case, well, you need NV equipment to see it, since those are all IR band, IIRC, to make it harder for the target to see.

Certainly a commercial red or green laser that was visible at 200 yards would make it staggeringly obvious to the targets that there was someone painting them, and they'd freak the hell out, like any sane cop or civilian would in such a situation.)

Big Mike said...

We have CNN on large screen TVs in the cafeteria. They're now saying it was a handgun from 125 feet, not a rifle from a hilltop 200 meters away. If true, then that's pretty good shooting.

My life has come full circle. Back in the 1960's "outside agitators" was the standard excuse given by southern mayors and governors for civil rights protests. Now the protestors (most of whom are apparently not from Ferguson) are claiming that the shooter was an "outside agitator." Since the Ferguson police have arrested three local people I can only view their claim with skepticism.

Also I believe that Ashleigh Banfield should not be anchoring a legal-themed news segment as though she actually understands the law. CNN claims that she got a degree from Loyola of California but it wasn't a JD and she doesn't list it on her wiki page.

Big Mike said...

@Sigivald, you are right about the lasers. I've had second thoughts about it after I posted.

Tarrou said...

We shall see. It does occur to me that any "witnesses" would be the protestors, who I am sure are not in a rush to be copping to murderers inhabiting their midst.

Tarrou said...

And Big Mike, I don't care what the optics are, holding a rifle steady on a target at 200 meters is something most amateurs are incapable of. Serious target shooters, western hunters and trained soldiers would have little trouble, but the average person, even the average gun owner, would have a very hard time.

Though we shall see how many shots were fired, where the shooter was and what the weapon was. And its possible he or she just got lucky.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike:

Wiki says she has degrees in French from Canadian schools

No Loyola mentioned. No California mentioned.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Some bitter fucks on this thread today. Lighten up losers. Your government check is in the mail.

Good to see no-go zone Dago still lacks steady employment. Why break a streak?

Jaq said...

Keep your fucking expertise to yourself. - ARM

That was by far the single funniest garage post I have ever read here. Now wipe the snot off your chin.

Jaq said...

Is Garage a modern major general?

The very model.

Jaq said...

Personal freedom really bothers ARM.

Big Mike said...

@Tarrou, came easily to me. I had never handled a .30 caliber rifle before BCT back when I was a Vietnam-era draftee, but I qualified expert nevertheless. Some credit to good drill sergeants, even if I was perpetually mad at them (when not terrified of them).

But as I wrote upthread, CNN seems to be saying now that it was a handgun. Since I can't hit a barn from inside with the doors closed using a handgun, I have to assume a serious shooter in Ferguson.

Big Mike said...

@Drill SGT, I'm just regurgitating what CNN has about her on their own website.

Big Mike said...

@Drill SGT, and I probably would have been alternately pissed at and terrified of you, too.

Big Mike said...

@tim, since nearly everything ARM writes constitutes "fighting words," I'd have to assume that he has a gun of his own. There's no other way he'd avoid a beat-down if he ever met you or I or anyone else that he dumps on face to face.

Big Mike said...

@Drill SGT, here's what CNN has: "In 2009, she earned a Journalism Law School fellowship from Loyola Law School in California."

The link is here.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike said...
@Drill SGT, and I probably would have been alternately pissed at and terrified of you, too.

3/12/15, 1:52 PM

As we both know, it's an image, designed to facilitate the goals of the organization which include:

- Break the trainees down and build them up
- focus their anger at me, and thus build cohesiveness
- provide basic military and survival skills
- impart instinctive obedience to orders (that save lives in a crisis)

I had basic training at Ft Lewis and then after Vietnam, I came back as a Drill SGT in exactly the same company working alongside and for SGTs who had trained me...

Anonymous said...

Big Mike said...
@Drill SGT, here's what CNN has: "In 2009, she earned a Journalism Law School fellowship from Loyola Law School in California.

Loyola describes it as: the journalist law program consisting of a four-day intensive seminar on the legal system.

4 Days

Ignorance is Bliss said...

But they're an intensive 4 days!

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Personal freedom really bothers ARM."

Not surprising considering ARMeltdown's self-proclaimed Verencemos "Brigade" "heroics".

It takes alot of courage to push around a bunch of peasants.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Get a job loser.

Why is gainful employment a no-go zone for you?

Drago said...

Does Verencemos Brigade "heroics" constitute "gainful employment"?

One wonders.

Drago said...

ARMeltdown: "AReasonableMan said...
Get a job loser."

Oh my, ARMeltdown is now stating outright that not having a job constitutes loser status.

I certainly hope his leftist pals don't hold him to account for such a bourgeois position.

I understand those "reeducation" confrontations can be rather uncomfortable.

Like standing in a bread line in a socialist paradise.

Or trying to stay warm and keep from shaking when taking sniper shots at the police.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Get a job.

If you put in the same amount of effort into finding a job that you put into lowering the collective IQ of this blog I am sure you could snag a job at McDonalds. I have seen some geezers working there who don't seem too bright, your peer group I guess.

Hagar said...

Why do you assume the shooter was firing off-hand?
At 125 yards and resting over the top of a car, or whatever, I would not have any trouble at least scaring the pants off you with even a snub-nose handgun, and with a rifle I could readily go for a headshot.

I must say that one of the times in my life I felt really good was when I, riding shotgun in our heavy mortar deuceandahalf, saw my former cadre from Ft. Ord digging himself a foxhole in the Bavarian forest.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "Get a job."

Always listen to communists regarding gainful employment.

What could go wrong?

Hagar said...

It just warmed the cockles of my heart and brightened my whole day.

Jaq said...

I have seen some geezers working there who don't seem too bright

How could you possibly know?

Anonymous said...

I must say that one of the times in my life I felt really good was when I, riding shotgun in our heavy mortar deuceandahalf, saw my former cadre from Ft. Ord digging himself a foxhole in the Bavarian forest.


I was pvt1 when my Drill SGT Sanchez was a SSG E-6. Real a$$hole :)

I was back 20 months later as a SGT E-5, and then made E-6 graduating at the top of my DS class. SFC E-7 Sanchez was the Senior Drill. Nice professional guy now :)

When I saw him 4 years later, he was an SFC, and I was a 1LT :)

Hagar said...

and I waved and gave him a big hello!

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "ARMeltdown: I have seen some geezers working there who don't seem too bright"

How could you possibly know?"

When you don't study and are easily misled and join the Verencemos "Brigade", you "mite git stuk in Kuba" and can easily relate to those who are lacking in the critical thinking department.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...

How could you possibly know?

Oops! A touchy subject for unemployed in vermont. I hit a nerve by disparaging a group he hopes to join one day.

Keep the dream alive buddy.

Michael K said...

"Certainly a commercial red or green laser that was visible at 200 yards "

I have a HeNe laser somewhere and have shown it on a building at 200 yards or more. The "dot" is about a foot in diameter.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is little wonder that Romney is also still unemployed, given that he lumped much of Republican base into the 47 percenter category.

Drago said...

AReasonableMeltdown: "It is little wonder that Romney is also still unemployed..."


This is always very difficult for marxists to comprehend but the goal is to be "unemployed" while your money remains quite gainfully "employed".

Poor Bill Gates. Unemployed with no hope for a gov't provided make-work job.

Whatever will become of him?

Big Mike said...

Latest is that (1) it was a handgun, (2) the range was 125 feet (not 220 yards), and (3) police recovered shell casings at the site.

Suggests to me not a handgun but a carbine chambered in pistol calibers, something like a Hi-Point, which can take low-end rifle optics and even an aftermarket bipod thanks to its all-over Weaver-style rails. Or maybe a Rossi lever gun, which comes in pistol calibers but is an actual rifle. Both are pretty cheap bought new, and cheaper still bought used.

lemondog said...

Eric Holder on the ‘heinous and cowardly attack on 2 brave law enforcement officers in Ferguson Missouri....’

Michael K said...

"It is little wonder that Romney is also still unemployed,"

ARM, I as starting to feel like you might be sensible. Oh well. I would like a job counting his monthly income.

Kirk Parker said...

AReasonableMan said: [the normal bullshit]
Rusty said: What do you propose?
Me: s/h/it proposes more government tyranny. Duh.

Big Mike,

If it was really 125 feet then it's not nearly as impressive. That's only 40-some yards. Any skilled pistol competitor should have been able to land all 4 shots at that range.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Get a job.

If you put in the same amount of effort into finding a job that you put into lowering the collective IQ of this blog I am sure you could snag a job at McDonalds. I have seen some geezers working there who don't seem too bright"

I have seen older "geezers" working at fast food because their jobs fell out from under them in the 'New Economy'. I have talked to several: they still want to work for a living, rather than collect a government check.

Amazing how these jobs are seen by the Left to be worth a "Living Wage" except when competent people actually have them: then they are pitiable idiots, to be derided for still making a living at the end of their lives.


I am Laslo.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Laslo Spatula said...
I have seen older "geezers" working at fast food because their jobs fell out from under them in the 'New Economy'. I have talked to several: they still want to work for a living, rather than collect a government check.

Amazing how these jobs are seen by the Left to be worth a "Living Wage" except when competent people actually have them: then they are pitiable idiots, to be derided for still making a living at the end of their lives.

Lighten up. If a man can't mock Dago and unemployed in Vermont what use is this world?

You won't get any argument from me that employment prospects for almost everyone, except a relatively select group, have declined precipitously since the 70's. The argument will be about why. Killing unions strikes me as a bad idea if you are an actual employee like the majority of us.

Laslo Spatula said...

" I have seen some geezers working there who don't seem too bright"

The intellectual dismissal of this line is burning a hole in me.

22-year-old on food stamps: there are no jobs.

62-year-old actually working a job at the fast-food joint: "don't seem too bright."

67-year-old running for President: I couldn't understand a straight-forward law.

Promotions for everybody.

I am Laslo.

Big Mike said...

Lighten up. If a man can't mock Dago and unemployed in Vermont what use is this world?

The world is useful, you not so much.

And my Italian friends do not much like bigots who use the term "Dago."

Big Mike said...

@Kirk, I agree that we're not talking Jerry Miculek here, but that still pretty fair shooting. It's beyond me, but that's a pretty low bar.

At 42 yards I think we're talking something long-barreled. Maybe a .22 target pistol, and the fact that a guy was shot just below the eye and is apparently already out of the hospital maybe suggests a .22. OTOH the hole in the face mask where the one officer was shot in the head looks a bit large for a .22 and I don't see how a .22 from 42 yards away is a through and through for the fellow shot in the shoulder. Consequently I'm still thinking a pistol-caliber carbine. We'll know soon enough.

I'm just glad that (1) the wounded policemen are going to be okay and (2) the photos published in the Daily Mail show the police with their fingers outside the trigger guard (there's one exception). Speaks well for their professionalism. If the shooter was hoping to spark a blood bath among the protestors, he (or she) failed.

Rusty said...

The argument will be about why.

Lets start with government regulations and go from there.

Known Unknown said...

Garage wins the thread. Clearly.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
And my Italian friends do not much like bigots who use the term "Dago."

Jesus. You guys are as sensitive as a bunch of Gender Studies majors.

I'm married to an Italian, as part of the dowry I received all rights to co-opt any relevant ethnic slurs. The basic principle was established in the 19th episode of the eighth season of Seinfeld.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rusty said...
Lets start with government regulations and go from there.

There was no shortage of government regulations back in the 70's. There were also a lot of unions. Now, we still have plenty of regulations but no unions. Guess who didn't fare well under the new regime?

Kirk Parker said...

Big Mike,

Have you ever participated in an NRA 'Bullseye' match? The first (slow-fire) round is at 50 yards -- AND the rules require you to shoot your handgun one-handed!

A buddy of mine, who was running the Bullseye Pistol matches at our local range, strong-armed me into registering for one. I was totally like "this is a joke, there is no way..." but when you actually have to do it...

So my take on this is someone standing 42 yards off, squeezing off a few rounds, and luckily half of them hitting an actual target.

Drago said...

AReasonableMeltdown: "Lighten up. If a man can't mock Dago and unemployed in Vermont what use is this world?"

Hmmm. I find it necessary to alert AReasonableMeltdown to the reality that exposing his ignorance regarding investment & venture capital really doesn't qualify as "mock"-ing anyone.

Other than himself.

Congrats ARMeltdown. You win another "Shot In Own Foot Award".

Not your first to be sure. And certain not to be the last.

jr565 said...

ARM wrote:
I'm married to an Italian, as part of the dowry I received all rights to co-opt any relevant ethnic slurs. The basic principle was established in the 19th episode of the eighth season of Seinfeld.

and I'm dating a black woman so here come some dumb n*gger jokes and dumb women jokes.

Is thst really how it works?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Oh, and will someone contact Mitt Romney's team (yes team) of accountants?

Apparently Mitt is "unemployed" and thus will probably have to file an amendment to his tax return since those millions earned in the last year must be fictional.

Between ARMeltdown expounding on employment today, Freder last night thinking that you actually negotiate wage/salary/perks with HR as opposed to hiring managers/executives and garage in general just being garage, one could easily gain enough "insight" into how to secure a non-living wage/no health benefits role holding an "On Strike" sign for any random union shop anywhere in the country.


Drago said...

AReasonableMeltdown: "I rest my case."

A tactical retreat by you at this point is understandable.

Though not commendable I fear.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

jr565 said...
and I'm dating a black woman so here come some dumb n*gger jokes and dumb women jokes.

Is thst really how it works?

Did I accidentally walk into an MLA meeting?

Looks like PC is yet another idea co-opted by the right.

It's Hard out Here for a Moderate.

Gusty Winds said...

I must say, it is quite entertaining when the Althouse comments turn into a mosh pit. Awesome.

Swim at your own risk.

Gusty Winds said...

This is what college SHOULD be like.

Kudos to Ann.

Big Mike said...

@Kirk, no to bullseye matches (and me living just down the road from NRA Headquarters!). My impression is that one shoots paper with long-barreled .22s. Is that mistaken?

I sorta like black powder. There's something about shooting steel with 19th century guns that is utterly addictive. In competition I use revolvers with 5 1/2 inch barrels and 42 yards is way past my skill limit.

Big Mike said...

I'm married to an Italian, as part of the dowry I received all rights to co-opt any relevant ethnic slurs.

You tried calling your wife a "Dago" in front of her extended family? Probably not.

It's hard out there for a moderate.

You are pretty moderate, for a worthless troll.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

jr565 said...
and I'm dating a black woman so here come some dumb n*gger jokes and dumb women jokes.

Well at least you aren't dating a man. We're gonna stay on right side of one minority group. Or, is that the back side? I find it all so confusing.

Kirk Parker said...


There are three stages in a Bullseye match. (1) Rimfire (i.e. .22). (2) Centerfire (i.e. any reasonable centerfire caliber, I think most people were shooting 9mm but some did .38/.357 in a revolver) and (3) .45 caliber.

And seriously, TRY 50yd handgun shooting sometime with a decent mentor. You will be surprised at how well you can do... I certainly was!

richard mcenroe said...

Big Mike -- You're assuming the shooter knew his or her skill limit -- or really knew anything other than a desire to shoot something.

I plink at an old water heater on my property and I can hit that reliably at 100 yards with a .44 mag. Those cops are probably lucky the shooter didn't have the patience or discipline to practice first.

richard mcenroe said...

If the newsies had their gennies and camera lights running, they picked those cops out in the night for anybody who wanted to take a shot at them. Even a cheap modern scope will work with that much illumination.

richard mcenroe said...

Holy crap. I'm actually agreeing with Laslo?

*looks outside for signs of the End Times.*

Rusty said...

AReasonableMan said...
Get a job.

If you put in the same amount of effort into finding a job that you put into lowering the collective IQ of this blog I am sure you could snag a job at McDonalds.

The irony. It approaches the speed of light.

Rusty said...

AReasonableMan said...
Rusty said...
Lets start with government regulations and go from there.

There was no shortage of government regulations back in the 70's. There were also a lot of unions. Now, we still have plenty of regulations but no unions. Guess who didn't fare well under the new regime?

Alas. It isn't 1970.

Jaq said...

I would like to thank ARM for the delightful insult. One more confirmation of his complete cluelessness.

Unknown said...

Rusty, "The argument will be about why," 3/12/15, 6:56 PM

The why is easy, the President of the United States and his Atty Gen say the man is corrupt and bigoted. The U.S. has a long history (like since it was formed) in armed rebellion against the man when the man is corrupt and bigoted.

Also, after hearing an interview with a social justice rapper on NPR this a.m., I am convinced that the correct approach to people who appear to be thugs is to treat them as thugs until such time as it can be shown they are not thugs. What is the appearance of a "thug"? How about using those who self-identify as thugs, a.k.a. "rappers." Profile the look, not the race. Oh wait, ...

Big Mike said...

@Kirk, I'll look into it. I have friends who use the NRA range under the headquarters and I'll ask them about Bullseye, thanks.

Unknown said...

I won't say that a handgun could not have been used to make the shot but it seems unlikely. All things considered I am guessing .22lr fired from a scoped rifle. That could sound like a handgun. From the audio the shots sounded supersonic.

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