March 3, 2015

"There is that side of Mrs. Clinton where the entitlement is so strong she just can't resist it."

"As an attorney, Mrs. Clinton should have known better than to try and game it by using a personal email account from which to conduct State Dept. business. It wasn't smart from a security point of view and it is against the rules not only in government, but throughout all industries. Why did she decide to do business off of the government's servers? Why does she get to decide what records the government now gets? The inherent wrong in that decision should have been apparent to her from the start. That is wasn't, or that she ignored it, makes her unfit. What other rules would Mrs. Clinton decide to override? What gives her the right to set her own rules?"

That's a comment at the NYT article titled "Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules."


Anonymous said...

Prof. This will NOT matter. NOTHING will stick.

HRC is our next POTUS.

If anyone disagrees, they can leave the US.

This is going to happen. GOP can do nothing.


Jason said...

Thank God! Maybe that idiot Garage Mahal will finally get a FAXed talking point sheet from DNC headquarters telling him to shut up about those secret routers.

Brando said...

It's not the lawless entitlement of the Clintons that surprises me, as they are clearly amoral cretins. What surprises me is how they think they wouldn't get caught with stuff like this. Obviously this was going to come out sooner or later (and shame on the media for not discovering this sooner--shouldn't some FOIA requests have revealed the strange lack of government e-mails from Hillary during that period?).

Hopefully as the pre-campaign heats up more of this sort of thing comes to light. The younger generation of voters isn't as well acquainted with the Clintonian sleaze and might otherwise let them slither back into the White House.

Mark said...

Maybe Walkers use of same methods for some business will also get scrutiny.

It aint just Hillary.

PB said...

I like the "possibly breaking rules" part. Not "Possibly", but in direct violation of law. If any classified documents were attached to messages in her private email account that's another law broken.

With this and the Clinton Foundation donations, just the latest stuff surfacing, how can any sentient being consider her fit for any public office at all?

Wilson said...

Why did she do it? Because she couldn't count on Leon Panetta to come to State and stuff any incriminating emails down his pants.

MaxedOutMama said...

Well, if you couple that with the great vacuum sucking foreign government donations into the Clinton foundation, one can see that perhaps she might have wanted a bit of privacy.

It's hard to imagine that the Dems are even THINKING of giving her the nomination!!

PB said...

Another big problem is that ALL her staff knew about this and didn't act to get her to use state department email. It had to have been brought to her attention and she willfully ignored the matter on several occasions.

Mark said...

Yes, let's all complain about office use of private email. The hypocrisy never ends.

averagejoe said...

7 years later and we're just finding out now? Why do these scumbum democrats constantly get away with these crimes? Are there no watchdog groups willing to ride herd on these dirtbags?

averagejoe said...

Blogger Brando said...
"It's not the lawless entitlement of the Clintons that surprises me, as they are clearly amoral cretins. What surprises me is how they think they wouldn't get caught with stuff like this."

Because they've been allowed to skate on every other crime, corruption and peccadillo they've ever been party to. At this point, what difference does it make?

Brando said...

"Because they've been allowed to skate on every other crime, corruption and peccadillo they've ever been party to. At this point, what difference does it make?"

It's true that their supporters allow everything--they see the Clintonian way as "toughness" and necessary to stand up to evil Republicans. So of course the Clintons feel invincible.

However, think about how unnecessary some of this stuff is. Why not just keep a government e-mail, and handle shady business over untapped phone lines, or some other way to preserve deniability? Even a normal crook wouldn't make it so blatant.

I think the answer is that there is something mentally wrong with this couple--sociopaths, perhaps, who are so oblivious of ethics and laws that it's less a matter of knowingly flouting them and more a matter of not giving a single crap about them.

Dangerous people to put back in power.

FleetUSA said...

Clinton's are synonymous with sleaze.

Just the latest event.

iowan2 said...

War on women.

What haters.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Anonymous said...

The security implication of this are just boggling.

And that goes for any and all of the current Federal employees who sent emails to that account.

iowan2 said...

This is not new, or news.

The end justifies the means for Democrats.

Remember feminists? ANY sexual activity with a male of power is rape.....Rape, rape. Of course the left loves Bill Clinton, because he will funnel money and power to feminists to advance their agenda. For that the feminists are willing, no, eager to sacrifice other women on the alter of Clinton.

james conrad said...

The problem is not that she used a private email account, it's that she used a private email account for ALL govt business.

Anonymous said...

Possibly Breaking Rules


absolutely breaking Federal Laws, NARA regulations, State regulations

Who are these "Clinton Aides"?

Curious George said...

"Mark said...
Maybe Walkers use of same methods for some business will also get scrutiny.

It aint just Hillary."

Maybe? Two investigations, thousands of man hours, millions of dollars.


There's no "maybe" in "Are you an idiot?"

Curious George said...

"Mark said...
Yes, let's all complain about office use of private email. The hypocrisy never ends."

Two investigations. Thousands of man hours. Millions of dollars spent. What wrong doing by Walker was found?

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Your idiocy never ends.

Michael K said...

Hopes still survives in "Mark"s breast.

Tom said...

How is this lady any different than Sarah Palin?!

Chris N said...

The Clintons have been many things, and kind-of sleazy has always made the list.

Louis said...

RBG will step down after the end of this term, Hillary will take her seat with a unanimous vote in the Senate, Warren will adopt and adapt the Hillary campaign infrastructure and sweep 400 electoral votes.

Charlie said...

What difference, at this point, does it make?

amielalune said...

Silly NYT. Rules are for the little people, not the Clintons.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Tom, the attack on Palin was that she used her government account for personal use, like emailing her family and friends during the course of the business day. There was never any attempt by her to hide correspondence, nor was there ever any hint of malfeasance or corruption in any of her emails. Don't you remember the NEW YORK TIMES "crowdsourcing" the investigation when her files were made public? 32,000 emails and all they found to criticize were 7 misspellings which were homonyms. That is one difference between Palin and this "lady". It's also illustrates the difference between how the American media treats a democrat and how they treat republicans.

machine said...

Govs. Scott/Walker = meh

1/2 Gov Palin = blah


lesson: IOKIYAR

Larry J said...

Wilson said...
Why did she do it? Because she couldn't count on Leon Panetta to come to State and stuff any incriminating emails down his pants.

That was Sandy "Pants" Berger, not Leon Panetta.

Anonymous said...

Going to be interesting seeing all the Walker supporters who claimed his private routers (used so he and his county staff could conduct campaign business while on the taxpayer's dime) were acceptable suddenly get upset about Clinton using private email, while all the Clinton supporters who attacked Walker for using private emails during working hours will suddenly say it's acceptable in her situation.

Meanwhile, those of us who aren't partisan hacks are going to point out that Hillary Clinton and Scott Walker are both slimy scumbags who have no qualms about breaking the law and people should be ashamed for supporting either one of them.

Gusty Winds said...

I can't believe the NYT's is reporting this. Wonder if this is to weaken her for the nomination, or get it out early to make it old news during the general election.

Anonymous said...

And it's amazing how some are still claiming that six felony convictions is "Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada".

Delusional behavior must be a side affect of Walker Worship Syndrome, because six is obviously more than nothing.

David said...


The law requires her to use government email for government business.

Curious George said...

"madisonfella said...
Going to be interesting seeing all the Walker supporters who claimed his private routers (used so he and his county staff could conduct campaign business while on the taxpayer's dime) were acceptable suddenly get upset about Clinton using private email, while all the Clinton supporters who attacked Walker for using private emails during working hours will suddenly say it's acceptable in her situation.

Meanwhile, those of us who aren't partisan hacks are going to point out that Hillary Clinton and Scott Walker are both slimy scumbags who have no qualms about breaking the law and people should be ashamed for supporting either one of them."

Amazing that despite John Chisholm opening two investigations, spending thousands of man hours and millions of dollars, he could not bring one charge...hell one accusation, against Walker. And yet you think you know more.

You are, as usual, a moron.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Drill Sgt said:

"The security implication of this are just boggling."

Bingo - where is the Secret Service, the NSA, the Defense Dept, etc in all this ? Why would the State Dept security gurus allow anyone to do this?

Just goes to show these people [and not just the Clintons] are nothing but professional politicians. They are not professional nor skilled at anything else.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And is it possible her email got hacked enabling the Benghazi attackers to know when the Amnbassador Stevens was going to be in Benghazi?

Anonymous said...

It is cute how the foul-mouthed Republican mouthpiece goes on and on and on about how the John Doe investigations didn't find "anything" about Scott Walker, while completely ignoring the fact that Scott Walker's billionaire donors had the investigation shut down before it could be completed.

Like I just said, it is interesting to see people defend Walker while attacking Hillary. And vice-versa.

MadisonMan said...

Of course she plays by different rules. She's observing what everyone else does and following suit.

If you believe your favorite politician *isn't* using a personal email to skirt potential FOIA requests, you are wilfully naive.

Curious George said...

"madisonfella said...
It is cute how the foul-mouthed Republican mouthpiece goes on and on and on about how the John Doe investigations didn't find "anything" about Scott Walker, while completely ignoring the fact that Scott Walker's billionaire donors had the investigation shut down before it could be completed.

Like I just said, it is interesting to see people defend Walker while attacking Hillary. And vice-versa."

Penguin, John Doe I was the "secret router" investigation. It didn't get shut down by anyone, other than John Chisholm.

Again, you are a moron.

Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
Of course she plays by different rules. She's observing what everyone else does and following suit.

If you believe your favorite politician *isn't* using a personal email to skirt potential FOIA requests, you are wilfully naive."

You know this how?

Gusty Winds said...

ignoring the fact that Scott Walker's billionaire donors had the investigation shut down before it could be completed.

I thought the State and Federal courts shut down the John Doe as it was easily thwarted at every turn?

And how do you 'finish' a criminal investigation when you leapfrog from one maybe to another, never admitting no crime was committed?

The investigation itself was the crime.

Meade said...

I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not send emails to foreign leaders, people in the private sector or government officials outside the State Department. I never, not once, failed to comply with the letter and spirit of the rules, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people, getting elected as their first female president. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Where was the State IG in all of this?

The State Records Official?

Hundreds of people had to know...

MadisonMan said...

You know this how?

I am informed by my cynicism. :)

You are too blinded by your love of all things Walker and disdain for all things Wisco-Democratic to see the plain truth in front of you.

Anonymous said...

I thought the State and Federal courts shut down the John Doe as it was easily thwarted at every turn?

Six felony convictions is hardly "thwarted at every turn".

Walker's billionaire donors used one of their non-profit organizations to file a case before a Judge (a judge that the same group gave massive donation to) close the investigation down.

Brando said...

"If you believe your favorite politician *isn't* using a personal email to skirt potential FOIA requests, you are wilfully naive."

I don't doubt that more are doing this than we are aware, but keep in mind this is a serious violation of law (and in Clinton's case, has national security implications) and the consequences of being caught are not minor.

Fritz said...

Jeez, does any one really think she was doing any real work for the State Dept.?

Big Mike said...

It's not possibly breaking rules, it is absolutely breaking the law.

The "rules" are what they are because (1) the State Email systems, both the classified and unclassified systems*, are better secured against cyber attacks and (I presume) actively monitored by cybersecurity staff to detect and thwart cyber attacks; and (2) Emails are legal documents, and must be preserved and protected under the law. (Yes, Lois Lerner, IRS too, and everybody else right down to field stations in the Department of Agriculture.)

This is a serious violation.
* I believe that these are still two separate systems. I could be wrong on this point.

Brando said...

"Jeez, does any one really think she was doing any real work for the State Dept.?"

She logged in record numbers of travel miles and gave Putin a toy reset button--what more do you want in a Secretary of State?

Anonymous said...

You are too blinded by your love of all things Walker and disdain for all things Wisco-Democratic to see the plain truth in front of you


Also notice how angry some of the Walker supporter's get while defending their Dear Leader? Their rage is so deep that they can't even control themselves from constantly engaging in childish name-calling while trying to make their "point".

Big Mike said...

I just love the way the left-wing loonies slither out from the woodwork to assert their "everybody does it" defense with not a shred of proof. Their proof, as nearly as I can tell, is that there is no proof. Which means to them only that the conspiracy is even more nefarious than any of us ordinary folks can comprehend.

Anonymous said...

* I believe that these are still two separate systems. I could be wrong on this point.

Absolutely. and a TS/SCI JWICS network as well.

At the Intel agencies (I don't work at State), office set-ups have a single monitor, separate wiring, CPUs and an an A/B/C box to switch CPUs

Anonymous said...

I just love the way Big Mike paints those who disagrees with him as a "loonie" that "slithers".

Reminds me of someone "else" who can't seem to disagree without resorting to childish name-calling.

Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
You know this how?

I am informed by my cynicism. :)

You are too blinded by your love of all things Walker and disdain for all things Wisco-Democratic to see the plain truth in front of you."

Forget Walker. And I'm not sure what Wisco Dems have to do with it. Maybe you could explain? In any event I don't think most pols do this. Dem or GOP.

As far as "the plain truth in front of me"...this is just stupid. Your opinion is not "plain truth." I mean what kind of idiot makes an "opinion as fact" statement, and then supports it with a different opinion as fact argument.

Matt Sablan said...

Yeah. This is bad; sort of like letting people without swipe access into secured areas bad.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Remember the Rose Law Firm records?

Ah, good times.

Matt Sablan said...

"And it's amazing how some are still claiming that six felony convictions is "Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada"."

Walker was convicted of six felonies!?!

Unknown said...

I have always believed that Democrats were not as enthralled with a Hillary candidacy as it's made to seem. The main stream media pretty much put a hit on her last time she ran so an upstart Senator from Illinois could win and now they want Elizabeth Warren. I see more of these stories coming out as we get closer to the election.

Curious George said...

"madisonfella said...
I thought the State and Federal courts shut down the John Doe as it was easily thwarted at every turn?"

That was John Doe II Corky, nothing to do with your stupid secret routers claim.

"madisonfella said...Six felony convictions is hardly "thwarted at every turn".

Walker's billionaire donors used one of their non-profit organizations to file a case before a Judge (a judge that the same group gave massive donation to) close the investigation down."

The felony convictions had nothing to do with any email or routers. And six isn't even accurate. And none were tied to Walker. In any way.

As far as the rest, it is so factual wrong it's laughable. You are a moron Penguin.

MadisonMan said...

and the consequences of being caught are not minor.

Oh, I agree. I don't think anything will come of it. At this point, what does it matter? It would be very surprising if an example were made of her. Chances of that happening? Nil. Chances of this being mentioned more than once on the front page of the WaPo or NYTimes? Also nil. (Read through the comments at the Times on the article. Prepare to shake your head)

People who want Hillary!! to be the first President with a V will ignore this completely, just as Walker Fans ignore anything that might tarnish his bald spot/halo.

I have to take tedious Security Classes online because of my work with the Dept of Commerce. I wonder if State has the same thing. If they do, I'm pretty sure Hillary!! didn't take it.

Matt Sablan said...

"I wonder if State has the same thing. If they do, I'm pretty sure Hillary!! didn't take it."

-- Like most bigwigs, she probably gave her credentials to an EA/underling and told them to take it for them. Which is another security problem!

MadisonMan said...

And I have to ask: Hillary!! was sending out emails as SoS from a non-gov account -- and no one noticed? No one said anything? No one in the press thought it newsworthy? I've been taking those aforementioned IT Security Courses for the Dept of Commerce since 2003 (of course I saved all my Certificates!)

There are none so blind as those who will not see. I guess the WaPo and NYTimes didn't want to embarrass their favorite lady.

Anonymous said...

Saying that Kelly Rindfleisch doesn't have ties to Walker "in any way" is completely delusional.

Anonymous said...

Saying that Tim Russell doesn't have ties to Walker "in any way" is completely delusional.

Todd said...

madisonfella said...
And it's amazing how some are still claiming that six felony convictions is "Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada".

Delusional behavior must be a side affect of Walker Worship Syndrome, because six is obviously more than nothing.

3/3/15, 7:26 AM>

Wait, what? Walker was convicted of 6 felonies? Really? Please share the details because I have not read about them ANYWHERE! I am sure the NYT or AP would have picked up that story but maybe they just missed it too. Again, please share the details!

BUT if Walker has NOT been convicted of 6 felonies, why do you keep lying about it and saying that he was? Is your case against him so week and your hatred for him so strong that there are NO limits to what you will do or say? Just asking AND if he has been convicted of six felonies, I will apologize to you.

Anonymous said...

How delusional does one have to be in order to claim a county executive has no ties "in any way" to his own deputy chief of staff?

Levi Starks said...

If the future first woman president of the U.S. does it, it's not illegal.

Anonymous said...

Granted, there is nothing that shows Brian Pierick has direct ties to Scott Walker. That pedophile is the boyfriend of Tim Russell, who despite holding several positions under Scott Walker is still being claimed has no ties to the Governor "in any way". So there is one of the six that might not have direct ties to Walker.

Mark Caplan said...

By bypassing State Department servers, Mrs. Clinton prevented master spy Eric Snowden from leaking her messages to the Chinese and Russians.

Anonymous said...

BUT if Walker has NOT been convicted of 6 felonies, why do you keep lying about it and saying that he was?

I never said Walker was convicted of any felonies. Why are you lying about what I said? Is your hatred for me so strong that there are NO limits to what you will do or say?

Matt Sablan said...

Sadly, Madisonfella is one of the reasons I don't really spend as much time as I used to.

Practically every thread eventually devolves when him or Garage infect it with attempting to relive the great Walker Indictment-Coming-Any-Day Days of yesteryear. Can we, maybe, have one day where the discussion doesn't get sidetracked so that they can indulge in a couple-of-minutes hate against their current Enemy?

Anonymous said...

Saying that Kevin Kavanaugh doesn't have ties to Walker "in any way" is completely delusional.

LightenUpFrancis said...

As a federal employee - an attorney who deals with Privacy Act / federal registry / FOIA / etc issues on a regular basis - this is so bizarrely inappropriate I was flabbergasted when I read it. We fire folks for doing a bare fraction of this. If someone at my agency did this we would likely refer them to the DoJ.

And this is the fucking SECRETARY OF STATE.

Matt Sablan said...

"And this is the fucking SECRETARY OF STATE."

-- Which is why nothing will happen. Little fish are much easier to fry.

Anonymous said...

*hands Matthew Sablan a tissue*

Sorry that this chamber isn't echoy enough for you, but it appears that your sadness has blinded you to the fact that it was a Walker supporter who first brought up the "secret routers" in this thread.

And I don't even post in "practically every thread", let alone about routers. Is it truly your perception that I do or are you being dishonest with your remarks?

Anonymous said...

Vintage Clinton , here. Hill, just like her partner in crime BJC, has an ego as large as a double-wide WALMART, and thinks she is more important than anything/anybody else, including the USA. She could be the most self-entitled person in world history.

Xmas said...


You really want to bring up "ties to pedophiles" in your defense of Hillary Clinton? Because if we want to start talking about degrees of separation here, 1 is less than 2 or 3.

alan markus said...


Granted, there is nothing that shows Brian Pierick has direct ties to Scott Walker. That pedophile is the boyfriend of Tim Russell, who despite holding several positions under Scott Walker is still being claimed has no ties to the Governor "in any way". So there is one of the six that might not have direct ties to Walker.

If you are claiming that was one of the "6 felony convictions" as an outcome of the John Does, you are totally whack. Do your research on the difference between being charged with a felony and being convicted of a felony. Give you a hint, he did plead No Contest to a misdemeanor charge.

Anonymous said...

@Xmas - whatever leads you to believe I am defending Hillary Clinton? I flat-out said she is a slimy scumbag.

Take off your partisan blinders and stop with the knee-jerk responses.

Brando said...

Enough comparisons to whatever Walker did with his own private e-mails--if he did do something illegal, then charge him. If he just did something unethical, then point it out and shame on him if so--it should be a black mark against any public official who skirts the law or ethics rules for personal gain.

But this is not relevant to Hillary's case, and in no way absolves her--in fact, this constant "what about your side" crap is exactly the sort of moral universe crooks like Hillary and Bill thrive in. Bill being a sexual predator in the White House didn't matter, because everyone else was doing something similar (though I'd point out a congressman having an affair is NOT the same thing as a president creepily using an underaged intern, if workplace sex harassment laws mean anything at all). Hillary was the Secretary of State, and her business and position involved matters of national security--if she couldn't handle that professionally without using her position to score money and poltiical chits for her slimy family then she should have turned down the job. For her to violate these rules is another example of what sort of dangerous person the Democrats see fit to give an uncontested nomination to.

Look, we get that you people hate Republicans and would like to see anyone elected as an alternative to President Walker or Cruz or Bush. I get that, it's politics. But is there not some point at which you can just look at rank lawlessness and narcissism and corruption and say "this can't be the price we have to pay"?

Anonymous said...

Alan is somewhat correct. The boyfriend of Scott Walker's close aide dodged the felony conviction and instead ended up with just a slap on the wrist for the child porn that was discovered on both his home and work computer during the John Doe investigation.

Xmas said...

So, there is this story in the NYTimes and the story about Clinton Foundation donations from foreign countries never being vetted by State Department ethics lawyers in the Washington Post.

It sounds like the knives are out for Hillary among the Democrats. I wonder which Democrat is goading the press into reporting these stories. The next step, I think, is for a Rolling Stone expose in the next couple of months.

This kind of has the same feel as the CIA leaks that undermined Bush.

furious_a said...

And I have to ask: Hillary!! was sending out emails as SoS from a non-gov account -- and no one noticed?

I'm sure Angela Merkel and Sergei Lavrov noticed those stupid pop-up ads for "Senior Dating" when they opened a Hillary! email.

Laslo Spatula said...

Like in the pronunciation of 'whore' the 'w' in 'wHillary' is silent.

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

OK. So Where were the emails stored?

If on a hard disk, let's have it examined to see what has been deleted.

If on a Government server, let's see what's on the server.

If it was web hosted, then presumably the NSA has records of it.

furious_a said...

"B-b-b-b-ut WALKER!!!...ackkk-PHHHFFT-RRRRK!!!...2016" -- add a Blue Fist and the yard signs practically print themselves.

More weak sauce from the Left.

Xmas said...


I'm not the one derailing a thread about Hillary's growing problem of negative press. :)

And that's the problem with "But, but, but Republican!!!" interjections into discussions about a Democrats problems. It's a dishonest distraction. Because, by the time we get around to Iowa and New Hampshire, there will have been 10,000 news stories and opinion pieces about how bad the Republican candidates are and 10,000 news stories about some problem with the Democrat candidates that isn't nearly as bad as the problems with the Republicans.

So, take off your blinders, discuss the problem at hand.

Laslo Spatula said...

We have become a Banana Republic, but it is OK amongst the elite because Whole Foods has really good organic bananas.

I am Laslo.

Sebastian said...

"What gives her the right to set her own rules?"

What, Dems need a "right"? Needing to do right is right enough. As Barry shows daily.

Still, this counts as a sign of dissension on the left. Slight quandary for libs: dismiss (as in tu quoques tried by commenters) or exploit (to promote lefty alternative)?

Could get fun before it's over. (Makes Jeb's preemptive full release prescient.)

cubanbob said...

madisonfella said...
Alan is somewhat correct. The boyfriend of Scott Walker's close aide dodged the felony conviction and instead ended up with just a slap on the wrist for the child porn that was discovered on both his home and work computer during the John Doe investigation.

3/3/15, 9:12 AM"

I wouldn't be shilling so hard for Hillary right now. If Bill's pal Prince Andrew goes down he probably isn't far behind as well. And then there is that multi-billion dollar foundation with it's questionable funding and spending. Better find another Don Quixote for your windmill twisting.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm sure Hillary wouldn't have done this if she didn't think it was a good idea.
If you're bothered by this kind of thing then maybe you're the problem. Maybe you're just not Ready For Hillary.
Something to think about.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...


Todd said...

madisonfella said...
BUT if Walker has NOT been convicted of 6 felonies, why do you keep lying about it and saying that he was?

I never said Walker was convicted of any felonies. Why are you lying about what I said? Is your hatred for me so strong that there are NO limits to what you will do or say?

3/3/15, 8:51 AM

I don't hate you, not at all. There are very few people I hate. I do often feel sorry for you.

And you are correct so I will apologize. You specifically did not say that Walker was convicted of six felonies. You do bring up that number whenever there is a Walker discussion and you NEVER mention who the felony convictions were against. If nothing else you are hoping to imply that Walker is a criminal but as you don't have any proof or anything specific you can site, you throw out that "6 convictions" number without indicating who (or whoms) was convicted. So, I did not lie. I made a mistake but I can also admit it when I do. Again, sorry.

LYNNDH said...

What does it matter at this point.
Over and done with, just like the election coming up.

Matt Sablan said...

Wow. That's... a lot worse than I thought.

She set it up the day of her confirmation hearing and conducted ALL of her work off of it. Not, just an email here or there like I was thinking. Four years of unsecure emailing.

I wonder if anyone has done a search for if anything SECRET went there yet.

garage mahal said...

Ewwww secret emails! Secret routers!!


Brando said...

"Ewwww secret emails! Secret routers!!


It's good to see the Clintons can always count on some segment of the population to give them truly unconditional support.

garage mahal said...

And none were tied to Walker. In any way.

LOL. Slurp Slurp!

Skeptical Voter said...

It's Clinton Town Jake--get over it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

It's frightening to think of the national security implications of a high ranking administration official, Sectary of State no less, transacting all official business on an unsecured email account. One would hope that there would be some kind of damage assessment review now that this news has broke. This seems like a potentially huge intelligence breach.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Sablan said...
I wonder if anyone has done a search for if anything SECRET went there yet.

I only have DoD and IC experience, but there are air gaps between TS, Secret and Unclass systems. So nobody sent her a document 'marked' "SECRET"

However, the emails could have themselves conveyed material that should have been classified, but had no origination markings yet.

all squishy judgement. she'll walk on that.

HOWEVER, I bet that her aides, knowing what a privileged 'witch' she was, likely transcribed info off the high side systems and sent it to her in the Hamptons, or wherever, so she would not be inconvenienced.

Big Mike said...

Brando tries using reason, and I tried sticking the knife in good and deep, and twisting. Doesn't look as though either works with the likes of garage or madisonfella or any other lefty on this thread.

The conclusion to draw is that Democrats are people who view laws and regulations as minor inconveniences intended to keep the riffraff Republicans and Independents in line, but which can never be applied to their heroes. I don't know how many elections they have to lose before Democrats return to being law-abiding, or go the way of the Whigs.

Balfegor said...

The saving grace here is at least she wasn't using Gmail or Hotmail or something. Well, it's a saving grace that doesn't actually save anything, since it's still massively improper.

On the other hand, while I don't know whether this is the case for the government, I would say that in my long years of experience doing document review (haha), executive use of personal email for business purposes is actually pretty widespread even though it's almost always a violation of any IT policies in place. What is unusual is that she didn't even bother to get a *.gov email address, so every single person in the government who worked with her knew to a 100% certainty that she was using a personal email address. Did no one think to pass her a note?

Which leads to my final point which is that this just looks incredibly lazy. If you wanted to hide your improper communications, you wouldn't use the email address you've been using to email literally everyone you work with in the State Department on a routine everyday business. She probably just didn't want to have to give up her blackberry or something.

SteveR said...

I see the democrat marching orders are: Hit the comments hard and point out all the other "bad" behavior" by republicans.

At her level this was nothing but an attempt to avoid accountability and a violation of basic security procedures. Why? Because she could.

Lyle said...


Big Mike said...

However, the emails could have themselves conveyed material that should have been classified, but had no origination markings yet.

@Drill SGT, you're overlooking the aggregation problem. It's quite possible that the contents of the Emails are individually unclassified and contain no sensitive, but taken together may contain very sensitive information.

cubanbob said...

Who wants to bet that Hillary was the only Obama Administration official to use personal email accounts for government business?

Anonymous said...

cubanbob said...
Who wants to bet that Hillary was the only Obama Administration official to use personal email accounts for government business?

you mean assuming the IRS, DOJ, Treasury and EPA staffs don't count?

Matt Sablan said...

Cubanbob: No bet. We already know other places did the same.

JAORE said...

Didn't Browner (sp?) the first EPA Administrator under President Obama do the same thing? Didn't Lehner and/or other IRS folks use private e-mail and or cell phone for texting counter to Federal rules?

Not even a slap on the wrists for them....

By the 2016 elections this (and oh so many other things) will be old, old news. And anyone who bundles up all the old news items will be a conspiracy crank, a right-wing loonie or a misogynist.

Birches said...

How much more JV can you get? Wow. sounds like super official records from the Secretary of State of the leader of the Free World.

How the heck does this happen? Is Obama getting all his emails from HRC from a domain address? And he was ok with it?

I'm with MadisonMan; this happens probably more than we'd like to admit. But at least it's not 100% of the time. Hillary! didn't even use her official email--- I can't even wrap my mind around it.

JAORE said...

My bad. It was EPA Administrator Jackson who used private e-mails, USING AN ALIAS......

Sorry Ms. Browner.

Birches said...

The only saving grace for Hillary! that I can see is that she actually doesn't email. Say after 4 years as Secretary of State she has only 100 emails sent. Well, then I would think it would be less of the colossal screwup I'm imagining.

iowan2 said...

If Republicans had balls, they dont, they would introduce legislation today,to repeal all the laws that were violated. Then watch the left spin

Kirk Parker said...


Listen, whatever happens between Hillary and Huma stays between Hillary and Human, OK?

Brando said...

"By the 2016 elections this (and oh so many other things) will be old, old news. And anyone who bundles up all the old news items will be a conspiracy crank, a right-wing loonie or a misogynist."

It'll be old news, but I don't think this will be the last mini-scandal hitting Hillary this cycle. This is all part of the slow drip as people start to remember what sort of person she is and why she was rejected in 2008. If the Left is smart, they'll seriously reconsider giving her a cakewalk for the Dem nomination, and if the Right is smart they'll do what they can to get the strongest possible GOP nominee.

Birches said...

@ Brando

The Dems bench is so short. Does anyone really think O'Malley has a chance? Hickenlooper seems the strongest, but he is a gaffe machine too and he barely won re-election. It feels like the 2008 bench for Republicans. Slim pickins

cubanbob said...

The Drill SGT said...
cubanbob said...
Who wants to bet that Hillary was the only Obama Administration official to use personal email accounts for government business?

you mean assuming the IRS, DOJ, Treasury and EPA staffs don't count?

3/3/15, 10:51 AM
Matthew Sablan said...
Cubanbob: No bet. We already know other places did the same.

3/3/15, 10:51 AM"

My bad. I meant to say Cabinet Officers and Agency Heads.

Brando said...

"The Dems bench is so short. Does anyone really think O'Malley has a chance? Hickenlooper seems the strongest, but he is a gaffe machine too and he barely won re-election. It feels like the 2008 bench for Republicans. Slim pickins"

It's short, but that's largely because no plausible candidates are getting any attention due to the Hillary domination of the party (donors and consultants being threatened, no media coverage of other potentials, so no one even dares make a move towards running). But if say Hillary did announce she wasn't running, I imagine many more would emerge--not just Liz Warren, but Cuomo, maybe Mark Warner, Cory Booker, Hickenlooper, Biden, Bill Richardson, I'm sure even some swampies would push DeBlasio. Not a "great" bench but for some of them the lack of attention they've gotten so far would be a plus--low negatives to start.

The Hillary cakewalk is bad for the Democrats especially (as she may well lose, and if she wins could turn out to be a disaster as her criminal gang runs amok in a way that makes everyone pine for the ethics and decency of Obama's administration) but also for America as a whole, because I believe the GOP has never met an election they couldn't botch.

Anonymous said...

My bad. I meant to say Cabinet Officers and Agency Heads.

The EPA Commisioner Lisa Jackson (aka Richard Windsor) was a cabinet officer

cubanbob said...

Sgt. You have a point. I just can't keep up with the doings of this criminal gang. Brando the problem with the Democrats getting a candidate for 2016 is what are they going to run against? The last eight years?

Revenant said...

I like the "possibly breaking rules" part. Not "Possibly", but in direct violation of law.

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Then again, this is the NYT -- "Democrat possibly breaks rules" is their version of "Democratic politician embarks on bloody crime spree".

MadisonMan said...


Worth a look just for the President Hickenlooper moniker.

Anonymous said...

And you are correct so I will apologize

Thank you for that.

I'd also like to point out that I don't hate Scott Walker, not at all. I do often feel sorry for those who support that scumbag, but I don't hate him nor his followers.

Brando said...

"Brando the problem with the Democrats getting a candidate for 2016 is what are they going to run against? The last eight years?"

I suspect (in that hypo) they'd have the same problem the GOP had in 2008--the nominee would need to distance himself from a generally unpopular president who is still somewhat popular within the party. But I could imagine one running on their new refrain about income inequality and preserving and fixing the ACA, and providing a counterweight to GOP domination of Congress and a "partisan" Court. Their disadvantage would be 8 years of party fatigue and (possibly) a skilled GOP nominee who can also triangulate against DC, their advantage would be the blue state electoral advantage as well as some demographics (if the Dems did a bit better among white men and held their advantage with minorities, they could pull it off).

Though, the longer Hillary plays Hamlet here, the weaker the Dems chances get if she turns out to not run.

Frankly, they deserve to lose if only because they've rolled over for the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

you NEVER mention who the felony convictions were against

BTW, those names do get mentioned. Even did so in this very thread, and before you made the claim I "NEVER" have.

mccullough said...

Was it a hotmail account?

Matt Sablan said...

"Was it a hotmail account?"

-- My understanding is that it was a personalized server (I think or something)

Matt Sablan said...

Server may be the wrong word, but whatever.

mccullough said...

Matthew S.,

She could have her own email server. Hopefully it has state of the art security.

MadisonMan said...

if she turns out to not run.

I don't think Hillary!! will run. It's plain the NYtimes thinks the same -- else why would they run stories that criticize her?

The better question: What Democrat is the NYTimes going to support via its slanted News coverage?

Revenant said...

Hillary Clinton broke the law? Well, so did Scott Walker's ex-deputy chief of staff's boyfriend!

So there!

Fred Drinkwater said...

I said this six months ago, and here it is again:
$ 100 says Hillary will not even be nominated. Wanna take the bet? (A.P. are you there?)

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing about Hillary.

She is sucking all of the air out of the Democrat nomination.

On the Republican side, you have Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, and a host of other possible candidates for the Republican nomination.

If you take out Scott Walker, so what? There are plenty of up and coming stars to take his place.

With Hillary on the Democrat side, you've got Joe Biden and maybe one or two other back benchers who will run against her. No talk of a serious challenger yet.

What happens if Hillary gets taken out before the primaries are over with? If you're a Democrat, you should be worried. You might end up with Joe Biden on the ticket and then Ted Cruz walks away with a 49 state victory.

This is why you're seeing the Washington Post and the New York Times attacking Hillary now.

It's a message. Get out!

Brando said...

If I were Hillary, I wouldn't run, because who needs all that headache and mudslinging (both that she'd have to do and she'd have to take) and stressful schedule and scrutiny, and if you win, four to eight years of the most intense pressure and responsibility for what exactly? Her favorables with half the country are high now and would likely increase if she bowed out and played kingmaker. Let people pine for you while they see the actual nominee take hits, and stay above the fray, give pricy speeches and sell books.

However, a certain narcissistic jackass she happens to be married to will never allow it--her winning would be a third term for him, and Bill is not to be denied. If it means putting his wife through hell (she clearly doesn't enjoy campaigning and isn't good at it), so be it, she can no more resist him than Juanita Broderick did. So I'd say better than even money she runs.

We should know by summer I think. They need to start raising boatloads of cash.

Brando said...

"I said this six months ago, and here it is again:
$ 100 says Hillary will not even be nominated. Wanna take the bet? (A.P. are you there?)"

I'm not a betting man, but that's tempting! I think better than even chance she runs, as Bill demands it and she will be dazzled by her enablers who also need it. And if she runs, the air is sucked out of every other Dem campaign.

Brando said...

"Here's the thing about Hillary.

She is sucking all of the air out of the Democrat nomination."

That's a dangerous game they're playing if they let her cakewalk. It's a lot of faith to put in a candidate who is really lousy on the stump, ethically challenged, and despised by about half the country.

Brando said...

As for Ben Carson, if he's wise he'll run for Senate in Maryland instead. It's also a bit of a longshot, but he's got a higher profile than almost any other Republican in the state and it's not as much of a longshot as him becoming president.

Todd said...

Brando said... [hush]​[hide comment]
If I were Hillary, I wouldn't run, because who needs all that headache and mudslinging (both that she'd have to do and she'd have to take) and stressful schedule and scrutiny, and if you win, four to eight years of the most intense pressure and responsibility for what exactly? Her favorables with half the country are high now and would likely increase if she bowed out and played kingmaker. Let people pine for you while they see the actual nominee take hits, and stay above the fray, give pricy speeches and sell books.

3/3/15, 1:04 PM

But we (America) owes her! It was hers and we snatched it out of her hands and so we owe her big time, this time!

Obama does not like to be President either but it did not stop him from running twice. He and Hillary! would both rather be King than President though that has not stopped Obama from acting like he is King or Congress from believing he is so there is that. Monarchies are easy. Just do what the boss says and you KNOW Hillary! would just love to scream "Off with her head!".

traditionalguy said...

Methinks Hildabeast has opened herself of to a dose of Elizabeth Warren's Righteousness.

Big Mike said...

That's a dangerous game they're playing if they let her cakewalk. It's a lot of faith to put in a candidate who is really lousy on the stump, ethically challenged, and despised by about half the country.

Not if their sense is that a Republican victory is close to inevitable in 2016 as the country searches for someone to clean up the mess Obama's made. Then "they" might go with Hillary in the hopes that a thorough shellacking will finally send the Clintons exiting the stage.

Big Mike said...

I'd also like to point out that I don't hate Scott Walker, not at all. I do often feel sorry for those who support that scumbag, but I don't hate him nor his followers.

Statement is utterly breathtaking in its chutzpah, and may set some sort of record for self-refutation.

For the record, madfella, you hate everything that is good and decent in the world. Now slither away, if you can find some stone so lacking in self-respect as will let you shelter beneath it.

Drago said...

I really can't understand why Hillary hasn't already dropped out to spend more time with her adoring husband.

Brando said...

"Not if their sense is that a Republican victory is close to inevitable in 2016 as the country searches for someone to clean up the mess Obama's made. Then "they" might go with Hillary in the hopes that a thorough shellacking will finally send the Clintons exiting the stage."

I can't imagine the Democrats thinking a GOP victory in 2016 is inevitable--even I don't think it's inevitable and it'd be something I'd prefer. I think the solution is simpler--very large numbers of Democrats actually love the Clintons--they see their dirty tactics as "what it takes to fight the GOP" and they (wrongly) attibute the positives of the '90s to the Clintons, and want to bring that back. Other Democrats, who are either turned off by Clinton sleaze or who see the Clintons as tools of the Wall Street rich, are dulled by the lack of viable options as the Clintons have threatened donors, consultants and officeholders into paving the way for her, and those Democrats will go with her the way conservatives grudgingly did for Romney.

It's foolish, of course--she certainly can be beat by a good GOP candidate ("good" meaning good on the stump and on TV, running a smart campaign that turns out the base and pulls enough moderates, avoids mistakes) and hoping the GOP screws up yet again is not the best strategy to count on. But I think a lot of them are deluding themselves into thinking she's a better candidate than she actually is, and think she might actually appeal to the white working class (simply because she won those voters by default when up against Senator Arugula in 2008).

Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
if she turns out to not run.

I don't think Hillary!! will run. It's plain the NYtimes thinks the same -- else why would they run stories that criticize her?"

Seriously? This is being run now so that in the general election it can be "old news."

garage mahal said...

Sooper Sekkrit emails. LOLOLOLOLOL

Brando said...

I don't think Hillary!! will run. It's plain the NYtimes thinks the same -- else why would they run stories that criticize her?"

Seriously? This is being run now so that in the general election it can be "old news." "

While I agree that she will most likely run, I don't think the media is trying to scuttle such stories (or that it would work if they did release them too early). These impressions do tend to stick with voters, particularly if they fit a narrative (and this does). The media wants a real race, not a cakewalk.

Once the parties have made their nominations, I think an unconscious bias will reveal itself, but for now I think if a good anti-Clinton story emerges, it'll get play.

Rusty said...

Drago said...
I really can't understand why Hillary hasn't already dropped out to spend more time with her adoring husband.

If she campaigns she can keep a lot of the money she raises. The Clintons are all about the dollars.

kjbe said...

This sounds like a fed story. Congratulations, you took the bait.

Krumhorn said...

Like in the pronunciation of 'whore' the 'w' in 'wHillary' is silent.

Wonderful! Whell done.

- Krumhorn

Anonymous said...

Notice the weasel words being used in this supposed "news" story. It's interesting for the information it doesn't give you.

Headline for Hillary!

Hillary Clinton only used personal email as secretary of state.

Headline for Colin Powell

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

Read the Colin Powell story doesn't clear anything up. Did he use a personal Email account as his work account like Hillary! did? Or did he have a personal account that he sometimes used while Sec State?

The story isn't clear.

Which makes me skeptical and makes it look like cover.

Aaron said...

This is why the media cannot be so biased. The former EPA head Lisa Jackson used a private email account with a pseudonym "Richard Windsor" for official business.

Does anyone remember this scandal? Was she hounded out of office, in shame, to end up a regional manager for Arby's?


She left her position and was hired by Apple in a PR position.

Excuse me? Apple hired someone who broke federal laws, used a fake name to hide it?

Wow, what kind of favor was called in for that kind of amukudari?

Government officials cannot be above the law. They cannot hide documents and communications. Its insane.

Aaron said...

From the speed at which Politico has a covering story all ready to go, this was leaked by Clinton herself to get it out now, rather than in 2016.


madAsHell said...

So, if Hillary is the presidential candidate, then how do we reconcile the Clinton Foundation?

Her husband takes donations from around the globe, but this isn't a conflict of interest??

Understandably, he hasn't laid hands on her for the last 30 years, but they do seem to share finances, and most likely advice.

Meade said...

"Sooper Sekkrit emails. LOLOLOLOLOL"

Tony Evers 2009?

Sloanasaurus said...

Nearly all companies require their employees to conduct business through the company email. Both for security reasons and because that is the way to do business.

It's almost as if Hillary doesn't see herself as being an employee of the government; she does not see herself as a servant of the people. She is instead Hillary - someone contracting her services out to the government for temporary purposes....for her purposes.

amielalune said...

Oh, wait, Josh Earnest said that Republican Secretaries of State have done the same thing. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

44 USC § 3101. Records management by agency heads; general duties

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities.

Anonymous said...

amielalune said...
Oh, wait, Josh Earnest said that Republican Secretaries of State have done the same thing. Never mind.

Powell used a private email account just as they became popular and when there was a different legal standard.

Rice never used email.

that's your Republican Secretaries of State in the email era. Unless you are talking about IBM Mainframe PROFS. I doubt Schutz or Baker used PROFS

Anonymous said...

For the record, madfella, you hate everything that is good and decent in the world

Sad part is that you aren't just trolling rather you honestly believe that to be a true statement. And that is why it is hard to take seriously much of anything else you find to be "true" as well.

Anonymous said...

when there was a different legal standard.

I thought as much when the "Powell did it too!" chorus started up.

When did those standards actually change?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

It's a simple as can be: the main stream media support Hillary Clinton and will not make this an issue.

DavidD said...

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Until there's a price to pay, beyond simply losing out on the Democrat Party nomination (again), they'll just keep expanding the envelope.

Constitutional republic? Rule of law? Outmoded concepts. The truth is what the Democrat Party says it is.

Bruce Hayden said...

My impression/understanding is that Hillary! is probably the most arrogant person to have lived in the White House in our lifetimes. And, that takes a bit - being more arrogant than Michelle Obama. For example, there are stories about the White House staff, where they weren't allowed to make eye contact with her, but rather, if they saw her coming, were supposed to stand by the wall, eyes down, as she walked by. Contrast that with the Bushes, who knew most of those employees by name, etc.

Why shouldn't she be arrogant? She had been cheating and cutting legal corners since she worked on the Watergate Commission, and had never had to pay any price for it. And, now, in her mid 60s, isn't about to learn. If she had had her law license suspended way back in the early 1970s, she might have learned some humility. But now, with an inside track to the Dem nomination, an eight figure net worth, etc., she isn't going to change.

Big Mike said...

Sad part is that you aren't just trolling rather you honestly believe that to be a true statement.

I honestly believe it to be a true statement because, well, I read what you write and logically conclude that you are a born hater who will not be happy until everyone is as miserable as you are.

Anonymous said...

I'm not miserable at all Mike nor do I "hate everything that is good and decent", but your last couple remarks makes me feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Because I speak critical of Scott Walker, Big Mike's logic tells him I hate puppies and kittens.

I'm sure that makes sense to him, somehow. And I'm sure someone "else" will be along quickly to agree with him.

Unknown said...

Because Hillary!, that's why.

Any other questions?

Johanna Lapp said...

If it's proven that other officials at State used accounts on the server, that would destroy Hillary!'s dodge that her emails were archived through the second party's account.

THAT would amount to a deliberate lie, would it not?

But I'm sure Hillary! supporters here will so stipulate, amirite? Because they know she'd never lie to American voters.

Johanna Lapp said...

madisonfella, those standards changed in 2006. AFTER Powell had stepped down. Inapplicable to Condi because she never used email internal or external. But 100% legally binding on Hillary! in 2009.

Sadly she resorted to this dodge NOT to hide info from the American voters, but because she knew the White House had no scruples about spying on its own cabinet.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

As long as Clinton remains a Leftist she won't be held accountable.

Unknown said...

madisonnavelgazer said---while completely ignoring the fact that Scott Walker's billionaire donors had the investigation shut down before it could be completed.--

LOL you make it sound like the investigation was just a few weeks old! The evillll Koch’s got to a state judge and a federal judge!!! Between the two John Doe Chisolm was pursuing the white whale for 4 years!! Watergate only took 2 years. Now that Walker is competing head to head with Hillary the suck lefty media is whispering about John Doe again.

All the emails were released. Why don’t you take your sorry, partisan butt and read them all and report to us what incriminating items you find.

As for separate Walker needed a separate communication channel for campaign purposes that’s required by law. John Doe was trying to catch Walker not separating his political and governing efforts.

Hillary was directly violating federal law so that she could communicate with the Saudi’s, the Muslim Brotherhood and others who hate us.

The consolation is that soon hackers are going to release all of her emails.

Anonymous said...

As for separate Walker needed a separate communication channel for campaign purposes that’s required by law.

Yes, the law said he couldn't have his campaign staff do their campaign work while they were working their county jobs. So the "separate communication channel" was set up in an attempt to hide their illegal activities.

According to prosecutors, there were at least 3,486 emails between Rindfleisch and members of Walker’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign. Most were sent and received during normal business hours while Rindfleisch was at her $59,560-a-year county job.


Four days later, Archer, head of the Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, wrote to Walker and members of his county executive and campaign staff via private email: “In light of recent events I will no longer be checking this e-mail account during the workday. We discussed this among CEX (county executive) staff this morning and we are unable to find alternatives.”

Budde told Judge Nettesheim that “the significance of this e-mail is that it shows that the people addressed on this e-mail are acting in concert with the County Executive staff to find alternative ways to communicate using private e-mail during the workday.”

avwh said...

What the hell does any of Walker's staffers' offenses (real or imagined) have to do with the Sec of State ignoring all security protocols and rules regarding her email correspondence the ENTIRE TIME she held the office?

And yet she's the clear frontrunner nominee for POTUS for her party and it took TWO YEARS AFTER she left office for our crack 4th estate and Congress to discover this??

BTW - What national offices are Walker's staffers running for (assuming they committed any offenses)?

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