I hope Scott Walker is the GOP nominee. I also hope his VP is the Governor from New Mexico (Susanna Martinez) or the Senator from New Hampshire (Kelly Ayotte). Else, HRC will have him for breakfast!
It was a neutral interview. Good for Wallace. I read the transcript so I don't know how it played on the screen, but Walker seemed to do ok. Can you imagine MSNBC giving a similar interview to a democratic candidate? I can't.
I thought he did pretty well. On the budget, I'm not that familiar but the answer that popped into my mind was "I'll fire 1500 administrators." That would not be a good sound bite but the undercurrent is there, I think.
His answer om immigration is a little weak but the real answer is the one I posted in another thread. We cannot talk about we will really do, which is to sort out those illegals who have behaved well, and once the border is closed, let them apply for citizenship. Nobody is going to deport them.
Am I the only one who sees a great physical similarity between Walker and Wallace? Around the mouth especially. Wallace has slightly better hair, though.
Also about downplaying the Clintons shenanigans. It is reported that foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation total more than 2 billion dollars, so it is about billions with a b, not mere millions.
Wallace strikes me a bigtime lib. He never asks a question from a conservative viewpoint...i.e. So would you risk closing down DHS over Obama's DAPA which protects illegals from being deported? [that is the slanted question from all in the mainstream media as if large numbers of illegals are even at risk of being deported.] When in fact, that is far far from the truth and just a lie and obfuscates the real issue which is that Obama has taken it upon himself to give 5 Million [and how does anyone even know what the real number is] amnesty and social security numbers and tax refunds etc.
Did anyone even pick-up on the "Birman" parallel that SNL tried to pin on Giuliani for his "Obama doesn't love America" comment at the start of last night's episode?
It won Best Picture Oscar? I never even heard of it.
I did note that Walker said that the key to control future immigration will be proof of citizenship and penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
Indeed, but this is something the Democrats will never agree to. Was it last week, or the week before, that President Obama said there would be "consequences" for any US official who tried to enforce laws he had given orders not to enforce?
There are three, maybe four, people on both sides combined that I don't automatically tune out in the certainty that if their lips are moving then they're lying. Walker has an advantage in being one of them.
" . . . once the border is closed, let them apply for citizenship." It. Will. Not. Happen. Democrats want to keep that faucet open so they can keep a large number of semi-citizens within our borders. Businesses want to keep the faucet open to exert downward pressure on wages. "Scure the border first" has some advocates in politics. The closer it comes to actually occurring, the more pressure will be applied to make "securing the border" a meaningless exercise. Back in 2007 when Bush pushed for amnesty, the plan fell apart because the number of legal and guest workers demanded by the USCC and Dems was so large, it was virtually the same as not having a border at all. I think 4 million "guest workers" /year was the suggested starting point.
The borders will be secured but only after some huge tragedy like ISIS maniacs shooting up hundreds of American kids in one of our schools. And I hate to even say that.
That Dairy Farmer is a smooth operator. He hit every mark and spoke well written lines with the practiced tone of a longtime actor turned Governor.
Being a good actor is the same skill as being a Baptist preacher. He remembers to give a good report on attendance at his elections even by independents. He exhorts folks to work hard on elections and to be on God's side.
All he needs to add is an alter call to join a campaign to save America...Ronald Reagin's America that is.
Michael K is partially right. But I don't think there ever needs to be a path to citizenship. Permanent Resident status. End of story. Done.
I come at the whole immigration thing from a different place than most of you. My grandparents were illegal; my dad was illegal. And here is what is most striking to me about how things have changed. My Grandpa was deported at least twice--I think my dad was deported at least once before he married my mom. One of my uncles (born here) was deported with the neighbors during an INS raid as a child (yep, just like in Born in East LA). Here's the thing. They were never bitter about it---never, "How dare you!" about it. It was the nature of the game--they were doing something wrong--something illegal and if they got caught, well they got caught. That attitude has gone completely---its all victimhood, all the time.
People are going to try and get here---and that's fine---of course I think that's fine. My family would be destitute and ignorant if we were still in Mexico. But we need to get back to the point where the people here illegally need to realize we're not coddling anymore. You are not a victim. You're playing odds and sometimes you lose.
What's wrong with Ronald Reagin? I did not call Walker a bad name, did I?
Walker says he won in a State that had gone Dem for President since 1984, which means that if he can restore 1984 politics in Wisconsin he can do a repeat of Reagin in 1984 nationally . That would be the year of the super GOP landslide affirming the Reagan recovery from the Carter malaise years.
"Path to citizenship" can be discussed. But it needs to be simple. Talk about paying a fine and back taxes is nonsense. Most of these people do not have any more than their weekly paychecks (or cash) to start with. Likewise with "going to the back of the queue," etc. Who would want any part of such a deal? Besides the Gov't is not competent to deal with anything that complicated. Just think of the mess it has made of Obamacare!
It is easy to demonize Cruz, Paul, etc. because they are actually stupid.
Don't blame the media, if your pols. are bad.
Be happy. Democrats have less of a bench then GOP. They also have stupids.
Focus on the eight-ball: Walker.
GOP has NO other choice. If you think you have a choice, then either you are deluding yourself or you do not know why Obama/Biden defeated McCain and Palin (soundly) all over the country.
Yesterday's Palin is today's Paul, Christie, or Cruz.
Do you get it? If not, wake up and get some coffee.
Don't think so; not at Fox anyway, but the interviewers are quite predictable if you follow the chatter on the blogs, and the candidates have people who do that and prepare the candidates for what they expect will come up.
Ha. Well, we have been running mates for about 3 years now. And I will say this about Governor Zeus: he's not just some big fancy barker. He means what he growls and growls what he means.
Also, he has demonstrated his courage and resolve, standing up to dozens and dozens of chittering squirrel protesters over the years. He never ever backs down.
Got my Kinks Greatest Hits CD right here...looking at the cover. Nope they all look alike and appear to be about equal heights. So I couldn't pick out Ray Davies if you had a gun to my head.
Ha. Well, we have been running mates for about 3 years now. And I will say this about Governor Zeus: he's not just some big fancy barker. He means what he growls and growls what he means.
Also, he has demonstrated his courage and resolve, standing up to dozens and dozens of chittering squirrel protesters over the years. He never ever backs down.
Eh, hence My baby boy, my best friend...you describe to a tee.
I'm going to lose him next week. He can't walk, thinking a mild stroke. Waiting for loved ones to come say goodbye.
About that Walker-Martinez “dream ticket” -- not sure Walker is eye-to-eye with Susana Martinez on immigration. In an April 2014 interview, she was in favor of "comprehensive immigration reform" and a "pathway to citizenship"; Walker was, at best, vague today with Wallace on his position, but those don't sound to me like the ideas he was trying to get across.
Anyway, here's Susana:
First, Republicans should remind Latinos that Obama pledged to pass comprehensive immigration reform by the end of his initial year in office, but “didn’t even have the courage to try.” Next, the GOP should outflank the president–on the left–by proposing its own comprehensive plan. “I absolutely advocate for comprehensive immigration reform,” Martinez says, sipping a caramel macchiato. “Republicans want to be tough and say, ‘Illegals, you’re gone.’ But the answer is a lot more complex than that.” Martinez envisions an approach “with multiple levels”: increased border security; deportation for criminals; a guest-worker program for people who want “to go freely back and forth across the border to work”; a DREAM Act-style pathway to citizenship, through the military or college, for children brought here illegally by their parents; and a visa (coupled with a “penalty” or a “tagback”) that allows rest of the illegal population to remain in the U.S. while they follow standard naturalization procedures.
Martinez was a life-long democrat...until she wasn't.
It's like the housewife that is dead against deer hunting, until one fine May morning she goes out to water her $1000 garden, and there's nothing left.
I worked in banks as a temporary teller for awhile and learned that immigrants are not the pathetic pay check to pay check figures that the narrative on both sides presupposes.
Immigrants save money every week gathering a sum for down payment on a store, house or business. All the money anyone in the family gets goes into this savings account - the father's large paycheck, the mother's smaller part-time check, the grandmother's social security, whatever - it all goes into the account. A specific amount comes out for housekeeping, a very small amount for miscellaneous. Then at a given point the money is taken out for the house, business or store. Then the process begins again. All these immigrants utterly despise anyone not saving in this way.
The Hispanic immigrants in the US have the difference that so many are illegal and the problem this creates has to be handled carefully. But the pattern is not different.
So the Hispanic immigrants are small business men and property owners actually or as a goal. And if the Hispanic immigrants were legalized so that they had to follow labor regulations and affirmative action rules and social security payments in their businesses and stores, they would leave the Democratic party at once.
This is not how people think about immigrants but this is the reality. Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio are absolutely typical. The debate on immigration would be quite different if it was about the real immigrants.
"This is not how people think about immigrants but this is the reality." It is not reality, it is anecdote. When you are a bank teller, you only see the illegals that go to banks. Duh.
Immigration views always depend on whose job is being taken, similar to when jobs began going offshore.
There is also a rule of law component, as well as a basic sovereignty argument.
The sysytem depends on a majority of people playing by the rules. Once those suckers realize they are the only ones playing by the rules, they will wise up. It just takes a little irish democracy to show politicians you can bring their system to a halt.
Lydia quoted Martinez: “Republicans want to be tough and say, ‘Illegals, you’re gone.’"
I have never heard a Republican call for mass deportation. The actual stats on illegals are revealing. Most come and go between the US and Mexico, living part time in each country. Many send money to "village associations" as well as relatives in Mexico. These village associations are like the rotary. They build community structures, playgrounds, schools, etc., that the Mexican government can't or won't build. Most come from Southern Mexico, from the poorest states with the least level of education and other government services.
I've heard all the candidates asked if they would deport eleven million people. I would like all the candidates, especially the Democratic ones, asked if they would support giving food stamps, Social Security Disability payments, tax refunds, tuition assistance etc. to those here illegally......I've read that 60% of the people in Mexico would move to Ametica if given a chance, I'd like the politicians asked if there is an absolute number that indicates too many immigrants for us to safely absorb and what that number is.......There are tough questions that can be asked on both sides of this issue.
Pathway for citizenship? Sure. Go back home and apply. Like every other immigrant on the planet( Except Mexico, Central America and a few countries further south.) The answer is to grant legal residency, with no rights to run for any public office, vote, or own real property. A few more restrictions as need arises. This would also require Voter ID and bull bio metric ID'ing of all non-citizens, legal residents,. And to clarify, this is not discriminatory. Its voluntary.
I guess Obama thinks Scott Walker is chicken shit like he thinks Netanyahu is chicken shit for merely standing up to Air Traffic Controllers while Kenyan Drone Killer I threatens mass dogfights to shoot down Jew Air Force pilots caught bombing his beloved, peace loving Iranian's brand new Atomic Bomb factories.
That would be so arrogant of Zionist Jews to fight back instead of waiting to be incinerated believing an Obama promise could come true.
Here is another way to think about Walker's VP choice, if he runs and becomes the GOP nominee.
HRC, a former senator, has zero executive experience. She will be forced to consider a governor. This is why Martin O'Malley is making up noises now. He is the defacto VP for her.
SO, Walker cannot go for anyone who cannot match MOM - that is, dismantle him.
Therefore, Martinez from NM or Ayotte from NH are perfectly balanced to give Walker the edge.
You have to know by now: HRC will have a better news coverage (NYT, NPR, PBS, etc.). We will know again and again in 2016, practically every hour, every minute, every second, that is time for a woman POTUS and that GOP hates women, etc. etc.
You can never take a break if your opponent is a Clinton. You have to think like a chess player, think of an end-game. Else you are a TOAST.
Never underestimate your opponent, esp. if it is a Democrat who is beloved by the elite press (i.e., NYT). Remember: Maggie Haberman, the Clinton cheerleader from Politico, has started in NYT.
The HRC era has already started. Walker's nomination and his VP choice will demonstrate what the future will be….
Reading through the comments I realize I'm getting older and more conservative. Because most of the comments here seem to be from people far to the left of me.
1) His answer on abortion came out as one of those political lies. The ones Ann Altbouse likes. When Obama said he was evolving on gay marriage, everyone knew he was lying. Just as Walker is lying about his position on abortion. Is he pro-life or pro choice? Because his answer wants to have it both ways.
2) On immigration he is also lying. Is he pro-amnesty or is he for border control? Again, this seems like another of those political lies. Many of us conservatives want to hear he is hard line against amnesty. But his answer doesn't bring me comfort. He wants to have it both ways. His answer says, yesterday I was for Amnesty, but today, because of Obama, I'm against it. Well, what will tomorrow bring? No one can say, but he does a good job of making both sides want to cross their fingers and hope he is secretly on their side.
3) Does he want boots on the ground against ISIS? I'd swear he does, because I do. But when I listened a second time, who knows? I want the lie to fall on my side, again. But I honestly couldn't tell you what he really thinks, because he didn't answer the question.
Watching the interview tells me Scott Walker is a very skilled politician. The only time I felt like he was speaking from truth and strength was when Wallace was focusing on the state budget. He sounded clear, concise, sincere.
But the rest sounded like pure BS.
I don't want another Barack Obama as President, even if he is a conservative version.
I would take 10 million "guest workers" as long as it was a trade and we sent 10 million Occupy protesters the other way.
Most of the Occupy protesters were college students. Let the Walker administration fund cheap spring break tickets to Mexico... and then run into bureaucratic difficulties processing all the people trying to return to the country at the end of the week.
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That is not a cruelly neutral screen grab.
At least he's not picking his nose.
I hope Scott Walker is the GOP nominee. I also hope his VP is the Governor from New Mexico (Susanna Martinez) or the Senator from New Hampshire (Kelly Ayotte). Else, HRC will have him for breakfast!
You should have seen the look I caught on his face when I paused at just some random spot where I needed to let Meade make a comment.
It was a neutral interview. Good for Wallace. I read the transcript so I don't know how it played on the screen, but Walker seemed to do ok. Can you imagine MSNBC giving a similar interview to a democratic candidate? I can't.
I thought he did pretty well. On the budget, I'm not that familiar but the answer that popped into my mind was "I'll fire 1500 administrators." That would not be a good sound bite but the undercurrent is there, I think.
His answer om immigration is a little weak but the real answer is the one I posted in another thread. We cannot talk about we will really do, which is to sort out those illegals who have behaved well, and once the border is closed, let them apply for citizenship. Nobody is going to deport them.
The problem is that the trust is not there.
Dream Team.
I would like to see Mr. Wallace give that "neutral" a grilling to any Democratic candidate for any office whatever.
Likewise about trying to get Steve Scalise to declare war on Iran on Fox News Sunday. And Scalise is not even running for president.
Am I the only one who sees a great physical similarity between Walker and Wallace? Around the mouth especially. Wallace has slightly better hair, though.
Also about downplaying the Clintons shenanigans. It is reported that foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation total more than 2 billion dollars, so it is about billions with a b, not mere millions.
It was a very fair interview. Wallace directly asked him about many things and Walker gave good, politically-savvy, on-message answers.
Like a pro.
There seems to be absolutely nothing that Democrats will baulk at accepting from anyone on "their side." It is disgraceful.
From a pure public-speaking perspective, I appreciate that he doesn't use verbal place-holders very often when talking.
No "uh's, um's, and so's."
Wallace strikes me a bigtime lib. He never asks a question from a conservative viewpoint...i.e. So would you risk closing down DHS over Obama's DAPA which protects illegals from being deported? [that is the slanted question from all in the mainstream media as if large numbers of illegals are even at risk of being deported.] When in fact, that is far far from the truth and just a lie and obfuscates the real issue which is that Obama has taken it upon himself to give 5 Million [and how does anyone even know what the real number is] amnesty and social security numbers and tax refunds etc.
Did anyone even pick-up on the "Birman" parallel that SNL tried to pin on Giuliani for his "Obama doesn't love America" comment at the start of last night's episode?
It won Best Picture Oscar? I never even heard of it.
I have to agree, the Governor is articulate and a nice-looking guy.
I did note that Walker said that the key to control future immigration will be proof of citizenship and penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
Indeed, but this is something the Democrats will never agree to.
Was it last week, or the week before, that President Obama said there would be "consequences" for any US official who tried to enforce laws he had given orders not to enforce?
Good interview and good responses by Walker.
It is Chicago, all the way down.
I never discuss politics with my wife. This morning was the first time I have heard here say the name Scott Walker. Just sayin'
Walker - Jindal
They've been governors together. They're both smart. HRC can have a go at going full white supremacist on Jindal.
There are three, maybe four, people on both sides combined that I don't automatically tune out in the certainty that if their lips are moving then they're lying. Walker has an advantage in being one of them.
" . . . once the border is closed, let them apply for citizenship."
It. Will. Not. Happen.
Democrats want to keep that faucet open so they can keep a large number of semi-citizens within our borders. Businesses want to keep the faucet open to exert downward pressure on wages.
"Scure the border first" has some advocates in politics. The closer it comes to actually occurring, the more pressure will be applied to make "securing the border" a meaningless exercise.
Back in 2007 when Bush pushed for amnesty, the plan fell apart because the number of legal and guest workers demanded by the USCC and Dems was so large, it was virtually the same as not having a border at all. I think 4 million "guest workers" /year was the suggested starting point.
The borders will be secured but only after some huge tragedy like ISIS maniacs shooting up hundreds of American kids in one of our schools. And I hate to even say that.
That Dairy Farmer is a smooth operator. He hit every mark and spoke well written lines with the practiced tone of a longtime actor turned Governor.
Being a good actor is the same skill as being a Baptist preacher. He remembers to give a good report on attendance at his elections even by independents. He exhorts folks to work hard on elections and to be on God's side.
All he needs to add is an alter call to join a campaign to save America...Ronald Reagin's America that is.
If GOP does not have have a woman as a VP, there is ZERO chance of winning a single state in 2016, including the home state of the top of the ticket.
It is that simple. Forget Jindal as VP.
If Walker is the nominee, his VP has to be (i.e., MUST) be a woman - Martinez or Ayotte, or someone else.
Else, HRC will have GOP for breakfast, actually, pre-breakfast, like the morning tea/coffee.
GOP is going to be finished.
WHY? The 2016 is the going to be the year of a woman voter.
It is that simple. If you do not get it, then you are a dinosaur.
*Gasp* Not . . . Ronald Reagan's America! Please, spare us the tax cuts and the 3.5% average GDP growth!
Bolton/Ernst in 2016
.Ronald Reagin's America that is.
That's the one most of us want to live in.
You're welcome to Obama's America.......
I think 4 million "guest workers" /year was the suggested starting point.
I would be willing to accept 4 million braceros a year, if the border was otherwise secured, and they really went home when the work was done.
So where does Walker really stand on immigration? I have a feeling that he could be defined by opponents in the primary on this issue.
The MSM has successfully demonized smart, qualified Repubs like Bolton and Cruz and Ben Carson.
They are trying mightily to do the same to Walker.
Yes, Ronald Reagan's America, where more black families were intact and millions of black Americans were still imployed.
Nice to see traditionalguy finally acknowledging his racism and White Privilege.
Michael K is partially right. But I don't think there ever needs to be a path to citizenship. Permanent Resident status. End of story. Done.
I come at the whole immigration thing from a different place than most of you. My grandparents were illegal; my dad was illegal. And here is what is most striking to me about how things have changed. My Grandpa was deported at least twice--I think my dad was deported at least once before he married my mom. One of my uncles (born here) was deported with the neighbors during an INS raid as a child (yep, just like in Born in East LA). Here's the thing. They were never bitter about it---never, "How dare you!" about it. It was the nature of the game--they were doing something wrong--something illegal and if they got caught, well they got caught. That attitude has gone completely---its all victimhood, all the time.
People are going to try and get here---and that's fine---of course I think that's fine. My family would be destitute and ignorant if we were still in Mexico. But we need to get back to the point where the people here illegally need to realize we're not coddling anymore. You are not a victim. You're playing odds and sometimes you lose.
" But I don't think there ever needs to be a path to citizenship."
Oh, I agree. First generation should be happy with that.
What's wrong with Ronald Reagin? I did not call Walker a bad name, did I?
Walker says he won in a State that had gone Dem for President since 1984, which means that if he can restore 1984 politics in Wisconsin he can do a repeat of Reagin in 1984 nationally . That would be the year of the super GOP landslide affirming the Reagan recovery from the Carter malaise years.
"Path to citizenship" can be discussed. But it needs to be simple.
Talk about paying a fine and back taxes is nonsense. Most of these people do not have any more than their weekly paychecks (or cash) to start with. Likewise with "going to the back of the queue," etc. Who would want any part of such a deal? Besides the Gov't is not competent to deal with anything that complicated.
Just think of the mess it has made of Obamacare!
It is easy to demonize Cruz, Paul, etc. because they are actually stupid.
Don't blame the media, if your pols. are bad.
Be happy. Democrats have less of a bench then GOP. They also have stupids.
Focus on the eight-ball: Walker.
GOP has NO other choice. If you think you have a choice, then either you are deluding yourself or you do not know why Obama/Biden defeated McCain and Palin (soundly) all over the country.
Yesterday's Palin is today's Paul, Christie, or Cruz.
Do you get it? If not, wake up and get some coffee.
Are interviewees shown the list of questions beforehand?
Walker was quick on the uptake with no hesitation.
Zeus-Meade 2016.
Don't think so; not at Fox anyway, but the interviewers are quite predictable if you follow the chatter on the blogs, and the candidates have people who do that and prepare the candidates for what they expect will come up.
Lydia said...
Am I the only one who sees a great physical similarity between Walker and Wallace? Around the mouth especially.
I disagree on this distraction. Chris Wallace has much more of the impish grin thing going -- the same thing Ray Davies in The Kink has to an extreme.
Chickelit wrote:
"Chris Wallace has much more of the impish grin thing going -- the same thing Ray Davies in The Kink has to an extreme."
It helped Ray Davies that he was, like, 3'8" tall.
I wish Walker would note turn his head so. The constant,partial slide glance is a bit unnerving.
Consecutive Ray Davies comments! My day is complete.
"Zeus-Meade 2016."
Ha. Well, we have been running mates for about 3 years now. And I will say this about Governor Zeus: he's not just some big fancy barker. He means what he growls and growls what he means.
Also, he has demonstrated his courage and resolve, standing up to dozens and dozens of chittering squirrel protesters over the years. He never ever backs down.
So take note, terrorist raccoons.
I love Ray Davies.
Got my Kinks Greatest Hits CD right here...looking at the cover. Nope they all look alike and appear to be about equal heights. So I couldn't pick out Ray Davies if you had a gun to my head.
Here's Ray Davies' Chris Wallace face/grin, about 30 seconds inlink
Note that Davies does a good impression of Cher doing Sonny Bono voice when he says "Lola, la la la Lola."
Blogger Meade said...
"Zeus-Meade 2016."
Ha. Well, we have been running mates for about 3 years now. And I will say this about Governor Zeus: he's not just some big fancy barker. He means what he growls and growls what he means.
Also, he has demonstrated his courage and resolve, standing up to dozens and dozens of chittering squirrel protesters over the years. He never ever backs down.
Eh, hence My baby boy, my best friend...you describe to a tee.
I'm going to lose him next week. He can't walk, thinking a mild stroke. Waiting for loved ones to come say goodbye.
BTW- his dad.....his name was Zeus.
About that Walker-Martinez “dream ticket” -- not sure Walker is eye-to-eye with Susana Martinez on immigration. In an April 2014 interview, she was in favor of "comprehensive immigration reform" and a "pathway to citizenship"; Walker was, at best, vague today with Wallace on his position, but those don't sound to me like the ideas he was trying to get across.
Anyway, here's Susana:
First, Republicans should remind Latinos that Obama pledged to pass comprehensive immigration reform by the end of his initial year in office, but “didn’t even have the courage to try.” Next, the GOP should outflank the president–on the left–by proposing its own comprehensive plan. “I absolutely advocate for comprehensive immigration reform,” Martinez says, sipping a caramel macchiato. “Republicans want to be tough and say, ‘Illegals, you’re gone.’ But the answer is a lot more complex than that.” Martinez envisions an approach “with multiple levels”: increased border security; deportation for criminals; a guest-worker program for people who want “to go freely back and forth across the border to work”; a DREAM Act-style pathway to citizenship, through the military or college, for children brought here illegally by their parents; and a visa (coupled with a “penalty” or a “tagback”) that allows rest of the illegal population to remain in the U.S. while they follow standard naturalization procedures.
Lydia said...
Martinez was a life-long democrat...until she wasn't.
It's like the housewife that is dead against deer hunting, until one fine May morning she goes out to water her $1000 garden, and there's nothing left.
I worked in banks as a temporary teller for awhile and learned that immigrants are not the pathetic pay check to pay check figures that the narrative on both sides presupposes.
Immigrants save money every week gathering a sum for down payment on a store, house or business. All the money anyone in the family gets goes into this savings account - the father's large paycheck, the mother's smaller part-time check, the grandmother's social security, whatever - it all goes into the account. A specific amount comes out for housekeeping, a very small amount for miscellaneous. Then at a given point the money is taken out for the house, business or store. Then the process begins again. All these immigrants utterly despise anyone not saving in this way.
The Hispanic immigrants in the US have the difference that so many are illegal and the problem this creates has to be handled carefully. But the pattern is not different.
So the Hispanic immigrants are small business men and property owners actually or as a goal. And if the Hispanic immigrants were legalized so that they had to follow labor regulations and affirmative action rules and social security payments in their businesses and stores, they would leave the Democratic party at once.
This is not how people think about immigrants but this is the reality. Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio are absolutely typical. The debate on immigration would be quite different if it was about the real immigrants.
"This is not how people think about immigrants but this is the reality."
It is not reality, it is anecdote. When you are a bank teller, you only see the illegals that go to banks. Duh.
Sorry, Wildswan, I shouldn't have ended my last comment with "Duh." That wasn't polite.
Immigration views always depend on whose job is being taken, similar to when jobs began going offshore.
There is also a rule of law component, as well as a basic sovereignty argument.
The sysytem depends on a majority of people playing by the rules. Once those suckers realize they are the only ones playing by the rules, they will wise up. It just takes a little irish democracy to show politicians you can bring their system to a halt.
Lydia quoted Martinez:
“Republicans want to be tough and say, ‘Illegals, you’re gone.’"
I have never heard a Republican call for mass deportation.
The actual stats on illegals are revealing. Most come and go between the US and Mexico, living part time in each country. Many send money to "village associations" as well as relatives in Mexico. These village associations are like the rotary. They build community structures, playgrounds, schools, etc., that the Mexican government can't or won't build.
Most come from Southern Mexico, from the poorest states with the least level of education and other government services.
I've heard all the candidates asked if they would deport eleven million people. I would like all the candidates, especially the Democratic ones, asked if they would support giving food stamps, Social Security Disability payments, tax refunds, tuition assistance etc. to those here illegally......I've read that 60% of the people in Mexico would move to Ametica if given a chance, I'd like the politicians asked if there is an absolute number that indicates too many immigrants for us to safely absorb and what that number is.......There are tough questions that can be asked on both sides of this issue.
Pathway for citizenship? Sure. Go back home and apply. Like every other immigrant on the planet( Except Mexico, Central America and a few countries further south.)
The answer is to grant legal residency, with no rights to run for any public office, vote, or own real property. A few more restrictions as need arises.
This would also require Voter ID and bull bio metric ID'ing of all non-citizens, legal residents,.
And to clarify, this is not discriminatory. Its voluntary.
Walker/Martinez or Walker/Fiorino. The latter has foreign policy cred and is becoming quite practiced at slicing up Hillary.
I guess Obama thinks Scott Walker is chicken shit like he thinks Netanyahu is chicken shit for merely standing up to Air Traffic Controllers while Kenyan Drone Killer I threatens mass dogfights to shoot down Jew Air Force pilots caught bombing his beloved, peace loving Iranian's brand new Atomic Bomb factories.
That would be so arrogant of Zionist Jews to fight back instead of waiting to be incinerated believing an Obama promise could come true.
Here is another way to think about Walker's VP choice, if he runs and becomes the GOP nominee.
HRC, a former senator, has zero executive experience. She will be forced to consider a governor. This is why Martin O'Malley is making up noises now. He is the defacto VP for her.
SO, Walker cannot go for anyone who cannot match MOM - that is, dismantle him.
Therefore, Martinez from NM or Ayotte from NH are perfectly balanced to give Walker the edge.
You have to know by now: HRC will have a better news coverage (NYT, NPR, PBS, etc.). We will know again and again in 2016, practically every hour, every minute, every second, that is time for a woman POTUS and that GOP hates women, etc. etc.
You can never take a break if your opponent is a Clinton. You have to think like a chess player, think of an end-game. Else you are a TOAST.
Never underestimate your opponent, esp. if it is a Democrat who is beloved by the elite press (i.e., NYT). Remember: Maggie Haberman, the Clinton cheerleader from Politico, has started in NYT.
The HRC era has already started. Walker's nomination and his VP choice will demonstrate what the future will be….
Oh, another thing about foreign policy.
Two words: Who cares.
American voters care most about their pay checks. No matter, what records you review, the most important issue is economics.
It is NOT or HAS EVER BEEN foreign policy.
This is the Clueless Press talking. When Bush was the POTUS, the press said it is not important. Why? They wanted to protect their candidate, Obama.
Now, Obama is the POTUS, the press says it is important. Why? They want to protect their candidate, HRC.
Remember: the voters issue is their paycheck, employment, etc.
That is why, focus on the eight-ball: Walker.
Forget Cruz, Christie, Paul, etc. They are LOSERS!
America's Politico said...
Oh, another thing about foreign policy.
Two words: Who cares.
A common sentiment on December 6, 1941.
Reading through the comments I realize I'm getting older and more conservative. Because most of the comments here seem to be from people far to the left of me.
1) His answer on abortion came out as one of those political lies. The ones Ann Altbouse likes. When Obama said he was evolving on gay marriage, everyone knew he was lying. Just as Walker is lying about his position on abortion. Is he pro-life or pro choice? Because his answer wants to have it both ways.
2) On immigration he is also lying. Is he pro-amnesty or is he for border control? Again, this seems like another of those political lies. Many of us conservatives want to hear he is hard line against amnesty. But his answer doesn't bring me comfort. He wants to have it both ways. His answer says, yesterday I was for Amnesty, but today, because of Obama, I'm against it. Well, what will tomorrow bring? No one can say, but he does a good job of making both sides want to cross their fingers and hope he is secretly on their side.
3) Does he want boots on the ground against ISIS? I'd swear he does, because I do. But when I listened a second time, who knows? I want the lie to fall on my side, again. But I honestly couldn't tell you what he really thinks, because he didn't answer the question.
Watching the interview tells me Scott Walker is a very skilled politician. The only time I felt like he was speaking from truth and strength was when Wallace was focusing on the state budget. He sounded clear, concise, sincere.
But the rest sounded like pure BS.
I don't want another Barack Obama as President, even if he is a conservative version.
I want someone honest from the start.
Gahrie said...
I think 4 million "guest workers" /year was the suggested starting point.
"I would be willing to accept 4 million braceros a year, if the border was otherwise secured, and they really went home when the work was done."
I would take 10 million "guest workers" as long as it was a trade and we sent 10 million Occupy protesters the other way.
A very interesting Peggy Noonan column out there as well.
Achilles said...
I would take 10 million "guest workers" as long as it was a trade and we sent 10 million Occupy protesters the other way.
Most of the Occupy protesters were college students. Let the Walker administration fund cheap spring break tickets to Mexico... and then run into bureaucratic difficulties processing all the people trying to return to the country at the end of the week.
Problem solved!
Zeus-Meade 2016
I would welcome our canine overlord. My main concern is that he would be beholden to the Labradorian lobby.
"My main concern is that he would be beholden to the Labradorian lobby."
Political party: Pupulist
Campaign slogan: "A ptarmigan in every pot and a boat in every garage"
@browndog, please give a pat to your best friend for me.
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