ADDED: From the video clip at the link: "The crowd has been growing over the past couple of hours. Members from the Young Black and Gifted Coalition are forming a line out here, demanding justice. Though the shooting happened several hours ago, police here on scene have not spoken to the public."
AND: At 1:50 in the video, there's an interview with Madison Mayor Paul Soglin, and you can hear, in the background, that the crowd is chanting "No justice, no peace."
MORE: Discussion at Isthmus: "It's getting a little nutty on Willy St right now. Trying to make this the next Ferguson from some tweets I'm seeing. Good grief." And:
I was in the area and heard a few different things. "Young black male acting a bit crazy." "Attacked a Burrito Drive delivery person, then attacked a couple in their house, and was rolling around on the ground." "attacked a cop."ALSO: Mayor Soglin says that he can't get any information from the Madison police because "under the new laws they're not allowed to conduct the investigation." From the first-linked article:
19 year old Tony Robinson-RIP.
Rep. Chris Taylor, who happened to be in the area at the time of the shooting, worked successfully for legislation last year that would require an independent agency to investigate when there is an officer-involved shooting.And I'm just noticing, in my quote at "ADDED," that the reporter said that the people in the street were "forming a line out here, demanding justice," but the chant, which you can hear is "No justice, no peace." That's more than a demand for justice. That's a threat of civil disorder.
"Obviously we've had our share of tragedies in this community, so it's a scary thing when you're in a situation like that, which I never expected to be in tonight, I have to say," she said.
Protesters gathered on the scene Friday night. The Young, Gifted and Black Coalition will host a strategy session at 10:30 a.m. in Madison. Members will meet at the YWCA on Latham Drive.
AND: The reporter calls the group "the Young Black and Gifted Coalition," but — as those familiar with the Lorraine Hansberry book title should suspect — it's the Young, Gifted and Black Coalition.
MORE: I'm seeing Facebook pages for YGB Community Meeting (Taking up Community Power) #BlackLivesMatter ("In the wake of the tragic murder of 19 year old Tony Robinson at the hands of Madison's Police Department, We'll be talking about the why's and how's of organizing and mobilizing for change") and for Ferguson to Madison (which pre-dates the shooting). At Twitter, there's #TonyRobinson.
AND: Speaking through a bullhorn that has a "Socialist Worker" sticker on it, a woman addresses a crowd: "I want you to take this opportunity to understand and connect with [the family's] hearts. A black teenager, a black boy, was viciously killed and murdered by Madison Police Department." She also says that if things don't change, "then we will have a Ferguson in Madison." Someone in the crowd cries "We do have a Ferguson in Madison." After the first minute in the video there is some NSFW language.)
UPDATE: In the "Saturday café" post, someone says:
"Please delve into this shooting in Madison and with Meade give us factual details, interviews and pictures of what is the real story. Use your background to breakdown the legal details for us layman."I responded:
I don't know anything about it at this point. I'll read the news reports.
We drove by the scene of the shooting today. Should I be "drive-by media"?
If so, all I can say is that there was police tape in front of a house, and there were police cars along the curb and a few police officers standing around. Across the street there were 3 or 4 sad-looking people sitting on the step of a porch, but no one was standing around or chanting or heckling the police officers. There was one woman walking toward downtown, carrying a "Black Lives Matter" sign.
Things looked very quiet. There was no evidence of anyone attempting to maintain protest energy around the site.
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»"after he assaulted the officer, police say."
"The Young, Gifted and Black Coalition will host a strategy session at 10:30 a.m. in Madison."
A strategy session? The kid's body isn't even cold, and people are organizing to figure out how to use him as propaganda.
This ought to be good! I'm gonna assume he was a gentle soul who would never hurt another person or commit the most minor of crimes. It's shocking to me that police officers continue to barge into black people's homes and shoot them in the face while they sit peacefully on their couches, watching religious services on TV and clutching their catechism!
One more example of Obama's infamous and empowering rhetoric "the cops acted stupidly." Right in line with the Rule's for Radicals that gin up the perpetually aggrieved black voting block showcasing their ability to "act stupidly" on demand.
Luckily garage mahal is local and will be available to look at all the evidence and make a determination that the white cop is guilty.
Baby, do you understand me now?
Sometimes I feel a little mad
But don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel
When things go wrong I feel real bad.
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
--The Animals 1965
After Ferguson, I think the path to outrage runs like this:
-Even if the Black guy was acting crazy and violent, the cop wouldn't have shot him if he was white!
-No one can disprove this, of course.
-Therefore, the Black guy was killed because he was Black.
-Therefore, the Black guy was killed for being Black.
When can we start charging these neo-Commies with incitement to riot?
These racist agitators are merely engaging in hate speech towards the police.
Sounds like there doesn't need to be a police investigation, the YGB group has already completed their investigation and released their conclusions. Why can't we just use that?
The county (Dane) is 5-6% black by the county jail population is 50% black. Is this because:
1) YB&C (Young, black, & criminal)
Guess what the YBG think?
YB&G: "Jail is a continuation of slavery"
Do Madison police wear body cameras?
The investigative agency, WPPA, is actually whiter then Dane County Board and the Madison City Council. I know, that's hardly possible.
Has Al Sharpton's go team hit town yet? That's when the all night fun starts.
Quick Trips and C-Stores are usually hardest hit. But the Madison rioters are smart enough to loot Whole Foods.
This may or may not be the same person, but the age seems right.
It seems Mr. Soros has not yet run out of the destabilize America fund. Someone needs to follow the money and put a stop to this foreign influence to incite violence.
Madison is just a "Daze of Rage" kind of place. This could be an important event in whether your Gov Walker remains a viable candidate for the Presidency. You know the MSM is frothing for a misstep there.
Even Madison's black protesters are white.
"No justice, no peace." That's more than a demand for justice. That's a threat of civil disorder.
Is it also a threat when an NFL player wears a "No Jesus, No Peace" shirt? You immediately going to the thought of violence says more about you and what is in your mind than anything else.
Right on time here is one of the regular Altholes, always ready and willing to pour more gasoline on the fire. And in this case, he is literally wanting to fan the flames.
My heart goes out to the family of the young man who was shot and to everyone involved in this tragic event.
What is there to talk about? We do not know anything of substance about the situation.
At this point, it's all speculation and ideological bias.
Madison police chief Koval told CNN, ""In light of so much things that have happened not just across the country, but in our own community, it's understandable that the reaction at the scene and of some of our citizens is extremely volatile, emotional and upsetting"And we understand that. That's absolutely appropriate under these circumstances.," "
The Police Chief just said it's appropriate to immediately begin protesting upon an officer shooting a reportedly violent suspect who attacked the officer.
Madison really is from another planet
Do Madison police wear body cameras?
I know it's been discussed, but I'm not sure if they do or not.
No. Some are set to start wearing them in 2016. (Link. I suspect this incident might speed up implementation.
What a horrible thing for this young man's family. Very sorry for them.
Professor ( and Meade, and others in the area ):
My sincerest wishes that this is resolved as peacefully and quickly as possible.
If you look at my posting history, you know I'm not a troll. I want to share a personal story.
A few years ago a friend was a member of the cecil county Maryland police dept.
I attended a party being held by a member of that police department and it was basically all cecil county police, retired police, friends/family.
I grew up in a family with some extended families who were racist. I've seen it, been around it, etc.
Never have I been so uncomfortable among racists as I was at that party. If a Klan meeting broke out, I wouldn't have been surprised. I'm almost certain if a black guy showed up, he would've been beaten and arrested.
I'm overall not on the side of the black community here because of how they acted with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. I am on their side with Eric Garner. But I wanted to share one historical experience from a white guy.
At this point, it's all speculation and ideological bias
Is this your first fist to Althouse? That's the bread and butter of this blog because that Amazon portal isn't going to click itself.
Just look how happy her post has made the regulars. That crazy monkey is cackling with glee at the thought of Madison in flames and others have already gleefully started bringing Obama and Soros into the discussion.
Ann knows her audience and she knows their buttons. "Speculation and ideological bias" is what they want so why be surprised when big scoops of it gets served up on a regular basis?
Black solidarity is playing as comedy for everybody now.
This will blow up quickly, regardless of facts, because . . . WALKER!
If you get in a fistfight with a police officer, don't be surprised when he shoots you. Case closed.
What's the over-under on date of Sharpton's arrival?
surfed said...
Madison is just a "Daze of Rage" kind of place. This could be an important event in whether your Gov Walker remains a viable candidate for the Presidency. You know the MSM is frothing for a misstep there.
My exact first thought.
As to the actual incident, probably we should wait for something resembling credible evidence. Past history tells us that that there will be lots of misinformation to beware of.
"Is it also a threat when an NFL player wears a "No Jesus, No Peace" shirt? You immediately going to the thought of violence says more about you and what is in your mind than anything else."
It is you who mmediately went to the thought of violence. I wrote "civil disorder."
Isn't that interesting?
It's a beautiful early Spring day here. Blue skies, above freezing. Not much wind.
So at least people out protesting will be comfortable. Some might even be wearing shorts.
"Civil disorder, also known as civil unrest or civil strife, is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe unrest caused by a group of people.[1] Civil disturbance is typically a symptom of, and a form of protest against, major socio-political problems; the severity of the action coincides with public expression(s) of displeasure. Examples of civil disorder include: illegal parades; sit-ins and other forms of obstructions; riots; sabotage; and other forms of crime. It is typically intended to be a demonstration to the public or the government, but can escalate into general chaos."
"madisonfella said...
"No justice, no peace." That's more than a demand for justice. That's a threat of civil disorder.
Is it also a threat when an NFL player wears a "No Jesus, No Peace" shirt? You immediately going to the thought of violence says more about you and what is in your mind than anything else."
This is so stupid it actually hurts to read it.
Right on time here is one of the regular Altholes, always ready and willing to pour more gasoline on the fire. And in this case, he is literally wanting to fan the flames."
LOL Did the arson start already? In addition to being an idiot, you have no intellectual integrity with the little brain you have to work with.
"My heart goes out to the family of the young man who was shot and to everyone involved in this tragic event."
So who constitutes "everyone involved in this tragic event" in your mind penquin?
"Some might even be wearing shorts."
To some, an example of non-violent disorder.
First, I have no idea if the police acted within their power. So I really dont have any emotion for the person that was shot, or the cop. Please ask everyone that is emotional about this, why they are emotional. Shooting criminals is kind of what cops do. Anyone upset is ignorant and looking to advance their own personal agenda on the corpse of a black man. Great way to start.
Second. Ferguson. With the DOJ conclusion that the police officer,prosecuter, and Grand jury acted 100% properly, I have not heard a single apology.
My conclusion is, those people that voiced their opinion have zero credibility about anything that comes out of their mouth. I will take the news out of Madison the same way.
"Ann Althouse said...
It is you who mmediately went to the thought of violence. I wrote "civil disorder."
Nothing new for penquin. Look back at your Act 10 and recall posts and you will see that everything done against the protesters he classified as "violence."
Grabbing a recall petition and tearing it up...violence.
Taking photos of recall petitioners...violence.
Isn't that interesting?
No, actually the way you play these games is more boring than interesting.
the chant, which you can hear is "No justice, no peace." That's more than a demand for justice. That's a threat of civil disorder
Exactly what kind of "civil disorder" are you envisioning that has no peace and yet isn't violent at all?
You painted this picture - now own it
The story made my local news this morning.
George Soros' affiliated organizations are warming up the buses.
"Exactly what kind of "civil disorder" are you envisioning that has no peace and yet isn't violent at all? "
Selma 1965.
And again, right on cue, the drunk monkey is babbling something about me being his ex-girlfriend or some other person who used to post here years ago or something that I'm sure makes sense to him somehow.
I guess that is better than the way he has constantly inciting others to riot all morning long, but it is still boring and silly.
Maybe the liberal media can find a way to bring down Scott Walker via this incident.
I agree that there was no peace on Bloody Sunday. But I disagree with Meade's opinion that there was no violence on that day.
"madisonfella said...
Exactly what kind of "civil disorder" are you envisioning that has no peace and yet isn't violent at all?"
This from a guy that has been telling us for the last four years that the Act 10 protests had no thuggery or violent elements other than a few bad apples.
Male up your mind Corky.
Speaking through a bullhorn that has a "Socialist Worker" sticker on it sez:
"Why we stand with Young, Gifted and Black"
"On February 18, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Assistants' Association (AFT Local 3220) passed the following resolution in support of the demands of YGB,"
"At this point, it's all speculation and ideological bias."
Of course ! That's the best time to hold a riot. madisonfool is already looking for a can of gasoline to comfort the family.
Facts are stubborn things. And can ruin the party.
"But I disagree with Meade's opinion that there was no violence on that day."
Not threatened or committed by the demonstrators that day. Right?
Now, will you agree that the marchers in 1965 Selma were not chanting "No justice; no peace"?
Male up your mind Corky
Me make up my mind? You're the one who keeps changing it up.
So I am Penguin and Corky? And Corky is also Garage who is also Shortbus? And I'm also Inga?
Hard to keep track without a program. No wonder you keep a little notebook by your computer to jot this all down in.
OpenID madisonfella said...
I'm also Inga?
You're not Inga. I have never said you are. Some here think so, but we both know you are the idiot formerly known as Purple Penquin.
You are a Corky, and ride the Shortbus. But you are the Penquin.
That's the best time to hold a riot. madisonfool is already looking for a can of gasoline to comfort the family
Curious George, who has been calling out to "BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!" since early his morning, is a fool for sure but he isn't from Madison.
The county (Dane) is 5-6% black by the county jail population is 50% black.
Dane County is about 4-5% Asian, yet they make up .9% of the jail population.
Officer Wilson did indeed have a choice.
He could have turned tail and run.
Of course, if we expect the police to holster their guns and run when they are attacked, that will have consequences.
Perhaps we would be better off without police, and each of us just take care of ourselves and our immediate families?
This is aimed at Scott Walker.
Per the Chief Korval, as quoted in several news websites, the Officer "...did draw his revolver..."
I'm thinking most officers carry a semi-automatic as primary weapon; maybe a revolver as backup.
Welp, there goes the media coverage of what goes down in Madison, Wisconsin. I would expect all the usual media clowns to start streaming in now, including the WaPo types who bitch and moan that cafes shut down early to curtail their free speech rights instead to protect their employee's safety. Meadhouse, you have a tremendous challenge before you.
The irony of Paul Soglin being mayor during any potential unrest to follow is too delicious for words.
This could be a bad one for the police. We found out in Ferguson that witnesses can lie, and there are probably going to be few who testify in favor of the police here, given where the shooting occurred. And, yes, maybe excessive force was used. It will be interesting. (And, yes, the police also lie - but not as much, in my estimation, as in lower class communities, and, esp. the criminal elements thereof).
Still, I think that it is possible here that the police officer did overreact, just because the last famous examples causing unrest were pretty much all justified shootings, and it is about time for the opposite. And, the fact that a self-defense narrative has not already been released by the authorities. We shall see.
But you are the Penquin
And you're Batman?
Now it makes sense. You just need a snickers bar.
The irony of Paul Soglin being mayor during any potential unrest to follow is too delicious for words.
I almost feel like starting a fiction series called "We had A Cause, Man."
"Koval did not yet name the person killed at a Friday night news conference"
Such bad writing.
Hagar said: Perhaps we would be better off without police, and each of us just take care of ourselves and our immediate families?
Gosh! What a novel idea! Take responsibility for our own actions?
But....but... isn't it the responsibility of the Police to "Protect and Serve" and to prevent crime? That's why we buy them all those guns and stuff - so it can be *their* job to keep us safe.
Not threatened or committed by the demonstrators that day. Right?
I wasn't there at the time, but would hope some of them fought back.
Now, will you agree that the marchers in 1965 Selma were not chanting "No justice; no peace"?
I don't know what they were chanting.
I always took the "No Jesus No peace" or "No Justice No Peace" as predictions or observations, and found it really interesting that others instead took those slogans as making threats.
The socialist mantra cracks me up. I read the article at and discovered something new. At my old age I heard a new phrase “incarcerated for crimes of poverty”. It reminds me of the comment by Selene Dion, “let them touch those things”.
"others instead took those slogans as making threats."
Well, after Freddies Fashion Mart some people got the idea that it might be a threat.
For some unknown reason.
Legalizing immigration should solve these problems.
I am Laslo.
I get why there is a long delay in saying what happened in cases like this. The very first statement has to be definitive in the present climate of opinion. But the result - no information at all - is bad.
A-a-a-n-d...we're off!!
Daily Mail Online is running this at the top of their page.
Congrats get the international spotlight for the foreseeable future.
Kinda unfair to the Ferguson poverty pimps though, stealing the spotlight like that.
"She also says that if things don't change, "then we will have a Ferguson in Madison."
Wait a second. Jackson Tennessee was there first!
"Family Spokesperson: Jackson Is The Next Ferguson"
But they have made sure there won't be any such statements. The case is to be investigated by "an independent agency," and any statements by the police will be seen as interfering with that investigation and themselves wil be "investigated" and grounds for punishment of the offending official.
So, just let your imaginations rip, folks!
How come the "black teenager" is not also described as "unarmed", the holy trinity?
Dane County is about 4-5% Asian, yet they make up .9% of the jail population.
That's an interesting stat. I wonder how the breakdown is between the significant Hmong population in the county vs. the Asian students at the UW.
Hagar said: Perhaps we would be better off without police, and each of us just take care of ourselves and our immediate families?
If we will not allow the police to police, than back to Viking law it is!
I always took the "No Jesus No peace" or "No Justice No Peace" as predictions or observations, and found it really interesting that others instead took those slogans as making threats.
I don't know what, other than arming the police with M249s and orders to use them with effect, will convince black protestors that threatening riots when things don't go their way is not how it's supposed to work in a democracy. I do know that someone who pretends that the threats aren't even being made is not helping the situation.
I heard he was not only black but transgender, so this is a BIG one.
Not to start any rumors or anything.
I am Laslo.
Police shoot too many people. That's a problem. The socialist workers bullhorn bastards will make what they want of it. At the bottom of the raaaaaaacism show is a more general police problem. Why are police shooting so many people? The average person, no matter what color they are, hates and fears police for more than one good reason.
No one ever expresses sympathy for the policeman and his family. Imagine what they are going through right now.
"Madison Police Chief Michael Koval said officers responded to a disturbance call where it was reported that a person was jumping in and out of traffic, and possibly responsible for a battery."
No word yet on the race of the drivers, but thanks to their skilled and responsive maneuvers, the Madison police can finally be exposed.
Jake -- Press Conferences in Madison are very dangerous places apparently.
disturbance call where it was reported that
Why the passive voice? Who reported it?
That socialist woman is white. Seems like white leftists can't wait to stir up racial tensions and riots. Victims of those riots? Black neighborhoods.
Same thing happened in NY: upper middle class whites stirred up the crowd.
I heard he was handing out flyers to the under privileged youth center that he volunteers for when he was attacked.
Madison rhymes with Ferguson
It seems Mr. Soros has not yet run out of the destabilize America fund. Someone needs to follow the money and put a stop to this foreign influence to incite violence.
The story is over at Daily Kos:
"Unarmed Black Teen Shot in Madison"
I always assumed that the peace in the "No Jesus, No Peace" slogan was peace of mind, but what the hell do I know?
The loudmouth lady with the bullhorn had absolutely no call to level the charge of "murder" so soon. That word carries a lot intent. She is playing with fire.
Someone earlier commented on being at a party that was mostly police and how racist everyone sounded.
Do you suppose spending every day dealing with blacks who hate you and let know you know it in no uncertain terms might cause some angst ?
It has to be similar to Israeli citizens dealing with Palestinians all day,
Cop's face is filled with hate
Heavens above he's on a street called love
When will they ever learn
Old cop, young cop, feel alright
On a cold Madisonian night
The children are cool
They don't raise fools
It's an American dream
Includes Transgender Indians too
exhelodrvr1: the cop who shot Michael Brown is 28 years old, and has a wife and kids. His career is over. Even poverty pimp Eric Holder couldn't find anything wrong with the shooting.
May be white cops should stay out of black neighborhoods and let them do their street justice to each other. Really not worth sacrificing your own lives and careers for them.
Basil said...
It seems Mr. Soros has not yet run out of the destabilize America fund.
Mr. Soros' Petrobra harvested $2 billion American tax dollars Stimulus from Dear Leader. His destabilize America fund is limitless.
The Guardian says that Chris Taylor 'witnessed' the shooting, from across the street. After reporting, a few sentences earlier, that the shooting happened inside an apartment. CT must be amazingly gifted, whatever her political disabilities.
Michael K said...
Someone earlier commented on being at a party that was mostly police and how racist everyone sounded.
That someone has never been to a Hollywood party.
Anybody got an ID for the bullhorned instigator?
The story is like Ferguson because a teenager, a big guy from a nice family, is out walking in traffic and (possibly) assaults a vendor. The police are called, there is a struggle, the officer is losing the struggle (he/she says), and he /she takes out his/ her gun and shoots the teenager five times.
But it is not like Ferguson because the progressive Democrats run Madison and have done so for years. The department policies and the composition of the police force are their responsibility.
madisonfella said...
Is this your first fist to Althouse? That's the bread and butter of this blog because that Amazon portal isn't going to click itself.
Fisting aside, why this relentless bitching about monetizing a blog? You've been doing this forever. Why?
ThreeHeaded Throop said...
Police shoot too many people.
Fine. Get rid of the police.
I'll bet you money that if the public had to be in charge of their own safety, there would be more shootings. Judging by accounts of what this youth was doing, if there were no police to be called, he'd still be dead.
It's a Ferguson. This is what you get for being you Madison.
Madison exemplifies how white supremacist America still is. Even progressive run police departments are executing young black men in broad daylight.
This stuff is getting so old and tired.
"This is aimed at Scott Walker."
I assume by "this" you mean the circus of agitators (YGB, etc), and not the kid getting shot. Or are you suggesting the kid actually tried to get shot to provide a pretense for protests?
I wouldn't doubt that the protesters are trying to bait the governor.
So will this bring down Scott Walker?
" Even progressive run police departments are executing young black men in broad daylight."
If I was a white cop, like my brother-in-law, I would not go into black neighborhoods.
They don't want us there.
My friends and I locked eyes in stunned silence. Between the four adults, we hold six degrees. Three of us are journalists. And not one of us had thought to call the police. We had not even considered it.
See. Leave them to sort it out themselves. Fewer young black men in prison. Just replace them with food stamps.
“Our policy of sending so many of our young eligible fathers to prison. Millions,” Scott said. “Our prison population went from 300,000 in 1975 to over two million today. These are providers who are not there. This is why we have so many single female head of households. I mean, so when you look at everything we have done, we’ve got to correct some of these things first.”
See ? Easy. Works for me.
This is the big chance for all the progressives of Madison and surrounding areas to prove how righteous and virtuous they are. They watched the riots of Ferguson with envy, never daring to dream that some day they too might get a chance to throw a brick at a cop, and suddenly they do. It's like waking up to find the Super Bowl is going to be held in their backyard, and they get to play in it. Quick everybody, grab the bullhorn you haven't used since the anti-Walker protests and help incite a riot!
AllenS: I'll bet you money that if the public had to be in charge of their own safety, there would be more shootings. Judging by accounts of what this youth was doing, if there were no police to be called, he'd still be dead.
Madison used to be one big gun free zone. Soglin spearheaded a lot of this. He even tried to subvert the conceal/carry laws passed in 2011: link
Is it true that Madison's new police ammunition is called White Privilege Pest Controllers?
Tony Robinson, Tony Robinson. That name has been in the news before...Could it be?
My God! What is wrong with you racist Madisonians? Is there not One Democrat-run city in this country where young black men are not safe from casual butchery by bored, racist white cops?
That photo you see up at the Daily Mail -- that's the one the we're going to see a lot of in the coming days: the tie-clad youth with the adoring admirer.
"Tony Robinson, Tony Robinson. That name has been in the news before...Could it be?"
Yeah, the age (18) in the 2014 story is consistent with the kid shot by police. Tony and Robinson are both pretty common names though. And even if it's the same person, and the cops were responding to a break in, and witnesses saw him attack the officer, that wont matter to activists.
Glad that your mayor is a highly responsible individual, saying it's "a tragedy beyond description" and that he expects protests to vent anger and frustration.
How does he know it's a tragedy beyond description?
Althouse could be in talks with corporate sponsorship, or is simply repeating what her corporate paymasters at Bob Dylan LLC or 'Photos Of Lake Mendota' happen to be feeding her.
It's rare, but when Althouse blogs about the nefarious Scott Walker, I'm guessing particularly astute commenters can detect a whiff of shareholders, voluntary employment, corporate expense accounts etc. hanging in the air...
Young Black and Gifted? Must be a pretty small group.
No Jesus, no Peace means no peace in your soul, not street riots.
Professor, you are really off your game today. Need a nap?
Or is the sight of possible riots in your town a little disturbing, especially with gun ownership limited?
So I guess if you are black, you can do whatever you want?? Maybe black parents should teach their children, that if you attack a police officer, chances are you are going to get shot.
And frankly, Althouse, Soglin has got nothing on Seattle's current mayor Ed Murray, whose ultra sensitive powers of social justice awareness can lead to an apology and calls to fix our broken system before protests even happen.
Police aggression is nothing a somber speech, some diversity ambassadors and a white guilt outreach program can't fix.
Seattle is the canvas, taxpayer money is the paint. Let's make a beautiful rainbow mural together, folks.
From USA Today via Sailer:
Deep disparities show up even in progressive university towns. USA TODAY found police in Berkeley, Calif., and Madison, Wis., arrested black people at a rate more than nine times higher than members of other racial groups
Uh oh, Eric Holder, call your office.
Of course, as Sailer has noted, the question is not why is this happening in Ferguson MS, but where isn't it happening? He has some answers today. Try to figure it out before you look.
"Young Black and Gifted? Must be a pretty small group."
Not if you count food stamps as "Gifts."
You can hear the Liberal media licking their chops without turning on the TV or opening a newspaper; they have news to report tonight.
""The crowd has been growing over the past couple of hours. Members from the Young Black and Gifted Coalition are forming a line out here, demanding justice. Though the shooting happened several hours ago, police here on scene have not spoken to the public."
WHy is it that every time a black guy is shot by cops the crowd always forms and starts chanting no justice, no peace.
SOMETIMES, the guy getting shot by the cops, for lack of a better phrase, deserved it.
Do blacks think that somehow they should be immune from any response from cops that's negative because of past inequities.
How myopic and simple minded. To instantly assume that the only possible explanation is that any interaction instantly falls under the white racist cop shoots innocent black meme.
It's certainly possible that a cop shot an unarmed black guy. But it's just as possible, and statistically far more likely that the cop shot the guy beucase the guy was up to no good.
Lets let the facts come out before jumping to "No Justice, No Peace".
If black men getting shot by cops is going to set black people off every time it happens then they are going to be set off forever and a day. Because that's going to keep happening.
Madison and Ferguson are both dactyls.
Was gonna make a prediction but thought better of it; I know y'all'll believe me later if I say, "See, I knew it."
I like how the Justice Dept exonorates officer Wilson completely but then comes out with a bogus report that supposedly indicts the Ferguson police department for the big crime, even though Wilson was found guilty of the individual crime.
And they bring out highly bogus statistics. Blacks are 67% of the population but make up 85-90% of the traffic stops.
SO? Traffic stops don't conform exactly to population stats, but if they did we'd assume what, that 67% of all traffic stops will be by blacks? That's still by far the majority of traffic stops.
SO the lesson is, if you are in an area that is majority black, you will get more traffic stops of black folks. Even if you want to stick to population models. Which is absurd.
Or are they saying only ten percent of stops in black neighborhoods should be black, because blacks only make up 10% of the population nationally. Which would also be ridiculous.
Should we have quotas on blacks being stopped by cops in Ferguson?
"Well this guy just ran a red light and is going above the speed limit, but we just hit 67% of blacks getting pulled over for traffic stops, so I better let him go".
What cop is going to say that?
If you can show that the vast majority of the traffic stops were bull crap, then you might have an argument. But simply citing a stat doesn't mean theres an inequity.
Also as Heather McDonald noted: veral studies over the last 20 years (including data adduced before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights) show that black drivers commit various types of traffic offenses — including speeding, driving under suspension, DUI, and running red lights and stop signs – more often than drivers of other races
So, for whatever reason, if blacks are more prone to commit traffic violations, they are also more likely to be pulled over for said traffic violations. So, in an area that is predominantly black the driving habits of blacks might be statistically relevant.
Can we exploit this to help Hillary in the next election??
Dear Madison: chickens, roost. Some assembly required.
I thought YBG was the new transgender denomination.
"Why is it that every time a black guy is shot by cops the crowd always forms and starts chanting no justice, no peace."
Because white guilt and grievance mongering is a) too good a racket for people like Al Sharpton to give up, and b) gives "progressives" an easy way to feel superior to their neighbors without actually doing anything.
The libertarian/conservatives aren't that much better.
Ian Tuttle at National Review wrote:
"But what the material in the report reveals is less a culture of racial animus than one of predatory government: “Ferguson’s law enforcement practices,” states the report, “are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs.” In the interest of expanding its treasury, Ferguson has employed its police department — 58 officers, policing a town of 21,000 — as an enforcer of the myriad municipal regulations that, rigorously enforced, nickel-and-dime the citizenry to the local government’s benefit."
But wait a second, that's not valid either. Yes, cops give out tickets, and some say too many. But are the vast majority of said stops purely revenue grabs? Even if the county gets revenue from the ticket, if you are running red lights, parking in illegal zones, going through stop signs,driving without licenses, it's not as if cops are in the wrong to give you a ticket necessarily.
Im not too keen on a society that doesn't inforce said laws. Lets have everyone double parked, running through red lights, driving without licenses. It would be a nightmare.
And even if cops were enforcing laws to get revenue, why are black being ensnared so much more than whites?
Lets assume that a lot of these tickets are revenue grabs. You know what the rules are, so don't violate them. If you know they are ticketing people who are parked illegally, its not a defense to say that they are just ticketing people to make money. YOu know they would be doing that and still double park anyway. So the fault is still yours.
The typographically correct name per their website is "Young Gifted & Black Coalition" (ampersand and no oppressive commas).
I guess "Conceited Young Blacks Deluded into Believing They Are Gifted" was too big a mouthful.
All the bumper stickers I've ever seen spell it "Know Jesus, Know Peace".
Sounds pretty threatening.
Further if you're going to say that the cause of the discrepancy is monetizing nuicanse tickets, we'd have to see how many of those tickets are in fact nuiscance tickets. And from there, how many were give because they were soley for revenue, or because the person did in fact violate the law. And then have to have a debate on each law to determine if cops are in the right to enforce that law.
madisonfella: You painted this picture - now own it
Strong words from someone throwing out accusations of racism over the Brown shooting. And now you're back for more? Even after DOJ admitted there was none?
You should have some shame and sit down and stfu.
You have ZERO credibility on this topic.
First we have to get the actual facts. Is this true? "Young black male acting a bit crazy." "Attacked a Burrito Drive delivery person, then attacked a couple in their house, and was rolling around on the ground." "attacked a cop."
If he's doing all that, and ending with "attacking a cop" I won't say the cop was necessarily justified in shooting him. But it's certainly a valid extenuating circumstance.
Another improvement in the safety and genetic pool of Madison.
Tank said...
From USA Today via Sailer:
Deep disparities show up even in progressive university towns.
"Even in", huh? "Mostly in" is more accurate.
"An adult black man is seven times more likely than his white counterpart to reside behind bars. Paradoxically, the largest disparities are found in political domains controlled by liberals -- the leaders in the struggle for racial justice. By examining how criminal behavior is distributed within the races, the paradox is resolved showing it to be an unintended consequence of liberal benevolence and goodwill."
Guess the timing was better last time:;jsessionid=79AF8110D69BE3FCA85165BA0D4798BD.render6?caseNo=2014CF000781&countyNo=13&cacheId=&recordCount=0&offset=0&mode=details&submit=View+Case+Details
'Nose Justice, Nose Peace.'
Rhinoplasty for everybody.
I am Laslo.
Lets assume that a lot of these tickets are revenue grabs. You know what the rules are, so don't violate them. If you know they are ticketing people who are parked illegally, its not a defense to say that they are just ticketing people to make money. YOu know they would be doing that and still double park anyway. So the fault is still yours.
The question becomes whether or not the level of regulation on citizen activity is excessive or unwarranted. It's not about breaking the rules, per se, but having vastly too many rules, which are hard in daily life not to break.
Have you read Three Felonies a Day?
James Pawlak said...
Another improvement in the safety and genetic pool of Madison.
If he's the Tony Robinson of the 3 arrested after armed home invasion of Madison apartment (HT chickelit), I agree. Armed robbers ending up dead is the right answer.
It looks to be the Tony T Robinson in the armed burglary arrest record:
Incident Report here:
Mugshot here:
That shot matches with the photos popping up on all the news and commentary sites.
Note that arrest now would probably have meant a jail term on the conviction, so perhaps this provides a motive for attack on the officer?
He was apparently convicted of Armed Robbery on 10/20/2014 per the mugshot listing.
I believe the police should release this info, because otherwise this thing could blow up pretty quickly. I am sorry that he is dead, but this info does make the reported behavior far more explicable.
"Do blacks think that somehow they should be immune from any response from cops that's negative because of past inequities."
Yes, they do. I refer you back to the same article I linked before.
For those of you reading this who may not be black, or perhaps Latino, this is my chance to tell you that a substantial portion of your fellow citizens in the United States of America have little expectation of being treated fairly by the law or receiving justice. It’s possible this will come as a surprise to you. But to a very real extent, you have grown up in a different country than I have.
They don't want the police around and don't want to call them. Maybe they could live in their own district but that would be racist. I have black neighbors in my white neighborhood in Orange County and some even have kids on my grandson's Little League team. Presumably they are exceptions and they are welcome.
The rest are welcome to their own delightful havens like Detroit and Baltimore.
"I believe the police should release this info"
They are not allowed to as they have been banned by the leftist Madison administration of investigating their own shooting.
The YB & G Coalition needs to find a more accurate and descriptive name. I suggest YBRDA - "Young Black Racists & Dumb Asses."
As best as I can discover, there are certainly no "Gifted" members on board.
No Jesus, No Peace.
Know Jesus, Know Peace.
That's the whole saying. And, the peace refers to personal turmoil, not threats of civil disorder.
I wish the Professor were more learned in some respects.
So, another "Gentle Giant" myth busted?
When will there be a real cause?
ThreeHeaded Throop said...
Police shoot too many people. That's a problem. The socialist workers bullhorn bastards will make what they want of it. At the bottom of the raaaaaaacism show is a more general police problem. Why are police shooting so many people? The average person, no matter what color they are, hates and fears police for more than one good reason.
3/7/15, 9:23 AM"
Why are so many people behaving in a manner that demands that they be shot? Incidentally, cops should always be given medals for shooting socialist worker bullhorn agitators.
Young, gifted and black. I guess two out of three ain't bad.
chickelit said...
Tony Robinson, Tony Robinson. That name has been in the news before...Could it be?
3/7/15, 10:26 AM
Chickelit! Doing the job American "journalists" won't do!
I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?
Freeman Hunt said...
I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?
The news report linked here is a fact -- why the agitprop by the bullhorn lady?
Hopefully it all blows over by tonight. Nothing to see here. Move along.
"Freeman Hunt said...
I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?"
There is an interview of the Madison chief summarizing what happened...but I wouldn't call that fact at this point, and it certainly wasn't very complete telling of "facts."
As far as why it's controversial, you are clearly a smart person, do you really not know why it's controversial?
Freeman Hunt said...
I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?
His name is the Governor of Wisconsin... very popular with the hostess here ;)
Funny how all my liberal facebook friend, who immediately pronounced George Zimmerman and Officer Wilson "guilty", and stuck with that to this day, have nothing to say about an officer shooting an "unarmed black teenager" in lily white uber liberal Madison.
I hope the cop ends up being a white female of the lesbian persuasion. That should be fun to watch.
Police shoot too many people. That's a problem. The socialist workers bullhorn bastards will make what they want of it. At the bottom of the raaaaaaacism show is a more general police problem. Why are police shooting so many people? The average person, no matter what color they are, hates and fears police for more than one good reason.
You assume that cops are shooting too many people. Maybe they are shooting just enough people.
Oh, yea, eh Walker is running for president... there is that little detail... I'm not prepared to further comments at this time.
"Derbyshire would say it's controversial because blacks are sacred objects to liberals."
I think liberals believe its ok for blacks to shoot other blacks, even ok with the shooting of black policemen not to mention white people.
I think liberals believe its ok for blacks to shoot other blacks, even ok with the shooting of black policemen not to mention white people.
Even when I was a liberal more than a decade ago, I didn't believe that. I think that liberals are starting to see agitators in their midst for what they are.
And somehow, the notion of community pot-stirrers as "heros" needs to be challenged by liberals.
attacked a burrito delivery person, then a couple in their house, then a cop.
Clearly a gentle giant, shot simply for being black.
Eric Holder needs to shut down the WI police force!
The WREX link goes to their main page. Can we surmise the local MSM is already scrubbing inconvenient facts?
Pretty sure it's the same Tony Robinson who arrested for armed robbery: he pleaded guilty and got probation. Amazing. "Defendant Owes the Court: $ 186.00"
News[sic] picture
Look at the side-view mugshot and note the same folded ears.
Madison PD should look forward to a DoJ investigation. I hope they've been giving tickets to colored people in the correct percentage.
The great thing about Madison is the well-to-do would probably join the mob in burning it down - in the name of anti-racism.
I'm sure Tony didn't commit armed robbery. Like Mike Brown he probably just forgot to pay.
His mom asked that he not be "de-hunanized" ...which is code for "don't discuss his history".
Where are the non violent gentle giants?
Freeman: I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?
1) no real facts yet, and as Insty is always reminding us: first accounts are often wrong
2) its "already controversial" because the race hustlers need to get out their "skittles & tea" and "hands up don't shoot!" narratives out in the pubic consciousness before the true facts are known.
I make some assumptions, JR and Cubanbob; police shoot people that they don't have to shoot. And beat them, tase them, arrest them and generally harass them unnecessarily. In my view they often act like a gang intent on preserving turf and respect above all. I assume also that this need not be so. Even violent criminals in other places are apprehended without shooting them. Only when a policeman is killed is it taken for granted in those places that the killer will be killed when he's caught. No one even knows how many people police kill in this country. There is effective resistance to compiling such statistics, though we know exactly how many police are injured. I assume that there is a large difference between a fool more or less asking to get shot and deserving to get shot. That difference is vanishingly small in the U.S., and shrinking.
I assume, in short, that oppression exists here, that the police are often the enforcers of it, that social control is at the root of the problem, that such control is manifest in the mountain of petty laws that buries us, and that police see the world not in racial terms but as being filled with two sorts only; police and potential criminals. All this puts them in a bad situation and it means that only a fool does not fear the police.
Of course socialist agitators are going to Alinskyize the Madison mess. When it's"their" police, the police will be the same but the bullhorn will blast a different tune.
The problem with liberal cities like Madison and Berkeley is that they're just not patronizing enough to their black population.
Police officer shoots and kills a teenager...
"Michael Johnson, a Madison resident who is working with the family, told the [NY] Daily News Robinson was "a big GENTLE GIANT." (Emphasis added)
Here we go.
I am beginning to suspect that these young people have come up with an hallucinogen that is not being searched for in autopsies and/or it is fugitive and quickly disappear from or in the blood.
I lived in Madison in the 1980s. Madison has the social cohesiveness, and a sufficiently strong liberal political point-of-view to try a radical experiment in policing: disarm the police (the everyday riding in their squad cars, riding their bikes, walking their beats police). (Police would still have an armed swat type unit to deal with emergencies.) They do this in England (or at least they did until recently). A successful experiment would push many other cities to adopt the "Madison model." Why isn't anyone suggesting something like this?
H, because the cops would all quit?
"The Young, Gifted and Black Coalition will host a strategy session at 10:30 a.m. in Madison."
Strangely, this group reminds me of Survivor's J'tia
Hands up! I can't breve!
@ Fernindande:
Pretty sure it's the same Tony Robinson who arrested for armed robbery: he pleaded guilty and got probation. Amazing. "Defendant Owes the Court: $ 186.00"
There is a Facebook site dedicated to him that has a picture of him (in a gray suit) standing in front of a house on the street that matches the street in the court file as per Google Streetview.
ThreeHeaded Throop said... you assume too much. Each situation is a world unto itself and should be judged in accordance to the specific facts of the particular case. As for shooting dead violent criminals, if the criminal was killed during the commission of a violent crime what is the problem?
"only a fool does not fear the police."
I would fear the police if I intended to punch or shoot them. Only a fool wouldn't fear them when that fool intended to attack them.
PS: I wonder how its possible that blacks in Madison are arrested at nine times the rate of whites when Madison progressive whites have been constantly demonstrating and courting arrest for publicity purposes for the last four years?
Tony Robinson.
On Ferdinande's pictures above the ears match; yours doesn't.
"I assume, in short, that oppression exists here, that the police are often the enforcers of it, that social control is at the root of the problem, that such control is manifest in the mountain of petty laws that buries us,"
The last time I checked, about five minutes ago, police did not pass laws. They even have to swear to uphold laws, petty or not.
The myriad small cities in St Louis County pass lots of ordinances and local laws that fund the city budget with fines. The fines are an undue burden on the poor, which in that area are largely black.
That part is valid.
Detroit, a black paradise with no white cops, is foreclosing houses that didn't; pay water bills and taxes. That, of course, is OK because black and shut up !
In 2014, Daryl and Lula Burke had their home in Detroit foreclosed and auctioned off in a matter of months. They are now facing down eviction while scrambling for the means to repurchase their home.
The Burkes are just one year ahead of a massive tidal wave of tax foreclosures building in Detroit. In 2015, nearly 100,000 Detroiters – more than one-seventh of the city's population – are facing foreclosure and the resale of their homes.
The tax foreclosure crisis in Detroit is so dire that local activists compare it to Hurricane Katrina, calling it a "hurricane without water." Most disturbing about the Burkes' situation, but something all too common in Detroit's foreclosure crisis, is the fact that their home was resold at auction for a fraction of their debt, something they could have afforded themselves.
That is a better policy because Black ! and SHUT UP !
Your solution ? Maybe disincorporate like a bunch of small cities in California.
That way, maybe, they can get away from public employee unions and their demands.
The California that develops without cities is a different place from the one that evolves with them. “I think it goes to the heart of economic competitiveness in a state,” said James Brooks, program director at the National League of Cities. “We are a nation of local economic regions. And as each of these local economic regions is strong, and healthy and prosperous and growing, and generating wealth and jobs, the rest of the region is doing well,” he said. “When you begin to inhibit the conditions whereby these areas can create their own economic prosperity by enacting their own local and municipal laws and ordinances that help drive this wealth creation, you are ultimately limiting the prospects of good, strong earning regional economies, and that ultimately affects U.S. global economic competitiveness.” In other words, cities make good business sense.
Or maybe not.
Freeman wrote;
"I can't find an article with the facts of the case. Are the facts of the case known? If not, why is this already controversial?"
That's cute.
It's controversial because the sheep need to be lead and the con artists need to make their money.
There is an entire industry built about around the grievance complex. Lot's of money is to be made. And lot's of sheeple need to be used to make that money.
Liberals are easily lead and easily lied to. Especially if they are pot smokers. They are the most gullible rubes I've ever met. They don't believe anything, which makes them susceptible to believing everything.
From an open letter the "Young Gifted and Black" coalition wrote the the police chief of Madison:
One of our publicly-stated demands is for the immediate release of 350 Black people from the Dane County Jail, with the ongoing demand to keep this number out of the jail in order to remove 350 beds from the facility. This means that, every month, 350 Black people must be prevented and/or diverted from entering the jail, as there are typically 3,900 Black people that cycle through the jail every year. This would eliminate the need for 350 beds in the jail, and also eliminate the need for renovations due to safety and mental health concerns. If there was no structural racism, the jails and the arrest rates should be proportional to the demographics of the population. In a jail of 800, without structural racism and a demographic of 5% Black population there should be closer to 40 Black people, rather than the 400 Black people currently incarcerated.
Therefore, we demand that Madison and Dane County act swiftly to address structural racism and bias. One of the key reasons that Black people are incarcerated is because of poverty. Jails should not function as poor houses. 45% of people who are incarcerated, are incarcerated because they have not paid bails of $1,000 or less. Therefore, they are not incarcerated for a public safety concern, but rather because they are poor. The proof of this, is that people with money, who have bails of both less and more than $1,000 are not kept in jail—and this is not considered a public safety issue. Therefore we demand the immediate release of people incarcerated due to crimes of poverty.
This includes arrests for crimes of poverty such as public urination, intoxication, sleeping, retail theft for survival, and low level citations.
n.n. said "Police officer shoots and kills a teenager.... RIP"
I say, "Police officer shoots and kills a violent felon and home invader. RIH." Rot in Hell, scumbag. Hey worms, come and get it!
No, MichaelK, police do not legislate. That's not to the point. What you said next is the point.
Yes, Cubanbob, circumstances vary. General principles need to promote success allowing for various circumstances. There is a lot wrong in general with modern police practices. That's why so many various circumstances end in police violence. As for stopping a violent crime in progress, police are nearly never on hand during a violent crime. I think that's in the violent criminal best practices handbook. When police define everything from a furtive movement to taking a shot at a policeman as all the same, that's a problem.
I'll amend one observation. Only a fool - or another policeman - does not fear police.
I see that the local papers are already declaring that he was just about to start college, and they've already begun with the Gentle Giant bullshit too. What's that phrase about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Get ready for the rioters and looters, Madison.
In a jail of 800, without structural racism and a demographic of 5% Black population there should be closer to 40 Black people, rather than the 400 Black people currently incarcerated.
No mention of the structural racism of the NBA under that formula...
"R]etail theft for survival" is a new one for me.
Michael K wrote;
"See. Leave them to sort it out themselves. Fewer young black men in prison. Just replace them with food stamps."
You're not thinking this through.
If you leave them to sort these things out on their own, then how will they collect taxes? Who will pay fines? Store owners will stop paying to open their stores and continue operations. Home owners won't pay their property taxes.
You get the idea. Those in charge (Which are usually black people over black communities) want their money. And without police, how will they get their money?
"Police shoot too many people."
I disagree. I think they don't shoot enough people. Let me explain why I write that.
When I was a kid, cops were allowed to shout, "Halt or I'll shoot." And then they did. A guy I went to school with was shot like this after robbing a service station. The US Supreme Court put a stop to that.
Back in those Bad Old Days, we did not lock our doors, day or night. We only locked them if we left town for a few days. You could leave your bike or other toys in the yard overnight and they would be there in the morning. Actually you could leave your bike anywhere unlocked, and it would be there when you came back. People did not lock their cars. GM cars could be started without a key if the ignition was left unlocked. Most people did. My brother and sister and I walked to school from the 2nd grade on, about a mile. The only bad thing to happen was the dog followed us and got run over. We walked or hitchhiked 10 miles from our subdivision into town for the movies. We walked through multi-racial neighborhoods after dark, with no danger or even threats, only polite greetings. This was in the bad old days when decent people respected the authority of the police and those who were not decent feared them. "Halt or I'll shoot." was part of that.
>>Why isn't anyone suggesting something like this?
Because everyone else has more sense than you do?
Armed criminals and unarmed police will make violent crime go which way, would you guess: up, or down?
I'm amazed. This post went up first thing in the morning and we've had the Althouse community already blow the whole "Gentle Giant; Wouldn't hurt a fly" meme out of the water.
Ferdindande acted more like a journalist than most of the "real" journalists our there. Alan Markus verified addresses.
Michael Johnson, a Madison resident who is working with the family, told the [NY] Daily News Robinson was "a big GENTLE GIANT"
Well, at least we.know now that the original HANDS' UP DON'T SHOOT! and GENTLE GIANT narratives were total bullsh*t.
"Too many people are killed by cops".
I don't know if I can agree or disagree with you.
But I can point you to some data.
The FBI tries to gather data for a Uniform Crime Report every year. At this page, I clicked on Violent Crime: 2013, then on Expanded Offence Data: Homicides, then on Expanded Homicide Data Tables: Table 14, which contained a table for Justifiable Homicide: Police Officer.
In the years since 2009, the numbers vary between 350 and 450 per year.
(If you want another set of statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keep a Fatal-Statistics website, which has categories for type-of-death. One of those categories is "Homicide: Police Intervention." The numbers that the CDC quotes are similar to, but not exactly the same as, the FBI numbers.)
It's possible that Police agancies mis-categorize or mis-report some deaths in which Officers were involved.
Even if only 50% of people killed by Police are reported to the FBI as "Justifiable Homicide by Police Officer", we still don't have more than 1000 such killings in a year.
In comparison, the FBI reports for Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter run above 13000 per year.
I would be very happy if both sets of numbers were much smaller.
But I'm not sure I can say that "too many people are killed by cops".
Especially when I see numbers like nearly 50000 officers assaulted in the line of duty in 2013. Even if fewer then 30 officers were killed by felonious assault during that year.
garage mahal drop in this afternoon and offers up a couple of wisecracks. Like all good lefties, he isn't quite sure what to do. Although coming down immediately on the side of the "victim" in the three previous "unarmed black" deaths by cops, now it's his beloved liberals controlling the guns. Which way to go? He's not getting help from the left...who are silent.
Black lives don't matter to lefties, except how they can further the cause.
Michael Fitzgerald:
He was aborted. He paid his dues to society and his victims. What happens in his post-mortem is between him and God, or between him and oblivion. That said, RIP is a pre-trial sentiment, which based on preliminary evidence is likely to be withdrawn.
"If you leave them to sort these things out on their own, then how will they collect taxes? Who will pay fines? Store owners will stop paying to open their stores and continue operations. Home owners won't pay their property taxes."
Who the fuck cares ?
I've got a birthday party to go to in my peaceful 98% white suburb. If you want to obey the law, come live here. If you don't, Detroit is calling.
Oh, and I have a 9mm assistant in my bedside drawer.
I'm not comfortable with the degree of some of the racial stereotypng I'm reading in this thread.
OTOH, I agree with you that the acts of investigative journalism committed by the commentariat here are extraordinary in such a short time.
That said. I'm a little saddened that chickelit received nearly all the praise for uncovering Robinson's earlier history when it was Mrs Whatsit who made the connection back at 7AM.
Michael K says;
"Who the fuck cares ?"
Well, that's the point now, isn't it?
Someone cares. And whoever it is, they aren't going to allow people to create their own little lawless communities, no matter how much they might protest that "Black Lives Matter" and white policemen are racist.
They want their money. They want their obedience.
The rest is all smoke and mirrors.
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