A letter to the "Tell All" column in the Madison, Wisconsin alternative newspaper Isthmus.
Here's an article in the Cap Times from 2012 about Matthews: "Walker's Hooters connection and other fun facts about campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews."
“Are you guys doing a story on this, really?” she asked Friday when asked to confirm the rumor.Imagine taking a shot at a young woman for waitressing?
But to the direct question: Were you a Hooters girl? She said, “I was.”
Matthews said she waited tables for the popular restaurant chain -- which features tasty chicken wings and waitresses in short shorts and low-cut tops –- while attending college at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.
“So you guys want to write a story that I waited tables in college,” she said. “I’m confused as to why that’s a story.”
ADDED: Back in 2009, somebody wrote to Isthmus "Tell All" with this thing about me:
I occasionally read the popular blog by Ann Althouse, the University of Wisconsin law professor. It contains political commentary, narcissistic blather and lots of dopey comments. I was stunned to read a recent post where Althouse reveals that she's gotten engaged to one of her commenters! He's a guy named Meade, from Ohio, and as far as I can tell, Althouse got to know him simply through his posts. Is there any way a romance built on blogs can last?From the answer: "I'm worried that the guy is a bit of a dick." Judge for yourself, from Meade's comment at a "Tell All" column with a letter from someone called Violated whose problem was "I've been having sexual dreams about Gov. Scott Walker." ("I should mention that I'm happily married, with an attractive husband... I do not consider our extreme right-wing governor physically attractive... I recoil from the sight of him... During last year's protests at the Capitol, however, I woke up one morning from a dream in which the governor and I were...well, you know. It was hot, but it was also disturbing. I took an extra-long shower that morning to wash away the sensation."
What the columnist came up with was to find photos of Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett (Walker's opponent in the recall election) and look at them before going to sleep at night, and "With any luck, your subconscious will do the rest by supplying you with a more suitable sexual partner in your dreams." And to see "a trained psychotherapist" if Scott Walker wins the recall election.
Meade's infinitely better answer was to quote "I should mention that I'm happily married, with an attractive husband" and say:
Man, talk about damning with faint praise! Dear Violated: First of all you have not been violated. You have been the violaTOR... of your marriage, of your husband's due respect, and of your own fantasies.
Photos of Tom Barrett? Tell All needs to turn in his newspaper-advice-columnist badge. And the last thing you need is to waste your time with a psychotherapist.
What you need to do is to practice sweet surrender to your husband so that, with any luck, he will discover his manhood and learn that what his wife and most heterosexual women want more than anything is to be sexually dominated by a man who will stand up and be strong, decisive, and confident.
Try this, Violated: Everyday, tell your husband that you approve of him, that you love everything about him, and that he has your open consent and carte blanche in your sexual relationship. Together, just the two of you, over and over again, watch scenes like this one from the movie Casablanca where Ilsa tells Rick that he will have to do the thinking for both of them.
Good luck, Violated. Try to give up thinking of yourself as a victim and remember, if things don't work out in your private love life, you will always have Scott Walker.
Some years ago, P.J. O'Rourke said that if you want to figure out what the next exciting movement is, look for where the attractive young women congregate.
Oh noes!
Binders full of beautiful young women! Horrors!
There is a Bill/Hilary/Hooters joke struggling to get out, but I am ruthlessly suppressing it...
PS - More seriously, love how she's on message with the "why is this a story" meme!
Obama and Hillary don't use "attractive" women as spokespeople or helpers?
Harf, Psaki, and Huma.
Who did Huma marry again?
Woman power!!!
"Life ain't fair."
Maybe I'll make that my final tweet.
I know. It's not very good, but the best one's already been taken.
No flat chested nubiles need apply for the Walker inner circle. But who could the blame the lusty Harley riding Scott Walker who lives with Tonette Walker 24/7.
Do you think I could get a job at Daily Kos if a polish my writing?
Because of all the weird weather here, I've been watching Boston local news, something I don't normally do. At least 50% of the reporters are female, attractive, and between the ages of 25 and 40 (or have the makeup skills to look that way).
I can't help noticing that Scott Walker's spokesmen are all men. What's up with that?
What would be said if they weren't all women.
I can't help noticing that Scott Walker's spokespeople are all dowdy women. What's up with that?
What would be said if the women weren't young and attractive.
If we are to go down this road, it is striking to me how ugly, deformed or just odd most of the people in this administration are. Even these fluffballs being used as Mouths of Sauron are a little off.
If she didn't stick her rack out in a photo with Walker, she's not a slut!
I had a niece who worked at Hooters. She made lots of money, and I think it maybe gave her the wrong impression about how easy it is to make money in America. She completed college, put on a few pounds, and now has an honest job in some office. Glory days. Who'd have thought?
I have dated a girl who worked at a Hooters, and I have dated a stripper. Their work experiences had some similarities, but the stripper made much better tips.
Women: you have to COMMIT.
I am Laslo.
Can't they get their facts right? Waitresses at Hooters wear short shorts, not skirts! Sheesh.
And this is somehow different from all the spokeschicks at the State Department, etc.? Or all the newsreaders on TV?
Pretty young women as newsreaders is a normal practice around the world, in most cultures it is an excellent way to attract and keep viewers attention.
And this extends to places where it would seem unlikely, such as Saudi Arabia.
They are considered to be newsreaders, not journalists. In the US they seem to have a degree of professional status not granted elsewhere. I never understood why they are not in the category of performers.
Political and official spokesmen however are almost always men, with some perception of substance and authority.
It is common knowledge and a proven fact that, outside of Hollywood, conservative woman are better looking than secular progressive women.
SP perspectives warp everything including the visage. Hollywood actresses offset this with cosmetic surgery beginning in their 30s.
A good Presstitute makes all available connections. You cannot deny that Walker rides a Harley and so did Bobby Petrino who was told to crash his Harley with an employee paramore aboard to then make way for Walker to remove the Wisconsin football coach as a political favor to the Kochs.
So to make sure I have this right: A woman can do anything she wants, unless she is a Republican. A woman's past does not matter, unless she is a Republican. A woman does NOT have to be ashamed of her sexuality, unless she is a Republican. A woman can choose a career or not, unless she is a Republican. A woman's looks don't matter, unless she is a Republican. Rape jokes are NOT funny, unless she is a Republican.
Did I leave any out?
Is it really news that to get a job as a receptionist or spokesperson you need to be attractive and articulate?
Next we'll learn that most of his speechwriters have been published in literary magazines at one time or another, and that he's hired political consultants with experience at polling firms.
The funny thing about Fox is that a some of its prime time women who were not journalism majors - were attorneys (Kelly, Greta, Gilfoyle). Not surprising, I think that attorneys can do a better job at least in probing interviews. Maybe not the news reading. Kelly, at least, is getting a reputation for giving an interviewee plenty of line, then pouncing - called, I think, a "Kelly Moment". As for Greta - I would put her up against almost anyone in the business for real investigative journalism. She can be relentless.
The worry for a Walker campaign should maybe be that if they come across as airheaded bimbos, so will he. We are already seeing that with the airheaded bimbos that the State Dempartment has been using, one of whom has apparently moved to the White House. Both reasonably attractive, but D.U.M.B.
Some women can be so catty. They never miss a chance to tear down a better looking woman.
As with Fox, it's hard to believe that the most talented females available to fill Walker's frontline jobs also look like models.... What does it say to the young girls of Wisconsin who hope to do important work when they grow up, regardless of their looks?
If they are in fact smart, they will understand that looks are important in some jobs, and probably more so for women than men. Reality. It is a good thing to understand. Then you can plan.
It is also possible to improve your looks to some extent. Lose weight (or gain it), cosmetic surgery, make up, hair style, clothing. Look at earlier pictures of Dagen McDowell (on Imus) and how she looks now. She's no looker, but has greatly improved her looks while on TV.
I would be willing to bet substantial sums of money that there are non-attractive women working for Walker. That's just not where the cameras point. So if journalists want to worry about the message sent they should be writing this hit piece about themselves, not Walker.
Or perhaps beautiful young women are attracted to Walker?
"I've been having sexual dreams about Gov. Scott Walker."
An old saying I've been trying (without much luck) to resuscitate: No woman ever fantasized about being ravaged by a hippie.
It reminds me of Fox News, which uses super-sexy women as on-air talent rather than a normal range of women who just happen to be good journalists.
Why settle when you can have it all?
"I have dated a girl who worked at a Hooters, and I have dated a stripper."
The stripper was at a topless bar, not full nude. It would be weird to date a girl who has had hundreds of men view her asshole up close.
Maybe that's just me. Standards.
I am Laslo.
This thread confirms my suspicion that Candy Crowley was once a hooters girl but has let herself go quite a bit.
Young girls' outer beauty is not alone impressive unless there is an inner beauty in the young person. That is the truth.
Walker has the crowd of Christian young people to chose from as campaign employees. So in a way he is cheating, like Chik-Fil-A does.
A young woman being attacked is NOT funny, unless she is ( the daughter of) a Republican.
Just another ugly radfem hating on the pretty girls. Nothing new.
"I've been having sexual dreams about Gov. Scott Walker." ("I should mention that I'm happily married, with an attractive husband... I do not consider our extreme right-wing governor physically attractive... I recoil from the sight of him... During last year's protests at the Capitol, however, I woke up one morning from a dream in which the governor and I were...well, you know. It was hot, but it was also disturbing. I took an extra-long shower that morning to wash away the sensation."
Ha hah hah. Scott Walker finds time to get away from his throne of skulls to invade the dreams of liberal women! What is not to like about this man?
I, for one, am not concerned about the physical attributes of Scott Walker's very well-paid professional mouthpieces.
Than that, it is far more significant, I would think, that Scott Walker would pick such a pie-faced old fatty to be his wife.
What the heck is up with a supposedly healthy 26-year old buck lusting after a nondescript, 39-year old butterball, anyway? The last thing it sounds is psychologically normal, or biologically normal, for that matter.
I'm sure that Scott and Tonette will be grilled about this later in the year, when Jeb unleashes the hounds.
""I have dated a girl who worked at a Hooters, and I have dated a stripper."
The girl who worked at Hooters said that every boyfriend she had wanted her to, at least once, wear her work uniform into the bedroom.
THAT is marketing.
I am Laslo.
What does it say to the young girls of Wisconsin who hope to do important work when they grow up, regardless of their looks?
What work is more important than making the world more beautiful?
Oh the tragedy of having to take a job and earn money for college instead of having the parental funds allowing you to take a prestigious unpaid internship!
"It reminds me of Fox News..."
It probably doesn't. That's just a phrase people attach when they want to say something negative about Fox News.
Joe Biden says something stupid. "It reminds me of Fox News.
Jezebel makes shit up. "It reminds me of Fox News."
Candy Crowley jumps in to help president Obama. "It reminds me of Fox News."
Oops, that last one reminds me of everyone but Fox News.
Captain Curt (first post) beat me to it.
I occasionally see Fox News when visiting relatives. I've never seen a "super-sexy woman" on it. Maybe they're on after 9pm or something.
"The girl who worked at Hooters said that every boyfriend she had wanted her to, at least once, wear her work uniform into the bedroom."
And it IS hot, pretty much like you'd expect.
I am Laslo.
This post is useless without pictures.
This wymyn pretends that all FAUX "news babes" are simply mouthing GOP propaganda for the rubes & that none could pass the Althouse "Please prove you're not a robot" test we need to pass to comment here.
PS: I needed three tries to post a comment! Never get a job at FOX
Is Mary Harf attractive? That's news to me.
And as for Rachel Maddow--well she's attractive enough for MSNBC,
And don't get me started on Hillary, who was damned with faint, and unjustified praise by Obama himself with the comment, "You're likeable enough."
Just one more case of Barack's bad judgment.
The world may not be fair---but in the pink collar world, they used to talk about "front office appearance". The better looking ladies got the best jobs--and certainly the jobs where customer contact was involved.
And that's not just true on the female side of the equation. Good looking men seem to do better in their careers. You can overcome that with great intellect--see Henry Kissinger--but for the run of the mine in intelligence, good looks do help.
No amount of progressive whining about "It ain't fair" is going to change that rule.
I used to do a lot of vendor quality surveys in factories. I noticed quickly that the young girls at the reception desk were usually hotter than the women running the equipment. The hot young things were usually very personable and ended up marrying one of the sales people who came through. Leaving an opening for another hot young thing. I'm sure that looks mattered when picking the receptionists.
This thread confirms my suspicion that Candy Crowley was once a hooters girl but has let herself go quite a bit.
3/2/15, 11:01 AM
I'm forgetting the year, probably the early 80's reading a Newsweek or Time article about using attractive women to report the news. On TV and was this the end to civilization or what. Candy Crowley was a big part of that story. I remember approving, cause I'm into anything to do with dark headed, well dressed chicks. That's my thing man.
Today? Frightening.
Megyn Kelly is super-sexy and whipsmart. So is Kimberly Guilfoyle. I think that Greg Gutfeld acts like the middle child just to get Dana Perino to groan.
Remember, ladies--feminism will only defend you if you're on the right team. You have the right to do anything you want with your life, except stray from the party line, comrade!
As for good looking people dominating public-facing jobs--if this is a revelation to you, please go back to sleep. You'll add nothing to the conversation.
"And don't get me started on Hillary, who was damned with faint, and unjustified praise by Obama himself with the comment, "You're likeable enough.""
I don't fault him too much for this line--she was doing her sob story about how unlikeable she was, to make some point about how she gets things done (despite the lack of evidence of her actually getting anything done in her long unremarkable career). A better quip might have been "I like you, Hillary" which though likely untrue might have taken her off her stride while making him look nice. The "enough" part soured it.
If you buy into the whole Bell Curve view of historiometry and selective sorting, then you better get used to the idea that our smart people (on average) are becoming a lot prettier than our dumb people and our more attractive people (on average) are becoming a lot smarter than our less attractive people.
Revenent... They trot her out at 9 after Family Hour. Her name is Megyn Kelly. We are waiting for Megyn to go dumb blonde on us but so far she seems to have had a brain transplant with a feminist MENSA brunette.
From Inwood said...none could pass the Althouse "Please prove you're not a robot" test we need to pass to comment here.
Actually, you don't. "I'm not a robot" runs on the honor system (maybe all the robots are programmed to comply, so us humans don't have to).
"Fox News" is a magic word that progtards use when they are incapable of countering your argument. E.G: "I object to Obama's failure to rein in the NSA" "Well, you just watch Fox News!"
More unintended proof of Rush Limbaugh's undeniable Truth of Life #24:
"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of American life."
I've never notice any female TV news reader that was unattractive.
Conservative women are younger, hotter, and smarter than liberal women. Everybody knows this.
"I've been having sexual dreams about Gov. Scott Walker." ("I should mention that I'm happily married, with an attractive husband... I do not consider our extreme right-wing governor physically attractive... I recoil from the sight of him... During last year's protests at the Capitol, however, I woke up one morning from a dream in which the governor and I were...well, you know. It was hot, but it was also disturbing. I took an extra-long shower that morning to wash away the sensation."
Not only does he live rent free in their minds, he has consensual sex with them in there, too.
"Walker's approach sets women back 50 years, to the pre-feminist Mad Men era."
The pretty boy is too anti-female. Ergo we should reset the clock forward to electing the ugly old woman as president.
In my opinion Walker's approach sets women back 50 years, to the pre-feminist Mad Men era.
Some plain Jane is jealous, and referring to an imaginary "era" won't help.
"I’m confused as to why that’s a story."
She sounds too reasonable and level-headed to be involved in politics.
Megyn Kelly is super-sexy and whipsmart. So is Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Wouldn't want to meet either one of them in court. KG is the more experienced trial lawyer, but even some on the right have felt Kelly's knife - e.g. Karl Rove on election night 2012.
KG is not my type. Mouth too wide, and maybe a little heavy in a Puerto Rican sort of way. Attractive yes, but it is the Megan Kellys of the world who really attract me.
Years of fascination with drag queens have convinced me that there is no excuse for a healthy young woman to be unattractive.
Presentation does matter. Long ago I avidly read Robert Wright, even when I didn't agree. Once I started watching that smarmy face on Blogging Heads, every word out of his mouth or out of his pen was unbearable.
Catherine Herridge is one of my favorite Fox correspondents and brings the cute more than the glamour, but in the weeks after her husband returned from from deployment, she was glowingly lovely. How charming was that?
Bottom line, I'm delighted the Fox strategy gives women the opportunity to show their stuff. What I particularly like is that none are so dumb as to embarrass me for my gender. The Administration's spokespersons do shame me.
Would Brian Williams have been an anchor if he'd looked less pretty?
I had no idea what any of these girls look like so I googled them. They're not that attractive; they're all very fit, but I wouldn't say they're exceptional.
Guifoyle is a homegirl for us SFians.
Much like my wife in fact.
The real San Francisco, where Catholic girls are born in the Mission and go to Mercy High. No Ivy league either, she did UC and USF. And she has a real track record in criminal law.
On camera PR people and communications people being better looking than average? Who ever heard of such a thing????
Next thing you know, someone will tell me that attractiveness can be a useful tool even for sales people!
SGT Ted, that deserves a field commission (and not one of those that starts with "Since everyone else in the platoon...").
But you being a SGT and all, I suppose you are too practical to accept, eh?
Is there a list of homely spokespeople? I imagine it's short.
pretty women can't be smart? talk about setting the cause of women back 50 years
"Is there a list of homely spokespeople? I imagine it's short."
Not on the male side.
I am Laslo.
" It contains political commentary, narcissistic blather and lots of dopey comments. "
Nice to see unbiased coverage.
It is very common for pretty little things to be hired to read or talk about the news - Laurel Patrick, Brian Williams, Jocelyn Webster, George Stephanopoulos....
If he is converted to using ugly old men, I AM AVAILABLE.
Robin Williams.
"Scrolling through Althouse's posts and Meade's comments, I'm skeptical about this match. Althouse is a conservative who prides herself on keeping an open mind. Indeed, she grudgingly voted for Obama last fall after months of scrutinizing the candidates. Meade, on the other hand, appears to be content with the Republican talking points, calling Obama a "boneheaded megalomaniac." Now, Obama may be a lot of things, but a "boneheaded megalomaniac"? Althouse, does this pass your intellectual-honesty test?"
History has now proven Meade was right.
My spouse, a Phi Beta Kappa Chemistry BS undergraduate, a graduate of Emory Medical School, who did her residency in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins, worked one summer in a Pizza Hut. Yes, a Pizza Hut!
Take that, snob reporters!
Jealousy is unbecoming. I am sure YOU have other gifts that compensate for both your inner and outer ugliness. Your "article" is vacuous at best.
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