"... and that’s because the voices that are most affected weren’t considered. We’ve been programmed to feel like nothing we do or say matters; it doesn’t matter if you speak out because you’re not going to be considered. We’ve been told to believe that and accept that role and therefore perpetuate an inferiority that we already feel. So the challenge of the Young, Gifted and Black Coalition is to engage the community, to educate the community and to show them and to prove to them that their voices matter.... When I first heard about this Behavior Education Plan, I immediately knew that it was going to affect our kids negatively. But people sitting on that board thought it was an amazing idea; we’ll stop suspensions, we’ll stop expulsions, we’ll fix the school-to-prison pipeline, which is all bullcrap, because now what’s happening is the impact; the school is putting all these children with emotional and behavioral issues in the same classroom... And you know it’s very intentional because if you have a population of two percent Blacks at a school of two thousand and all the Black kids are in the same class, that is not something that happens by random. And then you have kids like my daughter, who is prepared for school and can do well in algebra, but she’s distracted because she’s placed in a class with all these kids with IEP issues who, based on the Behavior Education Plan, cannot be removed from the classroom. So what does that do? It adds to the gap."
From a Madison Magazine interview with Brandi Grayson, the Madison activist who was quoted in last night's post ("We know the facts, and when they come out, this city will erupt. This city will f-ing erupt. And the blood and whatever takes place after that will be on your hands and the mayor’s hands.")
The inevitable result of each and every leftist policy since those policies are premised on notions and ideas that simply do not comport with reality.
Which must, by necessity, result in ever increasing state control to convince people that what they see is what they don't see and what they believe is what they don't believe.
Totalitarianism is the feature, not a bug, of leftist thought.
You'd better not get the idea that "facts" can dissuade them either.
It is time to forget all about race, gender, etc. and make all academic decisions strictly on achievement and merit. If a kid can do the work and cooperate in a civil manner with others, they should be allowed to take any class. If they are not prepared, either academically or socially, they should be booted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
We have tried to engineer our way around all manner of imagined failings and errors in the past, by simply compensating with new failings in the other direction. It does not work!! It's the old, "two wrongs do not make a right" thing.
Are we still capable of actually discerning merit? I wonder, and I have my doubts. But we must try. Nothing else works.
For instance, some leftists have been able to convince themselves that an unarmed black "yute" was simply minding his own business and doing nothing wrong when a blood-thirsty Madison police officer showed up and gunned him down for the crime of studying for the SAT after choir practice and assisting widows and orphans while black.
There is no reaching these Hamas supporting types.
Dr.D: "It is time to forget all about race, gender, etc. and make all academic decisions strictly on achievement and merit."
Of course, we are going to continue going in precisely the opposite direction.
Long term dem/left control depends on mass balkanization of society.
And they are winning. Worse, it looks like we are on a trajectory where it cannot be stopped.
The government is not a good father. It cannot be.
He's on the right track.
Blacks today are a lot dumber than they were in the 50s.
The way out is blacks doing something for poor whites, if they want to organize.
Dignity comes for groups as it does for individuals, by doing something for somebody else.
Once you've got some dignity, you can get somewhere.
We’ve been programmed to feel like nothing we do or say matters; it doesn’t matter if you speak out because you’re not going to be considered.
Unfortunately, in your case the programming seems to have failed.
"all the Black kids are in the same class"
Is that actually true? If so, why is it true?
Whites can't speak for blacks, but one black woman can speak for black men. How about everyone speak for themself. There is no shortage of community leaders. There is a shortage of fathers.
Not only do lefties not consider the impact of their policies on the people they are trying to "help," but they never go back to see what worked, what didn't, what needs fixing, and, above all, which policies have outlived their usefulness.
Welcome to the real world, Ms. Grayson.
OTOH, Ms. Grayson, those same lefties know damned well that you'd cut off your arm with rusty scissors before you'd vote for anyone who isn't a Democrat. So they will (pretend to) listen politely, pat you on your head, and go on doing what they do.
Meanwhile, go ahead and make the city erupt, if that's what you want. If Walker handles the situation well --and almost anything he does will be an improvement on Nixon in Missouri -- then Scott Walker will be our next president by acclamation.
"When you have a grassroots organization like us, there is no politics. ... white supremacy ... until [America is] willing to admit [] our whole culture [is based on] the genocide of a people and the enslavement of another people, then we can never start the healing process."
She sounds like she cannot be assuaged, because she does not want to be.
Blacks today are a lot dumber than they were in the 50s.
This is the trenchant commentary I come to Althouse for.
And then you have kids like my daughter, who is prepared for school and can
"Can", not "does".
do well in algebra, but she’s distracted because she’s placed in a class with all these kids with IEP issues who,
So she's mad because her kid is, er, um, "disabled".
Wiki: "In the United States an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)."
Saw that exact scenario plY out daily for decades. Three students with emotional or behavioral problems and learning for the entire class comes to a standstill. Sometimes for the entire year. Referrals were a revolving door. Out for a few minutes and then waltzing right back into the classroom angry at having been written up. Some periods required more xanax than others...
I want to be an activist too - a conservative activist.
Haha listen to Brandi shout "Shame" to all the liberal crackers at the Madison City Council meeting. Awesome. Soglin had no clue what to do.
I don't think madison understands what a mess they are about to have.
Brandi Grayson: "Worse then Ferguson! Worst city in the Country"
Madison racism regarded as "systemic".
Her mother was a drug addict, and she, herself, had a child at thirteen. Some of her difficulties in life come from the poor choices of both herself and her mother. She has created a dynamic where all of her problems are attributable to white racism. This is a fine way to alleviate guilt, but it doesn't do much to solve those problems......I come from a background of poverty and chaos. I have made any number of poor decisions. It's not that easy to think straight and find the exit in a world where everything's warped. Most people just add another blind alley to the maze. Her, for example.
Funny how a "community" of angry, bitter anti-social people begets angry, bitter and anti-social children, then blames society for ostracizing them. Talk about a vicious circle...
I hope you didn't pay for it - available free from Project Gutenberg.
The scariest speaker at the Madison City Council was not Brandi Grayson...it was the UW Prof that spoke second. She is so representative of the nuts that run that town, and she's bought in. 100%.
Watch the MCC adopt the GYB policies.
NBrandi Grayson: "Worse then Ferguson! Worst city in the Country"
3/20/15, 12:56 PM
I love this. Fat pasty white liberals are the worst.
Or so I can only surmise.
Sadly, her insane ramblings suck because she makes a ton of sense here.
But if one party cannot possibly win your vote and the other one cannot possibly lose it --- then your vote is immaterial.
Found some info on the school plan she discusses:
18% of the school body is African-American, 9% is multi-racial.
Nor are the students not being suspended - that 18% of students accounts for 64% of the suspensions this school year so far.
But overall suspension have dropped substantially, so I just don't know. It's possible that the effect of this plan so far has been to degrade the educational experience.
BUT, schools are basically required to do this sort of thing by the federal government.
all the Black kids are in the same class"
Is that actually true? If so, why is it true?
Yeah, I am not sure what's actually happening. Did her child get into trouble for something and get put into this class? Are they listed as disabled? I need more details.
I find it difficult to believe that Madison is a hell-hole of racism.
I do believe that it is about to get distinctly more difficult, however.
I find it difficult to believe that Madison is a hell-hole of racism.
Wisconsin is one of the most racist states in the country. Plenty of racism in Madison too. Nothing quite like the whacked out, angry white conservatives around the Milwaukee suburbs, but it's still there.
MaxedOutMama said...
Found some info on the school plan she discusses:
It looks like they suspended an Asian kid last year.
Shanna - one gathers that IEP kids are being grouped, perhaps to provide higher levels of services with specially trained personnel.
Also it is evident that Madison schools have dropped some historically "lower level" classes.
Also, her child is not doing well in Algebra. Aside from that, one would have to hear from the school system.
Ferguson: The town that the liberals had to burn down in order to save.
Garage - I don't know why you think that??
In any case, this is about Madison, which based on school enrollment is hardly white-dominated. White students are less than 50% of the total.
Can you provide some info/sources?
Damisec said:
"But if one party cannot possibly win your vote and the other one cannot possibly lose it --- then your vote is immaterial."
So Stephen A. Smith posts here under the name Damisec! Heh.
Wow! Notice how pissed off she is at the well intentioned liberals who sold her community a bill of goods, but never really gave their 90% voting constituency a voice, or...results.
She's had enough pretend cake.
A Republican couldn't have said it better.
There are 37 members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors. 36 are white.
There are 20 alders on the Madison Common Council. 19 are white.
The mayor is White.
The Dane County Executive is white.
I guess it's hard for local residents to elect blacks when they are throwing them all in jail.
Maybe Brandi has a point, eh garage?
Sorry, the Democrats think you are unable to fend for yourself. They think you are too stupid to accomplish anything on your own. They snigger to themselves when they hear you claim otherwise.
William said:
I come from a background of poverty and chaos. I have made any number of poor decisions. It's not that easy to think straight and find the exit in a world where everything's warped. Most people just add another blind alley to the maze.
Sometimes it takes a whole lot of years to emerge from behind a defensive wall and begin to see with some clarity, sometimes a lifetime.
Also it is evident that Madison schools have dropped some historically "lower level" classes.
Also, her child is not doing well in Algebra.
Is she saying her child could have done well in algebra if she had taken pre-algebra? It does seem strange that they have dropped pre-alg as math requires you to build on previous knowledge.
But 'general sciences' sounds like a completely useless class that was rightly dropped. Bio isnt' that hard.
The point about AP classes, though...they were kind of a newish thing when I was in school so I only took a few mostly senior year. Now, talking to my coworker, it seems like every class is AP even for sophomores (including ap photography!).
Ferguson. Madison.
More in common than the "son".
...and that’s because the voices that are most affected weren’t considered.
I noticed that among the 60's radicals also. Self absorption, self importance, and ignorance are the materials out of which leftists are manufactured.
Can you provide some info/sources?
You must be new around here.
Can't hear the gunshots on Allied Drive from Willy Street. Let's sing songs at the Capitol!
Can you provide some info/sources?
That Wisconsin is a racist state? Website ranks Wisconsin as 'worst state for black Americans'
If you've lived for any length of time it would be hard to argue this state isn't chock full of racists.
Ignorant, stupid, and crazy comes in all colors, because color has nothing to do with it.
So, for the record:
If a school puts the EBD black kids in a spearate program, then the US Department of Justice sues that district for enough money to sink your district and city becuase doing so was racist;
and if the school mainstreams the EBD kids, then the activists come after the school and the community, and supporters of the mainstreaming are racist.
And then you have kids like my daughter, who is prepared for school and can do well in algebra, but she’s distracted because she’s placed in a class with all these kids with IEP issues who, based on the Behavior Education Plan, cannot be removed from the classroom. So what does that do? It adds to the gap."
Hey, what do you konw, good-intentioned programs often have unforseen harmful effects! People on her side definitely pushed to prevent dual track classes/segregation of "problem" kids, and now that those kids are all in the same classroom she's unhappy with the negative effect that has on her daughter. It's a tough problem! I don't doubt that keeping the kids in their own classes would be called racist, though, so it really seems like well-intentioned (white) adminstrators are screwed either way.
I haven't read the full interview yet--does she actually recommend how to handle the problem in a way that won't "negatively affect her kids?"
garage: "That Wisconsin is a racist state? Website ranks Wisconsin as 'worst state for black Americans'"
Did you even read/comprehend the details of the study?
It's all about Milwaukee and basically no where else in WI!
And what do we know about the political makeup of those who have run Milwaukee for the last century?
Yes, century.
Democrats and socialists.
Who. Could. Have. Predicted. That?
BTW, a couple of the key metrics used to determine how "racist" a locale is (and mentioned very early in the article) in the study is infant mortality and poverty.
Well, given that Milwaukee has a large under-performing underclass with a host of self-destructive pathologies (which of course cross all racial lines depending on where in the country you happen to be) it's no wonder the study is so flawed.
Like garages ability to understand what it is he actually consumes "intellectually".
Prof Durlauf says it best:
snip: "But a University of Wisconsin-Madison economics professor, who specializes in income inequality and poverty issues, criticized the presentation of the index as misleading.
"Those types of statistics have been around for a while," said Steven Durlauf.
"The data in isolation give the wrong impression", Durlauf argued."
Yeah, another flawed study from the flawed left which exposes much more about them then they certainly intended.
But the grubered-garages eat it up!
When the same people harm you over and over again, at what point do you stop stipulating that they have "great intentions"?
Their one and only "intention" is to do something that makes them feel good about themselves. Start harshing their mellow with questions about actual results and watch how quickly they bristle with frustration, indignation, and condescention. They're the star of this show; the black school children are just scenery.
garage mahal said...
If you've lived for any length of time it would be hard to argue this state isn't chock full of racists.
Why do the racists hate white people more than they hate Asians? Are the racists Asians, or what?
And God forbid some black parents try to utilize vouchers to get their kids out of inner-city hell hole schools.
The white lefties will simply not abide such uppity behavior.
Perhaps the blacks Americans would do much better in Minnesota - we constantly see things like this:
Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof
On second thought, there is this:
Website ranks Minnesota as 'second-worst state for black Americans'
Thanks for the link, Garage!
Any true liberals who may wander around here and who reject the premise of Ms. Grayson's complaints should read "Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make it Harder for Blacks to Succeed." Available at Amazon. (But use the Althouse portal if you are going to order it.)
People on her side definitely pushed to prevent dual track classes/segregation of "problem" kids
They also dont' want kids suspended, expelled, or basically disciplined in any way that I can tell. Which leaves schools kind of crazy...
In my high school 9/10 grade was at one campus and 11/12 at another. the 9/10th grade campus was nuts, but the 11/12 grade campus was much more calm because all the most disruptive and violent kids had either dropped out or were held back.
I'm curious, do they still do a lot of 'regular' classes, versus honors or AP?
"garage mahal said...
Plenty of racism in Madison too."
And then says, like all his like minded white liberal neighbors "Not me"
"We’ve been told to believe that and accept that role and therefore perpetuate an inferiority that we already feel.
Tranlated: Ms. Grayson now fully understands the soft racism of low expectations.
Give a person a fish, and they will eat. Teach a person to fish, and they'll vote Republican.
alan markus said...
Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof
3/20/15, 2:13 PM
I could tell right off that this would be a reasoned and well balanced article!
"a competition between conservative and center-left policies to address the most difficult issues facing our two states."
See ALL non-left policies are conservative and all left policies are center-left. There is NO such thing [in the media] of center-right policies. Just right-wing / conservative (you might as well just say fascist) policies to the media.
Garage - reading your link, the top 10 worst states for blacks (by the given metrics), in declining order:
Rhode Island,
New Jersey,
This looks to me like the legacy of bad economics, not racism.
"t is time to forget all about race, gender, etc. and make all academic decisions strictly on achievement and merit."
That't the most ridiculous, racist statement I've ever heard.
I apologize if Garage has already responded in kind.
"MaxedOutMama said...
Garage - reading your link, the top 10 worst states for blacks (by the given metrics), in declining order:
Rhode Island,
New Jersey,
This looks to me like the legacy of bad economics, not racism."
Bad Democratic economic policy
And then says, like all his like minded white liberal neighbors "Not me"
My neighborhood is older, working class, Catholic, but it does go blue, and there is quite of diversity in my neighborhood. Still, I've noticed lots of bigotry. Again, not at the levels of the nutcase racists where you live
1. Worst State -- socioeconomics. Bad for blacks, but racist? In what way?
2. What's the goal? I read the interview, GHM. I do not see an end point with measureable results, let alone a path to get there.
Re: rhhardin:
Blacks today are a lot dumber than they were in the 50s.
Um, no. The Flynn effect works for African Americans as much as anyone else. And as far as I am aware, the achievement gap, the IQ gap, and so on have not widened since the 50's (although one must leave open the possibility, I suppose, that Whites today are also dumber than Whites in the 50's, notwithstanding their higher IQs).
The psychoactive effects of her black and white allies' opiates is beginning to wear off. They did not deliver on promises of dissociation of risk. Then with a multi-trillion dollar welfare economy, there are still indigent, homeless, and even unidentified Americans, and a federal government nearly $20 trillion in debt. And that's after aborting over 1 million unwanted American lives annually. I wonder what policy failure is of greater concern to her: misalignment, denigration, or debasement.
Bad Democratic economic policy
Wisconsin governors going back to 1900:
20 republican governors
7 Democratic governors
Again, not at the levels of the nutcase racists where you live
Thanks for not painting with a broad brush.
It is a sad fact of Democrat policies that the inner city black kid is screwed over time and again during the last 50 years by the local education establishment. Vouchers and charter schools are rejected out of hand. Discipline is neglected. Even a half-black President doesn't help....he supports the union.
So if Democrats are responsible for urban poverty, does that mean Republicans are responsible for the vast swaths of rural poverty and rampant drug use? Juuuust kidding.
So if Democrats are responsible for urban poverty, does that mean Republicans are responsible for the vast swaths of rural poverty and rampant drug use? Juuuust kidding.
Yes. LBJ's "Great Society". The cities were hit first, but in the long run, as more people went on the government dole, rural areas also were hit.
So yes, your party is pretty much completely at fault for cracking the foundations of the country. Own it.
And in addition, if the President gets his wish on immigration, we will have that many more people dependent on government, and the circle will be complete.
So your part is doubling down on that destruction. Own that too.
So yes, your party is pretty much completely at fault for cracking the foundations of the country. Own it
So, why elect Republicans if they can't do a damn thing to fix it?
"garage mahal said...
And then says, like all his like minded white liberal neighbors "Not me"
My neighborhood is older, working class, Catholic, but it does go blue, and there is quite of diversity in my neighborhood. Still, I've noticed lots of bigotry. Again, not at the levels of the nutcase racists where you live"
LOL, Brandi isn't talking about neighborhoods garage. She talking about "white liberals" like you. You're the racists. As she says SHAME!
As far as where I live...much more diverse than Madison or Dane County. And we don't kill unarmed black teenagers. Like Madison does.
"garage mahal said...
So if Democrats are responsible for urban poverty, does that mean Republicans are responsible for the vast swaths of rural poverty and rampant drug use? Juuuust kidding."
Where are these "vast swaths of rural poverty" you are talking about? And rampant drug use?
That's interesting. I have a son with an IEP. I haven't heard it called an "IEP issue". She probably means and "Individual Educational Program" like the kind my son has. So she doesn't want those people like my son, with issues, to be in class with her daughter, who is good at algebra.
My son's classmates and teachers like him and learn from having him in class.
And we don't kill unarmed black teenagers. Like Madison does.
I don't live in Madison.
"garage mahal said...
And we don't kill unarmed black teenagers. Like Madison does.
I don't live in Madison."
So you're good with accepting Madison as a white racist black teenager killing town? Noted.
"garage mahal said...
There is quite of diversity in my neighborhood.
2010 Census: The racial makeup of the city was 92.5% White, 2.8% African American
Yeah, you live in a fucking melting pot there.
So you're good with accepting Madison as a white racist black teenager killing town?
Dude you don't give a flying fuck about some black kid getting gunned down. There is nothing angry old white conservatives like you enjoy watching more than a story about racial tensions in a community. So go fuck yourself, if that's still remotely possible.
garage is against school choice because blacks might get the idea to attend his local school. Better to keep them in their own 'hood.
Of course where I live, and where my kids went to school, lots of inner city blacks attending. Never remember one protest.
We should leave blacks alone. Since we fail and are condemned for every effort to help, we should stop paying any attention to race. But continue self-segregating. No more ruining cities like Ferguson with Sec. 8 Housing. Blacks can run their own cities, neighborhoods, police forces and schools. We'll run ours. Fire and police can volunteer to work in vibrant neighborhoods.
No more affirmative action. No more white guilt trips.
Will this silence violent, malevolent fools like Grayson and her upstream criminals like Sharpton and Holder? No but we won't have to listen to them.
Of course where I live, and where my kids went to school, lots of inner city blacks attending
The racial makeup of the city was 89.6% White, 4.5% African American
"garage mahal said...
Dude you don't give a flying fuck about some black kid getting gunned down. There is nothing angry old white conservatives like you enjoy watching more than a story about racial tensions in a community. So go fuck yourself, if that's still remotely possible."
Says the "white liberal" Brandi and her Gifted Black Youth know have created the "worst city in America", "worse than Ferguson".
No, racial tension here. None. Lots in Milwaukee...also a town run by White liberals. Another unarmed black teenager shootin' town.
Seeing the pattern?
garage is against school choice because blacks might get the idea to attend his local school
Blacks already do. They've always had a choice to attend my school. It's called open enrollment, Einstein.
"garage mahal said...
garage is against school choice because blacks might get the idea to attend his local school
Blacks already do. They've always had a choice to attend my school. It's called open enrollment, Einstein."
I was referring to private schools.
Garage: "..and there is quite of diversity in my neighborhood."
Diversity. It apparently has lost all meaning.
Curious George: "I was referring to private schools."
Garage is perfectly content to "allow" those urban "blackys" to "choose" to attend any govt run school run by the left that they would care to.
Real competition and choice?
Oh no. Those blacks cant handle that. But they dont really need that choice cuz white guy from lily whiteville has got their backs!
I was referring to private schools.
My kids go to public school. My oldest daughter's best friend is black. Her name is Chyna. They are inseparable. Chyna lives 3 blocks away.
"Garage Mahal" said:
Wisconsin is one of the most racist states in the country. Plenty of racism in Madison too. Nothing quite like the whacked out, angry white conservatives around the Milwaukee suburbs, but it's still there. . .
My neighborhood is older, working class, Catholic, but it does go blue, and there is quite of diversity in my neighborhood. Still, I've noticed lots of bigotry. Again, not at the levels of the nutcase racists where you live. . .
Dude you don't give a flying fuck about some black kid getting gunned down. There is nothing angry old white conservatives like you enjoy watching more than a story about racial tensions in a community. So go fuck yourself, if that's still remotely possible. . .
This is the trenchant commentary I come to Althouse for.
Garage: "There is nothing angry old white conservatives like you enjoy watching more than a story about racial tensions in a community"
How ironic. The left wets it panties everytime there are racial tensions. I guess it makes them horny.
To be fair, Garage lost his balls a long time ago, so he wouldn't know. Although I'm sure he still has fantasies about Trayvon Martin and Micheal Brown.
You can cry racism all you want, but a certain demographic (which shall remain nameless, lest I be called a racist) is all too happy to get their children classified as having a disability (go look at the long list, many of which are impossible to prove or disprove)for the sole purpose of receiving SSI benefits.
As well, the schools are all too happy to not only go along with this, but push for it for the extra federal funds.
A good friend of mine is a bleeding heart liberal leftie who works with the deaf and hard of hearing, from age zero through the early grades. She gets people begging her to get their other perfectly normal children classified as having a hearing impairment, just for the extra $$$. And even when she knows fraud is occurring, she cannot report it for fear of violating HIPPA.
There is way too much incentive for fraud, and way too much incentive to be dependent on scamming the system.
So we have parents telling doctors and teachers that their child is incapable of learning. Who is the child to argue? So the only thing the child learns is how to be dependent on a government check and scam the system. How do you lefties think this is going to work out for the {nameless} community? Take your left-wing blinders off, walk around the ghetto, and see for yourselves how well it's working, before you do any more damage!
Garage has a daughter who has a black friend.
So garage lives in diversity central and cant be a racist.
Go Brandi, go. She is going to speak truth to authority and they cannot stop her because to put her in her place would make the authority look like what she accuses them of being.
Brandi accuses the Madison white liberal clique of refusing to allow Brandi self respect because she is a poor black.
It's ALL about class snobbery exercising political power and signaling to the Police that the Ruling bigots expects favorable treatment over poor people with black skin.
What Brandi needs is what Condoileezza Rice got from her parents, which is a traditional Calvinist faith that she is a good person. Then she would not need affirmation from the City.
Good luck with trying to buy off Brandi's hurt feelings with public shows of respect that she knows you really don't mean.
Still waiting for an answer to my question garage:
So you're good with accepting Madison as a white racist black teenager killing town?
Like the BGY says?
Like the BGY says?
Why don't you link to an actual comment from BGY and I will respond.
"traditionalguy said...
Go Brandi, go. She is going to speak truth to authority and they cannot stop her because to put her in her place would make the authority look like what she accuses them of being.
Brandi accuses the Madison white liberal clique of refusing to allow Brandi self respect because she is a poor black.
It's ALL about class snobbery exercising political power and signaling to the Police that the Ruling bigots expects favorable treatment over poor people with black skin.
What Brandi needs is what Condoileezza Rice got from her parents, which is a traditional Calvinist faith that she is a good person. Then she would not need affirmation from the City.
Good luck with trying to buy off Brandi's hurt feelings with public shows of respect that she knows you really don't mean."
Oh yeah...the morons on the Madison Council and Dane County Board are going to turn the town upside down trying to make good. Anything...ANYTHING...not be thought of as racist.
Gonna be fun.
This game is not over until Brandi Grayson wins.
"garage mahal said...
Like the BGY says?
Why don't you link to an actual comment from BGY and I will respond."
Here you go...the fun starts at 32 minutes. Brandi Grayson comes in at 57 minutes.
Brandi Grayson wrote: We’ve been programmed to feel like nothing we do or say matters; it doesn’t matter if you speak out because you’re not going to be considered.
At least she admits to being brainwashed. Now she really ought to desist from inciting violence before somebody else gets hurt -- it will be too easy to blame her.
Is Brandi right when she says that a large number of people in the system in Madison are there because small civil offenses like parking tickets turned into large fines and then time in jail? The DOJ report specifically says that this kind of thing was done in Ferguson to raise revenue and done more often to blacks and that this IS racism.
The only person who has ever looked to see if Madison is doing this Brandi Grayson.
I think Wisconsin citizens should focus like laser on whether Madison and Milwaukee are raising revenue by a system of escalating fines which land disproportionately on blacks. That's a new abuse; it isn't 400 hundred years old; we don't have to introduce LGBT issues and confessions of white supremacy-leanings from the police to deal with it. In fact the NYPD actually first focused attention on the issue by refusing to enforce the sort of regulations they were enforcing in the case of Eric Garner. (They were criticized by the left for enforcing them and then by the left for not enforcing them and so I knew Garage was there advising.)
Yes or no - are the Madison police being judged on how many tickets they write?
This is what Brandi said:
"we find that a lot of people who are currently in Dane County are in due to bail. I’d say between $500 and $2,000 bails, so kind of like petty crimes of homelessness, stealing, tickets, revocations, suspension of license, child support, things that are directly related to being poor—as we have termed, crimes of poverty. You get a ticket, you can’t pay it, you get another ticket for not paying, then you get revoked, then you get another ticket and you have to sit it out, then we as taxpayers have to pay $90 to $100 a day for people to sit out their bails."
I don't agree with the part about stealing being just a poverty thing we should ignore
The most disturbing aspect of this post is reading the comments to find that Garage Mahal has a daughter. This is like finding out that the earwig that just emerged from your head after chewing through your brain had laid eggs.
"Garage Mahal" said:
"My neighborhood is older, working class, Catholic, but it does go blue, and there is quite of diversity in my neighborhood."
Lol. I knew it. I know this type so well from my union-organizing days. Populist Mooreian schlubs, who are baffled and envious that any of their fellows should become more educated or prosperous than them. When egged on in public spaces they'll make all the rote Lefty noises, but in the company of other white, male Working Class Heros they are as effortlessly racist, homophobic, and misogynist as a Buick full of Archie Bunkers. Salt of the earth, they are. Oh, and backbone of America, too. Now if only we could firebomb the shit out of the Japs again, these stalwarts could return to 40 years of assembly lines and union-inflated wages.
wildswan wrote:
I don't agree with the part about stealing being just a poverty thing we should ignore
In the words of YGB, it's "retail theft for survival" link
Obviously, no one YGB has never worked in retail. Or if the did they were probably fired.
Brandi Grayson wrote: This is about the ugly truth of how America was founded and until we’re willing to admit and acknowledge what we’ve based our whole culture on, which is the genocide of a people and the enslavement of another people, then we can never start the healing process.
Isn't she doing exactly what Camille Paglia said the other day was a mistake -- seeing racial identity as an end all be all?
Les Miserables. Madison is Paris of the Northwest. They just drink beer instead of wine with the cheeses.
Pretty good, except that some of her "white allies" are not allies at all. Instead of trying to reform them, she might just dump them and find other allies. She might find them in surprising places (not the usual liberal haunts.)
I think Wisconsin citizens should focus like laser on whether Madison and Milwaukee are raising revenue by a system of escalating fines which land disproportionately on blacks.
It's not a new thing confined to the big cities, and it's not a black thing either. Young people tend to be "low-hanging" fruit for law enforcement. I was on a United Way Committee in one of the "red" counties that funded a homeless program - one of the challenges the program faced was dealing with these young people who wound up in a downward spiral after a few fines, mostly for minor misdemeanors. Public urination, moving violations, loud music, driving after revocation, etc. Cops would have never gotten by making those arrests on older, wiser citizens (especially those with a few dollars available for a lawyer). Couldn't pay the fine, so warrants were outstanding. Cops would see them somewhere, haul them off to jail. They would get held, miss work, lose their job, and of course not be able to pay the new penalties, lost their rental apt., and the cycle would start all over. Of course, try to convince my fellow conservatives that this was detrimental and I would get "ripped a new one" for being soft on crime.
These conservatives who mock the liberal, "do-good" social welfare programs as unproven experiments never seem to understand that this type of enforcement (and the huge expansions of county jails and state prisons in Wisconsin) are really the conservative version of a "do-good" social engineering program with dubious results and great costs.
Maxed-out Mama: Madison is a white progressive haven. That means, yes, it is a racist hell-hole, discreetly covered with charming floral arrangements and wonderful little shops that do absolutely nothing for the blacks of the community. (But may boast of their "fair trade" products.)
By Jove he's got it. Great comment by Alan Markus.
Poor people are very weak people and young people are very easy targets for authority unless they have strong parents the police fear.
And no one seems to care except Elizabeth Warren.
richard mcenroe said... yes, it is a racist hell-hole, discreetly covered with charming floral arrangements and wonderful little shops that do absolutely nothing for the blacks of the community.
3/20/15, 7:58 PM
Because blacks are forbidden to shop there? Or work there? Or open their own shops? Are small business owners responsible for the "black community". Why isn't the "black community" responsible for themselves?
traditionalguy said...
Poor people are very weak people and young people are very easy targets for authority unless they have strong parents the police fear.
And no one seems to care except Elizabeth Warren.
3/20/15, 8:01 PM
Ah yes, the great progressive panacea, by which they forestall their class warfare attacks on millionaire democrats- "She cares". I'm sure Senator Fork-Tongue will establish some benevolent "programs" for those poor weak people she cares so much about once she's President She-Who-Cares. And I'm sure that it won't cost her a penny, and will probably enrich her and her political friends and allies at the same time, and the rest of us will pay through the nose for it, and the poor will continue being poor and weak because these benevolent programs rarely do more than help keep the poor and weak poor and weak.
So if Democrats are responsible for urban poverty, does that mean Republicans are responsible for the vast swaths of rural poverty and rampant drug use? Juuuust kidding.
3/20/15, 3:28 PM
Many here try to throw you a bone and say even though you have made a retarded or dishonest statement that you are still kinda an honest just misguided dimwit broker.
You're not. You're a fucking cock sucking fat ass lying cunt.
Just sayin boy.
some leftists have been able to convince themselves that an unarmed black "yute" was simply minding his own business and doing nothing wrong when a blood-thirsty Madison police officer showed up and gunned him down for the crime of studying for the SAT after choir practice and assisting widows and orphans while black.
Can you name these leftists that are making that claim or are you being dishonest again?
Halfway between Beyonce and Taylor Swift is Scarlett Johannson. With a Brazilian tan. And wax, likewise.
I am Laslo.
I would like to watch Beyonce and Taylor Swift have hot girl-on-girl sex; me and Jay-Z would smoke cigars and give pointers.
I am Laslo.
I bet me and Jay-Z could solve a lot of America's racial problems. And we'll have an Asian guy there, too. Not the 'Gangnam-Style' dude , though: that would be stereotypical.
I am Laslo.
I realize there are more Asians around than the 'Gangnam-Style' guy, but I think they are studying. To take over my job.
I am Laslo.
Jay-Z and me, we'd pay for Taylor Swift Tongue-Augmentation Surgery. Hopefully Hova can kick in a bit more than me. If Beyonce hasn't spent it. I hear black girls are like that.
I am Laslo.
Jay-Z, he says black men have to watch out for the 'white woman problem': I'm not sure if it was a reference to Hillary Clinton or O.J. Simpson. Because OJ killed a white woman. Allegedly. And Hillary Clinton is a woman. Allegedly. But her: pretty much white.
I am Laslo.
richard mcenroe said...
Maxed-out Mama: Madison is a white progressive haven. That means, yes, it is a racist hell-hole, discreetly covered with charming floral arrangements and wonderful little shops that do absolutely nothing for the blacks of the community.
Why don't the racists seem to have any affect on Asians?
They have almost exactly the same fraction of the population as do blacks (7.4 vs 7.3%); why aren't they getting suspended and fined and arrested and shot?
Why do the racists with the "wonderful little shops", and their their co-conspirators let the Asians get away with lower levels of all those things than whites?
Shouldn't the racist shop owners be calling the police every time an Asian walks in? They never seem to get caught stealing the charming floral arrangements ... are they crafty Ninja super-criminals, or what? I don't understand.
Despite Monica Lewinsky I think -- between OJ Simpson and Bill Clinton -- OJ Simpson wins at getting head. Because he practically cut Nicole's head off. If it was just blow-jobs I think Clinton would win. Because he raped a lot of women. Wait.
I am Laslo.
Oh my G_d I should probably stop there.
I am Laslo.
"We’ve been programmed to feel like nothing we do or say matters;"
That's because you only talk to Democrats who know better than you do what is good for you. Republicans just want to throw you out on your own and make you stand up and be adults.
Hey, lighten up on Garage. He is obviously a paragon of racial harmony. After all, not only does he have a black friend, his daughter's best friend is black.
Once upon a time, liberals claimed that saying things like that was racist - but they have evolved so its all good.
Brandi finally realizes liberal policies and attitudes are hurting minorities. Congratulations to her. Conservatives have been telling her this since the 60s. Good for her,she is now caught up to 1969. Public school education at tis finest.
Fernandiande said...Why don't the racists seem to have any affect on Asians?
Obviously it's a skin-color-based bias, Fernandi, so that's a silly question. Now, why aren't native African and Caribbean immigrants affected in the same way--there's your query.
Wildswan said...I think Wisconsin citizens should focus like laser on whether Madison and Milwaukee are raising revenue by a system of escalating fines which land disproportionately on blacks.
If you take out the last five words of your sentence, does it change anything? I'm with alan markus--the problem you're describing is likely very real in many places, but not necessarily driven by race/racism, so focusing on the problem through the lens of race isn't a good idea (although probably understandable in the case of YGB). Looking at that (larger) problem is a better strategy both because it lets you build a bigger coalition and because you face fewer obstacles in presenting your case (ie even when Al Sharpton may have a point it's difficult get past his race-baiting past, but since I don't know YGB if they're not making the same arguments as Sharpton they don't have to overcome his taint). [heh, taint]
"Can you name these leftists that are making that claim or are you being dishonest again?"
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, all the other race hustlers out there getting their nose in the news.
By the third sentence I could only think of this.
"Be quiet!!"
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, all the other race hustlers out there getting their nose in the news.
I've been unable to find anything that shows any of those men said Tony Robinson was "studying for the SAT after choir practice and assisting widows and orphans"
Can you please provide a link that backs up yours and Drago's claim that such a thing was said?
madisonfella (Inga) your attempt to defend race hustlers is noted and appreciated.
"Our racial disparity numbers are three times as bad as Ferguson’s"
What disparity numbers? Traffic stops? Incarceration rates? She's willing to look everywhere but not for missing fathers.
Disparity or correlation is weak evidence of causality.
That said, her black and white allies do not have good intentions as evidenced in policies that denigrate individual dignity (e.g. diversity), debase human life (e.g. pro-choice), promote selective exclusion (e.g. class preference), devaluation of capital and labor (e.g. multi-trillion dollar deficits), displacement and replacement (e.g. Obama's "Dreamers" and immigration policies that exceed the rate of assimilation and integration), "green" technology that shifts and obfuscates environmental disruption while increasing energy costs, etc.
She needs to hold her enemies close and her allies closer still. She needs to stop consuming the opiates that distort her perspective of reality. They are the cause of her distress and delusions.
All Leftist intention revolves around satiating their limitless envy and greed.
It's evil and other words don't describe the deaths and the callous disregard for ruined lives.
All the answers are known and have been for some time.
To start, give thanks to God for the great opportunities for you to do for yours, now and especially when adversity arrives. The world owes you shit. Your parents owe and owed you tons, I hope they paid their share.
"They fuck you up, your mom and dad. They don't meant to, but they do." Larkin's verse is true of every human being on earth with the exception of black people. If they're fucked up it's because of racism. Brandi's mother was a drug addict. If some of Brandi's gears don't mesh with society, it's not the fault of her nodding mom, but that of white society. Brandi had a child at thirteen. That's the ideal age to be a loving, conscientious mother. If her kids have any problems, only a racist would put any blame on her. She's aggressively wrong, and only on the Internet can one say she's full of shit.....This a variant of the saying that black lives matters unless they're killed by Suge Knight or Eay Lewis.
madisonfella: "Can you name these leftists that are making that claim or are you being dishonest again?"
I was caricaturing the leftists.
Which you should have easily discerned from the lack of quotation marks included in my caricature.
You're welcome.
William Foster Buckley responds to UnBuckley's 11:27 PM: Chirbit
"Can you name these leftists that are making that claim or are you being dishonest again?"
If Obama had a son, he would look like Trayvon.
The twelve year old trayvon they showed pictures of in the news of course, not the 17 year old trayvon who was physically stronger than the man he was beating the crap out of when he got shot.
madisonfella: "Can you please provide a link that backs up yours and Drago's claim that such a thing was said?"
madisonfella, can you provide a link showing where I claimed that such a thing was said, particular to the list of names some other poster offered up, or are you just being dishonest again?
Let's cut to the chase: it's the latter.
Here's my experience with being a victim of discrimination in Wisconsin.
It was the last few days of February 1973. The Arab oil embargo caused gas stations to find a way to ration gas, usually by odd and even license plates.
I was on a trip during a college break, traveling from Iowa to Milwaukee where two of the four travelers had family ties. It was two guys and two girls. All white with last names that are Swedish, Danish, Scottish, and German. We would fit in pretty well in rural Wisconsin.
We stopped at a full-service station in a small town and the owner came out to run the gas pump. He looked at our license plate and said, "You're from Iowa? I'll sell you two dollars worth! And if you were from Illinois I'd sell you only one dollar's worth!"
We bought the two dollars worth and then filled up at the next station a few blocks down the street. We also uderstood his feelings about people from Illinois.
I was caricaturing the leftists.
Oh. I get it now. When you do such a thing you're just "caricaturing" but when others do it they are lying assholes who deserve to be shot and have their dead body raped by a grizzly bear.
In other words, yet another example of you being a hypocrite. Thanks for owning up to it rather than running away like you usually do.
Still waiting garage for the answer to "So you're good with accepting Madison as a white racist black teenager killing town?" "Worse then Ferguson! "Worst city in the Country" Madison racism regarded as "systemic".
Of course this creates a huge dilemma for our local little lefty. Which was to go? Admit racism? Or appear racist? Hell, it made Soglin look like a addled old man wondering where he left his car keys.
garage tried to parry the question with dodges like "I don't live in Madison" and "My daughters best friend is black."
But of course that is weaksauce..even for him. The question refers to white Madison liberals. And their policies and actions.
WHat to do. What to do.
Looks like "punt."
madisonfella: "Oh. I get it now. When you do such a thing you're just "caricaturing" but when others do it they are lying assholes who deserve to be shot and have their dead body raped by a grizzly bear."
Oh. I get it now.
When you accused me of claiming that I was quoting someone else and it becomes obvious I did no such thing, you lash out ineffectually per usual.
Thanks for playing.
Drago said...
I was caricaturing the leftists.
This is a pathetic dodge by a pathetic little man. Drago you are a cowardly and very stupid man. Your "caricatures" are empty straw men of your own fetid imaging. Every single person who posts here is both smarter than you and more honest. You are a laughing stock.
AReasonableMeltdown: "This is a pathetic dodge by a pathetic little man"
I didn't quote anyone.
I didn't claim to be quoting anyone.
Simple, easy to verify facts.
I realize that to lefty Verencemos "Brigade" "heroes such as yourself the falling back onto the basic facts of a circumstance must seem odd, off-putting and perhaps disorienting.
I suggest you think seriously about another round of your "courageous" deleting of posts.
You throw courage and the supposed lack of courage around quite a bit.
Very telling indeed.
Drago, I genuinely feel sorry for you, you are hopelessly out of your depth, even in this modest little forum.
AReasonableMeltdown: "Drago, I genuinely feel sorry for you, you are hopelessly out of your depth, even in this modest little forum."
"..modest little forum."
Well harrumph!
I must rise to Althouses defense on this point!
I would assert this forum is perhaps more than just "modest" given the increasing breadth of the online readership and referencing of this blog from other sites.
You should apologize to Althouse immediately for such slander!
And a bootlicker.
AReasonableMeltdown: "And a bootlicker."
Says the actual, no kidding, communist dictator volunteer and bootlicker!
It's becoming very clear that ARMeltdown is in complete and utter full projection mode.
Do continue though if that's what it takes for you to avoid the obvious consequences of what left-wing policies have wrought.
BTW, have you sent a roll of toilet paper to a deserving Maduro supporter yet?
And if not, why not?
The only thing that would make this thread more complete in a hilarious world-is-upside-down-way would be for cookie to show up and demand we stop listening to crazy conspiracy advocates.
"Because what’s been happening in our systems and in policy setting is all these great intentions of our white allies and our white liberals to assist those who live in poverty, and that intent was good, but the impact was totally off" She is smart enough to arrive at this point, but unable to follow where it leads.
I also note that she was a teenage mother, but managed to get an education - but is 35 and about to be a grandmother. So she learned nothing from her experience.
Someone procreated with garage mahal?! That fucking moron's gene pool is continuing?
One of the best things about Madison is that those who don't like it are free to leave.
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