That Walker pic does look a lot like Jihadi John. I wonder if Walker goes out at night with a machete and attacks Union members. Just asking... and the answer would have to be "I don't know."
The critters who attacked (In the Act-10 riots) our State Capitol building were NOT "peaceful" protesters. Some of them threatened others with death and unlawfully restrained them, damaged that building, prevented others from their ability to exercise political rights and injured children by illegally removing them from schools.
The differences between that criminal mob and those waging Jihad is only a matter of degree and not of essential nature.
How dishonest is the Left? They changed his quote. He actually said. "...We need a leader with that kind of confidence. If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world."
This is going to go on for quite some time. One thing we know is that there will be no last minute revelations about Walker. Nobody in Madison could sit on a story strategically like that.
Apparently Obama made some quite extra-ordinary statements again this week to the effect that he is going insist that his executive orders be obeyed even if Congress legislates against them, "because in his heart he knows he is right."
Isn't that what every dictator in history has more or less offered as justification for his actions?
That he is comparing the protestors to terrorists is, of course, absurd.
But I think the DNC seriously underestimates the number of Americans who would approve of the comparison, and find it a reason to help him not stop him.
@Althouse, it seems to me that people who seek to overturn the results of a democratic election through force and intimidation really are either terrorists or their incestuous cousins.
"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I ensure...that ... radical Islamic terrorists...on American soil ... send a message ...that we'll protect ... soil but ...not ...freedom-loving people anywhere else in the world."
Actually, this was probably about that he intends to veto any legislation aimed at nullifying or otherwise interfering with his executive orders, but that is still a quite remarkable statement to make in public.
Rhythm and Balls said... "Or Hitler. SImilar color scheme. Meade sees all red, black and white. Can't find many other regimes that were fond of that color combination."
The President has the veto power for a reason, and he is entitled to use it when he thinks Congress is initiating a bad policy or is stepping into his rosebeds, but this is a case of Congress telling the President to get out of theirs. I think any other President would have phrased this differently, even if they did veto the legislation.
Wow, you know R&B, that was so subtle I never noticed it. Thanks for pointing that out. I bet it wasn't planned at all but that the Mr Scott's inner Hitlerness just forced the color choice on them subconsciously.
Without people like you to point stuff out like this, I would probably have voted for him...
In modern American politics (late 20th & 21st Century), almost every sitting or former governor who runs for POTUS is attacked by his opponents -- unless his/her opponent is also a governor -- for lack of experience and gravitas, with an assumed corresponding lack of judgment, on foreign policy matters.
Presidential tickets are sometimes balanced to avoid that: Supposedly John McCain's military service and abiding interest in foreign policy as a U.S. Senator was enough to overcome Sarah Palin's lack of hands-on foreign policy experience. Despite that, the Dems had considerable success in their efforts to freeze, personalize, and polarize Palin, as evidenced by the fact that it's the rare Democrat who actually knows that it was Tina Fey, not Palin, who said, "I can see Russia from my house."
This whole kerfluffle is silly: With even minimal context (carefully stripped from this email barrage and the rest of the Dems' rabble-rousing), Walker obviously wasn't comparing union supporters and activists to ISIS. He was trying to talk about his own character and strength of conviction: I withstood this challenge, I can therefore likely withstand that challenge. Only a fool or a liar -- both shoes fit lots of partisan Dems and all of their media meme-makers -- jump to the conclusion that "this challenge" is therefore equivalent to "that challenge."
Walker and his supporters ought to make -- and stick with -- that point.
Instead, they launched off into this "Walker defying unions in Wisconsin was like Reagan standing up to PATCO" -- okay so far as that goes -- followed by the argument that Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers was somehow an important indicator of foreign policy skill. That's a ridiculous stretch.
Walker himself may be incredibly on-message and disciplined. But part of that is controlling and confining the candidate's and his team's reaction to unfair smears. I don't fault him for the original remark, except for failing to understand how easily it could be yanked out of context. But I do fault him for the weak and confused reaction.
So the national Democrats are fundraising off Scott Walker now. They can't use Obama's Hope and Change these days.
The head of the DNC is the one who said Walker back hand slaps women and then drags them back by their hair.
Two months later, her party was soundly defeated 2 months later, giving Republicans numbers in the state legislatures, governorships, and Congress they have not had in almost a century.
I'm beginning to think that DNC stands for "doofus non compos".
Sort of pig latin for incompetent doofi. They should just keep on shooting themselves in the foot with these idiotic ads. You're going to tell me that a whitebread Midwestern boy is a terrorist? I can believe that about a Somali in St. Paul who goes home to take up Jihad--but Scott Walker? Give me a freakin' break!
Jeez. Do I have to do all he research around here ?
JFK met Jacobson through Chuck Spalding, an old Harvard friend, at Dr. Max's New York office in the autumn of 1960, just before the Kennedy-Nixon debates. Kennedy instantly impressed Jacobson: "He made me feel that whatever I said was very meaningful and all-important was my advice," Jacobson wrote in a memoir that he never published.
Hey, there is this thing called Google you should try.
Remember when Madisonfella (who is a man no matter how much she sounds like your crazy ex girlfriend) assured us that comparing Walker to Hitler was a fringe thing? And now it's the DNC bringing in Hitler.
Not at all. As our hostess might say, I invite you to reflect deeply on my contributions to the comments on this blog.
Touchy defensiveness or wishful thinking doesn't help Walker a bit. He needs to be utterly realistic about everything, including the competence of his people. I think he will be.
Remember when Tim in Vermont claimed he wasn't obsessed with little old me? Even tho he has a habit of bringing me up in threads I hadn't even posted in, he is still in denial about this infatuation of his.
and did the DNC really compare Walker to Hitler or is TiV making crap up again?
Meade sees all red, black and white. Can't find many other regimes that were fond of that color combination.
And there goes Ritmo, slagging on the lovely island paradise of Trinidad & Tobago.
Ritmo sez: TRINIDADIANS RED/WHITE/BLACK [so jarring! mein eyes are meltingggg!] NAZIS [ihatethoseguys trinidadiansareblack] [disconect] [my name is ritmo and i'm conconconfused] NAZI SUNSHINE BEACHES [mayikeepthelittleumbrella?]
>>mcullough Walker may be blessed with the DNC but he has to watch his back against Rove and Priebus first.<<
Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and Reince Priebus are very close personal friends. They are all from the south-eastern corner of the state (Waukesha, Janesville, and Kenosha respectively) and came up through the ranks of the Wisconsin GOP together. Priebus ascended to the chair of the RNC on the strength of his leading the WI GOP when Walker was first elected governor in 2010; Walker has nothing to be wary about with regards to Priebus.
Hey there, Dr. Dipshit. The point of Kennedy having Addison's is that Hitler didn't. Nor does Scott Walker. So what would have been a legitimate (if unconventional) reason for combatting lethargy in JFK you would equate with the illegitimate use made of it by Hitler's handlers. Which is medical nonsense.
However unconventional JFK's use would have been, at least it would have been a plausible clinical rationale - as cited by even your own retrograde source. Whereas in HItler, it was just to project him as the next ubermensch. Most people can see the difference between drug trials (however questionable or primitive) in people with legitimate medical need and misadventures used just to give a fix to the next Mr. Awesome. But I guess you can't. Back to the O.R. with you!
Of course this is just another fundraising letter designed to play on the fear of true believers, but in reality there's no need to stop Scott walker, or any other Republican candidate for that matter. The task of the Democrats is simply to put forward a better candidate, one that will win a majority of electoral votes. Good luck with that.
I could forget more pharmacology than you've ever learned and still know way more than you. I also work with all kinds of physicians. They trust my expertise. Surgeons are notoriously the worst at understanding any of it. There's a reason you don't begin a surgery without a physician of a different specialty - an anesthesiologist - looking over the patient's soldier. Denigrate him and them and me and anyone who had anything to tell you about drugs at your own peril. I look forward to the lawsuits you'll endure.
Now that we've addressed your incompetent God complex, thanks for the stunning plot killer that drugs have side effects! Really! No shit, Sherlock K. You don't say. We never knew.
What you don't know is a comprehensive understanding of them and how to contextualize risk-benefit or account for or determine guidelines. Whether in 2015 or 1960 or 1940. You're all over the map with your partisan point scoring. But it's ok. We'll love to see you manning the anesthesia and antibiotics of the next guy. Ever hear of a "partition coefficient?" Ever hear of a "therapeutic index?" It's ok. You don't need to. The people who developed those things - (which made surgery safe in the first place) - do that for you. Without them, you'd still be shaving beards and cutting hair, retard.
Of course you don't. All you know how to do is quote titles. Reading the actual studies is something you leave to the colleagues with brains.
Now once agin - back to the cutting room with you, Barber!
The idea that anyone would envy someone spending the majority of their days perfecting rote manual maneuvers, in a darkened, sterilized room is laughable beyond belief. It would take unimaginable creativity to come up with a more boring way to spend one's time.
"There's a reason you don't begin a surgery without a physician of a different specialty - an anesthesiologist - looking over the patient's soldier."
Calm yourself, Rhythm and Balls. Give your soldiers a therapeutic rub. And ask your doctor if all those stimulants you've been taking are really right for you.
If you can't tell the difference between having a surgeon managing your anesthesia and an anesthesiologist doing it, CWJ, then your dog would already be dead. As would you.
Surgery didn't even become a medical practice until first, anesthetics (19th century) and then, antibiotics (early 20th century), made the practice safe enough to be done effectively. And these advances were made by dentists, medical scientists, etc. Not surgeons. Because surgeons don't understand how medications or drugs work. They haven't a clue. They were barbers and blood-letters. Science, let alone medical advancement - was simply not their purview.
But yet, their status has soared in the last 50 years because their professional superiors found ways for them to safely perfect their craft.
So instead of more smugness on the part of Cutter Michael K., more humility is what he could use.
Unless you prefer your surgeries done while fully conscious and sensate, and prone to deadly post-op infection once he's done. But then, you're health care hating, self-aggrandizingly self-sufficient Republicans, so who knows?
Ritmo doesn't actually despise surgeons -- he just hates it when their politics fall right of center. He despised Pogo (also an MD) for the same reason.
MIchael -your being a medical school graduate is not impressive. There are physicians who know more than you do about this. If you have a problem accepting that, then feel free to let non-board certified non-surgeons do all your cutting in the O.R. Do you actually have any administrative responsibilities or liabilities? The only reason for you to decry a discussion that you made personal by pretending that your personal expertise put you in a position of authority that you obviously lack, is that you believe your ignorance to be mitigating. Your ignorance is not mitigating. Any parrot can cut and paste a study title.
Amphetamines are medications with huge risks - (again all drugs have risks, your citing of them isn't any more special than anyone else citing them) and JFK's "drug doctor" took some questionable liberties. Many do to some degree as opinion is more subjective than a rote manual laborer like you can appreciate.
But the fact still stands that he was being treated for something that Hitler was not. Ergo, Hitler's abuse of amphetamines is objectively a worse judgement than JFK's use.
If you disagree, no one really cares. After all, you probably think JKF was a worse politician than Hitler, as well. You're probably a Hitler admirer, for all I know.
It would be easy for a normal person to grow up, and put behind them the fact that a comparison between JFK and HItler on this is missing the mark, for precisely the reason I explained. But then, growing up would be a way for you to abandon your malignant ego - and you wouldn't want to do that.
So go on with more red herrings. Project them at will. I expect nothing less of you.
I don't care about amphetamines but if you want to be a moralizer, it's obvious who's making this a personal and subjective discussion.
I'm sticking with your original comparison of JFK to Hitler.
Obviously, you aren't finding much of a defense for what you said.
Myself, (since you can't help personalizing things), I'm not even much a fan of caffeine, let alone anything stronger. I find the world stimulating enough as is. Red-state meth abuse (and the tooth decay it causes) is horrible. So consider your PSA for the day complete.
But I'm just explaining why you can personalize to the end of time, and still have no solid defense for your cockamamie partisan assertion that JFK was somehow as bad as your friend Hitler in how he used/misused amphetamine.
Again, I realize you're a Hitler lover, but some evils he was not surpassed in.
I'm sure you can find other grounds for denigrating JFK other than how he coped with his very challenging medical conditions.
Or he could just try amphetamines… like you-know-who.
LOL, I just figured out who R&B really wanted to tar with that non sequiturd and it wasn't JFK. But Michael K gave an unexpected answer which pushed R&B's button and that derailed another perfectly good thread.
In this bitch fight between R & B and Michael K the obvious has been overlooked: a president of the United States was probably an amphetamines addict and along with the other drugs he was given it rather likely that those drugs had to be affecting his mental state. Would anyone running for president today using these types of drugs be considered a serious candidate? In Kennedy's day the press did no favors to the American people by helping the Democrats hide serious issues of their candidates, but then again back then the house organs didn't fear much alternative information sources.
As for the poster, well what did one expect? From a Communist perspective anyone who isn't the right sort Communist is a Nazi. All it is is projection on the part of the DNC, they see him as one who would use their tactics against them and they are afraid of him because of that.
Wasn't Walker once a rep from Milwaukee? The same city where Jeffrey Dahmer killed men in orgies of depraved, homosexual violence? Walker-Dahmer. The Milwaukee connection makes it easy to get them confused.
"In this bitch fight between R & B and Michael K the obvious has been overlooked: a president of the United States was probably an amphetamines addict and along with the other drugs he was given it rather likely that those drugs had to be affecting his mental state. Would anyone running for president today using these types of drugs be considered a serious candidate? In Kennedy's day the press did no favors to the American people by helping the Democrats hide serious issues of their candidates, but then again back then the house organs didn't fear much alternative information sources."
For the first part of his presidency Kennedy was widely known to be on steroids as well. Did much for his libido, but his performance the first few years was bad.
Before we're done Curious Drago in Vermont (and other assorted sock puppets) will make the false claim that the left accused Walker of lighting the ovens at Auschwitz
Strange that they used a fairly decent, empowering picture with some smile. You know..unlike:
It's amazing how the Left picks up the graphic design style of the worst tyrannies of the 20th Century. The Obama "Hope and Change" posters were right out of '30's communism, and this stark, red-black-and-white effort could be an invitation to the Nuremberg rallies.
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That is a Hitler poster.
Aren't these Democrats the same ones who associated Walker with Hitler?
That Walker pic does look a lot like Jihadi John. I wonder if Walker goes out at night with a machete and attacks Union members. Just asking... and the answer would have to be "I don't know."
I want to photoshop this and put fangs on Walker.
They're making Scott Walker seem like the bad boy.
But he's the Eagle Scout son of a preacher man.
They're unwittingly upping his appeal.
They're trying to transform his dimples into Nixonian jowls.
Wait until he is closer to the nomination.
"Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies!
Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"
SCOTT WALKER compared college to JEDI MIND CONTROL. "If I can drop out early, I can help your kids do so too, and save you big bucks." STOP HIM.
Lies and slanders. What Democrats do. Who Democrats are.
How can Madisonians stop Walker. Maybe poison the cheese in his sandwiches?
The old cliche that someone can "...make their heads explode" is suddenly seeming to be so real. Walker is detonating everybody.
The critters who attacked (In the Act-10 riots) our State Capitol building were NOT "peaceful" protesters. Some of them threatened others with death and unlawfully restrained them, damaged that building, prevented others from their ability to exercise political rights and injured children by illegally removing them from schools.
The differences between that criminal mob and those waging Jihad is only a matter of degree and not of essential nature.
Should read: "Scott Walker compared Wisconsin Workers to smelly hippies"
That reinforces that I'll vote for him as the nominee and definitely for president, if he is the nominee.
Red, White, and Black are Nazi colors.
"Aren't these Democrats the same ones who associated Walker with Hitler?"
And every republican in the country with the Taliban.
How dishonest is the Left? They changed his quote. He actually said. "...We need a leader with that kind of confidence. If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world."
Marie Harf said jihadis just need jobs to turn their lives around.
Maybe she should have said union government jobs with full collective bargaining rights.
...and mandatory union dues collected from their pay.
Good eye WisRich on the deceptive close quote.
SCOTT WALKER compared Hillary Clinton to OLD LADIES. "She reminds me of my great-grandmother." STOP HIM.
Hey Hay!
Ho Ho!
Mr Scott
has got to go!
Ho ho!
Hey hay!
We can chant this line all day!
Hey hey!
Ho hoe!
We got no place
else to go
This is going to go on for quite some time. One thing we know is that there will be no last minute revelations about Walker. Nobody in Madison could sit on a story strategically like that.
Apparently Obama made some quite extra-ordinary statements again this week to the effect that he is going insist that his executive orders be obeyed even if Congress legislates against them, "because in his heart he knows he is right."
Isn't that what every dictator in history has more or less offered as justification for his actions?
I really like it that he bothers them in their dreams. The way George W. Bush and Reagan used to do.
George H.W. Bush never bothered them in their dreams and so he only served one term.
That he is comparing the protestors to terrorists is, of course, absurd.
But I think the DNC seriously underestimates the number of Americans who would approve of the comparison, and find it a reason to help him not stop him.
SCOTT WALKER compared Geneva to MUNICH. "If John Kerry is a war hero, I am Tarzan." STOP HIM.
Of course you love it. FOX News does it all the time.
But in this case, he actually said it. He actually made that comparison.
How do you think he came to do that?
@Althouse, it seems to me that people who seek to overturn the results of a democratic election through force and intimidation really are either terrorists or their incestuous cousins.
Character assassination is so despicable. I think there is even a Commandment against it.
He certainly has riled up some folks. I like him even more for that.
SCOTT WALKER compared Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to LEW ALCINDOR. "I liked Lew. He would have been a better Buck." STOP HIM.
WisRich said...
How dishonest is the Left?
They changed his quote.
That's S.O.P.
"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I ensure...that ... radical Islamic terrorists...on American soil ... send a message ...that we'll protect ... soil but ...not ...freedom-loving people anywhere else in the world."
I'm sorry, I keep looking at that and all I see is
...although, this is sort of weird — when I stare at it for about 30 seconds and then look at a blank sheet of paper...
I see Ronald Reagan.
I'm sorry, I keep looking at that and all I see is
Or Hitler.
SImilar color scheme.
Meade sees all red, black and white. Can't find many other regimes that were fond of that color combination.
"How do you think he came to do that?"
Watching Democrats ?
Or just being filled with hate and smug arrogant superiority.
The DNC's graphic immediately made me think of Orwell's "two minutes of hate" from 1984.
Actually, this was probably about that he intends to veto any legislation aimed at nullifying or otherwise interfering with his executive orders, but that is still a quite remarkable statement to make in public.
"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."
Ann Althouse said...
They're trying to transform his dimples into Nixonian jowls.
So, sock it to me, puppets!
Rhythm and Balls said...
"Or Hitler.
SImilar color scheme.
Meade sees all red, black and white. Can't find many other regimes that were fond of that color combination."
Rhythm and Balls
Compared Wisconsin Meade to
R&B Wants to Be
Highly Self-Regarded
The President has the veto power for a reason, and he is entitled to use it when he thinks Congress is initiating a bad policy or is stepping into his rosebeds, but this is a case of Congress telling the President to get out of theirs.
I think any other President would have phrased this differently, even if they did veto the legislation.
Or Hitler.
SImilar color scheme.
Wow, you know R&B, that was so subtle I never noticed it. Thanks for pointing that out. I bet it wasn't planned at all but that the Mr Scott's inner Hitlerness just forced the color choice on them subconsciously.
Without people like you to point stuff out like this, I would probably have voted for him...
BWA HA HA HA HA! What a tool you are.
In modern American politics (late 20th & 21st Century), almost every sitting or former governor who runs for POTUS is attacked by his opponents -- unless his/her opponent is also a governor -- for lack of experience and gravitas, with an assumed corresponding lack of judgment, on foreign policy matters.
Presidential tickets are sometimes balanced to avoid that: Supposedly John McCain's military service and abiding interest in foreign policy as a U.S. Senator was enough to overcome Sarah Palin's lack of hands-on foreign policy experience. Despite that, the Dems had considerable success in their efforts to freeze, personalize, and polarize Palin, as evidenced by the fact that it's the rare Democrat who actually knows that it was Tina Fey, not Palin, who said, "I can see Russia from my house."
This whole kerfluffle is silly: With even minimal context (carefully stripped from this email barrage and the rest of the Dems' rabble-rousing), Walker obviously wasn't comparing union supporters and activists to ISIS. He was trying to talk about his own character and strength of conviction: I withstood this challenge, I can therefore likely withstand that challenge. Only a fool or a liar -- both shoes fit lots of partisan Dems and all of their media meme-makers -- jump to the conclusion that "this challenge" is therefore equivalent to "that challenge."
Walker and his supporters ought to make -- and stick with -- that point.
Instead, they launched off into this "Walker defying unions in Wisconsin was like Reagan standing up to PATCO" -- okay so far as that goes -- followed by the argument that Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers was somehow an important indicator of foreign policy skill. That's a ridiculous stretch.
Walker himself may be incredibly on-message and disciplined. But part of that is controlling and confining the candidate's and his team's reaction to unfair smears. I don't fault him for the original remark, except for failing to understand how easily it could be yanked out of context. But I do fault him for the weak and confused reaction.
"Or just being filled with hate and smug arrogant superiority."
Well, you could certainly get that way from watching Democrats.
"But I do fault him for the weak and confused reaction."
Correct. An important indicator. SW needs to raise his (team's) game. They look like national neophytes so far.
So the national Democrats are fundraising off Scott Walker now. They can't use Obama's Hope and Change these days.
The head of the DNC is the one who said Walker back hand slaps women and then drags them back by their hair.
Two months later, her party was soundly defeated 2 months later, giving Republicans numbers in the state legislatures, governorships, and Congress they have not had in almost a century.
And the DNC still kept her.
Walker must feel blessed to have the DNC.
I'm even more for Walker now.
I like him,
and I'd probably vote for him.
But that remark of his was just stupid.
Nobody's perfect.
You can support a candidate for office while still being objective about his limitations.
I'm beginning to think that DNC stands for "doofus non compos".
Sort of pig latin for incompetent doofi. They should just keep on shooting themselves in the foot with these idiotic ads. You're going to tell me that a whitebread Midwestern boy is a terrorist? I can believe that about a Somali in St. Paul who goes home to take up Jihad--but Scott Walker? Give me a freakin' break!
Red and black and white is a very jarring color combination.
It's kind of hard not to notice the only regime (and its echo) that would appropriate it.
You married a art enthusiast, after all.
Try arguing to your wife that ignoring the impact of color and visual cues makes sense in the very emotive sort of politics you practice.
I predict she'd laugh at you.
Largest ethnic group in Wisconsin is German.
Third largest, Polish.
Walker needs to try growing a mustache. At the least, it would distract from his bleary red eyes.
Or he could just try amphetamines… like you-know-who.
"Or he could just try amphetamines… like you-know-who."
Kennedy ? That'd work.
Proud to be a Scott Walker Terrorist.
Scott: and a yarmulke?
Red and black and white is a very jarring color combination.
It's kind of hard not to notice the only regime (and its echo) that would appropriate it.
The DNC is the regime that created the email using that color combination.
You are right that it's kind of hard not to notice the echoes of a previous socialist regime in their language and tactics.
Kennedy had Addison's. (And a decent back injury).
This is why surgeons aren't trusted with using basic medications. Even by their anesthesiologists. ("Gas passers" as they were known in M.A.S.H.).
"Kennedy had Addison's."
And was treated with amphetamines by "Dr feel good."
Jeez. Do I have to do all he research around here ?
JFK met Jacobson through Chuck Spalding, an old Harvard friend, at Dr. Max's New York office in the autumn of 1960, just before the Kennedy-Nixon debates. Kennedy instantly impressed Jacobson: "He made me feel that whatever I said was very meaningful and all-important was my advice," Jacobson wrote in a memoir that he never published.
Hey, there is this thing called Google you should try.
R&B: "Walker needs to try growing a mustache."
He doesn't need to.
I guarantee all the paper mache heads will have it!
The Soviets went in for a lot red, black, and white artwork as well.
"But I do fault him for the weak and confused reaction."
Correct. An important indicator. SW needs to raise his (team's) game. They look like national neophytes so far.
Gratified to see the concern trolling so we can make notes and point them out as they appear. "Local figure, nothing to see here..." Duly noted.
Do they send you guys talking points?
Word lists? "here's some we can use - weak, confused, neophytes"
mcullough Walker may be blessed with the DNC but he has to watch his back against Rove and Priebus first.
The DNC should keep up the Hitler comparisons. They worked so well during the recall election.
I guess I'm splitting hairs but I don't think he "compared" the union folks to ISIS. I done good in Engrish
Remember when Madisonfella (who is a man no matter how much she sounds like your crazy ex girlfriend) assured us that comparing Walker to Hitler was a fringe thing? And now it's the DNC bringing in Hitler.
"concern trolling"
Not at all. As our hostess might say, I invite you to reflect deeply on my contributions to the comments on this blog.
Touchy defensiveness or wishful thinking doesn't help Walker a bit. He needs to be utterly realistic about everything, including the competence of his people. I think he will be.
SCOTT WALKER compared teaching algebra to TERRORISM. If he's elected President he'll behead your algebra teacher. STOP HIM.
Remember when Tim in Vermont claimed he wasn't obsessed with little old me? Even tho he has a habit of bringing me up in threads I hadn't even posted in, he is still in denial about this infatuation of his.
and did the DNC really compare Walker to Hitler or is TiV making crap up again?
Meade sees all red, black and white. Can't find many other regimes that were fond of that color combination.
And there goes Ritmo, slagging on the lovely island paradise of Trinidad & Tobago.
Ritmo sez:
[so jarring! mein eyes are meltingggg!]
[ihatethoseguys trinidadiansareblack]
[my name is ritmo and i'm conconconfused]
>>mcullough Walker may be blessed with the DNC but he has to watch his back against Rove and Priebus first.<<
Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and Reince Priebus are very close personal friends. They are all from the south-eastern corner of the state (Waukesha, Janesville, and Kenosha respectively) and came up through the ranks of the Wisconsin GOP together.
Priebus ascended to the chair of the RNC on the strength of his leading the WI GOP when Walker was first elected governor in 2010; Walker has nothing to be wary about with regards to Priebus.
Hey there, Dr. Dipshit. The point of Kennedy having Addison's is that Hitler didn't. Nor does Scott Walker. So what would have been a legitimate (if unconventional) reason for combatting lethargy in JFK you would equate with the illegitimate use made of it by Hitler's handlers. Which is medical nonsense.
However unconventional JFK's use would have been, at least it would have been a plausible clinical rationale - as cited by even your own retrograde source. Whereas in HItler, it was just to project him as the next ubermensch. Most people can see the difference between drug trials (however questionable or primitive) in people with legitimate medical need and misadventures used just to give a fix to the next Mr. Awesome. But I guess you can't. Back to the O.R. with you!
madisonfella: "and did the DNC really compare Walker to Hitler or is TiV making crap up again?"
It's possible the DNC was too busy saying Walker was pulling women's hair and giving them the back of his hand to make the Hitler comparison.
We also know the lefties love love them some Bush-family/Koch family funded Hitler stories.
Par for the course.
Before we're done the left will have Walker lighting the ovens at Auschwitz.
Well, the Grand Mufti seemed to think so:
" But I guess you can't. Back to the O.R. with you!"
Envy is ugly.
I guess Kennedy using amphetamines was OK because he was a Democrat ?
Do some more reading. Here's a clue"
Archives of Neurology. 1983 Apr;40(4):253-4.
Cerebral vasculitis associated with oral amphetamine overdose.
Matick H, Anderson D, Brumlik J.
A friend of mine developed thoracic and abdominal aneurysms as a result of chronic amphetamine use.
Education is good for you but I only teach graduate students.
Rhythm and Balls said...
Walker needs to try growing a mustache.
Obama should too. His upper lip shadow is apparent in every photo in every light. The guy must shave it twice a day.
Obama needs to relax and let it go -- let it grow and become his inner Cantinflas.
Of course this is just another fundraising letter designed to play on the fear of true believers, but in reality there's no need to stop Scott walker, or any other Republican candidate for that matter. The task of the Democrats is simply to put forward a better candidate, one that will win a majority of electoral votes. Good luck with that.
I could forget more pharmacology than you've ever learned and still know way more than you. I also work with all kinds of physicians. They trust my expertise. Surgeons are notoriously the worst at understanding any of it. There's a reason you don't begin a surgery without a physician of a different specialty - an anesthesiologist - looking over the patient's soldier. Denigrate him and them and me and anyone who had anything to tell you about drugs at your own peril. I look forward to the lawsuits you'll endure.
Now that we've addressed your incompetent God complex, thanks for the stunning plot killer that drugs have side effects! Really! No shit, Sherlock K. You don't say. We never knew.
What you don't know is a comprehensive understanding of them and how to contextualize risk-benefit or account for or determine guidelines. Whether in 2015 or 1960 or 1940. You're all over the map with your partisan point scoring. But it's ok. We'll love to see you manning the anesthesia and antibiotics of the next guy. Ever hear of a "partition coefficient?" Ever hear of a "therapeutic index?" It's ok. You don't need to. The people who developed those things - (which made surgery safe in the first place) - do that for you. Without them, you'd still be shaving beards and cutting hair, retard.
Of course you don't. All you know how to do is quote titles. Reading the actual studies is something you leave to the colleagues with brains.
Now once agin - back to the cutting room with you, Barber!
The idea that anyone would envy someone spending the majority of their days perfecting rote manual maneuvers, in a darkened, sterilized room is laughable beyond belief. It would take unimaginable creativity to come up with a more boring way to spend one's time.
R and B,
Re surgeons and anesthesiologists.
I don't have a dog in this fight. But the idea that anesthesiologists as a group would lecture anyone else about drug abuse is comedy gold.
Then again arguing from first hand experience should not be dismissed.
"There's a reason you don't begin a surgery without a physician of a different specialty - an anesthesiologist - looking over the patient's soldier."
Calm yourself, Rhythm and Balls. Give your soldiers a therapeutic rub. And ask your doctor if all those stimulants you've been taking are really right for you.
"You're all over the map with your partisan point scoring. "
Pot, meet kettle.
Meade wrote;
Give your soldiers a therapeutic rub.
The picture in my mind right now is quite disgusting.
If you can't tell the difference between having a surgeon managing your anesthesia and an anesthesiologist doing it, CWJ, then your dog would already be dead. As would you.
Surgery didn't even become a medical practice until first, anesthetics (19th century) and then, antibiotics (early 20th century), made the practice safe enough to be done effectively. And these advances were made by dentists, medical scientists, etc. Not surgeons. Because surgeons don't understand how medications or drugs work. They haven't a clue. They were barbers and blood-letters. Science, let alone medical advancement - was simply not their purview.
But yet, their status has soared in the last 50 years because their professional superiors found ways for them to safely perfect their craft.
So instead of more smugness on the part of Cutter Michael K., more humility is what he could use.
Unless you prefer your surgeries done while fully conscious and sensate, and prone to deadly post-op infection once he's done. But then, you're health care hating, self-aggrandizingly self-sufficient Republicans, so who knows?
"I could forget more pharmacology than you've ever learned and still know way more than you."
OMG ! Another premed student who didn't get into medical school !
Has anyone else noted that leftists when frustrated go immediately to the personal and often to obscenity ?
The first rule of holes R&B. The first rule of holes.
Brings back memories of Wash Monthly comments. Are you a regular there ? You sound a little familiar.
Ritmo doesn't actually despise surgeons -- he just hates it when their politics fall right of center. He despised Pogo (also an MD) for the same reason.
MIchael -your being a medical school graduate is not impressive. There are physicians who know more than you do about this. If you have a problem accepting that, then feel free to let non-board certified non-surgeons do all your cutting in the O.R. Do you actually have any administrative responsibilities or liabilities? The only reason for you to decry a discussion that you made personal by pretending that your personal expertise put you in a position of authority that you obviously lack, is that you believe your ignorance to be mitigating. Your ignorance is not mitigating. Any parrot can cut and paste a study title.
Amphetamines are medications with huge risks - (again all drugs have risks, your citing of them isn't any more special than anyone else citing them) and JFK's "drug doctor" took some questionable liberties. Many do to some degree as opinion is more subjective than a rote manual laborer like you can appreciate.
But the fact still stands that he was being treated for something that Hitler was not. Ergo, Hitler's abuse of amphetamines is objectively a worse judgement than JFK's use.
If you disagree, no one really cares. After all, you probably think JKF was a worse politician than Hitler, as well. You're probably a Hitler admirer, for all I know.
It would be easy for a normal person to grow up, and put behind them the fact that a comparison between JFK and HItler on this is missing the mark, for precisely the reason I explained. But then, growing up would be a way for you to abandon your malignant ego - and you wouldn't want to do that.
So go on with more red herrings. Project them at will. I expect nothing less of you.
"So go on with more red herrings. Project them at will. I expect nothing less of you."
Kid, you are on the verge of a crackup from what you are ranting about.
I am amused by some of the local lefty commenters but you seem to be melting down before our eyes.
Maybe you are fond of amphetamines because you use them yourself. It does not seem beyond the realm of possibility from looking at your comments.
Get some help.
I don't care about amphetamines but if you want to be a moralizer, it's obvious who's making this a personal and subjective discussion.
I'm sticking with your original comparison of JFK to Hitler.
Obviously, you aren't finding much of a defense for what you said.
Myself, (since you can't help personalizing things), I'm not even much a fan of caffeine, let alone anything stronger. I find the world stimulating enough as is. Red-state meth abuse (and the tooth decay it causes) is horrible. So consider your PSA for the day complete.
But I'm just explaining why you can personalize to the end of time, and still have no solid defense for your cockamamie partisan assertion that JFK was somehow as bad as your friend Hitler in how he used/misused amphetamine.
Again, I realize you're a Hitler lover, but some evils he was not surpassed in.
I'm sure you can find other grounds for denigrating JFK other than how he coped with his very challenging medical conditions.
"I'm sticking with your original comparison of JFK to Hitler. "
This guy is lacking a few fries of a Happy Meal.
Last comment on this thread.
Hitler was referenced before you brought up JFK, Michael.
But perhaps you don't read. I don't want to assume things here. LIke thread literacy.
Rhythm and Balls said...
Or he could just try amphetamines… like you-know-who.
LOL, I just figured out who R&B really wanted to tar with that non sequiturd and it wasn't JFK. But Michael K gave an unexpected answer which pushed R&B's button and that derailed another perfectly good thread.
"Last comment on this thread."
Took you long enough.
Godwin should have been invoked awhile ago.
In this bitch fight between R & B and Michael K the obvious has been overlooked: a president of the United States was probably an amphetamines addict and along with the other drugs he was given it rather likely that those drugs had to be affecting his mental state. Would anyone running for president today using these types of drugs be considered a serious candidate? In Kennedy's day the press did no favors to the American people by helping the Democrats hide serious issues of their candidates, but then again back then the house organs didn't fear much alternative information sources.
As for the poster, well what did one expect? From a Communist perspective anyone who isn't the right sort Communist is a Nazi. All it is is projection on the part of the DNC, they see him as one who would use their tactics against them and they are afraid of him because of that.
So R and B is a pharmacist?
Give your soldiers a therapeutic rub.
Meade, you are too quick.
LOL, I just figured out who R&B really wanted to tar with that non sequiturd
I will vote for this fine man for no greater reason than to hear the satisfying crunch as he kicks the Left's teeth down its throat.
Anybody who was on amphetamines during the Cuban Missile Crisis does't need to be compared to Hitler, he's scary enough all by himself.
At least Reagan wasn't likely to nuke Moscow just because he doubled-dosed his Lipitor by mistake.
Only a matter of time before Saturday Night Live begins the othering process of Scott Walker.
Seize the initiative, Scott. Get Snotty Scotty and the Hankies on the team! At least you will have a sporting chance for the Pasadena vote.
When he is very, very angry, Scott Walker is known to refer to his political enemies as "nogoodniks."
Wasn't Walker once a rep from Milwaukee? The same city where Jeffrey Dahmer killed men in orgies of depraved, homosexual violence?
Walker-Dahmer. The Milwaukee connection makes it easy to get them confused.
cubanbob said...
"In this bitch fight between R & B and Michael K the obvious has been overlooked: a president of the United States was probably an amphetamines addict and along with the other drugs he was given it rather likely that those drugs had to be affecting his mental state. Would anyone running for president today using these types of drugs be considered a serious candidate? In Kennedy's day the press did no favors to the American people by helping the Democrats hide serious issues of their candidates, but then again back then the house organs didn't fear much alternative information sources."
For the first part of his presidency Kennedy was widely known to be on steroids as well. Did much for his libido, but his performance the first few years was bad.
Before we're done Curious Drago in Vermont (and other assorted sock puppets) will make the false claim that the left accused Walker of lighting the ovens at Auschwitz
Strange that they used a fairly decent, empowering picture with some smile. You know..unlike:
It's amazing how the Left picks up the graphic design style of the worst tyrannies of the 20th Century. The Obama "Hope and Change" posters were right out of '30's communism, and this stark, red-black-and-white effort could be an invitation to the Nuremberg rallies.
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