February 20, 2015

"Scott Walker's New Specialty: Punting" — maybe it's a good thing.

Bloomberg's Ben Brody broods:
When asked [on CNBC's Squawk Box] whether he agreed with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who said at a dinner the two attended on Wednesday that he doesn't believe President Obama "loves America"... [Walker said] "The mayor can speak for himself.... I'm not going to comment on what the president thinks or not. He can speak for himself."...

"I’m going to punt on that one,” he said on Feb. 11 when asked he believed in evolution. "That’s a question a politician shouldn’t be involved in one way or the other."

Back in January, Bloomberg reporters Michael C. Bender and John McCormick declared that.... "avoiding any topics that are off-message" is one of Walker's big skills.
Sometimes the best answer to a question is a refusal to answer.  Walker's approach to declining to answer a question is so polite that it's hard to hear the implicit criticism of the question.

I read Brody's article and asked Meade to think of a historically significant, dramatically stated refusal to answer a question because there's something wrong with the question. I had something in mind, but he went in a different direction and said: "That's a clown question, bro."

I was thinking of: "Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"


Larry J said...

If Obama did hate America, what would he be doing differently than he is doing now?

Rich B said...

I wish Scott Walker would have said that president Obama was the most patriotic man ever to hold the office, and that he referred to America as that shining city on the hill; that he rarely fails to mention American exceptionalism in his briefest of remarks. Thank you, Nick Searcy, for the idea.

Mick said...

It is more than "Obama hates America". It is Obama is the NWO point man for the destruction of America. He is the wet dream of the NWO--- an ineligible non natural born Citizen, who is not "a creature of their own" (Federalist 68), occupying the WH. It is more than they could have hoped for!

Hussein Obama is overseeing the Cloward Piven destruction of the US, as he and his fellow travelers and attack dogs at the DOJ, NSA, CFR Congress, et al attack every aspect of American life. Borders, religion, the family, gun ownership, healthcare, the 4th Amendment, the first amendment--- all under attack, all at once.

Obama is the destroyer of America-- there fixed it for ya.

When the executor of the laws is an illegal entity then there is no law, and the law is only what evil greedy men (and women) say it is.

Yet the "law prof" voted for him, when it was obvious what Hussein Obama was. What can those kids be learning at UW?

Gusty Winds said...

Prosecutor "If Monica Lewinsky said you used a cigar as a sexual aide on her in the Oval office, would she be lying?"

Clinton: "I refer to my former statement"

(Which was the famous "I did not have sexual relations bullsit"

iowan2 said...

Scarborough, and his merry band are all spending lots of time on the proper way for Republicans to respond to Gulliani.
So the lefts meme is Gulliani made comments (racist comments) and now any Republican must eat their own or take full responsibility for someone else s comments

The left could make Gulliani an ass, by simply putting together a montage of all of Obama's remarks that prove Gulliani and ass.

Oh wait.....never mind.

Mark said...

He really lives up to his book title, unintimidated.

He is so unintimidated that he refuses to make a statement declaring anything concrete. Such bravery.

Jaq said...

He is so unintimidated that he refuses to make a statement declaring anything concrete. Such bravery.

So Mr Scott has to have an opinion on every remark made by any blowhard who gets on TV? That says more about you than it does about Walker. I am waiting for Hillary to get questions on Joe Biden's handsiness, but that is not how it works, is it?

Larry J said...

Mark said...
He really lives up to his book title, unintimidated.

He is so unintimidated that he refuses to make a statement declaring anything concrete. Such bravery.

He knows that anything he says will be used against him. Apparently, anything he doesn't say will also be used against him, along with things he never said or did.

Robert Cook said...

"The left could make Gulliani an ass, by simply putting together a montage of all of Obama's remarks that prove Gulliani and ass."

Giuliani is, and always has been, and alwyays will be, self-evidently an ass. There's no need for anyone to have to prove it

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Gotcha journalism always makes me cringe, whatever side of the political spectrum the journalist claims to not represent. It reminds me too much of junior high debate club.

machine said...

of course its a good thing...when your hero does it.

this is hilarious.

Jaq said...

Has anybody asked Hillary her position on underage prostitution? Nope, that's not how the game is played.

Mick said...

Now the Useful idiots in the MSM will use the Guliani statement as a bludgeon, asking the same question to every "R team" candidate as they just did with Walker, then try to label that person as some sort of loon if he steps into that minefield.

It is exactly the same tactic they used with "birthers", whom they pigeonholed as "those loons that don't believe Obama was 'born in the US'".

Of course Obama has never proven birth in the US, as a picture on a website is proof of NOTHING, and NO ONE has touched the supposed "raised seal" from the state of Hi. that is supposedly on the document and that supposedly is proof of full faith and credit in the state of Hi. You would be a "loon" if you asked the person in the most powerful position in the world for such proof. It's weird how I had to present my actual BC to an employer to get a job.

But the question of where Obama's birth occurred, while it is relevant, is not even the right question, and that's a good way to lie--- ask the wrong question, and don't allow the right question to be asked.

The question is "Is Obama a natural born Citizen?". By his own telling he is not, since he was born British (and probably still is) of a British subject father.

And so it goes. Guliani's statement is dangerously close to that question--- a question of allegiance (which is the purpose of the requirement--- singular allegiance to the US from birth). That is why the attack dogs are out in the useful idiot media, protecting the Usurper, as Congressmen cower in the offices where they committed the treason of allowing Hussein Obama to enter the WH.

tim maguire said...

Rich B said...I wish Scott Walker would have said that president Obama was the most patriotic man ever to hold the office, and that he referred to America as that shining city on the hill; that he rarely fails to mention American exceptionalism in his briefest of remarks. Thank you, Nick Searcy, for the idea.

Reminds me a bit of the griping scene from Saving Private Ryan:

"This is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir, worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover... I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men - especially you, Reiben - to ease her suffering."

Jaq said...

Has anybody asked Hillary about the Spokesperson for the Democrat Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her "flexible" politics?

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office offered to change her position on medical marijuana if a major Florida donor recanted his withering criticism of her, according to emails obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/debbie-wasserman-schultz-medical-marijuana-115338.html#ixzz3SI4RIyvb

No. Because that is not how the game is played.

Meade said...

"your silence speaks volumes"

SJ said...

Is Scott Walker the kind of guy who would say this?

Perhaps you should ask Obama about that.

Mark said...

It's a shame no one asked him about why he is doing the `scoop and toss' with our debt. Those $500 million in tax cuts last year left us with a giant hole less than 12 months later.

Walker punts on everything, including fiscal responsibility.

"Scott Walker, facing a $283 million deficit that needs to be closed by the end of June, will skip more than $100 million in debt payments to balance the books thrown into disarray by his tax cuts."

You can guarantee Althouse won't have multiple days of threads on these inconvenient topics. She never covers substantive news about Walker.

machine said...

The question isn't "Is Obama a natural born Citizen?"

More like "why did Scott Walker leave Marquette?"

"Walker's official biography also says he was not married until February 1993. His first son was born in late June 1994, four years after leaving Marquette, and one year after a successful run for the State Assembly in a June 1993 special election. And in fact, the 1993 run for Assembly was his second bid for elective office since the end of his college career. He ran and lost to now U.S. Representative Gwen Moore in a State Assembly race in fall 1990."

"Gov. Walker, a young man so ambitious that he ran for state office twice before he was 25, wants us to believe that he voluntarily left college as a senior to take a part time job at a non-profit to support a family that would not exist for four years."


Bobber Fleck said...

It is foolish to provide an honest answer to a dishonest question.

Scott Walker is smart enought to "punt" when reporters ask "gotcha" questions which do not seek truth or enlightenment, but rather the advancement of the left's agenda.

Walker is playing the long game. He'll feel some short term pain from both the left and the right for not being fully candid, but he has avoided providing a sound bite that will haunt him forever.

Hagar said...

Giuliani did not say he thought Obama "hates" America; he said he thinks Obama does not love America, and I think that is accurate; Obama is above such mundane mawkishness.

dbp said...

If I was a politician and asked if Obama loves the United States, I would say, "No one can know what is in the heart of another, but let me ask you this. Go home and tell your wife you would like to fundamentally transform who she is. Should you survive, come back and let me know how that worked out for you."

Full disclosure--I think Jonah Goldberg said something along this line.

Hagar said...

He is a citizen of the world.

paminwi said...

Hey machine: what the hell does when Scott Walker got married and had his first kid have ANYTHING to do with why he left Marquette. I have never heard him mention that as to his reasoning. All I have ever heard is that he left to take A JOB!

Which is why you usually go to college anyway, right? Or is getting a job a bad thing now? Lefty loons!

You and garage should arrange a meeting so you can talk about secret routers or some such crap.

Phil 314 said...

All Republicans are extreme, even those who won't admit it.

Did I mention they're white, too?

Jaq said...

You and garage should arrange a meeting so you can talk about secret routers or some such crap.

Don't expect a peep about secret gmail accounts though.

Michael K said...

"He is so unintimidated that he refuses to make a statement declaring anything concrete. Such bravery."

He refuses, politely, to answer a stupid question that is asked to provoke a response, not to get information.

Too bad, troll.

Michael K said...

"Giuliani is, and always has been, and alwyays will be, self-evidently an ass. "

Giuliani has spent 40 years cross examining chaps like you and has a low tolerance for stupidity, as he shows from time to time. I don't like lawyers much but he does warm the cockles of my heart when he cuts the legs off an ass.

That CNN former anchor who tried debating him by asking questions in an interview got her head handed to her. Just one example. Walker is too nice but that is what will elect him president.

Nobody ever saw the towering rages that Eisenhower could get into except the objects of them.

Michael K said...

"You and garage should arrange a meeting so you can talk about secret routers or some such crap."

machine worked his way through high school dumpster diving. He's an expert.

Douglas B. Levene said...

What Bobber said.

Tank said...

I remember when McCain had just lost a primary and, as he's walking out to give his concession speech, a reporter (Andrea Mitchell?) asked him a question: he looked at her and said," Go Away." Excellent.

Giuliani could be an asshole, and still be right about Zero, who obviously hates (use a less forceful term if you prefer) America, typical white people, Christians, Jews and Israel. Even Jimmy Carter did not hate America like Zero does. Not that most of this was any secret before his first election.

Michael K said...

"Not that most of this was any secret before his first election."

At least he was embarrassed about Wright enough to disown him, temporarily. Funny how his old friends are drifting back.

MayBee said...


Politicians should make a pact to not answer for another person's words.

For whatever reason, Obama has always been treated as a hothouse orchid. All the other politicians have had to to affirm Obama is a Christian, Obama was born in the US, Obama loves America, whatever. It's a weird phenomenon.

Just refuse to play the game, I say. Do what Scott Walker did, and say you'll let that person speak for himself.

MayBee said...

It's also really funny to watch pundits who pretty regularly say Bush lied us into war get all upset about the idea that Obama doesn't love America.

Or pundits who love to talk about the exceptionally rich upbringings of the Bushes and Mitt Romney get the vapors over the comment that Obama wasn't raised like other people.

MadisonMan said...

machine worked his way through high school dumpster diving.

I saw an article a couple weeks ago about a guy (in Austin?) who makes good money dumpster diving and re-selling the perfectly good merchandise he finds. I think he was clearing $1000-$2000 a week!

damikesc said...

So, saying "I'm not going to discuss others' comments" is now not permitted?

Republicans should quote CBC members ad nauseum to Dem nominees.

He is so unintimidated that he refuses to make a statement declaring anything concrete. Such bravery.

He's obligated to justify/criticize comments he didn't make?

Anonymous said...

He also said "I'll punt on that" when asked a question about the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. I'm sure his supporters will quickly chime in and say that it has nothing to do with the office of the President, but reasonable people will agree it is a reasonable question to ask a candidate.

"Punting" is Slippery Scott's new code word for "Don't know yet what my donors want me to say"

Curious George said...

madisonfella said...
He also said "I'll punt on that" when asked a question about the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. I'm sure his supporters will quickly chime in and say that it has nothing to do with the office of the President, but reasonable people will agree it is a reasonable question to ask a candidate.

"Punting" is Slippery Scott's new code word for "Don't know yet what my donors want me to say"

Penquin, he was asked who he would NAME to be Fed Chairman. Only a fucking idiot...someone like you...would expect someone at this point in a campaign for POTUS to be able to answer that question. I wouldn't expect him to name potential candidates at this point.

Clown question by a clown questioner posted by an idiot.

khesanh0802 said...

Walker's approach is first class. Rather than "ask a stupid question; get a stupid answer" Walker has enough class to politely point out it is a stupid question which does not deserve an answer. Would that more people answer this way. It would force reporters to address important issues.

Drago said...

Why cant Walker just eat his waffle?

Known Unknown said...

This is a smart strategy for him. Nothing of what Guliani said is germane to what he's trying to do with his campaign.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, more politicians need to punt stupid questions. I punt them all the time with people I know and at work.

Because, no matter what your kindergarten teacher told you, there are stupid questions.

MadisonMan said...

Nothing of what Guliani said is germane

As the quoted part of your sentence is always true, the rest of your sentence was not necessary.

Anonymous said...

Penquin, he was asked who he would NAME to be Fed Chairman.

It is still kind of creepy how you think I'm your ex-girlfriend, but rest assured I am not her. (Tho nice to see you finally corrected the mistake you had been making for months and months. Did Meade point it out to you once again or did someone else set you straight this time?)

And "I'll punt. I'll evolve" to that questions is rude on his part. Not nearly as rude as how you interact with anyone who disagrees with your opinions but rude non-the-less. (Have you ever had a disagreement where you didn't call names and cuss the other person out?)

Then again, "punting" is basically giving up and letting the other team take charge of the situation for a while. So maybe this response is Walker's way of saying he knows he won't be making that decision and instead is willing to let someone else deal with it.

He is just kicking that can down the street, just like how he kicked the State's financial responsibilities down the road for someone else to deal with long after he is gone.

robinintn said...

I noticed in the last presidential debates that Newt is very good at this. He concisely states why the premise is ridiculous, then restates the question he'd like to answer, then answers it brilliantly. (This makes it seem like I like him, but really I just like the way he handles gotcha questions.)

Matt Sablan said...

If a reporter asked Walker if he had stopped beating his wife, some people here would be offended if he pointed out it was a loaded question.

Known Unknown said...

Because, no matter what your kindergarten teacher told you, there are stupid questions.

I've always said "There are no stupid questions. Just the stupid people who ask them."

Anonymous said...

If a reporter asked Walker if he had stopped beating his wife, some people here would be offended if he pointed out it was a loaded question.

While many would cheer him on if he simply said "I'll punt on that"

Scott Walker has a history of not telling us during his election campaign what "bombs" he intends to drop once elected. This constant response of "I'll punt" is just another tool for him to use so the common citizens can't tell what he really has in store for us.

traditionalguy said...

That transcript of Joseph Welch exposing the tactics of Tail Gunner Joe was enlightening. I remember at age 8 seeing that incident on live TV one afternoon over at my Grandparents house. Welch was a master of verbal combat and using decency as a style.

McCarthy pushed the envelope too far that day and was exposed for the dangerous rabid dog he had become.

Mark said...

While Walker refused to answer any question about right to work posed by reporters in the fall calling it 'a distraction', he made no such refusal to the Legislature which scheduled an emergency session to pass right-to-work next week which Walker will sign.

One story for the insiders, one for the public. Just like good old 47% Romney, never telling the truth in public but happy to dish in private.

trumpetdaddy said...

Amongst the best reasons for Walker to keep dismissing bullshit questions is the fact that Leftists are then obligated to talk about how he has avoided the bullshit question.

This is a concession on the Leftists' part that the question was a bullshit question. And a further concession that Walker has so skillfully avoided the bullshit question that they are forced to talk about that avoidance rather than whatever "gotcha" soundbite they had hoped he would generate.

Which is a further concession that he's actually pretty good at his job of being a politician.

All of which causes the normal, non-Leftist American who hears the Leftists' laments about Walker having avoided bullshit questions to think to himself, "Wow, those assholes are pissed because this guy didn't play their asshole game with them. Sounds like he knows what's up with those people. Good for him."

And that's if the normal non-Leftist American even hears about this so-called "issue" in the first place, which he won't because he has better things to do with his time than worry about politics 2 years out from an election.

So, win-win for Walker. Again.

Wince said...

Isn't that the mistake Walker's enemies make all the time?

They think they can get Walker to punt, i.e., give-up possession and go on defense.

But instead he stays on offense, dropkicks and scores.

No wonder the Dropkick Murphys hate him for using their music.

Larry J said...

The reporters will continue to play their Gotcha Games with Republicans. It's illuminating how they almost never play that game with Democrats, isn't it? As the InstaPundit says, they're "democrat operatives with bylines."

Walker's non-response is the best one. It reminds me of the line from the old movie, "War Games": A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

Curious George said...

OpenID madisonfella said...
Penquin, he was asked who he would NAME to be Fed Chairman.

It is still kind of creepy how you think I'm your ex-girlfriend, but rest assured I am not her. (Tho nice to see you finally corrected the mistake you had been making for months and months. Did Meade point it out to you once again or did someone else set you straight this time?)

And "I'll punt. I'll evolve" to that questions is rude on his part. Not nearly as rude as how you interact with anyone who disagrees with your opinions but rude non-the-less. (Have you ever had a disagreement where you didn't call names and cuss the other person out?)

Then again, "punting" is basically giving up and letting the other team take charge of the situation for a while. So maybe this response is Walker's way of saying he knows he won't be making that decision and instead is willing to let someone else deal with it.

He is just kicking that can down the street, just like how he kicked the State's financial responsibilities down the road for someone else to deal with long after he is gone."

Of course we both know that PP was a dude, and that you are PP. And I only call idiots and liars idiots and liars.

As for the rest I see you have no substantive response other then trying to deflect with a strawman.

You're an idiot.

trumpetdaddy said...

If Walker runs for the Republican nomination, he will win it. He will then pick one of two types of people to be his running mate. Either a fellow second term governor, probably a non-white male to peel away the racial and/or sexist attacks (Martinez (NM, Jindal (LA), or Haley (SC)), or a long-time Wahington DC politico who "knows where the bodies are buried" who is a sitting senator with a reputation for mild-mannered achievement (Portman (OH),Enzi or Barrasso (WY)).

I bet on the governor angle because it plays to the "clean DC out with common sense" message he is selling currently. But that may need to change after he has the nomination in hand. We'll see.

The guy has serious "game" and the whole country will see that play out over the next 18 months.

trumpetdaddy said...


Damn missing hyphens.

Mark said...

Curious George has no way to refute anything, that's why he and Michael K like the schoolyard taunts.

Keep digging, George,

traditionalguy said...

Walker is so focused on winning that he refuses to chase media rabbits off into the woods like a bad hunting dog.

I give him credit for his frustrating the waves of attack interviewers and keeping steady on course with a message that wins elections.

Anonymous said...

of course we both know that PP was a dude, and that you are PP.

PP!? I thought you said I was "Penguin". Or perhaps "Corky" or "Shortbus" or "Inga". Your story keeps changing.

Either way, am still waiting for this "absolute proof" you have that I am whoever it is you insist I am this week. You ever going to actually provide that link or you just making this up as you go?

Thorley Winston said...

Penquin, he was asked who he would NAME to be Fed Chairman. Only a fucking idiot...someone like you...would expect someone at this point in a campaign for POTUS to be able to answer that question. I wouldn't expect him to name potential candidates at this point.

So basically this just reaffirms my earlier thought that anything negative madisonfella writes about Scott Walker should be assumed to be a lie unless and until proven otherwise.

Michael K said...

"but really I just like the way he handles gotcha questions."

I do, too and also have no interest in him as a candidate, I like Rudy for the same reasons and know he will never be president.

I also like B 17s which knew they were over the target when they were getting lots of flak.

Pianoman said...

If you're a Chrome user, I highly recommend the Killfile extension. It's very useful for shutting up fools like Mick.

Carry on.

Michael K said...

"Curious George has no way to refute anything, that's why he and Michael K like the schoolyard taunts."

That's just the way I talk to kids. With adults, it's different.

Mark said...

Once again with the schoolyard taunts.

I'll respect you, Michael, when you deserve it. Until then, I'll stoop to your level and throw back the shit you throw at me.

Anonymous said...

I'll stoop to your level and throw back the shit you throw at me

That is the goal of the shit throwers. They know Walker's actions and words are indefensible so they make personal attacks in an attempt to deflect away from whatever it is they are trying to bury and keep hidden about their Dear Leader.

Most recently we saw this when it was brought up Walker wanted to require groups as small as four people to get a government permit prior to gathering in the Capitol. Nobody would defend that actual policy, but rather they all attacked the messenger for bringing it up.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Stuff like this makes me think that Walker is far more than an early flash-in-the-pan in the race for the GOP nomination. He is fully aware of who the media are and what they wish to do to him. After years of clueless dunderheads like McCain and Romney, that awareness gives me some hope.

Michael K said...

"That is the goal of the shit throwers. They know Walker's actions and words are indefensible "

This is an interesting phenomenon. Mentioning Walker on this blog is like leaving a ten dollar bill on the sidewalk. The lefties come running to blather and complain when their juvenile rants are mocked.

There are serious subjects being blogged in other places. I swing by here for amusement, mainly.

It's never dull.

chickelit said...

What Cracker Emcee said.

Also, it is amusing to read these threads. I enjoy how Mark, gasrage, madisonfehler, and machine keep trying to stir shit about Walker, using the same stories and tactics which helped him win 3 elections in WI. It only blows back on them, like a snowblower with its vent pointed backwards.

Charlie said...

Elizabeth Warren (AKA Lieawatha) has handlers shoo away any potential questioners that don't elicit pre-scripted answers. You could look it up.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the mealy mouthed, non answer, answers.

We need someone who will push back, even if they do it in a nice way.

How about saying, "I don't pay much attention to these sorts of things. Like when President Obama called President Bush unpatriotic."

Put the ball back in their court.

chickelit said...

When I think of "punting" I don't think football metaphor -- I think of standing upright in shallow bottom boat, using a long stick to poll away from murky obstacles and quagmires.

retired said...

Walker doesn't have to answer questions like that and it is not in his interest to do so.

He is going to win over many voters with his gracious demeanor.

garage mahal said...

If Walker can't answer simple questions maybe that's a good thing!

garage mahal said...

Unintimidated. Bold. Brave. Fresh.

chickelit said...

garage said "can't"

Check your modality

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Unintimidated. Bold. Brave. Fresh.

As Meade would say: THIS!

Michael said...

Walker can do a bit better by pointing out the object of the question and then decline to answer. In the case of the evolution question he would have done well to have asked the "journalist" if he himself had thoughts on the theory announced the very day before that the universe might, indeed, not have sprung from the "big bang." Or asked if an opinion on evolution would suggest a particular direction on how to handle ISIL. Or asked what the first I in ISIL stood for.

chickelit said...

Michael wrote: Or asked what the first I in ISIL stood for.

Nice burn!

MadisonMan said...

using a long stick to poll away from murky obstacles

As you are talking about a politician, that's a wonderful word-substitution, although I don't know if you meant pull or pole.

Michael K said...

Walker's best answer to questions on evolution should be "I am a politician/governor, sir. I am not a biologist. "

He could follow up with, "What do you think ?" but that would probably superfluous.

The lefties sure zero in on anything about Walker.

Drago said...

madisonfella: " They know Walker's actions and words are indefensible..."

Failure, on the part of a Presidential candidate, to name their choice for Fed Chairman 18 months out from an election is now "indefensible".

Also apparently indefensible: potentially altering mission statements.

There are some strange rules for Republicans.

Would it be too much to ask that a compendium of these bizarre Republican-Only rules be promulgated?

Drago said...

garage mahal: "If Walker can't answer simple questions maybe that's a good thing!"

Please provide links to Obama naming his choice for Fed Chairman 18 months prior to his election in 2008.

Thanks in advance for being a fantastic middle school football hero.

Mr. D said...

Or asked what the first I in ISIL stood for.

The answer seems to be "indeterminate."

garage mahal said...

Scott Walker is a serial killer.

"THIS! Yes! Awesome! Serial killing is a great thing because Walker is doing it!"

Drago said...

garage mahal: "Scott Walker is a serial killer.

"THIS! Yes! Awesome! Serial killing is a great thing because Walker is doing it!""


It's come to this.

chickelit said...

@Madison Man:

polling [sic] :)

chickelit said...

@Madison Man: I forgot to add that the boat has a square-cut bow.

garage mahal said...

Please provide links to Obama naming his choice for Fed Chairman 18 months prior to his election in 2008.

Oh for sure man. I'll get right on that

Writ Small said...

Not having an answer ready to go on the evolution question was a flub, which he later corrected and will be prepared for in the future.

Not speculating about Obama's innermost feelings was simply smart.

Michael K said...

Too bad, troll.


Todd said...

Drago said...
garage mahal: "If Walker can't answer simple questions maybe that's a good thing!"

Please provide links to Obama naming his choice for Fed Chairman 18 months prior to his election in 2008.

2/20/15, 12:37 PM

I would settle for him naming those other 7 states that I never learned about in school...

Rusty said...

You know what's fun?

Tell me.

Watching the lefties scramble to vilify a guy who is still only a governor of a middling Midwestern state.

You can smell the fear.

damikesc said...

So, what are Obama's thoughts on Debbie's offer to support a medical marijuana proposal in FL if the main proponent stops criticizing her?

Does Obama think that a lack of jobs is why terrorists are so darned angry?

Does Obama think Guam might capsize if we put too many troops there?

Does Obama support the dropping and killing of groundhogs?

Why has nobody asked him?

What about his VP and his tendency to fondle women when they don't have an easy way to stop him?

Any thoughts on his AG and his work on getting Marc Rich pardoned?

Does he support the head of MNsure demanding money to assist with an audit of her terrible site?

Does he support the corruption involving the OR Governor?

Hey, it's ALL fair game now...right?

garage mahal said...

bu bu but what about Obama????????

Drago said...

garage mahal: "bu bu but what about Obama????????"

It's easy for middle school football heroes to become muddled about the point being made.

It's not about "obama", it's about the media demanding answers from Republicans that they would never dream about asking the other side.

I'm surprised a minnesota-based IT specialist like yourself can't follow the thread.

Now, if you were some moron living in no-where's-ville WI in some "commissioned sales" role, that would be different.


Michael K said...

"Now, if you were some moron living in no-where's-ville WI in some "commissioned sales" role, that would be different.


Now, now. It's not nice to make fun of the handicapped. They can't help it. Even if they run after Walker and Giuliani like Senators after ABSCAM dollars, they mean well.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchtits comes in to drop some nuggets of wisdom.

We should all be thankful that he takes time out of his busy day of spray paint Hamas activism on the property of the jewish citizens of Madison to grace us with his portly presence.

MadisonInga, Bitchtits, (Skid)Mark, ShitMachine, and Cooktard all in one thread. Scott Walker really has the lefty retards frightened.

As they should be, as he has thrashed them in 3 straight elections.

Anonymous said...

Please provide links to Obama naming his choice for Fed Chairman 18 months prior to his election in 2008

Obama is a scummy liar who should be impeached so it is no surprise you (and your many sock puppets) are constantly holding him as an example for other elected officials to follow.

Can you provide a link where Obama was asked that question? You're the one making the assertion he was asked such a thing and dodged the question like Walker did - prove your claim.

Jaq said...

I thought I remembered madisonfella owning to being Inga too. So I looked for it, what I found was this:
\Birkel you idiot, Madisonfella is not me. I haven't commented here for months. Leave poor Madisonfella alone. I was MadisonMa'am, not Madisonfella. What a dope you are, or you're obsessed. - Inga

But what I find funny is that madisonfella is always accusing other posters of being sockpuppets, as if our opinions were so bizarre that they could only possibly be held by one person at most, rather than the commonly held opinions that they are.

garage mahal said...

Can it be possible that Drago and Shitty Jeans think their schtick is remotely funny or worth reading? For real?

chickelit said...

I thought "madisonfella" was a more specific version of "somefella." Somefella was definitely an Inga sidekick.

Anonymous said...

But what I find funny is that madisonfella is always accusing other posters of being sockpuppets, as if our opinions were so bizarre that they could only possibly be held by one person at most, rather than the commonly held opinions that they are

The only posters I accuse of being sockpuppets are the ones who insist I am actually Inga. Or Penguin. Or Shortbus. Or Corky. Or Garage. Or Mick. Or whoever. which is what you are constantly doing.

And nice job of projecting yourself upon others. As I said before, the reason I suspect you (and those "other" people) believe all those usernames are actually the same person is because you truly believe that your opinions are so commonly held that there is no way more than one person could disagree with any of them.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"are the ones who insist I am actually Inga."

Come on, Inga. Nobody else could have that je ne sais quoi of your comments. I especially like the hysterical tone when Walker comes up. garage has his charm but you are special.

Jaq said...

Whatever madisonfella. You really need to learn to lighten up. At least garage shows his human side now and again. It would go far.

garage mahal said...

The only posters I accuse of being sockpuppets are the ones who insist I am actually Inga. Or Penguin. Or Shortbus. Or Corky. Or Garage. Or Mick. Or whoever. which is what you are constantly doing.

They are a strange bunch.

Jaq said...

Anybody who thinks you are garage is just not paying attention. I agree with almost zero of what he says, but I give him 10 IQ points on you easy.

Drago said...

Garage: "For real?"

Garage does not like it when anyone suggests that dems should be questioned like republicans.

He doesn't like it at all.

But he is very enthusiastic about Hamas.

Drago said...

Madisonfella pauses from his/her "repeatedly" accusing me of being a sockpuppet just long enough to complain about folks accusing him/her of being a sockpuppet.

Drago said...

And there is no possible way that anyone could confuse madisonfella with our "topped out in high school" contact sports stud garage.

Drago said...

Btw, did anyone post a link to obama being asked to identify his selection for Fed Chairman 18 months prior to his election?

I only ask now that madisonfella has indicated that it is "indefensible" not to have done so.

damikesc said...

bu bu but what about Obama????????

So, the governor of Wisconsin should answer for other's comments --- but not the President?


Can you explain why?

Can you provide a link where Obama was asked that question?

da fuq?

Obama wasn't asked serious questions in the campaign? Either of them?


Hint: That's the point of the criticisms here. The press NEVE asks Democrats these questions.

So, again, if Walker is expected to answer for Rudy's comments --- why aren't Dems asked the same about Dems? Would you prefer if I ask when Hillary has been asked a substantive question on any issue in the last 20 years of her life?

Was she asked to explain Anthony Weiner? Hell, he was even from her state and all...

chickelit said...

Was she asked to explain Anthony Weiner? Hell, he was even from her state and all...

It's more than that. Wasn't Weiner the husband of Hillary's former personal personal assistant? Could a Clinton Presidency call her to the White House with Weiner in tow? Would a Weiner in the White House be a good thing?

MadisonMan said...

a guy who is still only a governor of a middling Midwestern state

Walker is Governor of Wisconsin, not Iowa or Minnesota.

garage mahal said...

Can Wisconsin even be considered a midwestern state any longer? Perhaps geographically. But more like Georgia or Alabama politically.

Michael K said...

"Would a Weiner in the White House be a good thing?"

You mean again ?

damikesc said...

Can Wisconsin even be considered a midwestern state any longer? Perhaps geographically. But more like Georgia or Alabama politically.

You could always leave if you're so unhappy.

Politically --- it's sane. Unlike Madison.

RecChief said...

Walker's right. A politician need not get into the question of Evolution, and Giuliani said, so why does Walker need to comment?

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Can Wisconsin even be considered a midwestern state any longer? Perhaps geographically. But more like Georgia or Alabama politically."

What does "more like Georgia or Alabama politically" mean?

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make ?

Unknown said...

---he made no such refusal to the Legislature which scheduled an emergency session---

Per Fitzgerald the legislature did not need his approval to call an emergency session.

Unknown said...

---he made no such refusal to the Legislature which scheduled an emergency session---

Per Fitzgerald the legislature did not need his approval to call an emergency session.

Unknown said...

---he made no such refusal to the Legislature which scheduled an emergency session---

Per Fitzgerald the legislature did not need his approval to call an emergency session.

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