See, that's just wrong. The sun doesn't shine 24/7, and if it did... disaster!
January 18, 2015
"Uncreative journalists have asked January Jones if she’s a feminist one too many times..."
"... and now she’s gone full female supremacist..."
See, that's just wrong. The sun doesn't shine 24/7, and if it did... disaster!
See, that's just wrong. The sun doesn't shine 24/7, and if it did... disaster!
She seems moody.
It does shine 24/7 just on different parts of the planet.
"It does shine 24/7 just on different parts of the planet."
Good point, but that screws up the metaphor another way.
I guess that's more effective than just yelling, "look at me!", but not any more interesting.
"She seems moody."
She openly embraces female moodiness. Women are like the moon, etc.
It's the all-caps that is the worst of this.
I don't think the moon is an all-caps type of orb.
So... I take it her answer is yes?
All feminists agree with that.
If you need support then you are not superior.
She got that wrong, men shine 24/7 365.25 (approximately)
She is right. Men have been selectively bred by women to respect female privilege in the same way that Labradors have been bred to fetch wounded ducks.
One of my daughter's friends majored in sociology. She insisted that women have never had the power to select their mate, so the above is not true.
I wonder why feminists project Islamic values onto the rest of the world through all evolutionary time.
Nobody tell her that the Moon can only reflect the brilliance of the Sun. And then is at its brightest when it fully exposes itself to the Sun. That it dead, barren and exerts little influence on the Earth compared to the Sun.
The fundamental betrayal of feminism is that it asks men to deny what has been selected for by women throughout human history.
In "selfish gene" terms, women hold all the cards. This has been said so many times nobody hears it anymore, but it is a rock bottom truth that underlies the basis of all sexual relations.
Rape is considered a heinous crime because it violates female privilege, the absolute right to choose a mate.
acting like bitches with vaginas? Oh, you mean acting like women? So women are little bitches with vaginas?
Ann Althouse said...
"It does shine 24/7 just on different parts of the planet."
Good point, but that screws up the metaphor another way.
1/18/15, 8:29 AM
Then there's that eclipse stuff
Who is this person?
Blogger Paco Wové said...
Who is this person?
1/18/15, 8:51 AM
More importantly, what does the word 'feminist' mean?
"Good point, but that screws up the metaphor another way."
It does shine 24/7. The metaphor is unsalvageable.
Real men respect real women.
Girly men, aka little bitches with penises, serve little bitches with vaginas.
She is right, of course. But with great power comes great responsibility.
My wife's little sign says, " Women and cats do as they please. Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
Now, lets all relax and watch the big NFL games as the dominant women serve us and pretend they like football.
Is this where I tell her to fuck off?
Gosh! Someone is jonesing for January?
We're talking about the woman who went postal on her neighbor's pigeons so she can do no wrong in my book.
"Real men respect real women..." - The True Scotsman.
We men will be allowed a cafe post to talk football today, I am hoping.
I love January Jones.
I think she ate too much placenta after her child was born. Or, it wasn't prepared right and she has mad cow disease.
And she ain't no cow.
That's not saying she can't eventually become one.
Everyone thinks she's a bitch on Mad Men.
Maybe she's not acting after all.
Nevertheless, I think she needs reeducation.
Sean Connery should give her a slap.
Raising doves and pigeons is a deadly pursuit in ISIS-controlled Iraq. The popular hobby is in the sights of extremist Islamist fighters, who this week rounded up 15 boys and young men in the eastern province of Diyala for pursuing a pastime now deemed un-Islamic. Three have already been executed,
Maybe she is just a "true Muslim"?
Ann Alhouse said: "She openly embraces female moodiness. Women are like the moon, etc."
Are men then to be like the tides, pulled back and forth by the moon?
Since they won't give me a way to read it without clicking on a button I have no idea what it does, web hygiene prevents me from reading the article, btw.
Like all things said on Twitter, I'm sure this was 100% serious and accurately reflects Ms. Jones' true feelings and is a much better indicator of her beliefs than all her real-life actions and the words she has spoken.
My Twitter app is truth serum for the iPhone generation.
Moons only go through phases because of the light from the sun.
Tim in Vermont says
"Men have been selectively bred by women to respect female privilege in the same way that Labradors have been bred to fetch wounded ducks.
One of my daughter's friends majored in sociology. She insisted that women have never had the power to select their mate, so the above is not true."
It does not matter who selected the mates. It matters that they were selected. But I am not surprised that a sociology major fails to understand this. Or anything else.
Just a fun fact about January...she lived with Jim Carrey for awhile.
That has to do something to one's psyche.
She openly embraces female moodiness. Women are like the moon, etc
You say that like it's a good thing.
So women are lunatics as well as hysterical?
Perhaps January Jones should Submit to the Laslo School of Shrew Taming.
She will learn not to judge her thinness by pounds but by understanding that a woman's perfect weight is that which best proportions her naked breasts. I will judge accordingly, without deviation.
She will come to understand that I do not care what she wears: knock yourself out. I will tell you when to be naked. In high heels.
She will come to appreciate that her every word is not to be taken seriously. Sometimes the importance of my blow-job overrides Your Great Insight. I may choose to listen later, between ejaculation and sleep.
She will be thankful for the realization that most of her female friends are idiots. This is not because they are jealous, usually, but because they are idiots. But sometimes they ARE jealous, too: this relates to the importance of the weight/breast-proportion lessons.
She will come to understand that sometimes she is cute when she is angry. Getting angry about this only makes you cuter. Little Kitty Kat, are you Angry? Does Little Kitty Kat need a big bowl of milk? Note: 'Big Bowl of Milk' is generally a reference to blow-jobs. Of course. Naked, high heels. Of course, again.
She will learn the pleasure of self-satisfaction in making my coffee just the way I like it, and the consistency that comes with no deviations accepted. MY coffee is not YOUR creativity.
YOUR creativity is best expressed in blow-job technique. You can also play with lipstick colors. These may at times be connected.
I will support you fully in your submission to my will. You can tell your friends this is Zen.
I am Laslo.
Of course the sun shines 24/7. We just don't see it directly half the time.
So women are superior because they can control men, who are in every other respect superior.
That sums it up.
If the sun did not shine 24/7, that would be the disaster.
Can we talk? Have you just shot your mouth off and blown a really big hole in your foot? Or maybe quite a bit higher?
Twitter doesn't seem like a good place for satire. Difficult to demonstrate irony or self-awareness or sarcasm in 140 characters.
So we have to assume sincerity. Strange. But then maybe she's made enough money and enough crazy friends to betray her awful inner self without fear of loss.
Laslo School of Shrew Taming is now offering opportunities for franchises.
I am Laslo.
The average guy see JJ and is taken in by her attractiveness and sees and hears nothing else about her or said by her. It's not his fault, he was selected to be that way.
Went to the link and learned about the blow job bib.
That's what Jones needs.
I don't know who this person is and that article was no help. Now, thankfully, I can get on with my day.
A colleague told me he once saw a construction worker walking by a feminist demonstration. The guy shouted "How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Two! One to change the bulb, and one to suck my dick!"
And with post that go my chances at election to Congress.
Vacuous blonde TV actress on popular series makes stupid comment. Discuss.
We should always assume sincerity on Twitter.
For example, I really am an egg, and would be greatly offended if you thought otherwise.
The sharp fellow who runs the Ace of Spades HQ twitter feed really does love science sexually and really was the victim of an unfortunate beheading accident some time ago, and really was forced to fashion a head for himself out of cold cuts. That was in no way a complicated and hilarious satire poking fun at Sandra Fluke's unlikely sob stories about her many, many unfortunate friends who needed free birth control.
Wait...I forgot briefly that my colleague said the guy asked another question. (This is true, though second-hand.)
The guy asked "Why did the feminist cross the road?"
Why did the feminist cross the road?
Because, patriarchy. Or pastrami. It was one of the two.
Keep in mind folks that the moon REVOLVES around the sun, just as the rest of the planets (children.)
And it's the SUN that gives warmth to the world and lights up the sky AND the moon.
For those of you who came in late, or haven't been around as long as I, here are some explanations about my first comment.
In a 1966, Sean Connery (the first movie James Bond) gave an interview in Playboy magazine and stated there are times when a woman needs a proper smack.
January Jones, after the birth of her child, about three years ago, was encouraged to eat the baby placenta by a "Hollywood" health advisor. She hired a "specialist" to properly prepare the placenta so it could be consumed.
In future, I will make every attempt to make pithy comments that need no explanation, or memories of "popular culture" crap from the last 50 years.
RUE! Resist the urge to explain! Often written on manuscripts by editors.
Revolt, like acclamation, is easy.
But perhaps there's the point.
What kind of object is the sun? - it is the brightest object in the world.
YES, brilliant to such a degree! We have just seen it.
It takes a whole orchestra: drums, bugles, fifes, tubas. And the tambourines and the tympani.
All that to voice a single monosyllable. A single ononmatopoeic monosyllable.
The sun cannot be replaced by any logical formula, FOR the sun is not an object. THE BRIGHTEST of all objects in the world is - consequently - NOT - _is not_ an object; it is a void, the metaphysical abyss; the formal and indispensable condition of everything in the world. The condition of all other objects.
The condition of sight itself.
And this is what makes it atrocious. Really the last word in bad taste!
What leaves us really unsatisfied, and prevents us from adoring it: The sine qua non condition of everything in the world is revealed in it, imposed by it, appears in it.
It has the effrontery to show itself!
What's more, it reveals itself in such a way that it forbids you from looking at it, that it turns your eyes back into your body!
Really, what a tyrant!
Not only does it force us to be, I will later say under what conditions - but it forces us to contemplate it - and it nevertheless prevents us from staring at it.
YES and NO!
It is a tyrant and an artist, a fireworks specialist, an actor!
Francis Ponge ``Reading the Sun on the Radio''
The next time January sees the sun, she needs to stare at it for about an hour.
This is a woman who is just happy to be alive!
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
As Shakespeare has Juliet tell Romeo:
"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb"
Oh, and Paul, I think you need to reread your astronomy textbook if you think the moon orbits around the sun.
Am I missing something? She was joking, right? I thought it was funny.
"Oh, and Paul, I think you need to reread your astronomy textbook if you think the moon orbits around the sun."
Paul is correct. Draw a diagram of the Earth's path around the Sun for one year. Now add the Moon's path.
Eppur si movie
If the sun did not shine 24/7, that would be the disaster.
No, we would just have different definitions of hour and day.
The sun shines 40/36: 40 AltHours in a day, 36 AltDays in a week.
MadisonMan: If the sun turned on and off, what would that do to the wind?
David said:
Am I missing something? She was joking, right? I thought it was funny.
And that's what I thought. I have no idea who she is but the article says she loves to contradict. She just shouted out all the silliness she's ever heard and left it out there for people to find whatever they want in it. She can refer to it in auditions "yes I am a feminist, see my tweet" and then she can refer to it in private circles "yes, they thought I was a feminist after I repeated all that blather."
I'm happy to report that nothing in the Instagram system works on my computer, by the way. Blank pages with stray frame lines.
A Mondrian tweet.
Rape is considered a heinous crime because it violates female privilege
I see. So men and boys cannot be raped? Or when they do, it's not a heinous crime? Sandusky violated no female privilege...
Yeah, that's nauseating. Let's stick to the fact that rape is a crime because it violates a person's right to his or her own body (like all assaults) and is especially heinous because it exposes the victim to disease, possible unwanted parenthood, and psychological and social trauma that may harm his or her ability to enjoy sex and intimacy later in life.
Not to mention the Earth's temperature.
Actually, the sun does shine 24/7/365; if it didn't, that would be the disaster.
We're just shielded from it by the free birth control of clouds and Gaea's turning over in the middle of the night.
Eric Hines
I'd bet no woman on earth can explain how a gyroscope works.
The STEM ones will mention vectors because that's how the physics course goes, but they won't know really because they will not have thought about it.
They will not have thought about it because it isn't interesting to them.
I admit it I have no idea who January Jones is nor do I care!
I am not a robot, either.
A gyroscope works by you pull on a string and it spins and can walk along another string and so then you can navigate a plane in the dark which is work.
I Guess I Showed You
The sun shines on one side of Mercury 24/7 and it's roasted.
In other news a feminist is a misandrist. Dog bites man.
In the Laslo School of Shrew Taming women learn that their experience with the Prescribed Necessity of Spanking parallels the Kübler-Ross model of the five stages of grief.
I will bring them to Acceptance.
I am Laslo.
Mercury goes on daylight time again in April.
JJ got dicked over one too many times on "Mad Men."
Speaking of which, that show's star has fallen, huh?
Others have said it but it bears repeating: January who?
As a divorced and retired guy I'm often asked why I have no significant other of the female persuasion in my life. I read the above and know why.
January Jones was born and went to high school in my home town, the same town I still live in. This fact brings me no end of joy, believe me.
Oh, and Big Mike - the moon and the earth both orbit the sun. They switch places, in terms of which one's closer to the sun, every couple of weeks. In fact, the moon's path through space is never convex towards the sun.
Scarlett Johansson: there is a space in the Laslo School of Shrew Taming waiting for you.
I wait to properly evaluate your breasts.
I am Laslo.
Mercury is tidally locked to the sun, that's not a fate I'd want for Earth.
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That is so funny on so many levels. Wow. You!
>> Fandor said...
I love January Jones.
...Everyone thinks she's a bitch on Mad Men.
Maybe she's not acting after all.
Mark Metcalf - who is probably best known for his roles as Niedermeyer in Animal House, the Maestro on Seinfeld, and the Mayor in Mad Men - made regular appearances Thursday mornings the Bob & Brian Show on 102.9 The Hog in Milwaukee. One day he told a story about January Jones and that's exactly how he described her.
Metcalf said the first day he arrived on the Mad Men set he saw her sitting near the door smoking a cigarette. She didn't realize he was a part of the cast so she demanded that he leave and re-enter through the back door because crew members weren't allowed to use the door he had entered.
So men and boys cannot be raped? Or when they do, it's not a heinous crime? Sandusky violated no female privilege...
Privilege so absolute that men feel compelled to jump on websites and defend it with bizarre examples.
Buggery, pederasty, rape, not all the same thing. But if you redefine the word "rape," I guess you could work up some dudgeon while leaving us no word for the specific act of man on woman sexual rape. I am sure your little rant left you feeling quite proud of yourself, and you might even have sought out a woman to pat you on the head.
See, that's just wrong, it shines whether we're looking at it or not.
Just like real men are secure in their virtues and character whether women think they need it or not.
(The webcomic Day by Day has been having fun with this lately.)
Are men then to be like the tides, pulled back and forth by the moon?
Ah, but when the moon passes by men, like the sea, return to their natural levels undisturbed by feeble interruption to their steady currents...
"See, that's just wrong, it shines whether we're looking at it or not."
Well, there's some uncertainty about that. I happen to be in the school of thought that this is correct.
Perhaps I am insufficiently respectful of her eminence, but I always thought January Jones was a character in Marvel Comics who "shockingly" had a kid with the superhero of color, Luke Cage.
Someone told me to say that.
Someone else.
Who reads comics.
Why do people assume that an ambiguous user name, like a set of three initials, is male? I've had to state repeatedly that the A in my user name stands for Anna.
Also, MRAs take note: men and boys cannot be raped, according to Tim. If you ever want to talk about the plight of male rape victims, that's the misandrist you're looking for.
""Real men respect real women..." - The True Scotsman."
I am so, so sick of morons who have no clue about logical fallacies bringing up true scotsmen.
The No True Scotsman fallacy requires several components:
Person A: All scotsmen like haggis.
Person B: I know a Scotsman who doesn't like haggis.
A: All true scotsmen like haggis.
No True Scotsman requires person A to make a definition, then REDEFINE the definition in response to someone else's point.
It requires a REDEFINING to be a logical fallacy. It doesn't freaking apply every time someone says 'real x don't do y'.
Please, please educate yourself. This is getting old.
"When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim ("no Scotsman would do such a thing"), rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original universal claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule."
So, Tim in Vermont, can you show where elkh1 was faced with a counterexample, then modified his assertion by mere rhetoric?
Of course you can't. Because he didn't. And you have no damn clue what the No True Scotsman fallacy is, because you've clearly never read about it on your own.
You're an anti-intellectual waste of space, who clearly doesn't use his own brain enough for his contributions to the discussion to have any value whatsoever.
Don't reply to others until you can be bothered to know what you're talking about.
I like haggis.
Please, please educate yourself. This is getting old
Ha ha ha! How hard is it to live in such a literal world anyway?
The poster is positing a definition of what it is to be a "real man," whether you can perceive that or not, and whatever your Wikipedia article on logical fallacies said.
If you ever want to talk about the plight of male rape victims, that's the misandrist you're looking for.
You mean victims of forced buggery? Yes I have sympathy, I think it is a terrible crime.
I just wonder if English any longer has a word for male on female forced sexual intercourse. It is almost like "Newspeak" that such a term has been removed from our language to the point that we can no longer discuss it without bringing in a whole slew of other issues people seem to think are related.
I shouldn't have said "Seem to think are related." Obviously they are related, I should have said "Seem to think are the same thing.
Get a fucking life. Really. Or learn to read with a little more subtlety and perspicacity.
Her diatribe gives new meaning to "blood moon."
The feminists done stole your word for forced-sex-committed-against-a-man-or-boy-by-a-woman-or-girl-which-is-totally-not-rape-because-you-said-so.
Of course, you said yourself that the ability to choose one's own mate is an exclusively female privilege. If that's true, then it has to be true that males cannot be raped by females---the females are simply choosing their mates.
Which is ridiculous. Of course everyone gets to choose his/her own mates from among those who consent.
Also there's a fine term for forced sex, regardless of the genders: sexual assault.
Oh, man, I loved girls like January Jones back in the day. Truly. Bank on it: great, nasty fun once you cracked their code.
He said "Peace", Tim. ;-)
This identification of the sun as masculine and the moon as feminine goes back to at least the early Bronze Age, and remains the dominant celestial metaphor in the West, e.g. Apollo/Artemis, Helios/Hecate. However, such dualities are not universal. In the Sumerian/Akkadian tradition both sun and moon are masculine -- Ud and Sin, respectively.
In the mythology of the Fertile Crescent the feminine principal is represented by two females, the nurturing sex goddess Astarte, and Tiamat, the universal bitch. It's Tiamat who raises the ire of the gods against Man on account of his noisiness (the original Flood myth), and it's also Tiamat in her dragon form that periodically tries to devour the sun god, known to us the solar eclipse. Ud saves himself by turning up his heat, thus burning the dragon's mouth and forcing her to regurgitate the fiery orb. True to her bitchy self Tiamat never learns the repeated lesson and keeps trying to eat the sun.
Usually the sun is portrayed as brash and powerful, quick to use its strength and vain of its splendor -- typically masculine personality traits -- though not always. In Shinto the sun is female, the goddess Amterasu. and like all females is easily frightened. Her brother Susano, the storm god, delighted in terrorizing her with his sword, and his fits of rage. Eventually Susano forced his sister to flee Heaven by flinging at dead horse at her. Amaterasu hid herself in a cave, thereby plunging the Earth into unending night.
Tsukuyomi, the moon god, saw the plight of Man as he shivered and starved, and took pity. He led a delegation of the gods to the mouth of Amaterasu's cave to plead with her, but she refused to come out because of her fear of the tempestuous storm god. To coax her out Tsukuyomi created a mirror, which he hung in the branches of a tree that grew from the cave's mouth. The gods withdrew to a respectful distance to watch what would happen. All except Susano who hid himself behind a nearby mountain.
As it grew quiet the sun goddess recovered somewhat from her fright and peeked out of the cave. Then she saw her beautiful reflection in the mirror. Like all females she was captivated by her own image, and being captivated drew ever closer to the mirror to get a better look. Finally she was outside the cave entirely, whereupon Susano sprung up from behind his mountain and struck the roof of the cave a mighty blow with his sword, thus sealing the entrance and preventing Amaterasu from retreating from Heaven ever again. The sun goddess kept the mirror to comfort her when the storm god raged, and she passed it on to her descendant Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan as one of the treasures of the imperial regalia.
Hesiod tells a charming tale of the sun's gentle side. It seems that one fine day Helios and Boreas, the cruel god of the north wind, were debating who of was the stronger deity. They spied a lone traveler on the earth below and decided to make him the object of a contest.
"See that mortal's cloak?" said Boreas. "Whoever removes it wins the title of most powerful."
"Agreed," said the sun god. "You try first, Boreas."
So Boreas began to blow his chilly airs on the unlucky man, who shivered, and clutched his cloak tighter to shoulders. The god of winter saw this and blew harder still. The man responded to the strengthening gale by gripping his garment ever tighter. By and by the North Wind realized his efforts were in vain.
"Stubborn mortal," said Boreas, "he'd rather die than give up his cloak. It's your turn, Helios, but you'll do no better against him."
"Watch," replied Helios, who proceeded to steer his chariot down from the clouds toward the man. The warmth from the fiery horses gently embraced the mortal, and relived his chilled bones. By and by the man began to smile and to whistle merrily, and sweat began to speckle his brow. And then the traveler removed his clock, folded it neatly, and stuffed it into his pack.
im in vermont said...
Blah blah blah.............. perspicacity. "
Tim has used this word before. One more time, and, I sweaar, I'm gonna look it up.
tim in vermont said...
We men will be allowed a cafe post to talk football today, I am hoping.
I think it is appropriate to note in this thread that the highlight of the Patriots game will almost certainly be the after game quotes from Gisele Bündchen.
"My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time."
He said "Peace", Tim. ;-)
Bless his heart.
If that's true, then it has to be true that males cannot be raped by females---the females are simply choosing their mates.
Until recently, it would have been pretty hard to rape a man. Given that the man has to respond in a way that suggests consent, at least on some level. Buggery never required that, so at least it left some of a man's dignity. Now I hear that men get raped by women all the time. Maybe more than actual, you know, "rape." The men are so cowed by the women raping them that they have what is now known as a 'submissive erection.'
She's hot. Anything else matter?
"My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time."
I remember that. I can only imagine the facepalm when Brady heard that.
So, a sleeping man gets an erection. That then equals consent to sex with any woman who passes by? An eleven-year-old boy gets an erection. Does that equal consent with his 35-year-old female teacher, Tim? And thus responsibility for any infant that results?
Just stick with this: all forms of sexual assault are heinous crimes because they violate a human being's right to control his/her own body.
See, that's just wrong. The sun doesn't shine 24/7, and if it did... disaster!
But the sun is always shining, regardless if we directly see it or not. If a tree falls in the forest and Althouse doesn't hear it, does that mean it didn't really fall?
Self-absorbed professor is self-absorbed.
FullMoon said...
..... perspicacity. "
One more time, and, I sweaar, I'm gonna look it up.
I'll save everyone the trouble - it means "sweatiness", and its primary anagram is Arctic Pie Spy.
Mmmm, spirit. Alphas like that, particularly in a girl with such wonderful 45/55 tits. No wonder she makes her earnest intellectual competitors uneasy.
Carl: "Mmmm, spirit, etc."
But the sun is always shining, regardless if we directly see it or not. If a tree falls in the forest and Althouse doesn't hear it, does that mean it didn't really fall?
Self-absorbed professor is self-absorbed.
The tree falling in the forest question is not about physics but about whether what happens, the physical motion, counts as sound.
Likewise does shining count as shining if not seen. The word expresses a human interest in shining, which is different from photons.
It's a word and language question, not a physics question.
Is sound the right word, or do we need another one for the special case, or is not worth the trouble.
Lots of things make sounds that you can't hear. But is that right?
Must be that time of the month.
I think we need to point Robbie Robertson toward the line of thought which has no difficulty in declaiming "sure sure the sun don't shine anymore and you'd best celebrate that she don't by gum."
"If she were to shine 24/7 hooo boy y'all."
I am gonna start a band tomorrow called Lunar Tics.
I need cash though, so cough it up.
Green air indeed.
Read the entire thread before looking online; all that time, I thought we were talking about Christina Hendricks, who perhaps hasn't practiced 'human placentophagy'.
Count me in on Team "She's Joking".
For the life of me, I can't figure out what her last sentence means.
This whole "like a broken clock he is correct but not of his doing" is the bunk.
No, rh, slow clock awareness isn't any kind of decent answer.
Metaphors, amongst decent, learned persons, are sloppy and okay.
Among the wanna e how pollio (hoi pollio? WTF?) metaphors are what Saudi clerics think of Pussy Riot.
Sun makes life on Earth possible, just like the paychecks we guys bring home.
I rather enjoyed Ms. Jones' rant.
The terms "menstruation" is derived from the Latin mensis (month), which in turn relates to the Greek mene (moon).
tim in vermont said...
Raising doves and pigeons is a deadly pursuit in ISIS-controlled Iraq. The popular hobby is in the sights of extremist Islamist fighters, who this week rounded up 15 boys and young men in the eastern province of Diyala for pursuing a pastime now deemed un-Islamic. Three have already been executed,
Muslims are so down on having fun they are in-line to be the next commissioner of the NFL.
Big Mike,
I meant it as a metaphorical term.
Yes it's basic revolution is around the earth but both do revolve around the Sun.
What is more, the lady thinks men and women are different species. You know like cat's and dogs.
She wants them at war with each other instead of complementing each other. An adversarial us .vs. them.
She must be a very lonely person.
Don't go wobbly on us, Paul. You were right.
I prefer the original January Jones, thank you very much.
Uncreative journalists have asked January Jones...
Which brings on the question: What's an "uncreative" journalist? And is that bad, or good?
Original Mike,
One man's wobbly is another man's introspection.
I don't consider men the sun nor woman the moon.
We are yin and yang and that is the way of the world and the whole universe.
Paul, I was referring to this: "Keep in mind folks that the moon REVOLVES around the sun, just as the rest of the planets". You are right but, apparently, by accident.
she can't act, and in a few years, that body won't be able to make men's heads turn as quickly. I guess she's looking for a few more minutes of attention?
January Jones is the dank. When she says it, it is charming. When Amanda Marcotte says it, my neckbeard starts to itch.
I've heard she raises owls as a hobby. Her owls are very charming and everybody loves them. They are really amazing hooters.
Original Mike: Right. As you noted earlier, the Moon's orbit vis-à-vis the Sun is everywhere convex, never concave. This vividly shows that the Sun's hold on the Moon is always greater than that of the Earth, and thus the Moon can be properly regarded as orbiting the Sun, along with its co-double planet, the Earth.
Mercury is tidally locked to the sun, that's not a fate I'd want for Earth.
No, Mercury is not tidally locked — i.e., it doesn't always keep the same face turned towards the Sun, the way the Moon does with regard to the Earth — and alleging that it does so basically reveals one as having learned nothing new about Mercury since the early 1960s (prior to which it was believed to be tidally locked to the Sun). Since then Mercury has been known to rotate about its axis in 59 (Earth) days, while it revolves about the Sun in 88 days, and therefore all of the planet (except for the extreme polar regions) see sun and darkness in (many month) alternation.
It's true, however, that (present astronomical science holds that) many inner-orbiting planets of stars somewhat smaller and dimmer than our own Sun (e.g., so-called class M stars) will likely end up tidally locked to their primary star. Recent indications though are that (perhaps many) such worlds may escape a totally sterile outcome with all the water frozen out on the permanent night side. Even so, we Earth creatures probably wouldn't find such a planet very habitable — except perhaps near the margin separating endless day and night — but our Earth and Sun progressed in a different direction. Creatures evolved for that environment would probably feel right at home.
M-O-O-N. That spells delusion, lordy yes.
Michael McNeil wrote: ... the Sun's hold on the Moon is always greater than that of the Earth, and thus the Moon can be properly regarded as orbiting the Sun, along with its co-double planet, the Earth.
Not so fast, McNeil. Modern astronomy doesn't quite buy that argument. Calculating the Hill Sphere for these bodies shows that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and not the Sun.
The Hill radius of the Earth is about 932,000 miles. The Moon orbits at a distance of about 239,000 miles from Earth, which puts it comfortably within the gravitational sphere of influence of Earth and it is therefore not at risk of being pulled into an independent orbit around the Sun.
Satellites that orbit near the outer fringe of the Hill Sphere of a primary aren't stable in the long term, especially when the density ratio between the primary and the satellite approaches 1, as it does in the Earth/Moon system. However, since the Moon is only barely a third of the out to the "danger zone" and the rate of recession being 3.82 cm/year, by the time the Moon has migrated out to critical radius the question of what orbits what in the Solar System will be academic.
I can't be the only person convinced this was irony/sarcasm? The last line pretty much gives it away.
JK Brown said...
Nobody tell her that the Moon can only reflect the brilliance of the Sun. And then is at its brightest when it fully exposes itself to the Sun. That it dead, barren and exerts little influence on the Earth compared to the Sun.
Heh!! Speaking truth to irrationality.
I keep coming back to one thing:
If women are superior (much less equal) then how is it they have been so easily oppressed for all of human history?
Something is not adding up.
Michael McNeil: Original Mike: Right. As you noted earlier, the Moon's orbit vis-à-vis the Sun is everywhere convex, never concave.
That was me who pointed that out, not Original Mike, thank you very much. Although I worded it a tad differently.
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