There are reports that Boko Haram in Nigeria has overrun an entire military base, burned down 16 villages and/or an entire city, and left 2000 people unaccounted for - possibly dead. I just can't figure out the Algerian connection yet or how colonialism is responsible. But I'm sure it must be. It can't possibly be related to the fact that they are a radical Islamic group and are committing these atrocities against people who never colonized them.
These people are not hiding what they are. They are speaking honestly and truthfully. They told us plainly they killed the writers because they blasphemed against Islam. Repeatedly.
They never said anything about colonialism, or poverty. That is just fucking stupid.
The president of Egypt just gave a groundbreaking speach about the need for reform in the religion of Islam. The "moderate" muslim has made an appearance and bravely spoken out. He is crushing the Muslim Brotherhood. He is throwing them in jail in mass, jailing their political leaders, and ruthlessly crushing their protests.
We should be working with him. These terrorists are barbarians who have made it clear there is no understanding to be reached. They should be executed and buried in pigskin.
kcom said... "There are reports that Boko Haram in Nigeria has overrun an entire military base, burned down 16 villages and/or an entire city, and left 2000 people unaccounted for - possibly dead."
"...scriptures showed the virture of suicide attacks."
"It is written in the scriptures that it is good to die as a martyr."
I don't think this POS barbarian knows what he's saying. John Kerry, Howard Scream Dean and Ben Affleck tell me that these guys are not Muslims. I'm sure they know Islam better that the Cherif.
"These people are not hiding what they are. They are speaking honestly and truthfully."
Right you are Achilles. And the guys in Iran are speaking honestly and truthfully. And the guys in and around Israel are speaking honestly and truthfully.
Yet we refuse to understand they mean it when they say they want Israel destroyed. That they want all other religions crushed and followers converted or dead.
They mean it and we make excuse after excuse. Bargaining away time waiting for the first Iranian mushroom cloud. Waiting for the next hail of rockets into Jewish territory.
And we gladly label someone a moderate if his promises of death come with a smile or are hidden among soothing words.
Leftists/Communists in America are waging war, and have been for some not-so-short time, on we conservatives.
We sit back and take it because The Blues Brothers had a scene with Illinois Nazis and a taunting midget-like Harry Reid-level fuck up saying "what are you gonna do about it whitey .... Just sit there and take it?"
Alinsky was right; man can't stand ridicule. The brain works on multiple levels both conscious and not to adapt. To cope ( and I don't mean Copenhagen smokeless tobacco neither).
I like the part where the social worker says Charief "was sucked into something he didn't understand or control." He probably also testified that Chareif was rehabilitated and that all he had needed to go back to rap and alcohol was some guidance. Somebody sure was sucked in, somebody sure could have used some guidance.
I watch many French mystery series (not Maigret but Spiral for example, with police chief Laure Berthaud and the corrupt red headed lawyer Joséphine Karlssono who would have fought hard to release the perpetrators like the ones today).. they are riddled with story lines like what happened at Hedbo..
" asked the Iman from Tripoli the reason for attacks against American. He responded that it was the right and duty of Muslims to make war on all nations that didn’t acknowledge the authority of Islamic law and to enslave prisoners,"
Oh yea, the above quote? The ambassador from Tripoli, in response to a question from Thomas Jefferson, 1786.
While everyone agrees the world is different now, compared to 228 years ago, the Muslims do not acknowledge that difference matters to them.
Until the modern Muslims police their own, I will assume Muslims around me, mean to kill me, (Because they keep telling me that) and act accordingly.
I think these jihadists have small dicks. They sodomize young boys and were probably sodomize as youths themselves. There's a culture based on using violence to gain control and pretend to overcome personal deficiencies. Yeah the 72 virgins deal, that's why a real man kills innocent people.
I think Spengler (as usual) has one of the more interesting takes on all of this. His statistics are pretty surprising (and as usual depressing).
There is little need to actually find the motive for this crime. Catch him. Give him a swift trial. France should reintroduce la guillotine for symbolic reasons alone.
iowan2: "asked the Iman from Tripoli the reason for attacks against American. He responded that it was the right and duty of Muslims to make war on all nations that didn’t acknowledge the authority of Islamic law and to enslave prisoners,"
Oh yea, the above quote? The ambassador from Tripoli, in response to a question from Thomas Jefferson, 1786"
The ambassador from Tripoli's 1786 response is clearly the inevitable result of France's future colonial ambitions in north africa.
Obama did say that the future must not belong to those who can slander the prophet of Islam. What did he mean by that? To whom was he speaking when he said that? I certainly hope it wasn't to Americans, because it does fly in the face of our freedoms. I think he knew that, but said it anyway.
When the leader of the free world opines on the future, it's important to note which modal verb he uses - should, could, must, will. etc. He used "must" and not "should." If he had used "will not" then I suppose there would grounds for treason right there. As it is, he said, in so many words, that the future must not belong to the cartoonists. This is why I don't consider Obama to be my de facto leader: he wants to lead us to a place I reject.
pm317 said... He [Egypt president] is crushing the Muslim Brotherhood.
"You do know who supported MB on this side of the Atlantic, right? And how many times they visited the WH?"
I know exactly where the progressives in this country stand. I got out after two years of Obama turning us into a catch and release program and giving us terrible ROE's. He wanted us to lose.
AReasonableMan said... "Is there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite? What difference does it make anyhow?"
Yes. Watching moral degenerates like yourself apologize for the scumbags is greatly entertaining to me because I know you will squeal and beg when they capture you.
And after the things you have posted here about US troops. After your apologies. After your support for people like Obama that undermined us. We will remember that and when the time comes will let them have you.
He's no Tsarnaev. I don't see any Rolling Stone cover in his future. He'll probably get a few marriage proposals though......He should give up. There's no capital punishment in France. Within twenty years, he should be able to find another hipster social worker to bond with and who will recommend early parole for him.......Apparently a goodly number of police in Paris don't carry guns. Another cop execution today. If this keeps up, they'll start arming the police. Who wants to live in a society where the police feel they have to carry guns?
Hebdo is pro-choice. I think he misunderstood the intent of the Islamic terrorists. They want to enjoy a liberal society: pro-choice and material opiates. Their only mistake was that they misunderstood the delicate sensibilities of liberal (i.e. "decent") people, and probably did not hear of the spontaneous conception fairy tale told to squeamish children and hedonistic adults. In a liberal society, natural born murderers can exercise their right and rite in a government-sponsored/sanctioned "clinic" rationalized by the moral principles of a state-established libertine religion.
That said, send in the FEMENists, and let them confront the Islamic terrorists in a mutual exhibition of decapitation and dismemberment. I wonder if FEMENist demands for sacrificial rites, preceded Roman adoption of torture and murder for pleasure. It seems that when reality can be denied, and a narcissistic faith is adopted, there are no real constrains on progressive corruption and debauchery.
For some reason, I don't think either Hebdo or his patrons would approve of panoramic depiction of human life evolving from conception to birth. Perhaps a juxtaposition of a normal pregnancy, and another where child is poisoned, decapitated, dismembered, then the clumps of cells flushed down the toiler - out of sight and out of mind (i.e. liberal "NIMBY").
While Islamic terrorists have their fetishes, Hebdo et al have theirs, but are curiously selective in portraying them. I wonder if pro-choicers (e.g. FEMENists) would go on an abortionist rampage to secure their sacrificial rights and rites.
So Islamic terrorists attack FEMENist comic shacks. While FEMENists attack Christian churches. Interesting.
"s there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite? What difference does it make anyhow?"
Yes, it is the new Democrat chairman of the House Intelligence committee who doesn't know the difference, or what Hezbollah is. His name was Silvestre Reyes.
Representative Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), who was Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi's second choice to head the sensitive and vital committee, did not know what Hezbollah was and incorrectly described Al-Qaeda as being Shiite rather than Sunni.
Rep. Reyes appeared disoriented when a reporter asked him basic questions about the Islamic groups that are the principal targets of America's intelligence agencies, including Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and others.
"Al-Qa'eda is what — Sunni or Shia?" Jeff Stein, the Congressional Quarterly magazine's national security editor, asked Mr Reyes. "Al-Qaeda, they have both," replied Reyes.
I see -- while waiting at the airport -- that they want to die as martyrs.
This is the problem. A branch of a religion that considers killing innocent people as a gateway to martyrdom. Imams who promote this kind of thinking should be -- what's the Islamic equivalent of disbarred or excommunicated?
Obama did say that the future must not belong to those who can slander the prophet of Islam. What did he mean by that? To whom was he speaking when he said that?
Yeah, if you were a jihadi who thought you needed to kill infidels, that had to be music to your ears, right?
I still can't get my head around the President of the United States saying that. When Americans had just been killed for an American "slandering" the prophet of Islam.
"I swear... I'm beginning to think Rome fell cause they kept kicking the can down the road till the Visigoths showed up at the gates.
"And it's happening again. History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce (good old C. Marx.)"
Rome fell because of political instability, widening economic inequality, corruption, and the usurpation of republican democracy at home by a series of dictators, and because it was overextended militarily and financially in trying to maintain its far flung empire. The overspending on its military needs left its civil infrastructure wanting for funds, and it crumbled into disrepair. It could not, ultimately, meet its own military and financial burdens. All this left the teetering empire vulnerable to the invasions by barbarian forces.
One of the reasons that the Holy Roman Empire finally fell was that they would no longer defend their shipping from Muslim Pirates or their bread basket in North Africa from Muslim raiders.
It is axiomatic: when you're spending a preponderance of your budget on maintaining a military, everything else goes to shit, not just the economic health of a nation or a well-maintained civic infrastructure.
James Madison:
"In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
As if people haven't been arguing about the cause(s) of the Decline and Fall ever since it happened.
Fifth century Rome was corrupt and overextended, but no more so than Rome in the third century.
Rome lost about two-thirds of its armed forces at the battle of Adrianople in 378CE, but that defeat was no worse than what happened in the battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE.
People have imagined everything from contemporary USA to 19th century Britain to the Holy Roman Empire as latter-day versions of the Roman Empire, yet the analogies never quite seem to fit.
May I suggest that practically all that's been said of "latter-day Roman Empires" is a projection of the speaker's own political ideas, and has little to do with any actual reasons (if they're ever discovered) for the Roman Empire's actual Decline and Fall?
(In any case, perhaps the best explanation of the Decline and Fall is to ask not why it fell but why, considering the Empire's chronic instabilities and other weaknesses, it lasted as long as it did?)
Of course the reasons for Rome's fall are many and varied, but those I listed are among those considered to be major factors.
We are now in our period of decline, with many of the same ills that plagued Rome during its fall: political and financial corruption, unsustainable military over extension and expenditures, widening economic inequality, etc. We didn't make it as long as Rome did, but today's technology escalates the world into a live-action time-lapse experience.
As you can see from the chart, we do not come anywhere close to spending a "preponderance" of our federal budget on maintaining our military.
We spend more on both Health Care and Pensions than we do the military.
This becomes even more "interesting" when you consider that there are many expenditures that are not really military related that are lumped into the military budget.
Roberts "mistake" probably lies in the fact that the military expenditures are a preponderance of the DISCRETIONARY budget, but not the total federal budget.
Let's just say that when Conspiracy-king Cookie makes a claim, you should take it with a grain of salt and not assume he speaks the pravda.
We should also note that the States and localities themselves spend enormous sums on welfare and pension programs with no defense/military related expenditures which skews the total/national expenditure numbers even more to the non-military side of the ledger.
If you approach any fiscal or monetary issue with a marxist framework, you're basically a moron.
"The overspending on its military needs left its civil infrastructure wanting for funds, and it crumbled into disrepair. It could not, ultimately, meet its own military and financial burdens. All this left the teetering empire vulnerable to the invasions by barbarian forces."
a few points. It's weakness left it vulnerable to invasions by barbarian forces. Who attacked them with armies right? So tell me again why spending a lot on military wasn't a priority for Rome? In addition to expansion they also had to deal with invading forces who also were Inerested in expansion.
Also, as others mentioned, it's not military spending that has left us unable to pay for,our infrastructure. have you seen our national debt lately? I also remember coward Pivens who sought to overload the welfare system till it broke, so we could replace the welfare state with their socialism. That seems to be how the left runs the country. Pile on the program's till the whole thing collapses. Then replace it with their socialist program that will bring everyone their riches. That's what redistribution is ultimately all about. Imagine if in Rome the Visigoths were not external,invaders but Rome's own citizens.
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Take note. Back then, he was rehabilitated.
Can't be the right guy. The social worker says he's changed.
I am not a robot
Clearly and without question a prototypical victim of colonial oppression.
There are reports that Boko Haram in Nigeria has overrun an entire military base, burned down 16 villages and/or an entire city, and left 2000 people unaccounted for - possibly dead. I just can't figure out the Algerian connection yet or how colonialism is responsible. But I'm sure it must be. It can't possibly be related to the fact that they are a radical Islamic group and are committing these atrocities against people who never colonized them.
These people are not hiding what they are. They are speaking honestly and truthfully. They told us plainly they killed the writers because they blasphemed against Islam. Repeatedly.
They never said anything about colonialism, or poverty. That is just fucking stupid.
The president of Egypt just gave a groundbreaking speach about the need for reform in the religion of Islam. The "moderate" muslim has made an appearance and bravely spoken out. He is crushing the Muslim Brotherhood. He is throwing them in jail in mass, jailing their political leaders, and ruthlessly crushing their protests.
We should be working with him. These terrorists are barbarians who have made it clear there is no understanding to be reached. They should be executed and buried in pigskin.
kcom said...
"There are reports that Boko Haram in Nigeria has overrun an entire military base, burned down 16 villages and/or an entire city, and left 2000 people unaccounted for - possibly dead."
Hedbo is printing a million copies of its next issue.
That is how you do it.
Delighted that the Times has come up with a more PC spelling of his first name.
"I shot the Cherif" would be a good theme song for this guy's final days.
Hedbo should be nailed to doors of all Islamist mosques.
harrogate said...
"Hedbo is printing a million copies of its next issue.
That is how you do it."
It is a much better result to have the bad guys become martyrs.
"...scriptures showed the virture of suicide attacks."
"It is written in the scriptures that it is good to die as a martyr."
I don't think this POS barbarian knows what he's saying. John Kerry, Howard Scream Dean and Ben Affleck tell me that these guys are not Muslims. I'm sure they know Islam better that the Cherif.
"That is how you do it."
Do what, exactly?
"These people are not hiding what they are. They are speaking honestly and truthfully."
Right you are Achilles. And the guys in Iran are speaking honestly and truthfully. And the guys in and around Israel are speaking honestly and truthfully.
Yet we refuse to understand they mean it when they say they want Israel destroyed. That they want all other religions crushed and followers converted or dead.
They mean it and we make excuse after excuse. Bargaining away time waiting for the first Iranian mushroom cloud. Waiting for the next hail of rockets into Jewish territory.
And we gladly label someone a moderate if his promises of death come with a smile or are hidden among soothing words.
Achilles: "It is a much better result to have the bad guys become martyrs."
Don't use the bullshit "we."
Leftists/Communists in America are waging war, and have been for some not-so-short time, on we conservatives.
We sit back and take it because The Blues Brothers had a scene with Illinois Nazis and a taunting midget-like Harry Reid-level fuck up saying "what are you gonna do about it whitey .... Just sit there and take it?"
Alinsky was right; man can't stand ridicule. The brain works on multiple levels both conscious and not to adapt. To cope ( and I don't mean Copenhagen smokeless tobacco neither).
I like the part where the social worker says Charief "was sucked into something he didn't understand or control." He probably also testified that Chareif was rehabilitated and that all he had needed to go back to rap and alcohol was some guidance. Somebody sure was sucked in, somebody sure could have used some guidance.
He [Egypt president] is crushing the Muslim Brotherhood.
You do know who supported MB on this side of the Atlantic, right? And how many times they visited the WH?
Hedbo is printing a million copies of its next issue.
Where can I buy one?
Are we sure it's not the inevitable legacy of France's long and brutal colonialist past. Let's not jump to conclusions.
I watch many French mystery series (not Maigret but Spiral for example, with police chief Laure Berthaud and the corrupt red headed lawyer Joséphine Karlssono who would have fought hard to release the perpetrators like the ones today).. they are riddled with story lines like what happened at Hedbo..
I have always loved the French. The Liberty is my favorite US monument.
I have been watching the middle part of this clip.
" asked the Iman from Tripoli the reason for attacks against American. He responded that it was the right and duty of Muslims to make war on all nations that didn’t acknowledge the authority of Islamic law and to enslave prisoners,"
Oh yea, the above quote? The ambassador from Tripoli, in response to a question from Thomas Jefferson, 1786.
While everyone agrees the world is different now, compared to 228 years ago, the Muslims do not acknowledge that difference matters to them.
Until the modern Muslims police their own, I will assume Muslims around me, mean to kill me, (Because they keep telling me that) and act accordingly.
I think these jihadists have small dicks. They sodomize young boys and were probably sodomize as youths themselves. There's a culture based on using violence to gain control and pretend to overcome personal deficiencies. Yeah the 72 virgins deal, that's why a real man kills innocent people.
Well at least he was not a matriculate at the Gitmo Grad School for Advanced Terrorists.
I think Spengler (as usual) has one of the more interesting takes on all of this. His statistics are pretty surprising (and as usual depressing).
David said...
"I shot the Cherif" would be a good theme song for this guy's final days.
Especially if he AND his deputy are gunned down.
There is little need to actually find the motive for this crime. Catch him. Give him a swift trial. France should reintroduce la guillotine for symbolic reasons alone.
Thug Life. It's Glamorous.
Which reminds me of "Gang Leader for a Day," a tough, but excellent read.
iowan2: "asked the Iman from Tripoli the reason for attacks against American. He responded that it was the right and duty of Muslims to make war on all nations that didn’t acknowledge the authority of Islamic law and to enslave prisoners,"
Oh yea, the above quote? The ambassador from Tripoli, in response to a question from Thomas Jefferson, 1786"
The ambassador from Tripoli's 1786 response is clearly the inevitable result of France's future colonial ambitions in north africa.
Every day muslims are emigrating to the US. With the full support of the US government. Apparently we don't have enough already.
I swear... I'm beginning to think Rome fell cause they kept kicking the can down the road till the Visigoths showed up at the gates.
And it's happening again. History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce (good old C. Marx.)
Are we that stupid?
Cherif don't like it
Rocking the Casbah
Rocking the Casbah
If these folks had anything to offer society, they would have had flush toilets by now.
- Krumhorn
Is there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite? What difference does it make anyhow?
Obama did say that the future must not belong to those who can slander the prophet of Islam. What did he mean by that? To whom was he speaking when he said that? I certainly hope it wasn't to Americans, because it does fly in the face of our freedoms. I think he knew that, but said it anyway.
When the leader of the free world opines on the future, it's important to note which modal verb he uses - should, could, must, will. etc. He used "must" and not "should." If he had used "will not" then I suppose there would grounds for treason right there. As it is, he said, in so many words, that the future must not belong to the cartoonists. This is why I don't consider Obama to be my de facto leader: he wants to lead us to a place I reject.
Can it be any clearer?
AReasonableMeltdown: "Is there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world?"
Yes. There's you discussing the underpinnings of historical muslim aggression against the west.
I don't blame you for trying to change the subject now. You have been quite an ass of yourself on this subject for a couple of days now.
My recommendation? Keep trying to change the subject. It's gotta get better for you.
pm317 said...
He [Egypt president] is crushing the Muslim Brotherhood.
"You do know who supported MB on this side of the Atlantic, right? And how many times they visited the WH?"
I know exactly where the progressives in this country stand. I got out after two years of Obama turning us into a catch and release program and giving us terrible ROE's. He wanted us to lose.
We know exactly where they stand.
AReasonableMan said...
"Is there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite? What difference does it make anyhow?"
Yes. Watching moral degenerates like yourself apologize for the scumbags is greatly entertaining to me because I know you will squeal and beg when they capture you.
And after the things you have posted here about US troops. After your apologies. After your support for people like Obama that undermined us. We will remember that and when the time comes will let them have you.
He's no Tsarnaev. I don't see any Rolling Stone cover in his future. He'll probably get a few marriage proposals though......He should give up. There's no capital punishment in France. Within twenty years, he should be able to find another hipster social worker to bond with and who will recommend early parole for him.......Apparently a goodly number of police in Paris don't carry guns. Another cop execution today. If this keeps up, they'll start arming the police. Who wants to live in a society where the police feel they have to carry guns?
Look how small Kouachi's cranium is compared to his face. That says it all: tiny brain pan.
William notes...Who wants to live in a society where the police feel they have to carry guns?
Certainly none of the glibertarians around here.
AReasonableMan said...
Is there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite?
Bloods? Crips?
Hebdo is pro-choice. I think he misunderstood the intent of the Islamic terrorists. They want to enjoy a liberal society: pro-choice and material opiates. Their only mistake was that they misunderstood the delicate sensibilities of liberal (i.e. "decent") people, and probably did not hear of the spontaneous conception fairy tale told to squeamish children and hedonistic adults. In a liberal society, natural born murderers can exercise their right and rite in a government-sponsored/sanctioned "clinic" rationalized by the moral principles of a state-established libertine religion.
That said, send in the FEMENists, and let them confront the Islamic terrorists in a mutual exhibition of decapitation and dismemberment. I wonder if FEMENist demands for sacrificial rites, preceded Roman adoption of torture and murder for pleasure. It seems that when reality can be denied, and a narcissistic faith is adopted, there are no real constrains on progressive corruption and debauchery.
For some reason, I don't think either Hebdo or his patrons would approve of panoramic depiction of human life evolving from conception to birth. Perhaps a juxtaposition of a normal pregnancy, and another where child is poisoned, decapitated, dismembered, then the clumps of cells flushed down the toiler - out of sight and out of mind (i.e. liberal "NIMBY").
While Islamic terrorists have their fetishes, Hebdo et al have theirs, but are curiously selective in portraying them. I wonder if pro-choicers (e.g. FEMENists) would go on an abortionist rampage to secure their sacrificial rights and rites.
So Islamic terrorists attack FEMENist comic shacks. While FEMENists attack Christian churches. Interesting.
Maybe France should bring back the guillotine?
"Bush!" replied ARM, with his usual depth of thoughtfulness.
"s there anything funnier than two time Bush voters discussing the state of the muslim world? Sunni? Shiite? What difference does it make anyhow?"
Yes, it is the new Democrat chairman of the House Intelligence committee who doesn't know the difference, or what Hezbollah is. His name was Silvestre Reyes.
Representative Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), who was Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi's second choice to head the sensitive and vital committee, did not know what Hezbollah was and incorrectly described Al-Qaeda as being Shiite rather than Sunni.
Rep. Reyes appeared disoriented when a reporter asked him basic questions about the Islamic groups that are the principal targets of America's intelligence agencies, including Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and others.
"Al-Qa'eda is what — Sunni or Shia?" Jeff Stein, the Congressional Quarterly magazine's national security editor, asked Mr Reyes. "Al-Qaeda, they have both," replied Reyes.
Another brilliant Democrat.
Blogger LarsPorsena said...
Blogger harrogate said...
Hedbo is printing a million copies of its next issue.
That is how you do it.
1/8/15, 5:42 PM
Taking one hundred copies and passing them out in front of your local mosque, are we?
I see -- while waiting at the airport -- that they want to die as martyrs.
This is the problem. A branch of a religion that considers killing innocent people as a gateway to martyrdom. Imams who promote this kind of thinking should be -- what's the Islamic equivalent of disbarred or excommunicated?
"MadisonMan said...
what's the Islamic equivalent of disbarred or excommunicated?"
Beheaded? Stoned to death?
Obama did say that the future must not belong to those who can slander the prophet of Islam. What did he mean by that? To whom was he speaking when he said that?
Yeah, if you were a jihadi who thought you needed to kill infidels, that had to be music to your ears, right?
I still can't get my head around the President of the United States saying that. When Americans had just been killed for an American "slandering" the prophet of Islam.
So odd.
"I swear... I'm beginning to think Rome fell cause they kept kicking the can down the road till the Visigoths showed up at the gates.
"And it's happening again. History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce (good old C. Marx.)"
Rome fell because of political instability, widening economic inequality, corruption, and the usurpation of republican democracy at home by a series of dictators, and because it was overextended militarily and financially in trying to maintain its far flung empire. The overspending on its military needs left its civil infrastructure wanting for funds, and it crumbled into disrepair. It could not, ultimately, meet its own military and financial burdens. All this left the teetering empire vulnerable to the invasions by barbarian forces.
Yes, history does repeat itself.
Dude's nose would make an excellent ground zero coordinate.
"..The overspending on its military needs left its civil infrastructure wanting for funds,.."
Of course, the pot-holed Appian Way, lack of public baths, poor seating in the Coliseum, clogged Cloaca Maxima, leaky aqueducts...and so Rome fell.
Facile as ever, Robert.
Yes, history does repeat itself
Pretty funny coming from a guy who wants to recreate the Soviet Union and defends Communism from insult at the drop of a hat.
One of the reasons that the Holy Roman Empire finally fell was that they would no longer defend their shipping from Muslim Pirates or their bread basket in North Africa from Muslim raiders.
tim in vermont @7:36
You might want to get your facts straight.
It is axiomatic: when you're spending a preponderance of your budget on maintaining a military, everything else goes to shit, not just the economic health of a nation or a well-maintained civic infrastructure.
James Madison:
"In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
Robert Cook wrote, "Rome fell because ..."
As if people haven't been arguing about the cause(s) of the Decline and Fall ever since it happened.
Fifth century Rome was corrupt and overextended, but no more so than Rome in the third century.
Rome lost about two-thirds of its armed forces at the battle of Adrianople in 378CE, but that defeat was no worse than what happened in the battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE.
People have imagined everything from contemporary USA to 19th century Britain to the Holy Roman Empire as latter-day versions of the Roman Empire, yet the analogies never quite seem to fit.
May I suggest that practically all that's been said of "latter-day Roman Empires" is a projection of the speaker's own political ideas, and has little to do with any actual reasons (if they're ever discovered) for the Roman Empire's actual Decline and Fall?
(In any case, perhaps the best explanation of the Decline and Fall is to ask not why it fell but why, considering the Empire's chronic instabilities and other weaknesses, it lasted as long as it did?)
You might want to get your facts straight.
Only a Marxist could imagine that the fall of Rome could be attributed to a small set of facts favorable to his own argument.
OK, not "only a Marxist," all kinds of ideologues can come up with a set of facts from Roman history to support the current ax being ground.
You're mistaking which comment of yours I'm referring to.
Of course the reasons for Rome's fall are many and varied, but those I listed are among those considered to be major factors.
We are now in our period of decline, with many of the same ills that plagued Rome during its fall: political and financial corruption, unsustainable military over extension and expenditures, widening economic inequality, etc. We didn't make it as long as Rome did, but today's technology escalates the world into a live-action time-lapse experience.
Robert Cook: "Lars,
It is axiomatic: when you're spending a preponderance of your budget on maintaining a military,..."
Full. Stop.
the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
What % of our Federal budget is spent on maintaining a military?
Well, lets take a look shall we?
As you can see from the chart, we do not come anywhere close to spending a "preponderance" of our federal budget on maintaining our military.
We spend more on both Health Care and Pensions than we do the military.
This becomes even more "interesting" when you consider that there are many expenditures that are not really military related that are lumped into the military budget.
Roberts "mistake" probably lies in the fact that the military expenditures are a preponderance of the DISCRETIONARY budget, but not the total federal budget.
Let's just say that when Conspiracy-king Cookie makes a claim, you should take it with a grain of salt and not assume he speaks the pravda.
We should also note that the States and localities themselves spend enormous sums on welfare and pension programs with no defense/military related expenditures which skews the total/national expenditure numbers even more to the non-military side of the ledger.
If you approach any fiscal or monetary issue with a marxist framework, you're basically a moron.
Drago, you make the same error as tim in vermont.
what's the Islamic equivalent of disbarred or excommunicated?
There isn't one. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim. Think the Mafia.
"The overspending on its military needs left its civil infrastructure wanting for funds, and it crumbled into disrepair. It could not, ultimately, meet its own military and financial burdens. All this left the teetering empire vulnerable to the invasions by barbarian forces."
a few points. It's weakness left it vulnerable to invasions by barbarian forces. Who attacked them with armies right? So tell me again why spending a lot on military wasn't a priority for Rome?
In addition to expansion they also had to deal with invading forces who also were Inerested in expansion.
Also, as others mentioned, it's not military spending that has left us unable to pay for,our infrastructure. have you seen our national debt lately?
I also remember coward Pivens who sought to overload the welfare system till it broke, so we could replace the welfare state with their socialism. That seems to be how the left runs the country. Pile on the program's till the whole thing collapses. Then replace it with their socialist program that will bring everyone their riches. That's what redistribution is ultimately all about.
Imagine if in Rome the Visigoths were not external,invaders but Rome's own citizens.
That social worker in the video has an awful lot of egg on his face. That has to be a big oops on his resume.
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