December 23, 2014

"It is a war on cops..."

Says Bernie Kerik.


garage mahal said...

Bernie Kerik has the rare ability to speak for cops and criminals.

Anonymous said...

The former commissioner says people are "forced to believe" by the media and that tells me that he, like most of the police, is out of touch with the general public.

The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes. In his world there are no bad cops and there never have been, just bad reporters.

Humperdink said...

"The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes. In his world there are no bad cops and there never have been, just bad reporters."

That's not what he said.

Anonymous said...

In fact, saying that people are "forced to believe" the media also shows his disdain and lack of respect for the general public. And that attitude is prevalent among most cops.

Anonymous said...

That's not what he said.

He surely did, but you're forced to believe otherwise.

Humperdink said...

How many cops have you spoken with MF?

I Callahan said...

Let me see - we have 2 officers murdered precisely because they're cops. We have marches across the country where people are saying we want dead cops.

And despite that, some of the resident libs are complaining about what Kerik said (of course, without even actually addressing what he said)?

Dude - what planet do you live on?

gerry said...

"Yet if you have listened to some in the media, purported civil rights leader Al Sharpton, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and others around the country over the last several weeks, you’re forced to believe that nearly all of America’s local and state police are out to kill minorities.

It’s a lie!

Why does anyone pay any attention to certified malicious liar Al Sharpton?

And anyone with any sense fully discounts a Progressive that opens its mouth ("You can keep your doctor", Gruber and Obama lies, the list goes on and on.

When you live in the dreamland that is the Progressive mind, it is Potemkin villages all the way down.

Jaq said...

The presumption of guilt in Ferguson despite all evidence, the chanting for dead cops in NYC, that is war on cops, not a search for justice.

Or it is a search for a new kind of tribal justice, where the individual cases and individual rights don't matter as much as the blood lust of crowds.

David said...

MF, he's blaming the politicians more than the media. Which is correct.

garage mahal said...

We have marches across the country where people are saying we want dead cops.

Lol. What?

David said...

Blogger garage mahal said...
Bernie Kerik has the rare ability to speak for cops and criminals.

That's a good one, Garage. Quite funny.

I Callahan said...

garage - at least attempt to phone it in.


gerry said...

In his world there are no bad cops

From the article:
"May there be cops in our country who are racist? We’d be naïve to think not. But I can assure you that that number is far less than the bigotry I’ve seen expressed toward our police in the last several weeks by our local, state, and federal elected officials, community and civil rights leaders, and protesters."

MF, you are an ignorant...oh, wait. Potemkin villages all the way down. Do you work in the media? That would explain a lot.

Anonymous said...

How many cops have you spoken with MF?

Cops don't speak with people but rather to them.

Or do you think that is something I've been "forced to believe" by the media and actually the police are very open and welcoming to people outside of their ranks?

Lauderdale Vet said...

Tangentially, I thought this Facebook post from Mike Rowe was well put.

gerry said...

From @I Callahan's citation of the NY Post:

"Moreover, when two of the six people who “allegedly” attacked two cops on the Brooklyn Bridge a week ago Saturday night turn out to be, respectively, a CUNY professor and an organizer for a union that placed five one-time senior union leaders in top de Blasio ­administration posts, it’s clear that New York isn’t dealing with bearded Bolsheviks living in caves."

"...bearded Bolsheviks living in caves." He must know Garage personally!

gerry said...

Cops don't speak with people but rather to them.

I can feel the love.

Humperdink said...

Kerik said:

"Yet if you have listened to some in the media, purported civil rights leader Al Sharpton, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and others around the country over the last several weeks, you’re forced to believe that nearly all of America’s local and state police are out to kill minorities."

Madison (lack of reading comprehension skills) Fella said:

"The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes."

Have another cup of coffee and start again.

Anonymous said...

Our resident rightwingers have been forced to believe that Al Sharpton actually said "Kill the police"

Anonymous said...

Gerry has been forced to believe that anyone who disagrees with her must be a member of the media.

Gahrie said...

The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes. In his world there are no bad cops and there never have been, just bad reporters.

Don't look now, but the Progressive mayor just did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Tim in Vermont has been forced to believe all protesters are nothing more than crowds of people filled with a lust for blood.

Original Mike said...

Al Sharpton's death toll is indisputable.

Gahrie said...

Our resident rightwingers have been forced to believe that Al Sharpton actually said "Kill the police"

He was at a march where the chant occurred and di nothing to disavow it.

But if you want to make that conman and criminal the face of your movement, go right ahead.

Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but the Progressive mayor just did the same thing

Have you been forced to believe it matters what the "mayor" of an insurance company thinks?

Anonymous said...

He was at a march where the chant occurred

You've been forced to believe that actually happened.

and di nothing to disavow it

You've been forced to believe he never disavowed the chants that occurred at a different march.

But if you want to make that conman and criminal the face of your movement, go right ahead.

You've also been forced to believe that it is "my movement" and that I personally choose who the "face" of it is.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike has been forced to believe that Al Sharpton is responsible for more deaths than the police are.

Jaq said...

Come on madisonfella, at least try.

Wilbur said...

"Cops don't speak with people but rather to them."

That's just a false statement.

You might as well just answer the question and say, "No, I haven't spoken to any cops. I've never conversed with an on or off duty police officer in my life. But I know I hate them just the same."

But, power to the people, man! Off the pigs, man!

You're pathetic.

gerry said...

Our resident rightwingers have been forced to believe that Al Sharpton actually said "Kill the police"

Al Sharpton's Million Marchers in NYC.

Certified malicious liar Al Sharpton did not condemn these sentiments until after the two officers had been assassinated. Apparently, he agreed with the marchers he was leading until his leadership resulted in the deaths of police officers. Then, unfortunately, it was too late.

Of course, this isn't the first time Sharpton's incendiary behavior has resulted in murder.

ron winkleheimer said...

Senator and others shot by actual lunatic, obviously the fault of Sarah Palin due to use of cross-hairs on a web page and use of martial metaphors in rhetoric.

Two cops killed by felon who specifically stated that he was going to kill cops to avenge the murder of blacks by police officers after weeks of inflamed rhetoric stating that police routinely murder blacks for no reason whatsoever and get away with it with the connivance of prosecutors and judges, attempt to link rhetoric to murder is cynical political ploy.

Got it.

Original Mike said...

"Original Mike has been forced to believe that Al Sharpton is responsible for more deaths than the police are."

So, at least we agree over Sharpton's culpability.

Anonymous said...

power to the people, man! Off the pigs, man!

You've been forced to believe that anyone who points out that the police are a tightknit and insular group wants to kill cops.

mccullough said...

The push back by police supporters was inevitable.

It's a tough job. Some of the people who do it shouldn't. Most of the people complaining won't join a police department and show everyone how it should be done.

Wince said...

Have some Sympathy for Sharpton and DeBlasio... and their "game"... "mmm yeah".

But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game mmm yeah
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, have some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mmm yeah

Henry said...

One group that is stoking the fires of war here are the police unions.

After the murders of police officers Wenjian Lui and Rafael Ramos, we hear this:

Patrick Lynch, the president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, after the execution: “That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall in the office of the mayor"

Ed Mullins,president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association: “Mayor de Blasio, the blood of these two officers is clearly on your hands”

Conservatives, do you know who these two union officials sound like? They sound like the people who blame the NRA after a shooting tragedy. It is the exact same rhetoric and the exact same smear -- a murderous spree by an insane person is leveraged to destroy a political enemy.

But before those murders, the unions were already flailing out at critics.

Lynch, after de Blasio's initial, mildly critical remarks: "What police officers felt yesterday after that press conference is that they were thrown under the bus”

Already, at this point, before the murders of Lui and Ramos, you had conservative bloggers calling for de Blasio to resign because he had lost the trust of the police.

This is idiotic grandstanding. Can you imagine the conservative response to a liberal arguing that a conservative mayor should resign out of loss of trust with the teacher's union?

Police are civil servants. Their union represents them in negotiations and represents their concerns in the media. But the union wasn't elected. It doesn't get to set its own political agenda.

Anonymous said...

Al Sharpton's Million Marchers in NYC.

You've been forced to believe Al Sharpton was in that group.

Can you point me to where he is?

garage mahal said...

He was at a march where the chant occurred and di nothing to disavow it.

Was it this one: Fox Affiliate Deceptively Edits Protest , or this one: Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"

"Kill a cop!" = "We won't stop!"

It's suckers all the way down.

Anonymous said...

Certified malicious liar Al Sharpton

You've been forced to believe that there are certifications given out for lying and that Al Sharpton has received one.

alan markus said...

MadisonGroober said:

Our resident rightwingers have been forced to believe that Al Sharpton actually said "Kill the police"

The only thing being forced on us today is your trolling behavior. If you are trying to emulate Crack Emcee, it's not working.

ron winkleheimer said...


I repeat myself.

Senator and others shot by actual lunatic, obviously the fault of Sarah Palin due to use of cross-hairs on a web page and use of martial metaphors in rhetoric.

Two cops killed by felon who specifically stated that he was going to kill cops to avenge the murder of blacks by police officers after weeks of inflamed rhetoric stating that police routinely murder blacks for no reason whatsoever and get away with it with the connivance of prosecutors and judges, attempt to link rhetoric to murder is cynical political ploy.

Got it.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the conservative response to a liberal arguing that a conservative mayor should resign out of loss of trust with the teacher's union?

Conservatives have been forced to believe that all unions are equal but some unions are more equal than others.

alan markus said...

MadisonGroober said:

Conservatives have been forced to believe that all unions are equal but some unions are more equal than others

Again, the only thing being forced on us today is your trolling behavior.

Anonymous said...

Civilian deaths by police violence vs Police deaths by civilian violence.

Which one's bigger?

The latter has consequences for the killer when caught. The former, not so much. Even rights violations that don't end in a death have minimal, if any consequences.

That said, yes, there is overblown hyperbole in describing the problem. BY BOTH SIDES.

The rare individual calling for killing cops is used as a means of trying to shut all critics up. Even the latest NYPD deaths seem to be artificially being connected to recent protests.

I'm a bit disturbed by the way press accounts claim the mayor needs NYPD support. I know this is more political posturing, but the way the reports are phrased it makes NYC sound like its under threat of the police performing a coup and declaring martial law. Realistically, that's not going to happen.

But the "war on cops" hyperbole is truly dangerous if the police do buy into this and see it as more than the union propaganda that it is, leading to greater fear and more unnecessary deaths.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Inga has been hitting the liquor early today.

Bitchtits has been hitting the bearclaws, well, every day.

Al "Tawana Bradley" Sharpton and DoucheBlasio are getting their chickens home to roost. Fuck them and their retarded defenders in Wisconsin.

gerry said...

power to the people, man! Off the pigs, man!

@MF: You've been forced to believe that anyone who points out that the police are a tightknit and insular group wants to kill cops.

So, you think that power to the people, man! Off the pigs, man! is a rational, valid critique, that it is merely someone "who points out that the police are a tightknit and insular group"?


Wow. Did you really mean to let the mask slip that far?

Anonymous said...

The only thing being forced on us today is your trolling behavior,

You've been forced to believe that your behavior isn't trollish. ("MadisonGroober"? Heh. That's pretty funny...for a rightwinger)

You've also been forced to believe that you've been forced to read my words.

Bruce Hayden said...

Senator and others shot by actual lunatic, obviously the fault of Sarah Palin due to use of cross-hairs on a web page and use of martial metaphors in rhetoric.

I assume that you are talking about Rep. Gabbie Gifford here, whose formerly safe Dem seat just flipped to the Republicans this year, after a recount, as their last pickup.

ron winkleheimer said...

@Bruce Hayden


Wince said...

I agree with FDR that public employee unions create an inherent conflict of interest and should be banned.

The one exception I would make to that ban on collective bargaining would be with respect to working conditions and, in particular, workplace safety.

Anonymous said...

So, you think that power to the people, man! Off the pigs, man! is a rational, valid critique, that it is merely someone "who points out that the police are a tightknit and insular group"?,

Nope, I don't think that nor did I say it. Rather you're the one said that because I pointed out that the police are a tightknit group that means I want to kill them.

Did someone force you to believe that or did you come up with that lie all on your own?

Titus said...

Wasn't he having an affair in some apartment he was given during 9/11?

gerry said...

...there are certifications given out for lying and that Al Sharpton has received one.

Yup. If you lose a defamation lawsuit, that makes your lying ass certified and malicious.

Subsequently, both of her (Tawana Brawley's) attorneys had their law licenses revoked (Mason for unrelated reasons) and Sharpton was found guilty of defamation in a lawsuit brought by prosecutor Steven Pagones, who quickly had been able to establish he had been nowhere near the scene of the alleged crime.

You really need to become better informed.

Monkeyboy said...

Killer's post where he says he is going to shoot cops using hashtags used by protesters. Does the climate of hate directed at officers have nothing to do with a guy driving from Baltimore to NYC to kill two police officers?

Humperdink said...

"Wasn't he having an affair in some apartment he was given during 9/11?"


Anonymous said...

You really need to become better informed.

Thank you. I am now informed that some nutjobs have been forced to believe that there are "certifications" given out to people who lie and that everybody who loses a civil lawsuit regarding defamation is a awarded such a certificate.

Now tell me again how this is my movement and I choose who the face of it is. That was so funny the first time you said it.

Original Mike said...

"Yup. If you lose a defamation lawsuit, that makes your lying ass certified and malicious."

Good catch.

Hagar said...

I love the community organizers calling for action to "Take Back Our Communities!"

O.K. Let the cops draw a red line around "their" communities and let them have at it. Make them "no-go" zones for cops and see how they like it!

Henry said...

@Ralph Hyatt -- Step outside of the rhetorical envelope. You can fight and win the hypocrisy war, but where does it get you?

What if both examples are cynical political ploys? What if, at the same time, both include passionate outcries from people who have been terribly harmed? Why even set up the two events in opposition to each other?

While these two incidents are different in both facts and context, the use of them to seize political ground is disturbing in both cases.

jr565 said...

""The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes. In his world there are no bad cops and there never have been, just bad reporters."

we're in thia mess because the media and racial grievance merchants took two isolated incidents and tried to construct a narrative the smeared ALL cops as racists and out to get blacks. No one said no cops are bad.
But not all cops are recost simply bevause Wilson shot a black kid.
Based on the facts Wilson wasnt even racist and brown may have has it coming.
So let's call a spade a spade. The media is directly involved in constructin a narrative that further riled people up to hate ALL cops.

Bruce Hayden said...

This is idiotic grandstanding. Can you imagine the conservative response to a liberal arguing that a conservative mayor should resign out of loss of trust with the teacher's union?

To some extent, this was maybe part of the debate when Gov. Walker (of Ann's fair state) broke the gov. unions but exempted the unions for public safety employees.

Still, why would they be different? What is more critical about fire and police? I would suggest because it is their duty to put their lives on the line. Officer Wilson didn't have to get out of his vehicle to follow his assaulter until backup arrived. Some have suggested that he asked for the confrontation. And, indeed, the prudent thing to have done, and what civilians would have been advised to do, after such an altercation, would be to put their vehicle in gear and drive off. The difference is that the fire and police are expected to run towards the danger, while the rest of us can run away. No better evidence of this than what happened on 9/11/01 at the WTC. NYFD and NYPD ran into buildings ready to fall down, and a lot of them died when the buildings did collapse.

That is why we tolerate police and fire unions, and why big city mayors have to coddle them. Because if the politicians don't have their backs, the firemen won't run as quickly to the fires, and the police won't run as quickly when responding to crimes, and as a result, innocent people will die.

As with any government (or most union) jobs, there are rules and regulations. They are bent on a daily basis in favor of getting the job done. Following all the rules to the letter by fire and police significantly slows up their ability to handle calls throughout the day. So, the bend them, when they know that the politicians have their back, and, ultimately save more lives. And, when they don't bend the rules a bit, innocent people die.

Anonymous said...

The major problem with the police is that we have no choices outside of the government monopoly when it comes to who protects and serves our communities.

We need a voucher system, like for schools, so people can finally have a choice on who is policing them. That will put a stop to the stranglehold the police unions have on our cities and instead let the free market decide what works best.

richard mcenroe said...

Madisonfella, Al Sharpton has left a trail of dead bodies behind him ever since the Crown Heights riots. By my count he's up to 10, although I may have missed a couple.

Sharpton's actions and their outcomes speak far louder than his slurred words ever will...

Hagar said...

Remember the TV show "The Third Watch"?
I always thought the bad guy in the last several episodes was modeled on Al Sharpton.

That the White House has chosen him to be their cat's paw in this speaks volumes about the kind of operation we have running the country these days.
And also about what this is about as the White House sees it.

Kyzer SoSay said...

I see the righties making coherent arguments, not always correct or totally sound, but coherent and mostly logical.

I see the lefties trolling.

That encapsulates our current political debate. Righties making arguments, lefties calling names and acting childish. Is it racist of me to bring up Saul Alinsky?

Henry said...

Bruce Hayden wrote: That is why we tolerate police and fire unions, and why big city mayors have to coddle them. Because if the politicians don't have their backs, the firemen won't run as quickly to the fires, and the police won't run as quickly when responding to crimes, and as a result, innocent people will die.

I think there's some truth there, but there are numerous examples of city-hall disagreements with public safety unions that play out over years without, seemingly, harming the populace at large.

Just two examples:

In Providence RI, the Fire Fighters union fought city hall for almost ten years over benefits issues, serving without a contract in the process.

In Edward Conlon's Blue Blood he describes the ambivalent feelings of the city's police force for then Mayor Giuliani. Criminals thought they could make the officers mad by cursing out Giuliani, but the officers themselves were pissed off at Giuliani for keeping their pay down. They still kept arresting people who cursed them, Giuliani, and their mothers too.

Anonymous said...

That is why we tolerate police and fire unions, and why big city mayors have to coddle them. Because if the politicians don't have their backs, the firemen won't run as quickly to the fires, and the police won't run as quickly when responding to crimes, and as a result, innocent people will die.

In other words if we don't kiss the asses of these union thugs then they won't do their job and innocent people will die.

Thank you for pointing out why we definitely need a voucher system for the police and firefighters. It is the only way to break the monopoly these fatcat unions have on our communities.

jr565 said...

madisonfella wrote:
Our resident rightwingers have been forced to believe that Al Sharpton actually said "Kill the police"
where do you see right wingers saying those specific words. If they don't why are those words n quotes?

Anonymous said...

lefties calling names

You've been forced to believe that President-Mom-Jeans and Alan Markus are lefties.

geokstr said...

Bruce Hayden said...
I assume that you are talking about Rep. Gabbie Gifford here, whose formerly safe Dem seat just flipped to the Republicans this year, after a recount, as their last pickup.

And we should also note Giffords' former seat was won by a military veteran, pro-gun rights female Republican.

alan markus said...

MadisonGroober said:

You've been forced to believe that your behavior isn't trollish. ("MadisonGroober"? Heh. That's pretty funny...for a rightwinger

Should have read for a rightwinger much smarter and informed than myself

There fixed it for you.

By the way, you lost the other day on this one:

The State Goverment Accountability Board Top Officials Proceed With Secret Probe.....Without Authorization

What I said:

Madisonfella at 10:57AM

"Meanwhile, Curious George continues on with his crazy conspiracy theory that there are no Republicans at all on the GAB, not even the members that were handpicked by Scott Walker himself. Sounds like he needs some more tinfoil for his hat."

Er, I think Curious George's comment 8:12AM was referring to Garage Mahal's (and your)predicted response - and as he predicted, you responded accordingly.

12/20/14, 11:15 AM

What Curious George said:

"Yep. Both John Doe and the GAB are run by lefty hacks. The fact that there are some formerly GOP judges on the board "overseeing" the GAB is moot...that asshole Kennedy just kept them in the dark. And now they are trying to save face. John Doe was run by Chisholm...he is a Democrat. The GOP DA's are in small counties and were brought in to give cover to the partisan witch was the JD special prosecutor Francis Schmitz. He was appointed 20 years ago by Bush the Elder, but so what? He has a stagnated career and was the perfect patsy for Chisholm. There is no record of him ever supporting a Republican. Ever.

Penguin's an idiot.

12/20/14, 11:46 AM

What MadisonGroober said:

Nothing, because we won, he lost

Because we are smarter than you, and no one is "forcing" us to conclude that, the truth that the conservative commenters are smarter than you is pretty self-evident.

jr565 said...

Madisonfella wrote:other words if we don't kiss the asses of these union thugs then they won't do their job and innocent people will die.

Thank you for pointing out why we definitely need a voucher system for the police and firefighters. It is the only way to break the monopoly these fatcat unions have on our communities.

it's not a matter not doing their jobs it's a matter of being overly risk averse because they don't want to be killed or sued and then defamed by the mayor.
They could
Deal with sharptom making his accusations but the mayor is supplied to be a mayor not an advocate for the racial grievants claim that cops are all out to ge black people.

ron winkleheimer said...


My experience has been that when people say things like "step out of the rhetorical envelope" what they actually mean is "you are guilty of bad-think, but I'm not going to say so at this point."

Just like you can generally expect the bovine excrement to start flying after you hear the word nuance.

"Why even set up the two events in opposition to each other?"

Cause by analyzing peoples' behavior you can draw conclusions concerning their motivations, intelligence, and moral values?

jr565 said...

Louis Farrakhan is largely getting a pass for his push to violence

William said...

Remember when the Rolling Stones decided they didn't need no fucking pigs to protect them from the people. They hired Hells Angels, and there was joy and peace at Altamont. The Mafia first became entrenched during Napoleon's occupation of Sicily. The Mafia, in the eyes of the Sicilians, became the legitimate authority. As a result, Sicily was condemned to several centuries of fear, poverty, and misrule.....There will now be a dearth of police officers in the housing projects. The gangs will hasten to fill the gaps, and no project resident will speak out against them.

garage mahal said...

he GOP DA's are in small counties and were brought in to give cover to the partisan witch was the JD special prosecutor Francis Schmitz.

Wow! You mean some GOP'ers are trying to take Walker out? Friendly fire? Inside job? I'll believe literally anything BUT Walker & Republicans doing anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

Because we are smarter than you

bit o' advice: if you have to constantly point out how smart you are then you probably really aren't.

And frankly, I don't know what you think it is I "lost" in regards to that GAB discussion the other day (In fact, CG's own words backed up what I said he would say) but I'm sure in your mind it was a great victory indeed.

Obviously it meant a LOT to you in order for you to crow about it in a totally different thread days later, so you be sure to enjoy your perceived "win". So bask in your happiness and self-glory. Perhaps even get yourself a cake and really celebrate. Because it sounds like you really need it.

ron winkleheimer said...

The funny thing is, I actually think that there are issues with over militarization of the police, oppose civil forfeiture, and think that the police can be too trigger happy.

And there are at least two recent events that protesters could have used where cops used excessive force, that are on video. The guy in Ohio who was carrying a pellet gun in Walmart, that he picked up in the toy department in that store, and the kid with the Airsoft pistol.

So why choose the thug from Ferguson and an arrest that was personally supervised by a black female sergeant as examples of police racism?

Seriously, why?

jr565 said...

Henry wrote:
One group that is stoking the fires of war here are the police unions.

After the murders of police officers Wenjian Lui and Rafael Ramos, we hear this:

Patrick Lynch, the president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, after the execution: “That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall in the office of the mayor"

Ed Mullins,president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association: “Mayor de Blasio, the blood of these two officers is clearly on your hands”

Conservatives, do you know who these two union officials sound like? They sound like the people who blame the NRA after a shooting tragedy. It is the exact same rhetoric and the exact same smear -- a murderous spree by an insane person is leveraged to destroy a political enemy.

the difference being there was no incitement of
Mobs by the nRa that vilified schools or suggested schools were to blame for anything. The NRa disnt eve say they supported illegal guns. It was purely a political smear based on nohibg but pushibg an agenda.
In the case of the smear the left used on Palin not was even more disingenuous since she Wasnt aayibg anyone should kill anyone. She merely used s target on a poster to suggest districts to in fact target. But hat was militaristic language and she was somehow responsible for a murder who probably hadnt even see her sign.
Here though all the people the cops say have blood on ther hands did specific things and said specific things about this case which many suggest made the sutuation worse.

JAORE said...

"Open season on black males". "Cops are never held accountable". "Burn this bitch down". "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" Nope, no inflammatory rhetoric there.

No, Sharpton was not in NY for the non-permitted march where that chant was raise. But Mayor de Blasio held court for Al and the protest leaders after that march - no cops need be present - and after two other cops were assaulted by the protesters.

Of course they came out and demanded this type of rhetoric be stopped. They were united in condemnation of the concept that all cops are guilty. They agreed the incidents would be investigated and any involved groups would be prosecuted as appropriate?

Yeah, right.

But now that two cops sitting in a patrol car were assassinated by a guy self-connected to the movement we should all remain calm. We should all be so very, very careful in our speech to avoid divisiveness.

Yeah, right.

William said...

If you interact with a cop as a cop, there's a good chance you will receive a brusque, unsatisfactory response. The way around this difficulty is not to interact with them. If you get arrested thirty or forty times, there's a good chance you're going to have increasingly strained relations with the arresting officer. Again, the solution to this problem is not to get arrested thirty or forty times. If you make a grab for the officer's gun or try to push him away, that only compounds the problem.

Revenant said...

"It is a war on cops..."

What a load of bullshit.

FullMoon said...

liberal here ever been arrested? Were you mistreated? Know anybody, friend relative, casual aquaintance, friend of a friend killed by a cop?.
Know anybody killed by a "civilian"?

If you have never been arrested or mistreated by the police, your entire experience consists of media reports. Your opinion is based completely on media.

Some cops are assholes. Most are not. Most of the decent police are able to project an asshole persona when needed. That is their job.

Henry said...

@Ralph Hyatt -- Interpret as you wish. In my opinion, in political arguments, it's rarely useful to draw conclusions about other people's motivations, intelligence, and moral values. You can draw all the conclusions you want and yet the argument stubbornly remains.

Revenant said...

Nope, no inflammatory rhetoric there.

On the one side, you have inflammatory rhetoric. On the other side, you have police committing murder on videotape and not even getting indicted for it.

Which do you think "inflamed" anti-police sentiment more? Not a tough question, really.

jr565 said...

Deblasio went out of his way to insinuate that yes his police force are racists and target cops. He gave the directive to cops to deal with bootleg cigarettes so you can't argue that Gardner was targeted for blackness. Eve more so since cops were called to the scene.
He the went on to talk about racial profiling which has nothing to do wih either case. But r linked 2 these cases to those issues by bringing it up In that context .
He tells cops to
Stand down when they're being abused and when
Some people assault cops
He gets on the tv and describes t as an alleged attack even Though there's tape of its
When protesters snarl traffic he lets it happen rather than tell them in no uncertain terms thy have a right to protest but not to block traffic in city.

Drago said...

madisonfella: "The fact that he puts all the blame for the outrage on the media speaks volumes"


Tell it to DeBlasio!

Henry said...

@Ralph -- I agree with your 11:39. I guess I'm enough of a realist to see that events cascade in ways that are neither justified nor predictable. And yet the current situation is what it is. The question is not "why" but "how". How do we turn the corner away from violent grievance toward real reform.

JAORE said...

Reverent.... it wasn't murder. The guy did not die of a choke hold. The guy did not stop breathing while in the custody of the cops although he apparently was experiencing a heart attach. The videos you cite show a woman asking why not CPR and a cops saying he's still breathing. (Here is a test, hold your breath for six minutes. Now say "I can't breath several times during those six minutes.)

Easy to buy into a narrative you have been fed. And declaring this a murder, my friend, is more of the crap that incites violence.

Anonymous said...

Drago has been forced to believe I am in contact with the mayor of New York.

William said...

Those two cops that just got shot came from humble backgrounds, much humbler than DeBlasio, his kids, and that college professor and SEIU official who were accused of assault. They were legitimately children of the working class. Efforts to portray them as the oppressor class by millionaire athletes, Hollywood movie stars, news commentators and other plush stuffed animals shows an ignorance of how the class struggle in America plays out.

Drago said...

madisonfella: "The major problem with the police is that we have no choices outside of the government monopoly when it comes to who protects and serves our communities."


It's like you've never even heard of G4S Services (formerly Wackenhut Services Inc).

You should read up on "stuff" sometime other than your Soros-funded and prepared talking points.

Drago said...

madisonfella: "Drago has been forced to believe I am in contact with the mayor of New York."

You mean all leftists aren't in "spiritual communication" with each other at all times?

You'd better get your crystals re-calibrated.

Drago said...

William: "Those two cops that just got shot came from humble backgrounds, much humbler than DeBlasio, his kids, and that college professor and SEIU official who were accused of assault"

This observation is reminiscent of the observation made at the time that it was the children of privilege confronting the National Guard troops (who were nothing but a bunch of young, lower/middle class guys) at Kent State.

Fernandinande said...

FullMoon said...
Any liberal here ever been arrested?

Not a liberal, but yes, have been arrested (crazy chick with fake charges, wanting revenge for being dumped).

Were you mistreated?

Yes. In addition to being lied to and lied about, I was assaulted, by cops. Although enough to get anyone else arrested, the assault was fairly trivial, but their dishonesty was widespread, accepted and quite eye-opening.

Know anybody, friend relative, casual aquaintance, friend of a friend killed by a cop?


Know anybody killed by a "civilian"?

Yup. My girlfriend's son was stabbed to death at age 17, and his murderer got a year in a mental hospital. IOW, he got away with it, so the police and court involvement was largely pointless.

Anonymous said...

Rev wrote;

On the one side, you have inflammatory rhetoric. On the other side, you have police committing murder on videotape and not even getting indicted for it.

As Dennis Prager likes to say, clarity is more important than agreement.

And Rev couldn't be any more clear with the above.

Drago said...

Revenant: "On the other side, you have police committing murder on videotape and not even getting indicted for it"

Nothing "inflammatory" about that assertion.

dreams said...

New York is going to become the mess it was before Rudolph Giuliani brought law and order and made it one of the safest large cities. Thanks to the racist anti-American Obama our country is well on its way to becoming the mess it was in the seventies.

garage mahal said...

On the one side, you have inflammatory rhetoric. On the other side, you have police committing murder on videotape and not even getting indicted for it.

The inflammatory rhetoric is coming from Kerik, Ghouliani, and Fox News. And the NYPD union president really needs to shut the fuck.

jr565 said...

Revenant wrote:
On the one side, you have inflammatory rhetoric. On the other side, you have police committing murder on videotape and not even getting indicted for it.

I suppose we should give Rev partial credit for at least acknowledging the inflammatory rehtoric on one side.

Gahrie said...

Can you imagine the conservative response to a liberal arguing that a conservative mayor should resign out of loss of trust with the teacher's union?

If that mayor's remarks led to an environment in which people started advocating the murder of teachers, and then teachers started getting killed...I'd at least think about it.

Drago said...

garage: "The inflammatory rhetoric is coming from Kerik, Ghouliani, and Fox News"

Kerik, Giuliani and Fox news were chanting "what do we want? Dead Cops!"?

Could you provide a link to that?

Thanks in advance for not really knowing/understanding much of anything.

Anonymous said...

It's like you've never even heard of G4S Services (formerly Wackenhut Services Inc).

Yes, there are private security firms available. But you've been forced to believe they have the same powers as the police. You've also been forced to believe everyone can afford such services.

jr565 said...

garage mahal wrote:
The inflammatory rhetoric is coming from Kerik, Ghouliani, and Fox News. And the NYPD union president really needs to shut the fuck.

the whole protest itself ins rooted in a smear based on inflamamatory rhetoric. It's not just two cops who are to blame. no, it's the entire ractist stystem. That's what Is being pushed. If you're going to START with that as your baseline, please don't lecture us about "inflammatory language"
It hasn't even been established that these two cops are reacist, yet you guys are pushing the narrative that all cops are and mistreat blacks by default.
Cops are the bad guys. Then cops are the ones who have to deal with the rioters. The same cops who were just called racists. Then when protesters escalate things, the usual crowd tells cops to stand down or let it happen. THey tnen think they have a license to continue escalating. You guys lit the match. people like Farrakhan got the Molotov cocatails ready and really it was only a matter of time before either a cop was killed or a Yankel Rosenmbaum Reginald Denny was killed.

jr565 said...

Drago wrote:
Kerik, Giuliani and Fox news were chanting "what do we want? Dead Cops!"?

Or how about any evidencet that any cop anywhere was chanting "what do we want? Dead blacks!"

traditionalguy said...

It's a war. A war on the soldiers that fight for us because they sometimes make criminal thugs feel targeted.

The story is that everybody speeds but only certain drivers that the police feel bad about get most of the stops and tickets.

The solution is not charging that traffic cops are criminals and shooting them down. The solution is giving out more tickets.

Anonymous said...

You mean all leftists aren't in "spiritual communication" with each other at all times?

You've been forced to believe I'm a leftist.

And you've also been forced to believe leftists have the powers of ESP. No wonder you fear and loathe them so much.

jr565 said...

its like the feminists pushing the rape culture argument and saying that 1 in 5 people going to college is going to get raped. Also insinuating that the college is not a safe place, and a large chunk of men are serial rapists. But is it even true? IT's certainly inflammatory. If that rhetoric was repeated enough so that women were marching in the street until there was "justice" it would be a very polarized place. As it turns out their stats are all wrong anyway. Gillebrand had to walk back that statistic. The cases that come out are more and more not even true.
You can't say the protest is not inflammatory its accusing the entire college of hatred fo women and treating women like they don't matter. If they have the evidence bring it, but we then have the right to question the evidence and see if its true or if they are trying to incite people over what is essentially a lie.

garage mahal said...

Could you provide a link to that?

You could start by checking the link in this post. Written by a scumbag felon, lying former cop.

Drago said...


It's like madisonfella just learned a new rhetorical "trick" and by gosh she is going to use it over and over again!

garages' rhetorical "trick" is to simply remain ill-informed.

So there you have it: Today's "A" Team of lefty trolls!

Drago said...

garage: "Written by a scumbag felon, lying former cop"

Point of order!

Bill Clinton was never a cop!

ron winkleheimer said...


The argument, as I understand it, is that the police are racist and are killing blacks for no reason whatsoever and are able to get away with this through the connivance of prosecutors, judges, and, I suppose, fellow police officers who happen to be minorities and something needs to be done to fix this.

The evidence given to support this proposition? A case where a police officer was assaulted and engaged in a desperate fight for his life and an accidental death during an arrest supervised by a black female police sergeant.

Not surprisingly, one of the proposed solutions is totalitarian and would cause immense damage to the the very people it claims to help, that is the removal of presumption of innocence from police officers.

Such arguments and solutions need not be entertained by any reasonable person. The people making them are either not reasonable or are making the argument in bad faith. The path forward is to point this out and marginalize those people.

That is what happened in the 80s and is in the process of happening now.

Drago said...

It is unfortunate that madisonfella has been forced to believe that accusing others of having been forced to believe things is the newest "cool kid" troll tactic.


JAORE said...

Geez, Garageman, you put an LOL on a post where everyone else on earth knew you were wrong. You apparently used LOL because in your fevered mind the charge was so ridiculous. A handy link was provided to show how wrong you were.

And yet, you persevere by further posts. No brains, no shame, but lots of brass. So you do have that going for you.

gerry said...

@Drago: It is unfortunate that madisonfella has been forced to believe that accusing others of having been forced to believe things is the newest "cool kid" troll tactic.

And I am appalled that you, Drago, have been forced to believe that madisonfella has been forced to believe that accusing others of having been forced to believe things is the newest "cool kid" troll tactic.

OH NOES! I have been forced to believe that you, Drago, have been forced to believe that madisonfella has been forced to believe that accusing others of having been forced to believe things is the newest "cool kid" troll tactic.

ron winkleheimer said...

Now when reasonable people making reasoned arguments concerning police militarization and an insular police culture show up with evidence that actually demonstrates their proposition then reforms can be proposed.

And, in fact, that process was occurring until the current irrational mob actions deflected attention and energy away from it.

garage mahal said...

Geez, Garageman, you put an LOL on a post where everyone else on earth knew you were wrong

There was nothing in that link that proved me wrong.

Drago said...

garage: "There was nothing in that link that proved me wrong"


The hits just keep comin'.

Milwaukie guy said...

I've been arrested, on my front lawn in front of my family. [Long story omitted about scaring gangbangers with an M-1 carbine.] When the TAC officer had a 9mm inches from my forehead, I turned to my children, who were screaming and crying, and told them there was nothing to worry about because daddy was fully cooperating with the police.

Spent a night in jail before bonding out, went to court and was found not guilty. Of course, I'm a white guy so....

About six years ago a nephew who worked the gang task force in a black SoCal suburb was chasing a young thug down some alleys at night. The hairs on the back of his neck were start to bristle as he wondered if he was being led into an ambush. The runner stopped and pulled out his cell phone. My nephew just saw the glint of metal coming out of his pocket and shot him dead.

[For those who need to keep score, my nephew is half African-American and half a brown-Asian type I'll not mention to conceal his name. His parents were communists but he is a practicing Christian.]

There was much ado in the community, even though the dead man was a local criminal who regularly victimized his neighborhood. It was judged a good shoot.

However, it left a mark on my nephew for along time. He considered it a mistake and had to pray a lot about it and needed the help of his church and family to get better. But, and this was actually the first time I heard it, he said better judged by 12 than carried by six. True dat.

Big Mike said...

There is something going on with the left that is totally at odds with the rule of law. At UVa neither the Charlottesville police nor the University administration seem to be in any hurry to identify and prosecute the students who vandalized the Phi Kappa Psi over a story that is now known to be a fantasy. Leftist leaders such as deBlasio and Obama encourage protest groups to call for the murder of police officers and then say "who me?" when it happens.

Are we supposed to return to the Wild West when everyone carried a gun and law was enforced by vigilance committees?

I don't like that vision, but if de Blasio and Obama can't see that that's where they're heading, then their analytical skills are utterly lacking.

garage mahal said...

Leftist leaders such as deBlasio and Obama encourage protest groups to call for the murder of police officers and then say "who me?" when it happens..

You are on some good drugs today. Have a few days off?

Humperdink said...

Arguing/debating with lefties is fruitless.

“Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.” Robert Heinlein

And this discussion bears that out.

Drago said...

Big Mike: "There is something going on with the left that is totally at odds with the rule of law."

Nice to see that everything is normal.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"“Never attempt to teach a pig to sing"

Now now, lets not bully Bitchtits over his weight problem.

He is very sensitive about it.

pst314 said...

"Off the pigs" is a very old leftist sentiment. There is nothing new about leftists wanting the deaths of those who protect society from predators and mobs.

Henry said...

Ralph Hyatt wrote: The argument, as I understand it, is that the police are racist and are killing blacks for no reason whatsoever

That is an argument, and quite clearly a reprehensible one.

There are other arguments that call for reforms in the justice system and technical issues of effectiveness and professionalism.

If all arguments are conflated with the reductive and reprehensible ones, the players assume a defensive posture in which they refuse to hear anything but that which makes them most defiant.

Others here have called out Reverend Sharpton, for obvious reasons. I've called out the police unions, partly for balance, but mostly because they represent those with much responsibility and thus much impact on how this state of affairs moves forward.

By burning de Blasio, they promote nothing but confrontation.

Humperdink said...

From the NY Daily News:

"A war of words erupted in the city’s 911 call center Saturday over allegations two operators made “anti-police” remarks after the assassinations of two cops, the Daily News has learned.

The fracas occurred when news broke that Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu had been shot execution-style by a deranged gunman, sources said.

The remarks were allegedly made by a couple of the 911 operators who handle NYPD calls — and two Fire Department dispatchers in earshot got heated in response, sources said.

The alleged comment that created the most friction was when one said the cops had “deserved it,” said a law enforcement source.

That started a shouting match with two FDNY dispatchers."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It is amazing how fast the recently triumphant Left is imploding. The frantic and irrational obtuseness of our Lefty commenters here is just one indicator of a larger panic.

garage mahal said...

The left is SO frantic they are doctoring videos again to try to discredit the other side. It's a thing of beauty to watch.

FullMoon said...

So, out of all these comments, two people have personal experience with police or murder.

Everybody else has had their opinion shaped by the media.

Anybody who has a real life connection, no matter how tenuous, to death by policeman march on one side of the street.

Death by criminal, other side.

Never had interaction with police, stay home.

And, let the riot police wear ski masks and cover threir badge numbers to even the playing field

Drago said...

garage mahal: "The left is SO frantic they are doctoring videos again to try to discredit the other side"

To be fair, the lefties also doctor audio tapes.

The left is also "adequately" competent at generating false/forged documents from the late '60's and early '70's. Not competent enough to get away with it though.

Credit due where credit is due.

Humperdink said...

Now we have this Warren Wilhelm Jr. guy declaring war on the police.

Who the heck is Warren Wilhelm Jr? (sarc)

Drago said...

FullMoon: "So, out of all these comments, two people have personal experience with police or murder"

Just because not everyone responded to your request regarding interaction with police does not mean those individuals have not had an interaction with police.

I've had the police enter my home (as a very young man) due to mistaken identify and have me jacked up against a wall with hands around my neck before they sorted things out. And these were quite large Texas detectives.

I just considered it pre-SERE/waterboarding training.

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee: "It is amazing how fast the recently triumphant Left is imploding."

The lefts constructs are always a house of cards. That's one reason why the left is so adament/vehement about enacting thought/speech codes/crimes.

They know just how tenuous are the web of lies that prop up their ideology.

n.n said...

Experiences will clearly vary. It's best to avoid general pronouncements unless there is a principled (i.e. reproducible) argument.

Drago said...

BTW, I wonder if the resident lefties could inform us as to whether or not blocking bridges is considered a "good thing" today?

It's hard to keep up with the lefties "rulings" which tend to change as fast as a dreidel spins.

FullMoon said...

Blogger Drago said...

FullMoon: "So, out of all these comments, two people have personal experience with police or murder"

Just because not everyone responded to your request regarding interaction with police does not mean those individuals have not had an interaction with police.

My point was that many people crying about police brutality have formed their opinion entirely via media reports, contrary to their expressed opinion that the media bears no responsibility.

bbkingfish said...


2013 saw fewest on-duty officer deaths (100) since 1944...

On-duty officer deaths down 20% 2009-2013 versus 2002-2008...

According to National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

Kerik and Guiliani are a disgrace to the cause they claim to represent, and do law enforcement the favor of making Al Sharpton look good by comparison.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "REALITY CHECK:

2013 saw fewest on-duty officer deaths (100) since 1944...

On-duty officer deaths down 20% 2009-2013 versus 2002-2008.."


To complete the important (it must be important, it's in all caps!) reality check, could you provide the numbers of unarmed blacks killed by police along with the historical trends?

jr565 said...

garage mahal wrote:

You could start by checking the link in this post. Written by a scumbag felon, lying former cop'

you know who's a REAL scumbag felon? The guy screamning no justice no peace and getting his followers all riled up to indict the whole system.
Let me count the ways:
Tax Evasion - in interview Sharpton felt there was no reason why blacks should pay taxes "if we do not have a system that protects us, what are we paying for?" Which might explain why he championed Gardner who also didn't feel like paying his taxes.
Tawana Brawley; - lying ass liar smeared Stephen Pagones, then refused to pay him EVER for the defamation. His friends ponied up the cash. And he never even apologized. He said "They are asking me to grovel. They want black children to say they forced a black man coming out of the hard-core ghetto to his knees….Once you begin bending, it’s ‘did you bend today?’ or ‘I missed the apology, say it again.’ Once you start compromising, you lose respect for yourself.”
By the way, this is eaxclty what he's demanding of Sonys female exec who made an offhand joke about Obama. It's all about "did you bend today".
Crown Heights - Black kid killed accidentally in traffic accident. Turned the accidental death into a racial incident (Hmmm are we noticing a pattern here). Him and his goons marched through Crown Heights. He ignore signs in his own march that sadi things like "White Man is the Devil" They then proceeded to throw rocks and bottles for four days straight. Then his crowd of racial justice prostesters found Yankel Rosenbaum and surrounded him and stabbed him to death for being a Jew.
Later on he said "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

Freddy's Fasion Mart. Ah, Freddies. A jewish store owner (natch, the Jew did it) was accused of driving a black storeowner out of business in a black neighborhood. The United House of Prayer raised the rent on Freddie's and so Freddie raised the rent on his subtenant, Sikhulu Shange. Sharpton was having none of that. who is this Jew to raise the rent on a brotha and put him out of business. Sharpton said " “…There is a systematic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear…that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”
During a protest three months later one of the protesters stormed Freddies with a gun and set fire to it, killing 7. Sharpton denied even speaking at the rally until tapes surfaced.
Isn't it funny how these lone gunmen start killing people after attending Sharpton protests. But of course his incitement has NOTHING to do with the person who goes on to commit the violence, even though they say it does at the time or tweet that it does.
THen caught dead to rights he says "What’s wrong with denouncing white interlopers?” Eventually, he apologized—but only for saying “white,” not “interloper.”

jr565 said...

(cont) FBI and Govt informant.
I could provide a few more but why bother.
YET AGAIN, its Sharpton, and yet again he incites the crowd. And yet again, people get killed.

If it were any one else, one incident would destroy your career. But in Sharptons case it apparently allows him to visit Obama 87 times, and be best buddies with Deblasio including having his top staff over see his dealings with cops.
So, you want to talk about the right falseliy accusing people of incitement.
YOu guys keep trotting out Sharpton over and over and over. And he is dealing with two of the primary democratic pols who've weighed in on this, both of whom said anti cop things and promted sharptons agenda of racist cops before waiting for facts to come in.
And I didn't even mention Louis Farrakhan who was even more divisive than Sharpton.
YOu lefties want to suggest Palin is culpable for Gfford yet pretend that those pusing the black racial grievance angles don't have a long history of REAL incitement. Not bullshit 6 degrees of separation style incitement.

gerry said...

Kerik and Guiliani are a disgrace to the cause they claim to represent, and do law enforcement the favor of making Al Sharpton look good by comparison.

Is there anything to which you could compare certified malicious liar Al Sharpton and make him look good?

ron winkleheimer said...

"There are other arguments that call for reforms in the justice system and technical issues of effectiveness and professionalism."

Strangely enough, rioting, arson, and calls for dead cops does not create an amicable environment in which to have a reasoned discussion on "technical issues of effectiveness and professionalism."

jr565 said...

Oh, forgot this nugget:

“O.J. is home, but Mumia Abu Jamal ain’t home. And we won’t stop till all of our people that need a chance in an awkward and unbalanced criminal justice system can come home.”
OJ of course being the guy who almost cut his white wifes head off and offed her bf. He should be home. But there's still Mumia. The guy who killed cops. And there wont be justice or peace till he can come home too.

This is the guy Deblasio is getting his advice about cops from. Frankly they should have turned their back on Deblasio as soon as he was elected and never turned around until he got rid of Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!

There is no war on cops, just a bunch of whining cops imitating Al Sharpton by turning personal tragedies into political grandstanding.

Besides, if there were a war on cops, it would be because they started it by killing unarmed citizens.

Bite me, pigs.

buwaya said...

"Can you imagine the conservative response to a liberal arguing that a conservative mayor should resign out of loss of trust with the teacher's union? "

This has actually happened twice (that I know of) in San Francisco to School District Superintendents. Deserved in one case, not the other. Hasn't happened to a mayor yet, because the mayor here has little control of the school district, unlike in NY.

BTW, teachers union reps in NY had a great deal bad to say about Koch, Giuliani, Bloomberg.

bbkingfish said...

Kurik and Guiliani make Sharpton look like Solomon, Benjamin Franklin, and Santa Claus, rolled into one all-American, supercolossus of Pure Goodness.

The careful reader will notice that this is not a positive assertion about Al Sharpton.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "REALITY CHECK:

2013 saw fewest on-duty officer deaths (100) since 1944...

On-duty officer deaths down 20% 2009-2013 versus 2002-2008.."


To complete the important (it must be important, it's in all caps!) reality check, could you provide the numbers of unarmed blacks killed by police along with the historical trends?

Just an old country lawyer said...

As the Good Book says: "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."

alan markus said...

MadisonGroober said:

Perhaps even get yourself a cake and really celebrate. Because it sounds like you really need it.

Don't need cake, got too many cookies as it is.

As Drago said, It's like madisonfella just learned a new rhetorical "trick" and by gosh she is going to use it over and over again!

Thanks for the break, it was getting tedious. Think I will go have another cookie - yum.

Anonymous said...

In post-truth America everybody is right, everybody is entitled to their own opinions, and everybody is entitled to their own facts. See how this works? Jonathan Swift couldn't have imagined a stranger world.

Mr. Light Bringer of the post-racial bunch, his own self, Middle-Name-Hussein said, "...stay the (on?) course, while peaceful and orderly protestors burned and looted, in Ferguson before the elections in November. Then after the Garner decision the chants of "What do we want? Dead Cops," started. Where did any sensible person expect this to go but the spiral we're in now?

In post-truth America no one notices or is not supposed to notice that the shooter's middle name is Abdullah, literally, "Slave of Allah." Or that his first name is Ismaaiyl. What is that an homage to Moby Dick

In post-truth America you're all safe until you're not. I can't know how this will end.

Michael K said...

I just got home from a long day and what do I see but two lefties making excuses for De Blasio and Sharpton.

No surprise. These are the people demonstrating.

Useful idiots Lenin called them.

Anonymous said...

Lauderdale Vet,

I read your the link at your 9:50 am post. It is a story about conservatives and liberals seeing the Brown and Garner deaths from different viewpoints and arguing from those two positions. The liberals see white cops killing black citizens. The conservatives see cops enforcing the law, which sometimes takes physical action to do, and sometimes results in deaths.

I am a conservative and I was struck by the fact that the conservative position is closer to judging people by the content of their character rather than their skin color. That is assuming the act of resisting arrest is a good indicator of a person's character.

Any liberals care to comment? I presume you see it differently somehow.

Michael K said...

"Conservatives, do you know who these two union officials sound like? They sound like the people who blame the NRA after a shooting tragedy. "

Do you know what the difference is ?

The NRA did not and never has done anything to encourage the shooting crime that the left tries to blame on it.

Sharpon and DeBlasio have been busy pouring gasoline on the fire and it will burn them,.

Michael said...

It might be helpful to remind some of our leftie friends that all murders are homicides. But all homicides are not murder
Tricky concept for some.

Michael K said...

""Kill a cop!" = "We won't stop!"

It's suckers all the way down."

So the video I saw was faked ? Must be those secret routers doing it.

Michael K said...

Hugh Hewitt sent the day wondering who would b leading these protests on the day of the cops' funeral. The Tampa cop who was shot by another felon has his funeral Saturday. Six kids=no Christmas.

In New York, The Yankees organization will pay for the education of the cops kids.

So, guess what ? The demonstrators want them to pay for the kids of the two blacks killed resisting arrest.

It can't get any more weird.

And the resident lefties are ready to march and"off those pigs !"

CWJ said...

Wow! This thread died right out of the gate. My apologies for missing the comments of those outside those riding the Garage/MF/Rev hobbyhorses. Life's too short to wade through all this.

Unknown said...

---That's not what he said.

He surely did, but you're forced to believe otherwise.-----

Madisonfeller’s poor reading skills on exhibit here. Kerik also points to the propagandizing by the leftitst elites that push this war meme.

Unknown said...

--you have police committing murder on videotape--

Only the ignorant describe it this way. A grand jury (your peers) did not see even a homicide.

Michael K said...

As usual, Thomas Sowell is the voice of wisdom.

Michael said...


ThE coroner called it a homicide. A homicide is not necessarily murder.

Humperdink said...

From the Redstate archives July 15,2013:
"Sharpton is not a journalist, he is not even a commentator; he is a hard left racial activist He is also one more thing: The Rev Al is 100% bulletproof. When he was given the host job at MSNBC, I opined that one day, in the near future they’re gonna wake up and realize, “OMG…we can’t fire him.”

This won’t end well, these ginned-up protests about the Zimmerman verdict. There will be demonstrations, and they will turn into riots. There will be extensive property damage, and even loss of life. And smack dab in the middle of all of it will be the Rev Al, broadcasting his show nightly from ground zero, surrounded by the mob."

Humperdink said...


RecChief said...

I read today that as the two cops lay there bleeding to death, dispatchers were talking amongst themselves saying the cops "deserved it"

Brought to you by our post partisan president. And his remorae

Chef Mojo said...

The leftard pushback on this thread is intense, right off the bat.

They must be scared pea green and out of their wits that they're losing control of the narrative. Especially after this evenings March in NYC.

"NYPD, KKK, how many kids have you killed today?!?"

No. The optics are not good right now for the leftards. Everything is showing then for the hateful, disgusting scum they are.

Unknown said...

---A homicide is not necessarily murder---

Precisely my point. Revenant above said the cops committed murder on videotape.

The medical examiner, as you say, termed it a homicide.

The grand jury, with vastly more information, determined that charges could not be brought. It a troubling scenario in many ways, but it is typical lefty inflammation to insist it is murder.

furious_a said...


furious_a said...

Nothing says "Black Lives Matter" like the ambush murders of Hispanic and Asian policemen.

cubanbob said...

If the NYPD is going to be in the criminal killing business they ought to be truly useful and start with the real criminals like Rev Al and Da Mayor and work there way down and in the process off a boatload of A.N.S.W.E.R protestors and assorted leftist scum.

Henry said...

I almost never use Instapundit as a source for Althouse posts since there is a tremendous amount of cross-readership. This comment and it's more substantive link supports my posts about the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, above, so I'm making an exception:

REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS SHOULD OFFER A BILL ON POLICE VIOLENCE NEXT MONTH, AND THE CENTERPIECE SHOULD BE OUTLAWING POLICE UNIONS: Affidavit Shows Cop Union Targeting Foes. There’s a window of opportunity here if the GOP is smart enough to take it.

I would add that the only person in New York City that can advance real reforms is Mayor de Blasio and destroying him gets liberty-loving people nowhere.

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