December 30, 2014

"Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau today defended a comic strip based on the now-largely-debunked Rolling Stone story about an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity."

“We’d hoped it would be obvious that the strip was written before Rolling Stone admitted problems in its reporting,” he emailed. “It’s not the first time I've been overtaken by events, and it won’t be the last—the occupational hazard of a long lead time.”
“Jackie’s story was not the focus, only the setup for commentary on institutional conflict of interest in adjudicating sexual assault, an issue that did not disappear with the credibility of the article,” he emailed. “Not even UVA has claimed otherwise.”


Beldar said...

Then there's the occupational hazard of being wrong and stupid, which is unrelated to lead time, but a recurring problem of Mr. Trudeau, about whom I last gave a damn sometime in the late 1970s.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Why are there long lead times for a political cartoon?

If only there was a way to publish cartoons electronically, so that they would always be relevant, and could be updated by the minute?

If only.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

“Jackie’s story was not the focus, only the setup for commentary

Yeah, and "you can keep your health plan" wasn't the focus either, was it. Just the setup for commentary, which the public was assumed to dumb to understand.

YoungHegelian said...

It’s not the first time I've been overtaken by events...

Overtaken by events?! He's a damn month behind the curve! And spreading specific untruths about people & institutions to boot!

No, Trudeau long ago stopped doing any real work & started to phone it in. He made this mistake because he's lazy, sloppy, self-righteous & most decidedly not funny.

Drago said...

More "fake but accurate" nonsense.

Moose said...

Sounds like a variation of phoning it in. Garry needs to retire...

SJ said...

@John Lynch,

Something about the process of transforming color drawings into images on newsprint pages required long lead times.

I don't know if the long lead time is still physically necessary for cartoons which are published on newsprint, but it is still in place in the industry.

Lyssa said...

You would think that if you're going to do any sort of publication with a long lead time, but that focuses on current events, you would have a plan in place to deal with issues like this.

Anonymous said...

You're not just being overtaken by events, Garry, you're being lapped by events. (Don't look now, but the Spanish-American War is gaining on you.)

Wince said...

I thought the point of the strip was to juxtapose the treatment of the allegedly heinous act with the commercial need for a "political" cartoon like Doonesbury to deliver a punchline, and Trudeau attempted to do so indirectly in PC fashion by "breaking the"fourth wall" in a character discussion of his commercial imperative.

Anonymous said...

Lead times......hehe. Now that's comical.

Jake said...

Has Doonesbury ever had a funny punchline?

richard mcenroe said...

It's also a sign of unprofessionalism. Every serious cartoonist keeps several completed strips in reserve that can stand alone, in case real-world events overtake their storylines. The classic example is not telling plane crash jokes the same week an airliner is lost.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Doonesbury used to be so hip and now is only relevant when it's wrong.

richard mcenroe said...

Trudeau thinks he's Lenny Bruce the comedian, not Lenny Bruce the tiresome bore who spent the end of his career reading his court transcripts to his dwindling audiences.

alan markus said...

Liberals have never quite figured out how the Internet has a good memory:

In 1991, Garry Trudeau was apparently the one member of the media that felt the accusations of convicted domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin against then-sitting Vice President Dan Quayle, that Quayle had purchased cocaine from Kimberlin and Kimberlin was being buried unjustly in the Federal Prison system to keep the story from coming out, deserved a public airing. For three weeks, he ran with the story in his daily Doonesbury strip.

Garry Trudeau is still stupid after all these years (23 in this case).

William said...

I haven't read him in a long time. I remember that he did a series of cartoons about how the older Bush had abandoned his copilot in order too bail out. Sometime later he did another series of cartoons about how unfair the Republicans were to slime Kerry's service in Vietnam. There's not much to admire in Trudeau's character.

CWJ said...

And yet Parker and Stone can often crank out entire half hours of animation nearly concurrent with the events they are lampooning.

And yet I don't recall them ever being caught wrong-footed.

lemondog said...

Will he do a follow-up strip?

And will the follow-up be the punch-line?

alan markus said...

Sounds like a variation of phoning it in. Garry needs to retire...

Looks like he only does a Sunday cartoon now - the daily ones are "Classic Doonesbury" - the ones before and after this one are from 1979

Brando said...

Did he try to recall the strip, and a few outlets let it slip through? Or did he not try to stop it at all?

Because this is pretty embarrassing--it'd be like a strip devoted to how awful the rape of Tawana Brawley was coming out a month after she publicly admitted to making the whole thing up.

Also, even if the UVA case hadn't crumbled--how about putting something humorous or satirical in the strip? The rage cartoon was just flat and pointless.

Brando said...

Of course, I'm sort of glad the strip did run--a published reminder of the quickness with which the SJW crowd believed Jackie's story completely, not once considering that at most it warranted additional investigation.

Skeptical Voter said...

There was never anything "Classic" about Trudeau's stuff. And Beldar--who I respect greatly--was a little bit slow in coming to the conclusion that it was pointless to give a damn about Trudeau. He got there in the late 70's--I was there by the early 70's. I could find better cartoons on restroom walls at Berkeley.

But Trudeau swings from the left and the aging white males in the Tom Hayden set who were entertained by him in the early 70's like to keep him around to remind them of their wild and crazy days as faux radicals. So they keep publishing his "cartoons" in the papers they edit. Trudeau will be published in the Los Angeles Times even after he's encased in a glass tomb like the Lenin mummy in Moscow.

mccullough said...

As Gretzky said, you don't go to where the puck is, you go to where it's going to be.

George M. Spencer said...


And no editor at any of the papers that carry him laid an eye on the cartoon either.

Also, it's long been a quiet "tradition" among comic strip artists to hire helpers to execute strips. Schulz was highly regarded for never hiring an assistant. Meanwhile, Al Capp hired a young Frank Frazetta to draw everything except characters' faces.

One wonders if Trudeau is even involved, except to sign off on finished work.

hawkeyedjb said...

"a strip devoted to how awful the rape of Tawana Brawley was..."

That may be next Sunday's theme. Watch for it.

Gahrie said...

No, Trudeau long ago stopped doing any real work & started to phone it in

from what I understand, he even uses ghost artists...he's not actually drawing the strip is just his name on it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ah! The Dan Rather Defense: fake but accurate.

Becoming as common as the Clinton Defense: but others have done much the same thing.

Big Mike said...

He lacked the creativity to come up with a replacement strip in a shorter-than-usual period of time once it became clear the UVa story was a hoax? He lacked the foresight to have a couple strips in reserve in case things went wrong?

Seems about right -- as YoungHegelian said, Trudeau's been phoning it in for decades now.

SGT Ted said...

It's just more of the same leftist style of adherence to a political narrative when the truth is the opposite. Which means that it is little more than politically self serving propaganda. This "rape culture" bullshit is sexist propaganda that attacks males by using despicable lies to frighten women and cause a moral panic to justify stripping males on campus of due process rights.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Bloom County was better.

damikesc said...

The issue doesn't exist. Sorry if he missed that memo.

If a restaurant got 1/5 of its customers sick, would any woman actually go to that restaurant?

Hell no.

But feminists believe they will pay through the nose to go to college with identical odds at getting raped.

And yet Parker and Stone can often crank out entire half hours of animation nearly concurrent with the events they are lampooning.

They do it all in about 5 days. Literally, from writing to handing in to Comedy Central is about a 5 day process most of the time.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...


David said...

Trudeau is over, but John Kerry persists. Irony.

Sydney said...

If he requires that much of a lead time, then he should not make his strip about current events.

Carol said...

And notice the girly man chose to ventriloquize through a middle aged female character.

Anonymous said...

“Not even UVA has claimed otherwise.”

Well, that would be because the UVA Administration used teh fraudulent Rolling Stone story to push a pre-determined and preferred agenda. Only an idiot would expect them to "deny" that their preferred behavior was "correct".

Unknown said...

At first I read "occupational hazard of a long dead time".

Someday, maybe. May I live so long.

furious_a said...

Has Doonesbury ever had a funny punchline?

Call Me When You Find America and Guilty! Guilty! Guilty were funny throughout, but that's like saying "The Jets won Super Bowl III".

After the Jerry-Brown-in-Bed-with-the-Mafia features, Doonesbury was just mean.

furious_a said...

One of the better deconstruction's of Garry Trudeau's fading talents here:

The myths are sustained by condescending humor, and Ivy-League liberals do it best.

walter said...

Did he embrace "Hands up! Don't shoot!" too?
Or is that next week?

Jane the Actuary said...

I just don't buy this "too late to change it" explanation. He full well could have pulled the strip, and, in fact, in our local paper, the editors made the call to replace it with another strip anyway.

He believes in "fake but accurate" but doesn't want to admit it.

Bruce Hayden said...

Has Doonesbury ever had a funny punchline?

It was edgy 40-45 years ago. And, even though I was trending to the right back then, enjoyed it. But, time has passed it by. Read something yesterday that pointed out that back then, his characters talked like college kids did. Now, he looks at them from the outside, as do many of us.

Opinh Bombay said...

Here's a thought. A political cartoon about the things the President of the United States is doing.

That might be topical and with a little effort there might be some humor in it......

Who knows?

n.n said...

This reminds me of the narrative that exploited the execution of a homosexual male by his partner to project and displace a sincerely held bigotry, in order to secure political, economic, social, and religion (i.e. moral) leverage.

I still think that the general defamation of males as rapists is intended to secure FEMENists' exclusive legal and moral right to commit premeditated abortion of wholly innocent human lives through the exploitation of the morally ambiguous rape-rape and perhaps rape loophole.

As more men and women reject the fairytale of spontaneous conception, condemn planned parenthood ritual sacrifice, and acknowledge the self-evident truth that human life evolves from conception to natural, accidental, or premeditated (e.g. abortion) death, they will lash out with greater desperation in all viable directions.

The Libertine State has a compelling interest to secure taxable assets and reduce the problems set (i.e. moral men and women not betrothed to the state).

Earnest Prole said...

somebody please tell Garry Trudeau to go back asleep

Laslo Spatula said...

From Wiki:

Margaret Trudeau:

"Over time, the marriage disintegrated to the point that, as recounted in her book, Margaret had an affair with U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[6] and (according to Keith Richards's autobiography, Life) Mick Jagger.[7][8]"

I am Laslo.

Michael K said...

"Trudeau will be published in the Los Angeles Times even after he's encased in a glass tomb like the Lenin mummy in Moscow."

And to think the LA Times once had Ramirez.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please help me out here? Not following any of this. Serious Qs:

1. Assume the UVA story is TRUE and then please explain this strip. I don't get it one bit.

2. Assume the UVA story is false and then please explain how this strip reveals Trudeau was unaware it was false.


George M. Spencer said...

Poor Jane Pauley.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It is hard to believe diehard libs like Trudeau live in such news-free bubbles. I suspect they just can't handle news and facts that contradicts their worldview.

Anonymous said...

I finally read the strip; its awful! Does anyone still read him?

Lewis Wetzel said...

In '93 his cartoon made fun of older Bush because he wasn't a real Texan. In 2000 his cartoon made fun of the younger Bush because he was a real Texan.

Skipper said...

Dancing like this should earn him a spot on "Dancing with the Stars".

Kirby Olson said...

The cartoons in almost all the papers are so old it's strange. Beetle Bailey? Charlie Brown? Lil' Abner? Hagar the Horrible? Doonesbury? The comics page has become a joke. Sometimes the content is so out of date that it almost makes no sense any longer, and one has to project oneself back into a time when it was still relevant. Does anybody ever review the cartoons and check to see if they still have any popularity whatsoever? I haven't read the comics for thirty years or more. The cartoons in the New Yorker are still readable. Why not in the local papers?

Just an old country lawyer said...

If Trudeau is really interested in a discussion about the conflict of interest inherent in universities' handling of sexual assault charges, then I would welcome that. Assaulted? Just call 911 and let the police and prosecutors handle it. If that doesn't get you justice, file a civil action. Academia is perhaps the institution least competent to handle this sort of thing.

Jason said...

They should drop Doonesbury and put something like "Day By Day" in the slot.

Larson, of "The Far Side," knew when to quit.

richard mcenroe said...

Want something good to read in place of the senescent Doonesbury, read 9 Chickweed Lane.

If your paper doesn't carry it, you can read it at

Pete from Baltimore said...

Trudeau used to a t least make fun of Democratic Presidents as well as Republicans.Even if it was from a liberal point of view.But During George H W Bush's Admistration, Trudeau started to become more and more unhnged. He rarely criticized Clinton.But once Obama came into office, he didn't even feature Obama.Except for one very non-critical cartoon

Its also worth noting that when Trudeau started out, he generally ridiculed authority figures like College deans and parents.Whereas nowdays its college students that he ridicules. And in his cartoons nowdays, its the college deans, parents and authority figures that are the heroes

He has become a Baby Boomer ,cranky old ,"Get off my lawn" ,man

George M. Spencer said...

Yes, Chickweed is great. What other strip ever delved into classical music, ballet, and God knows what else....

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