November 18, 2014

"We’re continuing to see, including in this last video, a group that is so carried away with its own fanaticism and its own barbarity..."

"... that it is not seeing how what is meant to compel people to cower and be fearful is actually having the opposite effect.... We’re seeing how it’s causing a stiffening of resistance and feeding a determination not to be dominated by these people."

ADDED: The Peter Kassig video was different from the others. The production values were lower, and Kassig didn't make a statement. Some think it was the Ranger Creed....


Anonymous said...

The article suggests a good working definition of "moderate Islam"-- it's all those people who were fine with ISIS after the first few beheadings but are now starting to think that they're getting a little carried away.

Christian said...

"“It says to me that IS is so blinded by its own heinous fanaticism that it doesn’t get it,"

Because what matters most in the annuals of history is whether victorious dictators "get it". Tens of thousands of people dead, hundreds of thousands of peoples lives ruined in the vacuum created by our withdrawal and we attempt console ourselves with the idea that the perpetrators just don't "get it".

It can truly be said that one side in this asymmetrical conflict between the US and ISIS doesn't get it, and it's us.

Mark said...

Kassig was an Army Ranger, likely refused to play his part.

These thugs won't be around long in their current incarnation, their little PR game doesn't remove all the issues of that governing Mesopotamia. They were never going to have a very long run.

great Unknown said...

When I saw the headline of this post, I was certain it referred to the Feminazis.

Larry J said...

great Unknown said...
When I saw the headline of this post, I was certain it referred to the Feminazis.

You beat me to the punchline.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

great Unknown said...
"When I saw the headline of this post, I was certain it referred to the Feminazis."

The feminazis are more worried about shirts. They are tools of the left. Obama has put far more effort and vitriol into his domestic partisan struggles than against these scum. The "feminists" are just serving there boss. When they covered for Bill they lost their soul.

garage mahal said...

Thanks Obama.

Achilles said...

"... that it is not seeing how what is meant to compel people to cower and be fearful is actually having the opposite effect.... We’re seeing how it’s causing a stiffening of resistance and feeding a determination not to be dominated by these people."

Works on the Iraqis and Europeans. Fortunately for the world the American populace hasn't been enfeebled by Obama and his pet womyns studies majors.

Although I also think that if Hillary was president now ISIS would be wiped out root and branch. Obama changed our ROEso immediately upon inauguration and made it clear we would not destroy these people.

mccullough said...

Isn't it pretty to think so?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a bit harsh, Garage? I know Obama's been a disappointment to you, but that doesn't make him responsible for Abdul-Rahman Kassig getting his head cut off.

Skyler said...

Terrorism works quite well, and hopeful statements by the Christian Science Monitor don't change that. The people in Syria and Iraq do everything they are told to do when IS controls the area they are living in. They might fight to stay out of those areas, but once in, they do everything they are told to do.

richard mcenroe said...

"We’re continuing to see, including in this last video, a group that is so carried away with its own fanaticism and its own barbarity..."
"... that it is not seeing how what is meant to compel people to cower and be fearful is actually having the opposite effect.... We’re seeing how it’s causing a stiffening of resistance and feeding a determination not to be dominated by these people."

But enough about the feminists already, jaysus....

"Obama has put far more effort and vitriol into his domestic partisan struggles than against these scum."

Obama's been telling us he picked a side for years. Past time to believe him about that, at least.

kcom said...

Stalin didn't "get it". But that didn't stop him from murdering millions more.

campy said...

@ great Unknown:

Same here.

traditionalguy said...

And how do these old time Mohammedans back again from the massacres of 1914 compare to the Mexican Drug Cartels?

Murder is just politics among both when another group has something they want.

PB said...

Eventually, some lemmings resist going over the cliff.

Obama is certainly complicit in being relatively silent. He should be saying at every opportunity that Muslims and Imams that don't vociferously denounce such barbarous behavior are aiding and abetting. Saying Islam is a religion of peace is not enough. I guess the muffled laughter when he says this has to turn to outright guffaws to get him to change his tune.

Drago said...

garage mahal: "Thanks Obama."

This is a red banner day for garage!

A few of his palestinian hero terrorists also butchered 3 dual-citizenship Americans along with a few others in an attack on a synagogue.

Garage knows "courage" when he sees it.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

That headline is equally applicable to the feminazi's Althouse cheers on flipping out over a goddamn Hawaiian shirt.

I think the response to both groups should be the same.

Tarrou said...

Yeah, everyone knows how sickened the arab street is by cruelty and barbarity.


Carnifex said...

i clicked on the link expecting another Gruber video

Mark said...

The message is not "cower and fear." The message is -- "The United States is impotent. You are weak. We are doing this, and there is not a damn thing you are going to do about it to stop us. So you killed bin Laden. BFD. We're still here because you are weak and pathetic. Starting with Obama. But even the rest of your government and the rest of the West is weak and impotent."

THAT is the message every time they do this. Yeah, people are outraged. And they know that there is not one damn thing that the Obama regime will do to stop it.

Carol said...

Isn't it pretty to think so?

Looks likes some major wishcasting at the Monitor.

Brando said...

They're particularly nasty people, not limited by what they wouldn't do (as they clearly would do anything) but by what they are capable of--which seems to be grisly murders of any Westerner they can get their hands on. They're not trying to sway world opinion to their side, but rather win recruits among equally moral monsters who want to be a part of that evil.

It would be nice if we had a well trained covert ops team with top notch intelligence that could hunt and dispatch each of these guys, repeatedly, until being a part of their gang has the life expectancy of becoming a Drano taste tester. But other than something like that, I don't see much else we can do about it--dropping a few bombs just displays our impotence, and this country isn't about to invade and pacify several middle eastern countries.

Fernandinande said...

"We’re continuing to see, including in this last video, a group that is so carried away with its own fanaticism and its own barbarity..."

I thought it was going to be about Ferguson looters, er, I mean social justice protestors.

Clyde said...

Just Muslims being Muslims. Not unlike the terrorists in the synagogue attack in Israel today that killed three Americans.

The difference between an "extremist" Muslim and a "moderate" Muslim is that the "moderate" Muslim would behead the infidel with a sharp knife, in order to be more humane.

The Drill SGT said...

Mark said...
Kassig was an Army Ranger, likely refused to play his part.


Quattrocchi's kidnappers forced him to dig his own grave and kneel beside it wearing a hood as they prepared to film his death, but he defied them by trying to pull off the hood and shouting "Vi faccio vedere come muore un Italiano!" - "I'll show you how an Italian dies!

gadfly said...

IMO, Kassig didn't understand the reality of his world. Having seen the violence of the Islamists, why did he (1) convert to Islam and (2) put his white American ass into war-torn Syria, where nobody stands a chance in Hell of surviving because life has no value to these violent fruitcakes.

Bring on the virgins!

BarrySanders20 said...

These people are insufficiently sensitive, are not inclusive, and probably wear inappropriate shirts.

They just don't get it.

Thanks for ruining the beheading for me.

rhhardin said...

The Furguson protesters ought to start using beheadings. It's the way you want attention.

Burnings are so last century.

Sebastian said...

Yes, we are seeing a stiffening of resistance, as all believers in the Religion of Peace, at Friday prayers at all mosques around the world, rise up in unison to denounce IS.

pst314 said...

Clyde "The difference between an 'extremist' Muslim and a 'moderate' Muslim is that the 'moderate' Muslim would behead the infidel with a sharp knife, in order to be more humane."

You overstate the case: A moderate Muslim is one who does not murder, but tolerates those who do.

traditionalguy said...

Sudden ax attacks seems to be all the rage among mentally ill Muslims today. They are like the savage Indian tribes who loved raids using axes, bows and arrows used on peaceful families of settlers along the frontier of Western Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.

Fortunately for us, those early 1800s fore fathers elected one of their own named Andrew Jackson and not a smiling liar named Hussein Obama, the fifth column Muslim, to be in charge of their Border Enforcement.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Murdering kidnapped Americans is useful to them as it helps insure that European nations will continue to pay ransom for the return of their kidnapped citizens.

madAsHell said...

When I saw the headline of this post, I was certain it referred to the Feminazis.

I thought it referred to the community organizers that are agitating in Ferguson, MO.

Achilles said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
That headline is equally applicable to the feminazi's Althouse cheers on flipping out over a goddamn Hawaiian shirt.

"I think the response to both groups should be the same."

Naw. I don't think we should turn the womyns studies department at Brandeis into a smoldering ruin. Confronting and engaging feminists and defeating their statist war against personal responsibility is different than bodily hunting down and massacring barbarians.

The Drill SGT said...

traditionalguy said...
Fortunately for us, those early 1800s fore fathers elected one of their own named Andrew Jackson and not a smiling liar named Hussein Obama, the fifth column Muslim, to be in charge of their Border Enforcement.

The additional irony is that today's Democrats consider Jackson to be one of their Saints

Alex said...

I don't understand what the problem is. Let them overrun the entire Middle East. If they try to mess with Israel, the IDF will blast them back to the 22nd century BC. If ISIL wants to behead 200 million people, that's their business.

Trashhauler said...

From the article:

“'It says to me that IS is so blinded by its own heinous fanaticism that it doesn’t get it,' says White, now an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington."

This mildest form of reproof is all that can be said by someone who doesn't want to alienate all his friends in the Arab world. It comes from devolving all standards of behavior down to the level of personal choice.

It's about as forceful as a parent's admonition in response to a wayward teen's crime spree: "You have really disappointed your mother and me."

jacksonjay said...

Swaggy is content to let the Yazidi and Kurdish women fight this battle on the ground! Just like he hides behind the skirts of Val, Susie and Sami!

Dave Schumann said...

What possible evidence does this person have that the objective of the videos is "to compel people to cower and be fearful?"

Is he really so unimaginative, so stupid, so insular, that he can't think of anything more plausible that the videos could be meant to accomplish?

Does he really think that ISIS gives two shits about whether its victims are cowering or not? And can he really not think of what their other objectives might be?

It's remarkable how truly, thoroughly moronic our postmodern academics are.

The Drill SGT said...

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other Soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.

Rangers lead the way!

sdharms said...

an extremist Muslim wants to killus; a moderate Muslim wants the extremist Muslim to kill us. The moderates are the ones holding the coats.

Drago said...

sdharms: "an extremist Muslim wants to killus; a moderate Muslim wants the extremist Muslim to kill us. The moderates are the ones holding the coats"

And Western leftists/liberals are the ones praising the moderate muslims.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Naw. I don't think we should turn the womyns studies department at Brandeis into a smoldering ruin"

Well, we will just have to agree to disagree.

You don't nip things in the bud, you end up with a vagiphate of territory from whence the extremist idealogy can train, launch attacks, and spread propoganda.

More rubble, less trouble.

MD Greene said...

I've been surprised that the president has referred to Mr. Kassig as Abdul-Rahman and not Peter. His conversion came while he was held prisoner by evil, violent people and, under the circumstances, seems pretty fishy to me.

If this "adopted" name was the one preferred by his family, then fine.

Otherwise, a man who maintained his Ranger discipline to a terrible end would seem to deserve recognition under the name he he held as an honorable and generous person and not the name he adopted during a period of captivity and torture.

jr565 said...

THey have a woman. Lets see how they want to broadcast her decapitation and lets see how civilized society takes it.

Dewave said...

From the title, I wasn't sure if we were talking about ISIS, feminists, or gamers.

This is mostly because we have lost the ability to differentiate between vety different groups of people who offend/disagree with us. Feminists use the same apocalyptic language against socially inept nerds as we use to describe literal head hacking barbarians.

Any disagreement, however slight, over however trivial an issue, is instantly elevated to a life or death struggle furing which there can be no compromise.

A dude wears a shirt with women showing off their toned arms and firing weapons, and suddenly your daughter's very future is at stake.

It's kind of a breath of fresh air to actually see the term barbaric used correctly, instead of as a catch all for "perfectly acceptable behavior that makes me personally uncomfortable"

The Drill SGT said...

Well said, Crazy Jane. Well said...

The Drill SGT said...

PS: Crazy Jane,

I really enjoyed your Blog and will be back again soon.

- an exiled Californian.

Jupiter said...

“ISIL's actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama wrote.

Thanks, Obama.

furious_a said...

I've been surprised that the president has referred to Mr. Kassig as Abdul-Rahman and not Peter...

Remember "TAH-LEE-BAHN" and "PAH-KEE-STAHN"?

More Obama deference to barbarians (see "Hugo", "Putin" and "Rouhani").

Jupiter said...

Crazy Jane said...
"I've been surprised that the president has referred to Mr. Kassig as Abdul-Rahman and not Peter. His conversion came while he was held prisoner by evil, violent people and, under the circumstances, seems pretty fishy to me."

I believe the American who was most recently tortured to death by Muslim savages converted to Islam before his capture. Of course, it is hardly news that Muslims slaughter each other just as happily as they slaughter the rest of us.

kcom said...

I heard that moron, Obama, on the radio today speaking of the attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem.

"Obviously, we condemn, in the strongest terms, these attacks."

You have to listen to the words spoken to get the full effect, but it almost sounded like boredom. Like he knew he had to go through the motions. It would have been much more forceful to just say it, "We condemn, in the strongest terms, these attacks." Beginning with "obviously" sounds so stand-offish. For such a great orator, he fails way too often.

Carl Pham said...

Oooo a stiffening of resistance. Can a strongly-worded UN resolution be far behind? Maybe even sanctions!

The Drill SGT said...


while not definitive, wiki says you are wrong. The presumption I make is force conversion, regardless of the appeal from his family...

On October 1, 2013, as he was on his way to Deir Ezzour in eastern Syria to deliver food and medical supplies to refugees, Kassig was taken captive by ISIL. He was kept in a cell with French journalist Nicolas Henin and British journalist John Cantlie, and beaten regularly. While in captivity, Kassig – formerly a Methodist – converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman Kassig, sometime between October and December 2013. On October 3, 2014, his parents released a video in which they stressed that his conversion to Islam was not forced, and that his path to conversion began before he was taken captive by ISIL in October 2013

Jupiter said...

"Obviously, we condemn, in the strongest terms, these attacks."

The smartest man on Earth seems to be having a little difficulty with the only language he has ever learned. What he means is something like "We very strongly condemn these attacks." But of course, he couldn't care less if Muslims killed all the Jews in Israel, US citizens or no. So he describes himself as doing what he cannot, in fact, find the words to do.

Unknown said...

"I've been surprised that the president has referred to Mr. Kassig as Abdul-Rahman and not Peter. His conversion came while he was held prisoner by evil, violent people and, under the circumstances, seems pretty fishy to me. "

FWIW his family has been referring to him as Abdul Rahman throughout this ordeal.

Unknown said...

"IMO, Kassig didn't understand the reality of his world."

This video suggests otherwise...

Trashhauler said...

The people who "don't get it" are those who wonder why ISIS engages in terror. Terror has long been a method of preparing the ground for a serious insurgency. Mao included terror as a precursor to partisan warfare and thence to conventional warfare. As did those who came after Mao, the Vietnamese (Giap even said one should return to terror if one is losing the conventional fight), Cubans, even Carlos Marighela.

Terror is first spread wide and generalized to instill fear and uncertainly as a whole, then targeted to render the opposition inefficient. It is a standard ploy of Marxist-style insurgency, borrowed now by the jihadists. It will exist until the source of the terror is eliminated.

Kirk Parker said...


"Burnings are so last century."

You are pathetically out of touch. As the enlightened Belgians have recently shown us, burnings are au courant.

Kirk Parker said...




[Quick magazine change...]



(OK, 4 terrorists out of commission.)

Rusty said...

jr565 said...
THey have a woman. Lets see how they want to broadcast her decapitation and lets see how civilized society takes it.

They have already decapitated children.
The world demands jusatice for a mysogynist, tatooed nerd instead.

gerry said...

"It says to me that IS is so blinded by its own heinous fanaticism that it doesn’t get it,” says White, now an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington."

It sounds like the current wave of feminists, or maybe the Prog Democrat base.

jimbino said...

There is no virtue in full dedication to a bad cause. The Ranger Code is inspiring, but I'd like to compare the ISIS code or the code of the Gestapo, the NKVD or the Stasi.

Bad Lieutenant said...

j, why don't you do so and get back to us, rather than merely naming the thought experiment. You might be surprised.

But then you are really just a troll. I wonder if you're like that guy who said he found my friend's lost dog - and then said Americans (no doubt spelled moronically with a K, as you do) love their pets too much and he was going to kill him. How would you feel about saying something like that, I wonder, to a poor woman whose sole companion has gone missing for weeks. I bet that would be right up your alley, wouldn't it.

Oh, you won't upset me, but you do make me wonder what could possibly be your reason for living.

Unknown said...

Found while at

This is different

" Peter Kassig's execution may have been faked by Jihadi John after the US hostage was killed in an US-led airstrike, according to extraordinary claims from the leader of a Syrian underground group.

" Speaking over Skype from a hiding place near the Turkish border, the head of the anti-ISIS resistance group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently claimed there are reports that Mr Kassig died on November 5, when coalition fighter planes and drones pounded Tel-Abyad in northern Syria.

" The extraordinary allegation could not be independently verified.

" The claims come among increased speculation over why Mr Kassig's full body was not shown in the video. Unlike ISIS' previous sickening filmed murders, he did not speak directly to camera before being killed and his body was not shown after the murder.

" U.S. sources have suggested that Mr Kassig could have been killed before the video was shot because he did not cooperate with the jihadists, either refusing to give a final speech on camera or possibly even fighting back while the murder was taking place.

" American forces have previously attempted a daring rescue of U.S. hostages and President Obama has said that he would make all efforts to rescue U.S. citizens if their location could be identified.

" Western planes have carried out a series of raids on the Isis weapons stockpile and refinery where Peter Kassig is claimed to have been hit but if there had been any intelligence suggesting where he was being held such strikes would have been highly unlikely to be authorized . . . ."

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