October 13, 2014

"That's a $500,000 vagina tax."

(Warning: Rubber penises that have kind of a sourdough smell are displayed and waggled about in this video.)

Reparations, baby. And we've got a number. None of this Ta-Nehisi Coates we-can-figure-out-the-number-later business. The number is $30 trillion. Pony up!


David said...

Quite a few men have already paid more that $500,000 as a vagina tax over their lifetimes.

Michael said...

The 78 cent gap is, of course, bullshit. It has been debunked conclusively for all but the lefties who prefer to "think" in catch phrases.

But given the fact that any married woman can drive down to the courthouse and commence the process of withdrawing 50% of her husband's wealth on a whim I think the gap, if any, is nicely compensated for.

Hagar said...

I thought the Professor had lost her sense of smell?

And isn't it more likely cornmeal?

Jaq said...

So where do we men go to get our time back?

They get the time + money and we only get the money?!?


Go to the bank where they keep extra time and get me some!

Hagar said...

My ex said that when she dies, I can have the house back, since I paid for it.

MadisonMan said...

@Hagar -- get it in writing.

Ann Althouse said...

"I thought the Professor had lost her sense of smell?"

I didn't know I was embedding smellovision.

Wince said...

Nice try. But the problem with the divide and conquer strategy that had worked so well for Obamaites is that now both sides of the intended divide now are starting to see through the smokescreen because...

An Uprising of Facts Is Making the Management of the News Cycle Impossible

BarrySanders20 said...

First the VAT tax, now the VAG tax.

And having to compete with black reparations.

I forget -- in the age of Obama, does black still trump woman?

Just what is the vicim hierarchy these days?

rhhardin said...

You have to subtract out the money women earn working their way through college as strippers.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Laura Silverman > Sarah Silverman.

jr565 said...

Every group which thinks its a victim because of AmeriKKKa, which is pretty much the left wants their version of reparations. That's the whole point of being a victim, no?

n.n said...

Is the "vagina tax" a penalty levied on sperm depositors to womb banks for early withdrawal or is it classified as a service fee? Is this related to the homosexual woman who received an unwanted sperm deposit?

This is a concept growing in popularity among banking institutions. It is purportedly intended to address non-conformance with usage policies, which may vary widely and even catastrophically through the warming or maturation period.

jr565 said...

If we're going to do reparations, lets give blacks 40 acres and a mule, then turn all the land over to the Indians so the Indians are actually the landowners. If they don't want the blacks on the land, then the blacks have to get on ships and go back to Africa. Would Crack like them apples?

Rob said...

A $500,000 vagina tax? Not to worry, there ain't that many $500,000 vaginas.

Henry said...

$30 trillion divided by 15.4 million men in the United States is $198,151 per man.

Cripes, I better have more daughters.

Henry said...

My bet is that funny comedians make more money.

Anonymous said...

In the society of The Vagina as Fascist State women collectively use the resources of men to undercut the liberty of men. The taxes of men are used to fund feminist college courses, female-based social studies and the government-money-and-law answers that inevitably follow, and -- ultimately -- the abortions of their own offspring through various funded services.

As such, there is already a tax on the symbolic vagina, paid directly to The Vagina as Fascist State. Sadly, many men succumb to this state of affairs through fear of losing social position, however subservient it may be. Such men, willing to pay the government to abort their own children, are unaware that the Vagina as Fascist State has already identified them as Useless Eunuchs, and will dispose of them -- through an un-based accusation, perhaps -- as soon as they are deemed unnecessary.

It is enlightening to understand that all payments to the Vagina as Fascist State are used to remove the Vagina symbolically further away from its original purpose of reproduction: procreation as appendix, abortion as sacrament. Is it any wonder that men will bypass the vagina of their own free will? Women with smeared raccoon make-up gagging on thrusting erect penises, females face-down on concrete floors and used only for their anuses in raw sweaty pushes and pulled-back hair: this is the Response to the Vagina as Fascist State, and it is NOW.

damikesc said...

When women are willing to take their share of high risk work, we can talk.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

To whom has Ms. Silverman turned over her payroll records for inspection, I wonder?

Is this the sound of someone else's reparations demand being pushed further down the list...to the back of the bus, even?

Fernandinande said...

Blogger Hagar said...
My ex said that when she dies, I can have the house back, since I paid for it.

Why bother getting married when it's so much easier to just buy a house for a woman you hate?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Close the occupational fatality gap! Start dyin' on the job, ladies, do your part.

"During the 1992–2003 period, the portion of workplace fatalities that were incurred by women varied
between 7 percent in 1992 and 9 percent in 1995."

Since women made up around 48% of all workers during that time we're talkin' a 10 or 12 to 1 difference in some of the professions. But hey, a gap is only important when fixing it favors women--that's what equality means, right?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Actually, the 78 cents on the dollar is factually correct. Women do make 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. That doesn't make it meaningful in any way. Contrary to what Silveman implies.

You could also use any other number from about 65 cents to about $1.10 and it would be as factually correct.

It all depends on how it is calculated.

Generally, the 78 cent figure is derived from taking hourly earnings of all women and comparing them to hourly earnings of all men.

It does not account for the fact that men work more overtime at 150 to 200% of the normal rate

It does not account for women having more discontinuous experience

It does not account for women placing a higher value on benefits such as medical and men on more money in the paycheck.

It does not account for different career choices.

I could go on...

It also doesn't tell you the period. If you compare hourly earnings, much of the difference goes away. If you compare weekly earnings, it gets bigger, annual bigger still. Largely due to the fact that women work fewer hours in all jobs than men.

The 78 cents is a meaningless figure, even if it is factually correct. It tells us nothing about how women are treated in the workplace.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee said...

How do whites, here, talk when there's a mere mention of blacks? Like non-racists, of course:

"the victim hierarchy"

"Every group which thinks its a victim"

"the blacks have to get on ships and go back to Africa"

"to the back of the bus"


The Republican Party can't help but die with such disgusting idiots in it,...

hombre said...

Okay. If we pony up the $30 trillion, will women of Silverman's ilk stop voting for idiots, killing their unborn babies, using bogus statistics to bolster their causes, twerking on stage, whining about paying for birth control?

I thought not.

B said...

Well she's flat out wrong about the numbers. That gap isn't for the same work.

Xmas said...

I think the best joke involving Sarah Silverman was seeing Jimmy Kimmel move on from dating Silverman to meeting, marrying and having children with a wonderful writer from his show.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

$30T for Sarah Silverman's group, and what's left for Crack? Stiffed again.

I'd pay a "basic numeracy" tax in the form of headaches if I took one of these proposals seriously.

jacksonjay said...

My wonderful Mother gave me that sage advice that most Mothers give: If you can't say something nice,...
So here goes!

This woman probably looks better in her underwater than Smarter Lil Lena.

rehajm said...

If she doesn't keep on exercising her lips, her brain starts working.

n.n said...


The "Vagina as Fascist State" is a sect of a degenerate religion which degrades humanity to a commodity and collective suitable for harvesting and exploitation.

Ann Althouse said...

I like when she talks to her breasts, addressing them as "you knuckleheads."

jimbino said...

"...every woman in America will get a check for the amount they're [sic] owed."

That's awful grammar. The only reason to use the singular "they" is to avoid sexism. But here she's talking about a woman and deliberately excluding men.

Some folks don't have brains to process what comes in their ears before dumping it out their mouths.

jacksonjay said...

Are those the knuckleheads Michelle Swaggy used to speak of?

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I believe the medical name for the surgery she's contemplating is ... ADDADICTOMY.

Revenant said...

The idea of reparations for women manages the difficult feat of being even more retarded than the idea of reparations for black people. At least black people can make the argument that their ancestors were more discriminated against, in American history, than white peoples' were. Women can't -- they have as many male and female ancestors as men do.

alan markus said...

Looks to be a fundraiser for the National Women's Law Center, so that they can "fight" to get women their due. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone took some snippets of the video and added some captions and voice-overs saying that they are raising money for reparations, any woman is eligible for her share of the $500,000, all they have to do is show up (vagina required) at their office (@11 Dupont Circle, NW, #800
Washington, DC 20036). Put it up on few strategic Facebook sites and ask women to hit "share".

Paul said...

The newest $6000 rubber women you can buy sort of cancels out this vagina tax.

The Crack Emcee said...


"The idea of reparations for women manages the difficult feat of being even more retarded than the idea of reparations for black people."

Because the opposing idea - that whites taught us to work, speak english, and love Jesus, so the books are square - holds so much more appeal.

You guys are nuts,...

hombre said...

Crack: "Because the opposing idea - that whites taught us to work, speak english, and love Jesus, so the books are square - holds so much more appeal."

Some white may claim to have taught blacks to love Jesus, but I doubt anybody will jump up to claim responsibility for black work ethics or English usage.

Sort of like fathering. For the most part, lessons unlearned by disinterested pupils.

John Scott said...

I like when she talks to her breasts, addressing them as "you knuckleheads."

She once called her vagina "Faggot".

Greg said...

How can Sarah Silverman call herself a comedian if she is never funny?

sinz52 said...

I'm sorry that white folk taught blacks to love Jesus.

That meant showing them the whole Bible.

Too many blacks started to read about God freeing the Hebrew slaves of Egypt and started to get ideas.

The native African gods had no problem with slavery. They should have stuck with those.

sinz52 said...

It's useless to try to argue with a liberal, I've noticed.

They have their own internal psychological view of "fairness"--and they can't explain it to anyone else.

They can't explain why a minimum wage of $10.00 is fair but $9.99 isn't.

FleetUSA said...

She has many contradictions in the piece, e.g. when in one breath she mentions pay and flexible hours. You start reshaping your work availability and that has to affect take home pay. So a lawyer who isn't available doesn't get the billables.

chillblaine said...

If a payment is made to a person just because they have a vagina, then it is technically a vagina subsidy. The persons being taxed are the non vagina-holders.

I can just see Donald Verrilli arguing before the Justices that it's not a penis penalty, it's a penis tax.

Revenant said...

Because the opposing idea - that whites taught us to work, speak english, and love Jesus, so the books are square - holds so much more appeal.

The opposing idea is "I didn't personally oppress you, so I don't owe you money".

I'm sorry your ancestors were oppressed. But tough cookies.

Anonymous said...

@Revenant They didn't rely upon past generations for the female reparations figure. Women lose 500k in their present lifetimes...though they didn't add on investment return and interest like the IRS would.

I saw another one that asked men to tithe 26% of their income as a gesture of solidarity and recognition of how much women are shorted.

They then said, " and if you think that sounds like a lot...it's because IT IS."

Actually, it would be 13%.... Because in that kind of zero sum gesture, 13% would even it out. 26% would simply reverse the inequality.

Revenant said...

Women lose 500k in their present lifetimes.

No, they don't.

Mark Caplan said...

I made it only halfway through Sarah Silverman's heavy-handed satire, but I do hope she got her male member. Maybe now she'll be capable of producing something witty.

rcocean said...

I only made it half-way through too. That's my problem with SS, she starts out funny but can't sustain it. She's best as a one-liner comedian.

I agree we need to compensate women, they need it more than Crack.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

In an added irony you only know who Sarah Silvlerman is because she's a woman. Most of her shtick is "I say awful things but I'm adorable so it's cute and chuckle-funny." She never would have made it as a man.

Jaq said...

Sarah Silverman is funny sometimes. I mean I have seen her be funny. Plus she is hot.

MathMom said...

I had to stop watching it. IQ dropping precipitously, I don't have that many points to spare.

What a load of horse shit.

chickelit said...

Further penilizing men is bound to come up short.

rcocean said...

"Plus she is hot."

For a Jewish comedian, she's "Hot".

Low bar though.

Dustin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Does she want reparations from black men too? Will they pay their woman reparations with white women reparations?

Anyhow that covers about 60% of the population. With social security and ss disability we got another 15%. Welfare should get 5%. Unemployment is at 6%. 8% for food stamps. 5% work for the government. And the rich aren't left out in Obama world. GE, Goldman sachs, Solyndra, etc. We have a god Damn utopia forming up here.

Bob Loblaw said...

There's a huge gap between what married men make and what single men make. Single men make less than women.

Part of that is probably that men with good earning potential are more likely to attract a mate. But it's also likely men with families are willing to take on more dangerous jobs, work more overtime, and stay longer at jobs they hate (but that pay well).

I know as a single guy I've passed on lots of opportunities to make more money for one reason or another.

Bob Loblaw said...

Crack, is the idea of reparations a serious thing in the black community? Because I gotta tell you, it's a joke with the vast majority of white people.

You want reparations for living in the US, when your alternative was Africa? Really?

stlcdr said...

Now we know why women have so much less money: stop giving it to so many causes that falsely portray you as a victim.

Jaq said...

"For a Jewish comedian, she's "Hot"."

I have a list of hot Jewish comediennes.

Madeleine Khan, Goldi Hawn from Laugh In days, Pre-plastic surgery Joan Rivers, Carol Kane. Sarah Silverman goes on the list.

I guess it is different strokes for different folks, but I have always thought that a hot Jewish girl is double hot.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Tim, rc just isn't that hot on Jews.

Mark Caplan said...

Tim in Vermont, you got something against Totie Fields?

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