২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪

The evening drive.


৯টি মন্তব্য:

AmPowerBlog বলেছেন...

Beautiful! Fall is in the air!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

It is a very good day in Fort Worth where the Horned Frogs are running up the score.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

SO, Prof, are you ready for HRC!

Next week will be election week countdown and beginning of the HRC Campaign to take back the White House - which belongs to her and to one else. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

What can GOP do? My suggestion: Accept the eventual defeat now (i.e., 11/2014) and so you can save money for 2024. HRC is going to be owning the White House for next 8 years. Her VP: Martin O'Malley.

HT বলেছেন...

On huffy nurses...

I called my family to let them know that I was OK. I was hungry and thirsty and asked for something to eat and drink. I was given a granola bar and some water. I wondered what I had done wrong.
(first quarantined Ebola worker)

“Attention. If there’s a yogurt in the fridge that says ‘Teresa,’ then only Teresa gets to eat it!”

(ER nurse from Modern Family episode)

FWBuff বলেছেন...

Althouse, there's a great "Drudgetaposition" up right now. Three pictures of female politicians in red with their mouths open and their hands in the air-- Hillary Clinton, Joni Ernst, and the president of Brazil. I don't know what it means, but Hillary is angry and shouting, while Ernst and the Brazilian president are happy and laughing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Businesses don't create jobs! Google it!"

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Kind of scary when Martha Coakley's only the second-worst campaigner on the stage.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I don't think I can do it anymore..."

"Don't say that, Larry, don't say it!"

"It is the just the same thing, day after day..."

"People NEED you, Larry, they depend on you!"

"Maybe I don't want to be the one they depend on anymore. Maybe it is time for them to learn to depend on themselves."

"But the people, they don't have your talents: not everyone can be Thunder Monkey."

"Being Thunder Monkey, its a tiring thing. I am tired..."

"But you give the people something to look up to, something to hope for, something to inspire them to do all that they can!"

"Most people are shit, Laura. In all my years I have spent as Thunder Monkey If I have learned only one thing, it is that most people are shit."

"You KNOW that's not true, Larry. Most people try to be good, upstanding people -- it is just the world that has grown harder, it is the world that's--"

"--that's gone to shit, Laura: the world has gone to shit because most people in it are shit. Shit people, in a world of shit."

"Surely you know that there are good people, Larry, good people that need you -- that NEED Thunder Monkey..."

"The good people are just people who haven't gone to shit yet. I spend the evenings as Thunder Monkey, saving people and righting wrongs, and they learn nothing. Nothing."

"That can't be true, Larry..."

"You know the worst? Little old ladies. I saved one from a vicious mugger a few nights ago and then she complained that I hurt her arm when I lifted her to safety. I saved her from getting a lead pipe to the head and all she can do is bitch that I twisted her arm...":

"Old people can be fragile, Larry..."

"Old people should stay the hell indoors, then."

"Oh, Larry, you can't let that get to you..."

"Not get to me? I saved another little old lady and then she bitched about me making her pee her pants. Her brains were about to be shot all over the sidewalk and she's bitching about peeing her pants."

"They were scared, Larry, they didn't know what they were saying..."

I'm just tired of it: Thunder Monkey is tired. Tired of the ungrateful old women, the shitty little children --"

"Larry, children are the ones who MOST need protection..."

"I saved a young boy the other day from getting hit by a bus, and you know what the little fucker did?"

"Larry, I'm sure he didn't mean anything bad --"

"--he told the Police that I touched him in a 'danger spot' when I pulled him away from the bus. That little fucker told the police that Thunder Monkey touched him in a 'bad' place...

"He was confused..."

"So I had to spend forty minutes with the police explaining that Thunder Monkey was not a g_d-damned pedophile. Fuck that, I'm done."

"Larry, I'm sue the police were just doing their job --"

If the police were doing their job the people wouldn't need Thunder Monkey, okay? I'm out there putting my neck on the line and their giving parking tickets."

"Surely someone has expressed their gratitude to you --"

"I saved one college girl from getting raped -- she was drunk and pushing him away, and he kept grabbing at her clothes -- and she had the nerve to tell me that I ruined her evening..."

"She was drunk, Larry..."

"She told me that anyone going around town calling themselves 'Thunder Monkey' must be a complete fucked-up asshole who probably lives with his mother.."

"You don't live with your mother, Larry..."

"Screw it. Let them get beaten and robbed and murdered and molested, I'm done. Thunder Monkey is DONE..."

--from "The Existential Crisis of Thunder Monkey"

Jual Obat Bius বলেছেন...

nice article....

very good information and Inspiring & Interesting.

success always

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