October 29, 2014

"Students Nationwide Carry Mattresses to Protest Campus Rape."

It's the "Carry That Weight" protest.

I presume the name "Carry That Weight" is meant to evoke the Beatles song by that title, which addresses not a female but "Boy." I never really understood why the boy in the song had to carry a weight "a long time" or even what the weight was:
I never give you my pillow
I only send you my invitations
And in the middle of the celebrations
I break down
I guess when you're a Beatle you get invitations that you pass along to boys you don't sleep with. But what are the celebrations in the middle of which you break down if you've given your invitation to somebody else?

Here's what Wikipedia says about the meaning of the song:
Music critic Ian MacDonald interpreted the lyric as an acknowledgment by the group that nothing they would do as individual artists would equal what they had achieved together, and they would always carry the weight of their Beatle past. McCartney said the song was about the Beatles' business difficulties and the atmosphere at Apple at the time. In the film Imagine: John Lennon, Lennon says that McCartney was "singing about all of us."
Ah, well, now the lyric about the struggles of some males who voluntarily joined together, achieved a happy congress, and then felt burdened by the requirements of groupdom has been appropriated by females who agonize over the involuntarily juncture with males and now feel burdened by the aftereffects of something that was never good.


PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...


Paul McCartney was in another band before Wings? Who knew

John Henry

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Do they stop at each station of the mattress?

Ann Althouse said...


That joke is so far past its sell-by date it's ridiculous.

Who are these people who remember Wings but not The Beatles? That joke only worked 40 years ago.

Paul said...

Do any of these 'students' ACTUALLY STUDY?

Sometimes I wonder...

Rob said...

Co-eds carrying mattresses around campus--talk about being accommodating!

Meade said...

Hey, after all, I just needed to find a place
where I could lay my head. But alright, no is all you said. means no is all you said.

jr565 said...

the song makes more sense if you include the remaining lyrics which actually come in a previous song which is part of the medley:
You never give me your money
You only give me your funny paper
and in the middle of negotiations
you break down

I never give you my number
I only give you my situation
and in the middle of investigation
I break down

jr565 said...

I'm Sure Althouse knows the lyrics, of course.

jr565 said...

as to students carrying mattresses to protest rape, I have no desire to have anyone get raped. But I'd like to see this go on and on and on. Because there is something really silly about people carrying around huge mattresses everywhere they go, and frankly I hope they end up carrying them for their entire semester.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you're gonna carry that burden of proof a long time.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't they just carry a box of tissues? It would be much easier.

Meade said...

And just for that,
No, I won't take "Jack" your dog.

jr565 said...

"Ah, well, now the lyric about the struggles of some males who voluntarily joined together, achieved a happy congress,"
This song isn't about that. BUt I'm convinced think song Come Together Is about about a possibly gay gang bang.

jr565 said...

How big are the matrresses. Shouldn't they be king size?

chuck said...

Some time in the future, attending college in 2014 will be seen as a red flag in a resume.

Mark O said...

A serious question.

If rape is as rampant as these protesters claim, are not the schools negligent or grossly negligent for failure massively to increase security? Shouldn't they be sued into bankruptcy?

I prefer greater security to railroading someone through these flimsy procedures.

Meade said...

Oops, sorry, wrong song about weight. Also, sorry about being flippant about the R-word. But question: why are the kids in that first photo grinning as if they're breaking the record for how many college students they can cram into a phone booth? I thought a R-word is alleged to have taken place.

Kids these days. Weird.

glenn said...

Carrying a mattress on your back used to be the punch line of a really crude joke.

MadisonMan said...

DO they do this when it rains?

Michael K said...

The root of the word "Hysteria" is the Latin for uterus. I wonder why that is ?

Sam L. said...

The Angst, it burnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Big Mike said...

Except that everyone who has investigated the case has reached the same conclusion: Emma Sulkowicz engaged in consensual sex. Her story is complete fiction.

James Pawlak said...

It would be better if they carried arms. "Two to the chest and one to the head" OR "A double tap to the head' OR "Four inches with the point, twist, repeat twice".

Swifty Quick said...

Carrying a mattress on your back used to be the punch line of a really crude joke

Or, about 50 years ago, stand-alone insult: "Your mama carries a mattress on her back."

Oso Negro said...

I think that voluntary castration would be the most effective statement the students could make. It would put an end to the problem once and for all.

jr565 said...

One unintended consequence of this protest is that if anyone wanted to rape one of these ladies while they were carrying the mattress they'd be able to rape them on a comfortorable mattress.

Kirk Parker said...


Your comments are Weight-ier than usual.

And as someone who actually performs that song, I greatly appreciate your bringing it up.

el polacko said...

are these persecuted little snowlflakes aware of the fact that "she has a mattress strapped to her back" is phrase used to describe a woman who will have sex with anybody at the drop of a...mattress ?

Anonymous said...

Everything old is new again.

Was: "No" means "no".
Is: "Yes means "yes".
Soon: "I do" means "yes".

Achilles said...

You guys are dangerously close to slut shaming. Just because they don't want to take any responsibility for any decision they ever make doesn't make them wrong.

m stone said...

Students get dumber each year. Soon, there will be a color associated with rape.

Is there a stealth PR firm working this angle?

Bob R said...

Question for the commentariat (and Meade) - Has The Weight wandered into Mustang Sally territory?

Drago said...

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com: "Paul McCartney was in another band before Wings? Who knew"

Any millenial: "Who is Paul McCartney?"

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Maybe some of those trannies from the earlier note could get in on this.

Then they could really "shit the bed" as the expression goes.

John Henry

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Nothing really mattress.

Joe said...

I think the guys in the first picture have just figured out another way to get laid.

Achilles said...

Paul Zrimsek said...
"Everything old is new again.

Was: "No" means "no".
Is: "Yes means "yes".
Soon: "I do" means "yes"."

After that: select mode; yes.

Achilles said...

I can't help but think that this is being pushed by Japanese sexbot developers. It is like they don't want men to trust women and vice versa.

Unknown said...

I presume the name "Carry That Weight" is meant to evoke the Beatles song by that title....


Wince said...

"Why don't you just tie a mattress to your back?"

William said...

Eyes on the prize. This is all just a distraction from the real issue which is lack of transgendered facilities. They should carry a port-a-potty on their backs until such time as proper facilities are installed.

Anonymous said...

Drago said...

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com: "Paul McCartney was in another band before Wings? Who knew"

Any millenial: "Who is Paul McCartney?"

***I don't think so. My millennial son and his millennial GF went to a Bonnaroo in 2013, where McCartney was the main act.

He was on-stage for 2 1/2 hrs, performing and reminiscing about his time with the Beatles, and they---along with the entire crowd--were absolutely enthralled.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well some ladies are just naturally mattressbacks.

And the Germany Army used to staff its field brothels with women referred to as "Heerenmatratze"--or Army Mattresses.

A young lady who carries a mattress out in public may be sending an unintended message. Or heckfire, these days, it may be the intended message.

David said...

"Carry the weight?"

Haven't we had enough of fat shaming.

kcom said...

For what it's worth, there was a TV show in the listings tonight called "My Strange Addiction". According to the episode listing, one of the stories was about a woman who has been eating mattresses for the last 20 years. (It said she was 26.)

I didn't watch.

Darleen said...

Emma Sulkowicz engaged in consensual sex. Her story is complete fiction.

Yes, and Columbia is giving her class credit for that mattress as "performance art."

George Will is right, Universities HAVE made "victim" a coveted status.

eddie willers said...

You never give me your money
You only give me your funny paper
and in the middle of negotiations
you break down

That was written about the struggle of getting new management for the Beatles. John wanted the Rolling Stones' guy (the weasel, Allen Klein) while Paul wanted his father-in-law, Lee Eastman.

They should have listened to Paul.

And as for the old joke, that was a comedian talking about dating young girls.

The second joke in the routine was:

"I asked her where she was when Kennedy was shot. She said, 'Teddy Kennedy was shot?!'.

Anonymous said...

In other young-girl musical news, birthday greetings go out today to Little Susie (73), the Dancing Queen (55), and the chick from 'Hey Nineteen' (53).

Anonymous said...

I remember my college roommate in sophomore year in the early 80's. She came straggling in one morning and said, "Oh Lord, I had a one night stand with Joe and damn, I was so sorry this morning." Joe was a guy I knew she didn't like very much. I teased her a little - not harshly. She said, "You know, this one night stand business is not what it's cracked up to be. I'm sorry I did it."

She is now married to a guy she met a year or so out of college. They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary not long ago. They have 2 grown kids.

She was remorseful but never claimed Joe had raped her. She drank a bit too much, Joe was at the party, Joe suddenly looked good and - oh dear. How many times did that particular scenario take place in the '60's and '70's and '80's?

Man, I am so glad I am not in college now. Back in my day (bring out the walkers) you slept with someone or didn't - it was your choice and your decision. If you discovered one night stands were not your thing, as I did and my roommate did, you didn't put yourself in a situation where you would just fall into bed with some stranger again.

It strikes me that we took sex both more lightly and more seriously then the present generation does. Go to bed with the wrong guy at the wrong time? Not the end of the world. Vow that casual sex was not for you after such an experience? Well, that was OK too. (Of course, we had the shadow of AIDS beginning to loom over us too.)

richard mcenroe said...

At least they remember the classics. "Mattressbacks" was an old euphemism for Communist women in the 20's and 30's, because they were supposed to be notoriously loose sexually.

Bruce Hayden said...

You guys are dangerously close to slut shaming. Just because they don't want to take any responsibility for any decision they ever make doesn't make them wrong

But, of cose, they are wrong. No one cares who they sleep with, but themselves. Easy solution for the women - don't get drunk and don't put yourself in ambiguous situations, esp with current and former sex partners. And don't expect the guy to fall in love with you when you hook up with him the first time or two. Guys are mostly not wired that way. If they did that, 95-98% of the problem would just go away.

Sex is supposed to mean more for females. Traditionally (which means how we are wired), women would contribute 9, sometimes painful, months to bearing a child. Men, maybe 15 minutes. And, as a result, the sexual strategies of the two are different, with the males of most mammalian species benefitting most by having sex with the most number of females.

So, maybe there should be some slut shaming. That is what they are saying they are - women who slept with guys from whom they hadn't bothered to get an emotional commitment first. But, there won't be, since, as I said above, no one really cares, except for the women who engaged in this. Just don't take it out on the guys who were just as drunk as the women. (Statistically, on these drunken hookups, the guys drink more, but only proportionally to their body weight).

damikesc said...

Is this based on the credit given to that student for a rape that police couldn't find evidence that it had actually occurred?

SGT Ted said...

As if there was a pro-rape side to protest.

Yet more female narcissism. Yet more phony "rape culture" propaganda.

SGT Ted said...

Note how few people there are in those photos.

Good. It shows the rest of the student body aren't buying the hysteria.

Brando said...

The important thing is they're making a difference. Every time you see one of those students walking around with a mattress on their backs, you can say "this is why our tax dollars are subsidizing their educations."

Meanwhile, the Chinese are actually learning to operate factories and build hydroelectric dams. But hey, we're at least having social justice.

SGT Ted said...

"Students Carry Mattresses on their Backs".


damikesc said...

It is sad seeing so many faculty members involved. Sad, but not surprising.

Why is nobody suggesting banning alcohol? Take away that and "epidemic" dies. If they arent advocating banning beer or liquor, I cannot take them seriously.

And the douchebag dudes participating? Grow a set.

Meade said...

Everything old is new again.

Was: "No" means "no".
Is: "Yes means "yes".
Soon: "I do" means "yes".

This is a brilliant thought.

Marriage is the only way to experience the highest quality sexiest sex there is: sex between 2 monogamous adults who are committed to love and marriage. No cheating, no lying, no exploitation.

I know what you mean — radical and revolutionary.

eddie willers said...

I know what you mean — radical and revolutionary.

As most generations since Homer have figured out.

Us baby boomers....not so much.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...Marriage is the only way to experience the highest quality sexiest sex there is: sex between 2 monogamous adults who are committed to love and marriage. No cheating, no lying, no exploitation.
Uh, heteronormative traditionalist cisgender stereotype much, Meade? Who says marriage means monogamy or that marriage restricts you to sex with only one other person? Keep up, man.

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