"BREAKING: Obama postpones campaign trip to convene cabinet meeting on Ebola."
UPDATE: The link goes to the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and with the story no longer "breaking," you can find it, with the same title, is here.
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Uh oh: WSJ just now scrubbed it.
Uh oh: WSJ just now scrubbed it.
Was that the actual title of the article?
It is funny in a gallows humor sort of way, but the attempt to stamp down 'panic' has gotten people infected and will get people killed.
Panic is not the enemy here. The virus is.
re: scrubbed, here 'tis:
Obama Postpones Campaign Trip to Convene Cabinet Meeting on Ebola
Obama has a ready method for making everything worse: 1)he recognises a problem 2) he creates a massive Federal Bureaucracy complete with its own militarized police force with a 10 year ammo supply, 3) he appoints the dumbest single/lesbian woman he can find to pose as its Czar and do nothing at all about the problem.
"BREAKING: Obama postpones campaign trip to convene cabinet meeting on Ebola."
Because he doesn't have any answers for the Ebola problem.
Obama: (Looks at Cabinet Secretaries) Who the hell ARE these people, Valierie?
Wait... no, it's there. Quarantined, you might say.
Really fucking funny. But the Head of the CDC lead the fight against trans-fats and big sodas in NYC. And we have made substantial progress on lesbian obesity. And above all else - we are being led by a President that was once judged fit to be President of "all the people."
well, he's been hammered for the photo op telephone briefing that lasted 20 seconds jsut prior to his tee time.
Gotta show the folks that someone's in charge.
Obama Admin announces stringent new Ebola campaign:
Mandatory gun confiscation
Mandatory automobile confiscation
Mandatory quarantine from midnight to 11 pm
Gay wedding cakes for everybody
I remember they suspended all air transportation after 9/11, but we can't suspend the small number of flights coming from West Africa.
An epidemic is possible if the number of new people infected by each sick person averages greater than 1. We appear to be at 2, and these infections appear to have occurred after he was identified as having ebola.
That is not a good sign. Hopefully the updated CDC protocols will improve the situation, but only time will tell.
In a further crackdown on the risk of spreading ebola, EBT cards will not longer be accepted at strip club ATM's.
we're being governed by a PR firm. mindful of the optics, the Lightbringer convenes a meeting. I wonder if they have a strategy yet?
Time to develop a strategy on how to blame the guy who hasn't been president the last 6 years.
you should see Drudge right now.
Upper left
Stop it.
What if the meeting is in regards to the panic already being promoted out there? Now you're just adding to it. Thanks.
What is with this turn to the conspiratorial, Ann?
I never took you for a wannbe member of the Truther crowd,...
I have told y'all to lay off the Drudge,...
"Truther crowd"?
I'd ask you to explain what you mean by that, but I know you won't.
To minimize panic we need Obama photo op with victims in Dallas.
Time to take advantage of the current crisis! Waste not, want not!
The greatest significance of this is that today may mark the day that Obama finally realizes he's become a laughingstock. It's his political team that is now in full blown panic mode, I suspect.
Unfortunately though this also has real repercussions. Every step of the way, the messaging and handling of Ebola has been bungled, so now, the emergency meeting signals that the people who have the most information about the situation are panicking, and they are the same people who have already been proven incompetent.
"What if the meeting is in regards to the panic already being promoted out there?"
You are probably correct in that. This meeting is probably to determine how to manage the optics of the fact that there isn't any leadership (evidence is taking the word of Sebelius that the Obamacare website was ready to go). You're most likely correct that the meeting isn't to discuss how to contain a possible outbreak by reversing the decision to ban flights from Africa, or how to contain the virus' spread any farther than it already has. Very insightful, Crack.
The Vagina as Fascist State determined that weight issues amongst lesbians -- a key component of The Vagina as Fascist State -- was more important to study than a potential pandemic disease. Ignore The Vagina as Fascist State at your own peril.
The Vagina as Fascist State determined that weight issues amongst lesbians -- a key component of The Vagina as Fascist State -- was more important to study than a potential pandemic disease. Ignore The Vagina as Fascist State at your own peril.
Maybe it's just to make sure the One isn't possibly exposed?
I mean, New Jersey....how many international flights from Africa fly into Newark Airport?
Did Gov. Perry cancel his fundraising trip as well or is he still going to Europe while Texas is in a state of emergency??
"I remember they suspended all air transportation after 9/11, but we can't suspend the small number of flights coming from West Africa."
As Jon Stewart pointed out, where was this thinking about 150-200 years ago? Then, you couldn't stop white men from wanting to bring blacks here. Now? It's either keep them from arriving or - if the ones here aren't happy - send 'em back to Africa (where we don't come from)!
And the best part is, as they display their racism, whites don't notice a thing - including the fact we're watching them as they try to pass their racist ideas off as reasonable thinking or common sense.
Just keep everyone from West Africa out?
How about if we try keeping whites from America quiet for a change?
I mean, if this constant refrain of panic is their traditional mode of operation (and it appears to be - over Indians when they got here, Ebola, gay marriage, BENGHAZI, blacks, women, technology, whatever) then we obviously need cooler heads to lead.
Y'all's making a mess of things with your whole approach,..
Read the article in the Federalist from yesterday: we already have an Ebola "Czar" and her name is Dr. Nicole Lurie.
Interesting read ...
Screw the HHS Asst Sec in charge of Disaster response. Screw the CDC boss who made his name fighting trans-aft.
Show me the Commander of U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
I doubt they have lost interest in bug battles.
Have the POTUS stand up and say after talking to the Cabinet, he has ordered the Implementation of Plan "Solitary" and directed the CDR of USAMRIID to coordinate the national response.
Since its inception in 1969, USAMRIID has spearheaded research to develop medical solutions—vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and information—to protect our military service members from biological threats. Our specialized capabilities include Biosafety Level 3 and Level 4 laboratories, world-class expertise in the generation of biological aerosols for testing candidate vaccines and therapeutics, and fully accredited animal research facilities.
The outstanding national reputation of USAMRIID has been built over the years by numerous scientists and technical staff working to protect both military personnel and civilians from the threat of infectious diseases. We participate in support of emerging disease investigations, working alongside colleagues from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. As a reference laboratory for the Department of Defense, we set the standard for identification of biological agents. Our customers in the Army and the Department of Defense know us as a "tech base" organization that has produced some 20 candidate medical products over the past decade. Still others recognize the impressive scientific credentials of our workforce, which represents some of the top infectious disease and biological defense experts in the Nation—indeed, in the world.
He has a cabinet?
No one is saying that only blacks from West Africa shouldn't come here - no one who has been in the hot zone should be allowed back in without a significant quarantine time.
That's not racism, that's common sense.
The way the virus has been contained in the past has been through quarantine - small villages have been quarantined and the virus has been contained. This current outbreak has worsened because people have been allowed to travel and because the outbreak occurred in a more populated area with more travel-prone citizens.
If the WH and CDC plan is to convince me they don't know WTF they are doing, then everything is going according to plan.
"I'm not saying "panic" … I'm just saying the situation is bad enough to get Obama to cancel attending a fundraiser." Jim Geraghty
Julie C said...
No one is saying that only blacks from West Africa shouldn't come here - no one who has been in the hot zone should be allowed back in without a significant quarantine time.
Have State cancel all Visas from selected countries.
Have State issue travel warnings that travel to specified countries may result in US quarantine for up to 30 days
Heckuva job, Brownie. Er, I mean Tommy.
Skimming this thread of comments, the good news: our gallows humor seems to be less than infectious.
No humor hazmat suits needed.
An epidemic is possible if the number of new people infected by each sick person averages greater than 1. We appear to be at 2,
Yeah, they were spreading this chart with the Ro number around earlier to show that this is not as bad as HIV/measles/flu etc... but anything over 1 means the disease continues to spread. At the time, it was 1.5/2.0.
One guy in Nigeria led to 20 infections, and 8 deaths.
They are meeting to establish a protocol to protect Obama's image from the virus.
The first question on the agenda: "When can I go golfing again??"
The Vagina as Fascist State has already determined who will receive treatment, when, and what quality. If you have not as yet received your designated number classification then you are at the bottom of the list. The Vagina as Fascist State knows it is not how many lifeboats you have, the only thing that is important is that there is one for you. Start swimming.
One guy in Nigeria led to 20 infections, and 8 deaths.
But they appear to have stomped that site out with rapid draconian actions...
@umairh: Why, it's almost as if we should've been building hospitals, toilets, and housing, instead of porno-glasses and dating apps.
@umairh: Sorry. I forgot. A rich white guy going on yet another date is worth waaay more to the world than a poor black person's...life.
What if the meeting is in regards to the panic already being promoted out there?
Panic isn't the problem here. Lack of panic, and incredible hubris, led to the idea that it wouldn't come here and then that it wouldn't spread here. That has been proven wrong.
We need serious people who will tell the truth, rather than happy fluffy lies. Then maybe we can stamp this out before it continues to spread (although it may be too late for those already infected).
The virus appears to have spread to the stock market.
Julie C,
"No one is saying that only blacks from West Africa shouldn't come here - no one who has been in the hot zone should be allowed back in without a significant quarantine time.
That's not racism, that's common sense."
Bullshit. First, "common sense" for whites should always include the fact history is smiling on you - and reminding the rest of us of your racism - so you should check yourselves before you wreck yourselves because what you take for reasonable thinking comes from an ugly place the rest of us have too much experience with to let slide.
White America's racism towards Africa is a reality and no amount of pooh-poohing, by whites, will make us forget it. THAT's not racism but common sense - if you're us. Now, to the issue:
Folks, we just went through the AIDS crisis - did you learn nothing? "It's time to panic"? Really? I saw panic kill a lot of people unnecessarily, then, and that's the best you can do now? It's a fucking virus. And you want to trap uninfected people with it by restricting flights. Pure evil insanity, with it's cultural roots in slavery's obvious lack of interest in anyone else's humanity - much less saving your own.
Just slaveowner, Nazi, KKK thinking all the way down there with the turtles.
Fuck the flights - that's what's got to stop,...
He's just read about Ebola in the paper.
Where is ARM?
He was lackadaisial about a big government. That comment was just a few weeks ago.
It's like a big corporation. Mistakes happen.
This is no biggie. When the government gets this big, it's to be expected, isn't it, ARM?
October Surprise
If he postpones golf, we know we have only three more days till the world ends.
"Truther crowd"?
I'd ask you to explain what you mean by that, but I know you won't. "
He doesn't know. He's been watching Sharpton again.
Crack conveniently ignores the fact that previous outbreaks were controlled through quarantine.
Who elected that f*cker in the first place?
Meade said...
"No humor hazmat suits needed.
Meade's looking for a good Ebola joke.
An ebola filovirus, with it's characteristic thread-like structure, walks into a bar.
The bartender asks, "Why the long face?"
For someone who knows American history like Crack, that is an oversight.
madashell wrote:
I remember they suspended all air transportation after 9/11, but we can't suspend the small number of flights coming from West Africa.
it's so straightforwardly common sensical that you tear your hair out when they continue to not do what needs to be done.
Supposedly the second nurse who has ebola flew right after deaing with the patient. SHe should have been banned from flying until it was determined that she wasn't a carrier.
So, if we're ok with banning flying out by people who may be exposed, so to should we not have a cow when we propose banning flights into the country from regions that carry a completely deadly virus that can quickly kill thousands.
You're using AIDS? You mean when they wanted to shut down the bathhouses and weren't allowed to?
We used to have to be tested for AIDS before we got married.
"Meade's looking for a good Ebola joke."
Knock, knock.
Shhh... don't answer that. Maybe it'll just go away.
If you have to go so far back in time to make a point about modern circa now, like the left often do, I see only one conclusion and that is -- the left are anti- science. (or heartless)
People were killed as a result of panic from the AIDS virus? How so?
A lawyer and an ebola virus are walking down the street. They run in to a hot blond in a mini skirt coming the other way. She's not wearing any PPE so the ebola virus yells, "C'mon. Lets do it!"
The lawyer says, "Do what?"
The ebola virus says, "Infect her!"
The lawyer hesitates, then says, "What's in it for me?"
Julie C said...
Crack conveniently ignores the fact that previous outbreaks were controlled through quarantine.
Quarantine and tracing, except that politics kept tracing from being used against AIDs in many places...
"Y'all's making a mess of things with your whole approach,.."
If only we had someone who had their life together who could tell us all what approach to take, mirroring their own success.
Please homeless beggar, tell us what to do?
Everyone knows that the only reason that malaria, dengue fever, sleeping sickness, and chagas are prevalent in the tropics and not Europe and the United States is because the Protozoa and viruses responsible are racist.
Ask yourselfe this. What if that nurse had gone on a cruise instead of visiting family in Akron? Would you want to be on a cruise ship with an Ebola infected passnger? They are not taking this seriously enough.
Maybe NOW we can stop issuing visas for people from West Africa?
Would you want to be on a cruise ship with an Ebola infected passnger?
At least on a cruse ship, you can rig a privy and tent on the fantail.
and you dont have to breath recycyled Ebola RNA...
Friedan says new case patient SHOULDN'T have traveled by plane to and from Cleveland! Holy Shit! You can't make it up. Travel ban from Africa will make it worse, but travel in America should not be allowed!
Crack Emcee wrote:
Bullshit. First, "common sense" for whites should always include the fact history is smiling on you - and reminding the rest of us of your racism - so you should check yourselves before you wreck yourselves because what you take for reasonable thinking comes from an ugly place the rest of us have too much experience with to let slide.
anyone who handles an ebola patient HERE in the US should not be able to travel until they've been cleared. Meaning, it's ok to quarantine them (in my view) that would be true whtehre the nurse/doctor was black, white or Asian.
So if we block traffic out, there should be even less of a problem blocking traffic IN.
Only complete retards are making this a racial thing. If ebola had an outbreak in Englannd I would say block flights from England until they sort out the mess.
jacksonjay wrote:
Friedan says new case patient SHOULDN'T have traveled by plane to and from Cleveland! Holy Shit! You can't make it up. Travel ban from Africa will make it worse, but travel in America should not be allowed!
It's funny how, when we get past the political correct charges the common sense suddenly becomes common sense. So, someone who has been exposed to ebola should not be flying. It's not a good idea. HMmmmm. where have a been hearing that before?
Yes, and next week Obama will convene his cabinet to discuss the loss of the airport in Iraq to the ISIS.
Week after that he will convene his cabinet to discuss Putin's grabbing more of the Ukraine.
Week after that he will convene his cabinet to discuss the stock market crash.
Week after that he will convene his cabinet to discuss the loss of the Senate.
Better late than never.
Crack: First, "common sense" for whites should always include the fact history is smiling on you
Nah. Its because whites are superior.
Face it, if your black ancestors hadn't sold themselves to us, you would still be squatted down in some tribal hut trying to remember if you wiped your ass with your left hand or your right.
No need to thank us. White man's burden and all.
It's a fucking virus. And you want to trap uninfected people with it by restricting flights.
I'm sure you would have been waving the soldiers on in WWI who spread the 1918 flu around, which killed millions.
Spreading a virus around does not help control it or save lives. It creates more vectors for the disease, more infected, more dead. Witness what is happening in West Africa right now. If they could have stopped it early, if people weren't so mobile it might have died out at a few hundred cases. Instead it's killed thousands and not yet stopped.
Maybe if the WHO had panicked a few months ago, instead of handwaving it, there would be fewer dead.
My daughter works two blocks from the hospital in Dallas. She keeps wondering why all of the workers that treated Duncan have not been quarantined in that hospital. They didn't reassigned the student nurses until Sunday! What the Hell?
...So the first guy says "Get out of that silly hazmat suit. I said she's a libRArian."
D'jo Mai Gahd! Headed to Costco to lay in supplies.
I hope that his enablers can make him a Haz Mat suit that he can play golf in!
Whack Emcee wrote:
Really? I saw panic kill a lot of people unnecessarily, then, and that's the best you can do now? It's a fucking virus. And you want to trap uninfected people with it by restricting flights. Pure evil insanity, with it's cultural roots in slavery's obvious lack of interest in anyone else's humanity - much less saving your own.
NO, I want to contain a virus so that MORE people don't get it than already have it. If you don't restrict flights then people with ebola can travel on those flights and infect people without ebola who will be exposed to them on those flights. And then we have to monitor everyone one of those people and all the people they may be in contact to see if they have a the virus, and if so quarantine them.
I could even see allowing a flight where we knew the person had ebola was on it, if we could set up the plane ahead of time to be a quarantine zone in and of itself. But letting someone with ebola on a commercial flight? THat's ridiculous. There should be exactly ZERO instances of ebola in America, since as soon as we found out about it we should have immediately blocked flights until the outbreak was contained.
It creates more vectors for the disease, more infected, more dead
Worse, a few more doublings will bring our "superior" health care system to its knees. Try having a heart attack when every ICU in your city is under quarantine.
The Drill SGT said...
Julie C said...
Crack conveniently ignores the fact that previous outbreaks were controlled through quarantine.
Quarantine and tracing, except that politics kept tracing from being used against AIDs in many places...
Does he forget? Or does he just want the entire world paralyzed because in the ubiquitous history of people enslaving other people, there was this one example of one group of people being white and the other group of people being black?
Crack: evil insanity, with it's cultural roots in slavery's obvious lack of interest in anyone else's humanity - much less saving your own.
Slavery? Are you talking about blacks again? Pleeeease... everyone knows they are sub-human. Where did you get the idea that you're part of the human species?
"Please homeless beggar in a racist white supremacist culture and country, tell us what to do because all whites know is fear, torture, and racism as the answer to everything."
"Its because whites are superior."
Which is why the lazy assholes had to get guns and demand people do their work.
What a disrespectful (and unrespectable) hoot you guys are,...
Far better to introduce a highly infections (whatever their BS about it) incurable disease into our country than to appear racist.
A little border control would have saved untold millions of Native American lives.
Travel restrictions in Europe could maybe have prevented the horrific death of a third of Europeans.
Nations prosper and decline according to how well their values operate within the real world of human nature, disease, and available natural resources.
There is no other criteria of right and wrong. Either you are selected in to the future, or you are selected out. It has always been thus and it cannot be changed.
Ebola: Reason #1431650 that really, we should have picked our own cotton.
Crack - in previous outbreaks in central Africa, villages experiencing an outbreak self-quarantined. Other villages brought food and left it for the quarantined villagers. It worked well to keep the virus contained in a small area.
Again, not racist - common sense.
Leave it to Crack to make ebola be yet another example of white racism.
Uh-Oh! Looks like second patient is Black. Crack??? An Asian and a Black?? Ebola must be RACIST!
Crack is the one who is always prattling on about "white supremacy."
Personally, I don't believe it, when is the last time you saw a white cornerback in the NFL?
When is the last time you saw a white Math champion when a significant number of Asians are in the competition?
Why did the Ivy League have to work so hard to keep out Jews for so long?
Crack keeps talking about "white supremacy" but I think we are pretty middle of the road. Our one great talent seems to be open warfare, but nobody will fight us in the open anymore, so even that has lost its luster.
"it's so straightforwardly common sensical that you tear your hair out when they continue to not do what needs to be done."
Obama likes complicated, remember? He's the smart fucker.
Postponed a campaign trip? But then how will he afford his next election?
The Drill SGT said...
One guy in Nigeria led to 20 infections, and 8 deaths.
But they appear to have stomped that site out with rapid draconian actions..."
Couple of days ago, I read that Ivory Coast had pretty much sealed it's borders and is having much more success regarding containment than its neighbors
richard mcenroe said...
Obama: (Looks at Cabinet Secretaries) Who the hell ARE these people, Valierie?
LOL. Thank you.
Commitee to Deflect Criticism
tim maguire,
"Does he forget?"
I forget nothing - I'm the one NOT panicking, remember? Do YOU remember this is supposed to be The New World? A home of The Enlightenment? "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"?
White's patriotism a la carte is deeeeep.
Think, Fools.
"Or does he just want the entire world paralyzed because in the ubiquitous history of people enslaving other people, there was this one example of one group of people being white and the other group of people being black?"
What part of WHITES HAVE TO STOP DOING THAT don't you guys get? It helps nothing and condemns others to DEATH - which, in case it still hasn't sank in to culturally slaveowner types, is pretty serious shit to the rest of humanity.
I say treat a virus like a virus, and save the panic for things whites find really important - like, you know:
Their dads getting them a car they didn't want, or when Seinfeld or Game of Thrones went off the air,...
"Friedan says new case patient SHOULDN'T have traveled by plane to and from Cleveland!"
Wow. Does the CDC not have authority or are they not using it?
RecChief - Exactly! In fact, there is concern for the cocoa harvest. Loads of Liberians usually travel to Ivory Coast to work on the harvest.
So chocolate prices will be going through the roof.
Containing it needed to be the first and most important measure. If the disease's spread is reduced to a small number of people on whom you can concentrate treatments, you not only have a chance to nip it in the bud, but you prevent a lot of death, expense, and panic.
Right now, due to the Ebola spread there's a number of hospitals in Africa where people are dying of treatable diseases because so many resources are being used to fight Ebola instead. Those indirect deaths could have been prevented if quick action was taken at the source.
Now, with each new confirmed case in the U.S., it's becoming clear we don't have this contained. This is ugly, and getting uglier.
White people gonna solve the problem, as usual, as expected.
Hopefully there will be some recent Liberian immigrants in the homeless shelter Crack, so you can tell him how racist America is.
Get in nice and close when you talk to him, maybe do some sort of complicated hate whitey hand greeting.
It's starting to look like Kevin Bacon as Chip Diller
in previous outbreaks in central Africa, villages experiencing an outbreak self-quarantined.
Indeed. Part of the problem is that West Africa is less used to the disease so a lot of education was needed and part was that they are more mobile.
Ebolavirus walks into a bar.
Bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your kind"
Ebolavirus: "It's because I carry a negative-sense RNA genome in virions that are cylindrical/tubular, and contain viral envelope, matrix, and nucleocapsid components, isn't it ?"
Bartender: "No. It's because we're racists".
I think racism has a lot to do with the mess we're in. If large numbers of people in white countries were dying we would have paid more attention long ago. Africans are largely expendable. But now the stock market is taking a hit it is a crisis.
"White people gonna solve the problem, as usual, as expected."
At least we will organize the solution. One good example is The Firestone Rubber Plantation in LIberia .
The population of that plantation, a "company town" in the jungle, is 25,500. They have had 71 cases with 17 survivors.
The LA Times was critical in 2008 but I wonder how everyone feels today ?
The most recent estimate is 1.4 million deaths by February. Maybe Firestone will be all that's left.
White people again.
Crack, unable to dissuade people from actually using common damn sense by using his usual "white supremacy" schtick, keeps prattling on.
Next, they'll be asking what Abbott would do about it. Then, we'll get an audio clip of Pink Shoes Wendy saying "If that Liberian's mother would have aborted him, we wouldn't have this trouble," and Crack; ARM; Madisonfella; and Garage Mahal will all figuratively tug on their chins and say, "you know, she's right, who will stand with Wendy to push for POST-Partum abortion?"
Michael K said...
"White people gonna solve the problem, as usual, as expected."
At least we will organize the solution. One good example is The Firestone Rubber Plantation in LIberia .
The population of that plantation, a "company town" in the jungle, is 25,500. They have had 71 cases with 17 survivors.
The LA Times was critical in 2008 but I wonder how everyone feels today ?
The most recent estimate is 1.4 million deaths by February. Maybe Firestone will be all that's left.
I saw the story on Firestone. It kind of looked like a bunch of people got together and MacGyvered a solution to the lack of protective gear (think Apollo 13). Odd that there hasn't really been any coverage of that.
"we should have picked our own cotton."
No fucking kidding.
The only racism I've seen on this is the attempts to convince us that because we are not Africa, the virus has no chance of spreading. That incredible, shameful hubris has already gotten two workers infected.
I sincerely hope this Crack guy is some kind of joke, even though I don't think mental illness is funny.
If that guy is sincere, he's gotten worse over the months and I feel sorry for him.
The only racism I've seen on this is the attempts to convince us that because we are not Africa, the virus has no chance of spreading
You never notice Fen, eh? Or, like most conservatives, you don't see anything racist with what he says?
Crack wrote:
I say treat a virus like a virus, and save the panic for things whites find really important - like, you know:
Their dads getting them a car they didn't want, or when Seinfeld or Game of Thrones went off the air,...
So if we treat a virus like a virus we contain it. Therefore we block people who have it from getting in and spreading it. If we have people here who have it, we contain THEM so they can't get out and spread the virus.
If wer're expressing panic it's because the govt seems to not be doing those things.
Just the other day the nurse who treated Duncan came down with ebola and prior to that travelled. Now the CDC is saying she shouldn't have travelled because she was exposed. WEL, YEAH! What the hell have we been saying about blocking travel when people have been exposed. The lesson isnt' lost on them when we have someone exposed travelling out, but because they don't want to offend anyones sensibilities common sensegoes out the window when it comes to people coming into this country who may be bringing ebola with them.
When a disease affects a small number of people in a far off place, there isn't a whole lot of attention paid.
Suddenly, it starts affecting a whole bunch of people and spreads to other places and our interest increases. Racist? How about human nature.
People who have obscure illnesses or genetic disorders can rightly complain that no one pays attention to their particular disease. But that isn't racism. The research money goes where the potential profits are. Or, in the case of the CDC, the research money goes to finding out why lesbians are fat.
You never notice Fen, eh? Or, like most conservatives, you don't see anything racist with what he says?
Deflection! I'm talking about Ebola and our response, not a bunch of random people on the internet. Try to keep up.
Now, with each new confirmed case in the U.S., it's becoming clear we don't have this contained. This is ugly, and getting uglier.
How many confirmed cases are there in the U.S.?
Should I be drinking Makers Mark 46 instead of 4-year Jim Beam?
I mean, at least for the time being...
Dustin said...
I sincerely hope this Crack guy is some kind of joke, even though I don't think mental illness is funny.
If that guy is sincere, he's gotten worse over the months and I feel sorry for him.
He cant keep a wife.
He cant keep a job.
He can't hold onto money.
And its all your fault.
Don't engage him.
For the left, aren't yiou always talking about the population bomb? Isnt' this how nature would weed out the excess populations? Maybe then you should be having parties
I think we should get reparations from Liberians for having to treat viruses that should stay in Liberia. Where's my cash, crack?
Gee, my dad never gave me a car I didn't want, nor one I did want either.
I am going to put in a grievance to the head of the white race.
"Should I be drinking Makers Mark 46 instead of 4-year Jim Beam? "
Yes, but that has nothing to do with current events, just on principle.
I'm talking about Ebola and our response, not a bunch of random people on the internet. Try to keep up.
Granted, if you are completely ignoring all the comments in this thread then it is easy to say you don't see any racism in regards to this issue.
But, if you are completely ignoring all the comments on this thread then what were you responding to with your comment about not seeing any racism?
The fact that the people in charge at the CDC are incompetent should not be a surprise. The CDC is a big government organization. At this point in history it should be axiomatic that government can't do very much very well. In fact the only thing it truly seems to excel at is killing people.
So this virus we named Ebola
Spread quickly from Larry to Lola
Seems Obama's CDC
Is pure incompetency
I guess you do reap what you sow, la
The doctor tells Ebolavius, "I've got some good news and some bad news."
Ebola says, "Give me the bad news first."
Doctor says,"We've developed a cheap, effective vaccine that could completely wipe you out within a decade."
Ebola says, "Holy shit! What's the good news?"
Doctor says, "Did you see that super hot receptionist I've got working for me?"
Ebola says, "Yeah...."
Doctor says, "I'm fucking her."
Yes, but that has nothing to do with current events, just on principle.
Au contraire, my friend.
With perhaps just hours - hours! - left to live, which should I drink?
Stupid people abound. They aren't panicked at all.
That is why they pepper their "writing" with words with all letters capitalized. People with a screw loose write like that.
Game of Thrones went off the air
When did that happen? Such a thing would understandably result in the burning down of a QuikTrip in Missouri.
Frieden is now saying that health care workers in Dallas (10 of them) who treated Duncan were told not to travel, but one did.
This begs a couple questions:
1. If we are allowing flights from the effected area in Africa, why tell Americans who have come in contact with an ebola patient being told not to travel?
2. If getting on a plane to cleveland if you were around ebola, and supposedly "asymptomatic", is such a cause for concern, why is there no concern about stopping flights from Africa where medical conditions are worse than here in the US?
Please quote some racism from this thread.
The doctor tells Ebolavius, "I've got some good news and some bad news."
Ebola says, "Give me the bad news first."
Doctor says,"We've developed a cheap, effective vaccine that could completely wipe you out within a decade."
Ebola says, "Holy shit! What's the good news?"
Doctor says, "NIH has taken charge of it."
with only hours to live, I'd opt for Van Winkle, but that's just me.
or maybe Lagavulin
The UN said we have 60 days to stop this in its tracks otherwise we are screwed. (not those words exactly of course) How are they timing that if we continue to get more cases because they arent' being blocked by travel bans? If you are leaving containment off the table by continuing to allow people with the virus in or out then any containment talk is moot..
@Bob Boyd-
The punch line should be, "The company that holds the patent on the vaccine has no large Democratic Party donors on its Board, so we're working on stockpiles of Smallpox drugs instead."
and by the way, if "asymptomatic" means without symptoms, why did Tom Frieden say the traveler to Cleveland was asymptomatic? she traveled with a low grade fever. knowingly.
"“She should not have traveled on a commercial airline,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said."
Why the fuck did you let her? It's incompetents all the way down.
"If wer're expressing panic it's because the govt seems to not be doing those things."
Where to begin? So we WERE supposed to pretend you've been pretty unbiasedly-aware of this race hustler's actions, on any topic that features black "thugs" practically, as you've non-racially opposed each and every one of them for some all-of-a-sudden cockamamy (white) "principle" you abandon as soon as you get politically desperate - but, now, I'm supposed to see you as giving me an accurate assessment based on - this is brilliant - how ALARMED you are?
And then what the government "seems" is pretty weak evidence for panic, ain't it? Like going on your feelings (I thought we Republicans didn't do that?)? Why don't you guys wave some sage around while you're at it because, like the guilt you think blacks want from you (no matter how many times we tell you to shove it) it's worth just about as much good?
Face it - as long as you never consider YOU'RE WRONG AND FIGHT THE FACTS - you are not the ones to be listened to. Panicked or not. But especially not. Why? Let me count some equally-stupid ways:
1. You hate Obama. You say it every day. Nobody forgets that for your convenience. 'Nuff said.
2. Your "logic" is one of continued brutality and your lack of concern, still, is right out of slavery, the KKK, Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia. You really don't seem to understand - with you and I receiving the same ethical and educational background - that's what you make yourself look like, using OUR moral standard. You even insist on it. How is anyone going to trust you?
3. There's a racist 400 year history with Africa to contend with. It's so one-sided and brutal I need not say more.
4. You can't even grasp that, OBVIOUSLY, making blacks play taxes for over a century for facilities we couldn't use is reparational - you will even stand in the way of it while OPENLY talking about the horrors of government intrusion in YOUR lives - but I'm supposed to think you'll treat Africans fairly with our history?
You're self-panicking fools,...
I cannot imagine this strain of Ebola doing anything less than infecting people in every major country of the world. Between 50 and 75% of those people will die. Many people will die from other causes that might have been prevented had resouces been available. The people who die will be of all races and all socio-economic levels but the rich are likely to have better overall odds than the poor.
Our efforts should be focused on prevention. I am going to focus on getting some supplies ready just in case. If they are not needed then I will deplete my stock of supplies slowly as needed. It's an investment.
After all, my people have seen diseases from other continents before. At least those long since dead people didn't understand virology. What is the excuse these days?
Please quote some racism from this thread
"Are you talking about blacks again? Pleeeease... everyone knows they are sub-human. Where did you get the idea that you're part of the human species?"
Just one of many examples. And yes, I understand that most people who visit Althouse don't find such statements to be racist or even bad at all, which is why you were completely befuddled about what I was referring to. But if you ever leave this echo chamber you'll discover that most folks find that type of language to be vile, disgusting, and flat-out racist.
I would say that Crack is ready for a rubber room, but that would be an upgrade over his current homelessness.
Enjoy the fresh air, Crack.
Nah, we'll know it's time to panic when Obama locks up his golf clubs.
He gave up a fundraising trip, but I won't really start worrying until Obama passes on a round of golf.
@Clyde, I see you and I are thinking along the same lines.
"Those who have exposures to Ebola, she should not have traveled on a commercial airline,” said Dr. Frieden. “The CDC guidance in this setting outlines the need for controlled movement. That can include a charter plane; that can include a car; but it does not include public transport. We will from this moment forward ensure that no other individual who is being monitored for exposure undergoes travel in any way other than controlled movement.”
Then why isn't there a travel ban on flights from West Africa? No shit, we are being governed by people who can't fucking think straight. And enablers who hear someone diverge from teh party line and immediately take the contrary position, because.....what? progressivism? yeah totally not a death cult.
Looks like Gov. Perry is now following Obama's lead and is going to cut his own fundraising trip to Europe short after all.
Kudos to him.
99% of the "racism" on this site is just pushback against Crack. And you know it.
Inga wrote;
"Just one of many examples. And yes, I understand that most people who visit Althouse don't find such statements to be racist or even bad at all, which is why you were completely befuddled about what I was referring to. But if you ever leave this echo chamber you'll discover that most folks find that type of language to be vile, disgusting, and flat-out racist."
Someone needs a sarcasm detector.
""Are you talking about blacks again? Pleeeease... everyone knows they are sub-human. Where did you get the idea that you're part of the human species?""
Do you really think that this is not intended sarcastically?
Have you been reading Crack's rants on "white people" everything Crack says is through the lens of how he defines "white racism." Everything. This is just a parody of how Crack seems to think whites view blacks.
You may not think that the proper response is mockery, but it is. Not because Crack is black, either, but on the merits of his own posts.
Big Mike,
"@Clyde, I see you and I are thinking along the same lines."
That's all good, though (I think) Bush golfed more and I supported him.
Another way to think:
Why can't you guys welcome a fellow American to the game with grace? You know the history, from don't-let-blacks-play to it's shameful how much he's doing it - quite the trajectory you made there for yourself. Like nothing we do, even if it affirms white culture, will be good enough. Am I wrong here?
When are whites going to get that we're trying to BUILD on what we've got?
Please name an Obama policy that conservatives would support were Obama white, Crack.
Inga: Just one of many examples.
Oh please. I've been commenting here since Valenti posed for Clinton - never a racist remark.
And you're not that stupid - you know its just giving Crack a bit of his own medicine.
Which means you're just dishonest. And hypocritical, as I've never seen you complain about all of Crack's "whitey sucks" racist rants.
Maybe you should go back to wishing Ebola deaths on Texas.
You may not think that the proper response is mockery, but it is. Not because Crack is black, either, but on the merits of his own posts.
Bush gave up golf due to the criticism of the optics. He thought it was wrong to be playing golf while our soldiers were at war.
Bush got plenty of criticism for playing golf. Plenty.
I happen to like that he plays golf. I wish he would wait to play it so much a couple of more years though, but he probably does less damage on the golf course than he does at the office, but some decisions, only he can make.
My remarks are also meant to test Althouse - if she allows Crack's racist remarks, she has to allow my parody of them.
Unless she's also a hypocrite.
And hypocritical, as I've never seen you complain about all of Crack's "whitey sucks" racist rants.
I never complain about Crack's comments (or Cedarford's when he goes off on da Jews). That only means that I see no point or profit in it.
Trolls are best ignored. A lack of commentary about outrageous comments means so very little IMO.
madisonfella said...
Please quote some racism from this thread
"Are you talking about blacks again? Pleeeease... everyone knows they are sub-human. Where did you get the idea that you're part of the human species?"
Just one of many examples. And yes, I understand that most people who visit Althouse don't find such statements to be racist or even bad at all, which is why you were completely befuddled about what I was referring to. But if you ever leave this echo chamber you'll discover that most folks find that type of language to be vile, disgusting, and flat-out racist.
10/15/14, 2:47 PM
So you quote one (of maybe two) racist comments from the "Fen" fellow that I do not recall seeing online here much (I could be wrong) and completely ignore months (nay years) of Crack racist rants. Some kind of judgment you have there.
Maybe no one commented on it for the same reason many of us no longer read or comment back to Crack, don't want to feed the racist. Now a days, any Crack post is automatically ignored. Seems I will be adding Fen to that list...
"BREAKING: Obama postpones campaign trip to convene cabinet meeting on Ebola."
BREAKING: Cabinet proposes a short fence to prevent the spread of Ebola in the U.S.
never a racist remark.
Of course someone like you wouldn't see anything at all racist with your remarks.Most racists are blind to their own hatred and bigotry.
Maybe you should go back to wishing Ebola deaths on Texas.
Maybe you should quit making up shit about me. Or at the very least provide a link to where such a thing was ever said.
And that's one of the many differences between you and I. When I am asked to provide actual quotes I do so. You, on the other hand, simply repeat your baseless accusations without ever providing a link.
You are toxic and vile. No wonder that Althouse considers your word to be "Law"
So do you think Fen was being literal? Or is it racist to parody the fever swamp ravings of a person who happens to be black?
I guess I am a big racist 'cause I figured Fen was being sarcastic. Ha ha!
Madisonfella keeps coming back to this cesspool of unabashed racism though, and every once in a while dips a toe in and shrieks.
I never complain about Crack's comments (or Cedarford's when he goes off on da Jews). That only means that I see no point or profit in it.
Indeed, MM. I am personally not generally interested in getting into it. I would rather talk about the actual topic, and this one is actually important not fluff, than get in the middle of people's bickering and other nonsense. That's a great way to turn every comment thread into a shitstorm.
I see the resident Left trying their best to divert attention from the total fuck up that is this administration's response to the problem.
Oh, and if you've read my comments above, you should know that Josh Earnest announced within the last hour that stopping "commercial flights from West Africa isn't an option on the table." Juxtapose that with Frieden's comments about Nurse #2 and that she shouldn't have been allowed to travel on commercial airlines, and that all future travel by people in the high risk category is restricted to controlled travel and commercial travel is forbidden. Peak stupidity.
Crack seems to like it here too. Fine with me, I enjoy having him here. But if that is supposed to mean that we can'd disagree with him or we are RAACCIIISST, well, I just don't buy it.
tim in vermont,
"Do you really think that this is not intended sarcastically?"
Considering the evolution of this dialogue sprung from the racists here - chasing me away as I begged them to stop, except I returned, fully-charged to return fire - no, I don't think the so-called "pushback" is sarcastic but some of you white Americans, complacently allowing racists to sully your collective name, in defense of an admirable but wrong-headed "colorblind" approach to race in our country.
"Have you been reading Crack's rants on "white people" everything Crack says is through the lens of how he defines "white racism.""
Bullshit. I rant on white supremacy. Part of that was recognizing how whites here spoke of "blacks" - and then making whites "whites". And guess what? Whites see RACISM when you do that to them - said with no recognition of what "irony" means what-so-ever.
That's been part of the attraction of dealing with "whites" here - watching how long they can be clueless to their own behavior.
You really can't grasp what "white supremacy" means, can you?
"This is just a parody of how Crack seems to think whites view blacks."
No, it's a parody of the people here - who've convinced themselves calling civil rights workers "race hustlers" is all good - but they still don't get it:
Whether you mean it or not, with this history, you're being racist,...
Inga doesn't point to Crack"s constant racism. Revealing.
Never ceases to amaze me how whenever a certain person gets called out on his bullshit there is suddenly a whole swarm of comments from all kinds of "different" people who rarely ever post yet they all clamoring to say the same thing at the same time. Including the inside joke of calling me "Inga"
Interesting indeed.
I was in the airport a few days ago. People are watching the news.
Cabinet meeting? When did anything useful get done at a cabinet meeting? These things are photo ops. Get back to us when he meets in his office with the AG and the heads of DHS and the CDC and they decide to do something (as opposed to say something.)
"Whether you mean it or not, with this history, you're being racist," -- Crack to me.
So be it. I am not going to allow some intellectual construct you have cooked up define me. You ought to keep that in mind and try to do the same when others try to define you.
Exactly how many low-yield nuclear weapons would be needed to stem the spread?
tim in vermont,
"Please name an Obama policy that conservatives would support were Obama white, Crack."
I repeat:
When you can admit that taking black taxes for facilities and services only whites used is reparational, then I'll consider what conservatives might do if they were playing fair ball. What say you, American?
Do we have a case or don't we?
You're the new guy here, madisonfella.
Oh yeah, and I have already confessed to being a serial rapist too. My long sordid career of rapery starting with a batch of pot brownies and a bottle of wine, and I went off on a tear like that movie "Natural Born Killers", beer, cocaine, shots of tequila, bongs, you name it.
Now I have never committed "rape rape." So it doesn't bother me to be labeled a rapist.
Now I can see that we have "racism" and "racism racism."
So as long as I am not a "racist racist" I am OK with being called a "racist" as long as the definition is clear.
The Vagina as Fascist State has no interest in seeing Ebola stopped in the United States, at least while it is primarily located in states such as Texas: it will only be treated seriously when it is a threat to the Northeastern political centers. The idea of the fly-over people being eradicated by disease is feature, not a bug (as it were). If there are no 'fly-over people' there is no longer a need for countering with leftist minority votes, so those communities will be set adrift, also.
Dallas will be forced to accept flights from Liberia, but Washington DC and New York will refuse flights from Dallas. This relationship will be the same for St. Louis, Cinncinnati, etc etc.
Once large portions of the country have died and the disease has burnt itself out it will be easier to unfreeze the eggs and start anew, a country populated for and by The Vagina as Fascist State. Those of The Vagina as Fascist State who may have misgivings about this will be consoled that in the end letting the disease burn is the best thing that could be done to thwart global warming.
The Vagina as Fascist State has already designed the monument.
Original Mike,
"Inga doesn't point to Crack"s constant racism. Revealing."
Yeah, it reveals she's been here long enough to get the joke - as have Ann and Meade and others. I've been here so long, some people who come back are like "What happened to Crack?" while the newbies are 100% POSITIVE they've got a real live black racist to toy with!!!
What "white" person - fully cognizant of our country's historical dynamics - can resist attacking an angry black man, huh?
Ever wonder why Public Enemy's logo is an angry black man in a white's gun sight?
These guys are just willingly playing into the worst of white's image and history,..
You guys are only hanging yourselves,...
Hahahah. Crack would never let anyone bring up Africa and now he is all in solidarity. Puzzling.
Since many (most?) black travelers from Africa will be visiting with black Americans upon their arrival one would think that the Crack Emcee would be concerned. But, alas, racism clouds his brain. Two of the three people who have or were killed by Evola were black. The racist disease is targeting people for breathing or working while black. And The Crack Emcee defaults to the belief that America has been racist to the continent of Africa ( leaving out George Hitler Bush who Africans applaud as someone who actually did something to stop AIDS in the continent).
There is a way to stop it, a simple way, but all too confusing racist-wise.
I predate you, Crack. Sometimes a joke gets old.
Also noticed that whenever a certain somebody is asked to provide a link to back up something they said that name will suddenly quit posting only to show up in a day or two later in a different thread, making the same baseless accusations once again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Interesting indeed.
Let's be clear: this pathogen cares not who is racist, who is Liberal or conservative or who is anything else you would like to mention. Its only goal is to reproduce. And we should all be unified that our only goal is to stop the virus.
Why anything else matters is beyond me.
"madisonfella said...
Also noticed that whenever a certain somebody is asked to provide a link to back up something they said that name will suddenly quit posting only to show up in a day or two later in a different thread, making the same baseless accusations once again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Classic case of Projection.
I've noticed that everytime you are asked for a link to back up your assertions, your reply is "look it up yourself" but you constantly demand links from everyone else.
NOw, please tell me your thoughts on the CDC director saying Nurse #2 shouldn't have been on a commercial flight after exposure to an Ebola patient, but our adminsitration has taken a travel ban (commercial flights) from Africa 'off the table'.
You're the new guy here, madisonfella.
Madisonfella = Inga
She had to change her screen name after she destroyed her credibility.
Why anything else matters *with regard to this virus* is beyond me.
I note that the DOW is down 1000 points from not very long ago (less than a month).
Airplane stocks were flying high. Not any more. Who wants to fly next to a seatmate with Ebola? (I still hope this whole thing is done in early January when I have to fly for work...I don't see a reason to doubt that quite yet, but I'm realistic). How much can Ebola affect the US Economy? I wonder.
Re: "Why anything else matters *with regard to this virus* is beyond me."
This is the cloak from which The Vagina as Fascist State will work behind.
If it makes you feel any better Crack, I make fun of the white homeless people begging for money ranting on the side of the street too.
Most of them don't tell me that their mother was a whore, and that they have big record deals coming along though.
So you have that going for you.
There are few things funnier than going on a new site and having regulars there assume you are somebody's sock puppet from before.
I had one, over at Media Matters, claim she was gathering evidence with every comment. She was trying to prove I was somebody who had been banned to get me banned.
I finally got bored of those Kool-Aide drinkers though.
Madisonfella = Inga
Wrong, as usual. And don't expect me to pay all the back rent she owes you for living in your head all this time.
And anytime you want to provide a link to where I was wishing death on Texans please do so.
Let's be clear: this pathogen cares not who is racist, who is Liberal or conservative or who is anything else you would like to mention. Its only goal is to reproduce. And we should all be unified that our only goal is to stop the virus.
Why anything else matters is beyond me.
This. Every little bit of this. Kill the it in Africa, kill it here.
"Hahahah. Crack would never let anyone bring up Africa and now he is all in solidarity. Puzzling."
Because it's not true - I dissed your racism, not become "all in solidarity" with anyone. You just made that up, whole cloth. Quite delusional, that. What you decide I'm saying. Really, it's crazy.
"Since many (most?) black travelers from Africa will be visiting with black Americans upon their arrival one would think that the Crack Emcee would be concerned."
I'm as concerned as a virus warrants. What I won't do is succumb to panic, and especially not when I can always see how Drudge is helping pull the strings of white opinion. The man's a menace if y'all are really going to buy into his bullshit. Notice to white people - go to my blog:
I use red links, too.
"But, alas, racism clouds his brain."
Poor stupid blacks, imaging a white racist history and condition that never existed, even as Jon Stewart reminds them that blacks have to deal with some kind of white shit "within the last two hours" they don't catch.
We're just all crazy, I guess.
Whites saying that shows their natural racist tendency toward dissing us has stopped.
"Two of the three people who have or were killed by Evola were black."
In Africa - amazing insight.
"The racist disease is targeting people for breathing or working while black."
No, it targeted people for breathing - it's you who throw the black shit on it.
"And The Crack Emcee defaults to the belief that America has been racist to the continent of Africa ( leaving out George Hitler Bush who Africans applaud as someone who actually did something to stop AIDS in the continent)."
The exception - which is what Bush was to everyone's surprise but me - is not the rule:
Historically America has been an asshole to Africa.
Shit, that link is so cool y'all should hit the tip jar for repeatedly trying to mischaracterize me so bad - or at least acknowledge you're wrong.
"There is a way to stop it, a simple way, but all too confusing racist-wise."
No, there's no racist way to do anything.
That's what you've got to get out of your heads,...
Totally off topic but just thought I'd bring up this from the NYT today:
Oh, so we did find chemical weapons in Iraq?
Original Mike,
"I predate you, Crack. Sometimes a joke gets old."
You're also a liar. You don't think, as a member of this community, I don't know who's been part of it or not?
Jesus, that's dumb,...
There are few things funnier than going on a new site and having regulars there assume you are somebody's sock puppet from before
Funny now, but creepy at first. Which is obviously the goal. The echo chamber doesn't tolerate any dissent, so they try to make it as uncomfortable as possible for anyone who doesn't share their opinions.
What is hilarious is watching the three or four guys fight about who they say I am. One thinks I'm Inga, another says I am Garage, one creep calls me Penguin, and there was a Frank thrown in there a while back ago.
Hilarious, but weird. How paranoid does one have to be in order to live like that?
"If it makes you feel any better Crack, I make fun of the white homeless people begging for money ranting on the side of the street too."
I heard a rich white guy discussing beating up a homeless guy last night.
Put the two of you together and what do we get?
A much-less-than-flattering picture of violent evil white people,...
Madison Man wrote:
Airplane stocks were flying high. Not any more. Who wants to fly next to a seatmate with Ebola? (I still hope this whole thing is done in early January when I have to fly for work...I don't see a reason to doubt that quite yet, but I'm realistic). How much can Ebola affect the US Economy? I wonder.
The nurse who treated Duncan who has come down with ebola went flying with a slight fever after treating Duncan. THe plane then flew five more times before the airline finally took it out of commission (and hopefully set fire to it).
How many people were on the each flight? say 50 a flight (low end figure but its easier to work with) that would be at least 250 people exposed who will now have to be monitored. Where did the plane travel? It could have gone to multiple states. Do the people on the plane even know that they may be susceptible? How many people are they passing in their every day life (like going to to store, out to dinner etc) before being told that they may be susceptible. Then how many of THOSE people she came into contact with now may be carrying the disease and spreading it.
Once you get it on a plane it incrases the problems exponentially. And they STILL refuse to put in flight bans.
Screw the HHS Asst Sec in charge of Disaster response. Screw the CDC boss who made his name fighting trans-aft.
Trans-aft? Yeah, twertk that french-fry-induced oversized aft!
"Fen said...
Madisonfella = Inga"
Nope, it's Purple Penguin.
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