"BREAKING: Obama postpones campaign trip to convene cabinet meeting on Ebola."
UPDATE: The link goes to the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and with the story no longer "breaking," you can find it, with the same title, is here.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 260 of 260madisonfella wrote:
What is hilarious is watching the three or four guys fight about who they say I am. One thinks I'm Inga, another says I am Garage, one creep calls me Penguin, and there was a Frank thrown in there a while back ago.
Who cares? If youre either Inga or Garage you suck. I though for a second you were Madison Man, who I generally like and thought I would have to change my opinion of him. But he's Madison Man and you're just a fella.
Who cares?
Fen cares. A lot.
And Curious George is absolutely obsessed with it.
Plus Rusty and Drago and eric and many other "different" names as well.
and now, you seem to care too. At least, enough to post about it.
Ultimatly it doesn't matter which moby you are because in either case you'd still be a moby.
"Two of the three people who have or were killed by Evola were black."
In Africa - amazing insight."
No, dimwit, here in America in Dallas, Texas.
The guy who died was black, an African. One of the two nurses who contracted the disease is black. The one they are flying to Atlanta to Emory because very hospital in America is ready to handle Ebola.
So. One potato two potato. Two of the three infected by Ebola were black.
Get it? If the planes from West Africa are allowed to continue the ratio of black Americans infected will outweigh those of white Americans. You can almost do it in your head if you think about it.
I scored 1650 rounds of .22 at Wal-Mart this morning. So, pandemic or no, life is pretty good today.
Address the argument, not the screen-name.
Madisonfella = Inga
Madisonfella doesn't write in Inga's style at all. Not at all.
Calling people other names makes the thread confusing.
Obama the dumb ass, thinks restricting travel from western Africa is racist. So, he refuses to do one of the most basic effective things he could to limit the spread of Ebola.
Would failure to protect Americans by not forbidding entry into the U.S. by persons from nations where ebola is raging qualify as a "high crime"?
Could it at least be a "misdemeanor"?
Maybe once the GOP gets control of the Senate it will reconsider impeachment.
BTW Crack, it is called "sparring" not "attacking" it is what people do here. It is why this is such a great site.
We discuss ideas. We mock, we insult, we provoke, we cajole, all in an attempt to engage ideas. We do it to each other too.
The Leftists want to stop us from eating fat, using salt, smoking cigarettes and buying large sodas because they are bad for us. But, the Liberals are fine with bringing Ebola into the country. They can't possibly be this stupid.
Be quiet! Obama is talking right now..........
Nevermind, nothing new.. gonna keep a sharp eye on it... swat team of medical ebola experts.... not airborne...
Obama shook hands with workers and feels safe... no risk of rapid spread......BUT...
"You're also a liar. You don't think, as a member of this community, I don't know who's been part of it or not?"
Crack, I'd already been here a long time when you first showed up pissing and moaning about your wife being in a cult.
Diogenes of Sinope said, "They can't possibly be this stupid."
Oh, they are.
The leftists in charge want power, only power. They do not scruple about their missions.
The leftists in the voting public-- the low-information voters, as Rush Limbaugh calls them-- are just that stupid.
Right now, our POTUS is considering what to do about Ebola. He is thinking about the political effect, not the deaths.
Obama should not trust experts so much. It is one of his major failings. He should be more skeptical, from the stimulus and "shovel ready" jobs to this.
I think that his credulity in the presence of experts is due to his lack of executive experience. Every executive of significant experience has been led astray by experts at least once.
Well when you've screwed the pooch and the Ebola infection is across the US botder--and the fact is known--well cancel the road trip and hold a meeting.
Captain Clusterfark to the rescue!
Watched Obama, now we should all feel better since Obama government medical swat teams will be taking care of Ebola cases. Damn I feel so much better.
jr565 said...
Totally off topic but just thought I'd bring up this from the NYT today:
Oh, so we did find chemical weapons in Iraq?"
Yes, as I've pointed out several times on this very blog
FullMoon said...
Be quiet! Obama is talking right now..........
Nevermind, nothing new.. gonna keep a sharp eye on it... swat team of medical ebola experts.... not airborne...
Obama shook hands with workers and feels safe... no risk of rapid spread......BUT..."
Did anyone use the phrase "abundance of caution" ?
"tim in vermont said...
Obama should not trust experts so much. It is one of his major failings. He should be more skeptical, from the stimulus and "shovel ready" jobs to this"
But that is what the Left is, an appeal to authority. It's why every writer at nearly every paper always throws in, "according to experts,". It's why so many people believe the global warming hoax, why so many look to the government to ease their lives instead of getting up and working for it themselves, it's why Krugman has readers. The left is nothing without an appeal to authority
On the other hand if ebola is so easily contagious and they isolate African villages until ebola is done, why doesn't everybody in the village die. And if the first nurse was injected with blood from the surviving doctor, why not inject all african victims with survivors blood?
Here, madisonfella, I'll repeat it since you went off on some tangent about mistaken identity or something:
"NOw, please tell me your thoughts on the CDC director saying Nurse #2 shouldn't have been on a commercial flight after exposure to an Ebola patient, but our adminsitration has taken a travel ban (commercial flights) from Africa 'off the table'."
Stick to the topic at hand, I know your first impulse is to release squirrels so that attention is diverted from the SCOAMF in the white house, but do try to keep up.
Original Mike,
"Crack, I'd already been here a long time when you first showed up pissing and moaning about your wife being in a cult."
Anybody can claim that now - it's readily available from others today - plus, I'll add, nobody questions THAT anymore.
You'll be just as wrong on reparations,...
I have been at Althouse since about the first month. I came from the first Instapundit link, I think. Althouse has been here longer than me. The rest of you would have to prove it.
"The guy who died was black, an African."
Face palm,...
Hey, I just had a good idea:
Really, white people, I expect better from you,....
The phrase "face palm" means "that is correct"?
Crack, Here's the thread from 2007 where I changed my name to "Original Mike". Prior to that I had been commenting as just "Mike".
An apology for calling me a liar would be gracious.
@Birkel - I also came here from Instapundit.
You know what scares me the most about this crisis.....
If the government was convinced that this was the second coming of the Black Death, with 200 million Americans and billions around the world dying, they would still be saying exactly what they are saying..."don't worry, it's under control, no need to panic".
I don't think leftists can catch Ebola. It appears to be a disease of humans.
Ebola Quarantine for Kidz>
A black Liberian commits attempted murder of a Vietnamese-American, and at least one other America, who contracts his undeclared disease and now it's time to panic.
"You know what scares me the most about this crisis....."
That Original Mike thinks I get treated in such a decent manner that it's imperative for me to show graciousness?
We're up to post #238 and it's mostly me getting peppered by whites in any manner they see fit, but my lonesome is expected to be perfect - endorse non-violence, display perfect diction, AND be gracious to the ninjas on my ass - oh, and even knowing some dude is the same guy after he changed his name back in 2007. Phew.
It's hard enough catching up with black history.
Whites ask too much without showing anything,...
Reading comprehension not your strong suit, Crack? I've been Original Mike since 2007.
madisonfella: Who cares? Fen cares. A lot.
Awwww. You're just pissy still because I called you out for wishing Ebola on Texans.
Stupid Cunt. Petty cunt too.
i'll never understand this continual pattern within the comments section of this blog:
crack: "white people in america say/do racist things."
commenter: *says something racist*
{Obama] has become a prime example that being the leader of the free world in a Black body is still no match for entrenched, local, systemic, committed racism. It’s sad that it has come to this. But this is bigger than Barack Obama. Just like it was bigger than King and his dream. We have awakened from sleep. We have been startled out of it by nearly 30 gunshots ringing out insistently from the heart of America. Jay-Z might call it “a moment of clarity.” In Obama’s place, Cornel West has re-emerged, the wise and fearless elder, the one who we tried not to listen to, as he screamed into the wind for six years, the one whose approach chafed my hide on more than a few occasions, the one who is — despite all of our collective quibbles and begrudgements – right.
This moment is about all of us. About what kind of America we want to be. About what kind of America we are willing to be, willing to fight for. About whether we will settle for being mediocre and therefore murderous to a whole group of citizens. About whether there are other versions of ourselves worth fighting for.
Don’t sleep. Millennials, it seems, are the ones we have been waiting for. Fearless and focused, the future they are fighting for is one I want. It is high time to awake out of sleep. Stay woke.
- Brittney Cooper
Poor Duncan. Another African killed by the white man. If only he'd stayed in Liberia.
Ha, just got stuck on my way home from work, got off 285 because of traffic and took Clairmont. About a dozen cop cars, two ambulances, two fire trucks, and a helicopter went by--motorcycle cops blocked the ramp at Clairmont and I was stuck. Texted my friend "looks like the Presidential motorcade or something just went through." Turned on AM news radio, turns out it was Nurse Amber goin' to the CDC.
Ebola made me late for dinner!
"NOw, please tell me your thoughts on the CDC director saying Nurse #2 shouldn't have been on a commercial flight after exposure to an Ebola patient, but our adminsitration has taken a travel ban (commercial flights) from Africa 'off the table'."
My thoughts are that a complete and total ban needs to be enacted on all international travel. Not just Africa and not just commercial flights, all travel from all countries. Nobody at all gets into the US until this outbreak is contained. And now that Dallas and possibly Cleveland have been exposed those areas should also be under tight and absolute quarantine. If the President refuses to take the necessary steps needed to stop this deadly and unstoppable killer then Congress needs to step up and take charge.
What are your thoughts?
You're just pissy still because I called you out for wishing Ebola on Texans.
Inga may have said that, but I sure didn't.
Though, given the way you're constantly refusing to provide a link she probably didn't say it either and you're actually just making it up out of whole cloth.
Stupid Cunt. Petty cunt too.
More of that "parody" you were talking about earlier? After all, you're not really an ugly name-caller anymore than you are an ugly racist, eh?
“It’s not worth ratings and it’s not worth politics and we all need to stop it because some day there may be a real panic.”
- Shep Smith, Fox News
BTW - ban all flights from Europe:
Europe’s Hidden Ebola Cases
One thing we learned from 8 years of the Bush presidency is that sustained mockery and derision is an effective political weapon.
We learned it again as we saw Sarah Palin's complete political destruction, to the point where ruffians pick fights with her family, because you know, the Palin's are white trash!
We learned it from the left. Guess what, those of us for a limited govt don't care if it ties up politics. That is just a bonus.
The left are the ones who need effective leaders. Those of us on the right only need the govt crippled. So this would have happened to any president, you saw what was done to Bush, it would have been done to McCain, it would have been done to Romney, it would have been done to Hillary.
It is a great tactic. We finally read Alinsky, so quit whining that criticism of Obama is racist. It's not. If he can't be criticized, he is not suitable to be president. This is a democracy, not some kingdom somewhere, or one of those conjoined twins communism or fascism where mockery of the head of state is not allowed.
CBS News reporting that nurse Amber Vinson called #CDC BEFORE boarding the plane and was told she was OK to get on the plane with 99.5 temp.
Vinson called CDC several times before flying, informed staff she had fever. It allowed her to fly.
Holy shit. it's incompetence all the way down. Once is a mistake, twice is a trend, 3rd is enemy action.
The Cracker Emcee said...I scored 1650 rounds of .22 at Wal-Mart this morning. So, pandemic or no, life is pretty good today.
Son of a! How much/round, though, and what kind? I remember when Walmart had those big boxes of CCI mini-mags and we'd just grab a box on the way down the aisle to buy a hammer or some junk.
"You're also a liar. You don't think, as a member of this community, I don't know who's been part of it or not?"
No, I don't.
(Realized I had not answered your question. I don't want to be rude.)
We appear to be at 2, and these infections appear to have occurred after he was identified as having ebola.
20 doublings from Patient Zero, Mr. Duncan, gets us to 1,048,576 cases. Nurse Pham was the first doubling and we're in our way to the second. Eighteen to go.
Math is scary.
I've lost track, who's Spartacus?
Its me, Inga. I apologize to you that these fools are STILL obsessed with me. It's hysterical, but terribly unfair to you. Sorry again.
And Madisonfella, I never said any such thing about Texas and Ebola. I never once commented here about Ebola and Texas. I commented on the Walker/ Burke debate thread, that is it.
The Crack Emcee said...
I have told y'all to lay off the Drudge,...
Just who the fuck talks like that? Who is that self delusional about his own importance?
I'm getting tired of this charade.
Freeman Hunt said...Madisonfella doesn't write in Inga's style at all. Not at all.
I disagree. I think this @10/15/14, 3:17 PM sounds very Inga-ish:
Maybe you should quit making up shit about me. Or at the very least provide a link to where such a thing was ever said.
And that's one of the many differences between you and I. When I am asked to provide actual quotes I do so. You, on the other hand, simply repeat your baseless accusations without ever providing a link.
You are toxic and vile. No wonder that Althouse considers your word to be "Law"
Lydia deary. I am Inga, not poor Madisonfella. Sheesh I actually reveal myself to you fools and you still don't believe me? LMAO! Meade for pity sake, would you please tell them Madisonfella's and my IP addresses are different?
Say crack,
Who was this 'rich' white guy talking about beating up a homeless man?
Personally I think you are FOS.
And that may explain your black racist thoughts.
Winchester. $24/555rd. bulk pack. They had several cases of CCI as well. It's morning in America, folks.
4.5 cents per!? Congrats Cracker.
Given a few more cases of ebola here in the US. the upcoming flu season and the common symptoms the ERs are going to be a panicky mess this winter.
If I wanted to do some real harm to the USA I would get me 20 loyal followers, have them contract the disease, enter the USA (not that hard of a thing to do it seems) and have them spread their bodily fluids far and wide. The kill rate, even with an advanced medical system, is going to be 50% or more. Even if the ebola is held to a minimum the disruption to our economy would be immense.
Since intelligence seems to be required to be checked at the door with this administration I think I will go out and buy me a panic button tomorrow. I have yet to see a reasonable explanation from any government official of why we are not restricting flights from heavily infected areas in a meaningful way.
madisonfella said...
Who cares?
Fen cares. A lot.
And Curious George is absolutely obsessed with it.
Plus Rusty and Drago and eric and many other "different" names as well.
and now, you seem to care too. At least, enough to post about it.
I've never broached the subject. In fact I'm kinda indifferent to your existence. Kindly keep me out of your paranoid fantasies.
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