১০ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪

Live-blogging the Wisconsin gubernatorial debate between Mary Burke and Scott Walker.

It starts at 7 Central Time, and I'll be updating this post, with my own commentary. Tonight, I'm going to concentrate on things other than the actual substantive argument, which will be in the transcript. I'm going to watch and listen and see what I can make of the candidates' demeanor. You can watch along with me here.

7:06: Mary Burke goes first with her opening statement, sounding a bit tense, and glancing down at her notes, perhaps out of nervousness.

7:07: Walker begins by thanking everyone for being here tonight, and he acknowledges his opponent, Mary Burke, and all the people of Eau Claire, where it's great to be back. Burke omitted such pleasantries. "It's particularly nice to have my wife, Tonette." Oh! Mary had nothing like that.

7:09: The first question is about the Supreme Court's vacating the 7th Circuit's stay of the injunction against the Wisconsin voter ID law. Burke earnestly emphasizes the importance of everyone getting to vote. Walker thinks the voter ID law is "common sense" and it will be upheld ultimately in the court. He says he doesn't care how many instances of fraud there might be, because who among us would want OUR vote cancelled out by somebody else? Rebutting, Burke calls it "shocking" that "the Governor" doesn't even care about the amount of fraud, yet he'd put these "roadblocks" in front of people. Burke is coming alive in rebuttal here. She listened to what Walker said and reacted with good spontaneity.

7:12: Walker comes back with an assertion that the Milwaukee police have found multiple instances of fraud.

7:14: The second question is about jobs. What's something new they'd do? Walker has nothing new to say he'd do. He wants to keep doing what he's been doing, touts that, and says we don't want to go "backwards," which is what we'd be doing with Burke. Burke has one thing: "actually reduce the cost of college."

7:18: Minimum wage. Burke thinks the $7-something minimum wage is "ridiculous." Walker ignores the question of what the minimum wage should be and talks about getting people into jobs that pay 2 or 3 times the minimum wage. They pursue Walker over his failure to say whether the minimum wage should be raised, and without exactly saying "no," he says "no." The minimum wage is fine for really young people working at McDonald's, as he did. Then they go back to Burke for rebuttal, and she looks surprised. "I had actually already rebuttalled [sic] to the minimum wage."

7:24: Abortion. Walker reaffirms that he's pro-life, but emits some feelings about the difficult decisions women go through, cites the Supreme Court's resolution of the question, and stresses that his efforts are about ensuring the woman's "health and safety." Burke, with some passion in her voice, accuses Walker of taking away a woman's right to choose.

7:27: Will you serve your full term? Burke sure will! Walker says it's his "plan" to serve for 4 years. On rebuttal, Burke doesn't take the obvious opening and talk about whether Walker might run for President. He "plans" but will he "promise"? She could have pinned him down there! She chooses instead to emphasize how excited she is to serve and even says she wants to be Wisconsin's longest serving governor. Walker, laughing, says his wife doesn't want him to serve that long. Why did Burke do that? I suspect she feels some people think she's not that serious and is just a placeholder for the Democrats.

7:29: An intense interchange about Obamacare.  Burke tells us that as a businessperson, she knows to take that money from the federal government. Walker thinks it's not a good "bet."

7:34: Repeal Act 10?  I don't know if Burke gave a straight answer here, but she's struggling to deflect the accusation that she's a puppet of the unions. Both candidates drift into anecdotes, but certainly Walker is clear that Act 10 was the right thing to do.

7:39: Fracking? Burke is not going to be "selling out to the special interests." Walker thinks ""God and the glaciers gave us a great opportunity to build the economy.

7:47: An invitation to say something nice about your opponent. Walker appreciates Burke's philanthropy. Burke begins with a long "uh" and a shake of the head. She likes what he's done "in the community" and "around domestic abuse."

7:48: Oh! We're up to closing statements! Yay! Walker enthuses about all the good things that have been happening. He still drives his 1998 Saturn and eats lunch from a brown bag. "And I still love the people of the state of Wisconsin." Some of us might not agree with everything he's done, but he hopes we can see that his "motives are pure." Burke tells us how bad things are. There is no "comeback," and if only we'd "kept pace with the rest of the country," we'd be way better off. She doesn't care about whether "ideas are Democratic or Republican ideas, just whether they're gonna get the job done." And she's going to change the "tone" and "the system." Unlike Walker, she has to glance down at her notes.

8:24: Well, I guess I didn't do a good job of describing how the candidates looked and acted. But to tell you the truth, those two look and sound the same all the time. They're both offering to work hard and they aren't particularly charismatic or quirky. Neither of them said a single thing that was funny or weird or cute. 

১২০টি মন্তব্য:

Once written, twice... বলেছেন...

I am surprised Ann has not done a post of Judge Richard Posner's smack down of Wisconsin's sham voter I.D. law.

Judge Posner said in his opinion the law is "a mere fig leaf for efforts to disenfranchise voters likely to vote for the political party that does not control the state government." He also said " 'evidence' of voter-impersonation fraud is downright goofy, if not paranoid, such as the nonexistent buses that ... transport foreigners and reservation Indians to polling places."

Michael K বলেছেন...

The first Roberts - Orman debate in Kansas turned that race around. Amateur candidates are a hazard to themselves and their supporters.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Looking forward to more cruel neutrality.

Once written, twice... বলেছেন...

Hopefully Walker will be asked if the voter I.D. Law was just a crass political ploy.

Titus বলেছেন...

The moderator's suit and hair is hideous. So Wisconsin.

I have never watched Walker before.


Titus বলেছেন...

Burke has perky tits.

JD বলেছেন...

Dead last in jobs! Good job Walker.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's greatly improved by the streaming dropouts and repeats.

Once written, twice... বলেছেন...

It was the first question. Republicans should be ashamed now that they have been exposed.

JD বলেছেন...

Yeah let try reinstating voter ID before the election, LOL! One case of fraud is more important than hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters? Dope.

JD বলেছেন...

Not a good start for Walker.

Titus বলেছেন...

Walker's hair is a wreck. Long hair and huge bald spot-he can fix that with a new fab stylist. A full clipping is required-thanks.

J.B. Van Hollen is from my hometown-the only Waunakee in the world.

JD বলেছেন...

Hahaha, of course he doesn't want to talk about voter disenfranchisement.

Once written, twice... বলেছেন...

Of course Walker does not want to talk about the voter id law! I can't wait for him to repeat that his opinion does not matter concerning gay marriage!

Titus বলেছেন...

Fourth in the midwest? How many fucking states are considered "midwest"?

Fourth doesn't even receive a bronze.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I don't know what audience it's for but it's certainly moron or below.

JD বলেছেন...

He does too want to go backwards. Retrogressive policies all around.

Titus বলেছেন...

Unattractive news people reflect the state they represent.

JD বলেছেন...

Good job Burke on minimum wage! May bring out more voters from the inner city.

JD বলেছেন...

Yeah right Walker, this is the REAL world.

RecChief বলেছেন...

" Burke is coming alive in rebuttal here. She listened to what Walker said and reacted with good spontaneity. "

Except Walker pretty much said what you'd expect him to say. Easy one to prepare for.

Titus বলেছেন...

zzzzz, they are so Wisconsin and boring.

see ya.


JD বলেছেন...

Walker flopping, Burke, wake up, be alert!

JD বলেছেন...

More options for womens's health care choices?? OMG, liar.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Let's all go over to Althouse and foam at the mouth!"

JD বলেছেন...

Strong on women's choice, excellent Burke!

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

This format, along with the panel, does not foster a thoughtful exchange.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"voter disenfranchisement."

Especially in Milwaukee where the Democrat's son was convicted of damaging cars of GOP staff.

No fraud here
None here .

Nor here .

These are all small cases but Senator Norm Coleman could tell you about vote fraud in Minnesota.

Unknown বলেছেন...

lol Mary Burke throwing out false stats. Walker helped turn around the economy that her democrats put in shambles. Raising the minimum wage will just cause employers to raise their costs. Walker is right, you should get paid for your skill set. Minimum skills= minimum wage.

JD বলেছেন...

Repeal Obamacare, canned response, dull dull dull.

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

How can Mary Burke bring down the cost of health care? Or college?

JD বলেছেন...

Burke sounding sympathetic, human, good stuff.

JD বলেছেন...

Walker being intransigent, doesn't look good. Burke looking like a Wisconsin advocate.

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

Regarding Medicaid funds: Does anyone remember Milwaukee/Madison light rail ($800M) that Walker rejected? They did light rail in California and broke the bank doing it.

JD বলেছেন...

Saved each tax payer $11.

damikesc বলেছেন...

I am surprised Ann has not done a post of Judge Richard Posner's smack down of Wisconsin's sham voter I.D. law.

So a senile old fool is unaware of SCOTUS precedent. News abounds!

One case of fraud is more important than hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters? Dope.

"Hundreds of thousands"? Hundreds of thousands of people don't have photo ID? I anxiously await your evidence.

Good job Burke on minimum wage! May bring out more voters from the inner city.

Because those dark-skinned folks cannot do any better huh, bigot?

Burke sounding sympathetic, human, good stuff.

I note you didn't say "informed", "intelligent" or "competent".

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Suddenly all of these no-profilers showing up to comment. Hmmm...

JD বলেছেন...

People of Wisconsin NW hating the frack mines more every year. Yeah BIG contributors get special favors!

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

Wow, the frac sand question is a loaded question aimed at hurting Walker.

The frac sand issue is a Green Movement creation.

damikesc বলেছেন...

People of Wisconsin NW hating the frack mines more every year. Yeah BIG contributors get special favors!

Can you cite a source for this "hatred" outside of "the numbers I pulled out of my ass"?

JD বলেছেন...

Surplus because of taking money from the working man and woman.

David বলেছেন...

Badger, if you want to preach to a choir, go ahead. But the choir you are preaching to is not of your sect.

JD বলেছেন...

1.8 Million dollar deficit, keep repeating it. Don't take money, just so you can give I back in $11. Increments.

Tonnete and I Tonnete and I, I gots me a wifey! Who cares?

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

Burke can't find anything positive to say about Walker and embarrasses herself.

JD বলেছেন...

Yeah Walker, these days you take a helicopter on the taxpayer dime.

I'm a family man and Burke is single! That looks low and mean.

JD বলেছেন...

Burke, BIG winner, great job!

damikesc বলেছেন...

Surplus because of taking money from the working man and woman.

Examples, please.


paminwi বলেছেন...

Badger: that is $11.00 per month. For someone on a fixed income that is real money. Give it to someone who could yes it if it is no big fucking deal to you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I am not watching the debate so I am only swayed by the comments here. 'No Profile' has the lead. I am also waiting for return correspondence from the Nigerian Prince I lent money to. Haters.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Yeah Walker, these days you take a helicopter on the taxpayer dime.

Because if Burke wins, travel for official business will be paid out of pocket by her.

For sure!

I'm a family man and Burke is single! That looks low and mean.

If you're blind, sure.

paminwi বলেছেন...

1.8 billion $ deficit for a year that hasn't even started yet. Looks like the Dems are working to get more of those low information voters in their pocket.

JD বলেছেন...

Walker and his contributors, yeah pound that point home.

Carol বলেছেন...

The media are obsessed with abortion..they raise the issue at every debate and interview.

TosaGuy বলেছেন...

Paid Burke campaign troll badger: frac sand comes from west WI primarily in Monroe county, not NW WI.

chuck বলেছেন...

I hope it's not as shallow and sound bitten as the live blogging makes it sound. I haven't the interest to watch, so I'm relying on you here.

OLDFART বলেছেন...

Burke turned in a dismal performance. Deer in the headlights and false stats.

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

Burke sounded like she read her closing off a teleprompter.

The debate was a waste of time. I'll skip the next one.

paminwi বলেছেন...

So.... Notice the moderator told Mary Burke she did a wonderful job. No such comment to Scott Walker.

MathMom বলেছেন...

Mary Burke did a better job than Abortion Barbie here in Texas. She didn't appear to be receiving her answers in an earpiece and giving robotic answers.

But she wasn't very convincing IMHO.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Not watching the debate, I can clearly tell that Burke understands the common man. Walker, as far as I can not see, is coming off as hateful.

trumpetdaddy বলেছেন...

That was a dramatic example of the difference between a professional at something (in this case, politics) and an amateur.

Even her make-up was worse than his. He looked tan and fit, and very relaxed. She was pale and sallow and struggled to stand still and look into the camera.

He ignored her for the most part and talked about what he wanted to talk about, in great detail and with fluidity. She kept coming back to the same two or three talking points.

This wasn't even close.

RecChief বলেছেন...

who is the moderator?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

It was a draw. So Walker did a good incumbent's job.

BTW, where were the black panelists this time? Are they all afraid to participate in Wisconsin?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I am not watching the debate but what Walker said about Meade was uncalled for. Low blow, Walker: low blow.

MathMom বলেছেন...

paminwi -

I think Burke congratulated the moderator, not the other way around. Might be wrong, though. If I am, that stinks to high heaven.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Not having seen the debate, I can tell you I was moved -- MOVED -- by what Burke said in support of Unicorns. Notice that Walker refused to sat anything about Unicorns. I imagine.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Too bad Blogger doesn't allow a blog owner to deploy the ban hammer. That would really be convenient occasionally.

PJ বলেছেন...

Burke was scared and trembling. Not ready fir prime time.

If you haven't worked in 7 years and then only at your daddy's company can you really say your a business person?

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

Walker sounded like a politician, which is not what you hope for. He did not sound like a son of a preacher.

Burke sounded like a child of privilege running for governor as a woman of the people, which is worse.

Millionaire Mary is not a farm girl. I know a Wisconsin farm girl when I see one.

paminwi বলেছেন...

MayhMom: I believe you are mistaken.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Lowest quality comments of any thread on this blog ever.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Maybe it's just me, but -- not hearing the debate -- didn't Burke sound forceful? Like a laser, if a laser was sound instead of light? Wait -- Sound Laser -- that's it. Evem without hearing the debate i can tell: Burke = Sound Laser. Bitches.

One Eye বলেছেন...

Yes, Burke congratulated the moderator, not the other way around. No surprises except I didn't realize how thick Burke's accent is.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I wasn't in the room with them, but when Meade said that thing and Althouse responded with that thing: if everyone would've heard the things I heard then that thing would've been crystal-clear. To everybody. That thing. There.

n.n বলেছেন...

Multi-trillion dollar welfare economy and there are still indigent, homeless, and unidentified Americans. That includes the 20 million illegal aliens subsidized by taxpayers. That's after aborting/murdering around 2 million Americans annually.

I wonder what scientifically-minded, compassionate, and generally decent women and men think about the faith-based exemption granted exclusively to women so that they may commit or contract for abortion/murder. A sincerely held faith practiced in the privacy of a clinic.

After evolutionary creationism, it's like people don't understand the evolutionary (i.e. chaotic) process. They think that the process and principles are negotiable, and that human lives are disposable. How does Burke reconcile the fraudulent faith which rationalizes the abortion of wholly innocent human lives by the millions?

Sorry, Walker. Abortion is about at least two human lives. Women need to be aware of their eggs. Spontaneous conception was established as a fraudulent faith to equalize women, engage them in taxable activities, and marginalize Americans in their own nation. Pro-choice is a tenet of a degenerate religion. It is a gross violation of our fundamental right to life.

Will Burke reduce the cost of college through cost shifting and further ration education a la Obamacare?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The debate was carried live on CSPAN, and I think the moderator said the next one would be on CSPAN again in two weeks.

Walker promised to serve out his second four year term if elected the third time. That was mighty bold talk for a 2016 GOP Presidential/Vice Presidential candidate.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Abortion is constantly raised because its supposed to rile up the "War against Women" vote.

Same with Evolution, I mean what the Hell does Darwin have to to do with Governing a state? But the press even asked the POTUS candidates about their relationship with Mr. Darwin.

trumpetdaddy বলেছেন...

Burke had it all to do tonight. She still has it all to do. That debate performance was actually kind of sad.

From the beginning of the campaign it was clear that the DNC had hoped that the woman thing would be the trick, and they further hoped that she would largely self-finance. Neither has come to pass.

I notice in the thread the disappearance of the usual liberal suspects as the debate drug on, and the increasing vulgarity of some of them, thankfully finally deleted.

They know the game is over but for Walker's margin of victory. I eagerly await the comments about what a weak candidate Burke is over the next three weeks from the regular liberal posters. Bice is already laying the groundwork in the MJS for the "pre0criminations," as it were. It's never the policies being sold by the Dems that causes them to lose, only the salesman, right guys?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Too bad Blogger doesn't allow a blog owner to deploy the ban hammer. That would really be convenient occasionally.

Which leaves more Chuck for the Buck? I see how you operate.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

He still drives his 1998 Saturn

Maybe his isn't so great after all.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Too bad Blogger doesn't allow a blog owner to deploy the ban hammer. That would really be convenient occasionally.

It works over at althou.se!

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Blogger Badger said...
Walker and his contributors, yeah pound that point home.

You guys scared the Badger troll away. I was looking for more insights into leftist thinking, if you can call it that.

Mr. D বলেছেন...

Thanks for the recap -- the race in Wisconsin is the mirror image of Minnesota, where we have a male version of Mary Burke as the incumbent against a challenger from the Hennepin County board.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Walker's hair is unfortunate. Does he dye it? It seems kinda monochromatic, but I've never seen it in person.

If he runs for Pres he'll need a new style.

SteveR বলেছেন...

I see the anti-Walker folks have spun up the trolls to show up on here tonight. Same thing happens in other places. Really not very impressive strategy and it could be dangerous, all that yelling in an echo chamber and patting yourselves on the back.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The Bike Song

in honor of Trek.

Mark বলেছেন...

Bice is already laying the groundwork in the MJS for the "pre0criminations," as it were.

Interesting point. I'm not in Wisconsin, and I'd never heard of Bice before he so badly burned another reporter's anonymous source from the "John Doe" investigative team. My impression then was that Bice was a pretty committed Democratic attack dog, but since then he's been covering the Burke campaign like a bad suit.

I wonder if he was promised something about the burned source that he found to be untrue, and is now burning the team that used him like a tool.

(I can't see him being strong-armed by the Republicans to do it; you can pressure someone to sit it out -- that's what the John Doe and IRS campaign against conservatives is all about -- but Bice is doing real damage to Walker opponents.)

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I am surprised Ann has not done a post of Judge Richard Posner's smack down of Wisconsin's sham voter I.D. law."

Hadn't noticed it. Maybe tomorrow.

glam1931 বলেছেন...

I put on the delayed stream of the debate and while Mary Burke was doing her opening remarks, I started watching the video of the lava enveloping the ravioli. Guess which video better held my attention?

n.n বলেছেন...

The issue is not minimum wage per se, but progressive devaluation of capital and labor. This occurs through accumulation of debt (e.g. $18 trillion federal), displacement (e.g. excessive and unmeasured/illegal immigration), outsourcing, etc.

Perhaps Burke is unfamiliar with mathematics or historical precedents including the Weimar Republic. Not only does devaluing capital and labor not work, but unbacked debt emission and redistributive change schemes sponsor corruption, and eventually end with a dysfunctional convergence.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

Why is it that the opponents of voter ID have yet to produce a single live voter who was or would be unable to vote because of this law?

PJ বলেছেন...

Burke was scared and trembling. Not ready fir prime time.

If you haven't worked in 7 years and then only at your daddy's company can you really say your a business person?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Remember why I don't stop by more often.

Obviously since you joined Blogger in October 2014.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Well it may be the main event in Wiscondsi--but this gubernatorial race is definitely way down on the undercard in the rest of the country.

MathMom বলেছেন...

CSPAN recording, time 53:20, Burke compliments the moderator.


Northwoods Doc বলেছেন...

Burke was at least able to graduate from college. Walker is over a year away from graduation, and even if he had the credits his GPA is too low to graduate (2.5). How did we elect such a puppet.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

Abortion. Walker reaffirms that he's pro-life, but emits some feelings about the difficult decisions women go through, cites the Supreme Court's resolution of the question, and stresses that his efforts are about ensuring the woman's "health and safety." Burke, with some passion in her voice, accuses Walker of taking away a woman's right to choose.

Could anyone listen to this and not be reminded of the opening monologue of "Trainspotting"?

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin can openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life . . . But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

Alex বলেছেন...

So it sounds like Walker did well.

Paul বলেছেন...

In my opinion, Mary Burke spoke circles around the unqualified Governor Walker.

Mary Burke is a proven business woman. Scott Walker is a career politician and never graduated from college.

He honestly doesn't have the qualifications to be dog catcher let alone governor.

Paul বলেছেন...

In my opinion, Mary Burke spoke circles around the unqualified Governor Walker.

Mary Burke is a proven business woman. Scott Walker is a career politician and never graduated from college. He honestly doesn't have the qualifications to be dog catcher let alone governor.

averagejoe বলেছেন...

God and the Glaciers! That's funny and weird and cute...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"I come from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city with a lot of issues, a lot of issues. Fifty-five percent black male unemployment. Truancy rate of sixty percent -- sixty percent of students in the Milwaukee Public Schools system do not attend school regularly. They only graduate fifty percent of the students that do, and when they come out of there the diploma is not worth the paper that it's written on, and they probably can't even read it. We have the worst fourth- and eighth-grade reading scores in the nation. We lead in infant mortality rate and I could go on and on and on."

- Milwaukee County sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.

O.K., so - in light of that - what did we hear of substance tonight:

Walker endorses Jim Crow's black voter suppression tactics and, in true Jim Crow fashion, doesn't care if they're warranted.

Walker had nothing to offer on jobs - with 55% black unemployment.

Walker deflected from those who are not teenagers - living on $7.00 an hour.

Walker is against abortion but, oh yeah, he cares.

Walker won't say if the governorship is merely a stepping stone for him.

Walker is against Wisconson's poor having health insurance.

Walker broke the unions grip.

Walker thanks god and - whatever his policies actually add up to - wants us to know they don't matter because his motives are pure.

And - I'd bet you every dime I have - Wisconsin's black population just stared in total disbelief that white folks considered this debate important in any way that could matter outside of the scope of white supremacy's parameters.

But Scott Walker mentioned his wife so nevermind,...

Michael বলেছেন...

Well at least Mary isn't going to " sell out" to the "special interests."

what on earth does that mean? Are "special interssts" businesses that want to do business and pay taxes? What is an "unspecial interest?"

Had she been in office you would be planning to build the choo choo to nowhere with half the needed funds. Talk about "selling out."

Rusty বলেছেন...

She did better than I thought she would, but she still has a lot of catch up to do.
Overall I give the debate a Meh.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Northwoods Doc said...
Burke was at least able to graduate from college. Walker is over a year away from graduation, and even if he had the credits his GPA is too low to graduate (2.5). How did we elect such a puppet.

Why do you hate working people?

Richard Bascom বলেছেন...

I am surprised at so many comments from people who seem to believe the miss truths spewed by the Burke Campaign - the statistics walker gave for defending his work on building Wisconsin jobs was based on facts. The Milwaukee Journal even said that Burke campaign statements to the contrary were false.

Walker has done an exceptional job as Governor - got elected twice to a job that he really only should have been elected to once - could have done an even better job if he did not have to run again (and beat Barrett a second time in the recall race). Fact of the matter is - Wisconsin is better off because of Walkers work as Govenor - Doyle had left the state in dismal shape, 3 billion in debt, pension funds robbed, taxes raised numerous times - yet despite that -Walker has elminated the deficite, created 100,000 jobs, 3rd in the midwest based on FACTUAL reporting.

Walker did an exceptional job in the Debate - Burke came off as a scared rookie who is not any where ready for prime time.

donald বলেছেন...

Seeing Burke live cured me of the fascination of banging her. She looked like a crone.

Don't be surprised Richard.

Alex বলেছেন...

This is all about ideology. The left doesn't care about competence, just get rid of Walker.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Paul said...
In my opinion, Mary Burke spoke circles around the unqualified Governor Walker.

Mary Burke is a proven business woman. Scott Walker is a career politician and never graduated from college. He honestly doesn't have the qualifications to be dog catcher let alone governor.

10/11/14, 2:37 AM"

Obama and Biden are also college graduates and so is Hillary Clinton, doesn't say much about the value of a college education when it comes to politics and governing. You think so left-wing hack is qualified to be a governor?

cubanbob বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

"I come from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city with a lot of issues, a lot of issues. Fifty-five percent black male unemployment. Truancy rate of sixty percent -- sixty percent of students in the Milwaukee Public Schools system do not attend school regularly. They only graduate fifty percent of the students that do, and when they come out of there the diploma is not worth the paper that it's written on, and they probably can't even read it. We have the worst fourth- and eighth-grade reading scores in the nation. We lead in infant mortality rate and I could go on and on and on."

- Milwaukee County sheriff David A. Clarke Jr."

I wouldn't suppose the schools there aren't unionized and run by Democrats And where are the parents in this picture? Encouraging their kids to study and develop good work ethics?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

FWIW, if I don't recognize your name from before, I have no interest in reading what you think about the debate.

Titus বলেছেন...

Based off everything I read here I expected her to be a wreck (and was looking forward to her meltdown) and him to be this master of policy.

Neither happened.

It was a boring draw.

So Wisconsin.


Alex বলেছেন...

Walker is no giant of a leader, but I enjoy how he enrages liberals.

Mark বলেছেন...

Cannog, isn't Milwaukee where there has been voucher schools for a decade plus?

You know, the program that they said was so successful that they expanded it statewide?

If you want to blame Milwaukee schools, be sure to include vouchers and school choice which have been a part of Milwaukee schools for a long time now.

Mark বলেছেন...

Grr. Spell check. Cubanbob not cannog

Rusty বলেছেন...

Alex said...
Walker is no giant of a leader, but I enjoy how he enrages liberals.

It's the simple things that make life worth living.
And ya can't get much more simple than a liberal.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

btw -- I thought his hair looked better than I remember seeing it, when I glanced at the pics in the paper this morning.

Things that make you go Hmm..... Does that mean he's running for President? :)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Scott Walker OWNED that debate. Burke looked like a deer in the headlights and the governor beat her like a rented car.

After that performance there is no way Walker will get less than 80% of the vote in Nov.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"I wouldn't suppose the schools there aren't unionized and run by Democrats,..."

That's the only answer y'all have for anything anymore - it's tired, outdated, and has no bearing on the problem we face:

That, because of your self-imposed partisan blinders, you are incapable of trying to build a country:

And, for that, you get the "enemy" you want.

As I've said, it's so egregious, I'm happy to see you go down for it,...

sunshine বলেছেন...

Burke: serious, pointed and prepared, intelligent and competent sounding
Walker: schmoozing and irresponsible with pandering and phony gratuities, vague, avoiding, entitled (discredits anything Burke is going to say from get go and does not adhere to format of direct answers and time allotments)