১৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪

Lakeside orange.



I took these 2 photos on Thursday, at just about the same place along Lake Mendota where I took this picture of what was "my favorite tree" back on September 30. The once-red "favorite tree" is now bare and everything that was green on September 30th had gone brilliant yellow-orange.

১৩টি মন্তব্য:

pm317 বলেছেন...

Lot of talk about travel ban. But nobody is talking about it the way it makes sense. How about not giving visas to people from the affected countries to come here -- that is what I would call a common sense solution and it would have prevented the first patient Duncan from coming here. And for those who say it is unfair, well, US consulates around the world make these decisions everyday and a whole lot of people are denied visas everyday. If it makes anybody feel guilty, put a time limit on it -- six months until these affected countries get a handle on the situation like others (Nigeria, for instance) have done. In those six months, help them to get control of the situation. If US citizens or others want to travel there, it is at their own risk but they have to be responsible and know enough to not cause chaos when they come back here.

Wince বলেছেন...

People are starting to notice the more than passing resemblance of the new Ebola czar Klain to the guy in this Holiday Inn Express ad.

pm317 বলেছেন...

I came across this Limbaugh theorem today and seems apt.. He is seething, seething, you know and very upset, very very upset, according to NYT ..but alas! unfortunately for us, not at his own incompetence. Fuck the lefty media.

Rush explained the Limbaugh Theorem last year:

“People do not associate Obama with his agenda, and that’s because he’s permanently campaigning. He’s running against his own agenda, by design, on purpose. He’s running against what’s happening. He makes people think that he doesn’t like what’s happening and he’s trying to fix it when in fact everything that’s happening is precisely because he wants it to and has made it happen.”

The New York Times putting Obama’s orchestrated propaganda leaks on the front page with Obama shown as angry at the government is a perfect example of the Limbaugh Theorem.

Whirred Whacks বলেছেন...

Makes sense.

Whirred Whacks বলেছেন...

Go Badgers!

Scott বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Scott বলেছেন...

No Ill Nature: The Surprising History and Science of Poison Ivy and Its Relatives

They actually imported the stuff to Europe in the 1600s.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The Orange Project. Trees being trees.

Nick Nutter বলেছেন...

I'm enjoying the blog so far.
My name is Nicholas Nutter. I'm in a journalism class at UW Milwaukee, and I need your help. I've been assigned your blog to write a paper on, and I need to interview you for it. I've sent you an email, but haven't heard back, so I figured this might be my best shot to get in contact. The paper's due Monday morning, so if we could do an email interview I'd be EXTREMELY grateful. Thank you and keep up the good work!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

With a name like Nutter, Nick deserves mercy with a White Priviledge bonus. But they say neutrality is cruel.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

Lakeside orange?
Hey, thanks for the Fantastic Voyage.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Didn't Nick Nutter play guitar for the legendary '80's Oi! band The 4Skins? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else...

Will বলেছেন...

Thank you for all the gorgeous Fall pictures. My trips to Madison are all related to triathlon and it is fun to see those lakeside trails I know from summer training in a different context.

I have lived East and I have lived West. I have lived North and I have lived South. But nothing beats the Midwest in Autumn!!