October 31, 2014

"I don’t care who you are, if you’re African-American in this country, you know what the deal is … the deal that you’re black."

Said Spike Lee, who was asked what he tells his own children about race. It was: "People who get in trouble are the people who forget they’re black."


J2 said...

He looks like a bumblebee Halloween.

hiawatha biscayne said...

what a steaming pile, by a despicable, racist little man.

madAsHell said...

Post-racial America is bullshit.

Apparently, he hasn't the critical thinking skills to understand who sold that bullshit.

Jaq said...

Bill Cosby has learned that, for sure.

Michael K said...

It's just more of his marketing to blacks and guilty white leftists.

chickelit said...

J2 said...
He looks like a bumblebee Halloween.

Spike Lee race-baits little hooks with stinging little bumblebees to get people to say and write nasty things so that he can say "I told you so."

William said...

Spike Lee, for all the comforts and perks of his life, has trouble hailing a cab. It breaks your heart. He teaches his children that despite the bubble of wealth in which they have been raised, they should never forget that they're black and that, in the end, white people will treat them unfairly.......Spike Lee has triumphed over adversity. He built that. Not like you white people.

MadisonMan said...

There are people in this country who make a good living because of the tension between races. Is it in their best interests to reduce that tension?

RecChief said...

I should probably pay attention, since there must be an audience for this piece, but I'm having trouble caring what Spike Lee says, does, or teaches his kids.

he doesn't live here in the flyover, and I am unlikely to find myself in his neighborhood.

Keep on keepin' on, Spike.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

My prediction: the deterioration in race relations will accelerate as we approach the end of the Obama presidency.

Fernandinande said...

Poor oppressed millionaire.

William said...

Thomas Jefferson had this crackpot theory that the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of England were innocent, noble savages before they were corrupted by the foul ways of the Norman invaders. He believed that he represented the interests of the yeoman farmer against the machinations of the banking and commercial interests. He himself was the proprietor of several plantations that were staffed by chattel slaves. He never seemed to realize what a flaming hypocrite he was, nor, for that matter, did any of his followers. Jefferson was the founder of the Democratic Party and the first enunciator of liberal ideals. Spike Lee continues in his proud tradition.

Known Unknown said...

He never seemed to realize what a flaming hypocrite he was, nor, for that matter, did any of his followers.

Oh, Tommy knew. He knew very well.

He supported the end of slavery coupled with deportation, because he believed that the black and white man could not live as one.

He tried 3 or 4 times via legislation (first in the House of Burgesses, then as Governor of Virginia, then as President) to alter the path of slavery, but was denied.

He simply gave up.

William said...

Mike Tyson has a one man show where he talks about his life. Spike Lee filmed it, and it was shown on HBO. The subtext of the film was Mike Tyson triumphing over adversity. Bullshit. Tyson spent his youth mugging old ladies in Brooklyn. He slapped his wife around and raped a young woman. Tyson was not the product of a bad neighborhood. All by himself, he was a bad neighborhood. He was the adversity that black people faced......Do you think Spike Lee would ever have the nerve to look at the days and works of Mike Tyson with a critical, unsparing eye. Not likely.

khesanh0802 said...

@Madisonman hits the bullseye!

William said...

Every year two or three cab drivers in NYC get buried in a cheap pine box because they picked up the wrong fare. In my estimation, they more than Spike Lee or Danny Glover are members of the oppressed class. Spike Lee, like Thomas Jefferson, has mastered the art of feeling oppressed while at the same time ignoring the misery of those from whom he profits.

Scott said...

Thomas Jefferson - the original Limousine Liberal!

jr565 said...

I think it's the opposite. Those who know they are black are the ones that get ton trouble since they buy into the lefty version of thre world that thinks race is everything. And the they are the outsider. When in fact those that play the game usually do better

Alexander said...

Sorry guys, but all the trains have left the station. No more time to give a shit about crackpot theories - the Reality Express is moving break-neck speed to Shit-upon-Fan.

The triple axis-of-ebola in West Africa are mathematically beyond any hope of survival. White America will continue to fund and provide for the forlorn hope, but it's not going to amount to anything. Then when (surprise) the dirt poor, illiterate, and traditionally easily bribed at rates so low they make you cry 'soldiers' of those respective countries fail to maintain any remaining shred of order, it's going to go wreck havoc in Cote d'Ivoire, Niger, Nigeria (round II, ebola boogaloo), Mali, Senegal, etc. etc. Someone will at some point hop a plane to Delhi or Cairo or Beijing, and someone else at another not too distant point will prove that asymptomatic people are safe only 99.9% of the time...

While in the land of the retard and the home of the PC, the same people who crow on and on about RACISM are going to support our President's valiant efforts to keep the borders open... never mind that when we finally stop dodging all these self-inflicted bullets, it's going to rampage New York, Dallas, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami... where the cool kids of color all hang out... before it gets to Backwoodsracistmilitiahategroup, Idaho and Klansville4eva, Mississippi.

You can go on and on about racism and the evil white man keeping you down and funny little jokes about what an asshole Tommmy J was... and this time next year we can marvel at how much empty real estate there is where black people used to be... or you can pull your head out your ass, realize that now is really not the time to get your tit in a wringer about the white man keeping you down when it's the white man's infrastructure and medicine that stands between your race and de facto extinction.

tl;dr. Nobody gives two steaming fucks what your "grievances" are, and haven't for quite some time. Only this time will quite literally be the last time unless you pull your pants up and get proactive.

Known Unknown said...

Spike Lee had courtside tickets to the Lebron-a-rama going on last night in Cleveland.

If he is not indicative of the average black male experience in American society, then how can he speak to it as if he is?

Birches said...

Sorry guys, I agree with that statement, but probably not with the vitriol that Spike Lee intends to go with it.

If you are a black male, you WILL be treated differently than others in a police situation. But so will white males, or white trash women. If you know that going in, you will be less likely to get into trouble.

My lily white spouse had multiple police officers pull guns on him in the middle of a traffic intersection almost ten years ago. Did he scream and shout, act belligerent and say, "I didn't do anything?" No. It was all "yes, sir and no sir, and Please don't shoot me, sir."

That is recognizing your place. And I don't think it's a bad thing.

SteveR said...

By all means continue to act "black" so people will treat you as a "black" so you can talk about it,

Henry said...

It's good advice.

I should say to my kids, "Kids who get in trouble are the ones who forget they are kids." That is, understand how people may react to you, based just on your appearance. Understand that people who judge you (as suspicious, as vulnerable) may also have power over you, officially-sanctioned or not.

My kids are lucky. But depending on where they go and what they do, they might be well served to remember that they are white, or slight, or American, or male, or female.

mccullough said...

Spike is a Knicks fan. Don't ever forget that

Michael The Magnificent said...

The more blacks blame me for the consequences of their own (in)actions, the less I give a shit about their self-inflicted plight.

tim maguire said...

Spike Lee is one of the more race obsessed people in the country, always has been, always will be. He's dismissed criticism as inspired by race even when his critics were black.

Misinforminimalism said...

Challenge question: identify the "African-Americans" not "in this country."

Bonus challenge: What about Charlize Theron?

Michael said...

I know a few really rich black guys. I am always curious how people get rich and I just look at them and ask. More than one of my rich black friends said they got rich by acting like rich white people.

Spike Lee always seems real angry and about to go to a basketball game no matter what season. He is serious about his glasses.

Tank said...

mccullough said...

Spike is a Knicks fan. Don't ever forget that

Jesus, don't blame us Knicks fans. Don't we have enough to worry about?

Achilles said...

Michael The Magnificent said...

"The more blacks blame me for the consequences of their own (in)actions, the less I give a shit about their self-inflicted plight."

That is the true goal of progressives. Division. And it is ever so much easier to get people to hate each other than to work together. Especially when the other goal of progressives is to create a permanent underclass in every racial and gender group.

Sam L. said...

Spike, he be a hater!

Anonymous said...

Spike Lee is just positioning himself to be the "Head Nigga in Charge" as Malcolm X put it. He's an arrested adolescent living in his own personal, highly romanticized time bubble where black separatism was fighting for its last breath before America essentially achieve Dr. King's dream, so guys like Spike lost their special status as "black leaders," and had to find a real job. He's worth 40 million bucks. Can't get a cab Spike? Buy a cab company. https://roycelerwick.wordpress.com/

richard mcenroe said...

Tank: hey, c'mon, the rest of us find watching the Knicks walk up and down the court when they're down 10 in the 3rd soothing...

And Ann, maybe you're NOT a liberal. I can't remember the last time I heard a white liberal quote Spike Lee on anything...

Drago said...

Spike Lee is black.

Spike Lee never had a chance.

Not in this country.

If only he had grown up Rwanda.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I once got into an online argument about whether major league baseball was receptive to Black players. I rattled off a number of names of obviously Black players, and was told immediately that "they're not Black; they're Hispanic!" As though one couldn't be both.

I think that if any of the players I mentioned had been pulled over, it would not have been for "driving while Hispanic."

But what do I know? Hell, I didn't even know that Mariah Carey was Black until someone told me.

Drago said...

roycelerwick: "Can't get a cab Spike? Buy a cab company."

Or call Uber before the commies shut it down completely in NYC.

steve uhr said...

I think most people born white, if they had to do it over again, would prefer to be born white the second time.

Jupiter said...

Lee said when asked what he tells his own children about race in America. “People who get in trouble are the people who forget they’re black.”

Astute observation. At least, I assume the remark is based on his observations. I doubt that Mr. Lee has ever forgotten, for so much as one second, that he is black. It's what he's got.

Brando said...

Race trumps everything for some people. I feel sorry for them, as it can't be easy going through life with such hatred and ignorance.

Imagine every time you encounter a person, and have to judge them by their race, and do mental acrobatics when they don't fit into your belief system, or you have to fear, hate or pity others based on their race and never get the measure of them as a person. It's a sad, closed life.

Shelton Lee can take his place with other hucksters like Sharpton, and feed off of this hatred. They're parasites upon society's weakness.

Brando said...

Steve Uhr--probably true even today, and all else equal. But would you rather be born white and poor or black and rich?

Some things are a lot more important than race.

Jupiter said...

steve uhr said...
"I think most people born white, if they had to do it over again, would prefer to be born white the second time."

Well, I suppose variety is the spice of life, but do you think there are people who would want to be reborn as a different race? To me, that would be like wanting to be reborn as someone other than myself. Which kind of takes the fun out of being reborn. I am guessing, for example, that however they complain of their lot in life, most women would choose to be reborn as women, and so on. The cry is "Change the World so it makes me happy", not "Change me so that I am happy with the World."

I guess I could stand to be a little taller. And better looking. But that's about it. Not even sure better looking is such a good idea.

Balfegor said...

Re: steve uhr:
I think most people born white, if they had to do it over again, would prefer to be born white the second time.

Why would you think that?

60 years ago, people who were on the "edge" of whiteness -- mixed-blooded people who could "pass" -- often tried to pass. Anatole Broyard and that kind of thing. Nowadays, my impression is that those of us who are on the edges identify much more strongly with our non-White ancestry, and would find it almost unthinkable that we would self-identify as White. I typically read as Hispanic but could probably "pass." I have never attempted to do so. The only time I have ever been tempted to do so was in college admissions, because I knew Asians were held to a higher standard than Whites (or Blacks or Hispanics). But my pride would not let me give in.

And I don't think I'm alone. My impression is that in my generation, it's rare to want to try to pass as White. It's a complete reversal of the way things were two or three generations ago.

Accordingly, I expect a non-trivial percentage of Whites would, if given the choice, choose to come back as non-White. I think vanishingly few non-Whites in the US today would want to become White.

Birches said...

Nowadays, my impression is that those of us who are on the edges identify much more strongly with our non-White ancestry, and would find it almost unthinkable that we would self-identify as White.

True. My kids are mixed, but I emphasize their Latino heritage much more than I do their German and English heritage. Of course, I emphasize what is important to me so, it's my family I emphasizing. But my kids know they're Mexicans, not German/English/Mexicans.

trumpintroublenow said...

The point I was trying to make is that I think many white people are glad they are white because they have a sense somewhere in their consciousness that in this country in the year 2014 things are just a little bit easier for white people, everything else being equal.

I'm sure a lot of nonwhites have no desire to be white but that is for reasons other than concern they will be treated worse if they were white.

Drago said...

Steve Uhr: "I'm sure a lot of nonwhites have no desire to be white but that is for reasons other than concern they will be treated worse if they were white."


How dare you attempt to speak for black people whitey?

Talk about white privilege. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Who do these white guys think they are?

Jupiter said...

Steve Uhr said...
"The point I was trying to make is that I think many white people are glad they are white because they have a sense somewhere in their consciousness that in this country in the year 2014 things are just a little bit easier for white people, everything else being equal."

That was your point? White privilege exists? Wow, you must have, like, been to college or something. Pardon me for thinking you had something interesting to say.

ken in tx said...

I have met many people who claim to be Cherokee, Jewish, or some other ethnic identification with in 10 minutes of meeting them. If being a white anglo-saxon protestant is so cool, why does nobody claim to be one?

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