October 8, 2014

Aunt Jemima's descendants want their share of that pancake money.

"The great grandsons of Anna Short Harrington, who was hired as the American pancake icon in 1933, claim that her family is entitled to a percentage of the company's revenue every time her likeness was used. They're now seeking $2 billion in compensation, plus a share of future revenue."

This is more of a public debate... or a shakedown. I can't imagine how any conceivable legal claim could survive a statute of limitations defense. But it's a publicity problem for Quaker Oats. And if you're going to apply moral pressure, it's convenient that the company is named after a religion associated with high moral values. At this point, the company's response is that Aunt Jemima is a fictional character symbolizing "a sense of caring, warmth, hospitality and comfort." The plaintiffs are leaning on us to see Aunt Jemima as "one of the most exploited and abused women in American history."

I wonder what the descendants of Larry have in mind litigation-wise? You know what I'm talking about? Larry? This is Larry:

Reparations... micro-reparations. If micro-reparations are $2 billion, just think what the reparations would be for all of the most exploited and abused people in American history.


Brennan said...

The country is so great, it has self-proclaimed descendants to a fictitious character.

Han Solo Jr. should lay the smack down on George Lucas.

AustinRoth said...

There is a reason that statute of limitations exist.

This is a good example if one of them.

Henry said...

Consider Betty Crocker. She was portrayed in the '50s by actress Adelaide Hawley Cumming: 'In a 1997 interview, Ms. Cumming, a feminist in private life, recalled instructing her daughter to tell curiosity-seekers that "I am the current incarnation of a corporate image. That'll shut them up."'

But far worse, the current Betty Crocker portrait is a digital composite of "75 women of diverse backgrounds and ages who embody the characteristics of Betty Crocker."

That's a lot of litigants. General Mills better settle now before they have more children.

Anonymous said...

the most exploited and abused people in American history

Upper-middle class white women?

George M. Spencer said...

I's in town honey!

(headline of a Jemima ad at the link)

Now gimme my monies!

Lyssa said...

Did Ms. Harrington not get paid for her work at the time? (It says that she was hired.) Why was that not sufficient?

Unknown said...

Total "he who shall not be named" bait. Way to go Althouse. I figure this should have 200 comments by noon?

Donald said...

Wouldn't the SOL limit recovery here instead of defeat it? Every time the image is used, a new cause of action accrues and the SOL clock begins anew.

This may be one of those rare cases in which laches is an appropriate defense, though.

Anonymous said...

I see the "lawsuits I hope will fail" tag is attached: just an observation. I don't think anyone will take exception. Nope.

RecChief said...

I read this blog post and imagined Althouse on her front porch with a megaphone, yelling, "CRACK EMCEE, Where are you?"

As to the suit, of course it's a shakedown.

Paul said...

"...... for all of the most exploited and abused people in American history..."

You mean the unborn since Roe v. Wade of course.....

Alexander said...

Blacks invented maple syrup, so really the demands are very conservative.

Tank said...

In a suit filed by the great grandsons of Anna Short Harrington, who went on to become "Aunt Jemima" in 1933, they claim they're owed a slice of the pancake company's revenue according to a long-forgotten agreement stretching back to its late-1800 creation

OK, let's see the contract.

Anonymous said...

It is pancakes all the way down.

Fernandinande said...

Reparations... micro-reparations.

Reparations for paying someone to be a model?

If micro-reparations are $2 billion, just think what the reparations would be for all of the most exploited and abused people in American history.

That would be the people who died in wars.

James Pawlak said...

Perhaps Blacks should collectively pay for their disproportional share of the costs of crime to all (Especially White & Asian) citizens.

As this continues today the statutes of limitation does not appear to apply.

Sal said...

Blacks who are descendants of Andrew Jackson's slaves should claim he was screwing the women, and then sue for a share of every $20 bill ever printed.

david7134 said...

I live in the South and some in my past family owned slaves. Considering the fact that this legal commodity was forcibly removed from us, our country destroyed, our families harmed, our wealth dispersed, all because Lincoln wanted to maintain a tax base when we wanted a separation of diametrically opposed cultures, then I want my reparations as well. By the way, we still have the opposed cultures and still want our freedom. Also, a little tidbit on black reparations. At a minimum there were 5000 black slave owners. Also, there is a national park in North Louisiana called Melrose Plantation that was black own and our government extols the fact that the owners were black.

Wince said...

As a kid, I was always partial to the woman pictured on the Vermont Maid maple syrup bottle.

It's a Mary Ann vs. Ginger meets Robert Dinero kind of thing.

Although Aunt Jemima looks like she got a personal trainer and had some work done.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Can't I just eat my waffles in peace?

Bob Boyd said...

I prefer Aunt Jemima because every time the syrup hits the my hot cakes I hear a woman screaming. The other brands don't offer that.

Leon said...

ok lets suppose there is some old contract. they are not using that model's likeness now.

is this a claim at a going concern. even so you sold your company over a hundred years ago. when it was failing. i doubt you got useful terms like that from new owners.

Lewis Wetzel said...

". . . just think what the reparations would be for all of the most exploited and abused people in American history."

You mean the hillbillies?

Seeing Red said...

Maria Von trapp signed everything away. They got nothing, didn't they?

Known Unknown said...

What's the lesson? Always negotiate points up front if you can.

Or, if the mood strikes, take a cut of merchandising.

Known Unknown said...

Mrs. Buttersworth should be in line for a big haul.

CWJ said...


Pancakes make for a much more stable cosmolgy. Far more stackable than turtles, and they don't squirm as much.

Alexander said...

Clearly, the only morally right thing to do is remove all references of black people from the marketplace. Anything less is exploitation.

Is Obama going to collect royalties from the schools named after him? Are his daughters going to have to live in a world where long after his presidency, such institutions are exploring their fathers name without a single kickback? This cannot stand. It is vital, vital that we "black-out" our communities and nation so that nobody is exploited.

CWJ said...

I don't think this is Crack bait. As others have pointed out, you don't want this story to be the face of reparations.

I'm thinking of this from another angle. The size of Ms. Harrington's estate was her doing large or small. Her decendants were entitled only to as much of her estate as she was willing to leave them. We have no idea how that estate would have been distributed had it been larger.

wouldn't it be nice if any of us could sue on the basis that our inheritance two generations removed should have been larger.

lgv said...

In related news, Benjamin "Crack" Buttersworth has retained council to explore receiving royalties for all the Mrs. Buttersworth products sold, including a license fee on the bottle mold.

chickelit said...

I wonder what the descendants of Larry have in mind litigation-wise? You know what I'm talking about? Larry? This is Larry:

Reparations for Thee but not for me.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Anybody know what Uncle Ben's reaction to all this is?

MadisonMan said...

I'm in the tank with Tank: What's the contract say, and let's see it.

Tank said...

Show me the money.

Show me the Contract.

Put up or shut up.

Lyssa said...

CWJ: I don't think this is Crack bait. As others have pointed out, you don't want this story to be the face of reparations.

Because Crack is always so careful to ensure that he presents his arguments in a palatable way?

Michael said...

But we have the answer to that question, Professor, and it is 100 Trillion Dollars. That figure was arrived at by calculating slave hours worked at a rate of $7.00 per hour with interest at 6%. Assuming 70 hour work weeks and 52 weeks per year that equates to the salary of the President of the U.S. Thomas Jefferson.

Women in the 1850s who worked in New England shoe factories earned around 30 cents a day. Monthly farm workers in Alabama were paid $12 a month. Non farm labor in the 1800s was on the order of $1.50 per day.

Interest rates during the same period was below 6%.

So, it would appear that the 100 trillion ask is on the high side even taking into account pain and suffering. The 100 trillion, by the way, would be $2.5 million for every black man, woman and child in the U.S. today.

Darrell said...

Lawyers are scrambling right now to sign up Morris the Cat.

Alexander said...

Well you know what they say about African immigrants these days:

Come for the white man's medicine; stay for the white man's money.

Darrell said...

And Tony the Tuna.

The Crack Emcee said...


"This is more of a public debate... or a shakedown. I can't imagine how any conceivable legal claim could survive a statute of limitations defense."

Ahh, white people - committing crimes and running out the clock - that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, they like it.

God, such disgusting people,...

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...


"I live in the South and some in my past family owned slaves."

And you make the exact same arguments these "colorblind" fools do - which is why I don't buy their bullshit, either.

It's ahistorical ignorant white racists all the way down,...

n.n said...

This claim is restricted under the statute of limitations. Reparations is restricted under the 13th Amendment. The only way to overcome these restrictions is to either amend the Constitution to restore slavery or a Marxist/Mandela solution which is a violent overthrow of the government and mass murder of the people.

Since the degenerate religion of collective and inherited sin has not been adopted by the majority of Americans, the first solution is not forthcoming. And since there is no external power which will challenge America, the second solution is also unlikely to be realized. Perhaps through normalization of abortion and immigration/invasion, but internal subversion will require some time to be effective.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Over 50 innocent whites died in Nat Turner's so-called "slave rebellion" of 1831. Do the descendants of Turner's victims get reparations from American Blacks?
Otherwise the whole idea of reparations is a travesty of a mockery of a sham.

The Crack Emcee said...


"I don't think this is Crack bait. As others have pointed out, you don't want this story to be the face of reparations."

First of all, since white's racism touches everything, I don't know of a subject that couldn't be the face of reparations in this country.

Second, as this comment and others make clear, y'all have NO IDEA what the reparations battle is about - or even what they are - so this comment strikes me as about as ignorant as all the others y'all posit.

Third - this insistence that Ann does things to bring me here - how delusional do you guys want to appear EVERY SINGLE DAY? You just wipe out her identity, her free will, and her own motivations - EVERY DAY - to fulfil your racist fantasy life, just like the Southerners you've culturally grown from. It's really sickening to see.

Forth, considering the numbers this blog draws, the assumption that my participation could make a difference is preposterous but - hey - YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LET THAT STOP YOU, ARE YOU?

I swear, you're a bunch of fools,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Because Crack is always so careful to ensure that he presents his arguments in a palatable way?"

Says a member of the crowd who insists Political Correctness is for pussies.

As far as credibility is concerned - tell me:

While whites, here, say whatever gross/offensive/outlandish/idiotic thing they want - why is it always blacks who whites expect to be respectful, respectable, intelligent, eloquent, etc?

I say it's the double-standard inherent in white supremacy - and the natural racism that springs from it - but that's just me,...

Ann Althouse said...

"God, such disgusting people…"

You're modeling bigotry. But you think you look cute in it, don't you?

The Crack Emcee said...


"This claim is restricted under the statute of limitations. Reparations is restricted under the 13th Amendment. The only way to overcome these restrictions is to either amend the Constitution to restore slavery or a Marxist/Mandela solution which is a violent overthrow of the government and mass murder of the people."

All in favor say "Aye" - AYE!!!!

"Since the degenerate religion of collective and inherited sin has not been adopted by the majority of Americans, the first solution is not forthcoming."

Yes. I know. Whites don't agree we're a nation - until they need someone to fight their wars. Then, as if by a miracle, we're supposed to accept some things that happened "a long time ago" as important - like the Constitution - but not the stuff that happened (at the same time) that whites don't like to grapple with, like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington's slavery. (It ended so long ago,...140 years - two 70 year olds - "long time". The Constitution must've been drafted yesterday,...)

And they think they get to decide it - Oh, white supremacy, they LOVE YOU.

"And since there is no external power which will challenge America, the second solution is also unlikely to be realized. Perhaps through normalization of abortion and immigration/invasion, but internal subversion will require some time to be effective."

Um, from what I read, and all the evidence, whites are already losing power - SNL just did another skit warning you, and they have waaay more cultural power than white conservatives do. You've already lost your own kids.

I am a member of a very patient people - against a mass of murderous and rape-y brutes who NEVER plan very far ahead - so I can say this with confidence:

In the time we're all on this blog, I will see you - and white supremacy - defeated,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse ,

"You're modeling bigotry. But you think you look cute in it, don't you?"

Says she who supposedly laughs at respectability politics - and hosts a blog for racist whites who disdain political correctness.

You see Michael K every day and I'm the bigot, here?

Whites really aren't good at spotting their own hypocrisies, are they? Their insecurities keep their eyes squarely on those they MUST attempt to put down - which has ALWAYS been the blacks in their midst. I haven't seen you challenge Michael K directly once - not like you do me - and he slanders everyone but whites.

Oh - and to all the rest of you - this is what Ann and I "working together" looks like.

You're all so fucking smart,...

Alexander said...

"I am a member of a very patient people"

Buddy, your people have the shortest time-preference of any group on the planet. White people get scared when they see a gang of black youths coming towards them in the street - not a single one of us gives two shits when you're out of sight, because the very idea of blacks planning anything beyond the next welfare check is comic.

It's the primary reason you're the at the bottom of of the pecking order in every society you move into. And stay around looking forlorn while Chang and Pedro's grandchildren push you out.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I really hope Crack gets Ebola.

DanTheMan said...

I may be an evil, ahistorical, white devil, but I can spell "fourth".

Michael said...


Have you ever considered starting your own blog focused on the topic you bring to these discussions?
Then you wouldn't have to suffer on a site built by a woman who hosts a blog for white racists. You could set your own topics every day and manage the comments section as you saw fit.

You probably would attract a huge readership and would make reasonable money from it.

Just a thought.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Buddy, your people have the shortest time-preference of any group on the planet."

Really? So ending slavery - an idea the first black had when brought here in 1609 - was just a fluke idea in 1865? Then why did the Union have to ask Harriet Tubman to lead them into battle? (Hint: because she was already fighting the battle without them,...)

Next you'll tell me whites did it - I know the white supremacist lit, dude.

"White people get scared when they see a gang of black youths coming towards them in the street - not a single one of us gives two shits when you're out of sight, because the very idea of blacks planning anything beyond the next welfare check is comic."

To quote our hostess:

You think you look cute in that, don't you?

Funny how she'll address me for such talk but whites?

They're allowed to slide right by - without comment by Blondie.

Superior numbers - and a white comfort zone with dissing blacks in public - will do that,...

Anonymous said...

Crack wrote;

"Whites really aren't good at spotting their own hypocrisies, are they? Their insecurities keep their eyes squarely on those they MUST attempt to put down - which has ALWAYS been the blacks in their midst. I haven't seen you challenge Michael K directly once - not like you do me - and he slanders everyone but whites. "

The other day, my 12 year old son got in trouble. He was supposed to be going to sleep, but instead he was up fighting with his brothers.

When he got in trouble he said, "But what about Elijah! He was up too!"

The Crack MC, making arguments a 12 year old makes.

DanTheMan said...

That's a baby step. He's surrounded by horrible majority who constantly denigrates his insights.
Perhaps he should set up kickstarter to cover his relocation to some place that suits him better?
I certainly would not live in a place that I despised populated by racists who hated me without reason.

The Crack Emcee said...


"I may be an evil, ahistorical, white devil, but I can spell "fourth"."

But you can't eliminate your evil.

it's great that you can't see the problem there,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"You probably would attract a huge readership and would make reasonable money from it."

I did - used to have about 13,000 visitors a day - then I included white supremacy and racism in the cult mix and they all went away.

Your idea is premised on the idea whites are fair or care to be informed of their limitations as Americans or a culture.

Perish the thought.

They just want to kill anything in their way.

That's the history,...

Anonymous said...

Crack writes;

"In the time we're all on this blog, I will see you - and white supremacy - defeated,..."

That's a pretty low bar you set for yourself there.

How about raising the bar a little? Like vowing to see the end of the Vietnam war before you die.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I think Aunt Jemima's family members actually should be the ones who have to pay.

Michelle Obama says they are responsible for the obesity epidemic.

Jason said...

Larry always looked like Oliver Cromwell to me.

We have some scores to settle.

Alexander said...

That's so weird. I mean sure, the racist whites left cause they can't handle the truth... but surely all those highly educated, well read, knowledgeable-of-history people of color would have flocked to a place on the internet out of the control of the evil whitefolk.

Guess they was too busy burning gas stations, punching out strangers, and running from the popo. Brotha ain't got time to read no site, yo!

Michael said...


So you changed your subject matter on your blog and lost eyeballs but think bringing the same subject matter to another person's blog will not harm her number of visits?

How does that work?

Consider this. The topic is boring on your blog or on this blog. You bring nothing new to it. Zero. Now that the audience is bored shitless you blame the audience for their lack of taste.

A lot can be understood about that world view and its impact on one who holds it.

CWJ said...


You were right. Crack has appeared. But I was also right in that Crack has posted a half dozen or so comments, including one addressed to me, and has still not addressed the original subject of pancake payments.

Bilwick said...

In a related story, the descendants of William Penn announced that they would be suing Quaker Oats for reparations. A spokesman for the Penn family said: "We want to force Quaker to make restitutions to the Penn fam--wait a minute? FORCE?? We don't do that! OK . . . never mind."

Tank said...

Does Crack have a copy of the Aunt Jemima Contract?


I wonder if there ever was a contract? That might really be interesting. Would they be able to claim all payments, or would those longer ago than the S of L be barred (probably 6 years - that's what it is in NJ)? Or, because contracts in perpetuity are disfavored, do they "run out" as some point?

Unknown said...

I was looking at the old advertisement and wondered if Al Jolson ever promoted pancake batter.

Drago said...

Crack: "I did - used to have about 13,000 visitors a day - then I included white supremacy and racism in the cult mix and they all went away.

Your idea is premised on the idea whites are fair or care to be informed of their limitations as Americans or a culture."


I guess none of those 13,000 were brothers or sisters.

Too bad you couldn't get the enlightened sun people to tune in.

I wonder why that is?

Or do I?....

The Crack Emcee said...

”I believe modern anti-Semitism is a symptom of a much bigger problem today, because we have forgotten its origins: The anti-Semitism of the Nazis was, above all, a disbelief in human equality!”

And white supremacy is built on what idea?

Oh, white people, I love you,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Consider this. The topic is boring on your blog or on this blog. You bring nothing new to it. Zero. Now that the audience is bored shitless you blame the audience for their lack of taste.

A lot can be understood about that world view and its impact on one who holds it."

There - considered - now consider this:

At the end of WWII, all the Nazis wanted to do was forget - just as whites, here, would like to forget they were hanging blacks from trees and flag poles as they fought for Europe's freedom.

But the German kids wouldn't let them forget it - and a reckoning began that still lasts to this day.

I am your reckoning,...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Shut your five dollar ass up, Crack, before I make change.

See, there goes another honky ripping off a brother. And instead of reparations from me, Wesley Snipes gets jailed for tax evasion.

Yay for white privilege!

The Crack Emcee said...


"I wonder if there ever was a contract?"

Considering whites, then and now, that's a good "wonder":

The whites probably just stole it,...

The Crack Emcee said...

”Last Friday, I called Jordan Davis's mother Lucia McBath. It's been almost two years since her son was murdered by a man who took offense to his music. The murderer was Michael Dunn. After shooting the boy, Dunn drove to a motel with his girlfriend. He ordered pizza. He mixed a few cocktails. Then, the next day, he turned himself in and claimed that he was defending himself against a shotgun-wielding Davis. No shotgun was ever found. In his first trial, Dunn was convicted of attempted murder, for shooting—unjustifiably—at Davis's friends. He was not convicted of murdering Jordan Davis after the jury deadlocked. The state of Florida retried the case, and this time convicted Dunn of first-degree murder.”

Most here thought Dunn was innocent because - WHITENESS.

Hold on, Folks - reparations are around the corner - and you guys are going to lose so bad,...

Michael said...

"I am your reckoning,."

Hilarious. Unless our reckoning is measured by being bored to tears.

PS: the reason you scare people on the street out there in liberal land is that people are scared of crazy street people regardless of their color. Especially if they are angry.

I look directly in the eyes of dozens of black people every day when I speak with them. Neither of us is afraid of the other. I don't know any crazy black people. Oh, I take that back, there is a homeless guy I speak with and give money to but he is not crazy-crazy.

Drago said...


Crack: "Then why did the Union have to ask Harriet Tubman to lead them into battle?"

First off, "The Union" didn't ask. The Union commander responsible for raiding the South Carolina coast did.

Harriet Tubman was familiar with the area of operations and she "led" a couple of raids along the South Carolina coast. Her work in support of union operations in this limited area of operations was outstanding and did help to establish the value of black soldiers in combat.

This was later "immortalized" in the film "Glory".

Of course, the way crack wrote up Tubmans contribution you'd think she was appointed Commander of all Union forces.

Tubmans contribution to the union efforts speak for themselves and they don't need the "crack-ers" of the world to diminish them by overly embellishing.

Michael said...


I am pretty sure that a majority nation of white supremacists is not going to approve reparations equalling $2.5 million per black person when the average white supremacist makes less than that in a lifetime.

But you can be as delusional as you wish. Free country.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse,

"You're modeling bigotry. But you think you look cute in it, don't you?"

"It's very difficult to know that it doesn't matter what morals you instill in your children," [the late Jordan Davis' mother] said. "That there are certain people who will never see the value and known who they are."

Man, how can white people miss the boat - on our humanity - by such a wide margin?

It's that insecurity, I think, that makes whites demand we not see ourselves - because they're here to tell us different.

We invalidate you - because validation is what you seek.


I think whites have a looooong way to go before that scale can be tipped away to others,...

Drago said...


Crack: "At the end of WWII, all the Nazis wanted to do was forget..."


You mean the ones that were still alive.

Drago said...

Fun question: Which product would benefit from Crack's visage being prominently displayed?

Michael said...


The Crack Emcee said...



I am pretty sure that a majority nation of white supremacists is not going to approve reparations equalling $2.5 million per black person when the average white supremacist makes less than that in a lifetime."

You think blacks care what whites will approve? Did that stop blacks from escaping slavery? Ending it? Thwarting Jim Crow?

White supremacy gives whites a false sense of justice - and their own power:

No secure people would've had to to implement it.

But - my point is - whites have been on a losing streak for a long time now.

The Big One is coming,...

But you can be as delusional as you wish. Free country.

RonF said...

I vote for shakedown.

RecChief said...

Martin O'malley has said that free WiFI is a human right. Since I have a password on my wireless router, does this make me guilty of the Civil Rights Act? Who should I pay reparations to for locking my WiFi?

RecChief said...

and so another thread degenerates into nothingness. I guess the debate and discussion of the last couple days was too good to last.

Drago said...


It's impossible not to notice the inverse correlation between Cracks threats/vows/rants and the actual capability for those threats/vows/rants to be fulfilled.

Cracks dream of a race war is already being waged in the streets of major cities and the blacks are not winning.

The hispanics are.

And that is only going to accelerate.

Which is unfortunate, but apparently, unavoidable.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Black people are Americans, one of the oldest classes of Americans. It is crucial to understand this. We are not seeking integration into someone else's burning house. We built the house."

- Ta-Nehisi Coates

And we will have it,...

The Crack Emcee said...

"White people know this. And white people want no part of this. The day I talked to Lucia McBath, I read a story about a white couple suing over "wrongful birth." The "wrongful birth" came about because one of the mothers was mistakenly artificially inseminated by a black man. The mothers claimed that their desire was to "find a donor with genetic traits similar to them." There are all sorts of genetic traits influencing everything from height to weight to eye-color to predilections to certain diseases. But the traits that the couple wanted were those that firmly would place their child under the protective dome of white America."


The Crack Emcee said...

Most should notice I haven't addressed Drago's ramblings - like about my desire for a race war - because the man's insane.

You're all insane, but Drago especially.

That is all,...

Michael said...


If blacks don't need the approval of whites for reparations then why not just approve them yourselves and print out the money?

Dream the fuck on, brother.

The Crack Emcee said...

"a black parent could log on to the Internet and see the bodies of black people choked into oblivion, beaten on the side of the road, stalked and raped, tased for straying too long, pistol-whipped for running too fast, shot down for mental illness, shot down for cos-play, shot down for allegedly ignoring orders, shot down for too quickly obeying orders.a black parent could log on to the Internet and see the bodies of black people choked into oblivion, beaten on the side of the road, stalked and raped, tased for straying too long, pistol-whipped for running too fast, shot down for mental illness, shot down for cos-play, shot down for allegedly ignoring orders, shot down for too quickly obeying orders."


The Crack Emcee said...



If blacks don't need the approval of whites for reparations then why not just approve them yourselves and print out the money?"

Because we're not whites:

Whites always expect others to do to them as they do to us - such an evil, paranoid people.

Blacks fight for justice - not more crime,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Blacks fight for justice - not more crime,..."

And it's easy to see why America's Biggest Criminals don't understand that:

"Do The Right Thing" to whites is just a movie,...

The Crack Emcee said...

I asked her about Trayvon Martin. And she told me again that Jordan had been horrified by Martin's shooting. "Jordan kept saying, 'Mom, that could have been me. Mom, that could have been me.' We talked at length," she said. "He said, 'He didn't even do anything wrong.' And I told him, 'Jordan, you don’t have to be doing anything wrong. You are a young black male and they are certain people who will never give you respect.'"



Michael said...


You are not making sense here about reparations. Either you get them from a vote of whites or you find a way to take them. You won't get the former and the latter is impossible unless we elected a black president and we would never do that in a million years.

Drago said...


Crack: "The Crack Emcee said...
Most should notice I haven't addressed Drago's ramblings...."


Something tells me you've become quite adept at avoiding the unpleasant facts that would force you to confront reality.

Which is the definition of insanity.

I fear your break from said reality has shifted from online schtick to something much closer to actual realization.

Clearly there must have been a few triggers lately that have set you off.

The Crack Emcee said...



You are not making sense here about reparations. Either you get them from a vote of whites or you find a way to take them."

How many times have I told you whites don't understand reparations? Your assertion that we "get them from a vote of whites or you find a way to take them" is an admittance you don't understand the first thing about them.

Did the Japanese - who got them - "get them from a vote of whites"? Did "whites" even pay them, or did everyone - INCLUDING THE JAPANESE AMERICANS THEMSELVES?

You have no idea, do you? And yet you still think you have a leg to stand on in debate on the subject.

You guys are so clueless, it's really like I'm debating the developmentally disabled:

We can't lose,...

You won't get the former and the latter is impossible unless we elected a black president and we would never do that in a million years.

The Crack Emcee said...


"You won't get the former and the latter is impossible unless we elected a black president and we would never do that in a million years."

And even he doesn't like you:


The Crack Emcee said...

You know what's wild? Anybody that's been here a while knows I'm working at this - they ask "What happened to Crack?" when they encounter my work now. But here's my question:

Do whites ever notice they're almost naturally unlikable?

That they don't have to work at it? They just have to spout their views on something and - it's almost instant - everybody hates them for being monsters?

I'm just "wondering," like Cliven Bundy,...

Dr Weevil said...

Anyone capable of addressing a group of hundreds with "You're all insane" needs to think about the implications of his statement. Specifically, he needs to think about this parable (originally a joke which I read on some website - possibly this one):

A man's driving home from work when his wife calls on the cell phone, in a panic, saying "Be careful! The radio says a crazy man is driving the wrong way on the Interstate!" He replies "A crazy man? There's hundreds of 'em! Everybody on the Interstate is driving the wrong way except me!"

If anyone hasn't figured out the moral, it's simple: when absolutely everyone except you seems insane, chances are extremely high that you are in fact insane and should seek help immediately.

Michael said...


"Did the Japanese - who got them - "get them from a vote of whites"? Did "whites" even pay them, or did everyone - INCLUDING THE JAPANESE AMERICANS THEMSELVES? "

Why, yes they did. They got an act of congress from a congress made up of mainly white men to vote for them and the white president signed the bill into law.

I would say you are the one who is clueless.

All taxpayers contributed whether they liked it or not. Including the families of people killed in the Pacific theatre.

eddie willers said...

We built the house

Mexicans built mine. Even spread pinestraw around it.

chickelit said...

A crumby album cover and a disco beat:

Maybe you had too much too fast. Maybe you had too much too fast.
Or just over played your part.

SGT Ted said...

Funny how a self proclaimed non-Marxist atheist winds up in the same place as the Marxist cult atheism of the 20th century.

The neo-Marxist, black nationalist shtick is not original thinking and is just as cultish and intellectually bankrupt as any other neo-Marxist revolutionary ideology of the 1960s.

stan said...

Measure of Damages -- Reparations

Centuries ago, African tribes waged war on each other. The victors sold the losers into slavery in Arabia, South America, Central America or North America.

Reparations damages -- the difference in living standards for the claimant today if his ancestors had been sold into one of the other areas instead of North America.

Question -- how much will the claimants have to pay the Treasury?

Margaret Man said...

What's a corporation's share of reparations if "they didn't build that"?

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