September 10, 2014

"You can go on the Tumblr of any young person in the world and see people marketing themselves."

"Everyone my age is like that now. We’re all hyperaware of how we’re being seen."

Said Lorde, the big pop star, who's only 17, asked about "self-constructing her persona."


The Crack Emcee said...

And they're as reliably truthful as any commercial out there,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Lorde's got a "self-constructed image"? Good:

Blacks have been finding it hilarious since the "big pop star" (whew!*) first appeared.

*One song - criticizing black's success - can do wonders for white's estimation of your career,...

n.n said...

There is a fine line separating marketing and narcissism.

mccullough said...

Since Lorde isn't her real name anyway, her view makes sense to her.

MadisonMan said...

People know that if you talk down to me, I will roll my eyes or whatever

Spoken like a 17-yo, that's for sure.

traditionalguy said...

It's self marketing day at Althouse, and the list so far includes: Thom Brown, Madonna, Boy George, Queen Elizabeth, Stephen King, the Dalai Llama, Colander head, Lena Dunham, Lorde and Mary Burke.

It reminds me of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in.

m stone said...

I have now reconstructed myself.

I am known as stone.

Anonymous said...

And we care because . . . ?

Chris said...

"Said Lorde, the big pop star [...]"

Who? She can't be that big. She's not big enough for Taranto to drop her name into "Best of the Web". Does she even have a Vortex?

lemondog said...

Uh....who is she...?

Anonymous said...

Oh Crack's on this post too! Criticizing successful whites is his thing today.

Tomorrow his thing will be criticizing whites some more. But he has white friends!

Well. I hope the real Crack gets all the happiness and success that his faux persona deserves. As, it seems, we all inevitably do in the end.

Biff said...

"Everyone my age is like that now. We’re all hyperaware of how we’re being seen."

...because seventeen year olds have never before been hyperaware of how they're being seen. One of the best (and also the worst) things about being seventeen is believing that your generation is somehow completely different from every generation that ever came before.

Then again, I know some 40-50 somethings who still believe it's true.

Mary Beth said...

Her song was used in this commercial last year. (Look! It's got one of those Samsung wrist thingies!)Samsung got grief for being its "intensely weird lack of self-awareness".

It mocks tropes used in rap. Is that the same as making fun of black people?

Anonymous said...

@Mary Beth -- of course!

Gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room

Everyone knows that's integral to the lives of blacks! Comes with the melanin. You wake up in the morning, shoot some courvosier, put on your grill, and hit the road, making sure to stop by your usual hangout, AA's blog.

Making fun of that is BY DEFINITION the same thing as making fun of blacks!

RecChief said...

wisdom? hahaha

buwaya said...

Samsung is Korean.
Koreans have their own value system and world view.
Their messaging in an internationally-targeted commercial - with a famous soccer player yet, a total nullity in terms of US name or face recognition - does not have to conform to US expectations or prejudices.
People criticizing their ads for a lack of self-awareness are culturally illiterate and may in fact be seen as racist.
So there.

John henry said...

I thought Tumblr was primarily a porn site?

What are these marketing?

John Henry

Drago said...

Blacks invented Tumblr.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Oh Crack's on this post too! Criticizing successful whites is his thing today."

Today? Successful? How "successful" are whites when they engineered a 400 year head start on everyone else? You can't compete is the lesson.

"Tomorrow his thing will be criticizing whites some more."

400 years is a long time. Sorry I can't condense it to a single chapter like white textbooks do to make whites feel better. Blacks were happy as slaves, you know?

"But he has white friends!"

Not everybody's an asshole. My white friends know exactly where my heart is, if not always what I'm reading.

BTW - I loved yesterdays's criticism that I don't read books. I was declared a "cut and paste" scholar - ONLINE!!!! I was going to list all the books I've read in just the last month but thought the better of it:

White's image of the stupid nigger is all I need to get by.

"Well. I hope the real Crack gets all the happiness and success that his faux persona deserves."

White supremacy's rules, dude.

"As, it seems, we all inevitably do in the end."

Yeah - Andrew Jackson's murderous reign really hurt him a lot in the long run.

That you guys believe white supremacist dogma, like merit in a rigged racist system, is the greatest indictment of an American education as can be presented,...

Anonymous said...

On a whim I googled 'tumblr reparations'.

Two hits from the site 'Nazis with Beards' (really)

then (serious NSFW):

BLACK REPARATIONS by blackreparations - Tumblr

This Blog is an interracial sexual role-play fetish ONLY! And is for Dom black men to domination, humiliation, pimping, punking, punish and just all over sexually abuse white men This network is a safe place for black Dom men and submissive white men to explore the Interracial sexual role-play…

Yikes. Reparations are messy.

Alex said...

The latest in a long line of Golden Calves. Just a shiny bauble.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood how it could be that all these girls are so oblivious. They sing lyrics like, "I'm strong!" Or "I'm beautiful!"

Don't they know how silly they look when they stand in front of the mirror and insist they are good enough, strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like them?

Bruce Lee never had to talk about what an ass kicker he was.

Amber Einstein never had to tell people how smart he was.

When you have to literally sing your own praises, there's a problem.

I hope althouse approves of the word literally.

Drago said...

Blacks invented merit.

Beldar said...

She's doing a better job of it than most, actually.

Beldar said...

Lemondog (9/10/14, 3:37 PM): I'll save you some googling, here's a link to her breakout pop hit, Royals.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Yikes. Reparations are messy."

Dude, even David Mamet is waaay ahead of the rest of you white guys, about what you're doing. I will ask you again:

Why is this man's pants down?

Your poor ignorant boobs,...

buwaya said...

We are broke. Everything is mortgaged and leveraged beyond reason. Whatever prosperity you perceived is a facade. Even the Asians and Hispanics who are taking over from the moribund whites will be broke, not that they will be very sympathetic.
You will have to try collect your reparations from the Chinese. Think of arguments that may persuade them.

Good luck.

Drago said...

Blacks invented boobs.

Anonymous said...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Yikes. Reparations are messy."

Dude, even David Mamet is waaay ahead of the rest of you white guys, about what you're doing. I will ask you again:

Why is this man's pants down?

Your poor ignorant boobs,..."

I wasn't familiar with Tumblr: I actually was expecting to find sites dedicated to discussion -- to see what these "young person(s)" were saying, ideally without journalists as a middleman, or just another reprint of the Coates essay.

Was taken aback by that site being THAT prominent on Google. Definitely not what I expected from a site called "" The "messy" was in response to the voluminous amount of sperm 'distributed' in the 'reparations' photographs there.

Frankly, I was half-expecting a reply from you along the lines of it having been the other way around for four hundred years, something with humor. I guessed incorrectly.

Main reason I am replying is that I am saddened that I am worth only a "poor ignorant boob" response. When you were upset with Althouse you basically called her a plantation mistress: THAT had panache.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Crack is a skilled rhetoritician.

The idea nobody can compare America to another country for any reason is brilliant if your goal is Crack's goal.

Think about it.

Take the strongest argument you can think of off the cuff that your opponent will dish out (America is better than Africa for all, including Blacks, based on standard of living) and totally refuse to engage that point-of-view. Attack the person, the man, who makes the comparison as racist.

There is enough gray to be found all-around, ergo this is a time-tested, well-thought-out winning-strategy. Like my use of hyphens to show you, not prima-facie, but deep, deep, deeper, how my brain works better than yours.

Did you catch it? I use hyphens because I am smarter than you and you ought be afraid of challenging me.

We all should be very, very thankful the Emcee is here and not in Holder's Justice Dept. or in a position of influence affecting painful, drastic change as per is his want.

Other side of that token, we all should be very, very upset Emcee has chosen performance art instead of a Tea Party leadership position in S.F., with all the money that would entail.

Some, like me, thank God.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I should mention, again, that I do believe this country, America, owes all victims of Democrat KKK leaders and Democrat racist Governors and Democrat Rhodes Scholar racists.

Call it reparations if you want, I call it justice.

On that note, I've never understood why men die for liberty and freedom for all, yet live in a land that allows systemically corrupt devils to prosper, seemingly without question often.

Racism is one answer that satisfies my queries (momentarily).

Polynices said...

I've only heard of her because Weird Al chose to make a parody of one of her songs:

His version is better.

Guildofcannonballs said...

History knows one rule:

The pinnacle of experience for a certain overly-political subgroup of persons was the Tiger Woods/Barack Obama Golf Digest cover.

Now, here, today, and forever more, is Rory McIlroy.

Wiping away all sins, all guilt, all pain, McIlroy ushers in a new age of Peace and Freedom for Mankind.

Womenfolk too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I saved another dog today.

Saved the number I called in my phone to make sure I remember months/years from now.

Briefly, two little rascal Schnauzers (it looked like to me) were boogieing on down the yards.

About five minutes later I see them running near the establishment I was entertaining for work purposes.

Shorty short short: I conned "Ziti" into my arms and got her in the van.

Her brother/sister wasn't as cool.

But Ziti had a tag with a number that connected, and a relieved woman found her two lost dogs she didn't know had "gotten out of the gate."

Three lost dogs I've returned this year--Murphy, the neighbors Shi-tsu, and Ziti-- all women's dogs.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My record was roughly 1/20 over the ten previous years.

They would all run away.

Now, I am 3/5 or at worst 3/7 for the year.*

I have faked having treats, but mainly I think it is the smile and the "hey fella" genuine interest I show them, these lost K-9's.

*I haven't kept a ledger and will not in the future for reasons I shall keep to my own self.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The brother/sister of Ziti was in a fenced-in backyard.

I led the owner of Ziti, with Ziti now on a leash, to the other pup and left with thank-yous all-around (without finding out the other dogs name, and another neighbor had cornered that Schnauzer in a backyard so it wasn't my save and I celebrate that neighbor for being so cool and wish I could write better for all y'all).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

the neighbors Shi-tsu

is my brother's band name.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I went to 3 Dogs Tavern at 32nd and a block East of Lowell, and watched my beloved Badgers.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Lorde is awesome. We are blessed to live in an era of great rock music and Lorde is at the top of the heap.

The Crack Emcee said...

buwaya puti,

"We are broke. Everything is mortgaged and leveraged beyond reason. Whatever prosperity you perceived is a facade."

Sure, and China - a country that still has peasants in rice fields behind oxen - is a mortal threat to us.

Jesus, your adoption of dogma makes no sense considering,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Crack is a skilled rhetoritician.

The idea nobody can compare America to another country for any reason is brilliant if your goal is Crack's goal.

Think about it."

Here's a better thing to think about - which I don't consider you honest enough to acknowledge:

Would a man who believed what you say post this Bill Whittle video?

You guys lie on me so much it's a wonder you can look yourselves in the mirror.

As white people.

You just prove your unworthiness of respect,..

sdharms said...

If a billboard is set up in a forest at nite, will anyone see it?

Anonymous said...

Crack, would you like to respond to the point about us being mortgaged to China using facts, or math?

Do you have the capability to do that?

Drago said...

Blacks invented mirrors.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Crack, would you like to respond to the point about us being mortgaged to China using facts, or math?

Do you have the capability to do that?"

Dude, I've been to China. The idea they're a threat to us is laughable, and proof to me of nothing more than racist white's apocalyptic propaganda machine (used to scare the beejeezus out of each other) stays well-oiled.

Whites are slaves to their own bullshit,...

The Crack Emcee said...

And one more time:

I'm getting tired of talking to people who never admit when they're proven wrong.

The white habit of slinking away and coming back with a new answer - as equally useless and ahistorical as the last - just ain't cutting it anymore for entertainment.

Y'all want to engage? Then be adults:

Start acknowledging the point of debate,....

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bad Lieutenant said...

FFS Crack, for not admitting when you're wrong, you're the biggest chickenshit on the Internet.

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