I bring mine to work every day. Yeah, I'll probably get fired if someone finds out, but they won't unless something like this happens and then I'll walk out alive, along with a lot of other people, and I won't give a damn.
Guns everywhere are a good idea, as long as we don't lose sight of the fact that the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment is so citizens can protect themselves, if they should need to, from their own oppressive government.
I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
I'm more afraid of the garage like liberal morons at work than a random muslim. Moron liberals have rich fantasy life which revolves around beating people to death with various objects and shooting them in the head.
So just because this nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work. A gun it's the favorite weapon by faroff disgruntled employees. As for limiting a constitutional right, your employer can limit all your other rights(e.g., first and fourth), what it's so special about the second?
sane_voter said... I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
Just so. Any place, including government offices and schools that ban guns and then don't protect you should pay big time.
I'm more afraid of the garage like liberal morons at work than a random muslim. Moron liberals have rich fantasy life which revolves around beating people to death with various objects and shooting them in the head.
Get some help man. Take a walk. Find a female companion, as hard as that might seem. Something.
So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
"So just because this nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work. A gun it's the favorite weapon by faroff disgruntled employees."
I'm pretty sure that if a disgruntled employee brings a gun to the workplace and starts shooting the best chance of stopping him is the presence other armed workers.
Or is that too difficult a concept for a leftist nut bag like you to grasp?
"Freder Frederson said... So just because this (missing word) nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work."
So does this mean if an employer allows guns at work and some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
Yes. The employer is assuming 100% of the responsibility of protection by prohibiting the employees of assuming the responsibility.
" A 2005 North Carolina-based study in the American Journal of Public Health found that workplaces where guns are allowed are about five times more likely to have a worker die on the job from a gunshot wound than places that don’t allow guns at work."
The entire public health community has been far left since I was a medical student and that is a looong time. The CDC is far more interested in guns than Ebola although that is about to change.
Freder Frederson said... "So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?"
Obviously not retard. In that situation I am allowed to defend myself with the weapons I am constitutionally allowed to carry.
It is a proven fact that most of these mass shootings happen in gun free zones where a school or employer or a mall banned guns. It is also a proven fact that when a shooting is stopped by police more people die than when it is stopped by an armed citizen.
Given the information available there should be strict liability when a municipality or location restricts my right to protect myself for any reason.
Jihadis, blacks, or anyone else whites have screwed over.
Get yer guns, boys, the natives are acting up!
Anything but admit you're assholes,..."
Ok you racist fucktit, notice that it was a black man that cut the head off a white woman and you see none of the whites here are calling for anything remotely connected to race. Because there is nothing to do with race anywhere in this issue.
But you are. You are dragging yourself down and trying to take others with you. Ann must appreciate the click bait to allow your racist trolling.
Freder Frederson said... So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
All the moron liberals show up.
You misread what I wrote. which is easy to understand since you are a self ascribed moron liberal. Moron liberals make the threats. I don't. I'm the most easy going, peace loving guy you will ever meet. Unless your a duck or a grouse or a deer. You're not one of those, are you? Of course you're not.
For all those who are curious about personal safety/concealed carry laws here is a good place to start. My wife and I got concealed carry permits last year. We have no real occasion to carry, but thought it a good thing to do so we were free to make the choice. The target shooting has been fun.
This is a problem. Maybe a decade and a half ago, I was the only atty west of the Mississippi for my employer. All the rest were in MA or France. We were in gun-friendly AZ. Ultimately, we put up a no-guns sign, knowing that it would be ignored by most of the engineers there. The idea was that the sign would potentially reduce liability if there were ever a problem with guns or gun violence at work. The word went out though (with my help) that this was just to keep Boston and the French happy, and as long as I was there, it wouldn't be enforced. Looking back, I probably would have opposed it more strongly if I had it to do over. A surprising number of the engineers were armed - 50+ year old males employed there maybe 20+ years (a demographic highly unlikely to misuse their guns).
And I'd prefer it pointed out in the media that this guy radicalized in relation to other radicals, online jihadis and wannabes.
That's not 'Right,' nor ideological. I see it as a matter of common sense. A sensitive issue, with a lot of ignorance surrounding it, but one in which I reaffirm my trust in both the free reporting of facts and the American people.
In Wisconsin Democrats insisted the state would become like the "wild west" if and when a concealed carry gun law was enacted with gun play and shooting becoming common. Nothing like what Liberals in Wisconsin claimed happened. Allowing law abiding citizens to carry weapons at their workplaces will result in some but not many problems. And the net effect will be vastly positive.
The typical concealed carry permit holder is a far lower risk of causing workplace violence than the typical citizen--they have to pass background checks and safety courses. I'd have no problem knowing some coworkers were armed and had concealed carry permits.
As a federal employee though the only armed people we have at work are FPS. They don't check our bags too closely when we get searched on the way in though.
"Ok you racist fucktit, notice that it was a black man that cut the head off a white woman and you see none of the whites here are calling for anything remotely connected to race. Because there is nothing to do with race anywhere in this issue."
Except what whites have been doing in Arab countries for centuries. Oh, excuse me - that's history - and I know whites demand no mention of why anyone would be pissed at them.
Focus on the blow-back, not who threw the original blow.
"You are dragging yourself down and trying to take others with you."
Right - whites have had nothing to do with how "down" blacks are - now or ever. You're our perfect people who - despite all the evidence to the contrary - have never hurt anyone.
It's all blacks fault - still.
"Ann must appreciate the click bait to allow your racist trolling."
And your typical white racist, ahistorical reaction:
As a federal employee though the only armed people we have at work are FPS. They don't check our bags too closely when we get searched on the way in though.
Certainly nobody closely checked the bag Aaron Alexis brought into the Washington Navy Yard. Frederson is right that disgruntled employees use guns at their workplace. But they bring them into the workplace in defiance of the regulations while their targets, in conformance to regulations, are disarmed sitting ducks.
"So Cracked reasons that if only that fucking asshole in OKC had accepted stoning as legit, all this nastiness could have been avoided!"
According to several whites here, if only blacks accept what whites have done to us, all the trouble in this country - and to blacks - could be avoided.
Both are defending wrong.
Whites have terrorised black Americans for centuries - bombings, lynchings, and more - and you think you hold the moral high-ground over Arabs?
The 2d Amendment doesn't go far enough. There ought to be a DUTY to carry (and to be trained in the safe and effective use of a firearm). There need to be enough armed people in a typical workplace, theater, street, etc., to deter the evil doers and nut jobs.
The attack is more likely to boost "Don't hire fucking Muzzies" HR policies. The company I work for requires an intelligence test as part of the interview process. Consequently, in a company of 400 employees we have several Asians, quite a few young Hispanic women ( who, by the way, will be running the banks and offices of this country in 20 years because they absolutely smoke their lighter and darker sisters due to their attitude, work ethic, and professionalism ), one black person and zero Muzzies.
"According to several whites here, if only blacks accept what whites have done to us, all the trouble in this country - and to blacks - could be avoided." Jeez Louise, Crack, the whole point is that you have no choice other than accepting it. You don't understand how this works, do you?
Jeez Althouse, this is one of those days where I answer your question days before you asked it. This is my comment from the Khorasan thread several days ago:
"Rev- you are wrong. I recommend we begin to carry weapons 247 to defend ourselves against lone wolf ISIS kidnappers [see plot foiled in Australia]. And I am serious.
I was taking my usual hike in the park yesterday- have done the circuit route hundreds of times.
On the way back, I realized there are several hills I have only gone up [never down} and a few I have never gone down [only went up]. And I thought that is what life is like for most of us.
There are things each of us are good at so it is like going downhill and there are things we are not so good at so that presents us with an uphill challenge.
Andeach of us is good and bad at different things. IOW, you may be smart, handsome, charming, witty and tall [but enough about me] or you may not be any of those things.
And so today I wonder why Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub, is so bitter. There have to be things in his life that are like downhill treks and some, like for all of us, that are uphill challenges. So why does Crack only seem to focus on the uphill stuff? It is too bad that anyone lives their life that way.
Sure enough, Cracked can find a way to justify the actions of the non-Arab, ex-con, barbarian wannabe in OKC!
Guess what, Whitey did it!
That blood-thirsty Whitey with a gun perpetuates 400 years of savage treatments of noble Blacks! I got it! Insteading of gunning down the beast, he shoulda started a conversation with an apology.
I think a man with a gun beats a man with a sword. However, if a group of jihadi shits show up at your local mall in body armor and with AK47's, then I think many here overestimate the courage and marksmanship of a concealed carry holder.......This is a case where a gun owner saved the day. There will be other days and other cases. That said, I would prefer to live among a populace that looks to their own selves as the first line of defense. Self reliant people find a way.
Don't give mass killers oxygen. Don't report on them beyond local news. Don't show their face on TV. Don't incentivize the behavior.
We shape our lives based on perceived reality, not reality itself. Crazy mass murderers aren't that common, and are only as common as they are because we talk about them so much. So stop talking. Stop reacting to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
There's an anti-gun hysteria driven by mass-shooting hysteria driven by media fearmongering. I can't escape the conclusion that media companies are just evil because they perpetuate mass shootings so they can make money covering them.
They're merchants of death. There are mountains of evidence that making murderers famous causes more murder, but they keep doing it. That's simply evil.
In the Sep 8 issue of The New Yorker, there is a lengthy article on slavery in Mauretania. The poor souls there are beaten, raped, and overworked with impunity. Tens possibly hundreds of thousands of them. How can this happen I the 21st Century? Their slave masters are not white Christians but tan Muslims. They are not above criticism, but they are exempt from outrage. It's not so much the crime but who does the crime that causes the outrage......Thus we see that the denial of birth control pills to Sandra Fluke is an outrage while the rape of several thousand children in England is a kerfuffle. The enslavement of thousands of black Africans in Mauretania pales in comparison to the harm that is daily nflicted on blacks in Ferguson.
"Crack You recently learned the word "ahistorical." You use it too much and frequently wrongly.
No - I've always known it - and whites are expert at delivering constant messages that have no historical awareness what-so-ever. Like their minds have been washed (white washed?) of everything the rest of us were forced to remember through trauma. That's why your claims mean nothing.
The Nazis did the same thing at the end of the war (I know - I speak of the relationship between American whites and Nazis too much, too,...) preferring to deny involvement in anything, rather than LOOK AT, OR admit, the truth of their actions. They'd deny it while living in homes owned by Jews who were sent to the camps.
Just like whites here - history teaches us this - which is why white Americans want no part of it:
"I wonder why Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub, is so bitter. There have to be things in his life that are like downhill treks and some, like for all of us, that are uphill challenges. So why does Crack only seem to focus on the uphill stuff? It is too bad that anyone lives their life that way."
Here's a better question:
Why do whites say slavery was too "long ago" to be concerned about (1865) but insist we study and celebrate the Fourth of July (1776) which was even longer?
Don't you see your bullshit doesn't add up? That you have no interest in reality - American history - but only in the propaganda whites can happily spread from it? That you believe incomplete lies?
Why has Thomas Jefferson been deemed important but his slaves live's not? His raping not? His whipping of children far beyond anything a recent black football player became known for?
Can't you see that, for everything white's say, blacks have something white's chose to ignore - for centuries, usually - that makes the white's claims silly?
Arabs are terrorists? So are white Americans.
Arabs kill wantonly? So do white Americans.
Arabs have a goofy, malicious, belief system? So do white Americans.
It's your obliviousness to what whites do to others - which is embedded in your question - that makes you appear insane. I'll repeat that:
Just like the Nazis. How would you feel living with Nazis? In a totalitarian (white supremacy) situation?
Shit, most whites can't handle being outnumbered on the dance floor,...
"In Crack’s world only blacks and minorities are victims."
White women ran slave plantations with white men - they killed, beat, and maimed black women, men, and children, over nothing - so why are they exempt?
"The enslavement of thousands of black Africans in Mauretania pales in comparison to the harm that is daily nflicted on blacks in Ferguson."
And yet whites won't even do anything about the "lighter" racism they inflict on Ferguson - preferring to look all the way over to Africa to do a comparison that helps no one - and for no apparent reason.
Outrage in Africa?
Fix what's in your own back yard and I might - might - believe you care about what's happening in the places you got us from,...
White guilt is the latest manifestation of white supremacy. All thinking white people should be grateful to crack for informing them of how supremely evil they are. By God, we're a race of Bond villains.......Apartheid in South Africa was infinitely worse than slavery in Mauretania. That's why black people in America and so many influential whites here protested against it. And that is why you won't see Danny Glover or Leo Decaprio getting too upset about Mauretania. The tan Moslems who practice slavery are undoubtedly wicked, but such things are trifling compared to the flagrant evil of white women who clutch their purses in the presence of black men.
The Crack Emcee should talk more about American support for Nazis. All those Democrats who were big fans should be outed. The eugenicists were awful people and nearly uniformly Democrats.
"White guilt is the latest manifestation of white supremacy."
It's amazing. I - and every other black - have told you we don't want or need your guilt, but somehow whites don't hear us. Why not?
Because you like your white narrative better than reality.
What good does guilt do anybody? When is your desire, for justice to be real in this nation, kick in?
Doesn't fit the white narrative - justice has never been their deal - which is why whites never bring it up.
Focus on yourselves - your "feelings" are more important than anyone else's life, right, white man?
"All thinking white people should be grateful to crack for informing them of how supremely evil they are."
Actually, that's true. As the old saying goes, only your friends will tell you. As an American - a real one, not the a la carte kind, like whites - I'm doing my duty by you.
What whites are doing, by oppressing us, I have no idea.
"By God, we're a race of Bond villains.......Apartheid in South Africa was infinitely worse than slavery in Mauretania.
I've always thought it's wild how, whenever whites talk about blacks and Africa, they never look at themselves and South Africa - which is a much more accurate fit. Good job, William.
It's bond villians all the way down.
"That's why black people in America and so many influential whites here protested against it."
Actually, not so many, especially when it comes to conservatives. Newt Gingrich even told you that when Mandela died.
See? Re-writing history, to suit white sensibilities, is just habit for whites.
"And that is why you won't see Danny Glover or Leo Decaprio getting too upset about Mauretania."
What does Mauretania have to do with how whites treat blacks here?
Does it make the injustice we face go away? No.
Does it lessen the injustice we face? No.
Does it alter the racial landscape, here, in any way? No.
So why do whites keep bringing Africa up? Racism.
It's a simple mechanism to draw attention to OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT WHITE SKIN that does NOTHING to change American white's past or present behavior, or outlook, for those whites abuse every day.
Whites learn nothing through this exercise, and it does nothing for blacks.
It's merely white supremacy dictating POINTING AT THOSE WITHOUT WHITE SKIN is the way to go - because whites must never decide to grapple with THEIR OWN FAILINGS AS A PEOPLE. That would be blasphemy.
"The tan Moslems who practice slavery are undoubtedly wicked, but such things are trifling compared to the flagrant evil of white women who clutch their purses in the presence of black men."
Yeah - because that's happening here.
Somehow, what's happening on the other side of the planet - in a place I've never been and will probably never go - is (like much that I read in white papers) more important than making sure "All Men Are Created Equal" here.
Whites have no time for that conversation.
Better to bring up Africa - which whites destroyed before their current complaints.
Ahh, history again:
I'm telling you, it's going to bury you, without much help from me.
"The Crack Emcee should talk more about American support for Nazis. All those Democrats who were big fans should be outed. The eugenicists were awful people and nearly uniformly Democrats.
Tell us more, The Crack Emcee."
You remind me of when Rand Paul went to the black college, Howard University, and thought he was telling the students something they don't know.
He was practically laughed out of the place.
Democrats AND REPUBLICANS are racist?
Please, Birkel, you go ahead:
You're already doing much better than Rand did,...
"Traveling with luggage, traveling without luggage, driving an expensive car, driving a car that needs repairs, driving with out-of-state license plates, driving a rental car, driving with “mismatched occupants,” acting too calm, acting too nervous, dressing casually, wearing expensive clothing or jewelry, being one of the first to deplane, being one of the last to deplane, deplaning in the middle, paying for a ticket in cash, using large-denomination currency, using small-denomination currency, traveling alone, traveling with a companion, and so on. Even striving to obey the law fits the profile! The Florida Highway Patrol Drug Courier Profile cautioned troopers to be suspicious of “scrupulous obedience to traffic laws.”
Is this a great country or what?
Quick - don't focus on what life's like for blacks here - LET'S TALK ABOUT AFRICA!!!!
"In Los Angeles, mass stops of young African American men and boys resulted in the creation of a database containing the names, addresses, and other biographical information of the overwhelming majority of young black men in the entire city. The LAPD justified its database as a tool for tracking gang or “gang-related” activity. However, the criterion for inclusion in the database is notoriously vague and discriminatory. Having a relative or friend in a gang and wearing baggy jeans is enough to put youth on what the ACLU calls a Black List. In Denver, displaying any two of a list of attributes—including slang, “clothing of a particular color,” pagers, hairstyles, or jewelry—earns youth a spot in the Denver Police’s gang database. In 1992, citizen activism led to an investigation, which revealed that eight out of every ten people of color in the entire city were on the list of suspected criminals."
Here's one for Ann - and good ol' Scott Waker and Co. - because they're so on top of it:
"In fact, the Times reported that police departments had an extraordinary incentive to use their new equipment for drug enforcement: the extra federal funding the local police departments received was tied to antidrug policing. The size of the disbursements was linked to the number of city or county drug arrests. Each arrest, in theory, would net a given city or county about $153 in state and federal funding .... As a result, when Jackson County, Wisconsin, quadrupled its drug arrests between 1999 and 2000, the county’s federal subsidy quadrupled too .... Suddenly, police departments were capable of increasing the size of their budgets, quite substantially, simply by taking the cash, cars, and homes of people suspected of drug use or sales."
Americans are already under attack. However, other than the mass legal and illegal immigration, the threats to life and welfare are self-imposed and are largely impervious to armed defense. This includes a degenerate religion based on collective and inherited since, which is exploited by the civil rights protection racket. It includes a $3 trillion "main street" welfare economy, and a $3 trillion Wallstreet welfare economy. It includes multi-trillion dollar deficits, which devalue capital and labor, and transfer wealth to foreign and domestic parties. It includes the manufactured "war against women", which produces vast collateral damage to family, men, and children. It includes creation of moral hazards through selective exclusion. It most certainly includes the pro-choice genocide, which terminates the evolution of around 2 million wholly innocent human lives annually.
"One highly publicized case involved a reclusive millionaire, Donald Scott, who was shot and killed when a multiagency task force raided his two-hundred-acre Malibu ranch purportedly in search of marijuana plants. They never found a single marijuana plant in the course of the search. A subsequent investigation revealed that the primary motivation for the raid was the possibility of forfeiting Scott’s property. If the forfeiture had been successful, it would have netted the law enforcement agencies about $5 million in assets. In another case, William Munnerlynn had his Learjet seized by the DEA after he inadvertently used it to transport a drug dealer. Though charges were dropped against him within seventy-two hours, the DEA refused to return his Learjet. Only after five years of litigation and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees was he able to secure return of his jet. When the jet was returned, it had sustained $100,000 worth of damage."
James Pawlak at 1058, You meant, 'caedite eos novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. An execrable sentiment but it is the Latin badly copied that bothers me this afternoon. And I'm with TWM, the first commenter.
The Crack Emcee: I suggeted nothing. You wrongly attempted to infer what was not logical. You will please tell us more about the Democrats who supported Nazis, thank you. I would love to read your insights about all those Republican eugenicists. Do tell.
"Ann, Crack has a problem, and because of that you have a problem. I would hate for this blog to be known as the home of a ranting black racist."
Yeah, it's already known as the home for ranting white racists - most people think Ann's a conservative because of y'all's crazy ravings - so why screw it up, huh?
"I would love to read your insights about all those Republican eugenicists. Do tell."
No, we're focussed on their efforts to use tricks from Jim Crow to suppress the vote - again.
Some blacks suggest whites are working together and all this partisan bullshit (which helps no one) is just a ploy.
Considering how little thought goes into white's pronouncements - except both sides defend white's efforts to hurt us - it doesn't sound so far fetched.
The Crack Emcee: Please offer your insights on the Republicans who enforced Jim Crow. I would greatly appreciate your historical treatment of that phenomenon. Thank you.
It's like a Hutu slaughter Tutsi genocide in America. It's telling who is seeking with near uniformity not only redistributive but retributive change by supporting the Left's principled abortion enterprise.
Doctrines of collective and inherited sin, which is notably selective. It excludes special classes and actual perpetrators in exchange for promises of redistributive change and dissociation of risk. It underlies a degenerate religion (i.e. moral philosophy), which is adopted by opportunistic individuals and groups with increasing frequency in modern times.
most people think Ann's a conservative because of y'all's crazy ravings
Actually, people think she is a conservative because of her own crazy ravings. Plus the fact that she is sold to advertisers as a conservative blogger is a pretty good indicator of which way she truly leans, despite her constant claims of being merely "neutral"
madisonfella brings the stupid. Well played, Inga. Well played, indeed.
I know you're just spouting the nonsense you 'learned' but it's sad. The eugenicists supported Hitler's early work. Please do try that revisionist bull shit elsewhere.
"Please offer your insights on the Republicans who enforced Jim Crow. I would greatly appreciate your historical treatment of that phenomenon. Thank you."
Because you haven't heard the Republicans of today are the Dems of yesteryear?
Should we just say white conservatives to make it easier for you?
Take it up with Lee Atwater, who admitted "We" used to say "nigger, nigger, nigger" but don't any longer "because it gets you in trouble."
That last The Crack Emcee comment is hilarious. Somebody expressing an opinion contrary to The Crack Emcee's perspective is now called racism. The sort of mental state that allows a person to act that way is sad to observe.
I'm betting on "narcissistic personality disorder" but I'm not a doctor.
Glad you got in first. Now lets look to the real facistii
If you read JFK: an unfinished life, it says that Joe Kennedy Sr. dislike Jews and liked Hitler. He had to resign as ambassador because he said in an interview that "democracy is finished in England and soon it will be finished all over the world". He wanted the United States to collaborate with the Nazis and was becoming a political liability for FDR.
The Crack Emcee: I have not heard the thing you just asserted without evidence that is not true. Let me save you the trouble and admit that I have not heard many of the things you think inside your own head that are not true.
You amuse me, however. And so I object to all those calls to ban you. True, nothing you say is credible. But I enjoy the freak show.
Lee Atwater had a good blues guitar and a fair barbecue restaurant. Long dead.
He did not die, or even live, ahistorically. Or even dialectically.
He was not tiresome, however. He played with B B King more than once. Made an album with Carla Thomas, King, Isaac Hayes, Percy Sledge. The Southern Strategy he is so famous for was a gift to the left. Like ahistorical it can be tossed out as shorthand for thinking and actually knowing something about the man.
He made money on his music and his so-so barbecue.
I already knew Crackie was going to jump all over "end it."
Look you broken record racist, you don't have a right to others' private property just because you're black. Is there any sense of civilization in that brain of yours?
You talk like you're so powerful and unstoppable, internet tough guy Crackie. Until the day you overstay your welcome, and look around to find that nobody is listening anymore.
What are you going to do then, Crackie? Riot? Occupy Ann's house? You got a right to spam message boards, because slavery.
You're nothing but a pathetic professional victim, and as long as you and your buddies keep that up, praying for a free check labeled "reparations" in the mail one day, whites will continue to surpass you.
Didn't you deny that blacks suppress other blacks from reading and learning because it's "acting white" the other day? So not only are you a professional victim and racist, you're also an obvious liar.
Grow up. You have no power, and your brethren have no power except to burn their own neighborhoods down and run the cops off.
There are people who read this blog and like to argue (I can't say debate) with Crack, and others who like to chime in on his side, or the other side, just for fun. But for me, and I think for a lot of others, this spoils the "commenting experience". I mean here's a blog post about whether jihadist actions in the US will affect attitudes toward civilian use of guns. That subject has been completely obliterated by comments about racism.
So my suggestion is that, in addition to your "cafes" where folks can discuss whatever they want to, you have, each day, a post on which Crack and the anti-Cracks can talk all they want to about racism, and leave the rest of us undisturbed to discuss your topics of the day.
The Godfather: I assumed the thread was dead as soon as The Crack Emcee arrived.
Getting back to the topic at hand, I think attitudes about firearms are likely already moving. Most people who follow such things understand the disarming of England has resulted in rampant crime. Most people understand the right to self-defense and think their fellow countrymen are more likely to help protect them than they are to perpetrate an attack with a legally wielded firearm.
Further, the degradation of public trust that has been accelerated by badly behaving public officials has been the best argument ever offered against the centralization of power -- not that anybody with an historical frame would need that fact proven yet again. Most people -- even those who are self-described Democrats -- distrust government. We can all hope a belief in self-protection would naturally follow a belief that government cannot be trusted.
"You talk like you're so powerful and unstoppable, internet tough guy Crackie. Until the day you overstay your welcome, and look around to find that nobody is listening anymore."
I would like to see somebody in political life explicitly connect the distrust of government with the right of the people to be secure in their possessions, the freedom of speech and the right to self-defense through firearms.
"Here's a blog post about whether jihadist actions in the US will affect attitudes toward civilian use of guns. That subject has been completely obliterated by comments about racism."
Because there's nothing racial about white guys and their pathetic attachment to guns, huh?
"I would like to see somebody in political life explicitly connect the distrust of government with the right of the people to be secure in their possessions,..."
Just don't talk about reparations for the wealth whites stole from blacks - using guns.
Crazy guy on the street just handed me a crumpled news article from 1992. I gave it back and thanked him. He considered it vital info from nearly a quarter of a century ago. Many turtles deep.
I think there is a growing distrust of the government's constant urging to give up guns. There are just too many examples of how armed men or women are able to stop a lunatic from further mayhem.
I haven't been commenting or reading comments here for quite a while and I just have to ask, what the hell happened to Crack? I don't recall him being this way. Sad . . .
"I think there is a growing distrust of white people with guns. There are just too many examples - centuries actually - of how armed white men or women aren't able to stop themselves from being lunatics and causing further mayhem."
"I haven't been commenting or reading comments here for quite a while and I just have to ask, what the hell happened to Crack? I don't recall him being this way. Sad . . ."
I've changed, but the crowd hasn't. Connection?
Naw, couldn't be,....that would mean the whites have been racist.
Has to be the black guy - under white supremacy,...
Sam Hall wrote: I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
Just so. Any place, including government offices and schools that ban guns and then don't protect you should pay big time.
Yes, and that's why those saying schools SHOULDN"T use armed guards are morons. The school is liable if the invividual isn't. As such they need to meet the bear minimum requirement of having someone there who can fire back at someone who walks in with a gun.
None of this "We need to teach people not to rape or shoot people with guns as excuses to not deal with rapists and/or school shooters.
I don't know if the others have changed or not - I'm willing to accept and even agree that some probably have - but dude I got so caught up in your comments it was hard to look away. All I can say is you've changed. Maybe you've got reasons and I ain't judging, but like coming back to a high school reunion years later, the difference is staggering . .
Crack Emcee wrote: Basic decency has always eluded white people,..."
And then they wonder why nobody likes them,...
Making blanket statement about an entire race is usually not considered basic decency. So as per usual, Crack demonizes whites for the sins he himself commits.
IF blacks are like crack and view all whites the way Crack does, why would they expect whites to like them in turn. Did you ever ask, Crack if people like your kind?
I don't know if the others have changed or not - I'm willing to accept and even agree that some probably have - but dude I got so caught up in your comments it was hard to look away."
Well that IS the point. It usually goes like this:
I come onto a topic ripe with racial symbolism.
Some racist goes to Africa for no known reason.
Another racist decides Ann's one of them and mentions banning me for the good of the blog (like America, it's so much better when blacks can't speak).
Then another racist lets it all hang out and justifies the whole ordeal, usually with more joining him, making it clear why blacks have to be part of any dialogue - because whites are too racist to be left alone.
It gets noticed.
" All I can say is you've changed."
Yeah, I know:
I no longer beg them not to be racist.
I no longer leave in frustration because there's so many racists here.
I no longer expect whites to fix themselves, for their own good, our country, or the blog (which they care so much about they can't stop being racist on).
I decided to join them in their behavior.
And doing as whites do has now made me - me, after all that - the blog's racist.
Not the whites who indulge in racism, here, EVERY DAY whether I'm commenting or not.
Because that's how white supremacy "works". It will always be the black guy no matter what whites do.
You've even got the groove down, considering you remember the past when I was usually their target, forgetting everything and deciding it's me.
Because it has to be - because I'm black.
No other explanation will suffice.
"Maybe you've got reasons and I ain't judging, but like coming back to a high school reunion years later, the difference is staggering."
No, what's "staggering" is how long these racists are allowed to converge when whites insist their brand of obvious racial taunting and other nonsense is out-of-fashion in the USA.
THAT's something whites, like yourself, don't ever seem to notice, or feel compelled to much about.
"Making blanket statement about an entire race is usually not considered basic decency. So as per usual, Crack demonizes whites for the sins he himself commits."
Awwww - another one missed history class and thinks whites are innocent.
"IF blacks are like crack and view all whites the way Crack does, why would they expect whites to like them in turn. Did you ever ask, Crack if people like your kind?"
Guy on the corner was a big success 22 years ago. He showed me the article proving it and asked if he could borrow $25 for gas for his car. I offered to drive him to the gas station and get the gas in a can I had in the back but he told me to fuck off. I get the impression he really doesn't have a car and that the request for gas money was a scam.
He seemed to think the article meant something now 22 years later.
Same guy a couple of weeks ago wanted bus fair to Montgomery but he didn't show me the crumpled article that time. I think he is upping his game or trying to.
"Guy on the corner was a big success 22 years ago."
See, this is why I do it:
The needle moved on this asshole - NOW he acknowledges he was wrong - but, still, with a caveat (Whites just can't do it! Honesty is just too, too much!)
Reparations was the same way:
They started off saying it'll never happen - that's recently given way to questions of how much, who will get it, etc.
Of course, these whites never notice their movement, so concerned about their image in front of the other racists, they miss it in the sea of racial taunts they never stop delivering.
But I notice. Ann and Meade do, too, I'm pretty sure.
And that's how the racists will lose the reparations argument.
They're going to be standing there wondering "What just happened?"
If the person is properly trained and vetted (no felonies or serious misdemeanors, not a drunk, dope head, etc.. never been trouble with the law) why not allow them to pack guns in such places as churches or schools?
As said by a great man, "Evil is not stopped by running away from it."
You have to confront it, confront it with a weapon and defeat it.
I think riding a 22 year old horse and bragging about it is pretty lame. I respond to you occasionally because you are an asshole and most of the commenters here are afraid of you because you are black despite the fact that you are an asshole.
"I respond to you occasionally because you are an asshole and most of the commenters here are afraid of you because you are black despite the fact that you are an asshole.
I consider that racist."
If anyone wants to understand the basis of racist philosophy and behavior, well, there's your answer,...
Michael, You must praise the modest accomplishments of an internet ranter. Because racism. Get with the program. Add a turtle to the bottom of the stack. Turtles all the way down.
Crack has a project. Working on it. Little hiatus from success. Happens to creative people. Like a writer's block. Soaring along 1985 to 1992 then ....
He is just a loser asshole looking for attention. Easy to rile up as you can see. Creative juices pouring. Down. The. Drain.
Regarding DUTY: no, I absolutely don't want any law here; social disapproval should suffice at keeping freeloaders down an an acceptably low level.
It only takes one bullet (best-case scenario) or a Mozambique, and now that Jihadist's AK is mine. The key points to concealed-pistol deterrence is to have carry be commonplace (thus you can never be sure you won't be defended against from even the least-expected quarter.)
If you mean end it by blocking him, I have to disagree.
I usually find Crack's rants laughable, and I mean that literally. Usually, they are so ridiculous as to be seriously funny. I've given up trying to divine his agenda, if he has one.
But after today, scrolling through post after post, I feel nothing but pity.
Ever notice that Crack shows no remorse at all over the white folks who were killed in the Greenwood riots? None at all. The judgment of history is that the blacks in Greenwood got rich by stealing oil leases from the Indians. Also, the town wasn't that great. Their version of the Eiffel Tower was built at 3/4 scale, and they only turned on the lights on weekends and the Juneteenth holiday.
You don't think blacks would enslave others if they could in America?
Blacks enslave whites in the Arab countries nowdays but I ain't crying.
And it's a black Muslim that beheaded the woman in Oklahoma. D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black.
You need to stop chasing your tail and start seeing the way out is the way up. Get a job, get a family, and do something constructive. Clean up your act. Racism, in one form or another, against blacks, whites, browns, etc.. have always been in virtually all the world.
If you want to make a difference and stop the cycle become part of society and work, build, invest, teach the young.
And sitting back using drugs while crying racist is only gonna make you go down the drain faster.
"Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub,"
Assumes facts not in evidence. Crack does make the threads easier to read as I can skip all his posts but there isn't much to read with him all over it anyway.
Crack, doesn't Reverend Wright have a blog where you can exchange nasties with fellow haters ? You sure are tiresome.
I've long assumed that Althouse wants and encourages Crack's tantrums. She thrives on the attention and blog hits he brings.
Part of their collusion schtick is to get otherwise sane and rational people to go over the edge and say nasty, racist things they wouldn't ordinarily say. What better way to do this than to hire a nasty racist to say nasty racist things?
Several Althouse regulars are in on the "joke" too (they know who they are) because they chime in from time to time encouraging him.
"If the person is properly trained and vetted (no felonies or serious misdemeanors, not a drunk, dope head, etc.. never been trouble with the law) why not allow them to pack guns in such places as churches or schools?"
Almost, but not quite.
Sure, I find reasonable efforts to prevent the truly dangerous (history of violent felony, serious mental illness) from possessing firearms to be unproblematic.
But "reasonable training"? Not on your life, on both philosophical and pragmatic grounds.
1 (philosophy): It's a constitutional right--federal everywhere, and also in the majority of state constitutions too. Governments at all levels have no business imposing a training requirement before sovereign citizens can exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.
2 (pragmatics): states like WA and PA that have no training requirements have no worse a record of misuse by permit-holders than do the states with training requirements. Thus, the requirement does NOT pass a genuine rational-basis test, and just becomes Yet Another Avenue to restrict people's rights.
chickelit said... Part of their collusion schtick is to get otherwise sane and rational people to go over the edge and say nasty, racist things they wouldn't ordinarily say.
This is some tortured reasoning. Occam's razor might suggest a simpler conclusion - people are just saying what they think.
Of course the Crack MC might really be some white girl living on the upper east side with enough time on her hands to conduct a complex sociology experiment.
Wheels within wheels, Chick. Wheels within wheels.
This is some tortured reasoning. Occam's razor might suggest a simpler conclusion - people are just saying what they think.
Not so far fetched, really. Remember how there always used to be a resident "angry gay" commenter? Downtown Lad, Andy R,...perhaps others I can't recall. One would disappear only to be "reinsilicated" as someone else. That character archetype functioned in much the same way: Provoke and polarize through reverse bigotry -- get people to live up to liberal's notions of bigots.
"The key points to concealed-pistol deterrence is to have carry be commonplace (thus you can never be sure you won't be defended against from even the least-expected quarter.)"
This. The threat to one's personal safety is growing due to the Islamic conversions taking place in our prisons.
Imagine how the atrocity might have ended sooner, at either Westlands Mall or Mumbia, if ever 20th adult present had a handgun with them and even sorta know how to use it.
My own state of Washington has issued Concealed Pistol Licenses to fully 9% of the adult population. If even half of them did their civic duty and carried routinely, we'd be about at level.
Hey, if I felt like a large sum of money was coming to me if I believed a certain thing and could get enough others to believe it, I might be as certain as Crack with as little reasoning too.
The Crack posts are easy enough to skip because of his photo/avatar. Those "debating" him are less easy to skip. Perhaps they would be generous enough to preface their comments with a textual indicator for those of us that wish to avoid this ludicrousness. "CR" (for "Crack-related"), as I have done above, would do just fine.
Freder Frederson:So does this mean if an employer allows guns at work and some deranged employee like rusty (who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
Of course not. Let's see if I can make this simple for you:
If I engage in an action because I choose to, the consequences are my responsibility. If I engage in an action because you require me to, the consequences are your responsibility.
If a business requires their employees to bring guns to work, you might - possibly - have an argument. But because they allow it? No way.
Of course the Crack MC might really be some white girl living on the upper east side with enough time on her hands to conduct a complex sociology experiment.
The people who obey the no guns/weapons at work signs/policies are the people you don't have to worry about. They also obey the laws about not killing people.
The people who will kill others have no problem ignoring the sign/policy prohibiting weapons/guns.
Not saying you can't own guns, not saying you can't pack guns (I have a CHL here in Texas) but on private land owners can say no to you packing, just like if you 'exercise your 1st Amendment rights' they can ask you to leave to.
Universities and schools are closed institutions where they don't allow outsiders much. And most businesses are private to and can prohibit guns.
You don't have the 'right' to pack guns there if the owners say no, BUT that can change if....
Well trained CCW carriers allowed to go there BY LAW. And to get that passed they would want WELL TRAINED individuals. It's a legislative thing.
Here in Texas we have a 'school marshal' program where teachers with CHLs can be trained and WILL PACK GUNS.
To convince business to allow employees to carry guns would take some effort, and requiring skill sets and vetting would do that.
Getting a law to do that would have a very positive effect on stoping nutjob Muslims and others would-be killers.
You are perhaps a bit too focused on the peculiarities of Texas law.
Of course owners (or lessors) of private property have a great deal of control over what people are allowed to do on their own property. That is just and right.
1. A great number of colleges and universities, and a large majority of K-12 schools, are public institutions and thus a different set of expectations come into play; it's not private property. Here in WA state law needlessly does ban most (but not all) carry on K-12 property; our neighbor to the south OR does not. Will it surprise you to learn that OR doesn't have any more of a problem with legally-possessed firearms on school property than we do?
2. Similarly, we do NOT ban carry of loaded handguns inside governmental facilities other than courts and jails. Yes, that's right, you can carry your handgun--concealed OR openly--right into the state capitol or the governor's office.
And people do: there was a hilarious event a couple hears back at some legislative hearing related to firearms, when a bunch of the open-carry folks showed up to testify. Everyone's standing around in the hallway before the hearing room opened, when Ralph Fascitelli, head of the anti-gun Cease Fire Washington, went up to one of the State Troopers and asked if he couldn't do something about all the people carrying handguns. The officer in effect just yawned, said "What they're doing is perfectly legal", and proceeded to ignore Fascitelli.
And guess what again? We have NOT had any problems with lawful carriers doing anything illegal with their firearms in state facilities.
3. There's more than a little difference between private private property*, and private property that is presumed to be open to the public such as retail businesses.
If you want to travel armed everywhere, just get a permit and carry concealed. With a little bit of care, it's not at all obvious, and no one has to see or be worried. I do not feel bad doing so even if the owners preferred me not to, any more than I would worry about them disapproving if I had a DVD of pornography, or of the 700 club, inside my car while I parked in their (private-property) parking lot.
4. If your armed status does come to the attention of a business or other open-to-the-public facility, and you are asked to leave, of course you need to comply--but there's no reason the state has to go beyond traditional trespass law and provide presumptively-illegal cover such as Texas' notorious 30-06 signs. I view this as an important matter of public policy--private property owners may exercise control over their property, but the state should not assist property owners in discouraging the public good of carry by law-abiding gun owners.
John Lynch said... ...Don't give mass killers oxygen. Don't report on them beyond local news. Don't show their face on TV. Don't incentivize the behavior.
We shape our lives based on perceived reality, not reality itself. **************** There have been numerous foiled Islamic terrorist acts, most by pure luck. And news of them has been suppressed. I know of a few, and have talked to others who know of others. Someone in the government likely has a complete list.
Try finding out some basic info that came out just after 9/11. For example, how many flights were supposed to be hijacked (Ans: 8) Why did all the Muslim schoolkids in Jersey City bring cameras to school on 9/11? I believe that disappeared from the MSM by 9/13. And how hard is it to locate video of WTC jumpers? We know it happened, we know there were jumpers, we know there was video. Which the American people are never shown.
It's being hidden not as a disincentive to their behavor. It's to keep you from knowing the extent of their behavior.
It is still illegal to carry a gun, CHL, open carry, or not, on any private or pubic school with the exceptions:
1.) As a designated 'school marshal'. 2.) With written permission from the principle (fat chance.) 3.) As a LEO.
That may change, but you will find that legislative wise it is smarter to get it passed by having requirements (like training and background checks) and then maybe later relax those.
In Missouri, they just added OC and 'special teachers' to carry guns in schools.
But still, most folk can't carry in such places. If we wish to expand the laws, it will take time, and most folk are not comfortable with ANYONE just packing guns in schools, or police stations, or poling places, or .. well quite a few places.
If I pack my gun (I have a CHL) were I am NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE IT, it will be a FELONY.
Sure small chance of being spotted but I really don't want a felony conviction (or visiting the inside of a jail.)
I have an absolute clean record (except for speeding tickets.. and those are very rare with me to.) I want to keep it that way.
Oh, and training.. I've been to seven well known schools that taught gun handling/shooting/grappling/and just plain fun (and law) and was a CHL instructor for 10 years, NRA pistol instructor for 5, TP&W Hunter Safety instructor for 5.
And I can tell you, lots of people pack guns and really have only a minimal skill set (yes it's up to them to get a good skill set but I don't see many with such.)
That's what I mean about you being a little to focussed on what TX law says, in a forum like this with people from around the US (and perhaps internationally too.) It's very useful to see what other states are doing, and what's working for them. VT, for example, has never prohibited concealed OR open carry and has a violent crime rate in line with everyone else. Why shouldn't they be the gold standard?
Or take my home state. In much-more-gun-friendly-than-TX Washington state (how's that for a category-bender) it's NOT a felony to appear with a handgun where it's prohibited, only a gross misdemeanor, and furthermore (as I already pointed out) the number of places prohibited in WA is a much smaller list than in TX.
So why don't you guys do something about that? It's not like TX is this blue-state paradise...
And I seriously doubt that " most folk [in TX, outside maybe Austin] are not comfortable with ANYONE just packing guns in schools".
Related to your second followup:
1. You will not find a bigger proponent of training then me, nor a bigger opponent of government-required training.
2. I repeat what I said earlier: the record of states like WA, PA, and IN shows that states w/o training requirements do just was well in terms of accidents and intentional violations as states which do. Could you please address this???
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I bring mine to work every day. Yeah, I'll probably get fired if someone finds out, but they won't unless something like this happens and then I'll walk out alive, along with a lot of other people, and I won't give a damn.
Rioting and burning stuff down is also an option.
Big Al would've brought a gun to work.
Guns everywhere are a good idea, as long as we don't lose sight of the fact that the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment is so citizens can protect themselves, if they should need to, from their own oppressive government.
Question is intentionaly miss-framed.
Should there be laws preventing people from a constitutionally protected ability to keep and bear arms?
I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
I'm more afraid of the garage like liberal morons at work than a random muslim.
Moron liberals have rich fantasy life which revolves around beating people to death with various objects and shooting them in the head.
Rusty wrote: "Moron liberals have rich fantasy life which revolves around beating people to death with various objects and shooting them in the head."
You forgot the part where they take their money.
Mandatory gun training in all public schools, in the name of diversity.
So just because this nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work. A gun it's the favorite weapon by faroff disgruntled employees. As for limiting a constitutional right, your employer can limit all your other rights(e.g., first and fourth), what it's so special about the second?
sane_voter said...
I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
Just so. Any place, including government offices and schools that ban guns and then don't protect you should pay big time.
I'm more afraid of the garage like liberal morons at work than a random muslim.
Moron liberals have rich fantasy life which revolves around beating people to death with various objects and shooting them in the head.
Get some help man. Take a walk. Find a female companion, as hard as that might seem. Something.
So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
"So just because this nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work. A gun it's the favorite weapon by faroff disgruntled employees."
I'm pretty sure that if a disgruntled employee brings a gun to the workplace and starts shooting the best chance of stopping him is the presence other armed workers.
Or is that too difficult a concept for a leftist nut bag like you to grasp?
Any excuse will do:
Jihadis, blacks, or anyone else whites have screwed over.
Get yer guns, boys, the natives are acting up!
Anything but admit you're assholes,...
"Freder Frederson said...
So just because this (missing word) nut cut someone's head off instead of bringing a gun and using that,that's a reason to slow guns at work."
Name the missing word!
FYI, this guy was not a " disgruntled employee." I think you will agree if you read up on him
Chopping-off-heads-wise I would opt for a gun free zone were I a one-off ISIL recruit. Without being shot he probably could have gotten three or four.
So does this mean if an employer allows guns at work and some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
Yes. The employer is assuming 100% of the responsibility of protection by prohibiting the employees of assuming the responsibility.
I suppose we should depend on cops - like those in Ferguson, MO - for our safety. Right?
After all, adults cannot be trusted with their own protection. Freder Frederson demands he be properly infantilized!
"Anything but admit you're assholes,..."
Our dear leader has been doing this across the Arab world for years, in the UN only this week.
It seems to not be a winning strategy.
Hey, kids, its "Bring a Cimeter to Work" week.
Make it a fair fight.
" A 2005 North Carolina-based study in the American Journal of Public Health found that workplaces where guns are allowed are about five times more likely to have a worker die on the job from a gunshot wound than places that don’t allow guns at work."
The entire public health community has been far left since I was a medical student and that is a looong time. The CDC is far more interested in guns than Ebola although that is about to change.
Freder Frederson said...
"So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?"
Obviously not retard. In that situation I am allowed to defend myself with the weapons I am constitutionally allowed to carry.
It is a proven fact that most of these mass shootings happen in gun free zones where a school or employer or a mall banned guns. It is also a proven fact that when a shooting is stopped by police more people die than when it is stopped by an armed citizen.
Given the information available there should be strict liability when a municipality or location restricts my right to protect myself for any reason.
The Crack Emcee said...
"Any excuse will do:
Jihadis, blacks, or anyone else whites have screwed over.
Get yer guns, boys, the natives are acting up!
Anything but admit you're assholes,..."
Ok you racist fucktit, notice that it was a black man that cut the head off a white woman and you see none of the whites here are calling for anything remotely connected to race. Because there is nothing to do with race anywhere in this issue.
But you are. You are dragging yourself down and trying to take others with you. Ann must appreciate the click bait to allow your racist trolling.
Freder Frederson said...
So does this meanif an employer allows guns at workand some deranged ememployee like rusty(who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
All the moron liberals show up.
You misread what I wrote. which is easy to understand since you are a self ascribed moron liberal.
Moron liberals make the threats. I don't.
I'm the most easy going, peace loving guy you will ever meet.
Unless your a duck or a grouse or a deer.
You're not one of those, are you?
Of course you're not.
For all those who are curious about personal safety/concealed carry laws here is a good place to start. My wife and I got concealed carry permits last year. We have no real occasion to carry, but thought it a good thing to do so we were free to make the choice. The target shooting has been fun.
This is a problem. Maybe a decade and a half ago, I was the only atty west of the Mississippi for my employer. All the rest were in MA or France. We were in gun-friendly AZ. Ultimately, we put up a no-guns sign, knowing that it would be ignored by most of the engineers there. The idea was that the sign would potentially reduce liability if there were ever a problem with guns or gun violence at work. The word went out though (with my help) that this was just to keep Boston and the French happy, and as long as I was there, it wouldn't be enforced. Looking back, I probably would have opposed it more strongly if I had it to do over. A surprising number of the engineers were armed - 50+ year old males employed there maybe 20+ years (a demographic highly unlikely to misuse their guns).
So Cracked reasons that if only that fucking asshole in OKC had accepted stoning as legit, all this nastiness could have been avoided!
I still support the 2nd amendment.
And I'd prefer it pointed out in the media that this guy radicalized in relation to other radicals, online jihadis and wannabes.
That's not 'Right,' nor ideological. I see it as a matter of common sense. A sensitive issue, with a lot of ignorance surrounding it, but one in which I reaffirm my trust in both the free reporting of facts and the American people.
All this was foretold when Indiana Jones met the Cairo swordsman. 8th Century justice is a loser's fantasy.
In Wisconsin Democrats insisted the state would become like the "wild west" if and when a concealed carry gun law was enacted with gun play and shooting becoming common. Nothing like what Liberals in Wisconsin claimed happened. Allowing law abiding citizens to carry weapons at their workplaces will result in some but not many problems. And the net effect will be vastly positive.
The typical concealed carry permit holder is a far lower risk of causing workplace violence than the typical citizen--they have to pass background checks and safety courses. I'd have no problem knowing some coworkers were armed and had concealed carry permits.
As a federal employee though the only armed people we have at work are FPS. They don't check our bags too closely when we get searched on the way in though.
"Ok you racist fucktit, notice that it was a black man that cut the head off a white woman and you see none of the whites here are calling for anything remotely connected to race. Because there is nothing to do with race anywhere in this issue."
Except what whites have been doing in Arab countries for centuries. Oh, excuse me - that's history - and I know whites demand no mention of why anyone would be pissed at them.
Focus on the blow-back, not who threw the original blow.
"But you are."
Unfortunately, it's a job for life - thanks to whites.
"You are dragging yourself down and trying to take others with you."
Right - whites have had nothing to do with how "down" blacks are - now or ever. You're our perfect people who - despite all the evidence to the contrary - have never hurt anyone.
It's all blacks fault - still.
"Ann must appreciate the click bait to allow your racist trolling."
And your typical white racist, ahistorical reaction:
Some people CAN learn from you.
It's just not the lesson you intend,...
As a federal employee though the only armed people we have at work are FPS. They don't check our bags too closely when we get searched on the way in though.
Certainly nobody closely checked the bag Aaron Alexis brought into the Washington Navy Yard. Frederson is right that disgruntled employees use guns at their workplace. But they bring them into the workplace in defiance of the regulations while their targets, in conformance to regulations, are disarmed sitting ducks.
"So Cracked reasons that if only that fucking asshole in OKC had accepted stoning as legit, all this nastiness could have been avoided!"
According to several whites here, if only blacks accept what whites have done to us, all the trouble in this country - and to blacks - could be avoided.
Both are defending wrong.
Whites have terrorised black Americans for centuries - bombings, lynchings, and more - and you think you hold the moral high-ground over Arabs?
You fools,...
The 2d Amendment doesn't go far enough. There ought to be a DUTY to carry (and to be trained in the safe and effective use of a firearm). There need to be enough armed people in a typical workplace, theater, street, etc., to deter the evil doers and nut jobs.
The attack is more likely to boost "Don't hire fucking Muzzies" HR policies. The company I work for requires an intelligence test as part of the interview process. Consequently, in a company of 400 employees we have several Asians, quite a few young Hispanic women ( who, by the way, will be running the banks and offices of this country in 20 years because they absolutely smoke their lighter and darker sisters due to their attitude, work ethic, and professionalism ), one black person and zero Muzzies.
"So Cracked reasons that if only that fucking asshole in OKC had accepted stoning as legit, all this nastiness could have been avoided!"
Let's talk about racist attacks in Oklahoma, shall we?
It's always been a sore subject,...
What blacks have been forced to "accept" by whites,...
"According to several whites here, if only blacks accept what whites have done to us, all the trouble in this country - and to blacks - could be avoided."
Jeez Louise, Crack, the whole point is that you have no choice other than accepting it.
You don't understand how this works, do you?
You recently learned the word "ahistorical." You use it too much and frequently wrongly.
Here's one that you might learn and abuse.
Dialectic. Great word to sling around and dress up bullshit.
Jeez Althouse, this is one of those days where I answer your question days before you asked it. This is my comment from the Khorasan thread several days ago:
"Rev- you are wrong. I recommend we begin to carry weapons 247 to defend ourselves against lone wolf ISIS kidnappers [see plot foiled in Australia]. And I am serious.
9/23/14, 10:23 PM"
I was taking my usual hike in the park yesterday- have done the circuit route hundreds of times.
On the way back, I realized there are several hills I have only gone up [never down} and a few I have never gone down [only went up]. And I thought that is what life is like for most of us.
There are things each of us are good at so it is like going downhill and there are things we are not so good at so that presents us with an uphill challenge.
Andeach of us is good and bad at different things. IOW, you may be smart, handsome, charming, witty and tall [but enough about me] or you may not be any of those things.
And so today I wonder why Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub, is so bitter. There have to be things in his life that are like downhill treks and some, like for all of us, that are uphill challenges. So why does Crack only seem to focus on the uphill stuff? It is too bad that anyone lives their life that way.
Sure enough, Cracked can find a way to justify the actions of the non-Arab, ex-con, barbarian wannabe in OKC!
Guess what, Whitey did it!
That blood-thirsty Whitey with a gun perpetuates 400 years of savage treatments of noble Blacks! I got it! Insteading of gunning down the beast, he shoulda started a conversation with an apology.
I think a man with a gun beats a man with a sword. However, if a group of jihadi shits show up at your local mall in body armor and with AK47's, then I think many here overestimate the courage and marksmanship of a concealed carry holder.......This is a case where a gun owner saved the day. There will be other days and other cases. That said, I would prefer to live among a populace that looks to their own selves as the first line of defense. Self reliant people find a way.
Paranoia and violence are not how I want to live.
Don't give mass killers oxygen. Don't report on them beyond local news. Don't show their face on TV. Don't incentivize the behavior.
We shape our lives based on perceived reality, not reality itself. Crazy mass murderers aren't that common, and are only as common as they are because we talk about them so much. So stop talking. Stop reacting to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
There's an anti-gun hysteria driven by mass-shooting hysteria driven by media fearmongering. I can't escape the conclusion that media companies are just evil because they perpetuate mass shootings so they can make money covering them.
They're merchants of death. There are mountains of evidence that making murderers famous causes more murder, but they keep doing it. That's simply evil.
"Jeez Louise, Crack, the whole point is that you have no choice other than accepting it.
You don't understand how this works, do you?"
Ha! That's the funniest shit I've read all day,...
In the Sep 8 issue of The New Yorker, there is a lengthy article on slavery in Mauretania. The poor souls there are beaten, raped, and overworked with impunity. Tens possibly hundreds of thousands of them. How can this happen I the 21st Century? Their slave masters are not white Christians but tan Muslims. They are not above criticism, but they are exempt from outrage. It's not so much the crime but who does the crime that causes the outrage......Thus we see that the denial of birth control pills to Sandra Fluke is an outrage while the rape of several thousand children in England is a kerfuffle. The enslavement of thousands of black Africans in Mauretania pales in comparison to the harm that is daily nflicted on blacks in Ferguson.
You recently learned the word "ahistorical." You use it too much and frequently wrongly.
No - I've always known it - and whites are expert at delivering constant messages that have no historical awareness what-so-ever. Like their minds have been washed (white washed?) of everything the rest of us were forced to remember through trauma. That's why your claims mean nothing.
The Nazis did the same thing at the end of the war (I know - I speak of the relationship between American whites and Nazis too much, too,...) preferring to deny involvement in anything, rather than LOOK AT, OR admit, the truth of their actions. They'd deny it while living in homes owned by Jews who were sent to the camps.
Just like whites here - history teaches us this - which is why white Americans want no part of it:
It exposes who they really are.
Denial IS white's only real truth,...
----Jihadis, blacks, or anyone else whites have screwed over.
Get yer guns, boys, the natives are acting up!---
Its not racist to ignore the aging white woman victim. In Crack’s world only blacks and minorities are victims.
AJ Lynch,
"I wonder why Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub, is so bitter. There have to be things in his life that are like downhill treks and some, like for all of us, that are uphill challenges. So why does Crack only seem to focus on the uphill stuff? It is too bad that anyone lives their life that way."
Here's a better question:
Why do whites say slavery was too "long ago" to be concerned about (1865) but insist we study and celebrate the Fourth of July (1776) which was even longer?
Don't you see your bullshit doesn't add up? That you have no interest in reality - American history - but only in the propaganda whites can happily spread from it? That you believe incomplete lies?
Why has Thomas Jefferson been deemed important but his slaves live's not? His raping not? His whipping of children far beyond anything a recent black football player became known for?
Can't you see that, for everything white's say, blacks have something white's chose to ignore - for centuries, usually - that makes the white's claims silly?
Arabs are terrorists? So are white Americans.
Arabs kill wantonly? So do white Americans.
Arabs have a goofy, malicious, belief system? So do white Americans.
It's your obliviousness to what whites do to others - which is embedded in your question - that makes you appear insane. I'll repeat that:
Just like the Nazis. How would you feel living with Nazis? In a totalitarian (white supremacy) situation?
Shit, most whites can't handle being outnumbered on the dance floor,...
"In Crack’s world only blacks and minorities are victims."
White women ran slave plantations with white men - they killed, beat, and maimed black women, men, and children, over nothing - so why are they exempt?
Oh yeah - because whites say so.
The sanctity of white womanhood lives on,...
When more white women act like this one, I'll back off of them.
Until then, they're as guilty as any other white Americans,...
"The enslavement of thousands of black Africans in Mauretania pales in comparison to the harm that is daily nflicted on blacks in Ferguson."
And yet whites won't even do anything about the "lighter" racism they inflict on Ferguson - preferring to look all the way over to Africa to do a comparison that helps no one - and for no apparent reason.
Outrage in Africa?
Fix what's in your own back yard and I might - might - believe you care about what's happening in the places you got us from,...
so...the rest of you DON'T carry to work?
White guilt is the latest manifestation of white supremacy. All thinking white people should be grateful to crack for informing them of how supremely evil they are. By God, we're a race of Bond villains.......Apartheid in South Africa was infinitely worse than slavery in Mauretania. That's why black people in America and so many influential whites here protested against it. And that is why you won't see Danny Glover or Leo Decaprio getting too upset about Mauretania. The tan Moslems who practice slavery are undoubtedly wicked, but such things are trifling compared to the flagrant evil of white women who clutch their purses in the presence of black men.
The Crack Emcee should talk more about American support for Nazis. All those Democrats who were big fans should be outed. The eugenicists were awful people and nearly uniformly Democrats.
Tell us more, The Crack Emcee.
"White guilt is the latest manifestation of white supremacy."
It's amazing. I - and every other black - have told you we don't want or need your guilt, but somehow whites don't hear us. Why not?
Because you like your white narrative better than reality.
What good does guilt do anybody? When is your desire, for justice to be real in this nation, kick in?
Doesn't fit the white narrative - justice has never been their deal - which is why whites never bring it up.
Focus on yourselves - your "feelings" are more important than anyone else's life, right, white man?
"All thinking white people should be grateful to crack for informing them of how supremely evil they are."
Actually, that's true. As the old saying goes, only your friends will tell you. As an American - a real one, not the a la carte kind, like whites - I'm doing my duty by you.
What whites are doing, by oppressing us, I have no idea.
"By God, we're a race of Bond villains.......Apartheid in South Africa was infinitely worse than slavery in Mauretania.
I've always thought it's wild how, whenever whites talk about blacks and Africa, they never look at themselves and South Africa - which is a much more accurate fit. Good job, William.
It's bond villians all the way down.
"That's why black people in America and so many influential whites here protested against it."
Actually, not so many, especially when it comes to conservatives. Newt Gingrich even told you that when Mandela died.
See? Re-writing history, to suit white sensibilities, is just habit for whites.
"And that is why you won't see Danny Glover or Leo Decaprio getting too upset about Mauretania."
What does Mauretania have to do with how whites treat blacks here?
Does it make the injustice we face go away? No.
Does it lessen the injustice we face? No.
Does it alter the racial landscape, here, in any way? No.
So why do whites keep bringing Africa up? Racism.
It's a simple mechanism to draw attention to OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT WHITE SKIN that does NOTHING to change American white's past or present behavior, or outlook, for those whites abuse every day.
Whites learn nothing through this exercise, and it does nothing for blacks.
It's merely white supremacy dictating POINTING AT THOSE WITHOUT WHITE SKIN is the way to go - because whites must never decide to grapple with THEIR OWN FAILINGS AS A PEOPLE. That would be blasphemy.
"The tan Moslems who practice slavery are undoubtedly wicked, but such things are trifling compared to the flagrant evil of white women who clutch their purses in the presence of black men."
Yeah - because that's happening here.
Somehow, what's happening on the other side of the planet - in a place I've never been and will probably never go - is (like much that I read in white papers) more important than making sure "All Men Are Created Equal" here.
Whites have no time for that conversation.
Better to bring up Africa - which whites destroyed before their current complaints.
Ahh, history again:
I'm telling you, it's going to bury you, without much help from me.
I'm just trying to get you prepared,...
"The Crack Emcee should talk more about American support for Nazis. All those Democrats who were big fans should be outed. The eugenicists were awful people and nearly uniformly Democrats.
Tell us more, The Crack Emcee."
You remind me of when Rand Paul went to the black college, Howard University, and thought he was telling the students something they don't know.
He was practically laughed out of the place.
Democrats AND REPUBLICANS are racist?
Please, Birkel, you go ahead:
You're already doing much better than Rand did,...
It just occurred to me:
You're actually trying to convince blacks we don't know who the threat to us is!
The white man decides even that!
White supremacy forever!
How law enforcement profiles black drug dealers:
"Traveling with luggage, traveling without luggage, driving an expensive car, driving a car that needs repairs, driving with out-of-state license plates, driving a rental car, driving with “mismatched occupants,” acting too calm, acting too nervous, dressing casually, wearing expensive clothing or jewelry, being one of the first to deplane, being one of the last to deplane, deplaning in the middle, paying for a ticket in cash, using large-denomination currency, using small-denomination currency, traveling alone, traveling with a companion, and so on. Even striving to obey the law fits the profile! The Florida Highway Patrol Drug Courier Profile cautioned troopers to be suspicious of “scrupulous obedience to traffic laws.”
Is this a great country or what?
Quick - don't focus on what life's like for blacks here - LET'S TALK ABOUT AFRICA!!!!
That'll fix the problem for sure,...
"In Los Angeles, mass stops of young African American men and boys resulted in the creation of a database containing the names, addresses, and other biographical information of the overwhelming majority of young black men in the entire city. The LAPD justified its database as a tool for tracking gang or “gang-related” activity. However, the criterion for inclusion in the database is notoriously vague and discriminatory. Having a relative or friend in a gang and wearing baggy jeans is enough to put youth on what the ACLU calls a Black List. In Denver, displaying any two of a list of attributes—including slang, “clothing of a particular color,” pagers, hairstyles, or jewelry—earns youth a spot in the Denver Police’s gang database. In 1992, citizen activism led to an investigation, which revealed that eight out of every ten people of color in the entire city were on the list of suspected criminals."
Here's one for Ann - and good ol' Scott Waker and Co. - because they're so on top of it:
"In fact, the Times reported that police departments had an extraordinary incentive to use their new equipment for drug enforcement: the extra federal funding the local police departments received was tied to antidrug policing. The size of the disbursements was linked to the number of city or county drug arrests. Each arrest, in theory, would net a given city or county about $153 in state and federal funding .... As a result, when Jackson County, Wisconsin, quadrupled its drug arrests between 1999 and 2000, the county’s federal subsidy quadrupled too .... Suddenly, police departments were capable of increasing the size of their budgets, quite substantially, simply by taking the cash, cars, and homes of people suspected of drug use or sales."
Wisconsin - a wonderful place for blacks,...
Americans are already under attack. However, other than the mass legal and illegal immigration, the threats to life and welfare are self-imposed and are largely impervious to armed defense. This includes a degenerate religion based on collective and inherited since, which is exploited by the civil rights protection racket. It includes a $3 trillion "main street" welfare economy, and a $3 trillion Wallstreet welfare economy. It includes multi-trillion dollar deficits, which devalue capital and labor, and transfer wealth to foreign and domestic parties. It includes the manufactured "war against women", which produces vast collateral damage to family, men, and children. It includes creation of moral hazards through selective exclusion. It most certainly includes the pro-choice genocide, which terminates the evolution of around 2 million wholly innocent human lives annually.
"One highly publicized case involved a reclusive millionaire, Donald Scott, who was shot and killed when a multiagency task force raided his two-hundred-acre Malibu ranch purportedly in search of marijuana plants. They never found a single marijuana plant in the course of the search. A subsequent investigation revealed that the primary motivation for the raid was the possibility of forfeiting Scott’s property. If the forfeiture had been successful, it would have netted the law enforcement agencies about $5 million in assets. In another case, William Munnerlynn had his Learjet seized by the DEA after he inadvertently used it to transport a drug dealer. Though charges were dropped against him within seventy-two hours, the DEA refused to return his Learjet. Only after five years of litigation and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees was he able to secure return of his jet. When the jet was returned, it had sustained $100,000 worth of damage."
James Pawlak at 1058, You meant, 'caedite eos novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. An execrable sentiment but it is the Latin badly copied that bothers me this afternoon. And I'm with TWM, the first commenter.
Back after having been gone for a while. Wow, I see Crack-O-Matic has assumed command of the blog.
The Crack Emcee:
I suggeted nothing. You wrongly attempted to infer what was not logical. You will please tell us more about the Democrats who supported Nazis, thank you. I would love to read your insights about all those Republican eugenicists. Do tell.
Ann, Crack has a problem, and because of that you have a problem. I would hate for this blog to be known as the home of a ranting black racist.
This thread has lost it's mind.
I just sent those quotes to an African friend:
He's happy to be where he is,...
"Ann, Crack has a problem, and because of that you have a problem. I would hate for this blog to be known as the home of a ranting black racist."
Yeah, it's already known as the home for ranting white racists - most people think Ann's a conservative because of y'all's crazy ravings - so why screw it up, huh?
White supremacy forever!!!!
The Godfather,
"This thread has lost it's mind."
Just like the first white who thought, "You know what America needs? Someone else to do my work!"
But whites won't talk about their own long-standing insanity,...
"You know what America needs? Someone to catch black people who desire freedom!"
"Rational" whites at work,...
"You know what America needs? Someone to work for centuries and we keep the money!"
White fairness,...
"You know what America needs? To keep 13% of it's population perpetually in poverty while whites party!"
So different from Apartheid South Africa,...
"I would love to read your insights about all those Republican eugenicists. Do tell."
No, we're focussed on their efforts to use tricks from Jim Crow to suppress the vote - again.
Some blacks suggest whites are working together and all this partisan bullshit (which helps no one) is just a ploy.
Considering how little thought goes into white's pronouncements - except both sides defend white's efforts to hurt us - it doesn't sound so far fetched.
Fits the South Africa profile to a "t"....
Randy Newman
Oh my God, is that 7 Crack posts in a row? Half cut and paste walls of text?
Your pet racist is out of control, Ann. This guy is assuming control of your blog discussion. It's time to end it.
Resist we much.
The Crack Emcee:
Please offer your insights on the Republicans who enforced Jim Crow. I would greatly appreciate your historical treatment of that phenomenon. Thank you.
It's like a Hutu slaughter Tutsi genocide in America. It's telling who is seeking with near uniformity not only redistributive but retributive change by supporting the Left's principled abortion enterprise.
Doctrines of collective and inherited sin, which is notably selective. It excludes special classes and actual perpetrators in exchange for promises of redistributive change and dissociation of risk. It underlies a degenerate religion (i.e. moral philosophy), which is adopted by opportunistic individuals and groups with increasing frequency in modern times.
The Crack Emcee should talk more about American support for Nazis. All those Democrats who were big fans should be outed.
Prescott Bush was a Democrat?
most people think Ann's a conservative because of y'all's crazy ravings
Actually, people think she is a conservative because of her own crazy ravings. Plus the fact that she is sold to advertisers as a conservative blogger is a pretty good indicator of which way she truly leans, despite her constant claims of being merely "neutral"
madisonfella brings the stupid. Well played, Inga. Well played, indeed.
I know you're just spouting the nonsense you 'learned' but it's sad. The eugenicists supported Hitler's early work. Please do try that revisionist bull shit elsewhere.
"It's time to end it."
Because whites determine that. They think they determine everything.
It's white supremacy with every word,...
"Please offer your insights on the Republicans who enforced Jim Crow. I would greatly appreciate your historical treatment of that phenomenon. Thank you."
Because you haven't heard the Republicans of today are the Dems of yesteryear?
Should we just say white conservatives to make it easier for you?
Take it up with Lee Atwater, who admitted "We" used to say "nigger, nigger, nigger" but don't any longer "because it gets you in trouble."
Happy now?
That last The Crack Emcee comment is hilarious. Somebody expressing an opinion contrary to The Crack Emcee's perspective is now called racism. The sort of mental state that allows a person to act that way is sad to observe.
I'm betting on "narcissistic personality disorder" but I'm not a doctor.
----Prescott Bush was a Democrat?-----
Glad you got in first. Now lets look to the real facistii
If you read JFK: an unfinished life, it says that Joe Kennedy Sr. dislike Jews and liked Hitler. He had to resign as ambassador because he said in an interview that "democracy is finished in England and soon it will be finished all over the world". He wanted the United States to collaborate with the Nazis and was becoming a political liability for FDR.
followed by Teddy’s treasonous entreaties to the communists to join him in fighting Reagan.
"The sort of mental state that allows a person to act that way is sad to observe."
Run, Birkel, RUN:
The truth will never catch you,..
The Crack Emcee:
I have not heard the thing you just asserted without evidence that is not true. Let me save you the trouble and admit that I have not heard many of the things you think inside your own head that are not true.
You amuse me, however. And so I object to all those calls to ban you. True, nothing you say is credible. But I enjoy the freak show.
Write, The Crack Emcee, write.
The success will never find you.
This is a fun game.
Do you have anything of substance to offer?
Dialectic. Operating ahistorically.
Lee Atwater had a good blues guitar and a fair barbecue restaurant. Long dead.
He did not die, or even live, ahistorically. Or even dialectically.
He was not tiresome, however. He played with B B King more than once. Made an album with Carla Thomas, King, Isaac Hayes, Percy Sledge. The Southern Strategy he is so famous for was a gift to the left. Like ahistorical it can be tossed out as shorthand for thinking and actually knowing something about the man.
He made money on his music and his so-so barbecue.
Brain tumor killed him. 40 years old.
I already knew Crackie was going to jump all over "end it."
Look you broken record racist, you don't have a right to others' private property just because you're black. Is there any sense of civilization in that brain of yours?
You talk like you're so powerful and unstoppable, internet tough guy Crackie. Until the day you overstay your welcome, and look around to find that nobody is listening anymore.
What are you going to do then, Crackie? Riot? Occupy Ann's house? You got a right to spam message boards, because slavery.
You're nothing but a pathetic professional victim, and as long as you and your buddies keep that up, praying for a free check labeled "reparations" in the mail one day, whites will continue to surpass you.
Didn't you deny that blacks suppress other blacks from reading and learning because it's "acting white" the other day? So not only are you a professional victim and racist, you're also an obvious liar.
Grow up. You have no power, and your brethren have no power except to burn their own neighborhoods down and run the cops off.
So, Ann, how about this:
There are people who read this blog and like to argue (I can't say debate) with Crack, and others who like to chime in on his side, or the other side, just for fun. But for me, and I think for a lot of others, this spoils the "commenting experience". I mean here's a blog post about whether jihadist actions in the US will affect attitudes toward civilian use of guns. That subject has been completely obliterated by comments about racism.
So my suggestion is that, in addition to your "cafes" where folks can discuss whatever they want to, you have, each day, a post on which Crack and the anti-Cracks can talk all they want to about racism, and leave the rest of us undisturbed to discuss your topics of the day.
You could call this "The Crack-Post".
If you can't get your own audience, steal someone else's.
If you can't build a reputation, substitute repetition.
If no one will listen, talk to yourself.
And the comments are not remotely relevant to the topic.
"This is a fun game.
Do you have anything of substance to offer?"
More than you will ever have,...
The Godfather:
I assumed the thread was dead as soon as The Crack Emcee arrived.
Getting back to the topic at hand, I think attitudes about firearms are likely already moving. Most people who follow such things understand the disarming of England has resulted in rampant crime. Most people understand the right to self-defense and think their fellow countrymen are more likely to help protect them than they are to perpetrate an attack with a legally wielded firearm.
Further, the degradation of public trust that has been accelerated by badly behaving public officials has been the best argument ever offered against the centralization of power -- not that anybody with an historical frame would need that fact proven yet again. Most people -- even those who are self-described Democrats -- distrust government. We can all hope a belief in self-protection would naturally follow a belief that government cannot be trusted.
TCom ,
"You talk like you're so powerful and unstoppable, internet tough guy Crackie. Until the day you overstay your welcome, and look around to find that nobody is listening anymore."
He says SEVEN YEARS after I got here!!!!
I would like to see somebody in political life explicitly connect the distrust of government with the right of the people to be secure in their possessions, the freedom of speech and the right to self-defense through firearms.
The Godfather,
"Here's a blog post about whether jihadist actions in the US will affect attitudes toward civilian use of guns. That subject has been completely obliterated by comments about racism."
Because there's nothing racial about white guys and their pathetic attachment to guns, huh?
Sure there isn't.
Yer cowards,...
Hey, I just agreed with Eric Holder - again!!!
White guys with guns almost wiped out Native Americans.
White guys with guns enslaved blacks.
White guys with guns maintained Jim Crow.
White guys with guns lynched blacks.
White guys with guns went into almost every country where darker peoples didn't have guns and took whatever they wanted.
White guys with guns stole the wealth of almost every other group on the planet at some point - only to claim it as their own.
But white guys with guns are not racial and never have been - as they try to maintain the lie.
Remember when Cliven Bundy started to "wonder about the negro" as white militia men stood guard with M16s pointed at the federal agents?
Nothing racial about THAT.
If it had been black guys doing that,...
"I would like to see somebody in political life explicitly connect the distrust of government with the right of the people to be secure in their possessions,..."
Just don't talk about reparations for the wealth whites stole from blacks - using guns.
Nothing racial about any of it,...
When the reparations party gets started, in January, we are going to eat your lunch,...
Crazy guy on the street just handed me a crumpled news article from 1992. I gave it back and thanked him. He considered it vital info from nearly a quarter of a century ago. Many turtles deep.
I think there is a growing distrust of the government's constant urging to give up guns. There are just too many examples of how armed men or women are able to stop a lunatic from further mayhem.
I haven't been commenting or reading comments here for quite a while and I just have to ask, what the hell happened to Crack? I don't recall him being this way. Sad . . .
"I think there is a growing distrust of white people with guns. There are just too many examples - centuries actually - of how armed white men or women aren't able to stop themselves from being lunatics and causing further mayhem."
"I haven't been commenting or reading comments here for quite a while and I just have to ask, what the hell happened to Crack? I don't recall him being this way. Sad . . ."
I've changed, but the crowd hasn't. Connection?
Naw, couldn't be,....that would mean the whites have been racist.
Has to be the black guy - under white supremacy,...
Sam Hall wrote:
I have no problem with companies prohibiting guns/weapons at work, as long as we can sue their asses for millions when they don't stop someone bringing a weapon in and causing harm to their employees.
Just so. Any place, including government offices and schools that ban guns and then don't protect you should pay big time.
Yes, and that's why those saying schools SHOULDN"T use armed guards are morons. The school is liable if the invividual isn't. As such they need to meet the bear minimum requirement of having someone there who can fire back at someone who walks in with a gun.
None of this "We need to teach people not to rape or shoot people with guns as excuses to not deal with rapists and/or school shooters.
Michael ,
"Crazy guy on the street just handed me a crumpled news article from 1992."
Whites are so transparent:
First, I'd never find success.
Prove I have found it, and then WHEN I found it is your opening.
Anything but admit you're wrong - like a decent person would.
And that's because basic decency has always eluded white people,...
"Basic decency has always eluded white people,..."
And then they wonder why nobody likes them,...
I am always packing a big load.
I don't know if the others have changed or not - I'm willing to accept and even agree that some probably have - but dude I got so caught up in your comments it was hard to look away. All I can say is you've changed. Maybe you've got reasons and I ain't judging, but like coming back to a high school reunion years later, the difference is staggering . .
Crack wrote:
White guys with guns almost wiped out Native Americans.
White guys with guns enslaved blacks.
White guys with guns maintained Jim Crow.
White guys with guns lynched blacks.
White guys with guns went into almost every country where darker peoples didn't have guns and took whatever they wanted.
Right, beacuse no other people of color used guns in any way nor invaded any territory, not enslaved anyone. It was just whitey.
Crack Emcee wrote:
Basic decency has always eluded white people,..."
And then they wonder why nobody likes them,...
Making blanket statement about an entire race is usually not considered basic decency. So as per usual, Crack demonizes whites for the sins he himself commits.
IF blacks are like crack and view all whites the way Crack does, why would they expect whites to like them in turn. Did you ever ask, Crack if people like your kind?
Why do people engage Crack?
All he says is: 'I'm trash! I'm trash! I'm trash!'
And when he looks in the mirror, he knows it. And it's not just skin-deep.
He's trash and that's all he will ever be.
I don't know if the others have changed or not - I'm willing to accept and even agree that some probably have - but dude I got so caught up in your comments it was hard to look away."
Well that IS the point. It usually goes like this:
I come onto a topic ripe with racial symbolism.
Some racist goes to Africa for no known reason.
Another racist decides Ann's one of them and mentions banning me for the good of the blog (like America, it's so much better when blacks can't speak).
Then another racist lets it all hang out and justifies the whole ordeal, usually with more joining him, making it clear why blacks have to be part of any dialogue - because whites are too racist to be left alone.
It gets noticed.
" All I can say is you've changed."
Yeah, I know:
I no longer beg them not to be racist.
I no longer leave in frustration because there's so many racists here.
I no longer expect whites to fix themselves, for their own good, our country, or the blog (which they care so much about they can't stop being racist on).
I decided to join them in their behavior.
And doing as whites do has now made me - me, after all that - the blog's racist.
Not the whites who indulge in racism, here, EVERY DAY whether I'm commenting or not.
Because that's how white supremacy "works". It will always be the black guy no matter what whites do.
You've even got the groove down, considering you remember the past when I was usually their target, forgetting everything and deciding it's me.
Because it has to be - because I'm black.
No other explanation will suffice.
"Maybe you've got reasons and I ain't judging, but like coming back to a high school reunion years later, the difference is staggering."
No, what's "staggering" is how long these racists are allowed to converge when whites insist their brand of obvious racial taunting and other nonsense is out-of-fashion in the USA.
THAT's something whites, like yourself, don't ever seem to notice, or feel compelled to much about.
White supremacy forever!!!!
"Making blanket statement about an entire race is usually not considered basic decency. So as per usual, Crack demonizes whites for the sins he himself commits."
Awwww - another one missed history class and thinks whites are innocent.
That's so cuuuuute,.....
"Right, beacuse no other people of color used guns in any way nor invaded any territory, not enslaved anyone. It was just whitey."
Ahh - the two wrongs make a right defense.
White morality at it's best.
You should teach ethics, jr,....
"IF blacks are like crack and view all whites the way Crack does, why would they expect whites to like them in turn. Did you ever ask, Crack if people like your kind?"
We don't care if you like us:
J ,
"He's trash and that's all he will ever be."
And white's history of theft, rape, plunder, dishonesty, hypocrisy, murder, terrorism, etc. says whites are,,....?
"Trash and that's all they will ever be."
Guy on the corner was a big success 22 years ago. He showed me the article proving it and asked if he could borrow $25 for gas for his car. I offered to drive him to the gas station and get the gas in a can I had in the back but he told me to fuck off. I get the impression he really doesn't have a car and that the request for gas money was a scam.
He seemed to think the article meant something now 22 years later.
Same guy a couple of weeks ago wanted bus fair to Montgomery but he didn't show me the crumpled article that time. I think he is upping his game or trying to.
Why,, calm down brother, you are getting your money in January. You said so yourself.
"Guy on the corner was a big success 22 years ago."
See, this is why I do it:
The needle moved on this asshole - NOW he acknowledges he was wrong - but, still, with a caveat (Whites just can't do it! Honesty is just too, too much!)
Reparations was the same way:
They started off saying it'll never happen - that's recently given way to questions of how much, who will get it, etc.
Of course, these whites never notice their movement, so concerned about their image in front of the other racists, they miss it in the sea of racial taunts they never stop delivering.
But I notice. Ann and Meade do, too, I'm pretty sure.
And that's how the racists will lose the reparations argument.
They're going to be standing there wondering "What just happened?"
And the answer will be "You lose"....
"Why,, calm down brother, you are getting your money in January. You said so yourself."
My GOD, you are clueless,...
If the person is properly trained and vetted (no felonies or serious misdemeanors, not a drunk, dope head, etc.. never been trouble with the law) why not allow them to pack guns in such places as churches or schools?
As said by a great man, "Evil is not stopped by running away from it."
You have to confront it, confront it with a weapon and defeat it.
"You have to confront it, confront it with a weapon and defeat it."
Not exactly MLK but I understand:
Whites killed him,...
I think riding a 22 year old horse and bragging about it is pretty lame. I respond to you occasionally because you are an asshole and most of the commenters here are afraid of you because you are black despite the fact that you are an asshole.
I consider that racist.
"I think riding a 22 year old horse and bragging about it is pretty lame."
Then reset your clock, dummy,...
And, don't forget, that 22 year old success started in 1985.
And I'm in a deal now for a new project - are you?
You're just a nobody, talking shit like you're the one people write about.
And your racism's all that propels you,...
"I respond to you occasionally because you are an asshole and most of the commenters here are afraid of you because you are black despite the fact that you are an asshole.
I consider that racist."
If anyone wants to understand the basis of racist philosophy and behavior, well, there's your answer,...
"I respond to you occasionally because you are an asshole and most of the commenters here are afraid of you,..."
So SUPER MICHAEL has to put on his cape and run to their rescue!
Kind of like the machine gunners in the planes that strafed blacks in Oklahoma for building a better town than they could.
So jealous,...
You must praise the modest accomplishments of an internet ranter. Because racism. Get with the program. Add a turtle to the bottom of the stack. Turtles all the way down.
Turtles and a lack of thorazine.
This was a cafe post, right?
Crack has a project. Working on it. Little hiatus from success. Happens to creative people. Like a writer's block. Soaring along 1985 to 1992 then ....
He is just a loser asshole looking for attention. Easy to rile up as you can see. Creative juices pouring. Down. The. Drain.
Off to New York. Closing dinner tomorrow.
Regarding DUTY: no, I absolutely don't want any law here; social disapproval should suffice at keeping freeloaders down an an acceptably low level.
It only takes one bullet (best-case scenario) or a Mozambique, and now that Jihadist's AK is mine. The key points to concealed-pistol deterrence is to have carry be commonplace (thus you can never be sure you won't be defended against from even the least-expected quarter.)
Crack's performance today makes me (almost) yearn for a return of moderation.
" It's time to end it."
If you mean end it by blocking him, I have to disagree.
I usually find Crack's rants laughable, and I mean that literally. Usually, they are so ridiculous as to be seriously funny. I've given up trying to divine his agenda, if he has one.
But after today, scrolling through post after post, I feel nothing but pity.
Suggested new name for this blog:
Althouse Cracked
Where can I get some of what Cracked was using today?
I thought it was going to take a long time to slog through 154 opinions. But no. 10 seconds to see ignorance on stilts.
Ever notice that Crack shows no remorse at all over the white folks who were killed in the Greenwood riots? None at all.
The judgment of history is that the blacks in Greenwood got rich by stealing oil leases from the Indians.
Also, the town wasn't that great. Their version of the Eiffel Tower was built at 3/4 scale, and they only turned on the lights on weekends and the Juneteenth holiday.
You don't think blacks would enslave others if they could in America?
Blacks enslave whites in the Arab countries nowdays but I ain't crying.
And it's a black Muslim that beheaded the woman in Oklahoma. D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black.
You need to stop chasing your tail and start seeing the way out is the way up. Get a job, get a family, and do something constructive. Clean up your act. Racism, in one form or another, against blacks, whites, browns, etc.. have always been in virtually all the world.
If you want to make a difference and stop the cycle become part of society and work, build, invest, teach the young.
And sitting back using drugs while crying racist is only gonna make you go down the drain faster.
Get up and get a life crack.
"Crack, who surely has several talents and advantages over the average schlub,"
Assumes facts not in evidence. Crack does make the threads easier to read as I can skip all his posts but there isn't much to read with him all over it anyway.
Crack, doesn't Reverend Wright have a blog where you can exchange nasties with fellow haters ? You sure are tiresome.
I've long assumed that Althouse wants and encourages Crack's tantrums. She thrives on the attention and blog hits he brings.
Part of their collusion schtick is to get otherwise sane and rational people to go over the edge and say nasty, racist things they wouldn't ordinarily say. What better way to do this than to hire a nasty racist to say nasty racist things?
Several Althouse regulars are in on the "joke" too (they know who they are) because they chime in from time to time encouraging him.
That's my assessment of it, anyways.
"If the person is properly trained and vetted (no felonies or serious misdemeanors, not a drunk, dope head, etc.. never been trouble with the law) why not allow them to pack guns in such places as churches or schools?"
Almost, but not quite.
Sure, I find reasonable efforts to prevent the truly dangerous (history of violent felony, serious mental illness) from possessing firearms to be unproblematic.
But "reasonable training"? Not on your life, on both philosophical and pragmatic grounds.
1 (philosophy): It's a constitutional right--federal everywhere, and also in the majority of state constitutions too. Governments at all levels have no business imposing a training requirement before sovereign citizens can exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.
2 (pragmatics): states like WA and PA that have no training requirements have no worse a record of misuse by permit-holders than do the states with training requirements. Thus, the requirement does NOT pass a genuine rational-basis test, and just becomes Yet Another Avenue to restrict people's rights.
chickelit said...
Part of their collusion schtick is to get otherwise sane and rational people to go over the edge and say nasty, racist things they wouldn't ordinarily say.
This is some tortured reasoning. Occam's razor might suggest a simpler conclusion - people are just saying what they think.
Of course the Crack MC might really be some white girl living on the upper east side with enough time on her hands to conduct a complex sociology experiment.
Wheels within wheels, Chick. Wheels within wheels.
This is some tortured reasoning. Occam's razor might suggest a simpler conclusion - people are just saying what they think.
Not so far fetched, really. Remember how there always used to be a resident "angry gay" commenter? Downtown Lad, Andy R,...perhaps others I can't recall. One would disappear only to be "reinsilicated" as someone else. That character archetype functioned in much the same way: Provoke and polarize through reverse bigotry -- get people to live up to liberal's notions of bigots.
"The key points to concealed-pistol deterrence is to have carry be commonplace (thus you can never be sure you won't be defended against from even the least-expected quarter.)"
This. The threat to one's personal safety is growing due to the Islamic conversions taking place in our prisons.
Imagine how the atrocity might have ended sooner, at either Westlands Mall or Mumbia, if ever 20th adult present had a handgun with them and even sorta know how to use it.
My own state of Washington has issued Concealed Pistol Licenses to fully 9% of the adult population. If even half of them did their civic duty and carried routinely, we'd be about at level.
"I come onto a topic ripe with racial symbolism."
That would be every single topic.
So you just assume it'll last forever.
Sort of like your brothers who took down Colonialism in Africa. They just assumed it'd keep going after.
Oh, the wonders of having short time preferences. It must be happy, in a way, to be so blissfully ignorant.
Hey, if I felt like a large sum of money was coming to me if I believed a certain thing and could get enough others to believe it, I might be as certain as Crack with as little reasoning too.
The Crack posts are easy enough to skip because of his photo/avatar. Those "debating" him are less easy to skip. Perhaps they would be generous enough to preface their comments with a textual indicator for those of us that wish to avoid this ludicrousness. "CR" (for "Crack-related"), as I have done above, would do just fine.
Good point Roger.
I just skip over Cracks rantings. Wish others would just ignore him, that's what would drive him crazy.
My daughters first job was at a Pizza joint in an iffy part of town. One of her managers always carried and I was glad when he worked her shift.
Reminds me of this exchange in Casablanca-
Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
Rick: It's not particularly my beloved Paris.
Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
Rick: When you get there, ask me!
Captain Renault: Hmmh! Diplomatist!
Major Strasser: How about New York?
Rick: Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade.
Freder Frederson: So does this mean if an employer allows guns at work and some deranged employee like rusty (who obviously has some serious personality issues) goes on a shooting spree the employer is likewise liable?
Of course not. Let's see if I can make this simple for you:
If I engage in an action because I choose to, the consequences are my responsibility. If I engage in an action because you require me to, the consequences are your responsibility.
If a business requires their employees to bring guns to work, you might - possibly - have an argument. But because they allow it? No way.
Mark Vaughan invited his co-workers to join Islam.
Is it his fault they declined, and even refused to submit? So he shot them.
When faced with a refusal to convert or submit, what's a devout Muslim to do? Aren't Vaughan's acts protected by the First Amendment?
"I've long assumed that Althouse wants and encourages Crack's tantrums. She thrives on the attention and blog hits he brings."
Assumptions are the house assholes live in,...
Of course the Crack MC might really be some white girl living on the upper east side with enough time on her hands to conduct a complex sociology experiment.
Maybe she's "Titus's" neighbor.
Such a logical fail.
The people who obey the no guns/weapons at work signs/policies are the people you don't have to worry about. They also obey the laws about not killing people.
The people who will kill others have no problem ignoring the sign/policy prohibiting weapons/guns.
Kirk Parker,
Not saying you can't own guns, not saying you can't pack guns (I have a CHL here in Texas) but on private land owners can say no to you packing, just like if you 'exercise your 1st Amendment rights' they can ask you to leave to.
Universities and schools are closed institutions where they don't allow outsiders much. And most businesses are private to and can prohibit guns.
You don't have the 'right' to pack guns there if the owners say no, BUT that can change if....
Well trained CCW carriers allowed to go there BY LAW. And to get that passed they would want WELL TRAINED individuals. It's a legislative thing.
Here in Texas we have a 'school marshal' program where teachers with CHLs can be trained and WILL PACK GUNS.
To convince business to allow employees to carry guns would take some effort, and requiring skill sets and vetting would do that.
Getting a law to do that would have a very positive effect on stoping nutjob Muslims and others would-be killers.
You are perhaps a bit too focused on the peculiarities of Texas law.
Of course owners (or lessors) of private property have a great deal of control over what people are allowed to do on their own property. That is just and right.
1. A great number of colleges and universities, and a large majority of K-12 schools, are public institutions and thus a different set of expectations come into play; it's not private property. Here in WA state law needlessly does ban most (but not all) carry on K-12 property; our neighbor to the south OR does not. Will it surprise you to learn that OR doesn't have any more of a problem with legally-possessed firearms on school property than we do?
2. Similarly, we do NOT ban carry of loaded handguns inside governmental facilities other than courts and jails. Yes, that's right, you can carry your handgun--concealed OR openly--right into the state capitol or the governor's office.
And people do: there was a hilarious event a couple hears back at some legislative hearing related to firearms, when a bunch of the open-carry folks showed up to testify. Everyone's standing around in the hallway before the hearing room opened, when Ralph Fascitelli, head of the anti-gun Cease Fire Washington, went up to one of the State Troopers and asked if he couldn't do something about all the people carrying handguns. The officer in effect just yawned, said "What they're doing is perfectly legal", and proceeded to ignore Fascitelli.
And guess what again? We have NOT had any problems with lawful carriers doing anything illegal with their firearms in state facilities.
3. There's more than a little difference between private private property*, and private property that is presumed to be open to the public such as retail businesses.
If you want to travel armed everywhere, just get a permit and carry concealed. With a little bit of care, it's not at all obvious, and no one has to see or be worried. I do not feel bad doing so even if the owners preferred me not to, any more than I would worry about them disapproving if I had a DVD of pornography, or of the 700 club, inside my car while I parked in their (private-property) parking lot.
4. If your armed status does come to the attention of a business or other open-to-the-public facility, and you are asked to leave, of course you need to comply--but there's no reason the state has to go beyond traditional trespass law and provide presumptively-illegal cover such as Texas' notorious 30-06 signs. I view this as an important matter of public policy--private property owners may exercise control over their property, but the state should not assist property owners in discouraging the public good of carry by law-abiding gun owners.
* private-private property: hat tip to Whoopi.
John Lynch said...
...Don't give mass killers oxygen. Don't report on them beyond local news. Don't show their face on TV. Don't incentivize the behavior.
We shape our lives based on perceived reality, not reality itself.
There have been numerous foiled Islamic terrorist acts, most by pure luck. And news of them has been suppressed. I know of a few, and have talked to others who know of others. Someone in the government likely has a complete list.
Try finding out some basic info that came out just after 9/11. For example, how many flights were supposed to be hijacked (Ans: 8) Why did all the Muslim schoolkids in Jersey City bring cameras to school on 9/11? I believe that disappeared from the MSM by 9/13. And how hard is it to locate video of WTC jumpers? We know it happened, we know there were jumpers, we know there was video. Which the American people are never shown.
It's being hidden not as a disincentive to their behavor. It's to keep you from knowing the extent of their behavior.
It is still illegal to carry a gun, CHL, open carry, or not, on any private or pubic school with the exceptions:
1.) As a designated 'school marshal'.
2.) With written permission from the principle (fat chance.)
3.) As a LEO.
That may change, but you will find that legislative wise it is smarter to get it passed by having requirements (like training and background checks) and then maybe later relax those.
In Missouri, they just added OC and 'special teachers' to carry guns in schools.
But still, most folk can't carry in such places. If we wish to expand the laws, it will take time, and most folk are not comfortable with ANYONE just packing guns in schools, or police stations, or poling places, or .. well quite a few places.
And Kirk,
If I pack my gun (I have a CHL) were I am NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE IT, it will be a FELONY.
Sure small chance of being spotted but I really don't want a felony conviction (or visiting the inside of a jail.)
I have an absolute clean record (except for speeding tickets.. and those are very rare with me to.) I want to keep it that way.
Oh, and training.. I've been to seven well known schools that taught gun handling/shooting/grappling/and just plain fun (and law) and was a CHL instructor for 10 years, NRA pistol instructor for 5, TP&W Hunter Safety instructor for 5.
And I can tell you, lots of people pack guns and really have only a minimal skill set (yes it's up to them to get a good skill set but I don't see many with such.)
That's what I mean about you being a little to focussed on what TX law says, in a forum like this with people from around the US (and perhaps internationally too.) It's very useful to see what other states are doing, and what's working for them. VT, for example, has never prohibited concealed OR open carry and has a violent crime rate in line with everyone else. Why shouldn't they be the gold standard?
Or take my home state. In much-more-gun-friendly-than-TX Washington state (how's that for a category-bender) it's NOT a felony to appear with a handgun where it's prohibited, only a gross misdemeanor, and furthermore (as I already pointed out) the number of places prohibited in WA is a much smaller list than in TX.
So why don't you guys do something about that? It's not like TX is this blue-state paradise...
And I seriously doubt that " most folk [in TX, outside maybe Austin] are not comfortable with ANYONE just packing guns in schools".
Related to your second followup:
1. You will not find a bigger proponent of training then me, nor a bigger opponent of government-required training.
2. I repeat what I said earlier: the record of states like WA, PA, and IN shows that states w/o training requirements do just was well in terms of accidents and intentional violations as states which do. Could you please address this???
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