September 15, 2014

Only Condoleezza Rice can save football.



FleetUSA said...

Yep. A talented, smart manager who also likes football. Also, pretty good looking too. What's not to like?

After act: POTUS

Gahrie said...

This is probably coming....Goodell will be forced to resign, after lying about the Ray Rice video, the NFL "culture" will be attacked and the NFL will be able to appoint a Black woman (who is perhaps a lesbian) as the commissioner to institute reform.

At least she knows, understands and loves football.

Original Mike said...

I'd rather she saved the country.

Big Mike said...

I was looking for her for POTUS 2016.

Emil Blatz said...

If so, Goodell deserves a massive severance deal, which would be implied by his current compensation package. ESPN and much of sports journalism are treating him as if it was he who landed haymakers on the now Mrs. Rice. It is a completely absurd storm of attention and misplaced responsiblity, but if he goes, he needs the $weet sendoff. In mine opinion.

MadisonMan said...

I think she'd be great.

(I can't think she'd want to get back into politics. Who would? She has way too many smarts for that)

traditionalguy said...

She could do a good job. Being fair to all is a major plus in a league commissioner's job. That means no favoritism.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Unfortunately, as Crack will inform us shortly, Condi is not an "authentic black" and as Gloria Steinem and/or one of her ilk will inform us shortly, Condi is not an "authentic female" or alternatively "female inpersonator.

They will, of course of course, state this ruefully.

retired said...

She's never run anything successfully. She was a serviceable national security advisor but was promoted beyond her competence to Sec of State. As far as her work at Stanford, comparable to running a pre-school compared to the NFL.
Does have all the PC creds however, not counting that pesky conservative/religious streak. The fuzzy personal life offsets that.

Unknown said...

retired said... How does her experience rank with the last elected black president? Would you rather be called sexist or racist?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Her skin color has nothing to do with it. Really.

She is a skilled natural at administering a rule system that treats everyone the same giving rewards equally and punishments equally.

What makes that special is it counters a Patriarchal system that gives the Owner who bought the team discretion over his work force's lives. Another name for that system is slavery.

Slavery never respects the men it owns. In fact disrespecting them is the whole point and what attracts rich men from money aristocracy to buy the teams. It is not their love of sport.

Amartel said...

I was bored with this controversy in record time. We're talking seconds. It's transparently aimed at undermining the sport, not at protecting women. (Remember when it was all the rage to claim that the rate of rapes increased in the hours following the Super Bowl?) In fact, the Ray Rice scandal is more iniquitous to women generally than Ray Rice himself as it presumes a complete lack of agency on the part of the woman. But everyone goes along with it.
Notice how almost nobody points out that it was the government, the prosecution, that screwed this up. They had the tape, too. The NFL was just going by the outcome of the prosecution but it is presumed that they should have conducted their own prosecution. And, of course, no one is really focused on blaming Ray Rice.
Putting Condi in charge would be great for her - awesome salary and publicity - but would just change the target location. And a lot of racist libs would loove another opportunity to depict her as a monkey! Really missing those Bush years. Good times, good times. Saving football is going to take a lot more than playing musical chairmanship.

jacksonjay said...

NFL's Carolina Panthers deactivate Black superstar because of domestic violence CONVICTION! Convicted in July. Videotape unavailable. According to court testimony, Greg Hardy beat the shit outta his girlfriend because she used to have another boyfriend, Nelly.

Black San Fran 49'er, Ray McDonald still playing after his August 31 arrest for, guess what,..... domestic violence. Again, videotape unavailable.

Do I need to mention the NFL's Minnesota Vikings Black superstar?

Callin on Condi!

Anonymous said...

What qualifies her for the job?

I know she is a concert pianist, but NFL? Seriously?


Amartel said...

Firing Bob Costas would go a long way toward saving football. The only thing worse than a journalist is a sports journalist.

lgv said...

Why because she is a woman? Only a woman commissioner can save the NFL? That's sexist talk.

She may even be related to Ray Rice for all we know.

Worst of all, she's a 49er's fan.

dreams said...

She is a Republican and that cancels out her color and her sex. Liberals hate black Republicans.

CWJ said...

Emil Blatz,


jacksonjay said...

I hear the Limeys were afraid to confront the Pakis over there in Rotherham. Little girls wanted to be "groomed" by the Asians.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
john said...

Same name. Check.

Same skin color. Check.

I see a whitewash.

Beldar said...

I think some of you have a woefully unrealistic idea of what being Commissioner of the NFL involves.

Ms. Rice doesn't have the qualifications to be an NFL head coach. But coaching is not what the NFL Commissioner is supposed to do.

She does indeed have a lot of experience as an administrator of a wide variety of large bureaucratic institutions, although none of her previous jobs as an administrator have been to sports. But moving the paperwork smoothly, staying in budget, presiding over committee meetings and such — that is also not the job of the Commissioner of the NFL, no more than coaching.

The Commissioner of the NFL is, or should be, the consistent and capable conscience of the NFL and its chief public spokesperson. A good working understanding of the NFL is useful, but the reason people are proposing someone like Rice who is not from the NFL is because the NFL needs a thorough-going and very public shakeout from top to bottom, overseen by someone of enormous gravitas who's already widely known and respected by the general public (beyond just sports fans).

Rice would be in that respect, then, much in the precedent of Kenesaw Mountain Landis, the high-profile federal judge who left the bench to accept an appointment as Commissioner of Baseball after the "Black Sox Scandal" in the 1919 World Series, and who restored public confidence in the professional sport that was then "America's Game." The NFL needs someone capable of doing the same, and there's no one from within the NFL who could possibly fill that role.

traditionalguy said...

The NFL has reached the point where it needs an enlightened despot with fair minded ideals.

Rice could confront the privileged owners with the same skills she used in the Bush White House.

Why would her gender or her skin color be raised against her by ignorant people?

The Crack Emcee said...


"Unfortunately, as Crack will inform us shortly, Condi is not an "authentic black""

No, the best friend of the four little girls famously bombed by whites in a church in Birmingham isn't authentic to me.

Drago, don't try to put words in my mouth, especially about black issues:

You don't know the landscape - as this stupid quote shows - and, frankly, you're just too stupid,...

dreams said...

This is how the liberals have treated Rice in the past.

David said...

So Senator Gillenbrand is all over the NFL case. The peoples' work is never done.

The Crack Emcee said...


"No, wait, Condi vs Crack, that.s the ticket."

Two black Republicans debating the merits would be fun - and it's probably necessary, since whites can't talk substance beyond white supremacy.

"Dems would not allow her father to vote, dems bombed colored churches in her state."

So did whites, but we'll leave that distinction out of it and continue limiting any parsing of reality to "Dems," so you can crow ignorantly to others of your ilk about what none of you want to understand about yourselves (a major failing of that character MLK talked about).

"Pleeeze put her in the spotlight before the elections!"

Yeah, I'd love it if we can have TWO candidates telling you you're racists, and not just leaving it all up to me:

"Condoleezza Rice Urges Republican Party To Be More Inclusive"

Spread that message, of non-inclusive racists far and wide, Condi!!!

You ignorant assholes,...

great Unknown said...

a) Rescue the NFL? From what? The sports and political pundits who are attacking the NFL will go down a long time before the NFL.

b) Wouldn't mind Rice at all. Despite the comment about her being promoted over her head to SecState, I compare her to the other holders of the office in recent years and she stands head and shoulders above them all.

c) For what it's worth, and only because it was mentioned, I can reasonably say she's not lesbian - she's had long-term relationships with men when she didn't have to do it for political reasons [I'm suggesting another SecState here.] Of course, she may be bi-. As if it makes a difference.

Brando said...

Why does the NFL need to change anything? For all their scandals--Rice, Peterson, Vick, concussions, the walking embarrassment that is Dan Snyder--it seems every team is making great money and they never fail to find new ways to squeeze every dollar out of the fans. What is really at stake here? Will fans stop dropping hundreds of dollars to attend games, or not watch on TV, or buy merchandise?

The "Black Sox" scandal for baseball I think was a lot different (as was the steroid scandal) because the minute the sport itself seems to be fixed the fans feel like they're watching a pre-ordained play rather than an actual competitive event. But scandals involving player injuries or players engaging in criminal activities on the side don't directly affect the game. Much as I may be disgusted at what a player does, it won't really stop me from separating the player from his art, and watching them play on Sunday. I imagine most fans will feel the same.

Now, if Congress was really so disgusted that they would deny the NFL its legal monopoly status or local governments would stop bribing teams with brand new stadiums--which simply won't happen--that would be one thing, and I could understand the need to get a new commissioner. But short of that, this will blow over--NFL will do just enough garment rending and PR intiiatives, and we'll be on to something else before long.

jacksonjay said...

So Senator Gillenbrand is all over the NFL case.

Aw yes, the was but wasn't offended Junior Senator from New York. Not my boss, so what the hell.

Michael said...

She would be a great commissioner. Working with the owners would be like herding squirrels but she had experience at that at the State Dept. She has corporate board experience. A good choice.

Perhaps most importantly she would serve as a great example to young black kids who would not otherwise know much about her. Hers is a great story of overcoming adversity and her experience growing up in Birmingham is worth examining.

David said...

Jacksonjay said...

Black San Fran 49'er, Ray McDonald still playing after his August 31 arrest for, guess what,..... domestic violence. Again, videotape unavailable.

Nice of you to mention that he is black. That is a clarification, though not of the nature you intended.

Why did you fail to mention that he was arrested but has not been charged? Ray Rice was charged with a crime and admitted guilt. Peterson has been indicted but not convicted. McDonald has not even been charged.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Condi Rice won't work PR-wise, better to go with Chelsea Clinton.

Beta Rube said...

"You ignorant assholes..."

Time foe a break from Althouse. It's getting unpleasant again with constant thread stealing and ugly name calling.

Crackers said...


These are the people who don't know why I call them "white" - whitch makes ME alone a racist.


They have no idea.

But they sill know how to attack.

Whtes always know how to attack,..

dreams said...

Its all downhill for Condoleezza Rice, she will never be forgiven for being a Republican.

Beldar said...

@ Brando (9/15/14, 2:32 PM), who asked: "Why does the NFL need to change anything?"

If you'd asked that question in, say, 2006, I'd understand.

But the entire sport of American football, from pee-wee leagues up to the NFL, is under by far the most sustained and powerful barrage of criticism in its history. You would indeed have to go back to the 1919 Black Sox Scandal to come up with something comparable to the cumulative impact of high-profile negatives that are playing out daily in the press. This week it's domestic violence; last week it's concussions and early-onset Alzheimer's; the week before that it's performance-enhancing drugs; the week before that it's recreational drugs; then a scandal with NCAA rules and agents; then someone and a prostitute, or twelve; then a sex boat sinking offshore with half someone's team ... I mean, if any soap opera came up with something this improbable, it'd be cancelled halfway through Season 1 for lack of audience credibility.

Sure, the NFL season ticket holders are renewing their box licenses and such. That's not what's at risk here.

What's at risk is the number of 13-year-old boys whose families permit them to play this game. The effects of the poison from the top actually first show up at the roots.

And the NFL isn't just worried about fall-off in revenues or loss of existing fans. It's worried, with good reason, that it's about to be tagged by more litigation and government oversight/regulation than has ever been dreamed of before.

By all knowledgeable reports, the current ownership & management of the NFL are panicky. I don't think they're overreacting. There's likely to be a new Commish in a matter of days or weeks, and the smart ones are thinking the league needs strong medicine now in order to survive long-term.

Crackers said...

Beta Rube,

Make sure to clutch your pearls and grab the smelling salts on your way out,....

Crackers said...


That's so funny because Republicans treat me the same way.

Something about whites,...

dreams said...

The NFL has never been more popular or made more money but its future is in jeopardy because of concussions.

Rick Caird said...

Football doesn't need saving. It looked like all the stands were full and they have no gone to Sundays plus 3 nights of footbal games.

Brian said...

I'm confused; did we just find out that Unknown and Crack Emcee are the same person? Was I supposed to already know that? Because now I'm wondering how many of you are Crack Emcee. What if it's...all of you? DEAR GOD WHAT IF IT'S ME TOO?

Maybe decaf tomorrow.

Crackers said...

It just occurred to me:

You dummies actually thought Condi Rice would protect you racially!


Ain't no civil rights icon standing with you,...

Brando said...

"And the NFL isn't just worried about fall-off in revenues or loss of existing fans. It's worried, with good reason, that it's about to be tagged by more litigation and government oversight/regulation than has ever been dreamed of before."

I guess I shouldn't underestimate the likelihood of government and trial lawyers jumping on board. If anything seems to make money in this country, the parasites will try to sap its juices.

The long term effect of at least the concussion issue I think is a lot more drastic than the criminal activities of the players--after all, Rice and Co.'s behavior can't really be blamed on football (though their fame and money may make them a bit more immune to the consequences of such behavior--but by that theory, we should be banning privilege).

Concussions and serious injuries are the reason I probably wouldn't let my kids play football, even though I played in high school--over time, players have gotten bigger and bigger and the use of more padding has enabled them to hit each other much harder than ever before. Though other sports have a lot of injuries, the chances of getting paralyzed in soccer or baseball are a lot smaller--and until this issue is addressed at least at the childhood level we'll probably see a lot more parents opting out of having their kids play football.

Though, I don't know if that will have as much affect on people viewing pro-football--after all, though some fans likely understand and appreciate the sport better because they played in their youth, it doesn't really prevent non-players from enjoying watching the game. It's still the most popular specator sport in America, and it'll likely weather these scandals.

They'll probably shake up the League a bit first though, to placate Congress. Window dressing mostly.

Freder Frederson said...

And a lot of racist libs would loove another opportunity to depict her as a monkey!

When or where was Rice depicted as a monkey? If you are going to make such an inflammatory claim you damn well better be able to back it up.

dreams said...

Here is a racist cartoon of Condoleezza Rice pregnant with a monkey. Palestinian.

rhhardin said...

The NFL dererves its fall into babbling leftism.

There's even leftist physics now.

Math so far is safe.

Hagar said...

I am sure I have seen a cartoon with Condoleezza depicted as a monkey organ grinder, and drawing her as a pirate's parrot was quite common.

For some reason, Democrats seem quite comfortable with the idea of a Secretary of State taking off on a foreign policy course of his/her own when the President is a Republican, but not so much when the President is a Democrat.

dreams said...

"When or where was Rice depicted as a monkey? If you are going to make such an inflammatory claim you damn well better be able to back it up."

Not depicted as a monkey but still racist, the blog denies that they're liberal but they're liberal.

dreams said...

"I am sure I have seen a cartoon with Condoleezza depicted as a monkey organ grinder, and drawing her as a pirate's parrot was quite common."

Yes, I remember the organ grinder cartoon too.

retired said...

sorry Unknown, I erred in noticing that she is black and a woman. Only blacks and women are allowed to comment on what their lying eye tell them. Put me down as sexist: Condi has more far character, morals, skill, experience, honesty than Obama. And she wasn't/isn't a drug addict. Did I leave something out? Or would that make me racist?

FullMoon said...

Damn my eyes, I read a Crack post, then checked profile. Crak been cryin bout his unfortunate twist of fate bein not born white, and his 1/2 sister having the good luck, parent wise. Does have some music vids on utube, been all over the world finding white people treating blacks poorly.
Has a recognized musical talent, but cannot get a break, Kinda starving artist.
Makes me think of Sonny Boy."In my younger Days, wish I knew then what I know now..."
Good luck to you , Crack emcee.

But I was talkin about a black woman risin up and not allowin white racists to hold her down contrasting with a talanted black man cannot own a reliable vehicle and blaming whitey for it.

jacksonjay said...


Domestic violence is more prevalent in the Black community. It isn't really debatable. It is not discussed because RACISM. As AG Holder said, "we are a nation of cowards." It is culture, not race. Black League - Black Culture. It is a Black thing, you wouldn't understand. Is the Asian Tiger Mom a myth? Is Islam a peaceful religion?

The point is that the videotape was the factor in all of this new found consciousness. Read the witness testimony in the Greg Hardy case. Way worse than Ray Rice. Adrian Peterson proudly admitted to whipping his son, we don't need to wait for due process to make a judgment. Did you see the pics?

Check this link and get back to me with the common denominator.

Yancey Ward said...

The only thing that will save football is if they stop listening to shit-for-brains talking heads on television. The NFL, right now, is in jeopardy. Condoleeza Rice, while I like the lady, will be the death knell.

Drago said...

Crack: "No, the best friend of the four little girls famously bombed by whites in a church in Birmingham isn't authentic to me.

Drago, don't try to put words in my mouth, especially about black issues:"

I'll do whatever the hell I please FriscoMan.

Drago said...

Freder: "When or where was Rice depicted as a monkey? If you are going to make such an inflammatory claim you damn well better be able to back it up."


Is this feigned ignorance or simply another incident where lefty actions are simply relegated down the memory hole.

I'll bet crack had no problem with that depiction of condi.

In fact, crack really wouldn't have that much trouble with condi being enslaved by his islamist pals.

chillblaine said...

I dispute the need for a new commissioner. They should re-organize under an anarcho-syndicalist commune model. Owners would take turns acting as a sort of supreme executive officer for the week. All his decisions would have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting by a simple majority.

Because you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.

traditionalguy said...

To be a post racist person, the first step is to cease and desist making judgements when all you know about a person is his or her racial ancestry.

People have a community and parents that raise them and give them identity and education. Why not ask about that before pouncing on them as pawns in a simplistic race hatred game. Doing that makes it too easy for Crack to trump you.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

She would be a good commissioner and it would be a nice payday for her.

I am not an advocate for her for President.

rcocean said...

How could any Republican save "football" - the NFL is made up of Democrats.

john marzan said...

why waste her talents on the nfl when she should be saving america by running for president.

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