September 3, 2014

Debbie Wasserman Schultz says: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand" and "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back."

What does that even refer to? That's really shameless. The violent imagery is despicable, and disrespectful to victims of actual violence. Why bring in women's hair? It seems mental.

ADDED: In a new post, I explain why Wasserman Schultz's 2 images of violence — hair grabbing and pulling and giving the back of the hand — are, specifically, gendered violence.


Hagar said...

Blabbermouth Schultz is a female Joe Biden.
Do not give her airtime.

Drago said...

Schultz should carry around a mattress until Walker is expelled.

rhhardin said...

and disrespectful to victims of actual violence.

Like Rodney King or Dangerfield, whatever his name was.

Birkel said...

Comments like these put the lie to the 538 numbers.

Why would anybody make such statements (or why would handlers allow a nearby microphone) if that person were confident about keeping political power?

Drago said...

rhhardin: "Like Rodney King or Dangerfield, whatever his name was."

Or that guy who was in Fargo.

I think his name was Steve.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mental Professor? You sound like Michael Savage who says liberalism is a mental disorder.

Drago said...

Remember, if you vote Republican you are voting for another black church to burn.

If you vote for Scott Walker you are voting for women to have their hair pulled.

From behind.

And to be asked "whose your daddy".

The only answer to which is, of course, Crack Emcee.

retired said...

Ann, who are you voting for?

AustinRoth said...

What makes you think Democrats have any ethics?

rhhardin said...

Scott Walker is not grabbing her breast or she would have mentioned it.

lavinia said...

she loves her hair -- any hair comment is strong because when you look at her, you think of it.

traditionalguy said...

That will be an automatic six election suspension for Walker. He really needs to answer the question: when did he quit beating his wife?

Wasserman Schultz is a Dem assassin.

Anonymous said...

Forget it, Jake, it's Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Ken B said...

As Instapundit says: it's who they are; it's what they do.

FullMoon said...

That's what the District Attorney used to tell me in Chinatown.

The Godfather said...

What does her statement mean? It means Walker is a Republican.

Emil Blatz said...

I repeat: Scott Walker will beat Mary Burke like a rented car.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

The Left knows lying works when you have the main stream media's support. No one in the MSM will question her inflammatory lies.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

DWS will, and does, say anything.

Quaestor said...

"Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Seems like the tactics of dunderheaded desperation to me.

Take heart, GOP, you're winning.

Matt said...

But does this reflect badly on all Democrats? Do they need to disown her statement and distance themselves? As I recall, if a Republican says something bad, it is deemed a reflection on all Republicans in your eyes, Professor Althouse. Yet I see no similar sentiment expressed here. Why not?

sakredkow said...

Despicable, shameless, disrespectful, mental.
Why does everyone overreact to everyone's overreactions? How far are you going to get with that?

Roy Lofquist said...

Debbie Washerwoman Schultz.

phantommut said...

Demonization is the only thing that might possibly work for the Democrats this November. I can't think of a single issue right now where Democrats have an honest advantage.

So it's going to be a rotating 15 minute hate on anything and everything not lock-step Democratic. (Libertarians and Tea Partiers in particular are going to be painted as baby-eating monsters, because the Republican Establishment will sit on their hands while the DWS crowd hands out pitchforks.)

YoungHegelian said...

Well, if, as DWS says, all us conservative troglodytes are going to have to start smacking all the chicks around, and, as if that isn't enough, we're going to have to put the blacks back in chains, as Joe Biden says, we're just going to be one very busy bunch of brownshirts in the next little while.

It's like these liberals think we're ubermenschen or somethin'! I mean, who's got the time?!

rcocean said...

The Republican dream:

If only DWS would be the 24/7 face of the Democrat party - forever.

James Pawlak said...

She needs a Wasserman test to see if she has insanity causing (Ternary) syphilis.

PB said...

DWS is failing in her leadership position and the whole liberal/progressive religion is being demonstrated a con. Acting out, irrational behavior, angry denial is all part of the self-loathing process as they flail about trying to transfer their failure to others.

Michael K said...

"she loves her hair -- any hair comment is strong because when you look at her, you think of it."

Now, if he were threatening to grab her teeth ! That would be rape rape.

Look at those choppers !

Michael K said...

Those choppers !

donald said...

How come they never show this fucking bitch's huge grotesque ass to go with that disgusting greasy hair?

I love and respect women. I can't tell you how much, but that is a fucking monster. Kinda like the president.

Fuck each and every democrat.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Well I would like to comment but as one who is mental commenting on the seemingly (mental) seems inappropriately focused on the "men" of "mental."

Wait one menute... This is a comment!

richard mcenroe said...

Has Garage asked why no one has investigated under Walker's fingernails for follicle DNA yet? *puts* on sunglasses* Because that would be a very hairy question to have to answer... *Cue Who Intro*

richard mcenroe said...

It's the funky Western civilization...grab your partner by the hair, throw her down and leave her there...

Drago said...

phx: "Why does everyone overreact to everyone's overreactions?"

Ahoy mateys!!

Thar she blows!

Another 'Post hoc ergo procter hoc" whale!!

Let's harpoon 'em afore 'e gets abaft!

Guildofcannonballs said...

The question, as with all Democrat women since Lewinski and the media cum-idolaters wishcasting Clinton's (Bill) semen in opposition to the social conservatives, is who did she blow to get the story?

You all know that's the way the world is right?

You give head for headlines.

You get beheaded without the American Military saving you from those who can/will/shall do that to their bold extent.

cubanbob said...

All of you above thread that are complaining about dear sweet Debbie at least you don't have the shame of living in her district. Unfortunately she is my congressperson. If only the Republicans would run a viable candidate and spend some bucks at the minimum they would force the Democrats to spend a lot of money on defending her and they might actually have a shot at winning.

n.n said...

As a party leader, Schulz is required to preemptively attack anyone who confronts progressive corruption (e.g. devaluation of capital and labor). Her image of hair pulling refers to women who once lived in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. It is also a cartoonish depiction of men in the stone age handling their women. This theater is part of the larger "war on women", which includes rescinding women's unique extra-legal and moral right to commit premeditated (i.e. planned) murder.

Anyway, Schulz is an actress hired to stand and defend "principles" and interests of the party. People love a good melodrama. Anything to distract from the issues on their merits.

Guildofcannonballs said...

To think DWS is as concerned about Muslims killing as she is about Democrat's winning (and killing in-womb) is simply naive ludicrous fuckedness.

Kelly said...

I'm a woman and I'd dearly like to show that beetch the back of my hand. And in true girl fight fashion I'd pull her hair while I was at it. I'm so sick of this over the top stupidity. Will people ever wise up to the fact that there are real problems in this country, none of which the democrats are willing to address?

n.n said...

Michael K:

If he looked at her self-portraits that would be rape-rape. Other forms of involuntary exploitation are classified as rape or change, or the ever popular "choice".

Unknown said...

Consider this: the Democrats think that what Schultz is saying will drive out the vote.

How many times does Althouse and Mead vote democrat? Support democrat policies?

Edward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

This is masturbation material for the garage mahals of the world.

Alex said...

Hey Walker - keep the pimp hand strong.

MaxedOutMama said...

I think this is designed to enhance turnout/donations. It's money-raising and turnout rhetoric. It's only "mental" if it doesn't work, and this sort of thing has been working.

Original Mike said...

"What does that even refer to?"

Nothing. She just says shit. It's her job, and the Dems love her for it.

theo said...

She is sort of the Florida version of Chuck Schumer.


Levi Starks said...

Yes I'd say you've described your chosen party quite well.

who-knew said...

Richard McEnroe at 10:09. A Tonio K reference. I love it.

chillblaine said...

DWS has invoked violent imagery, and asserts moral authority by virtue of her womanhood. It's the war on womyn!

Well, taxpayers have been sacked and pillaged for the sake of the privelged few, the public employee unions. Scott Walker has been the only one I know of willing to stand up to them. For that, he earns the honorary sobriquet, golem.

Alex said...

The scariest part is this violent imagery is approved of by the liberal teaching establishment. So girls growing up now think this kind of behavior is perfectly ok unless they are blessed with god-fearing Christian parents.

Sunslut7 said...

DWS and the term "Mental" go together like peas and carrots or Jenny and Forest.

Sunslut7 said...

Imagine what the outcome would be like if Biden successfully mated with DWS. Dr Xavier would havea new mutant.

chillblaine said...

Just playin' around with a new avatar. Totally stolen from AoS. Hm, might as well say something while I'm here.

There are so many inherent conflicts in today's Democratic Party, they are perhaps one national election away from disintegration.

"The modern liberal, there’s something about his ideology that leads him to invariably and inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right, the lesser over the better, the ugly over the beautiful, the profane over the profound, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success." Evan Sayet

madAsHell said...

If only the Republicans would run a viable candidate
Have you looked in the mirror?

jr565 said...

At least she's not like that other dem running for congress saying repubs being bullies are as bad as ISIS. The dems really do seem to have a problem controlling their rhetoric, dont they? There hyperbole starts at 11 and only goes up from there.

Anthony said...

I can't remember the psychological term for it, but Wasserman Schultz *wants* someone to grab her by the hair and pull her back to the kitchen.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Doubtful folks round here are ready, but just in case, consider an additional:

The more gifted gone, the better the Shire.

Anonymous said...

If the media does end up reporting on this?

It'll look something like this

DWS insulted Republican Scott Walker today, just like Joe Republican insulted women before.

The media doesn't know how to report when Democrats do bad things without giving equal time for Republicans.

On the other hand, if a Republican does something bad, fear not, you won't hear about Democrats equally bad.

David said...

"That's really despicable."

Not much else to expect from DWS. Can she even do anything other than vicious attacks?

She's the perfect successor to the lovely and tasteful Anthony Weiner.

Michael The Magnificent said...

I can't remember the psychological term for it...


rcommal said...

If I were conspiracy-theory minded, I might view Debbie Wasserman Schultz as a plant to help the opposition.

Beldar said...

Ms. W-S seems to me in roughly the same public odor as, say, Janeane Garofalo or Rachel Maddow. They are no longer much interested in broadening their political appeal to a wider audience. They have, and relish having, "high negatives on the Right." She certainly is a prominent voice for the segment of the public that still finds her courageous or articulate or whatever. But my sense is that her star is on the wane, her influence lessening, her relevance diminishing. Of course I'm speculating, and claim no particular expertise about who ranks whom in the Left's peculiar pecking orders.

rcommal said...

Doesn't everyone know that either she is among the pantheon of the most effectively and brazenly (not to mention cheerily!) disingenuous liars of her ilk and time or, quite seriously, right down there--and God help me for saying it, outright--amongst the dumbest of hammers in a bag.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Y'all got buff issues foremost.

Exhibit A:

Cedarford said...

She is a breast cancer survivor.
Why her and not better women than her who died??

Renee said...

". We asked the graduates, ‘How often do you discuss politics and public affairs?’ We found that 39 percent of them said monthly or never. We asked ‘How often do you read the news, in print or online?’ Thirty six percent said monthly or never. "

That type of imagery works well with low-info voters.

Carnifex said...

One imagines DWS smiling contentedly as the star of a bukaki film as long as the others are minorities, washing away the sins of her white privilege...

and using the leftovers as hair gel ala "Something About Mary".

Anonymous said...

It's my theory that feminists, and the left in general, have to use language like this because reality is gaining on them.

Prime example, the reasons given by feminists at Brandeis for rejecting Hirsi Ali.

Ali said...

She needs to be sectioned. She's just insane. Really despicable.

stlcdr said...

Leftists have generated so much hate fo republicans or those who even criticize left wing ideals (sic) that they truly see nothing wrong with the abuse they impart on others.

The really disappointing part is the 'followers' (voters) cannot see the irony in voting democrat, simply because of the hatred of the other side.

Scott said...

AJ, liberalism is a mental disorder. How else can you explain following a philosophy that creates misery by promising utopia? I guess, if you're a member of the ruling class, your view of utopia is an impoverished citizenry relying on you for everything allowing you to plan everything for them.

Brando said...

Isn't she still DNC chair? I can't imagine any Democrat who is not in a completely safe district could be happy with the idiocy coming from that woman. They really couldn't find a better spokesperson for their party? Like a trained gerbil or something?

Unless who knows, maybe the Democrats have just reached the peak of desperation, and their only hope of salvaging some of their elections is by getting their base all riled up. But at a certain point, women have to be hearing remarks like that and thinking "they're talking down to me, expecting me to buy this crap."

mezzrow said...

Basically, the point is to convince the Democratic voter that she is Suzy Hendrix in Wait Until Dark, with Scott Walker in the Alan Arkin role. I believe that pretty much sums up how Garage "sees" things, too.

Crawl in the fridge, Democratic voter, it's the only way you can save yourself. There's some Government cheese in there, too.

Skyler said...

Wasserman Schultz and shameless? Redundant.

Unknown said...

The leftwing neo fascists are desperate and melting down.

Unknown said...

"tea party extremists"

People who want an accountable transparent government that works FOR the people are "extremists"
according to radical extreme neo-fascist left.

Unknown said...

Why? Because she can knowing full well that there will be no consequences. It is the media's job to point out the follies of our politicians, however, since the media are essentially dems with bylines, as instapundit is fond of saying, nothing will come of it.

I am pretty sure that we all know exactly what would happen in the national media if Scott Walker had something even remotely close to what she did. It would be all over the news for weeks. The media would indict every conservative for such statement.

Of course DWS is a dem. No such condemnation will occur.

Pity the country for the abdication of the fourth estate of its roll.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I'm guessing Althouse writes posts like this solely in order to make rankings of who's the biggest misogynist amongst her commenters.

Congratulation, many of you did very well.

MayBee said...

But does this reflect badly on all Democrats? Do they need to disown her statement and distance themselves? As I recall, if a Republican says something bad


And every Democrat politician should be asked about this, like she was Todd Akin.

furious_a said...

Biden says, we're just going to be one very busy bunch of brownshirts in the next little while.

Since they're going to call us Nazis anyway, we should at least get to wear those cool charcoal SS uniforms and ride on Panzers or something.

Brando said...

"Of course DWS is a dem. No such condemnation will occur."

Conservatives (or any non-leftists) need to drop this loser talk! If the mainstream media won't pick up on a theme, there are plenty of alternative outlets to get a message out, and force it into the mainstream. Remember how the MSM didn't pick up on the John Edwards sex scandal, and got scooped by the tabloids? Force the story out there.

These comments by Schultz are offensive and stupid, and deserve condemnation until other Democrats are forced to disown them, Akin-style. Get this woman to resign in disgrace and find a job she's more suited for, like organ grinder's monkey.

PB said...

I can't think of a topic or discussion where DWS has made a positive contribution.

Michael K said...

"who's the biggest misogynist "

I would say Wasserman Smith has retired that trophy but you seem to want to compete. You think women are so helpless that a politician talking is the equivalent of "pulling their hair ?"

Do you have daughters ? They should be ashamed of you. I taught mine to shoot.

Jack Klompus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

Of course it seems mental. Most feminism came from metal cases.

MadisonMan said...

What PB Reader said. Of course, Reince Preibus (that name was from memory -- it might be wrong -- is he even still the head of the Republican Party?) never made a positive contribution either, as far as I can remember.

Hacks rarely say something important.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
Do you have daughters ?

Yes, and unlike yours they still speak to me.

chickelit said...

Wasn't DWS considered a political rising star not too long ago? Perfect example of what I was telling somefeller not too long ago. The DWS's of the Democratic party have killed off half the candidate pool (men) within their own party. Clean up your own act, starting with her.

Mea Sententia said...

What DWS is doing is shrewd. She is associating SW's name and face with deeply negative images in the mind. She does this to make moderates, especially moderate women, uneasy in voting for him. And everyone who repeats her extreme language further ingrains the negative images. She can get away with it because she's a Democrat, and because she's a she.

Wilbur said...

Cuban Bob and I share the honor of being represented by DWS in Congress. She spews this sort of verbal diarrhea on a regular basis.

I consider her a step up over my former (through redistricting) Representaive, the Honorable Alcee Hastings.

As at least Debbie's not a proven crook.

I can count at least three votes against her this November. That's a start!

n.n said...


Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It is a philosophy common to immature individuals especially children. It is a natural philosophy derived from intemperance and engendered by unfamiliarity with reality. In extreme realizations it is libertine, which is reflected in a spoiled child syndrome, including dreams of redistributive change and faith in spontaneous conception.

Jaq said...

I used to live in Alcee's district too, before I left Florida to live someplace nice.

Jaq said...

I like to post with a female avatar where I post more anonymously a lot, because it brings out the actual misogyny in liberals so often.

Jaq said...

I agree though that DWS is crazy like a fox. This stuff works.

DanTheMan said...

I agree with DWS.
I think she should get Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Edwards together to lecture Scott Walker about mistreating women.

Unknown said...

DWS will, and does, say anything.

But she wont do anything, IYKWIMAIKYD

Matt Sablan said...

So, the message I got is: Scott Walker is raping women.

Remember when we were supposed to be civil?

Matt Sablan said...

People seem to be seeing the hair pulling as like, a little kid teasing a girl by yanking her pony tail.

No. The image being called up is grabbing hair and pulling someone back; the image she wants is of a caveman dragging an unconscious woman back to a cave.

She is trying to make you think that what Walker is doing is as bad as violent rape.

gk1 said...

Like that slime McAullife, a DNC chairman can say anything and not get called out by the press. The is why it is so amusing to have to read those navel gazing MSM pieces about "Our broken politics" like their one sided coverage doesn't enter into that for some reason. The dems keep doing it because its effective at some level and there is absolutely no cost for doing it. Why would anyone stop?

Scott M said...

Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It is a philosophy common to immature individuals especially children.

When this philosophy is held by adults, why isn't a form of mental disorder?

Anonymous said...

How many times does Althouse and Mead vote democrat? Support democrat policies?

Based on the writings of this blog, they support democrat policies about as much as Dick Cheney does.

Anonymous said...

She is trying to make you think that what Walker is doing is as bad as violent rape

Scott Walker did sign a law which requires some women to be raped with a medical probe.

Brando said...

"Scott Walker did sign a law which requires some women to be raped with a medical probe."

I am absolutely opposed to such laws, but likening that procedure to rape is absurd and offensive.

Marty Keller said...

DWS (and Madisonfella): gifts that keep on giving.

Christy said...

Maybe DWS just wants us to notice her wild baby-doll hair?

Anonymous said...

likening that procedure to rape is absurd and offensive.

What do you call it when you are physically penetrated in the vagina against your will?

Birkel said...

I call it a bicycle riding a fish.

Michael K said...

"Yes, and unlike yours they still speak to me."

I didn't know you had been by my house. Next time you're in California say hi.

Dope !

My daughters are all adults and several would not appreciate you're speaking for them. The other one would probably arrest you.

AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...

My daughters are all adults and several would not appreciate you're speaking for them.

That should be 'your' and you didn't refute my statement.


Brando said...

"What do you call it when you are physically penetrated in the vagina against your will?"

It's not "against your will" if you're getting the procedure voluntarily so that you can have an abortion. The procedure may not be medically necessary and perhaps shouldn't be a pre-condition to getting an abortion, but comparing this to rape is absurd. It not only belittles actual rape victims, but makes the opponents of that law look hysterical.

If there were a law that required all women to get breast exams annually starting at age 12 to detect breast cancer, and someone believed this was a violation of the rights of those women, it would be equally hyperbolic to call that state sanctioned sexual assault. If you don't understand why both comparisons are over the top, then I'll have to accept that there's no convincing you.

n.n said...

Scott M:

Perhaps its my faith, but I prefer to believe that we have more, not less, control of our minds. So, I err on the side of freewill.

Bilwick said...

Yeah, right--the Tea Party is pulling women by the hair. Because "leave me alone" is the same as aggressive force--the sine qua non of modern "liberalism" (and by "liberalism" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-humping). Whereas statism is really GOOD for women--unless you mind getting killed for the good of the State. How many of the millions of the State's victims* were women, I wonder?


From Inwood said...

@iowahawkblog (edited)

"ISIS is grabbing us by the hair and slitting our throats."

There, Fixed.

Drago said...

madisonfella: "What do you call it when you are physically penetrated in the vagina against your will?"

'Liberation' at the hands of the lefts favorite and most vehemently defended "religionists", radical islamists?

Oh, that's right.

Today is a designated day for leftists to ignore the actions of their beloved radical islamists.

Tomorrow will be a day of minimization.

I'll save the rest for then.

Drago said...

Mathew Sablan: "Remember when we were supposed to be civil?"

"You", on the right, were always supposed to be "civil", translated thusly: Shut up.

The left, on the other hand, was always to have free rein in how they described their opponents.

To the left, any other arrangement is just so bourgeois.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Scott M:

I'll suggest another perspective, which is used to defend adult adherence to liberalism and its close counterpart libertinism. It describes signals, which are inputs to a dynamic system. The premise for the perception of a positive character is that the stable (i.e. conservative) state is suboptimal, and through a diverse set of minor (i.e. progressive or incremental) perturbations it can reach a new state with superior properties. It's an article of faith; it's highly subjective and personal; but, it's what some people believe, especially the rebellious and inexperienced youth. While a set of cynical yet practical adults are prepared to exploit this "optimistic" or naive perspective to acquire and consolidate capital and control for themselves, specifically by depriving their competing interests of leverage.

ken in tx said...

Maybe the Democrats shouldn't use a real Democrat as a spokesperson. Maybe a gecko or a duck might be better. Or a rabbit crazy for Trix, a bird cuckoo for Coco Puffs, so they wouldn't look so ridiculous.

Moneyrunner said...

Keep in mind that DWS was preceeded by former congressman Weiner. Her remarks are no more nor less offensive than his. This appears to be a position in the Democrat party for people who are in safe districts and have no moral or ethical governors. They are political practitioners of Tourette's syndrome. And what they do works. Like the other members of the Obama regimes, no matter whether you believe that they have gone over the top, remember that they are talking to the people who looted stores in Ferguson. Do your really think that DWS doesn't resonate with them? Try asking them if you are driving 80 miles per hour how long it takes to go 80 miles.

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