"People deserve to know that alcohol gives most of us a higher life expectancy—even if consumed above recommended limits."
That's abstinence from drinking alcohol. I don't know about the evidence about other forms of abstinence.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
The worst problem with alcohol is that it is fattening. You can't diet and drink, worse luck.
"You can't diet and drink, worse luck."
Sure you can. Low carb is the best diet and distilled liquor has 0 carbs.
Distilled beverages at least 80 proof have zero carbohydrates, just like meat and fish.
So, open your Makers Mark, get a big, fat, juicy hamburger piled high with bacon and cheeses (no bun), and PARTAY!
I plan to act on this immediately.
It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
My grandparents' MD were told them to have one drink every night at dinner and they did, it was a Vat 69 scotch and soda.
This is one reason that being Episcopalian beats being Southern Baptist.
And yet those teetotaling Mormons have a life expectancy about 5-10 years longer than the general population.
How does this square up with the alcohol study?
Damn public health teetotalers.
The worst thing about alcohol is it is an immune depressant and toxic to the liver and thus predisposes one to cancer.
But it's the drug of choice, particularly for those hypocrites who rail against pot, so it must be rationalized as being "good for you" at all costs.
Of course there is also the human cost of alcohol induced crime and accidents.
But hey, anesthetize yourself. It feels good!
Are we back into the old debate that every drinker is also a drunk?
There is a class of good men and women that do have one drink and stop. Just because you have never met one is your problem.
"Don't drink the water," said. W.C. Fields. "Fish fuck in it."
This is why it's so stupid to compare Marijuana to Alcohol.
Alcohol is a food that has health benefits. Gets digested by the stomach, has the bad parts sorted out through the liver and kidneys, the body is made to consume alcohol.
Marijuana? Not so much.
"Overwhelming"? Isn't that a bit hyperbolic for an argument that's supposed to be grounded in science?
Meanwhile, Mormon men who live their religion don't drink at all, and live up to 10 years longer on average. (They also don't use tobacco or other drugs and eat meat sparingly.)
I don't believe it because I read about studies that dispute that claim all the time. Plus, I think a lot of people would have a problem limiting their drinking to one or two drinks a day, that buzz feels pretty good. Also, I think it can cause you to gain weight by causing you to be more hungry and lowering your self-discipline. There is about 72 calories per a shot of whiskey.
So the more you drink—up to two drinks a day for woman, and four for men—the less likely you are to die.
I stopped reading at that sentence.
The Southern Baptists and most Evangelicals need to hear about this.
I've had a beer each of the last two nights. It's G&T time too, even though this summer is horribly cold.
As somebody raised in several Southern Baptist churches, you lot are misinformed about drinking by the congragations.
And I am thirsty.
I'll drink to that!
"abstinence" from drinking alcohol "is a cause of heart disease and early death."
I suspect this is a prime example of the "third variable" problem. As in, people look at the statistics, they see that those who don't drink at all have a shorter life expectancy, and they assume a connection.
For more on this logic, see Spurious Correlations:
I'm quite willing to believe that moderate quantities of alcohol are actually good for you, and anyway I'm taking my chances, but I'm not convinced.
Sorry but alcohol has calories itself. Wine is about 120/ glass and margaritas, about 150 per 3 ounces.
That is ignoring what you eat with the alcohol.
At my age I have found abstinence overrated. Moderation only slightly less so.
related: http://www.ego-vero.net/main/?p=359
Re: Mormons
Mormons don't drink coffee. The correlation between caffeine abstinence and longevity proves that coffee is poisonous. And, indisputably addictive.
Replace coffee with alcohol and you win on all counts.
As for the claim that alcohol suppresses the immune system, note that many animals seek out alcohol when they are ill because they understand that it is a microbiocidical. Which is better than the lower classes of human who don't understand that much.
And if alcohol does correlate with increased cancer [I doubt that shows up at normal dosages, but haven't seen any studies on the subject], nonetheless life expectancy is still increased, so it's still a plus.
And yet those teetotaling Mormons have a life expectancy about 5-10 years longer than the general population. [...] How does this square up with the alcohol study?
It doesn't have any bearing on the study.
Alcohol has been a daily part of the human diet for thousands of years. It would be strange if our bodies hadn't adapted to expect a certain level of alcohol intake.
"You can't diet and drink"
Au contraire. It's all a matter of calories in versus calories out. There's alcohol calories and diet calories. You just have to decide which calories get priority.
Have a glass of wine or have dessert? For some of us, the choice is easy.
Discussions about food and drink really bring out the scolds and killjoys, don't they?
I doubt teetotalism per se is bad for your health. Whether or how much alcohol one should drink is probably a matter of individual genetics, not some one-size-fits-all -humans rule. (Though my personal impression has been that wanting to smoke pot regularly for anything other than a chemo/real illness palliative is correlated with being an annoying dipshit.) IOW, Mormons would still be healthier than other groups even if they drank moderately, and there are probably behaviors correlated with the teetotalin' personality that have negative health consequences. (E.g., inability to practice "moderation in all things", so overdoing or underdoing everything.)
No man ever missed a mortgage payment because of abstinence.
The science is settled.
If true, doesn't this demand the Michelle Obama force us all to drink, including the children?
This article and supporting research brought to you by your friends at Anheuser-Busch.
And fermented foods aren't such a bad idea either. (I'll have a Kimchee & Vodka)
"you can't diet and drink"
You can always eat less
Paco: Have a glass of wine or have dessert? For some of us, the choice is easy.
If enjoying the pleasures of the table with wisdom and moderation is easy, you're doing it wrong. Sorry, your choice is between being a waddlling soda-pop swilling substance abuser or a neurotic fussbudget about food.
No wine for you until you can bore your dining companions blabbing about antioxidants or resveratrol or whatever it is this week that's supposed to bestow virtue upon your wine consumption. This will keep you from simply enjoying that glass of wine, which must be avoided at all costs.
Calories are so yesterday, it's the carbs that matter. A couple of drinks will not take tou out of the purple zone
Well, ask me why I'm drunk all the time
It levels my head and eases my mind
I just walk along and stroll and sing
I see better days and I do better things
Bob Dylan -
And the temperance movement strongly promotes higher alcohol prices through increased taxes, minimum prices, etc. These studies prove that their plan to "encourage" us all to live a healthier life results in more heart disease and deaths. Way-to-go.
Their response is to ignore the science and make sure the "alcohol is healthy" zealots receive little funding for research and little media attention.
Yeah let's conveniently forget about throat, esophageal, liver and pancreatic cancer AND cirrhosis as a result of alcohol consumption.
What kind of study is this?
Alcohol is a food that has health benefits.
Alcohol cause liver enzymes to spike which can lead to jaundice and liver failure.
I swear this guy wrote a satirical piece, it read like an Onion article.
I've never had an alcoholic drink in my fifty-something years so I guess I'll just keel over and die soon.
Yet another example of bad science reporting on misuse of statistics. No science (disprovable theory, replicable experiment) was performed in producing the underlying reports, and the headline that suggests that not drinking *causes* heart disease is breathtakingly idiotic. While there seems to be good evidence that some alcohol intake can slow the onset of heart disease for some people, the same amount can trigger or speed the onset in others. Long-term heavy drinking is pretty clearly linked to heart failure.
"Alcohol cause liver enzymes to spike which can lead to jaundice and liver failure."
Yeah, and water causes hyponatremia.
Oh wait, you meant in excess, didn't you? You forgot to put "Can cause". Because cause is different than can cause.
This must be why Mormons have shorter than average life expectancies. Or, something.
You drinkers should just be honest and say you like to get high like any other doper, rather than rationalize your habit with this "alcohol is a food with health benefits" bullshit. Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined. You should be allowed to drink of course, or take any inebriant you want as long as you limit the damage to yourself, but at least have the balls to be honest.
"Yeah let's conveniently forget about throat, esophageal, liver and pancreatic cancer AND cirrhosis as a result of alcohol consumption."
I'd love to see the evidence. Cirrhosis is related but esophageal cancer ? Smoking and reflux cause esophageal cancer although, if you are east African and make your own beer in iron pots, you will have a higher incidence if the beer if made from corn (maize as the Brits call it) and not from other grains.
Pancreatic used have theory that coffee was to blame but that has not panned out.
JNCI: "The one established risk factor for pancreatic cancer is cigarette smoking:"
As an immune depressant and being toxic to the liver it makes you more susceptible to any cancer. We all develop malignant cells and must rely on a strong immune system to fight them and prevent them from multiplying and forming tumors.
You drinkers should just be honest and say you like to get high like any other doper,
Never denied it.
Cirrhosis is related but esophageal cancer ?
There's a correlation between the two, yes. But -- Alex's histrionics aside -- it isn't very significant.
There is nothing, apart from water, that won't kill or harm some portion of the population when consumed, especially if consumed in excess.
rather than rationalize your habit with this "alcohol is a food with health benefits" bullshit. Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined.
Overeating kills more people than alcohol does. Does that mean food is unhealthy, and people who talk about the health benefits of eating are just addicts defending their addiction to food? :)
Drink enough alcohol and all kind of abstinence fall by the wayside...
It's worth noting that the author of the study, Stanton Peele, has received "unrestricted grants" from The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), and the Wine Institute.
"Overeating kills more people than alcohol does. Does that mean food is unhealthy, and people who talk about the health benefits of eating are just addicts defending their addiction to food? :)"
You need food to live. You can survive just fine without alcohol.
This is old news. This report and some of the comenters sound like the pro dope crowd.
Drink moderately if you want and are not prone to abusing it. If not abstain. Every one knows alc abuse ruins more lives than just about anything. You libertines need to get over yourselves.
You need food to live. You can survive just fine without alcohol.
Sure, but not for as long.
"Sure, but not for as long."
From the linked article:
"Even as health bodies like the CDC and Dietary Guidelines for Americans (prepared by Health and Human Services) now recognize the decisive benefits from moderate drinking"
Do they mean this?
From the Dietary Guidelines for Americans:
"Many Americans are overweight or
obese, and are at higher risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Even in the absence of overweight
or obesity, consuming too much sodium, solid fats, saturated and
trans fatty acids, cholesterol, added sugars, and alcohol increases the risk of some of the most common chronic diseases in the United States."
Or this?
"The consumption of alcohol can have beneficial or harmful effects, depending on the amount consumed, age, and other characteristics of the person
consuming the alcohol. Alcohol consumption may have beneficial effects when consumed in modera-
tion. Strong evidence from observational studies has shown that moderate alcohol consumption
is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Moderate alcohol consumption also is
associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality among middle-aged and older adults and may help to keep cognitive function intact with age. However,
it is not recommended that anyone begin drinking or drink more frequently on the basis of potential health benefits because moderate alcohol intake also
is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries from falls and motor vehicle crashes."
If you just peruse the Guidelines (and I'm not commenting on their soundness either way) you'll see that they don't exactly endorse moderate drinking.
DKWalser said...
This must be why Mormons have shorter than average life expectancies. Or, something.
8/15/14, 3:32 PM
And the 7th Day Adventists.
Alcohol has 7 cal/g. Fat 9 cal/g. Carb and protein: 4 cal/gram.
Low carb beer is 10x better than sugar drinks like Coke (and I love a good coke-a-cola!)
So yes, a beer a day is not a bad idea. Neither is a glass of wine in the evening.
And folks, Jesus Himself turned water into wine and drank the stuff.
I don't know about the evidence about other forms of abstinence.
Nuns live pretty darn long.
"Sure, but not for as long."
Eh, I'm not really in the mood to argue with a man's religious beliefs tonight. If you want to go through life bitter and angry that other people don't share your obsessions, you go right on ahead.
If you just peruse the Guidelines (and I'm not commenting on their soundness either way) you'll see that they don't exactly endorse moderate drinking.
You quote repeated statements that moderate alcohol intake has health benefits, then follow that up with a statement that that isn't a medical endorsement of moderate alcohol consumption?
Er... ok.
Nuns live pretty darn long.
Nah, it just *seems* long. :)
eric said...
This is why it's so stupid to compare Marijuana to Alcohol.
Alcohol is a food that has health benefits. Gets digested by the stomach, has the bad parts sorted out through the liver and kidneys, the body is made to consume alcohol.
Marijuana? Not so much.
8/15/14, 11:28 AM
Alcohol doesn't need digestion like food does. It is absorbed in the stomach and/or small intestine. It cannot be stored, so it just keeps circulating through the liver until metabolized.
Did I say *medical* endorsement? I don't recall using that word.
This is part of the quote:
"However, it is not recommended that anyone begin drinking or drink more frequently on the basis of potential health benefits"
The Guidelines say moderate is 1 drink per day for women; 2 for men.
At this very moment, I'm listening to The Monkees' "Goin' Down" in our music library. Does that require drink? Good question. It is true that I dialed up that song only after a couple-so deliberate shorts.
(By the way, "shorts" was no typo. I typed "shorts" and meant it: that word I chose.)
A later performance, though not so great, as against earlier performance.
Oh, eh, y'know, whatever, and both God-almighty and damn'em all to hell, dontcha know. Stuff happens and so it goes.
Who's to say which is what and what is which? I'm always on the look out for the definitively self-defining who at the same time have no patience for others doing the same thing for themselves, definitively or otherwise.
It takes some balls to commit to and then maintain that particular and specific notion of reality, which absolutely does lead to the obvious question:
Eh, I'm not really in the mood to argue with a man's religious beliefs tonight. If you want to go through life bitter and angry that other people don't share your obsessions, you go right on ahead."
LOL!! Of course you're not in the mood to argue, you have no argument.
Calling an addict on his bullshit is religion now? Go ahead and drink yourself into a stupor if it numbs the pain of your life. I don't care. Just don't get behind the wheel. I stated earlier my belief that one should be allowed to consume whatever inebriant one wishes, as long as they limit the damage to themselves.
Only an addict would think that not consuming alcohol would make one bitter and angry. I am neither, but I don't suffer fools gladly.
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