August 22, 2014

The NYT blithely dispenses with Scott Walker as a GOP presidential candidate.

The column is "Taking Account of Republican Presidential Contenders," by Albert R. Hunt, which begins with the assertion that this year "hasn’t been so kind to... Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin." That's backed up only with this:
Mr. Walker of Wisconsin, 46, a success in a generally Democratic state, was considered a first-tier contender. But a mini-scandal and an expected tight re-election race this autumn have dashed his prospects.
Dashed his prospects? But the efforts to concoct a scandal got nowhere. And so what if the re-election race is close? He'll get honed, and if he loses, he's losing in "a generally Democratic state," so even then I wouldn't call his prospects "dashed." I think the NYT is a bit too eager to write off "Mr. Walker."


Real American said...

"I think the NYT is a bit too eager to write off "'Mr. Walker.'"

they're just following orders.

Big Mike said...

@Real American, you beat me to it.

Bobber Fleck said...

Shhhhh Ann. Obviously you didn't get the memo explaining the "narrative" for handling Scott Walker.

How embarrassing for you!

Beta Rube said...

Crack told them about Walker's obvious racism.

n.n said...

It was a magical concoction with psychotropic properties. Puff and he is no longer viable. Many people have vanished from the public view with a journalistic flourish.

I don't think NYT is writing off Walker. They hope to manipulate perception with their massive heft in an attempt to influence reality. He's not their kind of guy.

Still, let's reserve judgment of their motives until they "suggest" our preferred candidate.

rcocean said...

Good God, Al hunt is he still alive?

Is there some kind of term limits for pundits? This guy's been around since I was a College Kid and that was 28 years ago!

As for Walker, what's his take on Amnesty and all the national issues? We don't need a President to control the out-of-control labor unions.

Revenant said...

I think you guys are overestimating the NYT's nefariousness.

They're left-wingers who live and work in a left-wing bubble far away from Wisconsin. They get all their information about Wisconsin via left-wing sources.

Imagine if everything you ever heard about Walker came from Garage Mahal and Crack Emcee. You'd think his political career was dead, too. Hell, saying his prospects have been "dashed" actually sounds pretty mild, if you think garage's view of reality is actually real.

Original Mike said...

Al Hunt used to be a pundit of note. Now, not so much.

PB said...

The NY Times of late has had a couple of good articles recently, but the continued sucking up to the Democrat Party has DASHED THEIR PROSPECTS OF EVER BECOMING A RESPECTABLE NEWSPAPER AGAIN.

madAsHell said...

...but, but he never finished college!!

Walker must scare the daylights out of them.

mccullough said...

Is it fair to attribute this to the NYT? It's not an editorial from the paper itself. And Al Hunt works for Bloomberg, he is not an NYT columnist.

Is the decision to publish Hunt's piece an endorsement of his views by the NYT?

mccullough said...

Are the big Dem donors pouring in money to Walker's opponent?

If not, then the race is not close at this time.

traditionalguy said...

Walker should win this nomination if the GOP has made a deal to lose again.

glenn said...

What the Slimes really means is "Scott Walker is dangerous. Deal with him now".

Hagar said...

What we really need for president is a re-incarnated Joseph P. Kennedy.

A really mean S.O.B. who could read a balance sheet and loved to fire people - and especially old trusted friends and associates!

Drago said...

traditionalguy said...
Walker should win this nomination if the GOP has made a deal to lose again

I think I'm with tradguy on this.

I've seen Walker. I like him. But I'm not sure if he translates effectively outside the Midwest.

He could prove some of the non-believers wrong and if he runs he'll get the chance.

So, we'll see.

One thing is for sure, a couple of Al Hunt "quality" comments isn't going to impact anything.

SteveR said...

Democratic prosecutors are working to dash the rest of the Republican field, meanwhile the Rose Law Firm billing records remained sealed. I know. What difference, at this point, does it make?

Mark said...

Just had a major document drop from the John Doe case. Court of oublic opinion is about to roast him, too many skeletons to find in his closet for the big leagues.

khesanh0802 said...

Marco Rubio looks better every day! I, too, don't think Walker will translate outside the midwest, although I think he has done a good job in WI and can't imagine WI voters being stupid enough to replace him.

The Republicans are going to need someone with aggressive instincts in 2016. If he's a Latino so much the better.

Anonymous said...

Why do we say the NYT this, and the NYT that and allow Albert his anonymity and cover? The NYTs didn't say any of these things. Albert Hunt did.

We should be holding Albert Hunt accountable for the words he has written. Saying the NYTs let's him off the hook.

To out it another way, suppose Ann writes something and we want to talk about it. Do we say Blogger says blah blah blah? Or the Internet claims blah blah blah?

Of course not. Albert needs to be called out. Stop giving these people cover.

kjbe said...

In what world is Wisconsin a Democratic state?

Titus said...

Wisconsin is not a democratic state, please. It has two sub par cities surrounded by rural hell.

It is pretty much poor pubes.

The Godfather said...

As proof of Al Hunt's perspicacity about Republican politics there's this: "[Jeb Bush] has huge name recognition, yet registers mediocre numbers in both primary and general-election polls." As James Taranto says: Fox Butterfield, is that you?

Birkel said...

As Thomas Frank wrote: "What's the matter with Titus?"

Every state in America is a bunch of cities (and some suburbs) surrounded by the hard working people who make, grow and transport all those things the city dwellers want/need. Or "poor rubes" as you call them.

Next time, just say thank you.

Unknown said...

---Just had a major document drop from the John Doe case.

Yeah, I thought we would hear more about that. There was supposed to be a drop on the 7th.

I think the prosecutors know its the end of their careers.

Birkel said...

For everybody who is mentioning Al Hunt, I ask you to reconsider. This is a Bloomberg opinion piece accepted in the NYT. The NYT is selective in giving opinion page space to outsiders. Therefore, I believe we should see this as a NYT editorial endorsement of Al Hunt's tired, establishment opinions.

Revenant said...

In what world is Wisconsin a Democratic state?

In the last eight Presidential elections, the Democrat got a higher percentage of the vote in Wisconsin than he got in the nation as a whole.

So it is, at the least, "more Democratic than the average state".

The Crack Emcee said...

Beta Rube,

"Crack told them about Walker's obvious racism."

I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him,...

Mark said...

Unknown - the prosecutors fought the document drop along with club for Growth. 7th circuit decided to make them public ahead of the Sept 9 hearing.

That $700k from Gogebic Taconite ahead of the mining legislation might be perfectly legal, but it sure looks dirty. The overall charges might not do much for voters, but the meetings followed by cash to Club for Growth from Trump, Adelson, and business are not going to help Walker.

Drago said...

Revenant: "So it is, at the least, "more Democratic than the average state"

But those are actual vote returns.

How can that compare with how Titus FEELS?

cubanbob said...

That $700k from Gogebic Taconite ahead of the mining legislation might be perfectly legal, but it sure looks dirty. The overall charges might not do much for voters, but the meetings followed by cash to Club for Growth from Trump, Adelson, and business are not going to help Walker."

If that's all then compared to Hillary it's nothing. Let's the Republicans win in November and the following two years of Democrat scandal investigations will make almost any Republican look like a choir boy.

Mountain Maven said...

You'll write him off when you vote for HRC in the general

AustinRoth said...

Beta Rube wins the thread.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Maybe you're just misinterpreting their take as overly dismissive. They are from New York, after all.

Michael K said...

"I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him,..."

I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in anyone but a left wing Democrat who is going to import millions of illegal immigrants to compete for minimum wage jobs.

Blacks are so brilliant in considering their options.

Birkel said...

The Crack Emcee wrote:
"I don't know..."

Truer words have never been typed.

Revenant said...

I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him

Are you suggesting that Republicans might lose the black vote in 2016? Madness!

Drago said...

Revenant: "Are you suggesting that Republicans might lose the black vote in 2016? Madness!"

Uh oh. Based on this "new" development the Republicans will have to reconfigure their operational turnout model!

Guildofcannonballs said...

The power of an entity to blithely dismiss must be questioned foremost.

Once incestuous, even perhaps savants say "yea,"... then okay?

For those who gain.

But who lose?

Who says "nay" as it were for they?

David said...

If Walker is not reelected, his presidential chances are close to zero. His appeal is his ability to win. He got elected, won the legislative fight and beat the recall. All the shine will be off that if he is defeated by a candidate as weak as Burke.

Eric said...

The NY Times standard seems to be that any candidate who isn't obsessively pursuing the nomination isn't serious.

All in for Hillary!

Douglas B. Levene said...

Hunt is a knee-jerk leftist. He occasionally has something interesting to say about policy, at least for purposes of illustrating the leftist weltanschauung, but he has no chops as a horse-race guy. I guess having lost Nate Silver the Times is reduced to this.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K,

"Blacks are so brilliant in considering their options."

You mean the choice between Obama - and YOU?



Go tell your liberal kid:

"Hey, Son, blacks had a chance to side with me over Obama and they chose that idiot!"

You might cheer him up with that one,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K,

"Blacks are so brilliant in considering their options."

It IS fascinating how clueless we are:

How blacks will not listen to the words of caution from the most virulently racist whites after they have proven over decades they could care less what happens to blacks. It's just crazy.

Why won't blacks trust you?

And - considering he's been on the losing side of every major American election since 2010 - who in their right mind wouldn't think he's capable of accurately reading either the cultural or the political landscape?

He said Romney was going to win - it was in the bag - that's how good Michael K is.

Oh, and don't forget - before the Democrats got those hated hispanic voters - Michael K and the Republican Party were clamouring for them and swearing to GOD they were all going to be GOP.

Nothing from Michael K about them taking black jobs then - because the likelihood Michael K gives a good GOD damn about black jobs is zilch. He's just being a racist and he's found another "colorblind" way to express his hatred for blacks.

He's white - but can still publicly call us stupid, because he CARES about us so much, you see?

Colorblind racism is fun for the whole white family - Michael K's especially.

I'm still waiting for him to explain the reason racist whites chopped off black's penises when they lynched them.

I know there's a good one,...

Anonymous said...

Crack, in regards to your last post, look up what an ad hominem fallacy is. Nothing you insulted Michael k over says anything in regards to whether he is right or not.

Why do we turn to insult when we think we are right and they are wrong? Because we don't. We know when we are wrong, have no argument to make, son we turn to fallacious reasoning.

Try harder.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Crack, in regards to your last post, look up what an ad hominem fallacy is. Nothing you insulted Michael k over says anything in regards to whether he is right or not."

Not even the fact Michael K and the Republicans were NOT warning blacks of doom when it was THEY who were trying to win the hispanic vote?

So what you're saying is, these BFFs of blacks - MIchael K and the Republicans - were going to bring hispanics in to take black jobs in the first place, but they just weren't going to tell us?

And so, now, that means they're only doing so to A) call blacks stupid and B) hope to pick up a few votes from whoever's dumb enough to trust the word of such obvious and long-standing racists.


Michael K is a liar, has been a liar, and will probably always be a liar.

Or waaay delusional.

Either way, he'll never see another winning election - so that's just the way I like him,...

donald said...

Is it fair to attribute this to the NYT? It's not an editorial from the paper itself. And Al Hunt works for Bloomberg, he is not an NYT columnist.

Is the decision to publish Hunt's piece an endorsement of his views by the NYT?

8/22/14, 7:45 PM

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Doug said...

"Albert R. Hunt" tells you everything you need to know. Bird cage liner.

ddh said...

In an apocryphal story, the NYT movie critic Pauline Kael said after the 1972 election that she didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon but that sometimes in dark movie theaters she could feel Nixon voters out there [perhaps because they were silent]. The NYT is working toward the day when its staffers and readers won't need to pay attention to them, won't feel them, and won't even know they exist.

ilvuszq said...

The country needs a person such as Walker, or Romney, in the top spot to set our priorities and to start reducing the size of our federal government. Mr Walker has shown that he can do that.

Hagar said...

I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him,...

Nobody expect "blacks" to see anything in him. "Blacks" have made themselves a caboose on the Democrats' train and have no influence on any Republican's election strategy.

Jaq said...

"I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him,..."

I have no idea why any Republican would bother trying to court unobtainable black votes. Your votes don't matter anymore, they are part of the equation, like the number of electoral votes in California and Texas, but they are just an obstacle to be overcome. Chasing black votes for a Republican is a rush for fool's gold. Probably just suppresses white turnout as well.

By adopting single party voting strategy, without any credible threat of switching sides, and with a falling birth rate due to abortion, you guys are being shunted aside for Catholic Hispanics, who are happy to take your jobs, including the "vote Democrat" part of them.

Anonymous said...

A sniff of disdain to conceal a whiff of despair

Curious George said...

"Michael K said...
"I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in him,..."

I don't know what anybody thinks blacks would see in anyone but a left wing Democrat who is going to import millions of illegal immigrants to compete for minimum wage jobs."

Heh, they aren't interested in minimum wage jobs. They want FREE SHIT. Free food. Free housing. Free healthcare. Free everything.

cf said...

The "blithe" tone is a key tool in neuro-manipulation. NPR news is a master of it, too. It is a cheerful, "everybody knows . . . " method that leaps across all details to plant assumptions without thoughtful examination.

I hate 21st century Journ0lism.

Each of us must take great care to keep our amygdala inoculated.

Jaq said...

I'm sorry Crack, was the above post RAAAACCCIIISSST?

Was it RRRAAAACCCCIIISSSTTT to point out that blacks in America are well into the "begging for scraps from the Democratics" stage of their politics?

Biff said...

This is all about building the "conventional wisdom."

Saint Croix said...

It's kind of bizarre to argue that any Republican has a scandal while simultaneously ignoring Benghazi and Hillary Clinton. If you're worried about scandal-plagued candidates, worry about that!

And of course a lot of scandals don't seem like scandals when we like the people involved.

My attitude towards Rick Perry before his "scandal" is that he was a horrible candidate, and he should just play golf.

And now I'm scandalized and pissed off at the evil of the Democrat party! I am utterly open-minded now on the subject of Rick Perry. His so-called "scandal" makes me far more inclined to vote for the guy.

Perry, by the way, is already campaigning in New Hampshire.

iowan2 said...

Just as an academic exercise it would be fun to compare Obama's accomplishments to any Republican mentioned for 2016.
ie: What exactly in 2007 did Obama's accomplishments make you believe he was any kind of leader? He never lead anything for a sustained time.
As compared to Walker today.

A dispassionate examination is breath taking.

(Crack? haven't read anything he has wrote for months, cant believe he has changed from his angry 'its all about me' adolescent emotional, detached from reality scribbles)

khesanh0802 said...

Crack and others' historical blindness would be amusing if it weren't so pathetic. The Democratic party has been guilty of the most racist policies in American history starting with the Constitution right through the fight over the civil rights act that depended on Republican votes for its passage.

I would value Crack as a commenter if he would contribute thoughtfully from his experience and point of view. That might help educate some of the rest of us. Instead his first move is to effect an ad hominem "racist" attack. Many of his claims are hard to believe, though they may be true. He rarely substantiates the claims with factual background; making those of us who might be willing to listen, and engage, just scroll on by.

Saint Croix said...

this has been a good year for...Rand Paul of Kentucky

I find myself agreeing with Rand Paul all the time. I am simpatico with the guy. And he's a brilliant politician, utterly unflappable and always nice and easy-going.

And he, like Perry, is clearly running. Rand Paul has already made several trips to Iowa.

I'm not convinced that Cruz and Walker and Rubio are jumping into the race. One or more of them will probably sit out.

Marco Rubio looks better every day!

He's made a lot of questionable calls in the Senate. For instance, he is a co-sponsor of one bill that has been criticized for due process violations. And that's above and beyond his illegal immigration fiasco.

He's got a great life story, which makes him likable. But is he tough? Is he willing to stand up to people, or do hard things?

I don't want to be too hard on him. I think he's a nice man. And Rubio has been great as a supporter of Paul and Cruz in the Senate.

But when he takes a leadership role? He blunders.

Anonymous said...

I confess that I followed Walker's election and recall election somewhat closely, given that I don't live anywhere near Wisconsin.

But there is another Republican Governor who is up for re-election this year, Susana Martinez (R-NM). Should she win re-election as Gov, she should be very high on the list of GOP possible nominees. Not because she is Hispanic-American, nor that she is a "she", but because she does stand for reduced Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, she also wants Federal Spending on non-typical Republican areas of concern, but insists that government operate as sleekly and as efficiently as possible. She is an excellent public speaker and, according to polls cited in Wiki, had 60% of the largely Democratic State electorate viewing her favorably at the end of 2013.
While the MSM has shown more than just a willingness to attack GOP Female candidates, I would think they would tread more lightly where Gov. Martinez is concerned.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brando said...

If Walker loses reelection, it doesn't necessarily dash his presidential hopes but would come pretty close. The "loser" label is hard to overcome, and after two consecutive presidential losses the GOP establishment is more eager for a winner than ever. Winning definitely gets him talked about, but his position relative to the rest of the field is going to matter more.

It'll be an interesting couple of years. I've never seen a GOP race as up in the air as what 2016 looks to be.

David said...

"While the MSM has shown more than just a willingness to attack GOP Female candidates, I would think they would tread more lightly where Gov. Martinez is concerned."

I would not count on that. Nor should she.

richard mcenroe said...

"Rubio is Spanish for "Boehner" ...just say in'.

rhhardin said...

The spam filter puts all NYT messages in the spam folder, including most recently an offer for a free trial subscription to the opinion page.

Drago said...

phx said...
I think we'll probably be able to blithely dispense with any of the GOPs candidates as long as the very far right has the keys to the car.

What's clear is we can blithely dispense with full time jobs as long as the left continues to hold the keys to government in some fashion.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Nobody expect "blacks" to see anything in him."

Ahh - the racist shit - we're not Americans, so he doesn't have to matter to us, or vice-versa.

What a "country".

""Blacks" have made themselves a caboose on the Democrats' train and have no influence on any Republican's election strategy."

The racist thing. I do remember, right after Romney lost, when Republicans admitted THEY HAVE A RACE PROBLEM and didn't blame it on anybody else. That's changed.

Now they've accepted their racism,...

Anonymous said...

In regard to my comment about Gov. Susana Martinez, "While the MSM has shown more than just a willingness to attack GOP Female candidates, I would think they would tread more lightly where Gov. Martinez is concerned."

I would not count on that. Nor should she.David said: "
Ah, but just think - she is a legal Hispanic American, a former Democrat, and (should she win reelection this year) a record of winning in a Democratic State, a record of governance and, of course is a Woman and an Hispanic-American.
The MSMS would need to tread more lightly with her than, with, say, Sarah Palin.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont,

"I have no idea why any Republican would bother trying to court unobtainable black votes."

Unobtainable? Why don't you guys just admit you are too racist to change?

"Your votes don't matter anymore, they are part of the equation, like the number of electoral votes in California and Texas, but they are just an obstacle to be overcome."

Which you haven't been able to since 2010 - and it doesn't look good for the future,

"Chasing black votes for a Republican is a rush for fool's gold."

If you're a stubborn racist - true. If you're an American politician, you're talking insanity.

"Probably just suppresses white turnout as well."

I knew your real concern - the only possible one - would come out eventually.

"By adopting single party voting strategy, without any credible threat of switching sides, and with a falling birth rate due to abortion, you guys are being shunted aside for Catholic Hispanics, who are happy to take your jobs, including the "vote Democrat" part of them."

Yawn. You lost the coveted hispanic vote and now you're back to openly hating on us - now by declaring your electoral fuck-up as being a danger to us.

The same danger I watched the Republicans trying to get for themselves - but Obama beat them to it.

What a bunch of racist liars. They'll say anything - ANYTHING - and then, forgetting themselves, they'll be back, claiming to have rock-solid "principles" they'd never abandon.

Ted Cruz's "Army".


garage mahal said...

Walker 2016 was always just a media creation. Walker is battling Jindal for last place in primary polls. He'll be lucky to win in 2014, and these stories aren't helping.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Curious George,

"I don't know blah, blah, blah - Obama beat us to it.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont,

"Was it RRRAAAACCCCIIISSSTTT to point out that blacks in America are well into the "begging for scraps from the Democratics" stage of their politics?"

Which you want back - but Obama beat you to it.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Just as an academic exercise it would be fun to compare Obama's accomplishments to any Republican mentioned for 2016."

He already did. I think the quote was "I won"....

The Crack Emcee said...


"Crack and others' historical blindness would be amusing if it weren't so pathetic."

BLACKS Don't Know History?!? Calling Rand Paul! Calling Rand Paul! There's a Republican Deja Vu Moment On Aisle Four!!!!

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...


"I think we'll probably be able to blithely dispense with any of the GOPs candidates as long as the very far right has the keys to the car."


They think it's about their positions - not the type of people we're getting out of government,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"...Scott Walker's recall election campaign team told him,..."

Which is what I've always said - it's the people he surrounds himself with,....

Jaq said...

Whatever Cracker, I hope you don't think I read the crap you write, beyond the little bit it is impossible not to read when skimming the thread.

I would be amazed if there were so much as throwaway aside that would suggest that my position is incorrect.

You are like a sixty year old crack whore trying to convince passers by to sample her wares.

The word is out, everything except for giving money and power to blacks with no responsibility expected back is RAAACCCIIIISSST shit from WHITEY.

MaxedOutMama said...

Should Walker decide to run for president, I think the NYT is helping him run under the radar.

Up to a certain point, it's highly beneficial to a decent presidential nomination candidate to be able to network in obscurity.

I think Walker would have an excellent chance of winning should he run, but I doubt he will run. He is not a person who MUST be in politics for a psychological reason. National politics right now is kind of like being a porn star - you either do it because you are internally driven to do it, or you do it for the money because you have no better way to make the money.

Walker doesn't need to be in politics for either reason, so he would only run if he really believed he could change things, and I think he is astute enough to believe he can't.

Our current cultural paradigm will have to crash and fall before any politician can be productive. It's going to happen, but probably not in time for the ancient regimers to be canned before the next presidential election.

The Crack Emcee said...


"I would value Crack as a commenter if he would contribute thoughtfully from his experience and point of view."

Here it is - now, let's see a further display of how much you "value" hearing it.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont,

"Whatever Cracker, I hope you don't think I read the crap you write, beyond the little bit it is impossible not to read when skimming the thread."

I know:

Every hypocritical white idiot - who answers what I write - says "I don't read the crap you write". And I sit here thinking "They're too stupid to know we can see their actions - even over time."

So - over time - I watch whites deny they do the things they've done, deny they hate the people they've said they hate, and deny they know the things they've proven they know. And - all the while - they think they're showing impeccable integrity.

And don't have serious mental problems.

Mass psychosis - like the Nazis - that would produce scenes like this, wouldn't it?

And look at this close-up - whites brought their children to mass killings - that means their racism was PASSED DOWN TO SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS.

You, or the parents that raised you, forming the sick positions you hold now.

What would happen to that Klan-philosophy-inclination if left untreated?

That's what we're dealing with,...

Jaq said...

"BRAAAACK! WHITEY IS A RAAACCCIST!! BRAAAAACK! Polly want reparations, BRAAACK!" - Shorter Crack Emcee.

Not exactly sure how I can respond to that Crack, obviously you are embittered, but how is Chavism working out in Venezuela, and why is it that we should embrace it here again just to get some tiny share of 11 percent of the vote?

Jaq said...

Hey, I used to read your crap. I gave up on the Johnny one note stuff a while ago though. Still, it is impossible to avoid your icon polluting thread after thread, and it is pretty difficult not to have my attention attracted by my name in some text, whether I read it or not.

I can't remember the last time I read one to the end though. Nor the last time I clicked on a link to your bitter little blog. I think it was when Maya Angelou died though, no, it had to have been after that, because that post was pretty good. If they were all like that, I guess I would have gone back.

Alex said...

Walker has to worry about not being indicted, much less winning re-election or being a 2016 Presidential candidate. He can count himself lucky if he avoids #1.

Alex said...

garage - that $700K looks like a quid pro quo to me. I think you guys finally nailed Walker.

Alex said...

I predict Burke will be in the lead by 3-4 points for the Sep13-14 poll. The drip-drip-drip of unethical findings on Scott Walker has been devastating.

khesanh0802 said...

I said personal experience. I won't link to someone who is not you.

khesanh0802 said...


Is this the article you linked to?I broke my rule and skimmed it, out of curiosity. What does it have to do with Rand Paul?

harrogate said...

"Every state in America is a bunch of cities (and some suburbs) surrounded by the hard working people who make, grow and transport all those things the city dwellers want/need. Or 'poor rubes' as you call them."

Birkel, what year do you think this is?

cubanbob said...

garage - that $700K looks like a quid pro quo to me. I think you guys finally nailed Walker."

I wouldn't get a premature ejaculation considering the prosecutors aren't all the clean themselves and there isn't one Democrat who could considered as a possible candidate that isn't ethically challenged either. Let's see what happens in November.

machine said...

He still needs to get his GED.

Birkel said...

Please provide evidence that what I wrote is in any way wrong instead of asking a snide rhetorical question of no merit. I trust you won't waste my time attempting to refute what is patently true.

Birkel said...

Please tell me who needs a G.E.D. Provide a link.

Jaq said...

He just proved your point.

harrogate said...


My goodness. Ok I will explain it a bit for you just in case you are in earnest. Let's start here: do you truly believe it the case that "Every state in America is a bunch of cities (and some suburbs) surrounded by the hard working people who make, grow and transport all those things the city dwellers want/need"?

Look around your living rooms, urbanites! Where were your things made??? Where were your child's toys made? Where were "all those things" --ALL OF THEM LOL--you "want/need" made?

Silly Birkel, surely you know that even the Good Country People you think you are defending (and Titus thinks he is critiquing) didn't make the things they want/need either?

That's why I asked if you knew what year it was, you see. Because at one time the little national model you put forward in an effort to glorify Good Country People, might actually have had some validity.

Unless you mean the Chinese or Mexican "rubes"? Lol.

Jaq said...

Wow, I guess the expansive fields of corn and soybeans I see growing around me, not to mention the dairy farms and sugar bushes are just nothing, and detection of a little bit of hyperbole completely invalidates a point! Amazing.

harrogate said...

So we are reducing our point to cover agriculture now as a way to rescue ourselves? Well, fwiw I hope we do manage to grow our own food for as long as possible

Jaq said...

harrogate, Ever run into an argument that you couldn't reduce to absurdity by applying standards of communication precision to a blog comment, that if followed, would render comment threads unreadable?

Are we supposed to consult our MLA style manual before submitting a post so that it cannot possibly be misinterpreted invidiously?

Tell you what though. Lets put huge fences around the major cities, in every state, stop all trade and movement back and forth, and we will see who is still alive in 100 years.

harrogate said...

Are we also stopping importing from other countries in this game?

Birkel said...


Who do you think unload all those ships? You think those aren't the sort of rubes Titus was trying to impugn?

I know you're a douche by nature and I'm not upset at that fact. Douche away.

Jaq said...

Yeah, and you can live without mines and coal and oil while you are at it.

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