August 27, 2014

"I had no choice really, because they used to threaten to get my mum and rape my mum."

"So in my mind, as a 13 or 14-year-old, it was 'well if I didn't go out and see them they are going to get my mum and are going to rape her'.... I look back at it now, I was a child, these were adult men who were very, very dangerous, very nasty, they knew everything about me because in the grooming process I had told them everything. So they knew all about my family, they knew where we lived, they knew everything."

From the BBC's "Rotherham abuse victim: 'I was raped once a week, every week.'"


rhhardin said...

On the other hand, Islam is against drunk driving and unconfined dogs, so they're in tune with two of the advances in Western morality since the 70s.

Shanna said...

Haven't we known about this story for a while? There was a documentary on it years ago.

Terrible, of course, but none of the information I've seen is new.

buwaya said...

The new thing is that the scale is now known to be much larger than the cases brought 4 years ago.
There are a very large number of uncharged perpetrators free in that city.
The 1400 cases in this study are from reports that mostly did not result in prosecutions.

Ann Althouse said...

@Shanna I don't know what you are thinking of, but this is a big, new story. I search the NYT archive and the first instance of "Rotherham" and "rape" was yesterday.

buwaya said...

Think about this - in this small city of 250,000 - this one girl is relating being regularly raped and threatened by multiple men, who have the time and numbers to also threaten and regularly stalk her mother. That's a lot of manpower devoted to having sex with one girl. The report is built on 1400 reports of goings-on very much like this, mostly through reports to the police and social agencies of just this type. What does that imply about the numbers and proportion of the population of Pakistani men in that city that were participants in this ? And knowing the nature of their extended families, what proportion of families ?
On this scale essentially the whole Pakistani community had to know and approve of the hobbies of so many of their men.

Shanna said...

@Shanna I don't know what you are thinking of, but this is a big, new story.

I saw a documentary on an almost identical problem in britain at least a year or two ago but I think it was older than that.
I suppose it could have been a different town? I can't find it right now.

Jim said...

MSNBC would like our cops to be just like Britain's.

Anonymous said...


Shanna said...

Oh, found an article. This happened in Derby but it's basically the same thing.

It also mentioned this as related: "A gang of five Asian men was jailed earlier this month for a total of 32 years for a string of sexual offences against girls aged between 12 and 16 in Rotherham, South ­Yorkshire."

So I guess this new story, is just that way more happened than they knew about? It's basically happened in multiple places in England.

lemondog said...

Terrible, of course, but none of the information I've seen is new.

Had not heard of this before.

2011 Demographics

Seeing Red said...

Castration, revoke citizenship and put on terrorist watch lists. Let the feminists handle that part. Not allowed to enter any British territory.

Or make them wear burkas with pedophile rapist on it?

exhelodrvr1 said...

THis is the PC world we are headed to if the left gets its way.

buwaya said...

Yes, this is a common thing across much of Britain. There have been numerous cases over the years.

This new report is special because the investigator went over all related reports in one city and revealed the scale of the problem.

1400/250,000 over 12 years is a lot.

traditionalguy said...

Muslims get all the fun:

Killing infidels and stealing their lands, and

Capturing infidel's women and boys for sex, and

Capturing infidels as slaves to be worked or sold on the open market, and

Kidnapping family members of infidels for ransom ,and

The only downside to the brave new Islamic world is when they run out of infidels...but then they find another stupid legalism to better enforce a legalism and get to do all of the above to imperfect Muslims.

lemondog said...

re: Shanna comment,
The following according to

In September 2012, a series of investigations by The Times based on confidential police and social services documents, stated that the abuse had been much more widespread than acknowledged.[6][7] It said that there was systematic abuse of white girls by some Asian men (mostly of Pakistani origin)[8] in Rotherham for which people were not being prosecuted.[9][10]

The newspaper cited a 2010 report by the police intelligence bureau which discussed "a problem with networks of Asian offenders both locally and nationally" which was "particularly stressed in Sheffield and even more so in Rotherham, where there appears to be a significant problem with networks of Asian males exploiting young white females.[10][7] It also referred to a document from the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board that stated that the "crimes had 'cultural characteristics...which are locally sensitive in terms of diversity'".[10]

The South Yorkshire Police denied these accusations saying that The Times was wrong, and that to suggest the police force was deliberately withholding information was "a gross distortion and unfair on the teams of dedicated specialists working to tackle the problem."[6]

buwaya said...

3.7% Muslims out of 250,000 is 9,000 people. Most would be Pakis probably, though not all.

Out of those maybe 3-4,000 would be raping-age males through the period in question.

Each case implicates multiple males.

1400 cases.

What proportion of the Paki community there was involved ? With these numbers, the only reasonable conclusion is effectively all of it.

Shanna said...

Thank you lemondog and buwaya for the clarification.

What proportion of the Paki community there was involved?

Good question. In looking for the documentary I saw before, I found something called 'groomed for sex' on youtube that goes into the community apparently, but I can't watch it now to get any more details.

Alexander said...

Who give a cuss 'how much'. Clearly, enough of it that we are talking about the community, and not a single individual who happens to be a part of it.

And sure, it might be a very small number of men actually doing the rape... but how many parents raised their children to think that it's okay to rape infidel children? How many others suspected it was going on but either figured again, it was okay, or at least not worth getting bothered about?

Let's not bother worrying about which individuals it is. Get rid of all the Pakistanis in England, and you won't have Pakistanis running slave rings. QED.

Pakistan for Pakistanis. England for the English. Either do it peacefully now, or wait ten years and watch the bloodshed flow. Because really, you now have two options:

1) Wait until the native English decide they're sick of their daughters being raped by Mohammad and his favorite dozen cousins and come out killing or...

2) Have these same groups realize that there is no resistance in the native population, and the joys of mass execution, dhimmitude, and the inevitable results of Islamic domination make their way across the island.

That's it. That's all that's left. Great work, multiculturalists.

SJ said...

Does the phrase "rape culture" ever show up in the news articles?

Because I think it applies here.

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry J said...

SJ said...

Does the phrase "rape culture" ever show up in the news articles?

Because I think it applies here.

Since American leftists - especially feminists - can't use the story to score political points here at home, you won't likely hear much about it. "Rape Culture" only applies to American men. especially conservatives.

Seeing Red said...

If it happened on college campuses.....

Mark said...

"Pakistan for Pakistanis. England for the English."

Funny thing is that the British were the ones who Colonized then drew the lines on the map to create Pakistan as a British fantasy.

If it wasn't for the British, Pakistan would not exist and it would just be multi-ethnic India. That whole divide and conquer trick they used ended up as nuclear bombs.

I rather think that the British should be forced to live in the land they created by stroke of the pen and drew with lines on a map.

buwaya said...

"Who give a cuss 'how much'. Clearly, enough of it that we are talking about the community, and not a single individual who happens to be a part of it."

Well, yes, thats the point. Thats why "how much" is important.

Big Mike said...

Emma had saved the clothes she had been wearing during the attacks and handed the items to police as evidence.

"They lost the clothing, so there was no evidence," she said.

After that, Emma said she was told it was "my word against his" and that the case "probably wouldn't result in a conviction, or even get to court".

Convenient loss, that.

Alexander said...

Bullshit, Mark.

First, it was Islamic nationalists who insisted on Pakistan - and Britain, have bled herself white and impoverished her treasury to defeat Nazism, was not in a position to enforce anything on anyone post-war.

Second, India was not nor was it every a multi-ethnic unified state. It was hundreds of princely states and territories and cultures and people who hated one another. That's how the British ruled it - they played off parties that had been killing each other since the dawn of time. There was never a unified "India" any more than there is a unified equator. As such, to claim that India was a single, unified state and that the Hindi had always enjoyed being ruled by the various Sultanates whenever they couldn't break away is nonsense. The constant terrorist attacks India endures today reinforce the point.

Third, then quit mincing around like you lot always do and say what you think. You believe that White Europeans, for a particular list of crimes you believe them to have comitted, have lost the right to a homeland. As such, you advocate as openly as you can without hopefully drawing to much attention to it lest the backlash occur, the de facto destruction of the English, the French, the Spanish, the German people.

You desire genocide, and your chosen weapon is demographic manipulation.

@buwaya. No, sadly it's not. Because at this point there is one solution, and that solution is to deport the entire Pakistani population of England. Having passed a maximum tolerable percent of the population (and I imagine we're going to see many, many more cases of this as it crops out), the specifics no longer matter.

The only choice remaining is whether this will happen peacefully and as humanely as possible, or if enough time will go on until civil war is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Consider my skeptical.

It doesn't read like a true story. Not the way it's written, but the way she relates it.

Did she have unwanted sex? I believe it.

But did things happen the way she claims? I'm highly skeptical.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike wrote;

"Emma had saved the clothes she had been wearing during the attacks and handed the items to police as evidence.

"They lost the clothing, so there was no evidence," she said.

After that, Emma said she was told it was "my word against his" and that the case "probably wouldn't result in a conviction, or even get to court".

Convenient loss, that."

Convenient story on her part, too, right?

I mean, if she was being raped once a week for over a year, she should have 52 sets of clothing to turn into the police, why only one set? Where are all the other clothes filled with evidence?

Again, something stinks about her story. But, she is a woman, and women don't lie, so we have to believe her, because she is also a victim. Female Victims are the same things as super heroes. You can't question what they say, it's all 100% true.

buwaya said...

"How much" is very important indeed, especially for justifying an ethnic cleansing campaign, not that I'm in favor of one.
There is no practical reason, for instance, to argue that Hindus, Sikhs, or Chinese should be expelled from Britain, especially because "how much" in their case is "not much".

Shanna said...

eric, I don't think this is the case for your rant.

This was systemic and a lot of people knew it was going on. This isn't one girl or two telling a story.

buwaya said...

Its possible that this particular complainant is lying in the interview, especially about details. However, she did make a complaint at the time, when she was a minor, so its not something she was making up yesterday, and mere sex with her at the time she complained would have been a crime. And there are, well, 1400 or so other contemporary complaints much like hers. Thats a lot of complaints on a matter where there was no official action, so no upside for making a complaint.

Big Mike said...

@eric, after the local police "lost" her clothing, and the rapists told her that her parents were at risk, what would you expect her to do? Go back to the same crooked police force?

All of the evidence presented to date points to a police force in Rotherham that either through slot and ineptitude, or bribery, or outright collaboration with the perpetrators failed its most vulnerable citizens.

lgv said...

At least they didn't put her on a pedestal like Sophia Vergara. That would have been worthy of a tweet fest of revulsion.

Big Mike said...

sloth and ineptitude

HoodlumDoodlum said...

What percentage of the young males in Rotherham are gainfully employed? Who pays for the ones that are not?

Revenant said...

Sounds like the story of Chong Kim here in the United States, which turned out to be made up. Not before she got a book and movie deal out of it, though.

The story fits the usual pattern: the perpetrators are anonymous, the evidence has been misplaced, the rapists were ostensibly part of a wide-ranging conspiracy, etc. Which doesn't mean it isn't true in this case, of course. But skepticism is warranted.

Seeing Red said...

Mark doesn't realize hen Pakland would actually start functioning a pond we can't have that!

Magna Carta rulz!

Seeing Red said...

We will also conveniently forget the 80 million Hindi- Indian whatever they called them about 800 years ago that they proudly slaughtered.

Revenant said...

Given the history of this particular continent, I'd hesitate before pulling out the "they wiped out another civilization centuries ago" card.

Worry about the bad things Muslim fundamentalists get up to today. There's plenty there to keep everyone concerned.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

God, Muzzies suck.

Tarrou said...

Buwaya is on point. There is no mathematical way the majority of adult Pakistani males in Rotherham were not involved.

And they have the unmitigated ballsack to hop on the news and whinge about how "this is forbidden" in their culture. Apparently not, dude. Apparently, kiddie rape is bigger in Pakistan than cricket.

Revenant said...

There is no mathematical way the majority of adult Pakistani males in Rotherham were not involved.

So the two possibilities here are:

1. The majority of adult men in the community of thousands of are involved in a massive but well-concealed conspiracy to commit gang rape of each others' daughters.


2. The story's bullshit?

Hm. History provides countless examples of the news media and/or police inventing Sinister Conspiracies and Dire Threats to Our Women where none actually existed. It is a little short on examples of massive rape conspiracies.

So, other than the fact that these are Muslims and we hate Muslims... why are we accepting this story at face value?

Tarrou said...

@ Revenant,

There's been three national level governmental inquiries, all of which agree this happened and has been happening for sixteen years? That's why I'm taking it at "face value".

Is there some more knowledgeable organization than the Interior Ministry and Scotland Yard we should be listening to? Or are you just making shit up?

We have evidence. Three official investigations. You have what, exactly, as evidence this didn't happen? The fact that there was a satanism scare once back in the '80s?

Tarrou said...

"1. The majority of adult men in the community of thousands of are involved in a massive but well-concealed conspiracy to commit gang rape of each others' daughters."

No. The majority of a small minority of adult men are engaged in a massive and extremely open conspiracy which everyone of any knowledge whatsoever has known about for ten years to rape the daughters of people not in their religious minority.

buwaya said...

The Mcmartin case was created by a prosecutor that actively sought testimony from a bunch of children. Because of this some of the parents thereof became hysterical and piled on. There were grounds to suspect the probity of the prosecutor. And the publicity generated copycat cases elsewhere.

This case was a bunch of victims and minor officials, acting as individuals filing separate, individual, futile, unpublicized complaints over 16 years. This is not the way mass hysteria works.

Revenant said...

There's been three national level governmental inquiries, all of which agree this happened and has been happening for sixteen years? That's why I'm taking it at "face value".

You have more faith in governments than I do, I guess. For example, our own government has conducted multiple studies concluding the conservative anti-government groups are the #1 terrorist threat facing America.

Similarly, our own government has "discovered" that 1 in 4 college women is raped (bullshit), that there is a massive human trafficking network for sex slavery (also bullshit), and that most women in the sex industry are slaves (again, bullshit).

It "discovers" this particular pile of nonsense every generation or so, using it as yet another excuse for broader police powers that, while they inevitably fail to find the (nonexistent) criminals, linger on to plague the rest of us in the coming years.

Revenant said...

The majority of a small minority of adult men are engaged in a massive and extremely open conspiracy which everyone of any knowledge whatsoever has known about for ten years to rape the daughters of people not in their religious minority.

That story is even MORE nonsensical, because it can't explain (1) how this open conspiracy lasted 16 years or (2) how the rape victims weren't heard.

"The police covered it up" is bullshit. You can't victimize thousands of people without accidentally afflicting friends or relatively of politically-connected individuals. "Oh, they were afraid of being called racists" is a bullshit explanation. Oh, sure, the milquetoasts in the government leadership might take that approach, but the UK has a loud opposition, with plenty of MPs willing to complain about the behavior of minorities. That none of them started acting against this "conspiracy" until recently is ridiculous.

buwaya said...

You most certainly can victimize thousands of people like this, in the right social setting.
This sort of thing happens in the US also, though in a much less concentrated manner, and I have seen it like this in the third world. This is also typical in the worse parts of Eastern Europe apparently. Consider that the British class system is much more stratified than the American, with less inter-class relations. There aren't necessarily powerful relatives in a position to act as you think they should. These girls were of the lowest class.
As for the perpetrators being of a homogenous, interrelated community, this is also seen elsewhere. There are criminal families and clans, many of which adopt a certain specialized enterprise and justify it to each other. Its not bad if my uncle and cousins do it. And they can more easily cooperate because of implicit trust among relatives. And I have seen this too, especially among politically powerful clans.

buwaya said...

The opposition certainly raised this issue several times.
Unfortunately perhaps the opposition in that place and others similarly afflicted were UKIP and the BNP, which are implicitly declasse.

And it was a Labour government running things until the year the story actually broke, in 2010. This new story is merely the result of the bureaucracies opening up and releasing information they have been sitting on.

Various newspaper articles were produced over the years by the Mirror and the Telegraph, that were essentially ignored, partly because the great news organ in the UK is the BBC and because the authorities wouldn't cooperate.

Bureaucracies operate according to their own values independent of the public and can easily develop such a mindset. In the US we already see quite a lot of this. And this is Britain, far more conformist and bureaucratic, not the US.

And if you are looking for news suppression, the US is if anything worse. The major parts of the press are merely political tools that promote stories as their masters decide. Their masters are all in cahoots. There are local stories daily that could easily make national news, that are ignored, and others that seem inexplicably to turn into great scandals. Why ? Conscious decisions.

Fernandinande said...

These incidents are examples of why PC is evil.
(The BBC itself is PC, so they don't mention the issue.)


Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN

• Report found 1,400 children abused between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham
• The figure is likely to be a conservative estimate of the true scale
• Victims terrorised with guns and doused in petrol and threatened with fire
• More than a third of the cases were already know to agencies
• Author of the report condemned ‘blatant’ failings by council’s leadership
Action blocked by political correctness as staff ‘feared appearing racist’
• Majority of victims described the perpetrators as ‘Asian’ men
• Leader of Rotherham Council has stepped down with immediate effect
• No council employees will receive disciplinary action, leaders state

don’t believe me? read the report from the independent investigator: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013) [pdf].


Links in the original not copied...

Kirk Parker said...

How about if we just Nuke Mecca™ and get it over with?

Yes, yes, that proposal is the most modest one you've ever encountered... and we would totally lose our souls in the process. But ask yourself: won't we lose them anyway, when push comes to shove? There might be some genuine reason behind deciding, with William Sherman and Harry Truman, that getting it over and done with in a hurry saves lots of lives when all the accounting is done.

William said...

During the 1920's, there were huge protests across Europe and America against the conviction and execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. During this same period, millions of small farmers and agricultural workers starved to death in politically motivated famines in the Soviet Union. There were no protests and only two published reports of these famines.....,The left has a sorry record of honoring dubious martyrs and ignoring atrocities. This is a horrendous crime, but it will not be dramatized in any movie. No British Muslim intellectual will openly wonder what there is about his values and ideals that could produce such trash. The intelligentsia will not fret about their part in this scandal........"My God, they stink." That was the observation that some Bloomsbury douche made after coming into contact with the working class at some Socialism rally. That pretty much remains their attitude. If a few hundred yobesses get raped, well, we all have to pay a price for racial harmony. Those girls are kulaks.

Kirk Parker said...


You're being uncharacteristically clueless here. There was no, repeat NO, abuse of "each other's" daughters here.

There was "Asians" abusing young dhimmi females.

Epiphyte - said...

"Shanna I don't know what you are thinking of, but this is a big, new story. I search the NYT archive and the first instance of "Rotherham" and "rape" was yesterday."

This actually is quite an old story - and one that has been occurring in several cities, including Oxford, Tilford, Bradford and Burmingham. A documentary by channel 4 was suppressed nearly a decade ago for reasons of "community cohesion" out of fear that it would validate "racism" and benefit the BNP:

Sam's Hideout said...

Another "interesting" summary:

Lots of cites to various reports from media and governmental sources. Too bad all the cites are in footnotes and there isn't a final bibliography.

There's too much here to quote extensively.

This does not seem like the McMartin hysteria to me.

@Ann: this apparently has been reported in the UK media from time to time and has been the subject of UK governmental reports, its just new to US major media.

@buwaya: "Taxi drivers, shop owners and security guards who work in the shopping arcades where the girls are recruited are also involved"

Bruce Hayden said...

The majority of adult men in the community of thousands of are involved in a massive but well-concealed conspiracy to commit gang rape of each others' daughters.

Probably not a majority, but it must have been well known.

But, the interesting thing to me is the intergenerational aspect of the rapists. Fathers and uncles would apparently take their young sons/nephews along to the gang rapes, to initiate them into their society.

The class aspect has been pointed out above. But another thing to keep in mind is that this has typically been a strong Labour constituency, which is why some think that the political correctness ran amok here. Though not exactly accurate, the Labour party is somewhat equivalent to the progressive wing of our Democratic party. The same sorts of people who turn a blind eye to the Black on Black violence endemic in some of our urban areas turned a blind eye to the serial rape of those > 1400 young white dhimmi females by a politically favored class (e.g. Pakistani Muslims here, and Blacks in the case of Feguson).

Shanna said...

that there is a massive human trafficking network for sex slavery (also bullshit)

You can quibble about numbers all you like, but it does exist. I sat next to a woman at a tea a year ago who was personally involved in it, and now works with a charity to help the women. A lot of the stories she told me sound similar to this one, including the 'they said they would hurt my family' aspect.

Anonymous said...

Revenant: ...involved in a massive but well-concealed conspiracy to commit gang rape of each others' daughters.

Wonderfully stupid comment. You obviously know squat about the case, but who needs information when you can just scan for a few keywords and enjoy a nice little "moral panic" party of your own? Be sure to invite eric over.

Anonymous said...

"I search the NYT archive and the first instance of "Rotherham" and "rape" was yesterday."

All the news fit to print.

Last year there was a process in Oxford. Same thing, 5 or 6 victims, youngest 11 year old when she was recruited (she had an abortion when she was twelve), 6 of their pimps were convicted. According to the Oxford police chief (who should be in prison herself for the rest of her sorry life for dereliction of duty, she did nothing for years) there were supposed to be more than 60 victims in Oxfordshire alone.

Surprised that the Duranty Times didn't see this fit to print?

Anonymous said...

"On this scale essentially the whole Pakistani community had to know and approve of the hobbies of so many of their men."

It's like an act of war.

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