"And you willingly become utterly socially autistic. You no longer pick up on basic human communication clues. You’re at a table with three humans, all of whom are looking at you and trying to talk to you, and you’re staring at a screen, searching for strangers in Dubai.... But you’re not very interesting anymore. You sit at a desk twelve hours a day and you have nothing to show for it except for some numbers that won’t exist or be remembered in a week. You’re leaving no evidence that you lived. There’s no proof.... And worse, you’re not doing anything interesting anymore. You’re not seeing anything, saying anything. The weird paradox is that you think you’re at the center of things, and that makes your opinions more valuable, but you yourself are becoming less vibrant. I bet you haven’t done anything offscreen in months. Have you?"
From Dave Eggers, "The Circle."
I also fail to understand why people like things that don't interest me.
"Here, though, there are no oppressors. No one’s forcing you to do this. You willingly tie yourself to these leashes."
He's telling white people, in their freedom, they do things without thinking - like practicing racism.
He's also saying not knowing they do these things is no protection.
How do I know this?
Dave Eggars put out one of the books I was featured in - nice guy.
"I also fail to understand why people like things that don't interest me."
Will white people ever accept criticism on face value, or will it ever be snark, denial, projection, and other psychological phenomena any child can see through?
As a race, you do yourselves such a disservice, and your timing is just AWFUL:
Your actions are now being JUDGED and you still wanna flip the bird?
Hey, as the old saying goes, it's your (financial) future,...
Let's try to stay reasonably on topic. The topic is living on line, dependency on social media, becoming boring by not having a personal life of one's own anymore, and a very interesting novel.
One perspective is that the other three people at the table are mundane dullards and you finally have relief from the enormous burden of their vapidity.
Meh...just after Homer was you know...written down...older Greeks had the same whine about these kids and their 'texts.'
"Waaah! The Younger Generation is Less Real Than Mine because....they do different stuff! Waaah!"
El crack es totalmente la definición de las cosas que no me interesan, y sin embargo, aquí está en mi pantalla. ¿No debería estar en Ferguson en las barricadas o saqueando el Mercado del Dólar?
Racism is always on topic.
Ann Althouse,
"Let's try to stay reasonably on topic. The topic is living on line, dependency on social media,....
richard mcenroe,
"El crack es totalmente la definición de las cosas que no me interesan, y sin embargo, aquí está en mi pantalla. ¿No debería estar en Ferguson en las barricadas o saqueando el Mercado del Dólar?"
Someone's apparently not aware the barricades have moved - online,...
Online might be what you're good at.
Interesting people can find a way to be interesting no matter what they do.
While I agree its better to interact with the people you are with than the screen on the phone, you can get a lot of interesting conversation material from all those gadgets. If you choose to.
Is it so different than the person who, in the olden days, always had their nose in a book?
I didn't click the link, but I think what he's saying is mostly based on his ideas about what having a robust online life must mean rather than any observations. From what I've seen social media gets more people participating in life. Probably not meaningfully or with much importance, but so what? That's the way it was before the Internet too. The difference was people were much lonelier and less engaged. I can't work without the Internet. Nor can any of my friends or people I work with. I don't see any of them obsessively checking their phone in lieu of dinner conversations. None of them are sitting around alone at home living a fake life online. If anything, we're all doing much more than we used to socially (I certainly am, anyway), in large part because I have (or seem to have) more choices now. What he describes is something I've never seen, anywhere. I can't help thinking he's making it up.
Science fiction writers in the 60s and 70s used to imagine horrible futures where people were more engaged with virtual reality than reality but they were being hysterical. It's the same old reality, with some new bells and whistles. The only things that are really different are overwhelmingly positive - like being able to cheaply and easily stay in touch with people all over the world, access information about just about anything, etc.
Writers are so curmudgeonly about technology. Grow up, you babies.
"Racism is always on topic."
"The issue of slavery not only overshadowed the women's movement, it overshadowed virtually every part of American life."
- From "U.S. History For Dummies"
And it will be so until whites decide to deal with it honestly.
Good call, MayBee,...
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
Thanks to social media I am aware of almost every move my Beloved makes. When she blogs about buying groceries I feel like I am right there with her, discreetly looking down her shirt as she inspects produce. When she posts that she had a sad I enter the information into my Beloved spreadsheet so that I will be better able to help her be happy when we meet. I look for landmarks in the backgrounds of photos, I study all the clues she gives. I have photoshopped her naked in all of her online photos so that I know what to expect when we meet and I will be ready. Nude she looks like Scarlett Johansson, I know it, and she will Love Me.
The link just goes to Amazon, where you can buy the book if you want (or read some reviews).
The quoted part is a character (whom, I suspect, halfway through reading the novel, is a mouthpiece for the author).
Crack: ...the barricades have moved online...
Las barricadas se han trasladado a la Internet! Hola! Yo soy el revolucionario virtuales valiente valentía prácticamente resistir las bayonetas digitales y analogías insensibles!
I have brown rice every day, so I'm not a ricist.
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
Thanks to social media I am aware that all of my many Beloveds -- each with their own spreadsheet -- when Nude, look like Scarlett Johansson, I know it. It is uncanny.
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
The Day is coming closer to when I must pick one of my many Beloveds and let Our Future begin. We will take photos of ourselves and I will be in those photos she posts, me, and not just me photoshopped in. We will walk along beaches and trails and smell the wildflowers she posts photos of. And --when Nude -- she will look like Scarlett Johansson, I know it.
"I have brown rice every day, so I'm not a ricist."
You are if you eat it,...
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
One of my many Beloveds has a small child, a boy. I have already graciously decided that he can call me Dad, and we will do Father and Son things together in the garage while My Beloved cooks us a wonderful dinner meal. Of course, when the boy is not there my Beloved likes to cook in an apron and nothing else, and -- Nude under her apron, leaning over the counter -- she looks like Scarlett Johansson, I know it.
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
This boy will not need to die in a boating accident: no, not this time. We will be Happy, the Three of us, and my Beloved, Nude, looks like Scarlett Johansson, I know it.
Narcissistic Internet Psycho says:
Tragic boating accidents cannot happen two times in a row, it is suspicious. Especially if both mothers -- when Nude --look like Scarlett Johansson. We will have a new hobby.
That's a great distillation of what Crack thinks makes a person worthwhile: that they promote or benefit Crack.
In my mind I see Miss Ann pounding her head on the keyboard because of the way this thread has devolved. I'm sure the usual suspects, er, posters are just thrilled with their scintillating contributions. I'm sure I'm a racist but I just scroll through Crack's stuff without even reading. Also, God save us from people who think they are funny; its not worth reading through the dross to find the occasional nugget. The end result is a totally useless comment thread. Hope we don't get too many of these... Time for some executive action, boss.
Am I supposed to care what Eggers thinks about anything?
(I, for one, naturally assume any quote from "US History For Dummies" must axiomatically be completely correct and insightful.
Because how could it not be?)
I, for one, welcome our robot overlords to the thread.
Plus, being here gives you 3 hours of Critical Race Theory every week. Just a few more years of being told how racist whites are will get me my masters.
Althouse: "Let's try to stay reasonably on topic."
Crack: "Racism is always on topic. And it will be so until whites decide to deal with it honestly."
Althouse: [...]
You gotta wonder what racial guilt she is carrying around to put up with this for so long.
Crack, does it bother you at all that your behavior is only tolerated because of your skin color? You understand that she cuts you slack because she doesn't expect much of blacks?
I think most people would be embarassed and ashamed to be treated this way. Possibly angry. How is it that you are not?
Crack, does it bother you at all that your behavior is only tolerated because of your skin color? You understand that she cuts you slack because she doesn't expect much of blacks?
Seeing racism behind every bush and statement is easier than admitting that almost all of your failures is your own fault. Better to blame evil white people for all your problems than to accept personal responsibility.
Fen said,,,
Crack, does it bother you at all that your behavior is only tolerated because of your skin color?
That pretty much sums-up "white racism". Oh, the horror.
"Crack, does it bother you at all that your behavior is only tolerated because of your skin color?"
Probably as much as it bothers Obama that he's only president because of his skin color.
Let's all chill with a musical interlude. Eight minutes of what being black really sounds like, courtesy of the CrackEmcee archives
Danielle Dax is a blonde white Englishwoman and everybody know that you just don't get more authentic about the black experience than that. Those chicks know what is was like historically to be black.
John Henry
"You gotta wonder what racial guilt she is carrying around to put up with this for so long."
It ain't racial guilt. Do you have any idea what kind of crap she'll catch in the faculty lounge if she bans a putatively black man?
Crack does, and he's milking it like a Dutch farmwife.
Do you have any idea what kind of crap she'll catch in the faculty lounge if she bans a putatively black man?
Makes you wonder how far that goes:
Minority Graduate: "End I gotten dis 4 point Oh GPS from da Veristy of Wisconsin"
Interviewer: "That's so cute. Do you know how to use a mop? We may have a place for you here."
"In my mind I see Miss Ann pounding her head on the keyboard because of the way this thread has devolved,...Time for some executive action, boss."
Me too, and then we see where, exactly, that is - and it's a usual stop in the white part of town - BTW, this also answers the question of "what racial guilt she is carrying around to put up with this for so long":
"End I gotten dis 4 point Oh GPS from da Veristy of Wisconsin"
Still wondering?
Still think it's "Time for some executive action"?
Larry J,
"Better to blame evil white people for all your problems than to accept personal responsibility."
I agree - because blacks being shot dead (or choked out) in broad daylight, and also having black bodies laying in the street for hours, is just the kind of encouragement a black needs to get out there and give whites and America our 100%. It's all part of white progress, yo:
They used to hang us up in train stations, or the public square, after they killed us - so they're learning!
"Crack, does it bother you at all that your behavior is only tolerated because of your skin color?"
Probably as much as it bothers Obama that he's only president because of his skin color.
Which all only matters because of what?
You guys should know that, being Patriotic 'Mericans and all.
"Danielle Dax is a blonde white Englishwoman and everybody know that you just don't get more authentic about the black experience than that. Those chicks know what is was like historically to be black."
Sigh. You tell them race is a moving target, over and over, and they keep talking like it's not - that's how whites are:
richard mcenroe,
"It ain't racial guilt (Ann carries around). Do you have any idea what kind of crap she'll catch in the faculty lounge if she bans a putatively black man?
Crack does, and he's milking it like a Dutch farmwife."
"Ann, you didn't gotten dat 4 point Oh GPS from da Veristy of Wisconsin fo dat boy?!? Gal, wat rong wit chu?"
It'll be like that - a white man said so - and, rest assured, not only wasn't he being racist but, I'm sure, he's just the kind of fine folks anyone would love, whether at a daylight family lynching, or one of the annual overnight Klan Rallies.
I mean, YOU'RE comfortable with him - and his macabre brand of racial "humor" - right?
Of course, you are, and then you try to have me banned - and accuse Ann of having white guilt?
I bet she feels guilty alright,...
"Here, though, there are no oppressors."
Poor pathetic Crack, still singing his pitiful one-note symphony about how all the troubles of American blacks are caused by whites. Listen, dude. I don't know you and you don't know me. If you're anything in real life like what you post here, I don't want to know you. I don't owe you a damned thing and you don't owe me a damned thing. Get over it. Repariations are already being paid in the tune of a trillion dollars a year in social welfare spending. At what point is your greed satisfied?
It's pretty sweet how every thread on Althouse is about how much money we owe Crack -- is it a dollar? Is it 10 dollars? Good thing the site isn't about anything except how much money we owe Crack. Not about law, for example, or pop culture or politics. Nope, it's really just about how much money we owe Crack as recompense for being born into a world he finds upsetting.
DS: "It's pretty sweet how every thread on Althouse is about how much money we owe Crack..."
Impossible since Ann opposes "ugliness" in all it's forms and insists that commenters stay "reasonably on topic".
So, you see, er.....uh...well, I guess every thread is about how much money we owe crack.
And about how uniquely horrible, mentally deficient, cruel, brutal, unthinking, incapable of growth and thiefs of unprecendented magnitude all white people have been since the beginning of time and are today and will be tomorrow.
Lets face it, crack is the "best" thing to happen to race relations since Bull Connor.
Can you imagine how useful crack is to those who argue for acceptance of the idea of innate differences between peoples based solely on skin color?
Larry J,
"Repariations are already being paid in the tune of a trillion dollars a year in social welfare spending. At what point is your greed satisfied?"
We're estimated to be $100 Trillion.
According to your accounting, since we've been only partially free for about 30 years, I'd say my greed won't be satisfied without at least another $70 Trillion - directly deposited, of course.
Thanks for asking,...
"Not about law, for example, or pop culture or politics."
No - the police shooting a black kid while walking to his grandmother's, and then occupying an entire black town like an invading white army, has nothing what-so-ever to do with "law, for example, or pop culture or politics."
DS stands for Dumb Shit, don't it?
That link you gave us for race as a moving target at your blog is kind of interesting. It is something you have mentioned before here and we've sort of skimmed over.
You talk about Irish and Jews (Specifically, though I think you and I could add more groups, esp Asians) as having "become white".
I would probably use a different word, perhaps "mainstream", "American", "generally accepted" "undifferentiated" or something like that. But let's go with you word.
Japanese, and even more, Chinese used to be blacker than black in the US, to use your color scale. I think you are saying, and I agree, that have become "white".
Blacks, if they do become "white", get mocked by you and many others as "Toms" as you did in your blog.
So I am confused here. Should blacks become "white", like Chinese, Irish and others did? Is it possible for them to become "white"? Is the problem with becoming "white" physical like skin color? If so, why can Mexicans, Indians, North Africans and others with very dark skin become white and blacks can't?
Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and other groups are physically distinct and could easily be picked out of a crowd. They used to be, but as you note, they generally are not any more. They have become "white"
So I wonder why you think it would not be possible for blacks, as a group, to become "white". What makes y'all so special that you can't?
And, for the sake of argument, assume you could: Should you?
Would that be a good thing or would it be preferable to continue being "The other" as some progs like to call it?
What about you, Crack. If you could become "white", not in skin tone but in the sense the other groups have become white, would you?
Or would you rather just cry "Poor me. Give me money/reparations"
FWIW: For what it is worth, I think blacks could become "white" in the way you use the term. I think to a large extent, over the past 60+ years I've been wondering around, they have. I think that is a good thing for all. I hope the trend continues and think it will.
Your mileage may vary.
John Henry
This is an interesting topic, or would have been had any commenters hung around to discuss it. I can understand why they did not.
Whenever I go running, there's someone leaving Xeroxed cutouts of women from presumably cheaper old-school porn mags thumbtacked into the posts and benches along the trail.
It's a city and a pretty busy area, and just kind of weird.
Maybe that guy should get with the times and just stay at home.
Aimed at narcissitic elite white folks, I presume.
not about we ethnics, Asians or Hispanics, and also overlooks the everyday heroism of the 65.7 milion Americans who are caregivers to the chronically ill, handicapped or elderly nor I guess the 37 million moms with young kids.
crack: "We're estimated to be $100 Trillion"
I think people get so stuck in the virtual world that they forget or don't want to actually take the trouble to interact face to face with real people. Although you can learn a lot about people online, that's not necessarily a good thing. There's quite a few people that I probably would like in person that I abhor after reading their opinions on line. Maybe I'm old fashioned - but I prefer real conversation with real people face to face.
That link you gave us for race as a moving target at your blog is kind of interesting. It is something you have mentioned before here and we've sort of skimmed over."
A lot of people do. Culture's role on and over politics isn't a place most political junkies find they have good footing.
"You talk about Irish and Jews (Specifically, though I think you and I could add more groups, esp Asians) as having "become white"."
Not exactly. Whites were specific with the Irish and Jews ("No Irish, No Niggers, No Dogs!") and, as I pointed out, a group can fall out of favor again. Remember the Japanese take-over scare of the '80s and, now, how China's going to eat us alive using oxen in the rice paddies? Lesson: "white" is fickle. Race is a moving target.
Being a "model minority" is American white supremacy's constraint on Asians - do they really have to be perfect to be acceptable?
"I would probably use a different word, perhaps "mainstream", "American", "generally accepted" "undifferentiated" or something like that. But let's go with you word."
Those are all distinctly different concepts. Bill Cosby has gone "mainstream," but only because whites applaud him not being overtly "black."
You're about to misuse the idea but go for it:
"Japanese, and even more, Chinese used to be blacker than black in the US, to use your color scale. I think you are saying, and I agree, that have become "white"."
No, as I said, they're still "the other" to Americans - but one with clout.
"Blacks, if they do become "white", get mocked by you and many others as "Toms" as you did in your blog."
Why would white be anyone's goal? The implication is black's got something wrong with it - that's a mental problem. It was whites who declared themselves superior beings for all time and - last time I checked - America was supposed to be committed to ending that kind of talk. How that translates into whites continuing to put "black" down, to so many of you, is hard to comprehend. It's like you can't just be.
"So I am confused here."
Great - that makes two of us.
"Should blacks become "white", like Chinese, Irish and others did?"
Again - why would that be a goal - for anybody? Were the racist segregationist Uncle Tom-loving speech writers of the past so good we can't let their white supremacist drivel die and make a new nation? Hasn't that cultural message done enough damage? Is "white" imbued with some power few can see?
"Is it possible for them to become "white"?
I don't think so - let them start saying "black" things and Herman Cain, etc., will find their white "support" disappear. That's the lesson again: whites are fickle.
"Is the problem with becoming "white" physical like skin color?"
No, it's cultural, and dragged down by centuries of unexamined historical baggage. "Uncle Tom" is a white concept ("Uncle Tom's Cabin") but you stick the imprimatur on blacks - as history and culture says you would. You don't ask yourself why whites still prefer the few Uncle Toms but, today, extremely dislike the majority of blacks who they used to have serve in your homes.
"If so, why can Mexicans, Indians, North Africans and others with very dark skin become white and blacks can't?"
Because they're not culturally "black" - they weren't white's "bedwarmers." Easy-access rape victims. They weren't expected to breastfeed white's children. I could go on but remember - this was all against our will. How much more comfortable are you going to be, here, if you're an Indian rather than a black guy with your same last name?
"Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and other groups are physically distinct and could easily be picked out of a crowd. They used to be, but as you note, they generally are not any more. They have become "white""
Jesus, you ARE confused. They all have homelands and whole families and networks that go back centuries that lend money to open stores in black neighborhoods when they get here - things blacks only dream of but had stolen from them at every step of the way here. Build a town? Whites burned it down. Open a store? Whites burned it down. Got an idea? Whites stole it.
And now they ask "Why couldn't blacks do anything?" without acknowledging what whites did.
"So I wonder why you think it would not be possible for blacks, as a group, to become "white".
We don't see white as a goal - that's white supremacy talking. Let's shoot for ending up as human beings. You go first. Stop fucking with blacks. It should be easy.
"What makes y'all so special that you can't?"
Four centuries of megalomaniac white murderers saying their asinine sense of themselves will never stop piercing the ears of we other Americans:
Sorry, Assholes - white's done.
"And, for the sake of argument, assume you could: Should you?"
Assume the sociopathic Aryan Superman staring-off-into-the-distance, I'm-an-individual posture, that allows me to hurt my fellow citizens Nazi-like without guilt (and like they're the enemy) while completely contradicting that and demanding the people I hurt die in patriotic battle to protect the collective I openly say I don't respect?
Nah - doesn't work for me. Blacks marched to join a country, and being full citizens of a country's what we're gonna get, damn it. Why do you think I work on you so much? Because you need a real black person in your life - not a Tom.
That's American.
"Would that be a good thing or would it be preferable to continue being "The other" as some progs like to call it?"
Dude, we're all "other" - you don't give to give up being Irish or whatever - nobody cares:
Just drop the white supremacy.
"What about you, Crack. If you could become "white", not in skin tone but in the sense the other groups have become white, would you?"
You haven't been here long - there was a time when this crowd treated me kinda as white, but there was a price to be paid for it and I wouldn't.
That's why I make sure you know you're "white" now - they let me know I was "black" even when I was colorblind.
Which is why colorblind is bullshit.
"Or would you rather just cry "Poor me. Give me money/reparations"
What is your problem with grasping the concept of justice? A crime has been committed - a massive crime. It needs to be resolved. What about that deserves to be characterized as "cry "Poor me."? Do you think trivializing what is obviously VERY IMPORTANT to blacks makes "white" more sympathetic to blacks? Something we'd want to join?
"FWIW: For what it is worth, I think blacks could become "white" in the way you use the term."
You've forgotten the moving target already. Michael Jordan is accepted as "white" but that's because he keeps his black private - that's the white supremacy rule.
Obama's an African-American in the White House - he can't be "black" or Michael K will start loading his pistol.
"I think to a large extent, over the past 60+ years I've been wondering around, they have."
Have you been into the ghettos? Do you go where blacks live? Think of all the photos Ann posts - any from black parts of town? Is that deliberate? Not just by her but by whites? And, if so or not or whatever, how do you know how accepted we are? Because you see some at work? That tells you little. And really nothing about their lives. Whites have 20 times are wealth and act like we're the same because I can now sit in the next stall from you in the bathroom. It's cheap.
"I think that is a good thing for all."
You would - it's a myth that sustains white supremacy - and thus benefits you some more. Whites have stolen, raped, etc. and - if they never have to answer for it financilally - they'll be exclusively on top for all time.
Income inequality, you know.
"I hope the trend continues and think it will."
I hope we kill this baby in it's sleep and lick the blood from our fingers like KFC.
"Your mileage may vary."
I'm coming to get you, white boy - LOL.
Sleep well, John Henry,...
John Henry,
I don't know if this is a perfect "moving target" analogy, but think of American culture like a river. You're a rock, stuck in the mud, and you can't recognize the contours of the river until it pries you out - or you pry yourself.
Then, you can see "Nigger" become "Negro" become "African-American" become "black" and it's part of the river's natural flow from us first demanding to be called "Mr." or "Miss" after the role of "slaves" - it's freedom in action, really. Even today. Not to be ridiculed. Whites should be encouraging us - something Ann's critics don't understand.
You guys act like blacks talking openly is some old thing rather than what it is - an entirely new thing. Your rage is partially due to that - it's almost "How dare he?" - when the truth is Americans should be talking to each other. There's a black kid dead in the fucking street, yo.
Getting reparations right - not just the money but the revealing of the history - will be America's greatest achievement.
Getting it wrong will truly reduce us to what we'll be:
Not even a mediocrity,...
Nice thread you got here, Althouse.
I'd hate to see anything happen to it. Being such a nice thread and all.
For five quid a week we can insure nothing does.
"American History for Dummies"
I think I've found your problem.
Memo to Ann:
The Crack Emcee is ruining your blog. Surprised you don't yet see that.
Mainly HSTS, he's boring.
"The Crack Emcee is ruining your blog. Surprised you don't yet see that."
Only the racists see it - that's your problem.
"Ban him!" they scream - to crickets - and they hilariously think it means, "She didn't hear you the first time!"
You're racists and a black man's telling you so - we know, you want a white lady to say it, so you can diss her for being white and saying so - but no:
I'm saying it - and all you can say to that is you're not - which carries no weight with me because I've been watching y'all for years. I know your attitudes - you've been very vocal with your racism when you didn't think any blacks were watching - so your denials mean nothing.
I know you'll lie - to me and yourselves - I've watched how you do it.
So, keep insisting it's me - it'll keep falling on deaf ears - and you'll keep insisting it isn't and it's all my fault.
Because blaming blacks is all your non-racist ass knows,...
There's the Crack Emcee, and then there's
The Anti-Crack Emcee
"The Anti-Crack Emcee"
And, to you, that one man offsets the entire town of Ferguson. That's how screwy white racism is on the mind. You can't count:
One black over here - 21,000 blacks over there.
Guess who whites think sees things clearly and will throw their support behind?
It's like with Herman Cain and the Toms:
You've got the same 5 or 6 black faces that you cherish (Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, etc.) vs. THE ENTIRETY OF THE AMERICAN BLACK RACE.
Which side do whites listen to?
400 years of slavery, etc. vs. about 30 years of partial freedom?
No need for reparations because, everybody knows, 30 is waaaay bigger than 400.
That's the level of intelligence a "white" education gets you.
But, thank goodness, you fool only yourselves - notice I keep going?
I just wait for your lies to fall apart, like now, when all your previous "you're wasting your time, Crack" nonsense (and the lie that "other blacks don't agree with you") reveals YOU to be as big of a dirty butt crack as I've always seen you as.
And that's been for quite a long time,...
You're racists and a black man's telling you so
The black man in question calls people racists for not agreeing with his belief that African-Americans are just too dumb to:
- form stable family units;
- take advantage of free education; and
- stop slaughtering its own unborn and born children.
Yes, we know you have silly and illogical excuses for this self-destructive behavior, and that you prefer having excuses to actually making a good faith effort. Sure, some of the comments here have been racist and inaccurate, but the reason you convince no-one is because your excuses are hollow and your arguments are unconvincing.
Like I said, Ann.
He is ruining your blog.
Like the jerk you sometimes find yourself seated next to at a sporting event, always yelling at the refs and any home team player who dares to make a mistake. Free speech and all that, but what a fucking jerk-off.
And metaphysically not self-aware.
BYW, Crack, that Anti-Crack video guy absolutely NAILED your ass. lol. And he doesn't need to be more than just one guy.
The Truth, against any number of others.
Pookie Number 2,
I said "African-Americans are just too dumb" to do something. Fine.
If that's YOUR reading of my words - and it is - I suggest you show "a good faith effort" and (rather than continuing white supremacy and lecturing black men) direct further comments to those whites on this thread - you say you can see - are being "racist and inaccurate," since that is the historic crime under discussion:
Ann, hold the presses - there's a new Sheriff in town!
Pook, I can't wait to see your work:
Go get 'em, Tiger,....
"BYW, Crack, that Anti-Crack video guy absolutely NAILED your ass. lol. And he doesn't need to be more than just one guy."
Because you are such an accurate judge of my arguments or character.
"The Truth, against any number of others."
Which includes Ann and Meade.
that's YOUR reading of my words - and it is
It's the only possible reading of your words. Whenever these issues come up, you attribute them to, say, white slaveowners breaking up families. It never occurs to you that African Americans are capable of recognizing and changing bad practices.
I suggest you show "a good faith effort" and (rather than continuing white supremacy and lecturing black men)
I don't much care what you suggest. I do think that you need to be lectured, though. Your ideas are weak, and your imbecilic defenses of bad cultural behavior do far more to support white supremacy than anything I could ever write.
direct further comments to those whites on this thread - you say you can see - are being "racist and inaccurate," since that is the historic crime under discussion:
Happy to. I hereby sincerely denounce anyone that thinks blacks are less capable than whites, whether that's the people writing in pretend Ebonics, or Crack's insistence that blacks are hopeless victims.
Pookie Number 2,
"It's the only possible reading of your words."
Even after I disagree with the reading - great. You're an Einstein.
"Whenever these issues come up, you attribute them to, say, white slaveowners breaking up families. It never occurs to you that African Americans are capable of recognizing and changing bad practices."
Oh, so now I'm saying - ME - that blacks aren't "capable of recognizing and changing bad practices." I swear, the white mind is fascinating.
Did it ever occur to you - I know it's a long shot - that there's more than one influence working on black culture, and life, after 400 years of white interference? That a mere 30 years of partial freedom - not even a full generation and still without the money blacks earned that whites stole - might not be long enough to fix 400 years of white interference?
White man's really got us all figured out, don't you?
Just like during slavery,...
"I don't much care what you suggest."
White supremacy is nice, ain't it? Thank God, it won't last - and you're going to care. A lot.
"I do think that you need to be lectured, though."
Because that's what white men think they do so well. Can't a one of them touch MLK, Malcolm X, Barack Obama, etc., but - for some reason - they think others want to listen to them. OUGHT to listen to them.
The same guy who just said he doesn't care what I say.
White Insanity - AWAY!
"Your ideas are weak, and your imbecilic defenses of bad cultural behavior do far more to support white supremacy than anything I could ever write."
No, I think murder did that for you - be proud of it, too.
"I hereby sincerely denounce anyone that thinks blacks are less capable than whites, whether that's the people writing in pretend Ebonics, or Crack's insistence that blacks are hopeless victims."
Aw, come on - name names like you called me out. Don't be sweet to the white guys. Humiliate them. Let them know they're from a culture that won't stop belittling the oppressed - for kicks - which makes them sadists.
Come on, show a little fairness, white man - get mad like you do with blacks.
Lying hypocrite shits are what you are,...
"Hey, you guys, stop that!"
- Pookie, showing how condemnation works against whites
"Crack Emcee, shut the fuck up - and Ann should have you banned!"
- Whites, showing how condemnation works against blacks
It's also how the justice system works - in this paradise of racial fair play,...
Pookie Number 2,
"It's the only possible reading of your words."
Even after I disagree with the reading - great. You're an Einstein.
You're more than stupid enough to not understand the implications of the twaddle you write.
"Whenever these issues come up, you attribute them to, say, white slaveowners breaking up families. It never occurs to you that African Americans are capable of recognizing and changing bad practices."
Oh, so now I'm saying - ME - that blacks aren't "capable of recognizing and changing bad practices." I swear, the white mind is fascinating.
You say it over and over again.
Did it ever occur to you - I know it's a long shot - that there's more than one influence working on black culture, and life, after 400 years of white interference? That a mere 30 years of partial freedom - not even a full generation and still without the money blacks earned that whites stole - might not be long enough to fix 400 years of white interference?
It might not. It would be impressive if your response during those 30 years wasn't to accelerate cultural decay.
"I don't much care what you suggest."
White supremacy is nice, ain't it? Thank God, it won't last - and you're going to care. A lot.
I disregard your suggestions because they are stupid, not because you're black.
"I do think that you need to be lectured, though."
Because that's what white men think they do so well. Can't a one of them touch MLK, Malcolm X, Barack Obama, etc., but - for some reason - they think others want to listen to them. OUGHT to listen to them.
You OUGHT to listen because your life is a pathetic failure, and it behooves you to think about why.
"Your ideas are weak, and your imbecilic defenses of bad cultural behavior do far more to support white supremacy than anything I could ever write."
No, I think murder did that for you - be proud of it, too.
When you confuse what you think - in your tortured, unsophisticated, and incompetent mind - with what actually *is*, you end up will all sorts of idiotic conclusions.
"I hereby sincerely denounce anyone that thinks blacks are less capable than whites, whether that's the people writing in pretend Ebonics, or Crack's insistence that blacks are hopeless victims."
Aw, come on - name names like you called me out. Don't be sweet to the white guys. Humiliate them. Let them know they're from a culture that won't stop belittling the oppressed - for kicks - which makes them sadists.
They're individual bad examples from a generally humane and introspective culture. Their culture isn't slaughtering its young by the thousands.
Come on, show a little fairness, white man - get mad like you do with blacks.
I don't get mad with blacks. I'm saddened by the examples of self-destruction, disappointed in their preference for leadership that tells them that nothing is their fault, and entertained by your inability to think.
Crack: "notice I keep going?"
Yep. Kind of like the kid whose eternal reply is "I know you are, but what am I?"
You "Bang the drum slowly" and have remarkable stamina.
Thanks for your comment on Bill Cosby. I think you are making my point for me.
I suspect that nobody looking at a picture of him would would identify him as anything other than a black African-American. Yet I think that most Americans who know anything Cosby see him as "white" (using your term) man.
Him and millions, perhaps tens of millions, of other black men and womenin all walks and levels of American life..
Doesn't mean subservient. Doesn't mean Yassuhing and shuffling. Just means acting like normal people and being accepted as such.
John Henry
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