If we really want to increase the inequality gap, we should throw open the southern border and bring in millions of low skill, low education, non-english speaking immigrants and spread them throught the country. But that's crazy talk . . .
Mildly amusing snark -- I laughed a couple of times. But it is also utter crap that we know even John Oliver doesn't believe. Wikipedia notes this re: Oliver's bio: "Oliver was born in Erdington, a suburb of Birmingham, and educated in Bedford at the Mark Rutherford School. His parents were teachers from Liverpool." So he started out in a family that was clearly not among the English aristocracy, though it is likely that he was not poor either. Eventually he emigrates to America and, through hard work and talent, is now certainly in the top half of the American 1%. He is living the American dream.
The complaints don't seem to be about Oliver's speech, but the lefty media anointing yet another another comedian as an authority on politics and economics. Oliver has been an actor and performer all of his adult life. According to Wikipedia, he graduated from Cambridge with a degree in English.
The problem that the Dems have politically here is that so many of them are 1%, .1%, and even .01%ers. Think of Hillary! and her speaking fees comparable to the cost of a new house in much of this country. And, a family wealth nearing nine figures. To people like her, preaching income inequality - my response is inevitably - you first.
There are a lot of reasons why prominent Dem politicians tend to be quite rich. Some went into politics because they likely felt guilty about their (Republican) grandparents having made a lot of money. So, what better way to atone for the sins of one's forefathers by forcing those without significant assets protected by strong trusts and a lot of lawyers to pay more money to the poor? But, they are probably a minority, when it comes to Dem money. More common are the Clintons who sold influence for their wealth, or E. Warren who lied to get tenure at a number of law schools, or John Edwards who channeled dead babies, or Harry Reid, who got a lot of sweetheart deals, and routed a bridge (paid for with federal funds) by land he and his family owned. Interesting, along with them giving away your money, but not their own, is that almost none of that money owned by .1% Dem political leaders was earned actually building anything, or increasing gross national product. Most, it seems, comes from influence peddling, and other redistributionist schemes. There are very few Mitt Romneys on that side of the isle, who gave away their inheritance, and then built a much bigger one by rebuilding companies. In short, the Dems seem to be the party of takers, led by the biggest takers of all.
Forbes says, it's not fair. http://www.forbes.com/sites/shahgilani/2013/09/27/income-inequality-is-whats-destroying-america/
Mother Jones says, The rich are doing better than everyone else. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph
the Atlantic says: (1) Income inequality leads to higher taxes on the rich for the purpose of redistributing income, which has the effect of slowing growth. The irony here is that inequality isn't bad for growth, but rather a political decision reacting to inequality is bad for growth. (2) Inequality leads to socio-political instability, which makes investors nervous. (3) Income inequality "could reduce investment in human capital, which will in turn reduce growth."
and flip side: higher inequality slows growth in poorer countries but encourages growth in richer countries, like the United States. There is no significant relationship between inequality and economic growth. "We do find that there is manifest constancy existing in the positive relationship between economic growth and marketization," Su concludes. In other words, growth is the outcome of private enterprise. Contrary to critics claims, inequality doesn't lead to recessions. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/04/income-inequality-is-killing-the-economy-obama-says-is-he-wrong/255407/
CNN says: Inequality isn't a moral problem; opportunity is; Inequality turns us into 'Downton Abbey'; Wealth is rad; human suffering isn't; Extreme inequality ruins democracy; Jesus wants us to be poor; The size of the rich-poor gap matters (because there's a "good" number); Inequality is bad if the poor don't benefit, too. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/25/opinion/sutter-income-inequality-moral-obama/
It correlates to a lot of stuff. And there isn't a causal link except that when people think it's unfair it has negative consensuses. http://www.academia.edu/1295633/Income_Inequality_Whats_Wrong_With_It_and_Whats_Not
Wow, it actually was that long. My wife put it on as we were going to bed last night. We've both enjoyed Oliver in other roles, but hadn't seen the show before. Some of the early material was funny, but I was trying to go to sleep as the inequality rant started. I remember reacting to an early line in the bit with surprise, thinking he was going to go off on Obama for being a vacillating, substance-less toolbag. But then it just kept going on. And on. And on. And getting more risible. No shit most farmers aren't hit by the estate tax, that's why they raised the limit you're bitching about, fool! I eventually muttered a "Jesus Christ, is he STILL going on about this?" and went to have a cigg. I think I'll be avoidong the show in the future. If I want rants on inequality from 19 year old socialists, I'll resubscribe to the political subreddits.
http://reason.com/archives/2014/03/17/obama-wrong-about-income-inequ "What factors retard upward income mobility? Among other things, being located in the southeastern United States, greater residential segregation by race and ethnicity, poor public schools, residing in areas with lower social capital, and living in neighborhoods with higher percentages of single-parent families."
So in order to actually fix it, we need to force people to live in better locations, force desegregation by neighborhoods, improve schools, not sure what social capitol refers to, and discourage single family parents.
"... and 4 screens of complaining about it from Twitchy."
Actually the comments weren't complaining about Oliver's "humor", but rather, the lefties squeeing about the awesome awesomeness of his marvelous insight into the social injustices and stuff.
I thought the bit making fun of those planning on how to spend their Lotto winnings was a fair shot, but the rest, well, it is hard to take criticism on tax policy and income distribution from a Brit. Like they have a clue...
The Estate tax riff completely misses the financial distortions undertaken by those trying to stay out of the affected income bracket, or minimize the hit if they cannot avoid it. The stupid misallocation of resources that this engenders is a dead-weight loss we could do without.
The issue is income inequality when people exploit their wealth to establish monopolies or engage in monopoly-like behaviors, deprive individuals of their dignity, devalue human life, or otherwise sponsor corruption, which is especially dangerous when coupled with authority. Otherwise, the issue is cost-of-living.
The estate tax is a tax on assets such as cash, real estate, or stock that are transferred from deceased persons to their heirs. Because the first $10.5 million of a married couple’s estate was exempt from the estate tax in 2013, and because of other special exemptions from the estate tax, fewer than the wealthiest two of every 1,000 estates nationwide owed any estate tax in 2013. Estate tax revenues made up 0.7 percent of total federal receipts in 2013.
That is an argument against the estate tax, isn't it? The estate tax really doesn't provide much revenue, but a distortionary rate moves people into tax avoidance schemes, like the Clinton's QPRT Residential Trust and Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts that Warren Buffet will sell you.
When the capital gains and personal income tax rates were lowered, some of that was off-set when indexing and income averaging were eliminated, resulting in more revenue from people in the higher income tax brackets.
And do you remember when consumer interest used to be deductible?
"The problem that the Dems have politically here is that so many of them are 1%, .1%, and even .01%ers."
If there aren't going to be some rich people, as well as some middle class people, who stand up for the poor and working class in this country, then the latter groups stand no chance.
Grandpa worked long and hard to put together about 300 acres. His death in the early 70's triggered a hefty estate tax. Mom had to sell about 1/3 of the land to pay the tax. When Mom died in the mid 90's, I payed a hefty estate tax ($100K). Yes, indeed the limits were changed in the 90's because the government was forcing the liquidation of family farms because of the DEATH tax. Grandpa's hard worked enriched the government TWICE! Thank God for those greedy Republicans who demanded that the limit be raised! Now, if I sell the farm that Grandpa put together, I will pay a hefty property gains tax.
By the way, I held on to the family farm (paid the DEATH tax) because I had a college fund set aside for my kids. Now I'm paying off the student loan debt!
Another by the way, the lawyers and accountants that I paid were afraid to challenge the IRS on my behalf!
The limey failed to mention the story a week or so ago about the "dead broke" Clintons. Surely he heard about Bill and Hillary hiring a shyster to protect their homes from DEATH taxes! NO, he throws Mittens up as the example of the greedy 1%. What courage, he destroyed Mitt Romney. Hilarious!
John Oliver has no business dissing capitalism. he is a host of a tv show (capitalism!) and he earns millions of dollars (capitalism) Fuck you limey twat.
"The limey failed to mention the story a week or so ago about the "dead broke" Clintons. Surely he heard about Bill and Hillary hiring a shyster to protect their homes from DEATH taxes! NO, he throws Mittens up as the example of the greedy 1%. What courage, he destroyed Mitt Romney. Hilarious!"
Chelsea Clinton is earning 75 grand PER speech. And is married to a rich investment banker. And has the gall to say she doesn't think about or care about money. What the hell has she done in life to merit earning 75 grand PER speech? And this limey is going to pick on Romney? I hate liberals.
They're not pissed he's lying, but that he's saying it at all - typical - just like the outrage at someone who made it and, still, tells the truth about how lucky he, alone, is. Just sheer lunacy:
sane voter wrote; If we really want to increase the inequality gap, we should throw open the southern border and bring in millions of low skill, low education, non-english speaking immigrants and spread them throught the country. But that's crazy talk . . .
Yeah, lets have 15 million people become legalized and have to compete with other low skilled wokers for non existent mcdonalds jobs! that'll do wonders! I guess the goal is to make the unemployment rate hit double digits.
ANd while we're at it, lets tell companies that they need to double their labor costs. I'm sure that will increase hiring! Minorities, particularly black, hardest hurt.
The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around.
Bizarre, huh?
And can anyone deny hard work is sure producing a lot of American poverty? It does for blacks. Whites produced a system where our work reaped centuries of returns for others, and white America is open when saying it doesn't care, while demanding we continue to do her bidding. That's a documented fact.
Considering how well this has worked out for whites, I understand why they can't fathom other's revulsion at how it's applied. An injustice looks normal. Like "hard-working" American "landowners" (whites who got land, for free, from the government before claiming handouts are the Devil) deciding, every year, ambitious but "lazy" black sharecroppers broke even - or, more likely, owed him money.
Like withholding reparations, it just seems like the proper way these things are supposed to happen.
Lefty Logic: "People are willing to risk their lives to illegally come to the United States because SLAVERY MADE AMERICA RICH AT BLACK'S EXPENSE AND WHITES COULD CARE LESS - BECAUSE COLORBLINDNESS."
"Have a British accent and tell people that hard work won't make you successful and the left treats you like SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ONE-SIDED NATURE OF SLAVERY'S ROLE IN AMERICA'S ECONOMY."
"Take a minute and think about how refreshing that is. A lunatic cable tv comedian mocks THE 'CAPITALIST' LIE COVERING UP FOR SLAVERY'S ROLE IN OUR ECONOMIC STANDING and the right starts tossing their panties."
And still Crack manages to be wrong. It was so close, man, how do you pull it off?? Do you think illegal immigrants are "taking jobs" from educated white folks? Do you wonder why Whitey Whiterson on the Chamber of Commerce is so excited about immigration reform? Business loves low cost labor! I wonder which segment of the population actually competes with low cost, low skill labor, and ought to be concerned with opening the border...hmm, tough one. If only there were a way to see which sub groups had low wages and high unemployment relative to the general population...Oh well, keep fuckin' that (reparations) chicken, smart guy.
The Crack Emcee believes in pre-ordained, inherited guilt. That's some New Age shit, for sure. Who knew The Crack Emcee was so religious with all his Original Sin religion?
Also, it is fairly obvious the sort of clapping humor John Oliver attempts is so much preaching to the choir. He's not trying to make people laugh or think. He's just supporting the politics of the CEO of HBO who bundles loads of money for Obama and other Leftists. He is rallying the base as a 1%er in support of his 0.1%er boss.
According to the Pew Research center, the top two concerns of Americans are a lack of jobs and public debt (41% and 28% respectively). The gap between the rich and the poor is third (of the choices given) at 17%. The Democrats are ideologically wedded to a slow growth/ no growth economy that does not produce many high paying jobs, and of course they are wedded to increasing public debt. The Democrats love the idea of redistributing income. So does the media/entertainment complex. What does Obama say the largest problem in America is today? Income inequality. What does the media/entertainment complex say is the largest problem in America today? Income inequality. The people who say that income inequality is America's greatest problem are broke-dick mother fuckers.
You are confused. The current crop of illegals are not Mexicans. Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up, The whining you refer to generally is directed at the lack of border enforcement which, even you will admit, is not too great. It would be good if we had the same kind of immigration enforcement that they have in El Salvador, Mexico, etc. You can't go waltzing into those countries and expect to stay.
Finally, any faint hope of reparations is disappearing as these illegal immigrants have been transformed into "refugees." You understand, of course, what that means? An entire new class of people who will need massive amounts of money. Plus they have to be trained to vote Democrat. That will take some time and a whole lot of dough.
The Democrats get 97%, as you tell us repeatedly, of the black vote. The don't need to dole out more to African Americans. Bought and paid for.
Like most sensible people, my first reaction to this income inequality bullshit is that it's bullshit. Thanks to @Curious George for the vids of Margaret Thatcher and Milton Friedman, who said eloquently what I just said scatologically.
BUT ... there's something in this issue. To the extent that people are getting rich by gaming the system, that's bad. We've been calling this "crony capitalism" -- Solyndra is the synecdoche for it -- but it's actually fascism, where the State decides who gets to reap the wealth, based on who helps the State.
Conservatives and libertarians have a knee jerk reaction against income-inequality bull shit, but really we ought to use this platform provided by useful idiots like Oliver (and Obama, who says the same things but with even less wit) to attack the crony capitalism that provides the economic foundation for the Democratic Party and the liberal agenda.
Michael wrote: "Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
Ten bucks sez that Michael is not one of the American carpenters, stonemasons, or housepainters who have seen their wages take a beating from imported third-world workers. [checks Michael's profile] "Industry Investment Banking Occupation Investment Banking"
"I wonder which segment of the population actually competes with low cost, low skill labor, and ought to be concerned with opening the border...hmm, tough one."
"Any faint hope of reparations is disappearing as these illegal immigrants have been transformed into "refugees." "
Oh yeah - whites were SO CLOSE before this happened. That suggestion, which you know isn't true, is why your sense of ethics are just disgusting. You flatter yourself, for something you never intended on doing, even though it's the right thing and an answer to the problem. You get smaller.
I dot know what you think I'm to make of an America, that openly cheated and raped me and mine, being over-run? I can't "lose" an America, you're telling me, I wasn't a part of - only you can.
Think of that:
Whites deciding facing our issues directly - and doing the right thing, without being forced to, so it's principles matter - IS AN ANSWER TO OUR PROBLEMS.
America's various slaveries started in the 1600s and continued through the vast majority of our country's history.
With that being the case, I not only misunderstand how whites on American soil can say to blacks with a straight face, "hard work = prosperity," but also how they can do so while seriously contending I'm supposed to accept they understand anything about how this country "works."
We just stare at you, knowing you'll call us stupid.
"The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around. "
If they say their is only so much economy to go around, they are wrong. The economy is not a static pie, it can grow and it can shrink, depending. It is limited only by the people who make up the economy.
As to reparations though? Those are certainly limited.
And because "Mexicans" as you call the people who are now storming our borders are a much larger voting bloc than black people, well, we're sorry Crack.
But if reparations are going to be paid, you're going to have to get in the back of the line. Republicans and Democrats both want the hispanic vote long before they are looking for your vote. It's not like black people are suddenly going to start voting Republican, and Democrats and Republicans both know that.
So why should they listen to you?
Next time, play your cards better. Having only one card, the race card, was a losing hand.
Amusing segment which unfortunately reflects the worst distortions among the populist left. Of COURSE the system benefits the powerful to a much greater degree than the rest--name any system where that isn't the case. Even among hunter gatherers the most powerful hunter gatherer lived better than his pals.
Nowhere in his segment does he address the simple argument made by those opposed to estate taxes--that you should be able to decide where your money goes after you die, even if you're rich. Having the government take a large chunk of that money is not necessary to help the less fortunate--the estate tax only generates a small amount of revenue, and vastly increasing that revenue would require taxing far less rich estates--so the only real justification for keeping such taxes (and exempting most incomes from it) is to keep people from inheriting too much wealth.
Which gets the the other central problem with the "inequality" populists--they haven't explained why a vast or growing difference in income is itself a bad thing separate from (in my opinion) more pressing and not necessarily connected problems such as stagnating wages or reduced means for the poor and middle class. Generally, inequality has increased during good economic times when the poor and middle class have been better off. The populists need to explain why if my income increased from $50K to $100K I am worse off simply because my boss's income increased from $500K to $1.5 million. Instead, they just take it as a given that inequality itself "kills the American dream." No, a lack of class mobility, a depressed economy, runaway inflation--those things can wreck the American dream. Inequality has always been a part of it and something that has not harmed the poor or middle class.
Hidden in Oliver's snark were some worthwhile points--for many people there are simply no realistic opportunities to improve their lot. Unfortunately that has also been true forever--and how best to change that is at the heart of economic debate. But the casual leftist snark displayed in this segment doesn't even address what might be done here--it just takes aim at the very idea that a free market system might provide these opportunities.
Would Oliver and his cronies ever aim their snark at leftist elites like the Clintons who got their fortune through selling access to the wealthy, or the Kennedys who found every loophole to avoid paying estate taxes on their massive fortune, or Paul Krugman who is being paid an absurd amount to join a struggling college's faculty at a time when his colleagues will be paid a fraction of what he'll make? Fat chance! Unlike much maligned Mitt, those elites display the right amount of public guilt over their earnings and have the right political opinions. No snark for them.
Nothing you wrote addresses the New Age thinking you consistently demonstrate in these comments. You believe guilt is inherited by "white people" because of their lineage. This Original Sin -- that you consistently allege -- is a religious position.
If "the country" could be guilty (or for that matter if it existed apart from individual people) then it could only owe anything to the guilty. So by your words you have presented a nonsense position.
Excellent analysis, but the thing you missed is that ginning up the poor to envy the rich, parituclarly when you get to define the rich, is a powerful tool. Envy is an ugly thing, particularly when combined with laziness and democracy.
If they say their is only so much economy to go around, they are wrong. The economy is not a static pie, it can grow and it can shrink, depending. It is limited only by the people who make up the economy."
Ah - so whites are still lying to me - figures. Then they wonder what the problem is. White racist liars are the problem.
"As to reparations though? Those are certainly limited."
Sure - by how much whites stole. Are you going to start lying, too?
"And because "Mexicans" as you call the people who are now storming our borders are a much larger voting bloc than black people, well, we're sorry Crack."
For what? They seem to dig me. Obama likes them. What's the problem, white man?
"If reparations are going to be paid, you're going to have to get in the back of the line."
Poor white people. I like how you guys say this stuff - without realizing you're repeating yourselves - it's the same shit whites have been saying for 100 years. But you say it like it's brand new, or the Mexican's fault - when it's all white's imagination. I guess you guys think I won't know the difference after a lifetime spent listening to your bullshit.
Silly white people.
"Republicans and Democrats both want the hispanic vote long before they are looking for your vote."
Sure - the last 50 years of vying for the black vote didn't exist - GOD, you guys will spout ANY LIE, trying to get the upper hand, won't you?
Doesn't that make you feel like such a tiny loser? Your dick must get smaller with every word you type. Do you think I've not been aware of all the get-out-the-vote drives directed at blacks in my lifetime? But you want me to believe you know better?
What a fucking idiot.
But still, in the real world, civil rights folks got to the Mexicans first - the racists blew it again - sorry racist conservatives.
Your evil racist plan - to use the Mexican vote as a counter-weight against blacks - has been foiled again. Obama got to them first.
"It's not like black people are suddenly going to start voting Republican, and Democrats and Republicans both know that."
Not with the Tea Party around, no. Oh well, whites lose. America will be over-run with even more folks who think "gringos" are unfair, criminal war mongers.
Who not only stole my family's wealth but even stole their land.
"So why should they listen to you?"
There's this little thing called "justice" - I know it doesn't figure into the white way of "thinking" but it's awful important to the rest of us - and we try to let it determine things.
It's not just based on who, or what, whites decide to "listen to".
"Next time, play your cards better. Having only one card, the race card, was a losing hand."
Says an upstanding member of The Number One Most Racist Group In The History Of America, who no one - but racist whites - want to see in power ever again. That's how "bad" it is:
"They haven't explained why a vast or growing difference in income is itself a bad thing"
Slavery meant whites made money while blacks didn't - that hasn't stopped. Whites compounded the problem over time, through Jim Crow, etc. They didn't earn it - they took it. And all they're doing now is living off it.
"You believe guilt is inherited by "white people" because of their lineage."
No - I believe guilt is inherited by citizens of a slave-holding country, who say they're a member of that country, and so must deal with EVERYTHING their slavery bestowed on it.
"Envy is an ugly thing, particularly when combined with laziness and democracy."
Oh, if only their white lazy forefathers weren't so envious of other's wealth, they wouldn't have committed the mortal sin of enslaving others and damning their progeny to a lifetime of public disdain.
Whites, like Unknown, always have important moral lessons for blacks and those they oppose.
Lessons whites have no history what-so-ever of following themselves.
Something Unknown seems to miss every time.
As he thinks of himself (whites do think of themselves a lot) as a moral person.
You are right about the Democrats getting to the Mexican's first. Clearly. What you fail to understand is that the Mexicans loathe black people with an undisguised venom that startles even overtly racist whites. Blacks and Mexicans are not allies except to the extent they will continue to vote mindlessly for Democrats.
Should the issue of reparations ever be seriously discussed you can be sure the Mexican population which will shortly overcome the black population will be a no vote.
How is the freedom riding on the Althouse blog going, by the way? Making a lot of converts or just puffing up your own sense of being a brave fighter on the barricades, sallying forth against the fire hoses of the Althouse commentariat?
Conservatives and libertarians have a knee jerk reaction against income-inequality bull shit, but really we ought to use this platform provided by useful idiots like Oliver (and Obama, who says the same things but with even less wit) to attack the crony capitalism that provides the economic foundation for the Democratic Party and the liberal agenda.
I esp. agree with the last part of that statement. The reality is that the exact same politicians who push this income inequality angle are the ones standing at the front of the line with their hands out receiving their share of the profits from the favors they dispense from their ability to help direct and control crony capitalism. Think of why anyone would spend the equivalent of a nice house in much of this country to hear one of the elder Clintons speak, or even five figures for their daughter, with no accomplishments to her name, to speak. What they are selling is influence. How did Harry Reid get somewhat rich, starting dirt poor, and never earning really enough to do much more than cover his hotel bills where he lives in DC?
Almost to a one, these biggest Dem income disparity class warriors have been the recipients of either a lot of inherited wealth, or wealth that comes from selling government favors, directly or indirectly.
The problem is articulating this connection to crony capitalism at a level that will resonate with the low information voters needed to win elections.
The problem is that all of the policy prescriptions advanced by John Oliver and his ilk tend to increase government control, which increases the disparity between rich and poor instead of decreasing it.
In an unrigged system, people will be gaining and losing money all over the place as some succeed and others fail. That is the mobility we define as the "American Dream".
In a system where government is empowered, the rich will rig the game by buying influence with government to ensure that they never lose. They become "too big to fail", and the government makes sure they do not. Meanwhile the regulatory state makes it almost impossible for a newcomer to succeed, and if he does, he is soon told that he has "made enough money". This state of affairs is destructive to income mobility and is the killer of the American Dream.
So remember, when leftists start talking about income inequality, almost everything they propose to do will make the problem much, much worse.
Your fanciful New Age thinking is fun to mock. You are a citizen of just such a state, as you describe. But you deserve "reparations" because the guilt is transferred only through pigmentation. And deserving "reparations" also transfers through skin color.
This inherited, Original Sin guilt is religious in nature. The New Age thinking is something else.
The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around.
When has it ever been otherwise? We have limited resources and always have. Whether it's Mexicans or anyone, if there is too much drain on the system it collapses. Think of Cloward Piven stragegy.
And, it will be true that blacks feel it worse, since they, by and large will be competing for those lack of jobs.
Michael wrote: Michael wrote: "Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
And this is why repubs get a bad rep. THe open border repubs are as bad as the dems.
"Ten bucks sez that Michael is not one of the American carpenters, stonemasons, or housepainters who have seen their wages take a beating from imported third-world workers. [checks Michael's profile] "Industry Investment Banking Occupation Investment Banking"
Yeah, Michael can go hang. I'm all for doing away with a minimum wage because it's an impediment for low skilled workers to get a foot in the door. But the open border repubs want to make good paying work low paying work and they don't care if they have to bring in slave labor to do so. If THAT"S the model then I suddenly see the dems point.
I am actually not an open border advocate. You will note that my comment was in the past tense: we "have had" 12 million illegals. They mostly departed during the economic collapse. I would doubt if that number is anywhere near the 12 million figure.
The wages paid skilled carpenters and stoneworkers did not collapse with the introduction of Latinos. A bit of research into square foot building costs before, during and after the downturn would make this clear.
This was not "slave labor" as you lefties like to label anything other than a government salary, it was decent hourly pay.
On the other hand you could complain that the latins worked too fast which was a complaint I heard more than once from other cohorts.
Lefty Logic: "People are willing to risk their lives to illegally come to the United States because SLAVERY MADE AMERICA RICH AT BLACK'S EXPENSE AND WHITES COULD CARE LESS - BECAUSE COLORBLINDNESS."
"Have a British accent and tell people that hard work won't make you successful and the left treats you like SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ONE-SIDED NATURE OF SLAVERY'S ROLE IN AMERICA'S ECONOMY."
"Take a minute and think about how refreshing that is. A lunatic cable tv comedian mocks THE 'CAPITALIST' LIE COVERING UP FOR SLAVERY'S ROLE IN OUR ECONOMIC STANDING and the right starts tossing their panties."
The poor dears,...
You still here? Last I heard you were gonna off yourself. Cant even get that done, can you.
Remittances from illegal immigrants working in the United States make up a significant part of the GDP of Mexico and central American countries. The effect is very local, the poor villages in Mexico and Central America get the biggest boost from American dollars. Which only exist as a result of lawless public officials working diligently to allow foreign workers to undercut the wages of the least-skilled American workers. Way to go, Dems and open-border Repubs! The poorest of the poor in the third world are now supported by subsidies paid for by America's poorest of the poor!
"You are right about the Democrats getting to the Mexican's first. Clearly."
BAM - Take my card!
"What you fail to understand is that the Mexicans loathe black people with an undisguised venom that startles even overtly racist whites."
"What you fail to understand is" I'm from South Central, Los Angeles, and have been dealing with this issue since jr. high - long before whites saw there was one - so - again - on what basis are you lecturing me? Oh yeah - you're in touch with "overtly racist whites" and what "startles" them after a lifetime of stringing us up for sport. I mean, sure, there was "undisguised venom," too, but really, huh?
I'm glad white guys have got the landscape, they're creating, so well figured out - on my behalf, too.
To see such concern for blacks - finally. Or, if not us, at least our capacity to work some more - that's so touching. I'll tell every black I know that, since reparations is off the table, whites now have a new message for us:
Trayvon Martin's dead - because he smoked pot and went out for "drank" - but they're protecting his job from the Mexicans,...
"Whether it's Mexicans or anyone, if there is too much drain on the system it collapses."
I agree - like, after whites committed various horrible injustices and now demand others just live with it (enough the others no longer fully participate) that white creation, too, "is too much drain on the system it collapses."
White's stubbornness - their simple, stupid, ugly refusal to do the right thing in the face of the horror they unleashed - will merely bring the corrupt results of their unethical efforts closer to their doorstep.
MY life won't change - I don't have a job now and you say I won't have one in the future - big whoop.
How about you?
How are YOU going to like various suburban narco crime waves, home invasions, rapes, beheadings, corrupt politicians bought off with drug money, diseases, and everything else that comes from having such a divided American citizenry - because whites betrayed them - few can work up the necessary emotion to think of this white conquest as something worth the rest of us "protecting"?
We have no wealth and little financial interest in it. We're not even liked. Even on Facebook.
"Michael wrote: "Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
And this is why repubs get a bad rep. THe open border repubs are as bad as the deems."
I've worked alongside those folks whites admire for having "Lot of giddy up" - the whites were ripping them off, for about half their pay, and claiming the Mexicans loved them.
crack: "What you fail to understand is" I'm from South Central, Los Angeles, and have been dealing with this issue since jr. high - long before whites saw there was one - so - again - on what basis are you lecturing me?"
I am lecturing you on the basis that South Central L.A. was a cozy quiet suburb when you were there and that you haven't the slightest idea of the way the recent, last fifteen years, Mexican and Central American immigrants think about blacks. Behind your backs (like you claim blacks talk about whites) Mexicans laugh at blacks and their work habits, their "values". They loathe you and think you are both lazy and stupid. But don't take my word for it.
You have also never "worked" alongside Mexicans.
Trayvon Martin is dead because he picked the wrong motherfucker to mess with.
"I am lecturing you on the basis that South Central L.A. was a cozy quiet suburb when you were there and that you haven't the slightest idea of the way the recent, last fifteen years, Mexican and Central American immigrants think about blacks."
So let me get this straight:
You're telling me - really, you're telling me - growing up there means nothing, I haven't been home, I have no friends there to talk to, and have no Latino friends there, myself, because a white man on the internet insists that's the way it is.
That's honestly what you're telling yourself, is it?
Michael, you're an ass sometimes, but come on.
"Behind your backs (like you claim blacks talk about whites) Mexicans laugh at blacks and their work habits, their "values"."
And what do they say about whites, Mike? Do you know? Do you care? Why aren't you warning whites - why just blacks? Do you know? What's your motivation? It's not a love for blacks - you've proven it doesn't exist - so what are you doing?
You probably don't even know.
"They loathe you and think you are both lazy and stupid."
Just like whites - what do you know?
"But don't take my word for it."
I don't. Trusting whites, on the subject of who my friends are, isn't exactly a given.
"You have also never "worked" alongside Mexicans."
Boy, you really do believe whatever you say, don't you? That's delusional.
"Trayvon Martin is dead because he picked the wrong motherfucker to mess with."
"No one is lying to you. It's a problem with your racism. You can't see through your own hatred to realize that not all people are the same."
So "All Men Are Created Equal" is wrong?
"I'm a white man who wrote what I wrote."
ONLY white men write what you wrote.
"Perhaps another white man wrote something different."
Those are called "lies" because - shockingly - history disagrees with both of you. Whites seem to hate history. Maybe their "hatred" makes it hard to "realize" that "all people are the same" after all?
"It's because, shockingly, not all white people are the same."
Funny - they (whites) made all blacks the same - did it all by themselves, too. No input from anyone else. Weird.
"You seem incapable of holding that thought in your head."
It's all those lies - we're equal/we're not equal - I'm so confused!
"So when one white man says one thing, and another white man says another thing, you get confused and because your brain can't hold such a thought, you go to "Liar!""
There's a history of lies there! 400 years worth! MY BAD!
"Try and allow yourself the ability to think with an open mind."
Whites don't like to admit, that's how your brains fall out, huh?
"Shutting it down will only cause you more anger than you already have, which isn't good for you or me, because I'm sure I'll be paying for your healthcare."
Which whites mind - whether we're slaves or not - because CITIZENSHIP MATTERS.
"This is trying to hold two competing thoughts in your head at the same time."
History vs. Liars - it's tough.
"It's known as Cognitive Dissonance."
I know - my parents said it's white's worst affliction and they use it to deny slavery claims - is it catching?
"You've got a big problem with it."
O.K., I can relax now - you've got the wrong guy - my "big problem" is in my PANTS!
"Your vocabulary shrinks to "whites" "Racists" and "Liars" and those three words sooth your mind and relax into uncritical thinking."
Really? And what do whites do when challenged? History (that thing whites dislike) says they lie, cheat, steal, rape, maim, and kill - and we have photos!
Photos can "sooth the mind" too.
"I'll try and break through that with this, and I'll say it softly. Shhhhhhh"
I'm listening:
"Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a liar."
But if they disagree with facts, what are they?
"There, that didn't hurt too badly, did it?"
You didn't fix the problem, though - they're not disagreeing with me - BUT WITH ME AND EVERYONE BLACK I'VE EVER KNOWN, AND THE FACTS OF OUR LIVES, IN THE 50+ YEARS I'VE BEEN AWARE OF WHITE PEOPLE's EXISTENCE.
That's a LOT of folks for you to disprove, starting with me.
"I can't answer for what some person who happens to have white skin has been saying in the past, only for what I am saying here and now. Weird, right?"
No, because you're admitting to disregarding history - which whites typically do when they want to run from the mess they've made - and that's the same crime I've accused you of, so you're wrong:
You've merely proven why you - as a white person - are still the problem.
"I know you're very clever and you see the manipulation coming, but so what?"
As a white man, you'll plow ahead, regardless - whites rarely change.
"You're just one guy on a website."
I LOVE that you guys don't know me and think you do - like that old guy, with the wires, on TV - "it tickles."
"I can figure out Jon Stewart and Colbert, but it doesn't change the fact that most of the people in this country are low information voters."
You can "figure out" comedy news? No wonder whites are better!
"That's why divide and conquer works." Well, that and Uncle Toms, but you go ahead.
"It's working."
I'm not.
"Democrats care more and women and hispanics than black people."
Liar - EVERYONE cares more about women and hispanics than black people.
"Get in the back of the line!"
I am in the back of the line!
"Your time has come and gone."
White men look in the mirror, and say that a lot now, huh?
"Now you're all Democrats."
But registered Republicans!
"Democrats won that war."
Or Republicans stopped fighting it, once the racists joined the party.
"They control the black population now."
Which is so easily controllable. That's all we hear whites talking about - between bits about the random shooting - how easily controllable we are.
I've seen it right here on this blog - the control is awesome!
"Time for you to get in the back of the line."
Now you're pushing me to the very end - great.
"Now women and latinos are up for grabs and the politicians know how to pander."
Sigh - I'm getting bored with this now - your imagination sucks.
"You might have done well playing the victim some years ago, but no longer."
Dude, I'm typing from the Mexican border, being smarter than you think.
"Now women and latino's do a better job."
Yeah, but - to my credit - blowing white guys was never my thing.
"Here they flock, over our borders, risking death and maiming to get here."
Because you got rich from enslaving blacks - and, once you're not rich any longer, they'll stop. Because they never liked YOU - it was just the wealth you stole - which they wanted, too.
So, you've created a sick culture you're proud of, but no one else is, and that can't last.
"Odd that."
Yeah - seems like a total waste of other people's blood,...
Crack wrote: You let this racist whacko, short of a full deck Crack run rampant around here with no restraint? Unbelievable!"
Yeah - "Unbelievable!" - with my views being so out-of-step with the other black Americans you don't talk to,...
then if there's correlation between status and behavior maybe blacks should changer their behavior. And then can change their status. I'll also note that not all blacks think like you crack, and those are the ones that generally do better in life. Get over your skin color already. It's not what special about you. What's special about you is your mind and your actions.
"No, because you're admitting to disregarding history - which whites typically do when they want to run from the mess they've made - and that's the same crime I've accused you of, so you're wrong:
You've merely proven why you - as a white person - are still the problem."
" I LOVE that you guys don't know me and think you do - like that old guy, with the wires, on TV - "it tickles."
Ahh projection.
"Funny - they (whites) made all blacks the same - did it all by themselves, too. No input from anyone else. Weird. "
Is there a fallacy for the, "They did it first!" argument? Maybe the 1st grade fallacy or something?
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BREAKING NEWS: Comedy bit is rife with inaccuracies.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
/Inigo Montoya
If we really want to increase the inequality gap, we should throw open the southern border and bring in millions of low skill, low education, non-english speaking immigrants and spread them throught the country. But that's crazy talk . . .
The top 20% already pays like 90% of all taxes collected in this country. What am I missing?
Couldn't listen to all of it. Mildly amusing quickly turned into overwhelmingly annoying.
Equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome. Which is funded by the government?
Jon Stewart is a mushroom. He spawns leftist speakers like Colbert and this guy Oliver.
They don't have to know anything. They just have to have lines that are funny to the in-studio crowd, which is pretty small.
Hating rich people is an old game. Weird to see rich people playing it.
What is twichy? and, does anyone really care?
Vicki from Pasadena
Mildly amusing snark -- I laughed a couple of times. But it is also utter crap that we know even John Oliver doesn't believe. Wikipedia notes this re: Oliver's bio: "Oliver was born in Erdington, a suburb of Birmingham, and educated in Bedford at the Mark Rutherford School. His parents were teachers from Liverpool." So he started out in a family that was clearly not among the English aristocracy, though it is likely that he was not poor either. Eventually he emigrates to America and, through hard work and talent, is now certainly in the top half of the American 1%. He is living the American dream.
Could only watch this for 5 minutes. Maybe the intelligent, analytical, meaningful commentary comes later. Someone let me know.
The complaints don't seem to be about Oliver's speech, but the lefty media anointing yet another another comedian as an authority on politics and economics.
Oliver has been an actor and performer all of his adult life. According to Wikipedia, he graduated from Cambridge with a degree in English.
instead of saying "inequality" say "jealousy." The only thing people are complaining about is that someone else has more than they do.
The problem that the Dems have politically here is that so many of them are 1%, .1%, and even .01%ers. Think of Hillary! and her speaking fees comparable to the cost of a new house in much of this country. And, a family wealth nearing nine figures. To people like her, preaching income inequality - my response is inevitably - you first.
There are a lot of reasons why prominent Dem politicians tend to be quite rich. Some went into politics because they likely felt guilty about their (Republican) grandparents having made a lot of money. So, what better way to atone for the sins of one's forefathers by forcing those without significant assets protected by strong trusts and a lot of lawyers to pay more money to the poor? But, they are probably a minority, when it comes to Dem money. More common are the Clintons who sold influence for their wealth, or E. Warren who lied to get tenure at a number of law schools, or John Edwards who channeled dead babies, or Harry Reid, who got a lot of sweetheart deals, and routed a bridge (paid for with federal funds) by land he and his family owned. Interesting, along with them giving away your money, but not their own, is that almost none of that money owned by .1% Dem political leaders was earned actually building anything, or increasing gross national product. Most, it seems, comes from influence peddling, and other redistributionist schemes. There are very few Mitt Romneys on that side of the isle, who gave away their inheritance, and then built a much bigger one by rebuilding companies. In short, the Dems seem to be the party of takers, led by the biggest takers of all.
The career's evidently going well: Oliver is now rich enough to be resentful of the super-rich.
Forbes says, it's not fair. http://www.forbes.com/sites/shahgilani/2013/09/27/income-inequality-is-whats-destroying-america/
Mother Jones says, The rich are doing better than everyone else. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph
the Atlantic says: (1) Income inequality leads to higher taxes on the rich for the purpose of redistributing income, which has the effect of slowing growth. The irony here is that inequality isn't bad for growth, but rather a political decision reacting to inequality is bad for growth. (2) Inequality leads to socio-political instability, which makes investors nervous. (3) Income inequality "could reduce investment in human capital, which will in turn reduce growth."
and flip side: higher inequality slows growth in poorer countries but encourages growth in richer countries, like the United States. There is no significant relationship between inequality and economic growth. "We do find that there is manifest constancy existing in the positive relationship between economic growth and marketization," Su concludes. In other words, growth is the outcome of private enterprise. Contrary to critics claims, inequality doesn't lead to recessions. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/04/income-inequality-is-killing-the-economy-obama-says-is-he-wrong/255407/
CNN says: Inequality isn't a moral problem; opportunity is; Inequality turns us into 'Downton Abbey'; Wealth is rad; human suffering isn't; Extreme inequality ruins democracy; Jesus wants us to be poor; The size of the rich-poor gap matters (because there's a "good" number); Inequality is bad if the poor don't benefit, too. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/25/opinion/sutter-income-inequality-moral-obama/
It correlates to a lot of stuff. And there isn't a causal link except that when people think it's unfair it has negative consensuses. http://www.academia.edu/1295633/Income_Inequality_Whats_Wrong_With_It_and_Whats_Not
Wow, it actually was that long. My wife put it on as we were going to bed last night. We've both enjoyed Oliver in other roles, but hadn't seen the show before. Some of the early material was funny, but I was trying to go to sleep as the inequality rant started. I remember reacting to an early line in the bit with surprise, thinking he was going to go off on Obama for being a vacillating, substance-less toolbag. But then it just kept going on. And on. And on. And getting more risible. No shit most farmers aren't hit by the estate tax, that's why they raised the limit you're bitching about, fool! I eventually muttered a "Jesus Christ, is he STILL going on about this?" and went to have a cigg. I think I'll be avoidong the show in the future. If I want rants on inequality from 19 year old socialists, I'll resubscribe to the political subreddits.
http://reason.com/archives/2014/03/17/obama-wrong-about-income-inequ "What factors retard upward income mobility? Among other things, being located in the southeastern United States, greater residential segregation by race and ethnicity, poor public schools, residing in areas with lower social capital, and living in neighborhoods with higher percentages of single-parent families."
So in order to actually fix it, we need to force people to live in better locations, force desegregation by neighborhoods, improve schools, not sure what social capitol refers to, and discourage single family parents.
I want to see the Democratic party tackle that.
"The top 20% already pays like 90% of all taxes collected in this country. What am I missing?"
Wealth taxes. Presently government only taxes income.
Recommended by the Left's love of the moment, Thomas Piketty.
"... and 4 screens of complaining about it from Twitchy."
Actually the comments weren't complaining about Oliver's "humor", but rather, the lefties squeeing about the awesome awesomeness of his marvelous insight into the social injustices and stuff.
I thought the bit making fun of those planning on how to spend their Lotto winnings was a fair shot, but the rest, well, it is hard to take criticism on tax policy and income distribution from a Brit. Like they have a clue...
The Estate tax riff completely misses the financial distortions undertaken by those trying to stay out of the affected income bracket, or minimize the hit if they cannot avoid it. The stupid misallocation of resources that this engenders is a dead-weight loss we could do without.
The issue is income inequality when people exploit their wealth to establish monopolies or engage in monopoly-like behaviors, deprive individuals of their dignity, devalue human life, or otherwise sponsor corruption, which is especially dangerous when coupled with authority. Otherwise, the issue is cost-of-living.
The estate tax is a tax on assets such as cash, real estate, or stock that are transferred from deceased persons to their heirs. Because the first $10.5 million of a married couple’s estate was exempt from the estate tax in 2013, and because of other special exemptions from the estate tax, fewer than the wealthiest two of every 1,000 estates nationwide owed any estate tax in 2013. Estate tax revenues made up 0.7 percent of total federal receipts in 2013.
That is an argument against the estate tax, isn't it? The estate tax really doesn't provide much revenue, but a distortionary rate moves people into tax avoidance schemes, like the Clinton's QPRT Residential Trust and Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts that Warren Buffet will sell you.
When the capital gains and personal income tax rates were lowered, some of that was off-set when indexing and income averaging were eliminated, resulting in more revenue from people in the higher income tax brackets.
And do you remember when consumer interest used to be deductible?
Who the fuck is John Oliver? Is this something I should know?
being funny doesn't overcome a poor understanding of economics.
'14 minutes of income-inequality humor from John Oliver, 4 screens of complaining about it from Twitchy...'
...and the liberal law professor from UW-Madison who loves blogging about it.
"The problem that the Dems have politically here is that so many of them are 1%, .1%, and even .01%ers."
If there aren't going to be some rich people, as well as some middle class people, who stand up for the poor and working class in this country, then the latter groups stand no chance.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Grandpa worked long and hard to put together about 300 acres. His death in the early 70's triggered a hefty estate tax. Mom had to sell about 1/3 of the land to pay the tax. When Mom died in the mid 90's, I payed a hefty estate tax ($100K). Yes, indeed the limits were changed in the 90's because the government was forcing the liquidation of family farms because of the DEATH tax. Grandpa's hard worked enriched the government TWICE! Thank God for those greedy Republicans who demanded that the limit be raised! Now, if I sell the farm that Grandpa put together, I will pay a hefty property gains tax.
By the way, I held on to the family farm (paid the DEATH tax) because I had a college fund set aside for my kids. Now I'm paying off the student loan debt!
Another by the way, the lawyers and accountants that I paid were afraid to challenge the IRS on my behalf!
This fucking limey doesn't know shit!
The limey failed to mention the story a week or so ago about the "dead broke" Clintons. Surely he heard about Bill and Hillary hiring a shyster to protect their homes from DEATH taxes! NO, he throws Mittens up as the example of the greedy 1%. What courage, he destroyed Mitt Romney. Hilarious!
The rich can't spend their income. It winds up as investments, which is seed corn for next year's food.
The rich with bad economic ideas wind up broke, unlike politicians with bad ideas, who rule over the rest of us.
My 3 favorite tweets from your link:
Lefty Logic: "People are willing to risk their lives to illegally come to the United States because Capitalism sucks."
"Have a British accent and tell people that hard work won't make you successful and the left treats you like a fucking Beatle."
"Take a minute and think about how depressing that is. A lunatic cable tv comedian mocks hard work and the left starts tossing their panties."
Isn't John Oliver in the top 1%. How can he stand living?
John Oliver has no business dissing capitalism. he is a host of a tv show (capitalism!) and he earns millions of dollars (capitalism) Fuck you limey twat.
And Piss Christ is art.
"The limey failed to mention the story a week or so ago about the "dead broke" Clintons. Surely he heard about Bill and Hillary hiring a shyster to protect their homes from DEATH taxes! NO, he throws Mittens up as the example of the greedy 1%. What courage, he destroyed Mitt Romney. Hilarious!"
Chelsea Clinton is earning 75 grand PER speech. And is married to a rich investment banker. And has the gall to say she doesn't think about or care about money. What the hell has she done in life to merit earning 75 grand PER speech?
And this limey is going to pick on Romney? I hate liberals.
They're not pissed he's lying, but that he's saying it at all - typical - just like the outrage at someone who made it and, still, tells the truth about how lucky he, alone, is. Just sheer lunacy:
Stop Playing The Victim!!!!
sane voter wrote;
If we really want to increase the inequality gap, we should throw open the southern border and bring in millions of low skill, low education, non-english speaking immigrants and spread them throught the country. But that's crazy talk . . .
Yeah, lets have 15 million people become legalized and have to compete with other low skilled wokers for non existent mcdonalds jobs! that'll do wonders!
I guess the goal is to make the unemployment rate hit double digits.
ANd while we're at it, lets tell companies that they need to double their labor costs. I'm sure that will increase hiring! Minorities, particularly black, hardest hurt.
Envy is a sin. Vicarious envy is a stupid sin. The envious will come after you next.
It's weird:
The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around.
Bizarre, huh?
And can anyone deny hard work is sure producing a lot of American poverty? It does for blacks. Whites produced a system where our work reaped centuries of returns for others, and white America is open when saying it doesn't care, while demanding we continue to do her bidding. That's a documented fact.
Considering how well this has worked out for whites, I understand why they can't fathom other's revulsion at how it's applied. An injustice looks normal. Like "hard-working" American "landowners" (whites who got land, for free, from the government before claiming handouts are the Devil) deciding, every year, ambitious but "lazy" black sharecroppers broke even - or, more likely, owed him money.
Like withholding reparations, it just seems like the proper way these things are supposed to happen.
Always has,...
"My 3 favorite tweets from your link:
Lefty Logic: "People are willing to risk their lives to illegally come to the United States because SLAVERY MADE AMERICA RICH AT BLACK'S EXPENSE AND WHITES COULD CARE LESS - BECAUSE COLORBLINDNESS."
"Have a British accent and tell people that hard work won't make you successful and the left treats you like SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ONE-SIDED NATURE OF SLAVERY'S ROLE IN AMERICA'S ECONOMY."
"Take a minute and think about how refreshing that is. A lunatic cable tv comedian mocks THE 'CAPITALIST' LIE COVERING UP FOR SLAVERY'S ROLE IN OUR ECONOMIC STANDING and the right starts tossing their panties."
The poor dears,...
And still Crack manages to be wrong. It was so close, man, how do you pull it off??
Do you think illegal immigrants are "taking jobs" from educated white folks? Do you wonder why Whitey Whiterson on the Chamber of Commerce is so excited about immigration reform? Business loves low cost labor! I wonder which segment of the population actually competes with low cost, low skill labor, and ought to be concerned with opening the border...hmm, tough one. If only there were a way to see which sub groups had low wages and high unemployment relative to the general population...Oh well, keep fuckin' that (reparations) chicken, smart guy.
The Crack Emcee believes in pre-ordained, inherited guilt. That's some New Age shit, for sure. Who knew The Crack Emcee was so religious with all his Original Sin religion?
Also, it is fairly obvious the sort of clapping humor John Oliver attempts is so much preaching to the choir. He's not trying to make people laugh or think. He's just supporting the politics of the CEO of HBO who bundles loads of money for Obama and other Leftists. He is rallying the base as a 1%er in support of his 0.1%er boss.
How quaint!
According to the Pew Research center, the top two concerns of Americans are a lack of jobs and public debt (41% and 28% respectively). The gap between the rich and the poor is third (of the choices given) at 17%.
The Democrats are ideologically wedded to a slow growth/ no growth economy that does not produce many high paying jobs, and of course they are wedded to increasing public debt.
The Democrats love the idea of redistributing income. So does the media/entertainment complex.
What does Obama say the largest problem in America is today? Income inequality. What does the media/entertainment complex say is the largest problem in America today? Income inequality.
The people who say that income inequality is America's greatest problem are broke-dick mother fuckers.
The end of the Cold War has made it possible to air such a crass defense if communism now that the examples of communism aren't as prominent.
You are confused. The current crop of illegals are not Mexicans.
Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,
The whining you refer to generally is directed at the lack of border enforcement which, even you will admit, is not too great. It would be good if we had the same kind of immigration enforcement that they have in El Salvador, Mexico, etc. You can't go waltzing into those countries and expect to stay.
Finally, any faint hope of reparations is disappearing as these illegal immigrants have been transformed into "refugees." You understand, of course, what that means? An entire new class of people who will need massive amounts of money. Plus they have to be trained to vote Democrat. That will take some time and a whole lot of dough.
The Democrats get 97%, as you tell us repeatedly, of the black vote. The don't need to dole out more to African Americans. Bought and paid for.
Like most sensible people, my first reaction to this income inequality bullshit is that it's bullshit. Thanks to @Curious George for the vids of Margaret Thatcher and Milton Friedman, who said eloquently what I just said scatologically.
BUT ... there's something in this issue. To the extent that people are getting rich by gaming the system, that's bad. We've been calling this "crony capitalism" -- Solyndra is the synecdoche for it -- but it's actually fascism, where the State decides who gets to reap the wealth, based on who helps the State.
Conservatives and libertarians have a knee jerk reaction against income-inequality bull shit, but really we ought to use this platform provided by useful idiots like Oliver (and Obama, who says the same things but with even less wit) to attack the crony capitalism that provides the economic foundation for the Democratic Party and the liberal agenda.
Why does his backdrop include an image of the Dome of the Rock? And featured so prominently, too. Being Jewish, I find it extremely distracting.
Top 1% earn 20% of total income and pay 39% of total income taxes.
Can someone please tell me at point it gets "fair"?
Michael wrote:
"Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
Ten bucks sez that Michael is not one of the American carpenters, stonemasons, or housepainters who have seen their wages take a beating from imported third-world workers.
[checks Michael's profile]
"Industry Investment Banking
Occupation Investment Banking"
Jesus, what an unfunny douche-nozzle he is.
What is the cure?
If the purpose is not class warfare, why not just propose the fix? That would entail having the solution open to examination.
If the solution is raising taxes, (how much of what income sources and level) how does that raise the income of those on the bottom?
This is an honest question. Anyone care to discuss the solution?
"I wonder which segment of the population actually competes with low cost, low skill labor, and ought to be concerned with opening the border...hmm, tough one."
Native Americans?
"The Crack Emcee believes in pre-ordained, inherited guilt."
No, Crack believes this is a country, so you can't just be into the good parts - especially when the bad is so obvious.
That's insanity,..
"Any faint hope of reparations is disappearing as these illegal immigrants have been transformed into "refugees." "
Oh yeah - whites were SO CLOSE before this happened. That suggestion, which you know isn't true, is why your sense of ethics are just disgusting. You flatter yourself, for something you never intended on doing, even though it's the right thing and an answer to the problem. You get smaller.
I dot know what you think I'm to make of an America, that openly cheated and raped me and mine, being over-run? I can't "lose" an America, you're telling me, I wasn't a part of - only you can.
Think of that:
Whites deciding facing our issues directly - and doing the right thing, without being forced to, so it's principles matter - IS AN ANSWER TO OUR PROBLEMS.
Crazytalk, to white ears, I'm sure,..
America's various slaveries started in the 1600s and continued through the vast majority of our country's history.
With that being the case, I not only misunderstand how whites on American soil can say to blacks with a straight face, "hard work = prosperity," but also how they can do so while seriously contending I'm supposed to accept they understand anything about how this country "works."
We just stare at you, knowing you'll call us stupid.
Don't play the victim,...
You call it 14 minutes of humor, but it seems more like 2 minutes of hate.
Crack writes;
"The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around. "
If they say their is only so much economy to go around, they are wrong. The economy is not a static pie, it can grow and it can shrink, depending. It is limited only by the people who make up the economy.
As to reparations though? Those are certainly limited.
And because "Mexicans" as you call the people who are now storming our borders are a much larger voting bloc than black people, well, we're sorry Crack.
But if reparations are going to be paid, you're going to have to get in the back of the line. Republicans and Democrats both want the hispanic vote long before they are looking for your vote. It's not like black people are suddenly going to start voting Republican, and Democrats and Republicans both know that.
So why should they listen to you?
Next time, play your cards better. Having only one card, the race card, was a losing hand.
Amusing segment which unfortunately reflects the worst distortions among the populist left. Of COURSE the system benefits the powerful to a much greater degree than the rest--name any system where that isn't the case. Even among hunter gatherers the most powerful hunter gatherer lived better than his pals.
Nowhere in his segment does he address the simple argument made by those opposed to estate taxes--that you should be able to decide where your money goes after you die, even if you're rich. Having the government take a large chunk of that money is not necessary to help the less fortunate--the estate tax only generates a small amount of revenue, and vastly increasing that revenue would require taxing far less rich estates--so the only real justification for keeping such taxes (and exempting most incomes from it) is to keep people from inheriting too much wealth.
Which gets the the other central problem with the "inequality" populists--they haven't explained why a vast or growing difference in income is itself a bad thing separate from (in my opinion) more pressing and not necessarily connected problems such as stagnating wages or reduced means for the poor and middle class. Generally, inequality has increased during good economic times when the poor and middle class have been better off. The populists need to explain why if my income increased from $50K to $100K I am worse off simply because my boss's income increased from $500K to $1.5 million. Instead, they just take it as a given that inequality itself "kills the American dream." No, a lack of class mobility, a depressed economy, runaway inflation--those things can wreck the American dream. Inequality has always been a part of it and something that has not harmed the poor or middle class.
Hidden in Oliver's snark were some worthwhile points--for many people there are simply no realistic opportunities to improve their lot. Unfortunately that has also been true forever--and how best to change that is at the heart of economic debate. But the casual leftist snark displayed in this segment doesn't even address what might be done here--it just takes aim at the very idea that a free market system might provide these opportunities.
Would Oliver and his cronies ever aim their snark at leftist elites like the Clintons who got their fortune through selling access to the wealthy, or the Kennedys who found every loophole to avoid paying estate taxes on their massive fortune, or Paul Krugman who is being paid an absurd amount to join a struggling college's faculty at a time when his colleagues will be paid a fraction of what he'll make? Fat chance! Unlike much maligned Mitt, those elites display the right amount of public guilt over their earnings and have the right political opinions. No snark for them.
The Crack Emcee:
Nothing you wrote addresses the New Age thinking you consistently demonstrate in these comments. You believe guilt is inherited by "white people" because of their lineage. This Original Sin -- that you consistently allege -- is a religious position.
If "the country" could be guilty (or for that matter if it existed apart from individual people) then it could only owe anything to the guilty. So by your words you have presented a nonsense position.
Take Michael K's advice.
Excellent analysis, but the thing you missed is that ginning up the poor to envy the rich, parituclarly when you get to define the rich, is a powerful tool. Envy is an ugly thing, particularly when combined with laziness and democracy.
If they say their is only so much economy to go around, they are wrong. The economy is not a static pie, it can grow and it can shrink, depending. It is limited only by the people who make up the economy."
Ah - so whites are still lying to me - figures. Then they wonder what the problem is. White racist liars are the problem.
"As to reparations though? Those are certainly limited."
Sure - by how much whites stole. Are you going to start lying, too?
"And because "Mexicans" as you call the people who are now storming our borders are a much larger voting bloc than black people, well, we're sorry Crack."
For what? They seem to dig me. Obama likes them. What's the problem, white man?
"If reparations are going to be paid, you're going to have to get in the back of the line."
Poor white people. I like how you guys say this stuff - without realizing you're repeating yourselves - it's the same shit whites have been saying for 100 years. But you say it like it's brand new, or the Mexican's fault - when it's all white's imagination. I guess you guys think I won't know the difference after a lifetime spent listening to your bullshit.
Silly white people.
"Republicans and Democrats both want the hispanic vote long before they are looking for your vote."
Sure - the last 50 years of vying for the black vote didn't exist - GOD, you guys will spout ANY LIE, trying to get the upper hand, won't you?
Doesn't that make you feel like such a tiny loser? Your dick must get smaller with every word you type. Do you think I've not been aware of all the get-out-the-vote drives directed at blacks in my lifetime? But you want me to believe you know better?
What a fucking idiot.
But still, in the real world, civil rights folks got to the Mexicans first - the racists blew it again - sorry racist conservatives.
Your evil racist plan - to use the Mexican vote as a counter-weight against blacks - has been foiled again. Obama got to them first.
"It's not like black people are suddenly going to start voting Republican, and Democrats and Republicans both know that."
Not with the Tea Party around, no. Oh well, whites lose. America will be over-run with even more folks who think "gringos" are unfair, criminal war mongers.
Who not only stole my family's wealth but even stole their land.
"So why should they listen to you?"
There's this little thing called "justice" - I know it doesn't figure into the white way of "thinking" but it's awful important to the rest of us - and we try to let it determine things.
It's not just based on who, or what, whites decide to "listen to".
"Next time, play your cards better. Having only one card, the race card, was a losing hand."
Says an upstanding member of The Number One Most Racist Group In The History Of America, who no one - but racist whites - want to see in power ever again. That's how "bad" it is:
Even other whites don't want you,...
"They haven't explained why a vast or growing difference in income is itself a bad thing"
Slavery meant whites made money while blacks didn't - that hasn't stopped. Whites compounded the problem over time, through Jim Crow, etc. They didn't earn it - they took it. And all they're doing now is living off it.
Whites are publicly celebrating their crime,...
"You believe guilt is inherited by "white people" because of their lineage."
No - I believe guilt is inherited by citizens of a slave-holding country, who say they're a member of that country, and so must deal with EVERYTHING their slavery bestowed on it.
Sorry, assholes, but it wasn't all benefits,...
"Envy is an ugly thing, particularly when combined with laziness and democracy."
Oh, if only their white lazy forefathers weren't so envious of other's wealth, they wouldn't have committed the mortal sin of enslaving others and damning their progeny to a lifetime of public disdain.
Whites, like Unknown, always have important moral lessons for blacks and those they oppose.
Lessons whites have no history what-so-ever of following themselves.
Something Unknown seems to miss every time.
As he thinks of himself (whites do think of themselves a lot) as a moral person.
Lecturing others.
As we laugh,...
You are right about the Democrats getting to the Mexican's first. Clearly. What you fail to understand is that the Mexicans loathe black people with an undisguised venom that startles even overtly racist whites. Blacks and Mexicans are not allies except to the extent they will continue to vote mindlessly for Democrats.
Should the issue of reparations ever be seriously discussed you can be sure the Mexican population which will shortly overcome the black population will be a no vote.
How is the freedom riding on the Althouse blog going, by the way? Making a lot of converts or just puffing up your own sense of being a brave fighter on the barricades, sallying forth against the fire hoses of the Althouse commentariat?
Insulted any whites to their faces recently?
Racist Crack assumes I am white. Too funny!
Get over yourself, man! Your schtick is getting old.
Conservatives and libertarians have a knee jerk reaction against income-inequality bull shit, but really we ought to use this platform provided by useful idiots like Oliver (and Obama, who says the same things but with even less wit) to attack the crony capitalism that provides the economic foundation for the Democratic Party and the liberal agenda.
I esp. agree with the last part of that statement. The reality is that the exact same politicians who push this income inequality angle are the ones standing at the front of the line with their hands out receiving their share of the profits from the favors they dispense from their ability to help direct and control crony capitalism. Think of why anyone would spend the equivalent of a nice house in much of this country to hear one of the elder Clintons speak, or even five figures for their daughter, with no accomplishments to her name, to speak. What they are selling is influence. How did Harry Reid get somewhat rich, starting dirt poor, and never earning really enough to do much more than cover his hotel bills where he lives in DC?
Almost to a one, these biggest Dem income disparity class warriors have been the recipients of either a lot of inherited wealth, or wealth that comes from selling government favors, directly or indirectly.
The problem is articulating this connection to crony capitalism at a level that will resonate with the low information voters needed to win elections.
The problem is that all of the policy prescriptions advanced by John Oliver and his ilk tend to increase government control, which increases the disparity between rich and poor instead of decreasing it.
In an unrigged system, people will be gaining and losing money all over the place as some succeed and others fail. That is the mobility we define as the "American Dream".
In a system where government is empowered, the rich will rig the game by buying influence with government to ensure that they never lose. They become "too big to fail", and the government makes sure they do not. Meanwhile the regulatory state makes it almost impossible for a newcomer to succeed, and if he does, he is soon told that he has "made enough money". This state of affairs is destructive to income mobility and is the killer of the American Dream.
So remember, when leftists start talking about income inequality, almost everything they propose to do will make the problem much, much worse.
The Crack Emcee:
Your fanciful New Age thinking is fun to mock. You are a citizen of just such a state, as you describe. But you deserve "reparations" because the guilt is transferred only through pigmentation. And deserving "reparations" also transfers through skin color.
This inherited, Original Sin guilt is religious in nature. The New Age thinking is something else.
Crack Emcee wrote:
The same conservatives who've been telling us they're not racist paranoids, but fierce individualists who "grow" the economy, are now talking like - because of Mexicans - there's only so much economy to go around.
When has it ever been otherwise? We have limited resources and always have. Whether it's Mexicans or anyone, if there is too much drain on the system it collapses.
Think of Cloward Piven stragegy.
And, it will be true that blacks feel it worse, since they, by and large will be competing for those lack of jobs.
Michael wrote:
Michael wrote:
"Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
And this is why repubs get a bad rep. THe open border repubs are as bad as the dems.
"Ten bucks sez that Michael is not one of the American carpenters, stonemasons, or housepainters who have seen their wages take a beating from imported third-world workers.
[checks Michael's profile]
"Industry Investment Banking
Occupation Investment Banking"
Yeah, Michael can go hang. I'm all for doing away with a minimum wage because it's an impediment for low skilled workers to get a foot in the door. But the open border repubs want to make good paying work low paying work and they don't care if they have to bring in slave labor to do so. If THAT"S the model then I suddenly see the dems point.
I am actually not an open border advocate. You will note that my comment was in the past tense: we "have had" 12 million illegals. They mostly departed during the economic collapse. I would doubt if that number is anywhere near the 12 million figure.
The wages paid skilled carpenters and stoneworkers did not collapse with the introduction of Latinos. A bit of research into square foot building costs before, during and after the downturn would make this clear.
This was not "slave labor" as you lefties like to label anything other than a government salary, it was decent hourly pay.
On the other hand you could complain that the latins worked too fast which was a complaint I heard more than once from other cohorts.
The Crack Emcee said...
"My 3 favorite tweets from your link:
Lefty Logic: "People are willing to risk their lives to illegally come to the United States because SLAVERY MADE AMERICA RICH AT BLACK'S EXPENSE AND WHITES COULD CARE LESS - BECAUSE COLORBLINDNESS."
"Have a British accent and tell people that hard work won't make you successful and the left treats you like SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ONE-SIDED NATURE OF SLAVERY'S ROLE IN AMERICA'S ECONOMY."
"Take a minute and think about how refreshing that is. A lunatic cable tv comedian mocks THE 'CAPITALIST' LIE COVERING UP FOR SLAVERY'S ROLE IN OUR ECONOMIC STANDING and the right starts tossing their panties."
The poor dears,...
You still here?
Last I heard you were gonna off yourself.
Cant even get that done, can you.
Remittances from illegal immigrants working in the United States make up a significant part of the GDP of Mexico and central American countries. The effect is very local, the poor villages in Mexico and Central America get the biggest boost from American dollars.
Which only exist as a result of lawless public officials working diligently to allow foreign workers to undercut the wages of the least-skilled American workers.
Way to go, Dems and open-border Repubs! The poorest of the poor in the third world are now supported by subsidies paid for by America's poorest of the poor!
"You are right about the Democrats getting to the Mexican's first. Clearly."
BAM - Take my card!
"What you fail to understand is that the Mexicans loathe black people with an undisguised venom that startles even overtly racist whites."
"What you fail to understand is" I'm from South Central, Los Angeles, and have been dealing with this issue since jr. high - long before whites saw there was one - so - again - on what basis are you lecturing me? Oh yeah - you're in touch with "overtly racist whites" and what "startles" them after a lifetime of stringing us up for sport. I mean, sure, there was "undisguised venom," too, but really, huh?
I'm glad white guys have got the landscape, they're creating, so well figured out - on my behalf, too.
To see such concern for blacks - finally. Or, if not us, at least our capacity to work some more - that's so touching. I'll tell every black I know that, since reparations is off the table, whites now have a new message for us:
Trayvon Martin's dead - because he smoked pot and went out for "drank" - but they're protecting his job from the Mexicans,...
"Whether it's Mexicans or anyone, if there is too much drain on the system it collapses."
I agree - like, after whites committed various horrible injustices and now demand others just live with it (enough the others no longer fully participate) that white creation, too, "is too much drain on the system it collapses."
White's stubbornness - their simple, stupid, ugly refusal to do the right thing in the face of the horror they unleashed - will merely bring the corrupt results of their unethical efforts closer to their doorstep.
MY life won't change - I don't have a job now and you say I won't have one in the future - big whoop.
How about you?
How are YOU going to like various suburban narco crime waves, home invasions, rapes, beheadings, corrupt politicians bought off with drug money, diseases, and everything else that comes from having such a divided American citizenry - because whites betrayed them - few can work up the necessary emotion to think of this white conquest as something worth the rest of us "protecting"?
We have no wealth and little financial interest in it. We're not even liked. Even on Facebook.
Because whites won't do right.
And because baby did a bad, bad ting,….
"Michael wrote:
"Next, most conservatives are happy as can be that we have had 12 million illegal Latinos in the country doing good work for cheap. Honest people, great carpenters and stonemasons and house painters. Lot of giddy up,"
And this is why repubs get a bad rep. THe open border repubs are as bad as the deems."
I've worked alongside those folks whites admire for having "Lot of giddy up" - the whites were ripping them off, for about half their pay, and claiming the Mexicans loved them.
Stupid fucking white people,...
"What you fail to understand is" I'm from South Central, Los Angeles, and have been dealing with this issue since jr. high - long before whites saw there was one - so - again - on what basis are you lecturing me?"
I am lecturing you on the basis that South Central L.A. was a cozy quiet suburb when you were there and that you haven't the slightest idea of the way the recent, last fifteen years, Mexican and Central American immigrants think about blacks. Behind your backs (like you claim blacks talk about whites) Mexicans laugh at blacks and their work habits, their "values". They loathe you and think you are both lazy and stupid. But don't take my word for it.
You have also never "worked" alongside Mexicans.
Trayvon Martin is dead because he picked the wrong motherfucker to mess with.
"I am lecturing you on the basis that South Central L.A. was a cozy quiet suburb when you were there and that you haven't the slightest idea of the way the recent, last fifteen years, Mexican and Central American immigrants think about blacks."
So let me get this straight:
You're telling me - really, you're telling me - growing up there means nothing, I haven't been home, I have no friends there to talk to, and have no Latino friends there, myself, because a white man on the internet insists that's the way it is.
That's honestly what you're telling yourself, is it?
Michael, you're an ass sometimes, but come on.
"Behind your backs (like you claim blacks talk about whites) Mexicans laugh at blacks and their work habits, their "values"."
And what do they say about whites, Mike? Do you know? Do you care? Why aren't you warning whites - why just blacks? Do you know? What's your motivation? It's not a love for blacks - you've proven it doesn't exist - so what are you doing?
You probably don't even know.
"They loathe you and think you are both lazy and stupid."
Just like whites - what do you know?
"But don't take my word for it."
I don't. Trusting whites, on the subject of who my friends are, isn't exactly a given.
"You have also never "worked" alongside Mexicans."
Boy, you really do believe whatever you say, don't you? That's delusional.
"Trayvon Martin is dead because he picked the wrong motherfucker to mess with."
So's the Tea Party,...
Nobody tell Crack!
"No one is lying to you. It's a problem with your racism. You can't see through your own hatred to realize that not all people are the same."
So "All Men Are Created Equal" is wrong?
"I'm a white man who wrote what I wrote."
ONLY white men write what you wrote.
"Perhaps another white man wrote something different."
Those are called "lies" because - shockingly - history disagrees with both of you. Whites seem to hate history. Maybe their "hatred" makes it hard to "realize" that "all people are the same" after all?
"It's because, shockingly, not all white people are the same."
Funny - they (whites) made all blacks the same - did it all by themselves, too. No input from anyone else. Weird.
"You seem incapable of holding that thought in your head."
It's all those lies - we're equal/we're not equal - I'm so confused!
"So when one white man says one thing, and another white man says another thing, you get confused and because your brain can't hold such a thought, you go to "Liar!""
There's a history of lies there! 400 years worth! MY BAD!
"Try and allow yourself the ability to think with an open mind."
Whites don't like to admit, that's how your brains fall out, huh?
"Shutting it down will only cause you more anger than you already have, which isn't good for you or me, because I'm sure I'll be paying for your healthcare."
Which whites mind - whether we're slaves or not - because CITIZENSHIP MATTERS.
"This is trying to hold two competing thoughts in your head at the same time."
History vs. Liars - it's tough.
"It's known as Cognitive Dissonance."
I know - my parents said it's white's worst affliction and they use it to deny slavery claims - is it catching?
"You've got a big problem with it."
O.K., I can relax now - you've got the wrong guy - my "big problem" is in my PANTS!
"Your vocabulary shrinks to "whites" "Racists" and "Liars" and those three words sooth your mind and relax into uncritical thinking."
Really? And what do whites do when challenged? History (that thing whites dislike) says they lie, cheat, steal, rape, maim, and kill - and we have photos!
Photos can "sooth the mind" too.
"I'll try and break through that with this, and I'll say it softly. Shhhhhhh"
I'm listening:
"Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a liar."
But if they disagree with facts, what are they?
"There, that didn't hurt too badly, did it?"
You didn't fix the problem, though - they're not disagreeing with me - BUT WITH ME AND EVERYONE BLACK I'VE EVER KNOWN, AND THE FACTS OF OUR LIVES, IN THE 50+ YEARS I'VE BEEN AWARE OF WHITE PEOPLE's EXISTENCE.
That's a LOT of folks for you to disprove, starting with me.
"I can't answer for what some person who happens to have white skin has been saying in the past, only for what I am saying here and now. Weird, right?"
No, because you're admitting to disregarding history - which whites typically do when they want to run from the mess they've made - and that's the same crime I've accused you of, so you're wrong:
You've merely proven why you - as a white person - are still the problem.
"I know you're very clever and you see the manipulation coming, but so what?"
As a white man, you'll plow ahead, regardless - whites rarely change.
"You're just one guy on a website."
I LOVE that you guys don't know me and think you do - like that old guy, with the wires, on TV - "it tickles."
"I can figure out Jon Stewart and Colbert, but it doesn't change the fact that most of the people in this country are low information voters."
You can "figure out" comedy news? No wonder whites are better!
"That's why divide and conquer works."
Well, that and Uncle Toms, but you go ahead.
"It's working."
I'm not.
"Democrats care more and women and hispanics than black people."
Liar - EVERYONE cares more about women and hispanics than black people.
"Get in the back of the line!"
I am in the back of the line!
"Your time has come and gone."
White men look in the mirror, and say that a lot now, huh?
"Now you're all Democrats."
But registered Republicans!
"Democrats won that war."
Or Republicans stopped fighting it, once the racists joined the party.
"They control the black population now."
Which is so easily controllable. That's all we hear whites talking about - between bits about the random shooting - how easily controllable we are.
I've seen it right here on this blog - the control is awesome!
"Time for you to get in the back of the line."
Now you're pushing me to the very end - great.
"Now women and latinos are up for grabs and the politicians know how to pander."
Sigh - I'm getting bored with this now - your imagination sucks.
"You might have done well playing the victim some years ago, but no longer."
Dude, I'm typing from the Mexican border, being smarter than you think.
"Now women and latino's do a better job."
Yeah, but - to my credit - blowing white guys was never my thing.
"Here they flock, over our borders, risking death and maiming to get here."
Because you got rich from enslaving blacks - and, once you're not rich any longer, they'll stop. Because they never liked YOU - it was just the wealth you stole - which they wanted, too.
So, you've created a sick culture you're proud of, but no one else is, and that can't last.
"Odd that."
Yeah - seems like a total waste of other people's blood,...
Really, Ann:
You let this racist whacko, short of a full deck Crack run rampant around here with no restraint? Unbelievable!
"Really, Ann:
You let this racist whacko, short of a full deck Crack run rampant around here with no restraint? Unbelievable!"
Yeah - "Unbelievable!" - with my views being so out-of-step with the other black Americans you don't talk to,...
Crack wrote:
You let this racist whacko, short of a full deck Crack run rampant around here with no restraint? Unbelievable!"
Yeah - "Unbelievable!" - with my views being so out-of-step with the other black Americans you don't talk to,...
then if there's correlation between status and behavior maybe blacks should changer their behavior. And then can change their status. I'll also note that not all blacks think like you crack, and those are the ones that generally do better in life. Get over your skin color already. It's not what special about you. What's special about you is your mind and your actions.
"Not all blacks think like you crack, and those are the ones that generally do better in life."
Like Oprah, Jay-Z, Eddie Murphy, Neil deGrasse Tyson, etc. - yeah, they're convinced I'm wrong and you're right.
Just like the blacks in the video I posted - the 97% of outliers who disagree with you.
You're delusional,...
"No, because you're admitting to disregarding history - which whites typically do when they want to run from the mess they've made - and that's the same crime I've accused you of, so you're wrong:
You've merely proven why you - as a white person - are still the problem."
I LOVE that you guys don't know me and think you do - like that old guy, with the wires, on TV - "it tickles."
Ahh projection.
"Funny - they (whites) made all blacks the same - did it all by themselves, too. No input from anyone else. Weird. "
Is there a fallacy for the, "They did it first!" argument? Maybe the 1st grade fallacy or something?
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