I'm seeing in the article a blanket statement that the twitter communication is "nuanced" apparently supported by the statement:
"In addition to calling for the release of Guantanamo detainees, Bergdahl also tweeted in solidarity with a host of prisoners elsewhere, including abducted journalist James Foley, who was detained in Syria; Saeed Abedini, an American Christian pastor jailed in Iran; and Kenneth Bae, an American jailed in North Korea. Bergdahl has also used Twitter to stay in constant contact with his son’s supporters and sympathizers, tweeting often about his son and sharing articles about the war in Afghanistan interspersed with a few anti-war links and videos."
The Bergdahl/Taliban exchange is taking many strange turns, and this focus on his father's tweets is surely one of the strangest. The father's views about the USA, the Taliban, other captured Americans, and on and on, have little significance -- frankly, who cares? Yet here it is, dissected for us all in the WaPo, and now blogged chez Althouse.
Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts. Susan Rice made a fool of herself (again); Obama was leading with his chin in appearing with the parents on Saturday; Carney was in full spin mood, but this time it was CNN/NPR/ABC/WaPo/NYTimes that was tearing that spin apart.
Incompetence on such a grand scale is truly a wonder to behold.
The notion the Barack Obama and his political flacks are making decisions affecting the national security of the country is frightening. January 2017 cannot come soon enough. I don't know that they are intentionally trying to hurt the security of the country, but it is a massive amateur hour. Susan Rice, of all people, goes on the Sunday show to claim the deserter performed his duty with honor and distinction. She obviously is not bright, but how could you be that stupid? How could she possibly be "national security adviser" to the president.
The Drill SGT makes a great point on timing. Everyone yaps about the failure to provide the required 30 days notice, but failure to be able to oomply with 30 days notice (purportedly due to a health emergency - almost certainly another lie) does not equal no notice whatsover. They have enough time to fly his mother and father in from Idaho, but not enough time to contact Congress. All the lies.
And could there be a more stupid Secretary of Defense than Hagel. He was over in Afghanistan celebrating the return of the guy. I swear these folks are so dumb (Hagel, Obama in Rose Garden, and Rice declaring it a "joyous day") they actually thought this was going to be a big PR plus for them.
Hagel seems like the type of guy who got places in life because the sound of his voice seems authoritative. Him saying that this would not be an incentive for others to capture troops or civilians was one of the most stongest delivered statements of pure stupidity I have ever seen.
Can someone explain to me how a private first class deserts and gets promoted to specialist and then to sergeant in absentia?
Not the most curious thing done by this most damaging of presidents.
6/3/14, 10:12 AM
Ok, as a vet, I'll explain. It's been standing policy since World War II that any POW is assumed to have passed the relevant promotion criteria in absentia . The logic behind that is that if they are held for an extended period of time, it damages their career chances relative to their peers.
For example, assume it's 1966 and 2nd Lieutenant (O-1) Smith and 2nd Lieutenant Jones are sent on a photo-recon mission over north Vietnam fresh out of flight school. Their plane is shot down and Jones is captured, but Smith escapes. Two years pass, and Smith will be promoted to O-2 (First Lieutenant), then two years later, and Smith gets promoted to O-3 (Captain). Smith then makes Major (O-4) on his first board so he's now an O-4 when 1975 rolls around and Jones gets out of the Hanoi Hilton. Jones also gets a large chunk of back pay for all this, plus his paycheck would have been going to Mrs. Jones and Jones Junior to help support them while Daddy's a POW.
You can see where this puts Jones at a disadvantage in his career since he's an O-1, while his classmate is an O-4 and looking at making Lt. Colonel. Therefore, Jones' activities in captivity get reviewed, and if everything is satisfactory (IE not informing on other POWs to curry favor from the guards), his absentia promotions are approved and he comes out as an O-4 as well, and is allowed to compete with Jones for that O-5 spot that just opened up in headquarters.
Obama would have nothing to do with the promotions, that's an internal long-standing DoD policy. Now Bergdahl should be answering a fair number of questions about the circumstances of his desertion or capture, and what he did in captivity. If it's determined that he misbehaved, he can be demoted in rank, or suffer other punishments under military justice, the same as if he was drunk driving on base, for instance.
If you go through his twitter page, you will notice that Bob Bergdahl has also tweeted links to stories posted on a website called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (shahamat-english.com/). Not sure how that contributes to the nuance.
I've said it before...we need to start a kickstart campaign and buy Crack a one way ticket to the ebony paradise of his choice, as long as he agrees never to come back.
He definitely left his post. Best case scenario is that this was an act of madness rather than desertion. In any event, he didn't serve with honor and distinction, and there was no need for a Rose Garden ceremony to celebrate his return.
Im guessing thiis is a coordinated event: Presidential activism to show allegiance to the loyal base that wants Gitmo closed and the war in AfPak over without concern for the costs and our objectives.
Obama appears ready to pursue aggressive peace activism, and the media outlets and higher up human rights activists who share in the ideals wiill likely go right along with these means to protect the ends.
Which means much of the media and Democratic party
I haven't seen anyone here demand that M. C. ButtCrack love or even like them, or whites, or America. What we would like is:
1. For the ButtCrack not to fantasize in public about having our mothers gang-raped by black men, as he has more than once.
2. For him to stop repeating ignorant falsehoods about a wide range of issues.
3. For some realization that no one here wants to shoot him, though a lot of us would like him to just go away and leave this site, and even this country, if he hates it so much. Is every other country in the world an even more racist and shittier shithole than the U.S.? If not, why doesn't the ButtCrack pack his bags and leave for some more welcoming environment? This isn't North Korea, and we can all emigrate whenever we like. If no other country is any better, maybe this country's not so bad. Maybe it's the human condition. Or maybe he's the problem. Maybe black Americans who don't go around fantasizing about raping the mothers of white people who disagree with them find white people in general a lot more welcoming and easier to get along with.
I guess it would be better to move to Europe, where they throw bananas at black athletes at professional sporting events while making monkey noises, or to China or Russia, that would be great I guess.
BDNYC wrote: If you go through his twitter page, you will notice that Bob Bergdahl has also tweeted links to stories posted on a website called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (shahamat-english.com/). Not sure how that contributes to the nuance.
Richard Dolan said... Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts Kansas City said... The notion the Barack Obama and his political flacks are making decisions affecting the national security of the country is frightening. January 2017 cannot come soon enough.
Once they unloaded Generals Jones and Lute, I don't think there is anybody on the WH NSC that knows which end of a gun the pointy things come out of. Donilon and Rice sure don't. It's like Clinton I where the WH is proud that they don't associate or communicate with those uniformed rough men.
Richard Dolan: "Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts. Susan Rice made a fool of herself (again); Obama was leading with his chin in appearing with the parents on Saturday;"
This is a transparent alinskyite tactic.
What Rice said is so fabulously moronic and incorrect, that once any republican jumps on her ridiculous statements that obamaites will simply say "Racism!!" and "has any sec of state ever been spoken to our UN Ambassador in this way??!!eleventy" "it's only because she is black!!"
Hey I heard the craziest story, supposedly Susan Rice went on a bunch of Sunday news shows and lied her ass off, I mean come on, that could never happen.....could it?
Sebelious at the October unveiling of Health Care.gov in a stadium in Pittsburg, pretending the website wasn't working at the event because the internet connection was weak?
Hagel in Afghanistan announcing Bergdahl's release to dead silence from the troops
Look, Crack is just a troll. Althouse's troll. He took down his avatar, I believe, because it made skipping past his tiresome, vacuous rants less likely.
Now, you are far more likely to read a bit before you think, "Aw, man, not THIS shit again!" and move on.
"It is the undeniable privilege of every man to prove himself right in the thesis that the world is his enemy; for if he reiterates it frequently enough and makes it the background of his conduct he is bound eventually to be right."
Anyone know where that comes from? Without looking?
Hint: Think of one of the last five letters in the alphabet.
What Bergdahl's Dad says or does is a Dad fighting for his son. The President is supposed to think about the nation. It's what the President does - such as standing next to someone who tweets forward articles about killing Americans - that really matters. And standing next to an advocate of jihad against Americans seems very bad.
But then, you see, the President can't read articles about the problem caused by the President standing next to a man who supports killing Americans until the President has stood there. And, see, he knows nothing about anything until he reads it in the paper. So when the problem is his own conduct, he has no way of knowing what to do until the next day when he reads comments in the paper about what he did. Then it's too late to change anything. So give him a break. To understand all is to forgive all. (I'm applying for the job of White House Press Secretary in case you wonder.)
PS Some say Bergdahl was classified as a deserter the whole time he was captive - so then he wouldn't be eligible for promotion. So what was he? POW or deserter or something else - maybe insane? Will we ever know?
Actually, garage, if we don't catch, shoot or imprison them, we have a long history of leaving deserters and defectors behind.
It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release. Now it's different. Oh well. I'm sure the change of heart is based on deeply held principles.
garage mahal said... 4 DEAD AMERICANS! We never leave anyone behind!
Why didn't we leave this American behind? Look at his Dad's beard for Christ's Sake!
There's a difference between letting 4 Americans die due to neglect in Bengazi and risking even more lives to save an alleged deserter. Obama has authorized drones to kill American citizens overseas without a trial. If they were actively working with terrorists, I really don't have a problem with that.
It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release. Now it's different. Oh well. I'm sure the change of heart is based on deeply held principles.
He wasn't released, he was traded and a bunch of really bad guys got "get out of jail free" cards courtesy of an administration that is still making the false claim they they won't negotiate with terrorists. Might that be the source of the change of heart you are referring to? Are you capable of understanding the difference?
Indeed, "It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release". Of course, if he'd been released, we'd be happy, so long as:
1. We didn't trade away five mass-murdering thugs for him, and
2. His actions were investigated to make absolutely sure that he was neither traitor nor collaborator, before treating him as an honored guest at a Rose Garden ceremony. If he is a traitor, we'd still gladly have him back, so we can hang him or send him to Leavenworth, like John Walker Lindh.
Does gm give a damn whether he is a traitor? Does he care about the men killed trying to rescue him? All signs point to no.
Remember, obama and rice are telling us that Berghdal served with "honor and distinction"...while the other members of Berghdal's unit were made to sign NDA's and told to shut up.
And the 5 islamist radicals that garages earth-bound messiah released will be walking around free as birds in Qatar and then Afghanistan.
It's odd how the Bergdahl story (at least the beginning of it, where Bergdahl was talking about walking over the mountains to China or India) resembles the opening of Tim O'Brien's novel, Going After Cacciato. Cacciato was a soldier who decided one day to walk from Vietnam to Paris, and the company commander sent a squad after him. That's where the resemblance ends, since the novel treats the escapade (which succeeds, Cacciato and his pursuers making it to Paris) as funny and quirky. The Bergdahl story has had a different trajectory.
Does garage mahal hate those who show up what a lying fool he is more than he hates those who betray their (and his) country? Yes, yes he does. I can almost pity him for having the kind of mind that would even consider writing his last comment and then posting it where others can read it. Almost, but not quite. Being garage mahal would be deeply sad and pathetic if he weren't so damned disgusting as to repel any feeling of pity or common humanity. Same goes for Crack.
It is obvious Drago never served in the military*, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind. Bergdahl may be an asshole but he's OUR asshole. Bring him home, and then punish him if need be. Only a traitor would leave a POW in the hands of the enemy.
*even though a couple of his sock puppets claim they have.
"God will repay for the death of every Afghan child," is pro-Taliban and anti-American only if you are anti-American.
Most anti-war types I've ever run across profess love for America and pity for all those killed on either side, civilians, US soldiers and enemy combatants alike. Their viewpoint is that war is terrible, which it is, and that if America just laid down its weapons and quit its warlike ways, war would be avoided. They are not anti-American so much as naively extra-national.
I respect their position because I believe they are sincere but wish they would focus their imaginations on the root causes of war instead of the casualties of war.
Here's what history teaches:
If a nation is perceived as weak it will almost surely be warred upon. America's weakness is a lack of the will to go to war. We have the best military and weapons but all that is useless unless the will to wage war is present. Our citizens are traditionally reluctant to wage war.
The Muslim nations know that a direct attack on America with uniformed soldiers from a recognized nation will result in the unleashing of our military superiority and their quick demise. They are much too wise for that. No Pearl Harbor for them.
So we have war by proxy, with the Muslim nations funding, supplying and giving safe haven to their carefully unacknowledged irregulars, the Islamic terrorists. In this way they neatly avoid the responsibility for the carnage they cause.
If the Muslim nations would stop this support Islamic terrorism would soon die off except perhaps for relatively small non-existential local events in other areas of the world, such as the recent murdering and kidnapping of children in Nigeria.
We would likely still have shootings and such here in the USA from the occasional Muslim-American gone bad but nothing like 9/11 in NYC. Certainly we would not have to contend with the wide ranging, well coordinated threats we have faced since the Carter era.
It may be counter-intuitive but it seems that the best way to avoid war is to be ready and willing to wage war, real war, not the constipated, apologetic efforts that tie the hands of our soldiers and officers with the unrealistic battlefield limitations we currently insist upon, also known as the "rules of engagement."
madisonfella wrote: It is obvious Drago never served in the military, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind.
It is obvious madisonfella's concept of "never" has a big gap in it called the Vietnam War. Officially there are 1350 unaccounted for POWs or MIAs from that conflict.
Quaestor is right, it would be better stated as "every solider and sailor knows that America should never leave anyone behind"
They way we treated the POWs and MIAs of the Vietnam War is a fucking shame, and we should never allow it to be repeated.
Drago, as usual, is frothing at the mouth uncontrollably. Three or four different responses to one comment made by me? It is almost as if he gets paid by the posting.
Expressing outraged because Bergdahl is "scheduled for a promotion" demonstrates that one is nothing more than a parrot; repeating talking points with no idea at all about their actual meaning.
Even if he is a deserter we bring him home. ESPECIALLY if he is a deserter. Because if he stays there then we can't hang him here. But I wouldn't expect a yellowbellied chickenhawk like yourself to understand that one bit.
Haven't heard a lefty call someone a 'chickenhawk' in years. Just for the record, this 2002 post of mine provides pictures of a chickenhawk and (scroll down) an entirely different bird much resembling ButtCrack, gm, and (when he writes things like his latest) madisonfella.
Tell us again Drago who "set up" the upcoming promotion for this guy? Did Obama signed off on it personally or was it Hillary working behind the scenes?
And we see you brought out an old sock puppet that hasn't been used in a while. Good job kicking it old school but you aren't fooling anybody. You really are paid per post, aren't you?
No, it's mostly the Western World, and then, what they've done to the rest of it.
God, whites are going HATE history class in the future. And they'll blame blacks - not the whites who actually MADE that history. It's just like the whites on this blog:
They fly into a rage, and hurt others, merely when they become uncomfortable. They're not above lying, or killing, to make the uncomfortable go away. Then they tell a new lie to justify it all.
"If all the black people I knew were like Crack, I would be racist. I'm glad I have a better class of friends."
And yet, all the white friends I have are thanking me - for bringing them up to speed, and not letting them get trapped in the racist flames "the party that freed the slaves" is going down in.
I had dinner with a white guy from City Hall just last night - he wanted to see if I was open to a government job:
I was in the Navy - I jumped ship. So did two gay guys, a Mexican, and a Native American.
Still want to kill us all, white man?
Excuse me Crack, have you just confessed to deserting from the United States Navy? No wonder you can't hold a job, Cracky, you're a fugitive!
Ann, as a law officer, don't you have an obligation to report this to the authorities and to assist in his capture?
If this is true, you should indeed be hanged. You and your Village People "teammates." A firing squad would confer too much honor upon you. The hell of it is, you can probably be found without too much trouble. On the bright side, you wouldn't have to work anymore.
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The idea that everyone has to love this racist shithole - while knowing it's a racist shithole - is what makes it a racist shithole.
I don't like America - so shoot me.
Oh wait - the homicidal maniacs will - even if they've also given me no reason to like them to begin with. Because I don't like homicidal maniacs.
See how it works?
It's all so fair,….
It's not nuance, it's walkback.
Tweet, Schmeet!!
What's up with that beard?
I'm seeing in the article a blanket statement that the twitter communication is "nuanced" apparently supported by the statement:
"In addition to calling for the release of Guantanamo detainees, Bergdahl also tweeted in solidarity with a host of prisoners elsewhere, including abducted journalist James Foley, who was detained in Syria; Saeed Abedini, an American Christian pastor jailed in Iran; and Kenneth Bae, an American jailed in North Korea. Bergdahl has also used Twitter to stay in constant contact with his son’s supporters and sympathizers, tweeting often about his son and sharing articles about the war in Afghanistan interspersed with a few anti-war links and videos."
Not sure what the writer thinks "nuanced" means.
I think the Timing of the events is fascinating.
1. One can read "still working to free all gitmo prisoners" as implying "the rest beyond these 5". That tweet was on Wed May 28.
2. The WH manages to contact the Bergdahl's and arrange to get them to the Rose Garden for the PR announcment on Sat May 31, but
3. cant be bothered to tell Congress until Monday Jun 2.
so the Bergdahl's got 5 days more notice than Congress
The Bergdahl/Taliban exchange is taking many strange turns, and this focus on his father's tweets is surely one of the strangest. The father's views about the USA, the Taliban, other captured Americans, and on and on, have little significance -- frankly, who cares? Yet here it is, dissected for us all in the WaPo, and now blogged chez Althouse.
Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts. Susan Rice made a fool of herself (again); Obama was leading with his chin in appearing with the parents on Saturday; Carney was in full spin mood, but this time it was CNN/NPR/ABC/WaPo/NYTimes that was tearing that spin apart.
Incompetence on such a grand scale is truly a wonder to behold.
The notion the Barack Obama and his political flacks are making decisions affecting the national security of the country is frightening. January 2017 cannot come soon enough. I don't know that they are intentionally trying to hurt the security of the country, but it is a massive amateur hour. Susan Rice, of all people, goes on the Sunday show to claim the deserter performed his duty with honor and distinction. She obviously is not bright, but how could you be that stupid? How could she possibly be "national security adviser" to the president.
Can someone explain to me how a private first class deserts and gets promoted to specialist and then to sergeant in absentia?
Not the most curious thing done by this most damaging of presidents.
Were Obama and Jani Bergdahl on a date? Sure looked like it.
I don't like America - so shoot me.
No thanks. You have any plans to walk away from your unit? Now were getting somewhere. Between the eyes or back of the head?
Oh wait - the homicidal maniacs will
Surprise, surprise...Crack hijacks another thread, while Althouse not only allows his trollish behavior, but encourages it.
By the way Crack...you have much more to fear from Black homicidal maniacs than you do White homocidal maniacs, at least according to statistics.
"while knowing it's a racist shithole"
I wonder what he considers not to be a racist "shithole". Perhaps the Zimbabwe of Mugabe?
"God will repay for the death of every Afghan child," is pro-Taliban and anti-American only if you are anti-American.
"Every Afghan child" would include the large numbers killed by the Taliban. God will repay.
The Drill SGT makes a great point on timing. Everyone yaps about the failure to provide the required 30 days notice, but failure to be able to oomply with 30 days notice (purportedly due to a health emergency - almost certainly another lie) does not equal no notice whatsover. They have enough time to fly his mother and father in from Idaho, but not enough time to contact Congress. All the lies.
And could there be a more stupid Secretary of Defense than Hagel. He was over in Afghanistan celebrating the return of the guy. I swear these folks are so dumb (Hagel, Obama in Rose Garden, and Rice declaring it a "joyous day") they actually thought this was going to be a big PR plus for them.
Hagel seems like the type of guy who got places in life because the sound of his voice seems authoritative. Him saying that this would not be an incentive for others to capture troops or civilians was one of the most stongest delivered statements of pure stupidity I have ever seen.
PB Reader said...
Can someone explain to me how a private first class deserts and gets promoted to specialist and then to sergeant in absentia?
Not the most curious thing done by this most damaging of presidents.
6/3/14, 10:12 AM
Ok, as a vet, I'll explain. It's been standing policy since World War II that any POW is assumed to have passed the relevant promotion criteria in absentia . The logic behind that is that if they are held for an extended period of time, it damages their career chances relative to their peers.
For example, assume it's 1966 and 2nd Lieutenant (O-1) Smith and 2nd Lieutenant Jones are sent on a photo-recon mission over north Vietnam fresh out of flight school. Their plane is shot down and Jones is captured, but Smith escapes. Two years pass, and Smith will be promoted to O-2 (First Lieutenant), then two years later, and Smith gets promoted to O-3 (Captain). Smith then makes Major (O-4) on his first board so he's now an O-4 when 1975 rolls around and Jones gets out of the Hanoi Hilton. Jones also gets a large chunk of back pay for all this, plus his paycheck would have been going to Mrs. Jones and Jones Junior to help support them while Daddy's a POW.
You can see where this puts Jones at a disadvantage in his career since he's an O-1, while his classmate is an O-4 and looking at making Lt. Colonel. Therefore, Jones' activities in captivity get reviewed, and if everything is satisfactory (IE not informing on other POWs to curry favor from the guards), his absentia promotions are approved and he comes out as an O-4 as well, and is allowed to compete with Jones for that O-5 spot that just opened up in headquarters.
Obama would have nothing to do with the promotions, that's an internal long-standing DoD policy. Now Bergdahl should be answering a fair number of questions about the circumstances of his desertion or capture, and what he did in captivity. If it's determined that he misbehaved, he can be demoted in rank, or suffer other punishments under military justice, the same as if he was drunk driving on base, for instance.
If you go through his twitter page, you will notice that Bob Bergdahl has also tweeted links to stories posted on a website called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (shahamat-english.com/). Not sure how that contributes to the nuance.
I don't like America
I've said it before...we need to start a kickstart campaign and buy Crack a one way ticket to the ebony paradise of his choice, as long as he agrees never to come back.
So, they made aiding and abetting the enemy a father/son outing.
Hardly surprising, given the beard. We may have the first known case of "Stockholm Syndrome by Proxy."
He definitely left his post. Best case scenario is that this was an act of madness rather than desertion. In any event, he didn't serve with honor and distinction, and there was no need for a Rose Garden ceremony to celebrate his return.
Im guessing thiis is a coordinated event: Presidential activism to show allegiance to the loyal base that wants Gitmo closed and the war in AfPak over without concern for the costs and our objectives.
Obama appears ready to pursue aggressive peace activism, and the media outlets and higher up human rights activists who share in the ideals wiill likely go right along with these means to protect the ends.
Which means much of the media and Democratic party
I haven't seen anyone here demand that M. C. ButtCrack love or even like them, or whites, or America. What we would like is:
1. For the ButtCrack not to fantasize in public about having our mothers gang-raped by black men, as he has more than once.
2. For him to stop repeating ignorant falsehoods about a wide range of issues.
3. For some realization that no one here wants to shoot him, though a lot of us would like him to just go away and leave this site, and even this country, if he hates it so much. Is every other country in the world an even more racist and shittier shithole than the U.S.? If not, why doesn't the ButtCrack pack his bags and leave for some more welcoming environment? This isn't North Korea, and we can all emigrate whenever we like. If no other country is any better, maybe this country's not so bad. Maybe it's the human condition. Or maybe he's the problem. Maybe black Americans who don't go around fantasizing about raping the mothers of white people who disagree with them find white people in general a lot more welcoming and easier to get along with.
I guess it would be better to move to Europe, where they throw bananas at black athletes at professional sporting events while making monkey noises, or to China or Russia, that would be great I guess.
I guess the planet is a "racist shithole."
She [Susan Rice] obviously is not bright, but how could you be that stupid? How could she possibly be "national security adviser" to the president.
When national security is joke concept, as it is to Obama, then you give the joke job to the resident staff idiot.
BDNYC wrote: If you go through his twitter page, you will notice that Bob Bergdahl has also tweeted links to stories posted on a website called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (shahamat-english.com/). Not sure how that contributes to the nuance.
Knocks it into a cocked hat.
So much for nuance.
Next damage control effort in 3... 2... 1...
Richard Dolan said...
Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts
Kansas City said...
The notion the Barack Obama and his political flacks are making decisions affecting the national security of the country is frightening. January 2017 cannot come soon enough.
Once they unloaded Generals Jones and Lute, I don't think there is anybody on the WH NSC that knows which end of a gun the pointy things come out of. Donilon and Rice sure don't. It's like Clinton I where the WH is proud that they don't associate or communicate with those uniformed rough men.
clueless, proud...
and scary as hell...
"God will repay for the death of every Afghan child,"
Who knew that God was paying bounties?
Just when I figured how to upload my #Pray4Benghazi Twibbon, it's now #Bergdahlgazi? Thanks, 0Bummer!
I'm surprised no one has compared Sgt. Bergdahl to Sgt. William "the Old Shoe" Schumann.
If all the black people I knew were like Crack, I would be racist. I'm glad I have a better class of friends.
"I don't like America - so shoot me."
Statistically speaking, Crackie, it will most likely be one of Obama's sons that pulls the trigger if you end up getting shot.
Black on black violence and all.
Say I heard Susan Rice went on a bunch of Sunday news shows and lied her ass off......No way, I'm not believing it
I thought this story would be like 'Wag The Dog.'
The internet won't permit the administration to control the narrative.
Mrs. Bergdahl is certainly a MILF, though.
Lefty US Soldier deserts his unit.
It's likely he collaborated with his muslim "captors".
He is used as leverage for obama to release muslim terrorists from Gitmo as a test case for simply emptying out Gitmo without abiding by US law.
The deserters father is apparently a leftist in support of muslim terrorists at Gitmo.
Cracks response: "look at me!!"
No "issues" there.
Richard Dolan: "Team Obama has stepped into a huge mess once again, without even knowing the basic facts. Susan Rice made a fool of herself (again); Obama was leading with his chin in appearing with the parents on Saturday;"
This is a transparent alinskyite tactic.
What Rice said is so fabulously moronic and incorrect, that once any republican jumps on her ridiculous statements that obamaites will simply say "Racism!!" and "has any sec of state ever been spoken to our UN Ambassador in this way??!!eleventy" "it's only because she is black!!"
It's simply a 2014 campaign move.
Hey I heard the craziest story, supposedly Susan Rice went on a bunch of Sunday news shows and lied her ass off, I mean come on, that could never happen.....could it?
Crack: "Oh wait - the homicidal maniacs will -..."
4 DEAD AMERICANS! We never leave anyone behind!
Why didn't we leave this American behind? Look at his Dad's beard for Christ's Sake!
Bigger PR flop:
Sebelious at the October unveiling of Health Care.gov in a stadium in Pittsburg, pretending the website wasn't working at the event because the internet connection was weak?
Hagel in Afghanistan announcing Bergdahl's release to dead silence from the troops
garage: "Why didn't we leave this American behind? Look at his Dad's beard for Christ's Sake!"
Our brave rural wisconsinite comes out of the woodwork to defend the deserter/collaborator who helped get a number of actual heroes killed.
Color me...not surprised.
Thanks again for all you've done for your county garage!
You can go back to demanding more fee stuff now.
Now if the Bamster would exchange 20 million illegal immigrants for one US Marine in Mexico, I would be on board.
Actually, garage, if we don't catch, shoot or imprison them, we have a long history of leaving deserters and defectors behind.
Nobody was in any rush to get Charles Jenkins back from North Korea.
Look, Crack is just a troll. Althouse's troll. He took down his avatar, I believe, because it made skipping past his tiresome, vacuous rants less likely.
Now, you are far more likely to read a bit before you think, "Aw, man, not THIS shit again!" and move on.
"It is the undeniable privilege of every man to prove himself right in the thesis that the world is his enemy; for if he reiterates it frequently enough and makes it the background of his conduct he is bound eventually to be right."
Anyone know where that comes from? Without looking?
Hint: Think of one of the last five letters in the alphabet.
What Bergdahl's Dad says or does is a Dad fighting for his son. The President is supposed to think about the nation. It's what the President does - such as standing next to someone who tweets forward articles about killing Americans - that really matters. And standing next to an advocate of jihad against Americans seems very bad.
But then, you see, the President can't read articles about the problem caused by the President standing next to a man who supports killing Americans until the President has stood there. And, see, he knows nothing about anything until he reads it in the paper. So when the problem is his own conduct, he has no way of knowing what to do until the next day when he reads comments in the paper about what he did. Then it's too late to change anything. So give him a break. To understand all is to forgive all. (I'm applying for the job of White House Press Secretary in case you wonder.)
PS Some say Bergdahl was classified as a deserter the whole time he was captive - so then he wouldn't be eligible for promotion. So what was he? POW or deserter or something else - maybe insane? Will we ever know?
Actually, garage, if we don't catch, shoot or imprison them, we have a long history of leaving deserters and defectors behind.
It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release. Now it's different. Oh well. I'm sure the change of heart is based on deeply held principles.
"Aw, man, not THIS shit again!"
I say that every morning,...
garage mahal said...
4 DEAD AMERICANS! We never leave anyone behind!
Why didn't we leave this American behind? Look at his Dad's beard for Christ's Sake!
There's a difference between letting 4 Americans die due to neglect in Bengazi and risking even more lives to save an alleged deserter. Obama has authorized drones to kill American citizens overseas without a trial. If they were actively working with terrorists, I really don't have a problem with that.
the change of heart is based on deeply held principles.
The principle of the five troops who died searching for Bergdahl between his desertion and his release.
It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release. Now it's different. Oh well. I'm sure the change of heart is based on deeply held principles.
He wasn't released, he was traded and a bunch of really bad guys got "get out of jail free" cards courtesy of an administration that is still making the false claim they they won't negotiate with terrorists. Might that be the source of the change of heart you are referring to? Are you capable of understanding the difference?
There's a difference between...
Of course there is. Of course.
"I say this every morning."
I bet you do, as soon as the voice in your head starts up.
Indeed, "It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release". Of course, if he'd been released, we'd be happy, so long as:
1. We didn't trade away five mass-murdering thugs for him, and
2. His actions were investigated to make absolutely sure that he was neither traitor nor collaborator, before treating him as an honored guest at a Rose Garden ceremony. If he is a traitor, we'd still gladly have him back, so we can hang him or send him to Leavenworth, like John Walker Lindh.
Does gm give a damn whether he is a traitor? Does he care about the men killed trying to rescue him? All signs point to no.
God, Susan Rice is stupid, isn't she?
garage: "It wasn't too long ago righties were calling for Bergdahl's release. Now it's different."
Links rake face.
You should probably actually read for comprehension the linked material prior to providing the links of course.
Not that you will.
Dr Weevil: "Does gm give a damn whether he is a traitor?"
Traitorous behavior can only raise gm's opinion of Berghdal.
Remember, the left claims the right is traitorous for not supporting obama's decisions.
When confronted with actual traitorous activity by a lefty, the larger left must immediately begin the spinning.
Very similar to how the left defends/deflects all criticism of radical islamists.
Hmmmm, the left deflecting/defending the actions of radical islamists.
Berghdal deserts and goes over to the Taliban/Al Qaeda..and the left begins deflecting/defending him.
Now that's a pattern.
Remember, obama and rice are telling us that Berghdal served with "honor and distinction"...while the other members of Berghdal's unit were made to sign NDA's and told to shut up.
And the 5 islamist radicals that garages earth-bound messiah released will be walking around free as birds in Qatar and then Afghanistan.
As the left has always desired.
Does Dr Weevil give blow jobs to goats? All signs point to: Yes!
It's odd how the Bergdahl story (at least the beginning of it, where Bergdahl was talking about walking over the mountains to China or India) resembles the opening of Tim O'Brien's novel, Going After Cacciato. Cacciato was a soldier who decided one day to walk from Vietnam to Paris, and the company commander sent a squad after him. That's where the resemblance ends, since the novel treats the escapade (which succeeds, Cacciato and his pursuers making it to Paris) as funny and quirky. The Bergdahl story has had a different trajectory.
garage mahal said...
Does Dr Weevil give blow jobs to goats? All signs point to: Yes!
That's twice in a couple of weeks that garage has been reduced to some version of goats/blowjobs.
This is what happens when garage ventures out on his own without adult supervision and without cutting and pasting.
BTW we are still waiting on all those links to "right wingers" who, according to you, were just so recently calling for Berghdals release.
Perhaps those links have fallen into some secret routers.
Or perhaps those links cannot be shared due to a John Doe investigation-gag order.
Most likely those links were just never shovel ready.
Does garage mahal hate those who show up what a lying fool he is more than he hates those who betray their (and his) country? Yes, yes he does. I can almost pity him for having the kind of mind that would even consider writing his last comment and then posting it where others can read it. Almost, but not quite. Being garage mahal would be deeply sad and pathetic if he weren't so damned disgusting as to repel any feeling of pity or common humanity. Same goes for Crack.
It is obvious Drago never served in the military*, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind. Bergdahl may be an asshole but he's OUR asshole. Bring him home, and then punish him if need be. Only a traitor would leave a POW in the hands of the enemy.
*even though a couple of his sock puppets claim they have.
"God will repay for the death of every Afghan child," is pro-Taliban and anti-American only if you are anti-American.
Most anti-war types I've ever run across profess love for America and pity for all those killed on either side, civilians, US soldiers and enemy combatants alike. Their viewpoint is that war is terrible, which it is, and that if America just laid down its weapons and quit its warlike ways, war would be avoided. They are not anti-American so much as naively extra-national.
I respect their position because I believe they are sincere but wish they would focus their imaginations on the root causes of war instead of the casualties of war.
Here's what history teaches:
If a nation is perceived as weak it will almost surely be warred upon. America's weakness is a lack of the will to go to war. We have the best military and weapons but all that is useless unless the will to wage war is present. Our citizens are traditionally reluctant to wage war.
The Muslim nations know that a direct attack on America with uniformed soldiers from a recognized nation will result in the unleashing of our military superiority and their quick demise. They are much too wise for that. No Pearl Harbor for them.
So we have war by proxy, with the Muslim nations funding, supplying and giving safe haven to their carefully unacknowledged irregulars, the Islamic terrorists. In this way they neatly avoid the responsibility for the carnage they cause.
If the Muslim nations would stop this support Islamic terrorism would soon die off except perhaps for relatively small non-existential local events in other areas of the world, such as the recent murdering and kidnapping of children in Nigeria.
We would likely still have shootings and such here in the USA from the occasional Muslim-American gone bad but nothing like 9/11 in NYC. Certainly we would not have to contend with the wide ranging, well coordinated threats we have faced since the Carter era.
It may be counter-intuitive but it seems that the best way to avoid war is to be ready and willing to wage war, real war, not the constipated, apologetic efforts that tie the hands of our soldiers and officers with the unrealistic battlefield limitations we currently insist upon, also known as the "rules of engagement."
madisonfella: "It is obvious Drago never served in the military*, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind."
We never leave anyone behind that didn't want to be left behind.
And it's looking more and more like he wanted to be there.
In fact, he CHOSE to be there.
It's also why obama is trying to shut up the other members of the military to keep them from speaking out.
NDA's for military members who served with Berghdal?
Gee, that's not strange at all, is it?
madisonfella: " Bring him home, and then punish him if need be."
They've already set him up for promotion.
madisonfella: "Only a traitor would leave a POW in the hands of the enemy."
He was never categorized as a POW.
Only a traitor would support the actions of a traitor which resulted in the deaths of US Servicemen.
Further, it was clear from Berghdal's writings and messages that the Taliban/Al Qaeda were not his enemies.
So, to summarize, in one short sentence madisonfella successfully gets 3 major items exactly ass-backwards.
The only reason it wasn't 4 or 5 was because a period appeared and stopped the madness.
For a short while at least.
madisonfella probably has a "The Rosenbergs are Innocent!!" bumper sticker on her/his/inga's car.
madisonfella wrote: It is obvious Drago never served in the military, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind.
It is obvious madisonfella's concept of "never" has a big gap in it called the Vietnam War. Officially there are 1350 unaccounted for POWs or MIAs from that conflict.
It is obvious Drago never served in the military*, because every solider and sailor knows that America never leaves anyone behind.
Unless they're in Benghazi.
Quaestor is right, it would be better stated as "every solider and sailor knows that America should never leave anyone behind"
They way we treated the POWs and MIAs of the Vietnam War is a fucking shame, and we should never allow it to be repeated.
Drago, as usual, is frothing at the mouth uncontrollably. Three or four different responses to one comment made by me? It is almost as if he gets paid by the posting.
Expressing outraged because Bergdahl is "scheduled for a promotion" demonstrates that one is nothing more than a parrot; repeating talking points with no idea at all about their actual meaning.
Even if he is a deserter we bring him home. ESPECIALLY if he is a deserter. Because if he stays there then we can't hang him here. But I wouldn't expect a yellowbellied chickenhawk like yourself to understand that one bit.
Semper Fi
Dad is a strange one, but sister is married to a career officer in the navy and mom is an angel so I'm going to hold off on judging just yet.
Haven't heard a lefty call someone a 'chickenhawk' in years. Just for the record, this 2002 post of mine provides pictures of a chickenhawk and (scroll down) an entirely different bird much resembling ButtCrack, gm, and (when he writes things like his latest) madisonfella.
madisonfella: "three or four different responses to one comment made by me?"
One comment chock full of errors.
Again, Berghdal has never been a "POW".
So says your earth-bound messiah obama.
Are you calling obama a liar?
madisonfella: "Because if he stays there then we can't hang him here."
Like that's an option.
He's not a deserter.
He's a defector.
And he won't be hanged.
Assisting the enemies of America in wartime is what gets you lauded by the left and feted on college campus' for decades.
Just ask Alger Hiss.
madisonfella: "But I wouldn't expect a yellowbellied chickenhawk like yourself to understand that one bit."
It's like it's 2004 all over again!
The lefts playbook never changes.
At least, not since 1917.
Tell us again Drago who "set up" the upcoming promotion for this guy? Did Obama signed off on it personally or was it Hillary working behind the scenes?
And we see you brought out an old sock puppet that hasn't been used in a while. Good job kicking it old school but you aren't fooling anybody. You really are paid per post, aren't you?
Dr Weevil,
I haven't seen anyone here demand that M. C. ButtCrack love or even like them, or whites, or America. What we would like is:
1. For the ButtCrack not to fantasize in public about having our mothers gang-raped by black men, as he has more than once.
Hell - now whites want to steal my fantasies,...
I don't like America - so shoot me.
"No thanks. You have any plans to walk away from your unit? Now were getting somewhere. Between the eyes or back of the head?"
I was in the Navy - I jumped ship. So did two gay guys, a Mexican, and a Native American.
Still want to kill us all, white man?
tim in vermont,
I guess the planet is a "racist shithole."
No, it's mostly the Western World, and then, what they've done to the rest of it.
God, whites are going HATE history class in the future. And they'll blame blacks - not the whites who actually MADE that history. It's just like the whites on this blog:
They fly into a rage, and hurt others, merely when they become uncomfortable. They're not above lying, or killing, to make the uncomfortable go away. Then they tell a new lie to justify it all.
Wash, rinse, repeat,...
"If all the black people I knew were like Crack, I would be racist. I'm glad I have a better class of friends."
And yet, all the white friends I have are thanking me - for bringing them up to speed, and not letting them get trapped in the racist flames "the party that freed the slaves" is going down in.
I had dinner with a white guy from City Hall just last night - he wanted to see if I was open to a government job:
And to discuss reparations,..
I was in the Navy - I jumped ship. So did two gay guys, a Mexican, and a Native American.
Still want to kill us all, white man?
Excuse me Crack, have you just confessed to deserting from the United States Navy? No wonder you can't hold a job, Cracky, you're a fugitive!
Ann, as a law officer, don't you have an obligation to report this to the authorities and to assist in his capture?
If this is true, you should indeed be hanged. You and your Village People "teammates." A firing squad would confer too much honor upon you. The hell of it is, you can probably be found without too much trouble. On the bright side, you wouldn't have to work anymore.
Crack, this being SF, reparations probably meant he wanted to blow you.
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