If everybody faced facts about Obama and the lawless democrats, his administration would have been over in November 2012. For better (or worse, which I doubt) a real leader would have been at the helm of the ship of state, Mitt Romney.
Impeachment? Ridiculous. On what provable grounds? You don't impeach presidents for being incompetent, nor should you out of policy differences. Unless you can find Obama's personal fingerprints on one of the scandals (highly unlikely) there is no strong basis.
I can think of nothing better calculated to revive Obama than a House vote to impeach and a Senate trial.
Tragic is that Cheney, Kristol, Fleisher, Wolfowitz, Krauthammer et al, all being trotted out across media. That they have been offered such a platform is disgusting.
Yet from such a platform, on the *subject of Iraq*, for God's sake, one of these people now tells us someone else is "so wrong about so much. My God, there are bloggers and media people passing this stuff along unironically, as though it were all legit.
But then, shame was never a strong suit of these people. If it were, we would never have gone into Iraq in the first place.
Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
The Constitution is a bit fuzzy on what constitutes grounds for impeachment and removal, and the courts don't want to touch it, so it is up to Congress to use judgment when deciding whether something is an impeachable offense. Mainly, any partisans in Congress who want to take down a president of the other party should consider that they're setting precedent--after all, it could soon enough be another party running Congress and your own party's president in the White House.
I for one think the standard should be that you don't impeach/remove until there is evidence that the president committed a fairly serious abuse of power. All presidents take some actions of questionable legality or constitutionality--they push the edge of the envelope all the time. But where a high enough bar is crossed that our system of government is threatened, that's when you have to impeach.
Has Obama done anything that reached that level? So far there hasn't been any evidence of such a thing--some of his executive orders and actions as Commander in Chief certainly push the line of legality, as many of Bush's did. But he really hasn't crossed the line of egregiousness that would justify impeachment. Maybe if the IRS scandal turned out to involve him personally, but so far no evidence.
Like David said above, policy differences or even incompetence shouldn't be enough to do something so nuclear as impeach. And talk about idiotic from a political standpoint--it'd revive his sagging fortunes, and if he were (fat chance) actually removed you'd be giving President Biden a head start.
How can you keep telling us that blacks as a group hate us, don't trust us, resent us, and say things like "watch out" and at the same time not think that somewhere, in a nation of 330 million people, or among 40 million blacks, nobody is going to take the rhetoric seriously?
It's an honest question Crack. Though I admit to trolling you sometimes.
Yeah, killing "The" WTC mastermind sure did end militant radical islam as a force in the Middle East. I'm sure that capturing "the" Behghazi perp is going to bring back those four dead Americans and undo all the damage done by yet another successful attack on U.S. diplomats.
" In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird. "
There were lots of stories on it, I don't know what you are talking about Garage. Though a lot of them were premised on the fact that we knew where this guy was for a long time and only picked him up the day the story came out that six additional "disk crashes" occurred at the IRS, all of them after they had been subpoenaed.
The first crash, Lois Lerner, who took the fifth, that Lois Lerner, her PC "crashed" after she was notified by Congress of an investigation into targeting of conservative groups, ten days after.
I know that Obama likes to play golf, and I strongly suspect he cheats, but the presidency is not like golf, he couldn't take a mulligan and go back to 2003, he had to play the ball where it lay.
Instead, he pretended that magically, he didn't have to, and now tens of thousands are being slaughtered by a small army that could have easily been deterred by a show of air power. These deaths are on Obama.
I think Chuck T means that he's tired of looking the other way from Obama's policy messes and incompetence. Rather exaggerated of him to say Obama's over. Unless he resigns Obama is going to keep doing and not doing what he's been doing and not doing for another 31 months and two days. The scales have fallen from Chuck's eyes and now we must all stand attention for him. Fuck him.
Obama could be caught with both a live boy and a dead girl in his bed while signing executive orders to put all identified Tea Party supporters on the TSA's "no fly" list and he still wouldn't be impeached by the House, let alone convicted by the Senate.
At this point he's far more of a millstone to Democrats running for office this year. Let him have his final two years with a Republican-controlled House and Senate. Let him golf as much as he wants, and if people must be impeached go for the Cabinet Heads.
Benghazi leader has been captured and will be tried with the full protection of the Constitution. He will be provided a very good lawyer. You will get to hear the story for sure. He might even get off if the jury has deep thinkers like you. What with his hurt feelings and all as being behind it.
"garage mahal said... Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Donald Kagan, the historian, has the right take on our President: Of Obama himself, Professor Kagan observed: “We should not underestimate the possibility of extraordinary ignorance.”
Fucking clowns the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
President Obama crossed the line of impeachable offenses a long time ago - certainly when he first told the State of Arizona that his administration would enforce the immigration laws as he saw fit, never mind any statutes passed by Congress. However, he is not going to get impeached as long as the Senate party division hovers around 50/50.
All of the troubles we are seeing now - abroad in the Ukraine, the "Middle East" from the Chinese border to Morocco, Korea, and the South China Sea and at home with immigration problems, stagnant economy, faltering financial system, blatant disregard for law and order on the part of the Government itself, never mind the citizens - are due to actions President Obama and his administration have taken or failed to take over the last 5½ years, and the chickens are coming home to roost.
But a conviction upon impeachment takes a 2/3 vote of the Senators present, so that is not going to happen to this President. Some of his cabinet officers or agency heads now, that could happen.
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
and Cheney and bush relied on our intelligence services who called the case against Iraq a slam Dunk. These are also the same intelligence services that gave Clinton his info. When he bombed Iraq in Operation desert fox the argument was that we would degrade Iraqs capacity but not get it all. On what basis did he say Iraq had any WMD? So hold the dems to the same standard or shut up.
Impeachable may be the IRS scandal. It's very telling just Eric holder isn't calling for a special prosecutor just to prove that there were no shenanigans. And how the usual crowd are so silent on what is obviously a coverup. The story that six hard drives crashed and they lost the email is laughable on its face. In addition to backups there is a law requiring all emails to have hard copies so that they don't get list. And yet the left is silent. Would they be silent if it were Bush? Would they buy that excuse? If Obama was part of they if think that would be impeachable especially if you are then caught deleting the emails. Not sure yet if well be able to link it to him directly though. And so , repubs shouldn't impeach unless they can.
the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
You got every single thing wrong in that post. Jesus Christ, do you guys even try?
And freder while we had our "rush" to war Sadaam had MONTHS to get rid of stock piles. And we have satellite footage of sites being razed to the ground. What was in those sites? I dont know her it wasn't WMD and hat it wasn't shipped off to Syria with Russia's help as alleged. Since of course we never went into Syria.
By the way, Syria Consistently denied ever having chemical weapons yet used them recently. The left was wrong on that. But how so we know that the chemicals being used were not ones shipped to Syria from Iraq?
We don't know, but lefts not assume then that we do.
"At this point he's far more of a millstone to Democrats running for office this year. Let him have his final two years with a Republican-controlled House and Senate."
While I like your thinking, (and impeachment is not in the cards), the world could burn down with two more years of President Millstone.
It's beginning to look more and more like that "Chief Planner" of the Benghazi attack was really no more than a street person bystander who just happened to get himself photographed.
When the House was considering impeaching Clinton, I was torn: I thought it was unwise politically (so at best you get Gore as President?!), but holy smoke the President of the United States committed PERJURY!!! (I'm a lawyer, and I take that seriously). But it was clearly a serious political mistake.
I wouldn't think of impeaching Obama even if we find evidence that he was behind the IRS targeting of conservative groups and the destruction of the evidence. What I do favor is electing a Republican Senate and House. Then Obama could only do limited damage through executive action, which his successor could reverse. And with both houses of Congress working on investigations we'll get a head start on house cleaning in 2017 (if the truth about the Obama Administration begins to come out over the next two years, the only way a Democrat is going to be elected President is on a platform to throw much of the Obama Administration in jail).
Oh, and garage, you're the fucking clown. Anybody who believes that Obama just HAPPENED to nab a Benghazi "perp" when Iraq is on fire and the IRS is tossing evidence left and right, can be described no other way.
Garage didn't see Benghazi perp coverage on the right-wing outlets he didn't watch or read! Funny how that works! "Uhhhhh, I didn't see it on FOX News!"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. 6/18/14, 3:52 PM
You don't read very well do you. Cheney, very clearly, was talking about the equipment to enrich uranium, which was found in Iraq. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/06/25/sprj.irq.centrifuge/
It's beginning to look more and more like that "Chief Planner" of the Benghazi attack was really no more than a street person bystander who just happened to get himself photographed.
Let's not forget about Section 4 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.
It says if the "Vice President" and "such other body as Congress may by law provide" declare "the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office", then the Vice President takes over.
A good argument can be made that gross incompetence combined with showing serious symptoms of the disengagement syndrome mean that Obama is unable discharge his "powers and duties."
And it maybe that Uncle Joe, as ambitious as he is, is already primed to sign on to a Section 4 declaration.
The test for impeachment is a simple one: do the people want the president removed, whatever the reason, for actions he or she has taken. Nixon passed that test. Clinton did not and neither does Obama.
Now, if it turns out his core advisers were involved with this IRS scandal.....
Kind of reminds me of the Democrats who "quote" Reagan when they think they can take something he may or may not have said as an endorsement for one of their ideas.
I don't care what Chuch Todd says, one way or the other. He's a weasel and he has no authority with me.
Anybody who believes that Obama just HAPPENED to nab a Benghazi "perp" when Iraq is on fire and the IRS is tossing evidence left and right, can be described no other way.
You think this because you just assume that's what Republicans do.
What's the conspiracy theory on this one? That Obama ordered a capture because politically it would help him? Or help Hillary? Nothing can just happen can it?
On what basis did he [Clinton] say Iraq had any WMD?
On bad, but, considering the circumstances, not unreasonable, intelligence.
During the run up to the war in late 2002 and 2003, the inspectors were back in Iraq, finding nothing. The Iraqis were cooperating. The U.S. was flying over the entire country, not just the no-fly zones. The contention that Iraq possessed WMDs or had an active program was no longer credible.
"Knockout Game never happened and there are not even stories about it on google news that are only four hours old"
And the evidence at the link of a Knockout Game? Somebody put "Knockout Game" in the article's title. Read the article. There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind.
It's a white lie.
"How can you keep telling us that blacks as a group hate us, don't trust us, resent us, and say things like "watch out" and at the same time not think that somewhere, in a nation of 330 million people, or among 40 million blacks, nobody is going to take the rhetoric seriously?"
GOING to take it seriously? Fool, we take it seriously every day of our lives. You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress. To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody.
You just think your dumb ass is the shit. Manifest Destiny and all that ass licking bullshit.
"It's an honest question Crack. Though I admit to trolling you sometimes."
I'm here, answering you honestly. That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
As I always say, white culture, seen plainly, is pretty sick by comparison.
Everybody seems to know that, or is getting it,...
In addition to backups there is a law requiring all emails to have hard copies so that they don't get list.
Can you provide a citation to this law? I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government and have never heard of this. I doubt there would be enough paper or storage in the world to make hard copies of all the emails sent and received by the Federal Government.
You don't read very well do you. Cheney, very clearly, was talking about the equipment to enrich uranium, which was found in Iraq.
You don't read very well. Your citation is about parts of a centrifuge buried in a scientist's back yard years before Cheney claimed that Saddam was actively obtaining equipment for nuclear weapons.
"But then, shame was never a strong suit of these people. If it were, we would never have gone into Iraq in the first place."
And Hillary and Kerry would not have voted for it. OK. Democrats are great at doing things, then backing out once the going gets tough. It's a good thing that the present day Democrats were still babies when Guadalcanal was being fought.
"Though a lot of them were premised on the fact that we knew where this guy was for a long time and only picked him up the day the story came out that six additional "disk crashes" occurred at the IRS, all of them after they had been subpoenaed."
Shhh garage is asleep and having a pleasant dream.
Somebody asked Hillary why we didn't disguise an FBI agent as a reporter and grab this guy two years ago when he was giving interviews.
Not to be crude, but A) blacks do kill whites a whole heck of a lot more than the reverse and B) it's generally a bad idea for a group that is 10-12 percent of a country to start a race war.
I dont know her it wasn't WMD and hat it wasn't shipped off to Syria with Russia's help as alleged.
Just because something is alleged by a bunch of cranks on the internet, doesn't make it credible.
The Bush Administration (not me or the lying left wing press) thoroughly reviewed the evidence after the war and concluded that the Iraqis had indeed destroyed their WMDs in the mid-nineties and did not have an active WMD program.
Wow, Crack. There was a time I could at least consider your point of view. Now you're just a dispicable racist. I suppose you probably always were. You simply stopped trying to appear otherwise. Absolutely disgusting.
"There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind."
You know how they got those cops off the hook in the Rodney King beating the first time?
They looked at each individual blow and asked the jury on each blow, was this blow, this exact blow, not considering any of the others, excessive use of force? In each individual case, the jury said no. It was a similar kind of denial to what I see coming out of your words.
"That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
As I always say, white culture, seen plainly, is pretty sick by comparison."
A, I don't despise black people, I simply don't, despite your constant invitations to take up the practice.
B, Your little riff on the superiority of black culture to white culture is a very convenient way for you to overlook the logical weaknesses in your arguments. I will leave it at that.
During the run up to the war in late 2002 and 2003, the inspectors were back in Iraq, finding nothing.
Note the phrase: BACK IN IRAQ.
Because Hussein tossed them out.
Which should've led to an invasion at that point immediately.
The Iraqis were cooperating.
Even Blix and Ritter didn't claim the Iraqis were being very cooperative.
And the evidence at the link of a Knockout Game? Somebody put "Knockout Game" in the article's title. Read the article. There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind.
...but Trayvon murdered because he was buying Skittles...that is GOSPEL truth, man. In spite of the ample evidence to the contrary that the shitbrick deserved to die and the world was immeasurably improved by his lack of residence in it.
You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress.
Let's play that game if you so wish. Your side is unlikely to come out well, in spite of the statistically noteworthy numbers of the proclivity towards crime in mainstream black culture.
To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody.
Honest question:
WHY would anybody want to know black folks?
You seem incessantly bitter and self-destructive. Lacking in talent but excessive in demands for praise.
I don't see the appeal of "knowing" black folks.
That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
Note that whites attack and kill blacks in far smaller numbers than blacks do to whites.
You should also learn the greatness of those you despise.
Maybe it would be better to settle on definitions before arguing about the "knockout game."
Do you think that there has never been a single instance of an assault where the perpetrator thought in advance that he was playing the "knockout game"?
Or do you think the numbers are so low that they should not be reported as it just magnifies an insignificant trend?
Or do you think that whites believe that every black person they see is likely to be a participant in this game, and that position is clearly ridiculous, even if there have been several cases over the past few months?
Or is it something else that you can give me some sense of the quantity.
Or is it too white of me to try to actually seek definitions in a debate?
Crack there were some people playing the knockout game Was it an epidemic? Probably not. But hte same with school shootings. It happens from time to time but is not an epidemic as described by the left.
Black on black crime, though. Now there's an epidemic.
Freder, suppose the inspections went forward and we didn't find any weapons. Would we believe that Sadaam was on the level this time since he had played the exact games before. And suppose we did think they were telling the truth. Do you think we should have ended containment? ANd if we did how quickly would it take for Sadaam to rearm? Since that was his intent all along? Would you say we needed to continue containment even though Iraq ostensibly had no weapons? Did Iraq maintain the intent to have weapons? Of course.
"the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
You got every single thing wrong in that post. Jesus Christ, do you guys even try?"
Looks like he got everything right. Aping Crack is not a reasoned retort.
Nope, he wouldn't let us talk to scientists out of the coutry and even Hans Blix said "Even now" Iraq has not accounted for the weapons we know he had which Iraq said it had but which it hadn't destroyed. ANd this is the same game he always played.
snip: "He didn't hide in the months after the September 11, 2012, assault on a U.S. diplomatic compound, instead giving media interviews in public, including one with CNN's Arwa Damon. "No problem," he replied in 2013 when Damon asked if he would be willing to meet with U.S. investigators presumably searching for him."
snip: "NEW YORK -- Ahmed Abu Khattala, the terror suspect apprehended Sunday by U.S. special operations forces, may have eluded capture by the U.S. government for 21 months, but he certainly didn’t hide from the media.
Since the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, Abu Khattala has given interviews to The New York Times, Reuters, CNN, Fox News, CBS News and the Times of London."
snip: "The Libyan militant suspected in the deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi hid in plain sight in the African nation prior to his capture by U.S. forces on Sunday — granting multiple media interviews to news outlets including Fox News."
That last link is probably causing garage some confusion.
You see, garage has already claimed that fox news did not report on this guys capture.
garage was quite adament about this.
And yet.
There's the link.
It's almost like garage is learning disabled and can't perform the most basic level of research.
That would probably explain his stellar academic career.
Cheney is a total cretin, who can't even get right a manner for getting nutrition into his blood without clogging his heart. Would I be censored for calling him a "c*&t"? I mean seriously, the guy has absolutely no shame, no retrospection, no lack of ideological self-righteousness, shot his friend in the face, hid the fact, gave the friend a heart attack in so doing… Why would anyone think that sane people should trust him to get anything right? He thinks hammers solve problems meant for ratchets. Just a totally insane guy who doesn't have the presence of mind to process any thought without first making it a life-or-death-them-or-us proposition. He lacks any capacity at all for objective, rational thought and only seems to have blood running through his veins when faced with the prospect of tragedy. He really lacks any discernibly human psychological attributes other than fear and suspicion.
I am curious though which Althouse postings bring out our left of center commenters and which one's don't. I would not have pegged this one to be an obvious candidate for GM and Freder.
On a trip to the Middle East this spring, we heard a constant refrain in capitals from the Persian Gulf to Israel, "Can you please explain what your president is doing?"
Um, because he's got his own country to run -- like they should theirs.
We knew it was terrorist attack pretty much immediately: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/14/benghazi-transcripts-top-defense-officials-briefed-obama-on-attack-not-video-or/
Chuck Todd thinks Obama is over? What, is he taking Obama's golf clubs away from him?
Otherwise, I'd expect Obama to play at least another 60 rounds of golf until he leaves the White House.
He can't do the real job of being President, but he won't let that stop him from using all the perks at his disposal to make it "look" like he's President.
garage mahal write: Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
It is plastered all of Fox News. Get a fucking clue.
White guys got it wrong and we already know crack knows to believe everything white guys tell him, especially if it is an easily disproven assertion:
From MSNBC's idiot savant, Chris Hayes (who apparently is "All In"...on BS): "On Friday night in our discussion of statistics about race and crime, I mistakenly inverted two numbers. In situations in which we know the race of the offender in a murder, which is a relatively small subset, 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders in 2010, while 8 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders. On Friday, I said the reverse."
So Garage, you don't see anything suspicious about the timing of the arrest? Seriously? They could have had this guy anytime they wanted. ANYTIME. It's another distraction.
Just like the Bergdahl deal, the only difference is this one probably won't blow up in his face. If Iraq wasn't burning and Lois Lerner's emails weren't "missing" this guy would still be walking around loose in the middle east, and you know it.
By all rights, Obama would be impeached. But, it hopefully won't happen, despite some Republicans in the House suggesting that they may have the votes. Morally, it would probably be the right thing, but politically, it would be a disaster. Made worse by the impeachment of Bill Clinton, for merely lying under oath. Obama has routinely flaunted the law of the land, enforcing what he wanted to, and ignoring what he didn't like. The examples are legion, from Fast and Furious through ObamaCare rollout, to the immigration fiasco unfolding in the SW right now. And, that he doesn't fire the most political, most corrupt Attorney General of our lifetimes. Not only has AG Holder been found in Contempt of Congress, he has also hounded Administration critics, while actively protecting its supporters. No surprise that repeated calls to appoint a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal go unacknowledged by his Department - because appointing such would run counter to his primary goal of protecting Obama and his Administration at all costs, legal and illegal. The highest law enforcement officer of the country acting like the personal enforcer of a Chicago mobster.
Of course, even if the Republicans retake the Senate this November, they won't have the votes for an impeachment conviction, since likely no Dem would do like so many Republicans were ready to do with Nixon - doing the right thing, and not the politically expedient thing, like they all, to a one, did with the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton. Better to protect your President, than the rule of law.
Besides, even if the Republicans did have the votes in the Senate, enough wouldn't vote for conviction, given the alternative. If you are scared of Obama as President, what about Slo' Joe Biden? Maybe not as politically vindicative as the President, but clearly far out of reach of reality.
I find the idea of black on white violence that is being skirted here interesting. By all rights, blacks should be taking their ire out against the people who put them in the position they are in, that makes them so angry - Dem politicians. For almost 50 years now, they have supported Dem policies and politicians that seem designed to make them ever more dependent upon the state for their existence, while destroying the fabric of the black family. They now vote overwhelmingly for the racist party, the party that supported black slavery, followed by black subjugation through Jim Crow and the Klan, and now black dependence upon the state.
AG Holder has talked about the cowardliness of the American people to discuss race. And, he is right - but not in the way he probably meant. The cowardliness is refusing to print the race of the perps when flash mobs attack people, or when victims are injured as a result of the knockout game. Pretending this way that there isn't a racial component to acts of violence, at those times when there is one. When, by DoJ standards, a racial hate crime was committed, but that is ignored by much of the media for the sake of (one sided) racial harmony and political correctness. (And, completely ignored by that same DoJ, whose major contribution here was the dismissal of the stipulated charges against the NBP members).
We see this every day, but maybe not more blatantly than with the death of Trayvon Martin, the avowed knockout game participant, held out as a hero by the President, and much of the media, after he ruthlessly, and without legal provocation or warning, knocked Zimmerman down, beat his head into the concrete, and tried to strangle him. And, somehow Zimmerman was the villain there for protecting his own life against this violence. If the races had been reversed, few would have had second thoughts about condemning his assailant, and figuring that Martin got was he had asked for.
I think though that we maybe reaching critical mass with black on white (and black on black) violence, with the recent report by WKRC-TV in Cincinnati that pointed out the racial angle of the violent attacks. We shall see.
Freder Frederson said... Cheney says he's "so wrong about so much"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Hey, Freder. Check out this article from PBS (yes PBS!) outlining Saddam's considerable efforts to create nuclear and chemical weapons. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/gunning/etc/arsenal.html
Point is, Saddam was doing just what Cheney's quote said he was doing. The PBS article's main source was The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The left had it's fingerprints all over this war, starting with the Iraq Liberation Act.
A question for any historians on this thread. Who was worse? James Buchanan (probably our first gay president) or Barack Obama?
Buchanan isn't the right comparison. Obama seems to be an amalgam of the bad qualities of Coolidge, Nixon, and Carter.
As far as impeachment, the IRS scandal certainly rises to that level. I think it's a political non-starter, though. Nobody's going to impeach our first token black president.
Personally I'm okay with that. The more smelly this albatross gets the more tightly Republicans should bind him to the collective Democrat neck in 2014 and 2016. There's no reason to make him a sympathetic figure, and anyway the only guy in Washington who'd make a worse president is Slow Joe Biden.
President Moms-Jeans is back! We were starting to worry about you buddy. You weren't checking in after two gun crazy wingnuts shot up some cops in Las Vegas.
"' I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government ' - Freddie
Why am I not surprised."
Actually perhaps you should be. By his own admission in an earlier thread, Freder would still be short of thirty years old today. I wonder how many several would be, and what he did for those agencies that would make him cite this as giving him special insight into the subject.
But regardless, in answer to his original question I think the subject of paper backup was covered over on hotair.com yesterday or the day before. If he's truly interested in more than snark, he can click over and find it himself.
NO WAY are the Republicans going to sign on to impeach the first African American President. After Hillary in 2016, then we can get back to holding politicians accountable...if there's anything left to be that anybody thinks deserves accountability.
There's very little spine in the Congress. I can't believe anybody would think they grew one just because Chuck Todd is feeling stupid.
Obama is just getting started. These last years are going to be a very interesting.
garage mahal said, Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
They suddenly captured a guy who CNN interviewed a short time after the attack, and who CNN says was "hiding in plain sight." http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/politics/benghazi-suspect/
Some accomplishment.
Fucking clowns.
Yes, that's what Obama and all of you progressives are.
What's the conspiracy theory on this one? That Obama ordered a capture because politically it would help him?
"President Moms-Jeans is back! We were starting to worry about you buddy. You weren't checking in after two gun crazy wingnuts shot up some cops in Las Vegas."
The two Occutards? Tell us more about violent right-wingers, garage.
They suddenly captured a guy who CNN interviewed a short time after the attack, and who CNN says was "hiding in plain sight." http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/politics/benghazi-suspect/
So what IS the conspiracy theory? Explain what you think went down. That Obama called off the military and intelligence agencies so he could capture this guy at a later time to distract from some bullshit scandal from the fever swamps?
Freder feeders on , here's just a bit of what dems were saying about Iraq pre Iraq War: http://youtu.be/N5p-qIq32m8
That is the tip of the iceberg frankly. You'd think ONE of them would have said " hey, it looks like the intelligence shows that Iraq does not in fact have WMD capabilities after all" No one said that because no one believed that because that wasn't what the intelligence said. Go back further to Clinton's tenure and you can watch the entire history of Iraq's containment to show what Clinto and these same dems thought And DID visi a vis Iraq. Since all inspectors were kicked out in 1998 where are you getting the idea that suddenly the intelligence changed? That point in history NEVER occurred when Bush came to office.
Maybe he thought iRaq posed a threat because he listened to dems wag the dog. Now you can be like Robert Cook and say both Clinton and Bush were lying, though I don't see why that would give dems some moral virtue that repubs lack or why you would sneer at neo cons since, of course, the dems would be beating EXACTLY the same drum even before Bush took office.
But most dems in fact think that Clonto was a great president. And so Did not wag the dog. If he didn't then he thought Iraq posed a threat And Bush did too for the exact same reasons.
Dems are deluding themselves with their "bush lied people died shtick" its grist for low information voters, like yourself. But anyone who was following Iraq's containment who was honest would say that that storyline is crap.
"The contention that Iraq possessed WMDs or had an active program was no longer credible." The inspections never completed. So how are you saying they revealed something?
Hey Freder here is a link about the IRS being required to keep hard copies of emails: http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/17/irs-was-required-by-law-to-print-out-lois-lerners-emails/?utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fweaselzippers.us%2F190296-irs-required-by-law-to-keep-hard-copies-of-all-agency-emails-in-event-of-problem%2F
So, um, that whole "the hard drive crashed and ate my homework" excuse doesn't really work.
As far as impeachment, the IRS scandal certainly rises to that level.
Well, no, because it has yet to be established that Obama ordered it done. It seems more likely that it was just a predictable result of the federal bureaucracy being comprised largely of partisan Democrats.
The war on Libya is something he should have been impeached over, since he openly violated the Constitutional limitation on declarations of war. But we've let other Presidents (e.g., Reagan and George H.W. Bush) get away with that, so that's a non-starter.
That Obama called off the military and intelligence agencies so he could capture this guy at a later time to distract from some bullshit scandal from the fever swamps?
It looks like that is exactly what happened. Remember the Bergdahl trade was supposed to be a similar truimph.
If Obama and Biden are jointly impeached and jointly convicted, does Boehner become President?
I don't think it would be constitutional to impeach them jointly. If you did impeach them serially, at the moment Boehner would indeed become president.
"While living in Lafayette, Jerad and his wife Amanda took part in last November’s “Million Mask March” – a gathering of protesters from the Occupy movement, anarchists, and hacktivists."
Statements made for the defense (Democrats) by the defense representatives (reporters) are less persuasive than admissions made against interests.
All the false allegations of political motivation before (e.g. Gabby Giffords' shooter) lead anybody reasonable (READ: not "garage mahal") to question claims in all future cases. This is a 'Crying Wolf' situation.
Smae thing said about every two termer ever, just about this time in the second term.
And then the occupant of the White House will have an actual thing to do, like sign a bill or attend a summit or pardon a campaign donor, and all of a sudden his political capital is way, way over the FDIC limit at the bank, again.
Well if Obama keeps having all these foreign policy 'victories' with his 'smart diplomacy' we will soon be speaking Arabic and chaining Muslim hymns (and no oil either.)
"You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress. To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody. "
This passage from Crack explains why Zimmerman shot and killer Martin. Zimmerman was well familiar with the black community, and he knew how many "Cracks" are running around, wishing to kill someone "to release stress".
BTW, Crack, is it fair to assume that you often have such great paroxysms of hate towards white people, that you are ready to kill them?
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Don't you know Drudge is a racist!
First you have to believe Drudge dog whistles.
Where's that Knockout Game that was sweeping the nation, huh?
If everybody faced facts about Obama and the lawless democrats, his administration would have been over in November 2012.
For better (or worse, which I doubt) a real leader would have been at the helm of the ship of state,
Mitt Romney.
Impeachment? Ridiculous. On what provable grounds? You don't impeach presidents for being incompetent, nor should you out of policy differences. Unless you can find Obama's personal fingerprints on one of the scandals (highly unlikely) there is no strong basis.
I can think of nothing better calculated to revive Obama than a House vote to impeach and a Senate trial.
But he's so relentlessly liked ...
What David said. "Don't throw me in the brier patch!"
Tragic is that Cheney, Kristol, Fleisher, Wolfowitz, Krauthammer et al, all being trotted out across media. That they have been offered such a platform is disgusting.
Yet from such a platform, on the *subject of Iraq*, for God's sake, one of these people now tells us someone else is "so wrong about so much. My God, there are bloggers and media people passing this stuff along unironically, as though it were all legit.
But then, shame was never a strong suit of these people. If it were, we would never have gone into Iraq in the first place.
Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
Never forget!
Wait wait. Forget Benghazi. Repeat, forget Benghazi!
Fucking clowns.
Don't worry about it Crack, it is not like you are totally predictable or anything.
The Constitution is a bit fuzzy on what constitutes grounds for impeachment and removal, and the courts don't want to touch it, so it is up to Congress to use judgment when deciding whether something is an impeachable offense. Mainly, any partisans in Congress who want to take down a president of the other party should consider that they're setting precedent--after all, it could soon enough be another party running Congress and your own party's president in the White House.
I for one think the standard should be that you don't impeach/remove until there is evidence that the president committed a fairly serious abuse of power. All presidents take some actions of questionable legality or constitutionality--they push the edge of the envelope all the time. But where a high enough bar is crossed that our system of government is threatened, that's when you have to impeach.
Has Obama done anything that reached that level? So far there hasn't been any evidence of such a thing--some of his executive orders and actions as Commander in Chief certainly push the line of legality, as many of Bush's did. But he really hasn't crossed the line of egregiousness that would justify impeachment. Maybe if the IRS scandal turned out to involve him personally, but so far no evidence.
Like David said above, policy differences or even incompetence shouldn't be enough to do something so nuclear as impeach. And talk about idiotic from a political standpoint--it'd revive his sagging fortunes, and if he were (fat chance) actually removed you'd be giving President Biden a head start.
If Obama were personally behind the IRS targeting of conservative groups (and then of course the cover up) that would be an impeachable offense.
Chances of impeachment happening? Effectively zero.
I'm glad that America could elect a Black person to the Presidency. I just with we'd had the wisdom not to elect Obama.
Knockout Game never happened and there are not even stories about it on google news that are only four hours old
How can you keep telling us that blacks as a group hate us, don't trust us, resent us, and say things like "watch out" and at the same time not think that somewhere, in a nation of 330 million people, or among 40 million blacks, nobody is going to take the rhetoric seriously?
It's an honest question Crack. Though I admit to trolling you sometimes.
"The" Benghazi perp?
Yeah, killing "The" WTC mastermind sure did end militant radical islam as a force in the Middle East. I'm sure that capturing "the" Behghazi perp is going to bring back those four dead Americans and undo all the damage done by yet another successful attack on U.S. diplomats.
" In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird. "
There were lots of stories on it, I don't know what you are talking about Garage. Though a lot of them were premised on the fact that we knew where this guy was for a long time and only picked him up the day the story came out that six additional "disk crashes" occurred at the IRS, all of them after they had been subpoenaed.
The first crash, Lois Lerner, who took the fifth, that Lois Lerner, her PC "crashed" after she was notified by Congress of an investigation into targeting of conservative groups, ten days after.
I am sure you have seen the movie "Wag the Dog"?
"Maybe if the IRS scandal turned out to involve him personally, but so far no evidence."
Yeah, no evidence ...
I know that Obama likes to play golf, and I strongly suspect he cheats, but the presidency is not like golf, he couldn't take a mulligan and go back to 2003, he had to play the ball where it lay.
Instead, he pretended that magically, he didn't have to, and now tens of thousands are being slaughtered by a small army that could have easily been deterred by a show of air power. These deaths are on Obama.
I think Chuck T means that he's tired of looking the other way from Obama's policy messes and incompetence. Rather exaggerated of him to say Obama's over. Unless he resigns Obama is going to keep doing and not doing what he's been doing and not doing for another 31 months and two days. The scales have fallen from Chuck's eyes and now we must all stand attention for him. Fuck him.
Obama could be caught with both a live boy and a dead girl in his bed while signing executive orders to put all identified Tea Party supporters on the TSA's "no fly" list and he still wouldn't be impeached by the House, let alone convicted by the Senate.
At this point he's far more of a millstone to Democrats running for office this year. Let him have his final two years with a Republican-controlled House and Senate. Let him golf as much as he wants, and if people must be impeached go for the Cabinet Heads.
You know things are rough in sycophant land when they would actually prefer people were talking about Benghazi.
I wouldn't impeach him, but I'd fire him.
Benghazi leader has been captured and will be tried with the full protection of the Constitution. He will be provided a very good lawyer. You will get to hear the story for sure. He might even get off if the jury has deep thinkers like you. What with his hurt feelings and all as being behind it.
"Where's that Knockout Game that was sweeping the nation, huh?"
Seems to have died off with one of the players.
"garage mahal said...
Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
Never forget!
Wait wait. Forget Benghazi. Repeat, forget Benghazi!
Fucking clowns."
What right-wing outlets are you talking about? NRO had it. Fox News had it. Hot Air had it.
And perp? Singular?
So once again you make up shit to make your case. You're the clown.
Cheney says he's "so wrong about so much"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Donald Kagan, the historian, has the right take on our President:
Of Obama himself, Professor Kagan observed: “We should not underestimate the possibility of extraordinary ignorance.”
Garage mahal wrote:
Never forget!
Wait wait. Forget Benghazi. Repeat, forget Benghazi!
Fucking clowns
the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
I agree that impeachment is dubious. Besides I'd rather see how low his popularity goes.
President Obama crossed the line of impeachable offenses a long time ago - certainly when he first told the State of Arizona that his administration would enforce the immigration laws as he saw fit, never mind any statutes passed by Congress.
However, he is not going to get impeached as long as the Senate party division hovers around 50/50.
All of the troubles we are seeing now - abroad in the Ukraine, the "Middle East" from the Chinese border to Morocco, Korea, and the South China Sea and at home with immigration problems, stagnant economy, faltering financial system, blatant disregard for law and order on the part of the Government itself, never mind the citizens - are due to actions President Obama and his administration have taken or failed to take over the last 5½ years, and the chickens are coming home to roost.
But a conviction upon impeachment takes a 2/3 vote of the Senators present, so that is not going to happen to this President.
Some of his cabinet officers or agency heads now, that could happen.
Feeder Frederson wrote:
Cheney says he's "so wrong about so much"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
and Cheney and bush relied on our intelligence services who called the case against Iraq a slam
These are also the same intelligence services that gave Clinton his info. When he bombed Iraq in Operation desert fox the argument was that we would degrade Iraqs capacity but not get it all.
On what basis did he say Iraq had any WMD?
So hold the dems to the same standard or shut up.
Dog whistle for libs. Look at how they're ALL here!
Who cares about Benghazi. What about that fact that Iraq is about to FALL on Obama's watch?
Impeachable may be the IRS scandal. It's very telling just Eric holder isn't calling for a special prosecutor just to prove that there were no shenanigans. And how the usual crowd are so silent on what is obviously a coverup. The story that six hard drives crashed and they lost the email is laughable on its face. In addition to backups there is a law requiring all emails to have hard copies so that they don't get list.
And yet the left is silent.
Would they be silent if it were Bush? Would they buy that excuse?
If Obama was part of they if think that would be impeachable especially if you are then caught deleting the emails. Not sure yet if well be able to link it to him directly though.
And so , repubs shouldn't impeach unless they can.
the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
You got every single thing wrong in that post. Jesus Christ, do you guys even try?
And freder while we had our "rush" to war Sadaam had MONTHS to get rid of stock piles. And we have satellite footage of sites being razed to the ground. What was in those sites? I dont know her it wasn't WMD and hat it wasn't shipped off to Syria with Russia's help as alleged.
Since of course we never went into Syria.
By the way, Syria
Consistently denied ever having chemical weapons yet used them recently. The left was wrong on that. But how so we know that the chemicals being used were not ones shipped to Syria from Iraq?
We don't know, but lefts not assume then that we do.
"At this point he's far more of a millstone to Democrats running for office this year. Let him have his final two years with a Republican-controlled House and Senate."
While I like your thinking, (and impeachment is not in the cards), the world could burn down with two more years of President Millstone.
It's beginning to look more and more like that "Chief Planner" of the Benghazi attack was really no more than a street person bystander who just happened to get himself photographed.
Todd turns Obama over.
Obama could be impeached for abuse of power alone. He would never be convicted in the Senate, but he's definitely met the impeachment criteria.
When the House was considering impeaching Clinton, I was torn: I thought it was unwise politically (so at best you get Gore as President?!), but holy smoke the President of the United States committed PERJURY!!! (I'm a lawyer, and I take that seriously). But it was clearly a serious political mistake.
I wouldn't think of impeaching Obama even if we find evidence that he was behind the IRS targeting of conservative groups and the destruction of the evidence. What I do favor is electing a Republican Senate and House. Then Obama could only do limited damage through executive action, which his successor could reverse. And with both houses of Congress working on investigations we'll get a head start on house cleaning in 2017 (if the truth about the Obama Administration begins to come out over the next two years, the only way a Democrat is going to be elected President is on a platform to throw much of the Obama Administration in jail).
Oh, and garage, you're the fucking clown. Anybody who believes that Obama just HAPPENED to nab a Benghazi "perp" when Iraq is on fire and the IRS is tossing evidence left and right, can be described no other way.
Giant talking robot giraffe??
Was the unicorn already booked?
Garage didn't see Benghazi perp coverage on the right-wing outlets he didn't watch or read! Funny how that works! "Uhhhhh, I didn't see it on FOX News!"
Freder Frederson said...
Cheney says he's "so wrong about so much"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
6/18/14, 3:52 PM
You don't read very well do you. Cheney, very clearly, was talking about the equipment to enrich uranium, which was found in Iraq.
It's beginning to look more and more like that "Chief Planner" of the Benghazi attack was really no more than a street person bystander who just happened to get himself photographed.
"... round-up the usual suspects..."
Let's not forget about Section 4 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.
It says if the "Vice President" and "such other body as Congress may by law provide" declare "the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office", then the Vice President takes over.
A good argument can be made that gross incompetence combined with showing serious symptoms of the disengagement syndrome mean that Obama is unable discharge his "powers and duties."
And it maybe that Uncle Joe, as ambitious as he is, is already primed to sign on to a Section 4 declaration.
Richard Milhous Nixon
Barack Millstone Obama.... Hmmm.
The test for impeachment is a simple one: do the people want the president removed, whatever the reason, for actions he or she has taken. Nixon passed that test. Clinton did not and neither does Obama.
Now, if it turns out his core advisers were involved with this IRS scandal.....
"Where's that Knockout Game that was sweeping the nation, huh?"
Yep Crackster..it's straight up bullshit..
The "Benghazi perp" has been giving personal interviews to any passing journalist that asked for one ever since "Benghazi."
Kind of reminds me of the Democrats who "quote" Reagan when they think they can take something he may or may not have said as an endorsement for one of their ideas.
I don't care what Chuch Todd says, one way or the other. He's a weasel and he has no authority with me.
A question for any historians on this thread. Who was worse? James Buchanan (probably our first gay president) or Barack Obama?
Don't bother asking anyone teaching history at UW-Mad; they're still blaming Bush for the Whiskey Rebellion.
Anybody who believes that Obama just HAPPENED to nab a Benghazi "perp" when Iraq is on fire and the IRS is tossing evidence left and right, can be described no other way.
You think this because you just assume that's what Republicans do.
What's the conspiracy theory on this one? That Obama ordered a capture because politically it would help him? Or help Hillary? Nothing can just happen can it?
On what basis did he [Clinton] say Iraq had any WMD?
On bad, but, considering the circumstances, not unreasonable, intelligence.
During the run up to the war in late 2002 and 2003, the inspectors were back in Iraq, finding nothing. The Iraqis were cooperating. The U.S. was flying over the entire country, not just the no-fly zones. The contention that Iraq possessed WMDs or had an active program was no longer credible.
tim in vermont,
"Knockout Game never happened and there are not even stories about it on google news that are only four hours old"
And the evidence at the link of a Knockout Game? Somebody put "Knockout Game" in the article's title. Read the article. There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind.
It's a white lie.
"How can you keep telling us that blacks as a group hate us, don't trust us, resent us, and say things like "watch out" and at the same time not think that somewhere, in a nation of 330 million people, or among 40 million blacks, nobody is going to take the rhetoric seriously?"
GOING to take it seriously? Fool, we take it seriously every day of our lives. You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress. To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody.
You just think your dumb ass is the shit. Manifest Destiny and all that ass licking bullshit.
"It's an honest question Crack. Though I admit to trolling you sometimes."
I'm here, answering you honestly. That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
As I always say, white culture, seen plainly, is pretty sick by comparison.
Everybody seems to know that, or is getting it,...
In addition to backups there is a law requiring all emails to have hard copies so that they don't get list.
Can you provide a citation to this law? I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government and have never heard of this. I doubt there would be enough paper or storage in the world to make hard copies of all the emails sent and received by the Federal Government.
I think you are full of shit.
Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured
A guy who wasn't hiding was caught two years after the fact and didn't explain OUR response at all?
Big win for the Bummer.
You don't read very well do you. Cheney, very clearly, was talking about the equipment to enrich uranium, which was found in Iraq.
You don't read very well. Your citation is about parts of a centrifuge buried in a scientist's back yard years before Cheney claimed that Saddam was actively obtaining equipment for nuclear weapons.
"But then, shame was never a strong suit of these people. If it were, we would never have gone into Iraq in the first place."
And Hillary and Kerry would not have voted for it. OK. Democrats are great at doing things, then backing out once the going gets tough. It's a good thing that the present day Democrats were still babies when Guadalcanal was being fought.
"Though a lot of them were premised on the fact that we knew where this guy was for a long time and only picked him up the day the story came out that six additional "disk crashes" occurred at the IRS, all of them after they had been subpoenaed."
Shhh garage is asleep and having a pleasant dream.
Somebody asked Hillary why we didn't disguise an FBI agent as a reporter and grab this guy two years ago when he was giving interviews.
Why not, garage ?
"And the evidence at the link of a Knockout Game? Somebody put "Knockout Game" in the article's title."
Clearly watching the link I posted was WAY to much work...it's from last week.
I know you were not responding to me, but it clearly puts the lie to your tiring shit.
Not to be crude, but A) blacks do kill whites a whole heck of a lot more than the reverse and B) it's generally a bad idea for a group that is 10-12 percent of a country to start a race war.
I dont know her it wasn't WMD and hat it wasn't shipped off to Syria with Russia's help as alleged.
Just because something is alleged by a bunch of cranks on the internet, doesn't make it credible.
The Bush Administration (not me or the lying left wing press) thoroughly reviewed the evidence after the war and concluded that the Iraqis had indeed destroyed their WMDs in the mid-nineties and did not have an active WMD program.
By the way, Syria Consistently denied ever having chemical weapons yet used them recently. The left was wrong on that.
Nobody believed Syria on the left or the right.
Remember, crack is the idiot who admitted he simply repeats easily disproved assertions if they come from white guys.
Wow, Crack. There was a time I could at least consider your point of view. Now you're just a dispicable racist. I suppose you probably always were. You simply stopped trying to appear otherwise. Absolutely disgusting.
"There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind."
You know how they got those cops off the hook in the Rodney King beating the first time?
They looked at each individual blow and asked the jury on each blow, was this blow, this exact blow, not considering any of the others, excessive use of force? In each individual case, the jury said no. It was a similar kind of denial to what I see coming out of your words.
"That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
As I always say, white culture, seen plainly, is pretty sick by comparison."
A, I don't despise black people, I simply don't, despite your constant invitations to take up the practice.
B, Your little riff on the superiority of black culture to white culture is a very convenient way for you to overlook the logical weaknesses in your arguments. I will leave it at that.
During the run up to the war in late 2002 and 2003, the inspectors were back in Iraq, finding nothing.
Note the phrase: BACK IN IRAQ.
Because Hussein tossed them out.
Which should've led to an invasion at that point immediately.
The Iraqis were cooperating.
Even Blix and Ritter didn't claim the Iraqis were being very cooperative.
And the evidence at the link of a Knockout Game? Somebody put "Knockout Game" in the article's title. Read the article. There is absolutely no evidence of anything but the kind.
...but Trayvon murdered because he was buying Skittles...that is GOSPEL truth, man. In spite of the ample evidence to the contrary that the shitbrick deserved to die and the world was immeasurably improved by his lack of residence in it.
You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress.
Let's play that game if you so wish. Your side is unlikely to come out well, in spite of the statistically noteworthy numbers of the proclivity towards crime in mainstream black culture.
To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody.
Honest question:
WHY would anybody want to know black folks?
You seem incessantly bitter and self-destructive. Lacking in talent but excessive in demands for praise.
I don't see the appeal of "knowing" black folks.
That blacks don't kill whites is nothing more than you having no appreciation for the greatness of those you despise.
Note that whites attack and kill blacks in far smaller numbers than blacks do to whites.
You should also learn the greatness of those you despise.
Crack, if you had a son, would he look like this ?
Maybe it would be better to settle on definitions before arguing about the "knockout game."
Do you think that there has never been a single instance of an assault where the perpetrator thought in advance that he was playing the "knockout game"?
Or do you think the numbers are so low that they should not be reported as it just magnifies an insignificant trend?
Or do you think that whites believe that every black person they see is likely to be a participant in this game, and that position is clearly ridiculous, even if there have been several cases over the past few months?
Or is it something else that you can give me some sense of the quantity.
Or is it too white of me to try to actually seek definitions in a debate?
Crack there were some people playing the knockout game Was it an epidemic? Probably not. But hte same with school shootings. It happens from time to time but is not an epidemic as described by the left.
Black on black crime, though. Now there's an epidemic.
Freder, suppose the inspections went forward and we didn't find any weapons. Would we believe that Sadaam was on the level this time since he had played the exact games before.
And suppose we did think they were telling the truth. Do you think we should have ended containment? ANd if we did how quickly would it take for Sadaam to rearm? Since that was his intent all along?
Would you say we needed to continue containment even though Iraq ostensibly had no weapons?
Did Iraq maintain the intent to have weapons? Of course.
"the issue with Benghazi was not merely getting the guys that did it. It was why did the state dept ignore calls for more security, why was there no response even the the attack too hours and why did they say it was because of a video when it was clearly a coordinated planned terrorist attack and we knew it.
You got every single thing wrong in that post. Jesus Christ, do you guys even try?"
Looks like he got everything right. Aping Crack is not a reasoned retort.
Freder wrote:
Iraq was cooperating"
Nope, he wouldn't let us talk to scientists out of the coutry and even Hans Blix said "Even now" Iraq has not accounted for the weapons we know he had which Iraq said it had but which it hadn't destroyed. ANd this is the same game he always played.
garage mahal wrote:
Never forget!
Wait wait. Forget Benghazi. Repeat, forget Benghazi!
Fucking clowns.
Wait, is the guy that was hiding in plain sight in Libya? and appearing on talk shows?
What took so long?
"You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress."
Not going to get whitey to give you reparations with that kind of talk, Crack Bitch.
How is poverty treating you today? Have you resorted to begging on the street for money?
garage the backwoods cracker moron: "What's the conspiracy theory on this one?"
snip: "He didn't hide in the months after the September 11, 2012, assault on a U.S. diplomatic compound, instead giving media interviews in public, including one with CNN's Arwa Damon.
"No problem," he replied in 2013 when Damon asked if he would be willing to meet with U.S. investigators presumably searching for him."
snip: "NEW YORK -- Ahmed Abu Khattala, the terror suspect apprehended Sunday by U.S. special operations forces, may have eluded capture by the U.S. government for 21 months, but he certainly didn’t hide from the media.
Since the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, Abu Khattala has given interviews to The New York Times, Reuters, CNN, Fox News, CBS News and the Times of London."
snip: "The Libyan militant suspected in the deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi hid in plain sight in the African nation prior to his capture by U.S. forces on Sunday — granting multiple media interviews to news outlets including Fox News."
That last link is probably causing garage some confusion.
You see, garage has already claimed that fox news did not report on this guys capture.
garage was quite adament about this.
And yet.
There's the link.
It's almost like garage is learning disabled and can't perform the most basic level of research.
That would probably explain his stellar academic career.
The Crack Emcee wrote -
"You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress."
So that explains BHO's personal fondness of droning people. Before I had thought it was golf.
Well, this brought the lefties out, didn't it. See you.
Cheney is a total cretin, who can't even get right a manner for getting nutrition into his blood without clogging his heart. Would I be censored for calling him a "c*&t"? I mean seriously, the guy has absolutely no shame, no retrospection, no lack of ideological self-righteousness, shot his friend in the face, hid the fact, gave the friend a heart attack in so doing… Why would anyone think that sane people should trust him to get anything right? He thinks hammers solve problems meant for ratchets. Just a totally insane guy who doesn't have the presence of mind to process any thought without first making it a life-or-death-them-or-us proposition. He lacks any capacity at all for objective, rational thought and only seems to have blood running through his veins when faced with the prospect of tragedy. He really lacks any discernibly human psychological attributes other than fear and suspicion.
I am curious though which Althouse postings bring out our left of center commenters and which one's don't. I would not have pegged this one to be an obvious candidate for GM and Freder.
On a trip to the Middle East this spring, we heard a constant refrain in capitals from the Persian Gulf to Israel, "Can you please explain what your president is doing?"
Um, because he's got his own country to run -- like they should theirs.
Here you go Garage,
and fuck you for making me do the work to prove you wrong:
Lack of response:
We knew it was terrorist attack pretty much immediately:
Chuck Todd thinks Obama is over? What, is he taking Obama's golf clubs away from him?
Otherwise, I'd expect Obama to play at least another 60 rounds of golf until he leaves the White House.
He can't do the real job of being President, but he won't let that stop him from using all the perks at his disposal to make it "look" like he's President.
The Crack Emcee wrote Where's that Knockout Game that was sweeping the nation, huh?
garage mahal write: Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
It is plastered all of Fox News. Get a fucking clue.
...and Mitts gonna win by landslide!!
crack: "That blacks don't kill whites..."
It's not cracks fault for getting this wrong.
White guys got it wrong and we already know crack knows to believe everything white guys tell him, especially if it is an easily disproven assertion:
From MSNBC's idiot savant, Chris Hayes (who apparently is "All In"...on BS): "On Friday night in our discussion of statistics about race and crime, I mistakenly inverted two numbers. In situations in which we know the race of the offender in a murder, which is a relatively small subset, 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders in 2010, while 8 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders. On Friday, I said the reverse."
So Garage, you don't see anything suspicious about the timing of the arrest? Seriously? They could have had this guy anytime they wanted. ANYTIME. It's another distraction.
Just like the Bergdahl deal, the only difference is this one probably won't blow up in his face. If Iraq wasn't burning and Lois Lerner's emails weren't "missing" this guy would still be walking around loose in the middle east, and you know it.
The contention that Iraq possessed WMDs or had an active program was no longer credible.
Yet Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden were still claiming Iraq had them. Odd.
By all rights, Obama would be impeached. But, it hopefully won't happen, despite some Republicans in the House suggesting that they may have the votes. Morally, it would probably be the right thing, but politically, it would be a disaster. Made worse by the impeachment of Bill Clinton, for merely lying under oath. Obama has routinely flaunted the law of the land, enforcing what he wanted to, and ignoring what he didn't like. The examples are legion, from Fast and Furious through ObamaCare rollout, to the immigration fiasco unfolding in the SW right now. And, that he doesn't fire the most political, most corrupt Attorney General of our lifetimes. Not only has AG Holder been found in Contempt of Congress, he has also hounded Administration critics, while actively protecting its supporters. No surprise that repeated calls to appoint a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal go unacknowledged by his Department - because appointing such would run counter to his primary goal of protecting Obama and his Administration at all costs, legal and illegal. The highest law enforcement officer of the country acting like the personal enforcer of a Chicago mobster.
Of course, even if the Republicans retake the Senate this November, they won't have the votes for an impeachment conviction, since likely no Dem would do like so many Republicans were ready to do with Nixon - doing the right thing, and not the politically expedient thing, like they all, to a one, did with the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton. Better to protect your President, than the rule of law.
Besides, even if the Republicans did have the votes in the Senate, enough wouldn't vote for conviction, given the alternative. If you are scared of Obama as President, what about Slo' Joe Biden? Maybe not as politically vindicative as the President, but clearly far out of reach of reality.
"Besides, even if the Republicans did have the votes in the Senate, enough wouldn't vote for conviction,"
For the same reason gays don't target mosques. You'd get your fucking head blown off. You think Crack & Co wouldn't go ape if he was impeached ?
I find the idea of black on white violence that is being skirted here interesting. By all rights, blacks should be taking their ire out against the people who put them in the position they are in, that makes them so angry - Dem politicians. For almost 50 years now, they have supported Dem policies and politicians that seem designed to make them ever more dependent upon the state for their existence, while destroying the fabric of the black family. They now vote overwhelmingly for the racist party, the party that supported black slavery, followed by black subjugation through Jim Crow and the Klan, and now black dependence upon the state.
AG Holder has talked about the cowardliness of the American people to discuss race. And, he is right - but not in the way he probably meant. The cowardliness is refusing to print the race of the perps when flash mobs attack people, or when victims are injured as a result of the knockout game. Pretending this way that there isn't a racial component to acts of violence, at those times when there is one. When, by DoJ standards, a racial hate crime was committed, but that is ignored by much of the media for the sake of (one sided) racial harmony and political correctness. (And, completely ignored by that same DoJ, whose major contribution here was the dismissal of the stipulated charges against the NBP members).
We see this every day, but maybe not more blatantly than with the death of Trayvon Martin, the avowed knockout game participant, held out as a hero by the President, and much of the media, after he ruthlessly, and without legal provocation or warning, knocked Zimmerman down, beat his head into the concrete, and tried to strangle him. And, somehow Zimmerman was the villain there for protecting his own life against this violence. If the races had been reversed, few would have had second thoughts about condemning his assailant, and figuring that Martin got was he had asked for.
I think though that we maybe reaching critical mass with black on white (and black on black) violence, with the recent report by WKRC-TV in Cincinnati that pointed out the racial angle of the violent attacks. We shall see.
" I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government " - Freddie
Why am I not surprised.
Freder Frederson said...
Cheney says he's "so wrong about so much"
This is the man who said "We do know, with absolute certainty, that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."
Hey, Freder. Check out this article from PBS (yes PBS!) outlining Saddam's considerable efforts to create nuclear and chemical weapons. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/gunning/etc/arsenal.html
Point is, Saddam was doing just what Cheney's quote said he was doing. The PBS article's main source was The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The left had it's fingerprints all over this war, starting with the Iraq Liberation Act.
No to impeachment. We voted for the President, twice, and we get to live with him until 2017.
Vote better next time.
@Bruce Hayden: If Obama and Biden are jointly impeached and jointly convicted, does Boehner become President?
"I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government"
His last stint was IRS IT.
A question for any historians on this thread. Who was worse? James Buchanan (probably our first gay president) or Barack Obama?
Buchanan isn't the right comparison. Obama seems to be an amalgam of the bad qualities of Coolidge, Nixon, and Carter.
As far as impeachment, the IRS scandal certainly rises to that level. I think it's a political non-starter, though. Nobody's going to impeach our first token black president.
Personally I'm okay with that. The more smelly this albatross gets the more tightly Republicans should bind him to the collective Democrat neck in 2014 and 2016. There's no reason to make him a sympathetic figure, and anyway the only guy in Washington who'd make a worse president is Slow Joe Biden.
President Moms-Jeans is back! We were starting to worry about you buddy. You weren't checking in after two gun crazy wingnuts shot up some cops in Las Vegas.
tim in vermont wrote -
"' I have worked for several agencies of the Federal Government ' - Freddie
Why am I not surprised."
Actually perhaps you should be. By his own admission in an earlier thread, Freder would still be short of thirty years old today. I wonder how many several would be, and what he did for those agencies that would make him cite this as giving him special insight into the subject.
But regardless, in answer to his original question I think the subject of paper backup was covered over on hotair.com yesterday or the day before. If he's truly interested in more than snark, he can click over and find it himself.
NO WAY are the Republicans going to sign on to impeach the first African American President. After Hillary in 2016, then we can get back to holding politicians accountable...if there's anything left to be that anybody thinks deserves accountability.
There's very little spine in the Congress. I can't believe anybody would think they grew one just because Chuck Todd is feeling stupid.
Obama is just getting started. These last years are going to be a very interesting.
garage mahal said, Find it very odd Drudge didn't headline the news that the #BENGHAZI perp was captured. In fact, right-wing outlets didn't seem to acknowledge it at all. Really weird.
They suddenly captured a guy who CNN interviewed a short time after the attack, and who CNN says was "hiding in plain sight." http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/politics/benghazi-suspect/
Some accomplishment.
Fucking clowns.
Yes, that's what Obama and all of you progressives are.
What's the conspiracy theory on this one? That Obama ordered a capture because politically it would help him?
See above.
"garage mahal":
Did you not get the news about those two "wingnuts" who shot the cops in Vegas? They were Occupy Wall Street protesters!
In other words, they were Leftists. Elizabeth Warren has more blame for the two dead cops than does Ted Cruz, if blame lies with either.
You Lefties just can't catch a break with the news and the facts. Life is hard.
"President Moms-Jeans is back! We were starting to worry about you buddy. You weren't checking in after two gun crazy wingnuts shot up some cops in Las Vegas."
The two Occutards? Tell us more about violent right-wingers, garage.
They suddenly captured a guy who CNN interviewed a short time after the attack, and who CNN says was "hiding in plain sight." http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/politics/benghazi-suspect/
So what IS the conspiracy theory? Explain what you think went down. That Obama called off the military and intelligence agencies so he could capture this guy at a later time to distract from some bullshit scandal from the fever swamps?
Freder feeders on , here's just a bit of what dems were saying about Iraq pre Iraq War:
That is the tip of the iceberg frankly. You'd think ONE of them would have said " hey, it looks like the intelligence shows that Iraq does not in fact have WMD capabilities after all"
No one said that because no one believed that because that wasn't what the intelligence said. Go back further to Clinton's tenure and you can watch the entire history of Iraq's containment to show what Clinto and these same dems thought And DID visi a vis Iraq.
Since all inspectors were kicked out in 1998 where are you getting the idea that suddenly the intelligence changed? That point in history NEVER occurred when Bush came to office.
Maybe he thought iRaq posed a threat because he listened to dems wag the dog. Now you can be like Robert Cook and say both Clinton and Bush were lying, though I don't see why that would give dems some moral virtue that repubs lack or why you would sneer at neo cons since, of course, the dems would be beating EXACTLY the same drum even before Bush took office.
But most dems in fact think that Clonto was a great president. And so Did not wag the dog. If he didn't then he thought Iraq posed a threat And Bush did too for the exact same reasons.
Dems are deluding themselves with their "bush lied people died shtick" its grist for low information voters, like yourself. But anyone who was following Iraq's containment who was honest would say that that storyline is crap.
"The contention that Iraq possessed WMDs or had an active program was no longer credible." The inspections never completed. So how are you saying they revealed something?
Hey Freder here is a link about the IRS being required to keep hard copies of emails:
So, um, that whole "the hard drive crashed and ate my homework" excuse doesn't really work.
Haha. Gadsden Flags draped over bodies are the work of Occupy? Just too fucking stupid to breath.
Freder Frederson:
In regard to Syria, and the argument that Sadaam sent his WMD's to Iraq, lets not forget that they are both Baathist.
Here is some suggestions thst the scud missils used by Syria were actually Iraqi.
And the left never suggested that Syria was lying about their WMD programs.
"Just too fucking stupid to breath."
Eventually even you have to see reality.
Deep breath now.
As far as impeachment, the IRS scandal certainly rises to that level.
Well, no, because it has yet to be established that Obama ordered it done. It seems more likely that it was just a predictable result of the federal bureaucracy being comprised largely of partisan Democrats.
The war on Libya is something he should have been impeached over, since he openly violated the Constitutional limitation on declarations of war. But we've let other Presidents (e.g., Reagan and George H.W. Bush) get away with that, so that's a non-starter.
Haha. Gadsden Flags draped over bodies are the work of Occupy? Just too fucking stupid to breath.
Well, yes, the two people in question were, indeed, dumbasses.
But they were also Occupy protesters (and Bundy protesters, and probably other rabble-rousing activities we don't know about).
That Obama called off the military and intelligence agencies so he could capture this guy at a later time to distract from some bullshit scandal from the fever swamps?
It looks like that is exactly what happened. Remember the Bergdahl trade was supposed to be a similar truimph.
If Obama and Biden are jointly impeached and jointly convicted, does Boehner become President?
I don't think it would be constitutional to impeach them jointly. If you did impeach them serially, at the moment Boehner would indeed become president.
"Haha. Gadsden Flags draped over bodies are the work of Occupy? Just too fucking stupid to breath." -- Mahal
I am sure you checked out the story in detail and didn't fall in to the "Reject first, ask rhetorical questions later" pattern of so many lefties.
This from the guy yesterday who feigned outrage that that righties didn't fall for Obama's wag the dog tactics.
"While living in Lafayette, Jerad and his wife Amanda took part in last November’s “Million Mask March” – a gathering of protesters from the Occupy movement, anarchists, and hacktivists."
And then there was that cache of uranium oxide, 500 tons as I recall, that the IAEA had no knowledge of. Wonder what Saddam was going to do with that.
Tea Party? Check
Bundy Ranch? Check
New World Order? Check
Frequent Breitbart commenter? Check
Gun nut? Check
Agenda 21 paranoia? Check
Thinks Obama is a socialist? Check
Thinks liberalism is a mental disorder? Check
NRA? Check
Rand Paul? Check
Heritage Foundation? Check
Operation American Spring? Check
First impeach him AND the VP...then shut the government down again.
K. Rove
Occupy Wall Street protesters? Check!
Statements made for the defense (Democrats) by the defense representatives (reporters) are less persuasive than admissions made against interests.
All the false allegations of political motivation before (e.g. Gabby Giffords' shooter) lead anybody reasonable (READ: not "garage mahal") to question claims in all future cases. This is a 'Crying Wolf' situation.
The Vegas Shooters were OWS.
Deal with it, "garage mahal".
Nobody here seems to understand the definition of the term "sweeping the nation" but one case ain't it.
Really, if this is how whites reason, I can see why they're not considered very bright anymore,...
Smae thing said about every two termer ever, just about this time in the second term.
And then the occupant of the White House will have an actual thing to do, like sign a bill or attend a summit or pardon a campaign donor, and all of a sudden his political capital is way, way over the FDIC limit at the bank, again.
Garage mahal wrote:
Tea Party? Check
Bundy Ranch? Check
New World Order? Check
Frequent Breitbart commenter? Check
Gun nut? Check
Agenda 21 paranoia? Check
Thinks Obama is a socialist? Check
Thinks liberalism is a mental disorder? Check
NRA? Check
Rand Paul? Check
Heritage Foundation? Check
Operation American Spring? Check
are you just ticking off left wing talking points you plan on bringing up?
garage @ 8:15
Shhh. The grownups are talking.
Ever hear of a Pyrrhic victory?
Well if Obama keeps having all these foreign policy 'victories' with his 'smart diplomacy' we will soon be speaking Arabic and chaining Muslim hymns (and no oil either.)
"You should be thanking us for not killing someone every day just to release stress. To say such a thing is further proof you have no idea who we are, these people you claim to share a country with. You don't know us, you don't know Indians, you don't know anybody. "
This passage from Crack explains why Zimmerman shot and killer Martin. Zimmerman was well familiar with the black community, and he knew how many "Cracks" are running around, wishing to kill someone "to release stress".
BTW, Crack, is it fair to assume that you often have such great paroxysms of hate towards white people, that you are ready to kill them?
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