২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৪

"Well, fine, Joe Squirtgun. If your rapist is a bird."

A line I pulled out of Sarah Palin's speech to the National Rifle Association's "Stand And Fight" rally to balance the line I saw pulled out in a bunch of places like Huffington Post, "Waterboarding Is How We'd Baptize Terrorists."

৫১টি মন্তব্য:

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I still like her.

Boy I wish she had run in 2012.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Obama's been hard on terrorists. He may not waterboard them (as far as we know) but his drone warfare has been relentless and at times indiscriminate. And Gitmo is still open and he overruled Holder's plan to try KSM in federal criminal trial in New York. I don't see, from a Palin perspective, that there's anything to complain about as to the Obama WoT.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I think she decided her marriage and family was more important than the country. I can't actually blame her for that.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I always said Margaret Thatcher was the last real man to occupy number ten Downing Street. Maybe Sarah Palin will be next real man to occupy sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly.

There's no credibility here,...

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

You're telling me the media is reporting that a recent GOP VP candidate would confer sacramental status on torture? How dreadfully lacking in balance of them.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
"America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly."

I've never heard that statistic before.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

I thought that statement about baptism was funny. However, I think her speech would have been better without that joke since it borders on sacrilegious.

techsan বলেছেন...

Good thing she's not Prez or VP or she might have some part in ordering drones to kill suspects...or worse yet...American citizens. Boy, wouldn't that be terrible. Innocents might even get killed in that sort of thing. (Whew!) Glad that's not happening.

Michael K বলেছেন...

" I don't see, from a Palin perspective, that there's anything to complain about as to the Obama WoT."

Not unless you are related to Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith; and Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly."

Crack, tell us who demanded the harsh penalties for crack cocaine use.

Does Congressional Black Caucus ring a bell ?

Anga2010 বলেছেন...

She did not do that speech very well. I was a bit embarrassed for her and could not listen to the whole thing. I'm sure she can do better speeches than that one, because that one was pretty bad. I'll say that I probably can't do good speeches.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly.

There's no credibility here,..."

Crack are you sure of that statistic because it's an astoundingly high percentage. I know anecdote isn't data but of the few people that I know that went to prison they were in fact guilty of felonies.

Anga2010 বলেছেন...

Oh, and Crack... Having Rerun dance in a dress is not racist!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"I've never heard that statistic before."

And Sarah Palin doesn't even care about it, along with a whole lot of other people I hear from regularly, so there we go. America.

But let's keep talking about getting the "bad guys" when we're the "bad guys" because that really clarifies the issues,...

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

"America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly."

Which would mean that over 35 million Americans are currently behind bars. Unjustly.

I wonder how many Americans behind bars are justly incarcerated. Millions more, I should think.

Boy, with so many Americans in prison, it's wonder that anything gets done in this country.

n.n বলেছেন...

The current administration prefers immolation through conflagration to baptism. Neither is good. The former has resulted in an information deficit. Basically poking and prodding people until they offer a violent response (i.e. "Benghazi" effect).

The counterpart to NRA is PSF (Planned Scalpel Federation). Of the two, PSF is directly responsible for the abortion/murder of over one million human lives annually.


Baptism means to immerse or dip in water.


He's probably referring to the murderers, rapists or rape-rapists, drug pushers and users, which are nearly universally rejected from communities across this nation.

There are reformed members of the original Black Panthers who have recognized that violence, corruption, and warped minds (e.g. through drugs), are the cause of a progressive dysfunction in their respective communities. An observation which has been repeated in every community, where there is opposition to corruption caused by dysfunction.

SJ বলেছেন...

@Illuninati, @Crack,

there is a legal process that precedes imprisonment.

Whether that legal process serves justice is up for debate.

And the statement "a large proportion of those imprisoned have a minority skin color" contains more useful information when it is placed alongside the statement "a large proportion of crimes committed in the United States are committed by people of minority skin color".

Not all imprisoned are imprisoned justly.

But would you have me believe that none of those imprisoned are imprisoned justly?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oh - my bad:

I should've said BLACK citizens,...

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Crack neglected (whether deliberately or not) to mention that the 1-in-9 incarceration figure refers to black men only. Presumably, black men of in a certain age range--but the Economist article he links to also neglects to provide sources for this statistic.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

"I should've said BLACK citizens,..."

To be precise, you should have said black men between the ages of XX and XX.

effinayright বলেছেন...


"The United States prison population fell by 1.7 percent to 1,571,013 between the end of 2011 and the end of 2012, according to a new report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, marking the third consecutive year of decline in the U.S. prison population."

So...that 1-in-9 "unjustly" statistic is pure bullbleep.

Especially the "unjustly" part --that's not bullbleep, that's bullSHIT.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Also, the Economist article does not state the one out of nine black men currently behind bars were unjustly incarcerated. The article's theme is America's overly punitive bent. In other words: there are too many people in prison not because they were unjustly convicted/incarcerated but because there too many felony offenses and punishments which entail incarceration.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Generally my attitude is "if you can't do the time don't do the crime". That said, I believe we need to review our criminal laws to be sure they are all necessary especially those passed in the war on drugs.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

Christians should take time and STUDY Luke 22:35-38.

If you wish torture, apply the techniques of abortionists.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"To be precise, you should have said black men between the ages of XX and XX."

Like that would change anything - 1 out of 9 is atrocious if it was whites between any age.

It's always bizarre, to me, when whites make this kind of criticism,...

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: ""America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly."



From a very recent Aug of 2013 tally: http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/08/daily-chart

Soooooooo, 1 out of every 107 Americans is in prison, not 1 out of every 9.

Congratulations Crack. As a member in good standing of the left-wing "Numbers is Hard" contingent, you being off by a factor of 10 places you at the top of the class!

SeanJ বলেছেন...

What a moron. Seriously, she could've been the VP, we are sure lucky to have dodged that bullet. Besides the screeching voice and jerky mannerisms that speech was about the stupidest she's ever given. She is getting ugly too, her face looks waxy and her hair is way too big. But the comment about rape, shooting to kill not to waste a bullet, and the baptism by waterboarding, wow. People here still like her? That doesn't speak well to the intelligence of the typical commenter here. Or does ideology trump intelligence, what a sad state of affairs for conservatives. Slow Joe looks like a genius compared to her.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

St. Croix:

"I think she decided her marriage and family was more important than the country. I can't actually blame her for that."


"I always said Margaret Thatcher was the last real man to occupy number ten Downing Street. Maybe Sarah Palin will be next real man to occupy sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue."

True believers...there's nothing like 'em.

Fucking scary, they are!

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

As to Crack's justified outrage at the number of its black citizens that America incarcerates, another grim fact: America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, not only as a percentage of its population but in the actual number of its citizens in prison.

The complacent may pass this off as "proof" (sic) of the uncontrollable criminality of our non-white population, or may say, blithely, "they were convicted...what's unjust about that?"...or the always-inane "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

However, in a country that constantly (and falsely) touts itself as the most just and free in the world, one with an increasingly militarized, violent, and brutal police who beat, tase, and shoot citizens first and make up justifying lies later, the thoughtful citizen--a few of whom occasionally post here--should be angry and afraid...very, very afraid.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
St. Croix:

"I think she decided her marriage and family was more important than the country. I can't actually blame her for that."


"I always said Margaret Thatcher was the last real man to occupy number ten Downing Street. Maybe Sarah Palin will be next real man to occupy sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue."

True believers...there's nothing like 'em.

Fucking scary, they are!

The irony. Like a black hole. So dense critical thinking cannot escape.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
St. Croix:

"I think she decided her marriage and family was more important than the country. I can't actually blame her for that."


"I always said Margaret Thatcher was the last real man to occupy number ten Downing Street. Maybe Sarah Palin will be next real man to occupy sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue."

True believers...there's nothing like 'em.

Fucking scary, they are!

The irony. Like a black hole. So dense critical thinking cannot escape.

damikesc বলেছেন...

I should've said BLACK citizens,...

Are ANY incarcerated justly?

Any black folks at all?

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee said:
"It's always bizarre, to me, when whites make this kind of criticism,..."

It wasn't a criticism, you ignoramus. It was statement of fact about the article and your reading of it.

It's hard, I know.

Brando বলেছেন...

This woman is so consistently vile it really astounds me that so many conservatives seem to love her. At first I thought it was because she seems to piss off liberals and the media so much, but then surely there are admirable and intelligent figures on the right who can do the same.

Besides, I don't think she really bugs the left as much as her fans think, because the left has (correctly) noted that she does far more damage to the right by association. This cretin who seems to never miss an opportunity to stoke anti-Muslim bias (e.g., Ground Zero Mosque), wear the cloak of the victim as well as any campus leftist (e.g., the overwrought Letterman boomlet with her daughters), drop out of her governorship two years in just to chase quick cash--is this person really worthy of all the adoration she gets on the right?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Soooooooo, 1 out of every 107 Americans is in prison, not 1 out of every 9."

The issue was "unjustly," Drago - try again.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"It wasn't a criticism, you ignoramus. It was statement of fact about the article and your reading of it.

It's hard, I know."

Making what difference? Blacks between 5 and 9, whites between 10 and 2.

Illegally incarcerating people is the issue - what difference does their age make?

Focussing on that is what makes YOU an ignoramus. Whites do it all the time - focussing on some obscure, but meaningless, fact as a way to change the subject and make them feel smart:

American slavery? Well what about those African Chiefs?

They aren't American.

What age group whites illegally lock-up is irrelevant to the fact they do it.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee:

Make that blithering ignoramus.

hombre বলেছেন...

Crack: "America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly."

I had no idea people were being incarcerated without being convicted by juries or pleading guilty - and in these numbers too. Presumably, only Crack and a few others are aware of this.

We should all be grateful to him for showing us the real America. Right?

hombre বলেছেন...

Cook (7:07): "America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, not only as a percentage of its population but in the actual number of its citizens in prison."

America also has the highest percentage of people on probation or parole - at least 2 or 3 for every person in prison. Oh, oh, oh, what does it all mean?

Maybe it means we have a lot of crime, arrest and convict the perpetrators efficiently and put two-thirds of those we convict back into the community, probably to victimize their fellow citizens again.

Sorta casts it in a different light, doesn't it?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee wrote:
America currently incarcerates 1 out of every 9 of it's own citizens unjustly.

There's no credibility here,..

Nope. Justly.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack wrote:

Illegally incarcerating people is the issue - what difference does their age make?

Who is being ILLEGALLY incarcerated? You'll have to be more specific in your criticism, because I thought you were talking about blacks being jailed out of proportion because of punishment for having crack cocaine (one example, among many which I'm sure you'll cite). Whatever the unfairness of the sentencing though, if someone has a trial they are jailed legally.
Are you referring to something else?

hombre বলেছেন...

Actual figures for 2012 according to BJS: total correctional population, 6.9 million; total community based (probation or parole), 4.8 million or 69.5%. That is: 2.3 convicted felons under "supervision" in the community for every one in prison.

H-m-m. Wonder why we have so much crime.

Of course, this is of no significance to Crack, who claims all incarcerated black men are there unjustly.

jr565 বলেছেন...

If Crack is talking about laws that he feels are unjust, I might even agree with him. But that doesn't meant that those who are ensnared by said laws are jailed illegally. If it's a law, and they get a trial by jury, then barring any malfeasance in the process (on a case by case base) they were jailed legally

hombre বলেছেন...

Getting back to Crack's reality.

Since most crime committed by black men is against other blacks, does Crack mean that these crimes should not be prosecuted or if prosecuted and conviction results, that blacks ought not to be incarcerated for crimes against other blacks.

Justice, Crack style.

Crack used to be interesting before he became an illogical, liberal race-baiter

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

"Illegally incarcerated?"

Dang. Did habeas corpus get suspended again? Did I miss the memo?

In Crack's world, no black can be justly convicted of a crime. Because slavery. And racism. So, shut up, he explained.

That's the fak, Jack!

Joe বলেছেন...

Sarah Palin has always reminded me of Obama--all flash and no substance.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"America also has the highest percentage of people on probation or parole - at least 2 or 3 for every person in prison. Oh, oh, oh, what does it all mean?

"Maybe it means we have a lot of crime, arrest and convict the perpetrators efficiently and put two-thirds of those we convict back into the community, probably to victimize their fellow citizens again."

It means we have effectively become a prison nation. It means we put too many people in prison. It means we are a sick society.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Chef Mojo,

"In Crack's world, no black can be justly convicted of a crime. Because slavery. And racism. So, shut up, he explained."

True - if you ask me, slavery and racism are terrible precursors to America judging blacks for anything.

When are whites to be judged for THEIR crimes - all documented?

In America? Never,….

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Cliven Bundy steals from us and he gets armed conservative support.

Let a black guy even be suspected and he gets prison.

Great country.

Because even one wrongfully convicted American is too many,...

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

The Cult of Crack.

So, so what you're saying is that a black guy can be caught on camera, and with witnesses present, raping a woman. He follows that with blowing her brains out. And he should go free because of slavery and racism?

I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong, but how am I to draw any other conclusion?

And a straightforward response without cryptical gobbledygook and links to your site would be appreciated. We racists are a little slow on the uptake and not hep to the jive, if you know what I mean. Plus I don't link to your site on general principles.