April 18, 2014

"... I really expect Limbaugh and all the wannabees to scream bloody murder that Chelsea's announcement was staged, a set-up plot which is being aided by the librul media to cover up Benghazzzzzzzziiii!"

John Amato smelt it.


Titus said...

I never knew fatty called Chelsea a dog when she was 13-that is so cool.

But what about what Letterman did to the Palin's?

jacksonjay said...

Last week, Lena wished she had been born gay. This week, Lena wants to be Chelsea's fetus! Lena is way more cuckoo than anyone who listens to Limbaugh!

Paddy O said...

Chelsea's condition likely wasn't staged, but the huge media attention to it (an announcement!) is fairly beyond reasonable.

The daughter of a President who left office 14 years ago is pregnant. How newsworthy is that really worth compared to how much time they spent digging into Benghazi or covering Yee in California?

rhhardin said...

The baby will be genetically disposed to crime, is all we know for sure.

RecChief said...

I only have one question, why is Chelsea's pregnancy NEWS!!! and Jenna [Bush] Hager's not news?

Seems to me that neither should be, but why is one and not the other? People in the media love the Clinton's seems to be the only answer

FleetUSA said...

The left is just as paranoid as the right.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Libruls truly are retards. They actually believe that the mass of conservatives think twice about this petty crap.

FleetUSA said...

p.s. Prof, great pic. Is that an F-35 Lightning II fighter jet you're in or are you just happy to see me?

Big Mike said...

“I just hope that I will be as good a mom to my child and hopefully children as my mom was to me,” Chelsea said.

Well I hope so, too.

cubanbob said...

Crooks and liars: at least they are honest in what they call themselves.

SteveBrooklineMA said...

wannabee what?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Here's the money quote from Chelsea:

"I just hope that I will be as good a mom to my child and hopefully children as my mom was to me."

What about dad?

SteveR said...

"Andrew Sullivan call your office"

YoungHegelian said...

The question is: is the kid gonna be raised Jewish? Even if Mom is as goyishe as goyishe can be?

traditionalguy said...

Congratulations to Chelsea and her husband whose structures have done their part. But if they have a straight white male child, wouldn't that be structural racism?

Don't ask El Rushbo. He is in enough trouble for once calling Chelsea the Clinton family dog.

mesquito said...

When was the last time you heard anything about Amy Carter?

God bless her, the perfect presidential child.

wildswan said...

On Chelsea Clinton

The baby is nice but why is it a "royal" baby? Is the Presidency hereditary?

n.n said...

I congratulate and commend Chelsea and her husband for making the right choice.

Martha said...

Glad to hear Chelsea is pregnant.

I thought she was just getting fat.

Jaq said...

How dare anybody not tug their forelock at the announcement of the royal baby!

Jaq said...

How dare anybody not tug their forelock at the announcement of the royal baby!

dreams said...

"Teabirchers" No civility.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

A Clinton spokesman later said the baby is due in the fall.

In the Fall it will be a 'baby', but right now it is a 'fetus', right?

southcentralpa said...

So, what's the Latin for "He who smelt it, dealt it" anyway?

Sorun said...

It's good to know the librul media has heard of Benghazi, at least.

Wilbur said...

I love the comments after that post, liberals fantasizing about Bill Clinton punching Limbaugh's "fat fuckin' face".

And then presumably he'd tell him "Better put some ice on that".

Michael K said...

The blog name is excellent if you ignore who they think they are referring to. I could not be less concerned about Chelsea's pregnancy. I just hope, if it's a girl, it looks like its dad.

gadfly said...

For more details from the incident first presented by Al Franken in his "Big Fat Idiot" book, go here.

David said...

From the article: "Heck, Limbaugh has a history of attacking Chelsea anyway."

Yeah. Remember the time Limbaugh suggested that Chelsea should be raped? Right there on his show, like it was some joke. And called her mother a dumb cunt.?Then there was the time he said Chelsea should be pissed and shat upon. Or was that Chelsea's mother?

I remember those. Such disgusting comments. Those right wing pundits and humorists are so crude.

Bob B said...

The comments to the article are more interesting. They are filled with liberals spewing all kinds of conspiracies against the right. Of course, the include the required progressive "tolerance" including reference labeling Bristol Palindrome a "slut", her child a "bastard" and Gov. Palin's son a "tardo".

The Godfather said...

The idea had never occurred to me, but now that Amato has raised it, I ask myself, What makes you think that the Clintons wouldn't use a pregnancy as a campaign tool? Their respect for innocent human life? Their classiness? Their honesty?

tim maguire said...

Because the idea that someone should answer for Benghazi is so absurd that we can't even bother to wait for Republicans to say something before we make fun of them. We'll just make stuff up and then make fun of them for the stuff we made up.

Aught Severn said...

She did pretend-stage to be under sniper fire that one time.

I think this guy is projecting though, as Legal Insurrection reminded us that the left tends to claim babies are election props...if they do it, the other side must do it to!

But really, the election is over 2 years away so what difference, at this point, does it make?!

Brent said...

I love it. Everyone in the comments of that blog are already getting worked up over Limbaugh calling it a conspiracy, which of course, hasn't happened, except in Amato's imagination. Talk about getting worked up over nothing.

I did find the info on Limbaugh calling Chelsie a dog when she was 13 disturbing. I had never seen that before. That is not cool.

Fandor said...

Congratulations to Chelsea and her husband on the good news. Being a grandparent is a wonderful thing. Hillary and Bill Clinton will certainly dote on the newest addition to their family,in private, in public, on the campaign trail…

Mountain Maven said...

The timing was awesome as Limbaugh was gone yesterday, today and most of next week.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well if you believe in a vast right wing conspiracy, one boogey man is as good as another.

Or should I say "straw man". These clowns raise enough straw man arguments to carpet the floor of the Augean Stables to a depth of 30 feet.

Michael K said...

"I did find the info on Limbaugh calling Chelsie a dog when she was 13 disturbing."

I found McCain's comment that Chelsea's father was Janet Reno disturbing, after I stopped laughing.

Ann Althouse said...

"p.s. Prof, great pic. Is that an F-35 Lightning II fighter jet you're in or are you just happy to see me?"

It's some plane that was on display at a PGA tournament I attended some years ago. I tried to find the old post about it but couldn't. I remember 2 things about the plane: 1. The price was around $300,000, and 2. The cockpit was designed to feel like sitting in a car, I believe so that women would feel especially comfortable in it (so the company that was showing it off urged me to get up and sit in it so I'd see the idea of this nice plane for ladies).

J Lee said...

IIRC, both Limbaugh and the network that currently employs Chelsea, NBC, made fun of her looks, in NBC's case during a 1992 "Saturday Night Live" skit. And both the network execs and Limbaugh apologized after getting major blow-back over their bits.

Since it was in her and her parents' interest to accept NBC's apology, they did, and nothing has been heard of that via other media outlets for most of the past 21 1/2 years. On the other hand, it is in their political interest to remain affrontedly affronted by Limbaugh's remarks, and so they, and their supporters, take a different tack than they did when Lorne Michaels said he was sorry.

Donna B. said...

Rush got put on my shit list when he made the "dog" comment about Chelsea. Later (circa 2007, I think) someone persuaded me to give him a 2nd chance.

I did, and his rant that day was on evolution and how it wasn't proven, the controversy should be taught, etc... so he got a higher spot on my shit list.

Even as firmly as he's planted on my shit list, those who try to plant words in his mouth get put on there with him.

I hope Chelsea has an easy pregnancy and delivers a healthy child.

David in Cal said...

Apparently some liberals are so prejudiced against Limbaugh that they don't realize how stupid it is to criticize him for something he hasn't done.

dreams said...

Fortunately Bush's daughters were pretty because we know the liberals have a lower regard for family values and are ruthless toward Republicans.

Paco Wové said...

"We'll just make stuff up and then make fun of them for the stuff we made up."

Oh, that's been standard operating procedure for years.

But otherwise, what Donna B. said.

the wolf said...

So...this takes place solely in Amato's fevered imagination?

Titus said...

Rush's greatist sin, other than his multiple marriages and no procreation, is his fatness. The man is huge and a major turn off for 75% of the country. The other 25% are "low information" voters.

Rush is a perfect picture of Republican family values. Fat, white, many women, and living on the east coast.

Titus said...

Lena said something so what Limbaugh said about a 13 year old girl is totally cool.

Which means Rush is totally washed off his sins against a 13 year girl.

Rush is obese, does drugs, and bitches about gays, drugs and marriage...but we totally love him!

He knows and feels our pain!

Paul said...

"I found McCain's comment that Chelsea's father was Janet Reno disturbing, after I stopped laughing."

For all the nonsense McCain has uttered that did stand out as a sublime moment of comic lucidity.

Titus said...

What Gas Fatbag says we honor and respect and bow down to. He is the republican party.

Now he is doing some drugs to get his fat old cock hard in order to try and fuck something that won't unless he offers her much cash and a non-compete, confidentially contract.

The man is unfuckable without the cold hard cash. Similar to all you old , pasty, fat fucks.

Good luck with that pubes!

Danno said...

Smelt - I thought the topic was going be the smelt fries up by Sperior WI in the spring! Or in smelting copper, gold or some such metal, Is smelt a derivative of smell?

Sam L. said...

I think the blog name names them. Regardless, I'm waiting for the pro-abortionists to scream that she's not having one, the TG/Feministas to scream about raising the kid as a boy/girl/gender-specific/pink/blue/with no non-gender-specific toys and on and on and on and on...

Fen said...

his rant that day was on evolution and how it wasn't proven... so he got a higher spot on my shit list.

Uhm. You realize evolution is theory, yes? I mean, I believe it, but Rush is right.

rhhardin said...

I have a picture of me sitting in an Aeronca 7AC in college somewhere.

That's not a woman's airplane.

You fly it with a joystick, not a wheel.

Any girls you take up you have to tell to wear a full skirt or slacks.

I wonder...

rummages in top desk drawer, discovers slide rules, old licenses, photo book!

Me in almost certainly 1960, photo by my frequent passenger David Gitlitz, Oberlin Ohio airport.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CWJ said...

Wow, this post is more of a rohrschach test than almost anything Althouse has previously posted starting with Joe Amato.

Paco Wove, yeah blinding glimpse of the obvious, but needed to be said. Donna B, Paco acknowledged you but let me second that. Titus, I'm glad I never had to report to someone like you. If its not a pose you've got issues as big as Shouting Thomas's. If it is a pose, you've got a long way to go before you get close to betamax3000's level of whimsy.

chickelit said...

Titus said..

The man is unfuckable without the cold hard cash. Similar to all you old , pasty, fat fucks.

Why not just admit that your HIV compromises your own choices and that's why you're so angry, Titus?

Then there could be a clean slate and a chance to renew things.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Titus you are really spun up.

Are you jealous of Chelsea getting so much attention?

Opinh Bombay said...


The Clintons have never ever lied or staged anything. It just can't happen.


sane_voter said...

Titus is turning into the Gay Emcee

David said...

"Is the Presidency hereditary?"

We will find out in 2016.

Donna B. said...

Fen... selective quoting? Note I also mentioned he ranted that "teaching the controversy" is a good thing, which means he proposed that teaching either 'intelligent design' or 'young earth creationism' is a good thing.

"Theory" in scientific terms means 'explains all the phenomena thrown at it so far'. "Hypothesis" is the less powerful term meaning 'might explain something'.

I suppose intelligent design could be termed a scientific theory if you accept that 'because we said so' is good enough evidence for all that hypothesis can't explain. Fortunately, we don't accept that from scientists. At least, I don't.

Rush made a fool of himself that day to anyone who had even an inkling of education in biology or geology. It was painful to listen to.

Rush Limbaugh makes money by entertaining the group he's chosen to pander to. Sometimes he's right, but it's hardly ever because being right is more important to him than being entertaining is.

He's certainly not alone in making money doing that. I figure everyone I see on TV and read on the internet -- the politicians, the talking heads, the celebrities, etc. are doing the same.

That includes our hostess, though I do accept that she's doing this to entertain herself first.

Harold Boxty said...

Five seconds on Google proves that Limbaugh never called Chelsea a dog. All of you who say otherwise are liars or fools for believing that story. Media matters has the transcript of his TV show if you need proof.

Fritz said...

Ask yourself, are the Clinton's capable of arranging a pregnancy at a time convenient to Hillary's career?

Trashhauler said...

So, let me get this straight - Limbaugh hasn't actually said anything about Chelsea having a baby?

L Day said...

boxty woot said...
"Five seconds on Google proves that Limbaugh never called Chelsea a dog. All of you who say otherwise are liars or fools for believing that story. Media matters has the transcript of his TV show if you need proof." Can't be. The left would never lie about Rush, or anything else, for that matter. :)

Rusty said...

Martha said...
Glad to hear Chelsea is pregnant.

I thought she was just getting fat

I didn't even know she was married.

Rusty said...

I see Titus has been in the box wine again.

ken in tx said...

It's been a long time since I followed Rush, but when I did, I never heard him bitch about gays, drugs or marriage. He bitched about liberals, Democrats, and feminazis. Most people who criticize Rush have never listened to him.

The reason I don't follow him anymore is because I usually already know what he is going to bitch about because I follow Drudge, Instapundit, and Althouse.

rhhardin said...

The reason not to follow Rush anymore is that he's doing social conservatism, thinking that that's what Obama lacks.

Anonymous said...

"I suppose intelligent design could be termed a scientific theory if you accept that 'because we said so' is good enough evidence for all that hypothesis can't explain."

Perhaps you could take a trip over to the http://www.discovery.org/ discovery institute and point to one occasion where instead of doing science and research, they were saying, "Because we said so!"

Although I am sure it gives you great comfort not to have to argue your position and so easily dismiss those who disagree with you.

Fen said...

Donna: "Theory" in scientific terms means 'explains all the phenomena thrown at it so far'.

But you said "his rant that day was on evolution and how it wasn't proven". I'm glad you admit there is a difference between theory and proof.

Note I also mentioned he ranted that "teaching the controversy" is a good thing, which means he proposed that teaching either 'intelligent design' or 'young earth creationism' is a good thing.

Now you're just making assumptions the he defined "teaching the contraversy" as teaching those other theories. Maybe he just wanted "contraversy" taught so that people like you wouldn't mistake theory for proof?

I find it amusing that you damn Rush for saying something true. Are you an atheist? Because your reaction is that of someone whose religion has been questioned.

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