March 14, 2014

Wow, that "Ban Bossy" thing is working its virality awfully effectively.

1. I'm taking a distanced, standoffish view of the man-swarm around that Sandberg, Lean-in, Julia-ish business that James Taranto, Instapundit, and many others are talking about.

2. Yeah, the ladies said "Ban"... so: Censorship alert!!! Beep! Beep! Beep! Did you bite at the bait? You're boosting their business. You did what they wanted you to do. Oh, how easy it is for women to manipulate men. Putting the man in manipulate. Some women wear push-up bras and red stilettos, and other women say I will control you. And those words impel you to dance your dance of freedom. Dance, man, dance!

3. Ha ha. It's a funny dance, that dance the BanBossy made you do. Mind if I stand off over here? I'm the standoffish one.

4. From over here, in my corner, here's how it looks. There's no banning. There's only pressure to think about the meaning of the things we think and say, to be more aware of the connotations of the words we use. "Bossy" is one word that conveys more gender meaning than the people who use it might realize. There are other words — "shrill" and "hysterical," for example — that you might want to notice are used more quickly against females and that might be unfair or dispiriting.

5. There are words that are used against men too, and women — some women — may feel energized to level the competition by cutting down men.

6. Why don't we all become more conscious of the meaning of words and of the basis of our opinion about other human beings? Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them? Why don't we engage in the finest aspects of the life we are given and really try to understand each other and to use language in a way that expands and enlightens our shared existence?

7. See how my point #6 isn't at all viral? You don't feel spurred to talk about that.

8. Which is my point. It's why there is BanBossy.

9. All that gets recorded is what's dominant at each moment.


rhhardin said...

We should ban crabby too.

AustinRoth said...

"Why don't we all become more conscious of the meaning of words and of the basis of our opinion about other human beings? Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them? Why don't we engage in the finest aspects of the life we are given and really try to understand each other and to use language in a way that expands and enlightens our shared existence?"

Why don't we all step back and stop trying to ascribe powers to certain words that we ourselves give them?

But mainly, why don't we all stop looking for,and indulging, this whole hyper-sensitivityness that permeates today's society?

That really is an offshoot of the feminization of men and society. Men, on their own, rarely go around blaming certain words for their failings and hurt feelings, or trying to guilt others into changing their behavior.

Women do.

RecChief said...

a buddy of mine thinks it's part of Hillary!'s campaign.

I think it's just part of the war on men

Bob Ellison said...

No, you're wrong. The Ban Bossy thing is shrill and bossy and classic FemiNazism, as Rush might say. It's what encourages some men to conclude that women are not worth promoting except as place-holders to fend off a lawsuit.

Your point 6 seems to be that we should all be better people and more careful with our words. Duh. That's leftist thinking. We should be good, new, Soviet Men and Women. But we are simple humans.

LilyBart said...

I LIKE the word 'bossy'. It describes a specific behavior. My big sister was bossy.

To me, bossy describes a person trying to push people around without having the correct authority to do so.

Let's KEEEP Bossy!

What I am tired of: being told what to think by people like those running the banbossy nonsense.

Todd said...

What is interesting is the timing of the "ban bossy" dust-up. As others have noted, could this be space prep for a Hillary run? Sorry but who don't think she is bossy? So if we can just increase pressure to not use the word bossy then that is one less negative for Hillary and the PC Police get to add another notch to their gun belt.

PB said...

The democrats, media, and liberal "elites" are certainly well coordinated, aren't they? It's almost as if there is some daily coordinating messages along with some central planning committee.

KCFleming said...

"There's no banning. There's only pressure to..."

Of course there's banning, even if not by the feds. By schools and workplaces, and other woman-centered placwes.

It will become another unword, of which there are many. To argue this is not banning is just silly.

"Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them? "

Why won't human nature change?
Oh well, then let's ban it.

But we're not really banning it, we're just forcing you to become more generous and more conscious and understanding.

So it's not banned per se, you just will be shunned if you use it.

test said...

Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them?

Because the personal is political.

KCFleming said...

We'll have to ban the word bullshit first.

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

I'll stop using Bossy when Bossy people stop bossing me around. Including the BanBossy Brigade.

I wonder what Tina Fey, author of BossyPants, thinks of this book-buying-suppression activity?

amielalune said...

I don't get it (mostly because all the stories about it mention Hillary and I don't read about her).

Are they saying, "ban the WORD "bossy"" or are they saying "don't BE "bossy"?

Either way, it's incredibly stupid.

LilyBart said...

......or are they saying "don't BE "bossy"?

Now, there's an idea I could support.

rhhardin said...

Hysterical comes from uterus.

Shrill refers to pitch. Children have shrill cries.

Women have a shrill voice. piercing

That's why the Greeks put sirens on islands, as sort of lighthouses.

Jim said...

#6 is a good, if not exactly original, thought.

Otherwise you totally miss the boat. They say "ban" and they mean "ban". Feminism has been banning thoughts and words for decades now. We used to ignore the banning. The problem is, the banning worked. No, ignoring it is clearly not the right response.

For a completely different (fundamental Christian) view of the banning, see this-

Tibore said...

"Ban Bossy"? How about "Ban superficial bumperstickerism" instead?

bleh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

There's only pressure to think about the meaning of the things we think and say

That's the female use of "we."

And feminized males.

bleh said...

What the hell are you talking about, Althouse? I had never heard of the underlying story, so it seems by making this post you are also doing the bidding of these annoying women. What does that make you? Have you been manipulated?

rhhardin said...

Guys are up for a good battle.

It's a guy thing.

In a battle of words, women lose.

All they can do is sarcasm. Say the opposite of what you mean. Big deal. Even teenagers outgrow it.

Chap said...

What's this "we" stuff?

edutcher said...

Hey, it just lets us go straight to bitchy.

(don't the feminists like being called bitchy?)

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them?

Good advice you should take for yourself. Your links basically say "who cares' and you write the screeching, shrill piece. Try to be less dramatic and hysterical when its your time of the month

Chuck said...

Nothing says "pussy" to me like anyone who seriously uses the word "bossy."

Men; have you ever once heard one of your fellow men use the word "bossy" with any seriousness? I can; it was when Mike Bossy was playing right wing for the New York Islanders.

Because worrying about what is "bossy" makes you an adolescent girl. Or the mother of an adolescent girl.

Fen said...

Hillary Clinton is bossy.

Stop being such a bossy bitch, Hillary. And maybe put some ice on that.

Hagar said...

"Bossy" does have a feminine connotation, but LilyBart is on track.
It is a kind of "bossiness" that some women are prone to exhibit, and they are not the "real bosses," whether the real boss is male or female.

Wince said...

Althouse: "Why don't we all..."

Don't boss me! This is why you're going to hell.

dreams said...

Women are verbal, men are doers. I'd like to see a TV show about what the earth would look like without men, if for some reason men suddenly ceased to exist.

Seeing Red said...

Let's go directly to bitch.

Bob Ellison said...

See, rhhardin's personality on these forums is partly a result of this kind of FemiNazism. He comes across as a misogynist. He has been cultivated to think women are inferior to men. (Or: did he think that before he started reading? No, that would make him pure evil, and such a thing cannot exist...except that he's a male, and possibly white, so maybe...)

This Ban Bossy thing is part of the feminist arc. I tell ya, I'm on rhhardin's arc, though not as far along as he. I love women and the things they do better than men, but I hate the feminist attitude that I'm supposed to bow down because I have a Y chromosome.

TosaGuy said...

I have complete faith that society will find a new and evermore cutting word to replace bossy.

Nonapod said...

Sometimes I just think words are dumb. I wish we didn't have so many and we just grunted and signed more. Maybe things would be simpler if we just limited are talking to a few phrases, like "Good morning fellas", "Hand me that thing", "Boy, this work's hard", and "Guys, break's over".

Iconochasm said...

I'm fine with no longer using "bossy". So, to satisfy the campaign, the next little girl to tell my daughter what Disney princesses she's allowed to like will be referred to as an "insufferable asshole" or "shit-eating douchenozzle" instead.

Sorry, but from the couple of interviews I've seen, Sandberg being any kind of a leader just seems inconceivable to me. She might be the most awkward, least pleasant personality I've ever seen interviewed. I'd give a ~100% chance to the probability that the kids who called her bossy in her formative incident really meant "Go the fuck away and leave us alone, you condescending, domineering asshole. No one cares if you think we're not playing 'right'."

Grimstarr said...

Who in the hell are these bossy bitches trying to bossily ban the use of the word boss from my vocabulary? Are they that bereft of a life that this is all they have left to do? Are there no more sandwiches they could be making a man? Fuck off ladies, you aren't the boss of me.

Fen said...

He has been cultivated to think women are inferior to men

Aren't they though? Men have easily oppressed women for at least 200,000 years.

Should they be *treated* as equals? Certainly. But lets not forget they only have equal rights because Men allowed it.

Bob Ellison said...

Iconochasm, but you misunderstand FaceBook's perceived needs. A few years ago, they went into a mode (probably unwittingly) wherein their primary market was 25-60-year-old women. They got the right CEO for the job.

They've captured that market, and now the youngsters (and all of the men) are leaving.

I plan to watch what happens. FB will either die or replace its marketing strategy. Boys don't care about FB, and girls do so less and less. What will Sandberg say then?

Grimstarr said...

Nonapod said ... Sometimes I just think words are dumb. I wish we didn't have so many and we just grunted and signed more. Maybe things would be simpler if we just limited are talking to a few phrases,...

George Orwell said ... "By curtailing frivolous and "fighting" words, the Party seeks to narrow the range of thought altogether, such that eventually, thoughtcrime will be literally impossible."

Rumpletweezer said...

How about "harpy?"

Seeing Red said...

ITA w/Grimmstar, I don't bow down to Beyonce and they'e bossy for wanting to ban the word bossy.

Isn't it time for Garner to breed again?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

One of the earliest male-bonding moments boys share is when the apple-polishing, eraser-clapping, watch-the-class-while-I-use-the-bathroom, girl is marked out for mockery of her assumed authority.
Of course Ban Bossy is being held up to ridicule. It's just the same hubris we've been laughing at all our lives.

Will Cate said...

Bossy is just a genteel way of saying Bitchy. The BanBossy campaign is a complete and utter waste of bandwidth.

lemondog said...


Insecure people need to control their surroundings.

Bossy is a control issue.

Insecure people are bossy.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your IQ, as one commenter has said, declines by 20 points when you discuss gaydom.

Point 6. Your IQ declines by 50 points when you discuss "Let's all be real nice."

I know how much value women put in that shit. Men don't.

Seeing Red said...

harpy, shrew,

thesaurus: hag



vixen (poke my eyes out now imagining Hildebeast as a vixen)


Trashhauler said...

"Men, on their own, rarely go around blaming certain words for their failings and hurt feelings, or trying to guilt others into changing their behavior.

Women do."

That's because the women's hierarchy is defined and enforced by words and unwritten rules. Men are much more inclined to say, "Bull, who says?" when faced with such things. But women, unless they are on top, will allow themselves to be bullied into all sorts of restrictions and never say anything, less their place in the hierarchy slip further.

Anonymous said...

Ann, we're reading a site where Crack Emcee is a regular commenter; we don't need you to give us the news that people are easily trolled.

Seeing Red said...

Ahhh, first world problems.

Beyonce should be helping the oppressed women of Cuba, but let's ban the word "bossy."

Seeing Red said...

Michelle Obama: 'We Nag You Because We Love You.'

Fen said...

You appear to have forgotten what brung ya here...


Last time I checked, women don't create life on their own.

Roughcoat said...

As long as they don't ban blowjobs, they can be as bossy as they want.

Todd said...

Seeing Red said...
Ahhh, first world problems.

Beyonce should be helping the oppressed women of Cuba, but let's ban the word "bossy."

She should be helping the women of the Arab and African worlds but shit like that can get you killed. It is easier to "talk truth to power" when you don't have to worry about getting your throat cut or get stoned.

That is the problem with modern feminism. Those women would rather hold a "slut walk" then affect meaningful change in parts of the world where women really are still property.

Skeptical Voter said...

As Instapundit notes, the "Ban Bossy" campaign is Astroturf--prepping the battle space for Hillary's run for President in 2016. (Which of course might or might not happen--but it's always good to prep the space.)

It has led to one good thing--a bumper sticker saying "Ban Bossy" with Hillary's face in a circle with the universal "slash" over it.

Michael K said...

" I'd like to see a TV show about what the earth would look like without men, if for some reason men suddenly ceased to exist."

There was a great short story years ago about a nuclear accident which sterilized all the men in the world.

Then a baby was born for the first time in several years. It turned out the father had been in a lead mine during the nuclear accident. He was the only fertile man in the world. Of course the story was written in the 50s.

It was hilarious. I've forgotten who wrote it. Maybe Jack Finney.

His story, "The Woodrow Wilson Dime" is a classic.

Very much about male fantasies.

Birches said...

Why don't we all step back and stop trying to ascribe powers to certain words that we ourselves give them?

But mainly, why don't we all stop looking for,and indulging, this whole hyper-sensitivityness that permeates today's society?


The reason the whole banbossy thing is annoying is because they ascribe the word as having a gender attached to it when it doesn't at all. Trust me. I hang with elementary school kids and preschoolers all day. It is a gender neutral term, whereas shrill is not.

Here's the other annoying thing about it. They are ascribing vocabulary used in childhood as a reason why women cannot succeed later in life. THis is ridiculous, especially because girls hold a higher advantage academically through elementary, middle and high school. Two of the three valedictorians during my high school years were girls; 6 of the top ten my year were young women. So please tell me how an 8 year old calling a girl bossy suddenly turns a career woman into a pile of nothing?

Shouting Thomas said...

Re Point 6, Althouse's "Let's All Be Real Nice" solution.

You should attend an Old Dawgz rehearsal. We rip one another a new asshole all night long.

And laugh our asses off.

Men, at least good old fashioned grandpas like the Old Dawgz, don't want to live in your super nice world.

Hard for you to understand, isn't it?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Girls just sometimes get to ride longer if you've got a person in power, male or female, who sees them as gender stereotypes, not distinct individuals."

The traits that inform all but the most rigid stereotypes actually exist in the individuals. I've seen precious few exceptions.

Yu-Ain Gonnano said...

If you think bossy and leadership are synonymous, you're the reason we have bad leaders *and* bad bosses.

Douglas B. Levene said...

The word "bossy" will be around as long as little brothers have big sisters.

mccullough said...

It seemed to me that bossy was used to describe grade school girls in the same way that bully was used to describe grade school boys. As adults, we might sometimes refer to an adult man as a bully or an adult woman as bossy. But it's the qualities that people don't like. Maybe we should just expand the use of the word bully to cover bossy.

Anonymous said...


How about a campaign asking females to stop being bossy. It's annoying. When a boy becomes leader of a gang he does not dictate the color of pillows, curtains and divans in the clubhouse. Male leaders either don't care or delegate.

In contrast the high school queen bee wants to dictate fashion, the theme of the prom and how she is perceived. "Bossy" rightfully conveys an intrusive, personal level of control.

If "bossy" disappears, a nastier replacement will evolve.

Only a bossy female would think to try require others not to notice she's bossy.

How about a "Don't Be a Bitch" campaign so we can all get along?

SGT Ted said...

"Bossy" is the appropriate term for someone who is inappropriately and/or rudely assertive in a social situation where they are not officially in charge.

Bossy is the kids word for other kids who are inappropriately authoritarian minded and is the word used to re-assert the social boundary that the bossy kid has breeched.

Progressive Women need to quit bitching about words that accurately describe lousy human behavior that women engage in.

I spent a career being trained as a leader. One can be a very effective leader and not be "bossy" or a "bitch". But, if you choose to be bossy or a bitch while in a position of authority, expect to be thus labeled and judged.

Ann, the idea that we just let this go is wrong, because this is a campaign to restrict other peoples speech in advance of a political campaign that will specifically tout that the FEMALE sex is superior to lead, but somehow will melt if someone calls them bossy outloud.

Leaders who are bossy are usually lousier leaders and the bossy conduct shows their insecurity and lack of actual leadership skills.

Bossy women might THINK they are being "leaders" but what they actually are is a caricature based on a stereotype of what women think a male leader is and does.

I suspect, Ann, that you are actually FOR this word ban, seeing as you are calling for people to ignore an assault on the free speech rights of others.

The Proggs tried this last year with their "anti-bullying" campaign that was another naked attempt to control other peoples speech towards the LBTQOMFGBBQ whiners and it was discredited precisely because people opposed and exposed it OUT LOUD for the cheap Stalinism that it is.

This #nobossy campaign is the same sort of Stalinist bullshit from the feminists. It needs to be called out for what it is, promptly and LOUDLY.

SGT Ted said...

No, you're wrong. The Ban Bossy thing is shrill and bossy and classic FemiNazism...


Scott M said...

Why don't we all become more conscious of the meaning of words and of the basis of our opinion about other human beings?

I feel spurred to talk about it because I remember that what you're asking there is exactly how PC started and look what it's led to. It's not quite a hangman's rope around the nation's neck, but it's pretty damned close.

Can I still say "hangman"?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The word "bossy" will be around as long as little brothers have big sisters"

How true! But I recognize the value of those bossy older sisters too. My 91 year old mother recently suffered a health crisis, that for most people her age, would have meant a rapid decline in a nursing home bed. My older sister took command of her care, drove the rehab staff crazy, had a family member there every waking minute of her rehab stay, and we were able to bring my mother back to her home. I wouldn't have believed it five weeks ago.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"State your sample size, sir.
Let's proceed scientifically"

I have some hubris of my own.

Bob Ellison said...

The Cracker Emcee, I'm married to a bossy woman, and glad of it. She's a bossy mother and a wonderful wife.

We need more bossy and less wussy.

kjbe said...

You're pulling our leg with #6, right?

Bob Ellison said...

Come to think of it, how about a #BanWussy campaign, complete with bumper stickers with Obama's picture on it?

Shouting Thomas said...


I and other commenters have responded to your Point 6 at some length, after you insisted that nobody could or would respond.

Your reponse?

Trashhauler said...

Not too long ago, I worked for a female two-star general in the command program and policy division. There were lots of experts, drones, hangers-on, self-starters, and time-servers. The usual mix in a classically hierarchical environment.

The general was a pretty good boss, except for her insistence that teamwork be emphasized, regardless of expertise, actual input, or participation levels. So, lots of team awards and congratulations for the non-participants. Made everyone feel very good.

Except for the few who carried most of the load. But, she wasn't bossy, so it was all good.

Fen said...

This #nobossy campaign is the same sort of Stalinist bullshit from the feminists. It needs to be called out for what it is, promptly and LOUDLY.

To add: it also won't be employed equally, just like the #civility bs we covered last year - it toggles on/off depending who the target is.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

As has been said before, this is all battlespace preparation for Hillary.

She really puts the shrew in shrewd.

Wait... Am I allowed to say that?

dreams said...

"Why don't we become more generous as we interpret the experiences of other people and interact with them? Why don't we engage in the finest aspects of the life we are given and really try to understand each other and to use language in a way that expands and enlightens our shared existence?"

Or as Obama said while campaigning in 2008, if we all just believe and have hope, we can have heaven on earth.

Fen said...

This #nobossy campaign is the same sort of Stalinist bullshit from the feminists. It needs to be called out for what it is, promptly and LOUDLY.

To add: it also won't be employed equally, just like the #civility bs we covered last year - it toggles on/off depending who the target is.

SGT Ted said...

“Being a leader is like being a lady. If you have to remind people you are, you aren’t.” -Margaret Thatcher

Fen said...

Mary: Mama did her bit verbally or non-verbally; don't deny her.

Not denying her. Just waiting for you to explain: if woman are not inferior to men, how is that they have been oppressed by men for over 200,000 years?

Is this the root of the lingering problem, mama dependency issues?

Ah a personal attack. My question stung you, yes? Else, why are you letting your female emotions cloud your reason?

dreams said...

Sheryl Sandberg is extremely attractive and she got big time lucky at Facebook. Right place, right time.

SGT Ted said...

Sheryl Sandberg's own self description of her interactions with other kids and family growing up is that of a bossy, control freak.

I would be embarrassed if my siblings referred to themselves as my "employees" due to control freak behavior in planning a wedding, yet she is proud of it.

Of course she doesn't like the word, because it accurately calls her out on a negative aspect of her personality that she doesn't like to consider very much.

SGT Ted said...

"Ban Bossy" is the perfect anti-Hillary campaign slogan.

Fen said...

You probably believe the feminist claptrap -

No, I don't believe any of that.

I just want to know how anyone can believe "woman are not inferior to men" when history proves otherwise.

Stand to reason that I keep my boot on your neck for 200,000 years, were not equal. Yes?

Fen said...

Mary: but I duidn't mean to hurt your feelings

You didn't. Like I said upthread, the fact that you reached for the ad hom tells me that my question offended your delicate nature.

Should I pull over a fainting couch for you?

Fen said...

I mean, I know you think you are being all strong and "bossy", but your response really just plays into all the negative stereotypes about women.

David said...

rhhardin said...
We should ban crabby too.

Can crabby. We should can crabby.

Fen said...

But you're still evading:

I just want to know how anyone can believe "woman are not inferior to men" when history proves otherwise.

Stands to reason that I keep my boot on your neck for 200,000 years, we're not equal. Yes?

Bob Ellison said...

Fen, you're reaching for the tag.

paul a'barge said...

Look at this and go all viral:

LOL! Prescient.

Bruce Hayden said...

This does though bring up a major problem with women in leadership positions. Interesting article by Deborah Tannen: 'Bossy' is more than a word to women/. I think that she has done some good work in explaining some of the fundamental differences between males and females, and how they communicate.

Males are naturally hierarchical, and give orders, expecting them to be obeyed. If they aren't in a position of power over those they are trying to lead, they are ignored, and maybe ridiculed. But, if they are in such a position, everyone is expected to get on board. (And, don't try to play the devil's advocate - that is their job, and you will be penalized if you do - as I know from personal experience). It is a system that works well for males, and has for probably millions of years.

Females tend to be a lot more collaborative, meaning that everyone gets their say, and decisions are supposed to be somewhat collaborative (though often not as much as is portrayed). No one is supposed to get their feelings hurt. And, it drives a lot of guys crazy. No surprise, that a lot of guys think that women dither a lot, esp. in making major decisions (and, this may be what happened to Hillary! on 9/11/12 with Benghazi - she missed the 3 a.m. call, and then dithered until too late, as did her "First Woman President" boss).

So, how does a woman lead effectively? If she is too collaborative, she is seen as undecisive and dithering. But, if she is decisive, then she comes across as "bossy". There are jobs where being too collaborative, and not decisive, may not be bad in a top position, but I don't think that President of the US is one of them. We have just lived through 5+ years of a dithering, undecisive, Presidency (who isn't all that collaborative either), and are reaping the fruits of that, as Russia gets ready to invade the Ukraine, the Syrians are still killing each other with WMDs, and the Iranians are going nuclear.

I think that it can be done, but don't think that Hillary! is the one to pull it off. Too much the whiner, and too likely to make decisions based on personal issues, as opposed to on the merits. I think that some of the Republican governors maybe better at the sort of leadership that would be needed.

NitneLiun said...

I haven't used the word "bossy" in years, perhaps decades. Now, I think I'll make it a point to use the word in every sentence.

Browndog said...

"Bossy" is a word to describe a specific behavior.

So, the word to describe that behavior is unacceptable, but the behavior is?


Bruce Hayden said...

I just want to know how anyone can believe "woman are not inferior to men" when history proves otherwise.

The problem isn't whether men are superior to women, or women to men, but rather, who makes the better leader, esp. as President of the U.S. Women can be strong leaders, but I doubt that any current female Democratic party politician can be an effective leader of this country. Certainly not Hillary! Not surprisingly, at least to me, effective female national leaders have seemingly come much more from the right, than the left.

Think of the traditional female characteristics, and ask which ones of them you think are important to a national leader. Then, look at traditional male characteristics, and ask the same question. When our national leader gets that 3 a.m. call, we expect them to react decisively, and not dither. Is that a male or a female characteristic?

The other thing about women as a national leadership position that is somewhat worrying is that women, seemingly more than men, seem to worry more about their local community, but a woman President wouldn't be just the President of all women, or even just feminists, but of men, rednecks, anti-semitics, the middle class, etc. This is something that I don't think that Hillary! is capable of, and question the ability of other prominent Dem. women. (Of course, the First Women President, Barack Obama, is also incapable of this). Maybe it is because females tend to be even more protective of their children, and their own, than their mates often are.

John henry said...

How about instead of banning the word bossy, we ban actual bossy cunts?

Hilary Clinton immediately springs to mind as she seems to be the reason for this whole meshuganah.

We should ban bossy dicks as well.

Not the words, of course. The people who fit those descriptions.

John Henry

John henry said...

There are some other adjectives, such as "pretty" that are pretty much used exclusively about women.

Should we ban them too?

John Henry

Anonymous said...

The world hurt my feelings so it should have to change.

Anonymous said...

NitneLiun said...
I haven't used the word "bossy" in years, perhaps decades. Now, I think I'll make it a point to use the word in every sentence.

Even though I am not religious, I make it a point to say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" to all of my secular liberal friends. It usually makes them pause and smile.
Like you, I think I now have to make "bossy" a major part of my vocabulary

tim maguire said...

Prior to "Ban Bossy," has anyone here heard Hillary Clinton referred to as bossy? Even once? Any other woman? Me neither. Who uses such words?

An entirely invented controversy that the professor, sadly, with her silly sexist "man-swarm" crap has, for some reason, chosen to become a part of.

deepelemblues said...

Honestly, why should anyone care about the rest of the points when 1-3 are mocking and nasty? I wouldn't give a shit about anything a man had to say about women and some gender issue if he started off with something like what Althouse did, and I'm not going to give a shit about what a woman says about men and some gender issue either if she starts off with some ego stroking and contempt.

Doug said...

Will this paternalistic microaggression never cease!? /clutches pearls/

George M. Spencer said...

Ban Bossy?

Is this our foreign policy against Putin?

Seems like that is what it's coming to.

Or maybe we should stop shaming him. So what if he is a slut for Crimea or that it is a slut for him! Nothing shameful about it.

He hungers for Ukraine. Lots of people do, too. Totally normal. So far Putin's invasion has been cruelty-free. Let's give his peace a chance. Yes, it's an alternative ruling style, but lots of regimes practice it and safely. He's just loving on Crimea.


Birches said...

Michelle Malkin hits it out of the park

Known Unknown said...

I prefer to work with bitchy/bossy women.

At least with them you know where you stand.

Beware duplicitous "niceness."

Jane the Actuary said...

My first reaction to the "ban bossy" campaign is that this is just silly, especially when I saw that the website was using old data and discredited conclusions and failing to acknowledge that it's boys, not girls, who are struggling at school. (Full disclosure: my 3 kids are all boys.)

And it's fun to jump into the "banbossy is censorship!" game.

But there is a real issue: a friend of mine reported that her daughter does feel that, at school, if she or another girl takes the lead on a group project, she get called "bossy." And women managers report being accused of being "bossy" when, as far as they can tell, they're not doing anything different than men are.

But, by the way, does Sheryl Sandberg actually do any work at facebook?

averagejoe said...

You republican white males better show big respect to democrat women politicians or AA is going to get bossy, shrill and hysterical.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

10. Althouse is late to the event, but she says she is fashionably late.

maninthemiddle said...

If we ban bossy women bosses being called bossy, can we call them what we call bossy men - A$$ H@!<$

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm treated the same whether I'm here or not - nice to know - makes me feel like the manager, at Ann's company, returning from lunch or something. Alright, everybody get back to looking busy:

A new Anita Hill documentary just got released.

Yet another reminder this country's values ultimately turn on the events of black people's lives.

Sexual harassment was, definitely, never the same after Anita,...

Deb said...

But what does Bossy herselfhave to say?

RMc said...

What's the big deal? Mike Bossy was a great hockey player!

Sam L. said...

Let's make a few bucks, here:

Fen said...

Mary: Whose history tells us that? Not mine.

When does "your" history (herstory?) say the Women's suffrage movement began? And why didn't it start with the ancient athenian democracy?

Not interested in whatever you've poisoned your mind with... out.

ie. you're running away. Can't say I blame you - its hard to claim The Patriarchy! has kept women down for 200,000 years and then turn around and insist women are not inferior to their male oppressors.

Anonymous said...

When I started this thread Mary was saying she wanted a battle of words that Ann wouldn't allow.

By the end she is running away, like a girl.

That's not bossy.

Gahrie said...

It's not so bad to lose to a girl, or a woman even, if you've long-term confidence in your game skills and don't need special protections or exclusions to benefit you while the females are stowed away in a safe space.

Who gets special protections or exclusions?

Who gets affirmative action?

Why are there female-only sports teams and competitions?

Why are there women's tees on a golf course?

Real American said...

instead of bossy we can use "emotionally weak word Nazi"

OBloodyHell said...

}}} 4. From over here, in my corner, here's how it looks. There's no banning. There's only pressure to think about the meaning of the things we think and say, to be more aware of the connotations of the words we use.

Oh, give me a freaking BREAK.

That's how this crap ALWAYS starts. "Be rEEEEEEEEsonable!!!" they say. "Just THINK of how WWWWWWwwwwwweeeeeee might feel!!!" they say.

Then some BITCH FROM HELL (note how I just avoided the word "Bossy", just for you) Brings a LAWSUIT against a man (or more likely, simply THREATENS ONE against a man's employer and he loses his job.

FUCK you and your "BE REASONABLE".

Men are %$^$%$%$# SICK AND TIRED of "being reasonable".

This is no different a whine than the gun controlling victim-disarmament LACKWITS who want GUN OWNERS to "be reasonable... all we want is for you to consider THE CHIIIIIIILdren!?!? Surely THEY matter to you, don't they?"

"Think of how weeeee feel"?

Frankily, men have been thinking of how women feel for over a century now -- and what we've gotten is marginalized, treated like dirt, and generally saddled with nothing but lifelong responsibilities while being stripped of all respect and authority over things we have been told we're supposed to care about.

Fuck your reasonable.

Now THIS you can "ban".

OBloodyHell said...

OK, I got "sent here" by Cass over at VC.

What I posted above comes from how *I* feel, but I'll take the time to explain it to her (below) I'll also offer it to you, here:


Sorry, Cass. On this you're wrong. Althouse is wrong.

YOU need to think about how WE feel, for once.

We're sick and tired of this kind of "think of how we feel" crap.

I've thought of how women feel for my entire life. Hasn't gotten me laid freaking once. Hasn't gotten me anything other than a few random empty words of "appreciation" on rare occasions.

I have, however, lost a job that I BUSTED MY ASS FOR because some female made outright lying claims about me having said something in the work place, which is not what I ever said.

All this is is YET ANOTHER salvo for feminist NAZI BITCHES to screw over men by making bogus claims that make the workplace into a hostile, screwed up and intolerable (because of *intolerance*) environment.

I don't have to LIKE you much to work with you. But I do have to TOLERATE you in order to work with you.

This is something MEN have learned how to do for millennia, getting better and better at it all the time.

And what is happening in the workplace is that it's getting totally ephed up because too many women don't GRASP that key fact -- in the work environment, TOLERANCE matters more than FEELINGS.

If I don't like you, I can avoid you often. But if I DO have to deal with you, it's more important that I TOLERATE what I dislike about you because GETTING SOMETHING DONE matters FAR more than how I FEEL about working with you.That's what WORK is all about -- COOPERATION TOWARDS A GOAL.

And this is what women don't grasp, near as I can see -- even otherwise sensible ones such as yourself.

You need to learn to tolerate things -- people and what they say -- that you don't LIKE -- because when it comes to work, THAT DOES NOT MATTER.

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SGT Ted said...

OBloodyhell also bring up a very salient fact: This is yet another attempt to privilege female sensibilities over men's by banning a word some females don't like from common discourse.

But there is a real issue: a friend of mine reported that her daughter does feel that, at school, if she or another girl takes the lead on a group project, she get called "bossy."

And, if a girl is accused of being bossy by her classmates, maybe she IS being bossy and needs to work on her leadership style.

And women managers report being accused of being "bossy" when, as far as they can tell, they're not doing anything different than men are.

I bet the same is going on here: Just because the bossy manager doesn't recognize their bossy conduct doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Lastly, just like the men, there are women managers that have no business being managers, but wound up being one, either due to credentials or due to fear of sex discrimination lawsuits.

In order to lead, you have to get people to want to follow you. Not every woman will be such, even if she is promoted or hired into a leadership/management position.

If people think you are a 'bossy' unpleasant leader, you probably ARE one, your self-esteem notwithstanding.

SGT Ted said...

Crack, the only reason we are seeing an Anniversary issue of the Anita Hill bullshit is because it is convenient anti-GOP fodder for the current "War on Women" bullshit from the Democrat Party AND another convenient excuse to bash Clarence Thomas for not living on the liberal ideological plantation.

Note how we don't see similar Anniversary reflections on Bill Clintons getting blowjobs from Monica from these clowns.

TDP said...

Austin Roth wrote:

"But mainly, why don't we all stop looking for,and indulging, this whole hyper-sensitivityness that permeates today's society?

That really is an offshoot of the feminization of men and society. Men, on their own, rarely go around blaming certain words for their failings and hurt feelings, or trying to guilt others into changing their behavior.

Women do."

Good observation. One quibble: In my experience it is not that all 'women do', but mostly those who subscribe to a worldview engendered by the pop-culture-feminist environment - that their best qualities are 'who they are as a strong, independent woman(tm)' and are to be celebrated, while their worst qualities are not 'who they are' but instilled in them by the other: Men, the patriarchy, traditional values ... non-PC-compliant women, etc.

tree hugging sister said...


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