1. Scott Walker 2014 Before Walker can (or should) think about running for the presidency, he needs to win re-election to his seat in Wisconsin....
2. CPAC is designed to give lesser known conservatives a chance to shine. Walker had his moment.... Conservatives know who Walker is, and they don't need a reminder of that two years away from the primaries.
3. There's nothing wrong with being mysterious two years out from a presidential contest....
4. Going to CPAC = being in the media spotlight.... By staying away, Walker avoids that judgment-fest.
March 8, 2014
"Why Scott Walker was smart to skip CPAC."
4 reasons, from Jaime Fuller in the Washington Post.
The last media-savvy conservative was Ronald Reagan.
Over/under on Garage posts in this thread: 5
Odds that Crack can turn the discussion towards race: 2/5
#5. Kelly Rindfleisch.
"Why Scott Walker was smart to skip CPAC."
1 reason, from The Crack Emcee on TMR:
1. Scott Walker can win the nomination but not the contest - he's already off the radar in reality.
Romney would've been smart to do the same.
And, Pianoman, you lose,...
The thread ain't closed yet, Crack.
Not to be negative, but there is no way someone without a college degree, who left school under mysterious circumstances, becomes President. I mean it would be controversial enough for a candidate to not in some way passed through Harvard or Yale.
Move on. Scott Walker is a non contender.
The Dems in Wisconsin have tried to play the No College Degree card. Has not worked. You can try to construct a intellectual lightweight narrative around Walker, but in fact he's pretty smart, well spoken, well read. When three of the last Presidential candidates are W. Bush, Kerry, and Gore, it's pretty hard to defend elite college education as a key factor in Presidential preparation.
Regardless of how smart they are, you just listed Yale, Yale, Harvard. I'm not pretending it has anything to do with intelligence, but I think it will obviously matter on a national scale. An Ivy education signals more about elite insider status than intelligence anyways.
"An Ivy education signals more about elite insider status than intelligence anyways."
It would be nice to see the country move away from Ivy credentialed buffoons.
The people most heavily invested in Ivy League credentials are not inclined to vote for a Republican. It matters, but it cuts both ways. I don't pretend to have your ability to see into the future, but I think it's too early to write Walker off.
He's running in a left leaning swing state--what he doesn't need right now is right wing bona fides. He needs the moderates and they won't be watching CPAC.
He is not even included in Drudge's poll of potential candidates.
He needs to rest while Paul and Perry wear themselves out. 2016 starts after 2014.
You left off both Clintons, Romney and Obama, Ivy's all of them.
Maybe Walker doesn't crave the job.
Move on. Scott Walker is a non contender.
Weaving Spiders Come Not Here.
Bob R said...
When three of the last Presidential candidates are W. Bush, Kerry, and Gore,
Bush and Gore were legacies so they don't count as real students.
From NRO on the straw poll, "Disappointing showings by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who took fourth place with 8 percent, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who pulled in 6 percent, show how those former power hitters have slumped. Both are already in danger of becoming stars of yesteryear. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former Senator Rick Santorum could be said to have gotten a push, with 7 percent each. Neither is on at the top of anybody’s list of likely presidents, but both did OK."
How do we know he skipped? Was he invited?
Nobody in Jan 2016 is going to remember the 2014 CPAC convention.
kind of amazing to me the backlash against Carson from the left.
He's not even running is he?
Van Jones, the self-admitted communist and apparantly a "green-jobs" expert says the economically important keystone pipeline is worth only 35 permanent jobs.
"I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th [1992], and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist ..."
So when did this communist activist become an expert on oil pipeline jobs which do not fall under Obama's definition of "green?"
And when did PolitiFact suddenly become non-partisan?
I think it's wise not to become a target so early. Wait, be patient, bide your time.
From what I've seen and heard of Walker, I like him so far. I don't know if I like him the most or not, but I do like him.
If he turns out to be a Tim Pawlenty media type, forget it. He'll lose my support. But if he turns out to be a fighter like Chris Christie (Even if it's in a more congenial manner) he'll retain my support and I think he'll make it far.
CPAC means nothing as far as presidential politics goes, especially in the current era.
I graduated from Harvard College and Columbia Law School. Those credentials don't impress me much. The current president went to the same universities, in the opposite order, and he's a disaster (and he isn't very smart).
Scott Walker speaks well and he has done a heck of a job standing up against the public employee unions and their leftist ideological supporters. I'd really love to see Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden or whoever else the Democrats put up attack him for being dumb. For one thing, Walker knows what difference at this point it makes.
"He is not even included in Drudge's poll of potential candidates"
I'd never heard of Clinton in '89 or knew W existed in '97.
By staying away, Walker avoids the media's talons that come out to do as much damage to Republicans as they can.
That's how I'd phrase it. I agree, smart move.
Bob R said...When three of the last Presidential candidates are W. Bush, Kerry, and Gore, it's pretty hard to defend elite college education as a key factor in Presidential preparation.
and AReasonableMan said...Bush and Gore were legacies so they don't count as real students.
Kerry went to Yale, as did his father. So he was a legacy as well.
It's smart to skip a confab where you might get questions about multiple criminal investigations. Savvy!
The Godfather said...
I graduated from Harvard College and Columbia Law School. Those credentials don't impress me much.
Were you hoping they would impress us?
garage: "It's smart to skip a confab where you might get questions about multiple criminal investigations. Savvy!"
So now Walker is the focus of "multiple criminal investigations"?
Do tell, do tell.
What is Walker being investigated for?
Don't hold back now.
Let us know what you really think.
And by that I mean please cut and paste the latest talking points you have been directed to use.
It will be interesting to see what the latest and greatest is from your political "betters".
He's going to beat Burke like a rented mule.
The Godfather: "Those credentials don't impress me much."
Well, that line is just beggin' to become a seque now isn't it?
If Scott Walker Was This Guy I'd Vote For Him In A Second
Still not biting on crack-click bait.
If you've got something to say, just say it.
Crack: "..This Guy I'd Vote For Him In A Second."
Another line beggin' for a seque:
I voted for Hannah Ferguson with Skylar Diggins and Sarah Sampaio tied for 2nd
Link trolling
I feel sorry for you guys sometimes.
You guys have this Link trolling nonsense as stuck in your heads as your crazy racial ideas. I've even seen you guys claim Ann uses me to raise HER click rate, like I - alone - could make much difference.
It's insane.
I gave you a link because I thought it was useful - not to raise my clicks because (this is going to shock you) I could care less. My blog has had as little as 250 visitors in a day and as many as 20,000. What difference is your click going to matter? What do you think is going to happen if I get your click? When I got 20,000 did the world change? Did I get rich? Popular?
You guys just make shit up and it's crazy.
The fact that so many past candidates were legacies supports my position that the political advantage of an Ivy education has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with status.
*ding* Aaaand, Crack checks in with a racial comment. My $10 wager returns $14. w00t!
Garage has only one post so far, but the night is young.
"The Crack Emcee said...
You guys have this Link trolling nonsense as stuck in your heads as your crazy racial ideas."
THAT's a racial comment to you?
I can see how whites ripped-off the Natives playing by those rules,...
The Crack Emcee said...
"I feel sorry for you guys sometimes."
No you don't.
Back to the main topic about CPAC.
I'm not sure that CPAC is the king maker among conservatives. Scott Walker has obviously made an impact on Wisconsin but he still has to make the case for himself at the national level.
@David (10:13 pm) asked "Were you hoping they [the college and law school I attended] would impress us?"
No. Given what I said about Obama, I thought that would be obvious.
@Drago (10:17 pm). You picked up the musical reference in my comment. Thanks for the Shania Twain link.
Crack Emcee: "I gave you a link because I thought it was useful..."
Oh, sorry.
I thought it was another one of the links you were using to accuse me of murder.
Crack: "I feel sorry for you guys sometimes.."
I mean, given how sorry you feel for yourself, there simply isn't any way possible there is any room left for feeling sorry for someone else.
So, yeah. No, you don't.
But I suppose your willingness to provide lip service to that effect is perhaps encouraging.
Unless it isn't.
Crack Emcee: "I can see how whites ripped-off the Natives playing by those rules,.."
I can assure you that native americans will be well treated and with respect by a Libertarian such as Rand Paul.
And I'm not even a Libertarian!
I can assure you that native americans will be well treated and with respect by a Libertarian such as Rand Paul.
And I'm not even a Libertarian!
I've got a dollar says no Republican will lead us to the presidency - bet?
Illuninati said...
The Crack Emcee said...
"I feel sorry for you guys sometimes."
No you don't.
Yes I do - you guys show such incredible ignorance, anybody would.
The Crack Emcee said...
"I feel sorry for you guys sometimes."
Drago nailed it:
"I mean, given how sorry you feel for yourself, there simply isn't any way possible there is any room left for feeling sorry for someone else."
Nuf said
Illuninati said...
The Crack Emcee said...
"I feel sorry for you guys sometimes."
Drago nailed it:
"I mean, given how sorry you feel for yourself, there simply isn't any way possible there is any room left for feeling sorry for someone else."
Nuf said
No, what also needs to be said is, blacks have heard that line as long as we've been in this country. 88% of whites said black's lives were fine in 1962. Do you think that was the case?
So what's the likelihood you've got it right now?
Not very likely at all,..
OK Crack, it seems you want to talk so why not?
What's bothering you?
Crack: "I've got a dollar says no Republican will lead us to the presidency - bet?"
I've got a dollar says you don't have a dollar - bet?
Crack: "..what also needs to be said is..."
Well, before you continue, maybe we should discuss "needs" vs "wants".
You seem unclear.
Crack: "88% of whites said black's lives were fine in 1962.."
Ah yes, those fabulous days of mine in years gone by.
Why, it seems like only yesterday that I was hanging out with all my southern republican-conservative-dixiecrat pals from 1962 (we were taking a well earned break from oppressing peoples of the sun and higher pigment from around the world as well as still not voting republican even though apparently we were all republicans) and we thought to ourselves, hey, what can we do to oppress that Crack guy?
Of course, the first question asked was "who is this crack guy?"
And I said, you know, the oppressed fellow from the internet.
They asked "what's the internet"
And I replied: "oh that's right, we still only have Al Gore Sr as our senator, since this is only 1962 after all; that internet-y thing tain't ev'n 'roun yet I said, as I spat the chewing tobacco juice from my mouth onto the caricature picture of one o'them east coast patrician class all elitist-y country club republicans...whom apparently I was in alignment with though I didn't know it....."
If this posting seems a bit space-time “violate-y” (but not space-time rape-rapey, which might or might not be wrong), it might be because that’s how all of cracks postings come across.
I can’t tell if he wants to help people now, be rewarded for rescuing blacks by using the underground railroad, wants extra credit for starting all those African universities in Africa in the 1400’s that were stolen by the white man, is still pissed off about Aristotle stealing all of the black antiquities knowledge and then burning the Alexandria library (even though Aristotle was dead for several hundred years before the library burned), etc.
Probably all the above.
I am going to specifically look you up, after the next election, to remind you that you're the reason whites lost.
Reading you is like taking LSD forever,...
The college dropout is unqualified thing is a hypocritical tactic for progressives. How can you laud Gates, Jobs, Zuckerburg, Dell, Ted Turner, Newell and etc. Could it be possible that since becoming a billionaire does not require degree completion you could be president without it? It seems that elites find separate reasons to condemn those they like and dislike, it's not "cognitive dissonance" but lack of elementary judgement and mental clarity.
The college dropout is unqualified thing is a hypocritical tactic for progressives. How can you laud Gates, Jobs, Zuckerburg, Dell, Ted Turner, Newell and etc. Could it be possible that since becoming a billionaire does not require degree completion you could be president without it? It seems that elites find separate reasons to condemn those they like and dislike, it's not "cognitive dissonance" but lack of elementary judgement and mental clarity.
Crack: "I am going to specifically look you up, after the next election, to remind you that you're the reason whites lost."
Reminds me of the time when a reporter asked Reagan (in an attempt to get a gotcha quote) about increased teenage pregnancies during the Reagan admin. Reagan's response: "I've never felt so virile"
Crack: "Reading you is like taking LSD forever,..."
Hmmm. I have no way to relate to that.
Still, I am glad that you, crack, were able to navigate over the millions of dead blacks on our streets from white oppression this morning to comment here.
I appreciate it.
Thanks much.
Don't be a stranger.
Oh I won't. I told you:
I'll be seeing you on election day,..
Well, via pixels anyway.
The Dems in Wisconsin have tried to play the No College Degree card. Has not worked. You can try to construct a intellectual lightweight narrative around Walker, but in fact he's pretty smart, well spoken, well read. When three of the last Presidential candidates are W. Bush, Kerry, and Gore, it's pretty hard to defend elite college education as a key factor in Presidential preparation.
Not like Obama is blessed with intellect, wisdom, or common sense.
I'd never heard of Clinton in '89
Tragic. He gave an amazingly horrible speech at the 1988 DNC. His biggest applause line was "In closing..."
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